Final Head of Household Part 1 results ” lets freaking go lets freaking go your girl came through” **updated**

11:40 pm Feeds return.
Makensy – Nothing, I can do Nothing

11:50 pm Chelsie – lets freaking go lets freaking go your girl came through

Chelsie won the first Head of household. Cam and Makensy will play in part 2. The winner of Part 2 will face off against Chelsie in part 3. The winner of part three decides who to bring to the end.

12:05 am Chelsie and Makensy
Makensy – tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow. when when when..
C – you got it in the bag..
MJ – I’m so pissed.. .I did sh1t in that.
C – the outcome needed to be you and me we got it that’s all that matters.
MJ – I knew he was going to fall
C – I wasn’t looking so I didn’t see if he was hurting
MJ – I was trying to tell you, you got it you got it… he was shaking. He was shaking more than you were.
C – When I got up there and I saw what we were doing I was like. Cam’s got this.
MJ – Me to.. i was like
C – are you kidding me. This is not my strength
Mj – No mine either I have baby arms.

Feeds cut.. When we’re back

MJ – I would say 6 minutes on each side. The funniest past was when you just held yourself up there… when cam was on the ground I was like DROP .. Don’t put yourself in pain.
C – Me? I needed to make sure he was on the floor… I was like…
MJ – Hallucinating
C – yes cause I was so tired. my arms were trembling.. I looked and was like is that him on the floor. I had to double check.
MJ -process it.,
C – I literally thought that was his competition… Not to like have doubt on us but … It was all arm strength.
Chelsie mentions how at first she just didn’t want to embarrass herself.
MJ – that’s ok I embarrassed myself.

12:44 am Chelsie and Makensy
Chelsie – who’s on our side? Who fights for us?
MJ – I don’t want to win tomorrow for me I want to win for you. I don’t want to f** u ..
Chelsie says that is what she felt tonight. “I was dying Makensy”
C – you aren’t you are going to do great like you have all season.. the goal was one each..
MJ – one each..
C – when one can’t the other can that is what we do
MJ – yup

12:48 am
CARDS! (Fu*k yeah)
Chelsie – Thank you Jesus thank you. you gave me strength when I was weak I am so grateful.. so grateful for you provision over my life in this game. so lucky and so blessed. YOu get all the glory and all the praise when I leave here, the winner of Big Brother. I know what you have in store for me. I just know it. I just know it.

1:10 am Cam and Makensy
Cam says the HOH part two is probably tomorrow. “Tomorrow at 12”

1:11 am Cam really takes to task the quesadilla he just made.
Makensy is staying up because she thinks she’ll be called into the DR after Chelsie.

Makensy ate her steak in three bites “red MEAT is my favorite”

1:30 am Cam heads to bed.

Zoom in of Makensy’s bible..

Makensy goes into bible mode.

2:20 am Chelsie is out of the Diary Room. She’s getting ready for bed.

2:37 am

2:40 am Chelsie and Makensy
MJ going on about not wanting to put the pressure on CHelsie to win the final HOH. She really wants to make sure it’s the two of them.
Chelsie – You are going to do great tomorrow.
MJ – I just hope it’s not something that he can just GUESS.. .it’s just chance. (Did you promise GROD your first born? rumour has it that’s the cost.)
Chelsie – you have a better ability to lock in and pull out a win when you need to.
C – I’m curious to see where his heads at. I have talked to him yet
MJ – He’s just trying to win. There’s nothing he can do anymore…
C – I don’t think he expects to be the winner.
MJ – yeah
C – I don’t think he expects that.
MJ – I think he’s just…
C – whatever
MJ – do the best he can…. hope and pray.. he even said he thinks we deserve it. So it would be nice..
C – he won’t
MJ- he won’t
C – you’ll give him a run for his money tomorrow.
MJ – I will
C – if you win tomorrow it’s just fun from there. It’s just FUN… you get to enjoy saturday and sunday we talk to Jury and let them fricking decide what they want to do.

MJ – I feel confident in my abilities and I’m laying it out all to GOD
MJ – he’ll give it it me
Chelsie brings up Cam wanting a competition where he can move “And he got it”
MJ – what’s so fun it like… I feel like. I’m like not freak out but like how I felt about it I did feel like I wasn’t going to win this first one. I did feel like you were going to …
Makensy goes on about having some sort of vision that Cam was winning a comp that involved a button “If there is a button tomorrow I’m flipping out”

MJ – I then saw Rubina crying…
MJ – Rubina crying was her leaving… my trepidation with myself and this comp. I did not think I was going to win it but I had GOOD hope in you.
Makensy goes on about “Feeling” like chelsie was going to win the first HOH while they were suffering through that Competition.

MJ – Dude I was trying I couldn’t do anything
C – awww your arm you couldn’t control it
MJ – that feels like such a cop out I’m not like one to cop out and sh1t if I lose I lose. umm.. So me being like MY ARM! feels like so stupid so dumb…
C – I know you are not that type

C – if you feel like you had evicted Cam and Rubina would have entered this comp with us how would you feel about that?
MJ – Tomorrow?
C – no today
MJ – I think I might have done better
C – yeah
MJ – I tell you everything is happening like it’s supposed to and if there’s a button tomorrow I’m going to feel very confident… i already feel confident.

2:50 am they head to bed….

7:47 am Feeds switch to fish for wake up.

Cam wastes no time and gets on the cards quick.

8:11 am Chelsie gets in on the a fun solitaire game.

9:00 am feeds cut to pound

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Gan ainm

My only question left is, will Chelsie beat Makensy in part 3 and tell Mak she is too big of a threat and that she feels loyalty to Cam because they’ve been working together since day one? Thereby pumping up Mak’s ego and gaining sympathy for her “loyal” game as she boots her useful idiot out the door to jury.

Moaning murtle

Lol, too funny but truthful.. both MJ and Cam are so fully locked into Chelsology there’s no changing their minds. I can see a world of Chelsie telling Mj or Cam you did well young Padawans now go in peace and thanks for handing me the win. They both would buy it and be grateful.

Ps some are voting for Angela for AFP because she’s the only one who sees Chelsie ‘s game for what it is and is unafraid to call her on it.

Q: Is Angela a prodo plant , there to play a character, or both? Would you have voted AFP for the fish if possible ?

un autre nom

Who knew Chelsie would win part one.
EV. er. Y. bod. EEE.
Didn’t even have to change the part one part of the finals chart that I did early this afternoon.
I mean… even without showing us the part one on feeds like they always used to before the series became… what it is now, we all knew who by the edit of the season was going to win the first part of the HOH.


endurance heavily favored chelsie. makensy claims to have backpain issues and too many opportunities for cam to choke.

Tyler & Jeff are my faves

If Chelsie won part 1, don’t Cam & Makensy have to face off in part 2, with the winner facing Chelsie in part 3 for the final HOH?

Gan ainm

I have lost all respect. That Dawg needs to be put down!
Damn, what did Dawg do to you to throw him under the bus like that?
Some things should never be said out loud.


Too funny Simon lol

Gan ainm

Neither can Julie Chen Moonves, her newly found prayerful hands are all over Chelsie’s win this season.

Not sure

Chelsea aunty!

Moaning murtle

I don’t know why anyone would expect any other outcome. Chelsie ‘s check was written weeks ago when she manipulated MJ to evict Leah. But if there was any lingering hope, this late night convo should be the final nail in the season. Chelsie will win no matter who she is next to. Perhaps her aunt, actress Niece Nash, will come to the finale or do something with her( Cam thinking please let me continue to ride your coat-tails into show business).MJ saying she wants to win tomorrow for Chelsie( geez, no one needs any more convincing that Chelsie really has MJ in her pocket). Finally, the irony of having Derrick on Friday. Derrick, like Chelsie, had most of the HG of his season doing exactly as he wanted. MJ, like Cody, is ready to fall on her sword for Chelsie, maybe it is Can who is this year’s Victoria. What’s a bit funny is Chelsie didn’t know who Derrick was! Congratulations on your win, Chelsie. See you all at the finale or with Julie, MJ, and Chelsie on Julie’s God 101 podcast.


Totally agree. MJ has not been playing her game. She is playing Chelsie’s game. MJ is a comp beast but she hasn’t had too much competition. And Cam? Cam who? He has done nothing and is a floater. This is why Chelsie will take him to the final two as she will WIN ALL votes against him. MJ had two big chances… (1) keep Leah, (2) keep Rubina. My vote is Chelsie.

Gan ainm

I almost feel sorry for Cam(by almost I mean not at all), he entered that house hoping for a Bro-alliance but this was not the season, so he ended up as Chelsie’s sub.

Facts Only

any season after 22 is not the season. but not sure how he was going for a bro alliance. he targeted bros from the start

Don't Shoot the Messenger

He will be running from obsessed Chelsie’s stalkerish a$$ one the season is over. Wait, maybe he’ll pretend to like her to get his hands on some of that money, then he’ll ghost her crazy a$$!

Team Angela

Honestly, didn’t MJ have several opportunities? What can you do about her choice to be with Chelsea? I agree that this season is boring, but that’s because of MJ.

un autre nom

Why are they cutting feeds when Mak mentions needing a medic or when talk of her shoulder comes up on feeds?
I mean they let jasmine overplay her injury for-evah.
I mean they let Christmas vote from the hospital room while still doped up.

un autre nom

comp description sounds like part I of final HOH from season 20.
The fact that they don’t start final HOH I on the episode and let us watch it on feeds anymore really annoys me and cements the entire notion that there are shenanigans afloat. With Part II traditionally being Individual Time, and we all know my feelings on those, I’ve 100% lost faith that the finals are anything but riggery.

Facts Only

well this is a bad start

Team Taylor

I’m actually shocked Chelsie beat out both Cam and MJ in Round 1.

This is usually the most physical comp of the 3 rounds and I thought Chelsie would be out it quick. I could only compare their strength to how well each did on the HOH Wall comp.

I’m pulling for Cam to win Roind 2.

Tre Billis

Nah. It’s been meant to be Chelsie and MJ. Cam would get zero votes. He did nothing all season. MJ may get zero Votes also but she was a better player.


makensy mentioned backpain issues in the wall comp so endurance was never gonna be her thing. cam meanwhile always chokes and the longer the comp the more opportunities he has to do so.

Mean Jean

Chelsea went to college on a full basketball scholarship. Why you you be surprised.

Don't Shoot the Messenger


un autre nom

Why? From comp description, even if everything is above board, you have a woman that has previously spoken about back issues (now saying she has injured her shoulder during the comp), and a man that has had several injuries that would make his performance in said comp less than ideal.
That’s not why I was convinced Chelsie would be part I winner. The winner edit of the season was ALWAYS going to win part I, just like in the betatest.

Another Dixie

I have never liked Chelsie and her playing to the cameras but, I do believe that if she is in the finale, she will win & deserve to. She has so skillfully manipulated the other players, especially Mak. The only way she won’t win is if Cam wins both the 2nd & 3rd comp (& we know that’s not gonna happen) and he wisely realizes his chances are better with Mak. then Mak will win.

More Whine, please

My attempt at radical acceptance of this season:

Who cares, who cares, who cares, who cares.

Repeat, rinse.

Who cares, who cares, who cares, who cares.


The season has really lacked in physical comps so we haven’t really seen what these people can do…. Would’ve loved the slip in slide comp for ex

The Beef

Exactly. Just like they seemed to have watered down the abilities to actually play the game of the people they cast now, they have similarly watered down many of the comps. Those they haven’t watered down, the house guests last for shorter periods of time than previous contestants have (see the wall and OTEV) or longer (see BB Comics) to finish. Way too many booth contests (true/false) with random number tie breaker “guesses” that determine the winners.

But as we’ve heard from these contestants, comps don’t really matter to them anyway. The show is edited for one person to look like a strategic genius, while “the people” in the d/r are actually telling all of them what to do, and if you don’t do it, you get gone very quickly thereafter, because nobody messes with Grod’s story line.

I’ve always enjoyed watching this show, and especially interacting with you guys here, but I’m getting tired of the dog and pony act complete with clown cars, and all the manipulation that goes with it. To me, it’s just unnecessary to produce a good TV show.


Can we stop with the “your girl”?!? That is almost as annoying as “Auntie Julie”…Chelsie has been the best player this season and I don’t see anyway she won’t win…she deserves it…but stop with the names…your not my girl and Julie is not your auntie.

Don't Shoot the Messenger

I just wanna punch the TV whenever she says that!!! She ain’t “my girl”, in fact, does ANYBODY actually like her?

Tucker For AFP

MJ won HOH part 2

Cam is toast if Chelsie doesn’t win the final HOH

Martin Tanley

MJ has won part 2 of the hoh comp.


Simon Dawg We have a Round 2 Winner


I don’t like Chelsie her attitude, her game or her personality. For sure she’s not the kind of person I’d want to hang out with… Makensky is not much better. However all her game was hers alone. No one carried her to the end as Makensky did with Chelsie. That a floater like Cam, who takes breaks during veto comps, is in final three is unbelievable.. Shows how bad this season was. Glad it’s over in a few days..