“Dear universe. I know you’re listening, Hi, it’s Rubina. I kindly make this request”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Chelsie
Nominees: Makensy and Cam
POV Players: Everyone
POV Winner: Makensy
Veto Ceremony: ?

Spoilage – There’s been no indication Makensy has changed her mind. Rubina campaigned to Makensy. Other than the day has been filled with Cards, TieDie, Chit chat and eating.

11:30 am Late start for the Houseguests. CARDS! and MAKEUP!

1:55 pm Rubina and Makensy
Makensy – You have an amazing resume whether you want to admit it or not. You survived the block 7 times you’ve got two people in jury who I’m not saying would vote for you but I’m saying they would over most.
Rubina – they get to see me in the comps
MJ – this game is not just about competitions . There’s other things
Rubina – Storyline
MJ – Social game is a HUGE part of this game. DOn’t take this the wrong way that is a major reason why y’all are here. Social. You’ve allowed yourself to prove to people that you should be here.
Rubina – I don’t see that
MJ – When I look at mine (Resume) all I see is I won some comps.

Rubina – “I can’t win sh1t but on the off chance I did get to choose I would love it to be the youngest and one of the oldest.”
Rubina – that would be a easy decision. That is the only thing I can offer.

Rubina goes over not being able to win competitions and Cam and Chelsie will take each other.
Makensy tells her she’s undecided.

3:00 pm Rubina talking to the mirror
Dang Rubina. Lets start giving yourself credit. Top 4 outta 16.. C’mon that’s pretty good.. You are not quitting and it’s not over yet but lets meet all realities here. It’s possible though I don’t want it to be over. I’m not ready to say goodbye. In the words of Angela I want to be here.

Lets just meet all realities. On the one hand Rubina yes it is amazing that is Iconic and legendary all by itself.
Good job killed it. Did nearly kill you? YES, Loss after loss after loss. Both in the games and on a personally level you’ve lost a lot in this game. BUT At the end of the day the losses did equate to you making it somehow still to the final 4. For that GIRL. PERIOD..

On the other hand, I don’t want four, Final 3 just sounds better than four it has a nicer ring to it. if that final 3 I went I would be even more proud. Final 4 Okay.. Lets just start there. Don’t forget you beat out 12 other people. Hell YEAH!

(Instead of God Rubina goes straight to praying to the Universe)

Dear universe. I know you’re listening, Hi, it’s Rubina. I am so, so, so, so, so grateful to be here right now, which is exactly where I am.
exactly where I’m supposed to be. I recognize that. Let’s get that out of the way. However, I would like to kindly request specifically.
more specifically to make it to the final three. Because I do believe that seat at that table is for me.

I know that I am worthy and deserving at the very least of that of that spot now. I kindly make this request knowing that I also release control over the situation. And if it is what is meant for me, it will be and on the same token. I do believe it is meant for me. You see what I’m saying here? It’s not in my control, but as far as knowing that I can and I do deserve it. Let me make it abundantly clear. I know I do….

Rubina goes on with about 20 minutes of this sorta stuff “I’m proud of you.. You’re doing a great job and you deserve so much….. you are worth it..”

4:40 pm Chelsie working on her Tie Die

5:00 pm Cam takes a break from 12 hours of Solitaire to eat.

5:40 pm CARDS!

7:33pm More Bullsh*t ..the card game…

8:32pm Kitchen – Cam and Chelsie
Cam – so what’s happening? Chelsie – Makensy thinks me and you are going to choose each other over her. Cam – I’m going to hear out both sides. Like if I was ever in that position I would hear out both sides because it could be beneficial for me to take her over you. I said that my loyalty lied to the final three. So that’s what I’ve been saying. When I talked to her I laid out facts. I am going to talk to her again. She will take Rubina and lose, so I am trying to let her know that. Chelsie – she is heavily suspicious. Cam – I get it. And that’s why I haven’t been heavy in the game conversations with you. Chelsie – I know. That’s why we have to be smart up until you’re still here tomorrow night.

9pm HOH Room – Rubina and Chelsie
Rubina – how are you doing? Chelsie – I’m nervous. I feel like I’m going to poop myself. And tomorrow makes me nervous. I don’t know if we’re competing tomorrow. How are you feeling? Rubina – I am grateful but feel like it is out of my hands. I feel like it almost would have been easier to have gone earlier. I imagine the heartbreak is so much more than anybody who makes it all the way and then doesn’t make it all the way. Chelsie tells Rubina about how the final 3 part HOH works and when the comps will likely be.

9:05pm – 9:40pm Bathroom – Cam and Makensy
Cam – number one she (Rubina) legitimately has two (votes). She’s been on the block 7 times and survived. Kimo said if Angela was in the final two he would vote for her because how many times she survived the block. Makensy – I prayed about it a lot and I got some answers. I am leaning towards keeping you. She vouches for all women but the only people she’s ever thrown under the bus are me and Chelsie and not that she doesn’t do that outside of here but inside of here it’s just not the game she’s played so I just don’t believe it and especially since she said that I was the biggest threat in the house to Chelsie during double eviction. I do believe you’re a loyal person. Very loyal. And I think you would if you had an opportunity in this game to show that like an HOH or veto. I think you would have. I think you would have. And that’s where it’s like where it’s You and Chelsie. We were working together since week one all the way till now. I came in 45. You know what I’m saying? So it’s loyalty from the first half of the game. It’s like, would you abandon that for a choice? No, I don’t know, because Chelsie couldn’t always show her loyalty till second half either.
Makensy – I’d rather stay loyal and if I get booted then congrats but you know what I’m saying with that would be less embarrassing to me than that one do you get what I’m saying like as an athlete that’s where I’m also coming in from like what’s a less embarrassing loss. Cam – I’ve taken plenty of embarrassing losses in this game.
I if I die on my sword going through my chest I’m okay but it would suck if it was through my back but final 3.
Cam – There is not really much more that I can say but the facts. Makensy – I’ve got one who’s been lying to me all season. I got one who I don’t believe has been lying to me all season. I hope not at least. I can’t tell. This is a man a few words one is closer to Chelsie. I’ve got one who’s probably worse at comps. What’s one better for me mentally? Who do I believe more? And that’s obviously I’m leaning towards you. And if for some reason I f**king changes overnight. I’ll let you know. I don’t think it will. I really don’t think it will. I don’t think you have anything to worry about. I know it’s probably been difficult this week with me questioning. I think that’s just my process of my head just kind of how like you know when the renom situation just like I’m running through everything on what’s best what can I do but all in all I always come back to it when I stop having anxiety. Cam – ultimately if I am being wholeheartedly honest it’s really you and Chelsie that deserve to win.

11:11pm – 11:30pm Cam, Makensy and Rubina in the kitchen making food and chatting. UP in the HOH room, Chelsie is taking a bath.
She starts practicing her speech – I came into this game with my mind set that I didn’t want to have to rely on winning competitions. I wanted to play a game that was not one sided, I wanted to play a multifaceted game and I asked myself how do I position myself strategically? How do I position myself competitively? How do I thrive strategically? How do I thrive competently? I’ve had to put 12 people on the block. I’ve had the most HOH’s than anybody on this cast. I’ve had the most opportunity to get blood on my hands. I’ve put 12 people up on the block.

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Facts Only

o shut up

Team Angela

If Ruby Na gets eliminated, it will be boring. I know it’s going to be a predictable season with Chelsea winning. However, they can’t just make the final go their way until the very end.


it’s already boring


I have never seen so much sleeping in my life of watching BB. Snooze feast for sure.


nah, every season at the end of the game everyone sleeps. the lack of human contact really adds up and it gets depressing, oversleeping being a symptom of depression.

it’s part of why i strongly believe they need to speed up the end of the game.

The Beef

You’re absolutely correct. As soon as they got to 4 last Thursday they should have played HOH, then veto, and voted out one on Sunday. Then they should have immediately started the first part of the final HOH after that, and wrapped everything up by either last night or tonight. There is no reason on God’s green earth to carry this on for another week, just so they can lay around and sleep in there.

Gan ainm

Dear Rubina, the Universe says NO.

Moaning murtle

Lol! You should write comedy for SNL !
Rubina is done. It was funny, after MJ told Chelsie that Rubina ( why haven’t they figured out that MJ tells Chelsie everything!?) said she would take MJ to the F2 with her if she wants, Chelsie told Cam to go work on MJ and he did right away! Cam told Chelsie he “understood the mission” Yup, he said that. Cam gets up in MJ’s ear and wouldn’t you know it, bnot long after just telling Rubina she’s still ” thinking about it” MJ told Cam she’s leaning toward him. (Start the tinkling piano background music as Rubina exits the building on Thursday.) While that goes on Chelsie was upstairs practicing her lastest F2 jury speech. She said that ” every conversation she had was calculated and she put 12 people on the block ( yes she included Leah in that list of names) because she was able to sway people to do what was good for them but best for her.” I wonder how the “universe ” would respond to Chelsie as she gets closer to the win? Lol!

moaning murtle

Chelsie totally has MJ and Cam in her pocket. The psychological work Chelsie has done on MJ is just crazy,she has well orchestrated this season’s ending! I wonder how much someone could earn trying to sell MJ the Brooklyn bridge?

Some Chelsie fans should consider laying off other fans criticizing Chelsie’s game. Yes, Chelsie has played a great game but it has absolutely been far from perfect. We can nitpick Chelsie and still call her a dominate even above average player of this game. It’s a compliment to her skills to say some would love to see her skills challenged with opponents that have equal skills.

The Beef

Damn Murtle, I sure hope Chelsie doesn’t take a sudden turn when she’s walking or else she might break your nose! 😉

Moaning murtle

Lol! You and Gan should both be writing for SNL or Comedy Central. I get it what you are saying to me. Thank you. I needed to hear it.


This has been the most boring big brother ever

Greyson Stoehr

I almost wonder if replacing this week’s feeds with feeds from the Jury House would have been less boring–NO MORE INFORMED, but less boring, if only to watch Karangela blow up at people.


Definitely! Jury house feeds would be great compared to this sad, boring BB.

un autre nom

So… The fact that Mak was saying she wasn’t sure yet all day then went to d/r and came to a decision (that we’ve all known since Saturday)… we’re collectively ignoring that, right?
I mean yes we’ve ‘known’ for days, but TODAY she was saying leaning and most likely until that d/r call. I doubt it was because she wanted her d/r crush’s opinion. I wonder if that crush guy is the same d/r crush guy that Sam had in 20? kidding. He’s in grod’s d/r monkey relocation program post curb stomping diatribe.
Yes, yes, we always knew it was Cam… it’s the best move for Chelsie. I just watch for when the decision sounds more decided this season and I’ll be damned if it isn’t consistently RIGHT AFTER a d/r call.

i would have liked to have seen ONE d/r advised adversity decision that affected Chelsie negatively, so she actually had to put in real work. Don’t even with the whole Mak is real work. At no point have any of these Mak manipulations been actual adversity for Chelsie.
How a social manipulator gets through adversity is what I use to measure their game.
If Chelsie faced mild inconvenience not adversity…. gee.
her alliance got blown so she had to suck in to her other alliance and have another good people convo with T’kor to cover the gap. How threatened.
She got put on the block… after the good people convo with T’kor meaning she was in zero risk of leaving (and if you recall the d/r calls in that timeframe…. less than zero risk of leaving).
She had to convince her biblestudy student to use or not use vetoes…. and again d/r calls ended with those decisions that would be best for Chelsie. gee.
Yes, Chelsie is the best social player of the season. Shush. She is. BUT the number of times decisions have actually been the result of a d/r call….. that’s… welll it sort of takes away from her social manipulation game now doesn’t it? Pathetic that even with the d/r actively pushing for chelsie’s benefit, and she’s still the best social manipulator on hand this season. Grimace.
Disagree? watch three days of feeds then the episode and compare what you saw to the edit she gets. I mean…. shakes head and gets off soap box to walk away.
good night.

Moaning murtle

Un autre nom is correct ( Beef and Gan too!) Chelsie is a cutthroat player, no doubt. If Cam gets a chance to cut her from the game, he won’t because he is not the cutthroat player she is. Perhaps that is why she gets the edit for TV she does.No one is willing ( as Gan and Beef observed) to really take a shot at her even though they KNOW she’s the biggest threat in the game and roadblock to the reason they came to play. Oh that’s right, they’re there for the fame not game, my bad.

I am curious to see how much we feedsters will see Chelsie’s actual final speech to the jury and how honest her jury answers will be to their questions ( does production still give them question to ask the F2?)It was funny hearing Chelsie say that when she went to her Aunt Niecy Nash’s 2 and wedding how petty someone was towards her. She was really put out about it.

Chelsie and MJ have been HoH roommates for the past week when MJ said goodnight to Chelsie , she turned out the lights and said “goodbye,Rubina. ” Viewers might see that moment on tv. We might see Rubina being cheerful as she leaves tonight feeling it’s the universe plan for her and go merrily on her way. On the other hand, what casual viewers won’t see is Chelsie calling each of them ” dumbassery,” for one thing or another this week less casual viewers get a real glimpse of why she’s a very good player just not very likeable( not in a Taylor Hale kind of way). I will be glad when she gets her win after that I won’t think about her or follow her( any of them really) again. Bring on the voting for AFP!

Not sure

Tucker, Tucker, Tucker.

Don't Shoot the Messenger

He was the likable one out of all of them. Cedric seems likable, but I’ll never forget him saying during his hoh, that he wasn’t worried about the girls winning anything! He sure made a fool out of his misogynistic ass!

un autre nom

i remember how divisive it was during 24 when I was objective about Taylor. shudder.
Calling out her own active role in her game was not something that was permitted. I mean, saying she cultivated a guy’s girl image week one, turning the women already predisposed against her, then paid lip service to the women about being a girls girl and didn’t comprehend that the evidence she’d provided didn’t support that narrative. Saying that in 24 was not welcome, though true. Did she deserve the shunning and harassment? Of course not. That was never my point. Did she have an active role in the formation of the attitude about her? Yes. That never lessened the impact of her treatment, it was just objective assesment.
Can you point at Chelsie’s game objectively and call it a greatest of all time game? Objectively no. Can you point at Chelsie’s game and objectively call it the best of what’s available? Yes.

With Season 12 can as betatest we should be aware of the twist ending to the season.
The edit choice winner from episode 1 to finale night… lost. Why? He demanded loyalty from people he backstabbed that had said they wanted a cause justified winner.
Problem… both Black and Female were causes TO THAT JURY. They chose woman over black in their determination BECAUSE of the backstab every juror component.
If we look at the groundwork of this season vs the betatest, we’ve got the same active factors, meaning the betatest DID follow through with the plotline of the season. Does that mean we will get a shock twist ending? No. IT MEANS IT COULD BE POSSIBLE IF THE FINAL 2 Have near equal d/r representation on finale night. If memory serves all three main focus edit characters (the bitter juror, the season long prodostar, and the underdog) of the season ended up with the exact same d/r count as of the winner announcement at finale. WHAT IS MISSING: THE BITTER JUROR that controlled the jury narrative and the jury vote. SO possible to have a simillar outcome but not probable. The main focus of betatest to US season is Storyline: social manipulation games as a test of real loyalty vs fake loyalty with a component of racial bias or gender bias jury vote… which does the jury embrace? Since 9 at least the type of season and winner has been predictable when comparing the preceding can season to the current US season. 9/23: cause alliance. 10/24 social game more important than physical game. 11/25 comp game more important than social game. 12/26. real vs fake loyalty with a question of which cause takes precedence.

Moaning murtle

Thanks! I really value, appreciate, and often agree with the insight you provide.

Greyson Stoehr

…Perhaps like “DEAD SET” (the zombie mini-series set in the UK BB House), there’s no one but zombies in the D/R, munching on their brains. That MIGHT explain the level of boring/nothing happening here.


The season has sucked since Tucker left.

un autre nom

Tucker wasn’t playing the game to win. Tucker was playing the game to be a memorable character as a springboard for future reality entertainment programming ventures.


What did I miss? It shows/says Mj and Cam as NOMs??? Guess it doesn’t show VETO yet….

un autre nom

veto was incomplete cliffhanger in the sunday episode.

The Beef

That’s because technically Makensy still IS a nom. They haven’t actually done the veto ceremony yet where she takes herself off the block, most likely because they’ll do it live tonight, and she’ll vote either Rubina or Cam out moments later.