Cam “Right now for me to even have a chance, I would need shock factor.” **updated**

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Chelsie
Nominees: Makensy and Cam
POV Players: Everyone
POV Winner: Makensy
Veto Ceremony: ?

1:30pm – 2:12pm Kitchen – Cam and Makensy
Makensy – Yes, I will be using on myself. Cam – obviously. Makensy – as for decision fully.. It is a difficult one for me. Not because I don’t want you there, but because I feel like I’m choosing the lesser of 2 evils because I don’t. And this is just me speaking from my own, like, kind of heart, I guess. I don’t know who would take me to the end? Like, I feel like this is just me being honest. I feel like I’ve worked my a$$ off to get here and I’ve had to win, win, win. And given the fact that if I don’t in the very end one would be very embarrassing for me and 2 I feel like if I don’t win, I’m not going to the final two because then I feel like I’m picking out of y’all too, who I don’t feel like would pick me in the end. Do you know what I’m saying? Cam – I do understand what you’re saying, but I think personally for me especially in the position I am in that could be beneficial for me. Like you going to the end with me. Makensy – and that’s where I wanted to talk to you too.. is just how you felt because I do know that yes I have won more comps and I wanted to see where your head was at because I know yoiu and Chelsie have been working together since the beginning. So I didn’t know where your head was with that and then it’s also hard for me because it’s like y’all could literally tell me anything just to get there. Cam – I understand that but I know number one I know how important just for where my game is at right now for me to even have a chance. I would need.. I would need shock factor or like people who are voting. Makensy – yeah.

Cam – and I know the narrative. So I don’t think that I haven’t considered that as.. Makensy – I know I don’t think and I and I don’t think you’re not wise enough to think about so it just is worrisome for me and that’s why I think I’ve had a lot of anxiety too cause it’s like and also like one I am obviously leaning more towards you. One, I came into this house wanting to be loyal and respectable and play that type of game and that is still what I want to do but it is difficult because you are better competitor and I’m not unaware of that and so it’s like I would be choosing a better competitor when what I feel like I need to do is to win to get to the end. Do you know what I’m saying and that may not be true. I’m not trying to put words into your mouth that’s just how I feel. Cam – yeah, I understand that. Makensy – so it’s just difficult because it’s scary because it’s like that’s how I’ve had to get here is by winning winning winning winning and I feel like I still have to do that to get to the final two and it’s also like I’ll be damned if I freak win everything to help me in this game and then I don’t make it to the final two. Cam – I definitely get it. Makensy – because I also and but that’s also what I like, like because I choose a better competitor and you beat me which fair game good for you but you know I’m saying I’m like f**k. Cam – but I’m just saying the fact that I will have already explained it the position that I am and.. Makensy – we have complete opposite games. Cam – you and I we have complete opposite games and the game has played out completely different for both of us so you’re more similar so I think. I mean. Makensy – and don’t yeah also I don’t want you to ever feel like you have to say anything that you… Cam – yeah I mean I just I just I’ve just isn’t it’s a thought that has for sure crossed my mind especially since losing these past two if I get to the next step for me to even have anything to really talk about. That has played into my mind and I also think there is just the benefit in terms of the way that the jury is currently constructed right now for me compared to Rubina anyways about the people that who she already has in there. Makensy – I do know that. If I were to somehow sit next to her in the end, which I don’t think that would happen… That she would win. She’s been on the block six times she’s made it by only winning one competition she has Tkor and Kimo in there I’m not unaware of that very aware of that. Cam – yeah I just think that that’s that’s another thing to consider and also I have played the same game very loyal, very loyal and even in opportunities still very well and I’m and… Makensy – I know, I talked to Chelsea about that last night I was like I know that since day 43 when y’all told me that y’all are gonna keep me and she wasn’t like and you didn’t have to do that you know you could have kept well if I lost you could have kept Angela who’s you know worst competitor you could have kept Tucker who is closer to you at the time. So unaware of that either I’m not unaware that she constantly wanted me out at the same time. Cam – so I mean that’s basically that’s basically all of my it’s not even really a spiel is is is genuinely like and this is the thing is that’s what..
Makensy – I know it’s genuine point blank. Cam – and yeah that’s just kind of where I’m at for like there’s no like and at this point there’s no like there’s no reason to lie or do anything like that that is genuine fact genuine fact is her the people who she has in the jury first her story will vote… will go and the things that she’s done socially in this game will compel her. Makensy – and she is also very comfortable right now which I don’t like.

Makensy comments about how she’s worried Cam would take her out if he had the chance. Makensy – why that thought even has started to cross my mind to think about. That’s what’s terrifying is that getting me out would be a big spark. If you were in the final three the bigger one for you because the narrative of the fact you’ve been playing together the whole time you’ve had the same game because you’ve been playing just opposite ends she would say that she carried your a$$. Cam – I 100 percent know that. I can’t say that that’s why I’m not dumb. (Cam’s shock factor move is wanting to take out Chelsie because he knows her speech will be all about how she carried him to the end.) Makensy – just kind of like I did you know I have more trepidation towards her than you obviously but there is still a it’s just scary too it is a scary I mean this is three people left and I understand that is that. Cam – it is a scary decision but all I can do is point out the facts and I know it’s basically all I’m doing.

2:46pm The final four are hanging out in the backyard chatting about wanting to go on yacht parties. They figure Leah can hook them up. Cam – yeah I know people too.

3:23pm – 4:35pmThe final four drink the wine they were given last night. They say a cheers. To making it further than we imagined we would and no matter what happens, game well played there’s a friend for life outside. I’m not above. I’m not below you. I’m right here. Yeah. Yeah. Cheers. Love it. Cheers. Oh my gosh. Cheers.

4:35pm The feeds keep getting blocked..

5:55pm Backyard – Makensy and Chelsie
Makensy tells Chelsie about the conversation she had with Cam.
Makensy – I want to make a decision that not only benefits me, benefits people that deserve it and so I was like I have never felt comfortable ever ever since day one since I was ever felt comfortable I said and for people to do congratulations but for me I don’t respect that because this feature of doing that this game is not meant for that this game should not be that and make you feel comfortable you better wake the f**K up because this game isn’t bad and I will make a move that makes you realize that because I’ve had to deal with that. We have played a complete opposite games. I understand that you haven’t won a lot and that I have said but that doesn’t matter to me because I can tell that you’re considering and realizing that I have a very difficult decision. So but one person is that and he agreed with me because she feels very comfortable. It depends how I don’t know very well they hear me this whole time but no it is just like I was just like I don’t know what to do as well as like in reality I said right now I don’t I don’t I’m like it almost I don’t have cruising I’m not going to lie to you and say that like yes I’m doing whatever I said but I am leaning more toward you right now because of what I’ve said how I play and who I respect and if I were to losing you then job all done congratulations.
Makensy – She feels confident about winning winning winning. Chelsie – because her jury management is phenomenal.

6:15pm Backyard – Chelsie and Makensy conversation continued..
Chelsie – he could win if he wins two. Makensy – We can’t control it if he does good for him I guess you did something he you turned it on when he f**king needed that good for you know. We can’t control that and we just have to eat it. We just have to eat it and to be proud of the fact that we the other one will.
Makensy – as of now I’m leaning towards Cam. I’ve said it since day one. Honestly, I told people that I wanted to play a loyal game and I wanted to play with the competitors because people should be scared of each other at the end. People should be wondering who the f**k’s going to win. And I like that. That’s a game I want to watch.

7:10pm – 8:53pm Kitchen – Chelsie and Makensy start making dinner. They eat and then start playing cards again.

10:08pm – 10:36pm The house guests are hanging out in the backyard chatting by the hammock. They talk about all the things they’ll get to do in 6 days when they get out:
– Drive, use their phone, naps, hot showers, new clothes, shopping, candles, fire!, sing,
Cam – you know what’s even crazier, we can talk about production.

11:05pm The final four talk about whether or not Leah was a superfan and not her sister. Chelsie – I definitely knew Joseph was. Rubina – yeah he gave himself away really early with that to be honest.

11:15pm Kitchen – Chelsie and Makensy
Makensy – She (Rubina) still has not spoke to me. Chelsie – that’s crazy! Makensy – isn’t that wild? Which I understand I guess like knowing that veto meeting like I’m gonna use it on myself so.. Chelsie – probably waiting until after maybe? Makensy – Yeah, but still like this is a big decision you should just like talk to me the day before. Chelsie – you ain’t got to tell me. Huge decision.

11:22pm – 11:30pm HOH room – Chelsie and Cam
Cam – so what were we supposed to talk about today? Chelsie – so you know, people were just curious.. Cam – which people? Big Brother switches for the feeds to all cams on Rubina…

12:58 am Bubblebath

1:00 am CARDS!

1:43 am Solitaire!

2:00 am last moments staying up all night thinking about T’kor before the backyard is closed for the season.

3:30 am goodbyes to the backyard

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Can has zero chance of winning against any of the 3… he should be lying through his teeth right now that he will keep Mak and be happy for a second place prize


yeah, cam’s only shot was a final 2 vs. rubina, and now that that’s off the table, he’s playing for second. he may want to try to convince makensy that if by some miracle he wins the final hoh competition he’d take makensy over chelsie, but i think if he is in that kingmaker spot he takes chelsie.

overall, i still think makensy should keep him though. she has a really good chance to win that final hoh, and i think she’s in a more secure spot to win vs. cam than vs. rubina. but her biggest obstacle remains over whether makensy actually makes chelsie the final juror, which i continue to not see happening (and if she wants someone else to win the final hoh and take the shot, rubina’s the better option than cam).


He should. But is he smart enough to do just that.

The Beef

Cam actually has a chance of winning against Makensy, when you consider some of those jurors may vote cause vs. game. T’Kor, Rubina and Kimo could all 3 easily vote him to win simply because he’s a POC, and if it’s Makensy who picks him to go to F2, Chelsie could be bitter and vote him to win as well. It would be a bad look if she did, but she could say they’d been working together since week 1, and did everything together, so she felt like he deserved to win as much as she did.

Does he deserve to win? Of course not, but he wouldn’t be the first person to win who didn’t deserve to, and given some of these jurors have been talking about voting someone to win for all manner of reasons other than game play (best person, representation, female, POC) all season long, I don’t know why any of us would be surprised if they followed through with it.


there’s a legitimate chance chelsie blows her speech and loses. somewhat hoping she does. if she tries to play the victim card when she barely touched the block, it gets really hard for angela and kimo to vote for her and if quinn and t’kor’s sides of the jury house split the vote, that’s enough to give chelsie the L.

Gan ainm

IDK, many in the jury will like the victim story. It’s the Tkorification of the season.

Casting Couch

Most people in the jury sounded as if they would vote for Chelsie. Leah’s going to be mad at Mak. Tkor would vote Chelsie, and her 2 minions would most likely follow. Quinn has a better repore with Chelsie. Cam would vote Chelsie. Don’t know what Angela would do.
So I don’t think it would really matter what Chelsie says. If she makes it to the end with anyone, I think she would win. At this point who cares; their all aspiring actors.


that is my read as well, but it’s not over until the final vote and if chelsie does spout some nonsense to the jury maybe she loses their vote. seems like it shouldn’t happen, but there are certainly examples of people blowing it. monte is the first one that comes to my mind but that was on him not taking turner and getting outmaneuvered by taylor, but i’m sure there’s a better example.

The Beef

All y’all just assuming it’s going to be Chelsie vs. victim in those final 2 seats. I’m hoping it’s going to be Makensy vs. Cam – It would almost literally be the first excitement we’ve had all season long!

Moaning murtle

Chelsie has a background in preaching. Manipulating or convincing or influencing people using her words is her wheel house( she has mentioned that herself as well as other HG in post interviews as one of her strengths.) Every one makes mistakes for sure, but Chelsie didn’t come this far to loose.She won’t blow it. BTW, if you haven’t watched any one of the post eviction interviews you will learn they are not bitter( no surprise this is the group that sang, danced,and played tv type shows most of their way throughout the season). You will also discover that they also admire Chelsie’s game abilities. Kimo said in his ” if she makes it to the end , she’ll win.” Many out there are hoping for some kind of upset or something to happen that will topple her ( she’s a good player but not as likeable as she believes herself to be). Expect her to take the win. Heck, even MJ expects her to win. Can you imagine? MJ is so loyal and well trained, she won’t go to the finish line without Chelsie!? Chelsie has MJ thinking the same about her. Is that gall or is that the confidence of a game winner!?
Ps- Even Julie is salivating to have two “believers” in the end.

The Beef

I still think it’s going to be interesting how T’Kor reacts when she finds out it wasn’t Chelsie who voted for her to stay, but Kimo. We know Chelsie fought to change Cam’s vote on that one, but he refused, so she went along with the house, but T’Kor may see that as the ultimate betrayal by Chelsie.

I don’t think it’s going to matter because she’s not voting for Mak (too pale), and Cam was more guilty than Chelsie was in leading the charge to vote her ass out. I’m just interested to see how she reacts to people actually playing the game for $$$$ vs. social causes.

More Whine, please

Pretty sure she’ll forgive her for voting with the house to extend her game for the cause.

Moaning murtle

Well if you haven’t heard by now, you should know that MJ confirmed to her master( as in puppet) that she is going to keep Cam. That should not be a surprise to anyone. Chelsie has been working MJ , nudging her,schmoozing her in the direction of keeping Cam every chance she had MJ alone. Chelsie knows : You want to get MJ to react, tell her ( as Chelsie did) that Rubina is too comfortable. I am astonished that people are surprised!? What Chelsie wants she gets. Unpleasant to watch yes, but she’s strategic and came to win. Unlike others around her she has figured out how to do just that. The others may have also figured it out but their lack of urgency, afraid
to ” make decisions” as Rubina said she was or unwillingness to put in the work has put them where they are now. Chelsie will win, that’s old news. She has the jury votes she needs and I can guarantee you, she has T’kor’s which = Rubina’s and Kimo’s and Quinn because Quinn values good game play. Cam collects his second place check, gives that Cam smile and he’s cool. He didn’t have to do much to get there. MJ well she said she didn’t want to be embarrassed by her decision to keep
Cam. Her tag line” I ‘m aware Cam will choose Chelsie” reveals just how unaware she is. She is so loyal she will not go to the finish line without Chelsie, it’s a spiritual thing now for MJ. MJ said something about crying if she was made to look foolish. Who’s gonna hand her the Kleenex?

Gan ainm

One thing I disagree with you on is Cam collecting 2nd place only because I expect Makensy to beat Cam and Chelsie in the final comps and she of course will take Chelsie to finals and loose to her. That’s my prediction anyway.


yeah, mak’s game rests on winning the final hoh and taking the person she has the best shot against (which is cam), so keeping rubina is of little benefit. it’s mostly about mak winning the final hoh and actually booting chelsie

Casting Couch

Why would she bring Rubina? She wasn’t with her from the very start. She never had Mak’s back.

Game fan

No one was with her in the beginning..oh wait you know who was? Leah..

She better not say she played a loyal game.

The Beef

Leah bussed Makensy for WEEKS, and tried to get her put OTB! She only tried getting close to her after her two simps (Joseph and Quinn) went out in back to back weeks (weeks 7 & 8). I was sorry to see Mak do that to Leah, but she owed her NOTHING as far as loyalty goes, because Leah had been backstabbing Mak from week 2 – week 7, but was just unsuccessful in her campaign to get her up and out.

Mean Jean

The only thing Leah played for the first half of the season was Joseph and Quinn. She didnt start playing BB until she won HOH. There was no game talk between her and MJ until that time. But by then MJ was already part of a trio.


i guess you missed all those times Leah threw Mak’s name out there. She saw her as competition for the attention of the men (if you can call them that). Mak owed Leah nada!

The Beef

I’ve come to believe taking Cam is the right move for Makensy, because depending on how things work out, Cam is the only one Makensy has a chance of beating in F2. She may or may not beat him, but I think he’s the only one she has a chance against, based on the crazy way this jury seems to think about voting.

un autre nom

I’ve lost 90% of my interest and i’m reduced to writing devils advocacy to entertain myself because I just don’t care… At this point it’s all about finishing what I started but I just don’t care. Fact of the matter: there are more things about this season that piss me off than I care to admit, not the least of which is the episode edit. It’s been shit. TOTAL shit.
BBCAN6 and 7 level shit… eyeroll. I mean… they’ve stopped hiding the d/r monkey gremlining. THAT SUCKS. I wish I LIKED someone in this cast… ANYONE. sneer. Oh welllllll.
Mak wins HOH. She aimed at Godots. Kimo target. Mak wins veto. Thought about Cam being shit. Mak keeps her word after 3.5 hours d/r. Mak and Cam put Chels in the hot seat wanting opposite things. Kimoviction. WHY?
HOH/noms/VETO incoming. More august tortilla challenge in gotchaspot.
Mak got what she wanted. Chels and Cam kept their word.
Cam decided to evict Kimo because it’s all about comps now and Kimo was better.
Rubina is final 4 for sucking most.
Chelsie working with Cam and Mak… mission accomplished for them to reach final 3…. no more note of Mak final 2? hmmmm. suspicious.
Mak can’t compete so she is trying to be safe if she loses veto. She’s telling rubina yay girls, she’s telling trio loyalty!
we get a montage of CHELSIE’S GAME. She lost a comp and got rewarded with a week of safety and didn’t get blood voting out first houseguest.
HOH d/r notes
Chelsie has to win, and she’s getting SO MUCH PUSH BY PRODO.
Rubina is wanting to win a comp
Cam needs to win HOH….. to get rid of Mak.
Mak is unsure of Cam, NEEDS Chelse to WIN HOH.

THEY ARE STILL HIDING THE POC ALLIANCING FOR CAUSE. MOST LIKELY BECAUSE PRODO DOESN’T WANT TO PISS OFF THE EQUITABLE CASTING RUINED THE SERIES CROWD. Chelsie was an early ringleader for this movement out of opportunism…. and a sanitized mastermind manipulator edit can’t be divisive.

READ THE LINES AND FIND TWO WORDS IN A B OR C SECTION. A CHELSIE COMP. EXACTLY WHAT SHE EXCELS IN FOR HER HOH WINS (ALL OF THEM WERE BOOTH and spot the difference style). REMEMBER HAYLEIGH IN 20 BEING ASKED WHAT HER SKILLS WERE BY PRODUCTION, AND THE NEXT 2 COMPS WERE THOSE SKILLS… Don’t tell me prodo doesn’t do that shit… we KNOW they do, Hayleigh told us on feeds and was pissed she didn’t get called in for the next comp to tell them her skills.
1.b reprogram mortals. RUBINA FIRST POINT.
2.c end civilization. CAM POINT.
3 b robot revolution RUBINA POINT.
Mak d/r come on chelsie lock in.
4.a.crush existence. cam hits wrong button. CHELSIE POINT.
5.c. become overlord. CHELSIE POINT.
7.b. destroy humans. CAM GETS POINT.
ANYONE ELSE SEE THE CODES BEFORE ANY OF THEM RANG IN????? JUST ME???? I had them typed before anyone rang in. daaamn.

Cam thought HE was going to win. CAM NEEDS THAT VETO COMP RUN TO FINALS.
Chelsie the hypocrite is trying to pull a Makensy without Judgement…
TO CAM: because we’re a pair, I may have to put you up. WE CAN’T LOOK LIKE FINAL 2. NOMINATIONS DON’T MATTER IT’S WHO WINS VETO.
Cam thinks he’s a pawn. More fuel to win veto. WTF? THAT MAKES NO SENSE IN A VETO IS EVERYTHING WEEK.
Cam would target MAKENSY.
TO RUBINA: Cam is up, so you two discuss the volunteer for the other nom. SO Chels tells Rubina CAM IS TAKING THE MAKENSY SHOT.
TO MAK: SO will you go on block. Mak yeah whatever. CHELSIE PROMISES TO USE VETO ON MAKENSY. Mak pissy Rubina is don’t put me on the block.
Cam and Rubina take each other. Mak knows they both evict her.
CHELSIE ACTS LIKE SHE WILL BE FINE WITH CAM AND MAK TARGETING EACH OTHER. No, she’s fine with Cam targeting Mak, she doesn’t want Mak to target Cam.
Commercial break 2:

Cam is irritated wants that veto. TARGETING MAK.
Mak volunteered. MAK WANTS THE VETO.
Commercial break 3:
Passcode in days of game. several rounds. match days to image. 5 day and 1 day increments. slowest gets a strike. 3 strikes you’re out.
Chelsie wants Rubina to lose. Blood not on her hands.
Cam wants public big move to take out Mak.
Mak might target Cam. Rubina wants to win veto Angela gets veto from Tucker. day 21. Mak gets first strike.
2.otev. day 54. Chelsie gets first stike.
4.Jankie dies. Day 66. Rubina gets first strike.
5.Binary bridge day 26. MAKENSY SECOND STRIKE.
7.Leah wins HOH. Day 60. CAM gets first strike.
8.Angela punishment day 41. RUBINA IS OUT. CHELSIE THROWING NOW… she already threw question 3.
9.Ainsleyland day 17. CHELSIE IS OUT.
10.CHENBOT DEEPFAKE DAY 70. Cam gets second strike.


Gan ainm

Yeah, after the 2nd round of the HOH comp you could predict every correct answer without looking, just follow the pattern.

un autre nom

Okay, Life is going to life for the next couple days, and I’m sort of glad for it.
As of about week 5 I was on the fence about keeping up with this season. I ignored my gut and said I can do it.
I haven’t turned off an episode since 21.
Too much red card.
So, if I get a chance to check out what’s going on I’ll be by… but I can’t make any promises because this season has sort of killed me.
It’s bad when my tinfoil makes more sense to me than the feeds or the episode edits.

Gan ainm

I think we are all living in your tinfoil world now. Enjoy your lifing, there’s nothing really to miss for the rest of the week.

Moaning murtle

Yeah who can take four more days of this. Until the finale it’s time to call time of death on this season.

Stay strong. Thank you for your thoughtful and balanced comments and observations. I look forward to reading your season finale post.

Team MJ(even if she is brainwashed)

As a long time watcher and a “new” to this site I’d like to thank you for your rundowns. Could i ask if someone could give me a short lesson on all the terminology used here? Or “tinfoil, red card ect” I mean I’m all about the bts stuff have been since chilltown lol

The Beef

Tinfoil hats are usually worn by conspiracy theorists concerned that the “deep state” or “big brother” are going to get them. The yellow card and red card references are to officiating in “football” or what we call soccer in the USA. If a foul is committed the official will show the “yellow card” to a player. Too many yellow cards gets you a “red card” which I believe is dismissal from the game.

I’m not 100% on that, I used to officiate basketball, not soccer. 😉

un autre nom

These are my terms not at all bb terms.
yellowcard: warnng notice this edit is not what we saw… but just a warning.
redcard: no, this edit is bullshit lying from what we saw on feeds. think strike or red x on this edit. The terms came to me while watching olympics with team sports that got yellow card warnings and red card match ejections.
tinfoil: at heart, because of experience working in tv and movies years ago, i tend to look at the production end of what is going on. This becomes conspiracy theory or tinfoil hat crazy talk because…. if you believe it’s an actual game show not a reality entertainment program using a gameshow fortmat… I sound nuts. So my tinfoils are conspiracy theory things I’D BE doing behind the scenes if i was one of the 15 writers or storyline editors. IF you watch a season and you can spot who is going to win the season by the way they are edited by week 2 or 3…. is it a gameshow or is it just a scriptless pre-determined story?
ie: would i bring in a ringer or prodoplant to guarantee my storyline worked, and to add chaos factor entertainment. Would i call someone to dr and tell them to use a veto that makes no sense for them to use if it was a gameshow, but must be used in order for storyline to continue in the direction I as a writer or storyline editor have already determined through the episode edit is the way I want the season to progress.
FOR PEOPLE SITING GAMESHOW LAWS: a state supreme court determined that a reality entertainment program is not classified as a gameshow, so the rules don’t apply. This was just after season 21… don’t remember which state. FOR CANADIANS: the crtc determined that reality entertainment programs are not gameshows.
THEREFORE… if you are creating a reality entertainment program in a gameshow format you are not held to the same standards, rules and regulations as an actual gameshow.
Prodopet is different than prodoplant. Prodopet is that houseguest that production is giving a better edit than their feeds behavior deserves (golden edit) or is given storyline help and extra pampering because of the entertainment value they bring in the edit.
This season i consider Angela a prodoplant. This season i consider Tucker a prodopet.
Prodopets are usually the type of MALE houseguest that GROD the exec producer thinks everyone will love. If they have a complaint… it gets pacified. Tucker complained about many things early season and every time, he was rewarded and pacified for pulling a hissy fit.
Bused or busing is a shortened form of throwing under the bus in my vernacular.

Team MJ(even if she is brainwashed)

So for example, evel dick was a “Prodopet” because the grod loved him and a tinfoil would be pointing out that his HOH letters had secret code in them for him to know what was going on? (I’m Canadian so I appreciate the crtc reference)

un autre nom

tinfoil examples: season 18. HOH’s told in d/r not to nominate nicole f. TALKED ABOU BY HG’S ON FEEDS.
can season 5. half the houseguests telling kevin martin on week one that they returned in order to make sure kevin won. can season 6. HOH’s mention nomming Paras as a pawn week 1-6… immediately called to d/r in the middle of one on ones, returning a half hour later saying Paras is not an option as a pawn. FOR NO REASON… JUST D/R CALL…. CHANGE IN PLANS. can season 7. the season with the shortstaffing for editing / storyline on weekends after the veto was played. EVERY weekend the hg’s would compare notes, realize there was a canadian men’s brigade alliance, and plot to take them down. On Monday morning like clock work there would be multiple hg d/r calls… and everyone developed amnesia that the manlliance existed until the NEXT saturday night. WEEK after WEEK.
US season 21: obvious as of feeds turning on that Jackhole was the winner, and prodopet. Obvious from his own statements he was actively in withdrawal from drugs after going cold turkey in sequester. Obvious from statements on feeds that HE was the one making slurs. OBVIOUS from comments on feeds that if he lost a comp, he would yell and scream in d/r until the times were changed and he was named winner of the comp. OBVIOUS on feeds that as a have not he was allowed to break the rules and eat and when he got caught eating in the shower…. nothing was done.
Season 22: obvious through edit that Cauliflower was the winner the moment the premiere episode began.
Editing choices. CAN SEASONS: always incredibly obvious from the premiere episode who the winner would be (except the curveballs of 10 and 12)… because the winner was always a member of the first alliance named in the edit… part of the first pair deal highlighted… and got the premiere d/r saying they would win the season. THERE WAS ALWAYS A WINNER AND A TROJAN HORSE HERE. But by week 3 it was clear which was which.
I correctly predicted the entire eviction order including the 2 extra houseguests in eviction order…. with one flip of last person evicted in triple and the next houseguest evicted (liv and maddie i got backwards)… ALL FROM THE FIRST EPISODE. I didn’t even finish the season cus there was NO POINT.
More tinfoil examples: Cirie was production protected. So was her son until he breached the bad word list… but still got to stay in the show to appease his mother and continue the storyline. THIS CARRIED FORWARD FOR PRODOPLANT ANGELA THIS SEASON…. though Tucker wasn’t so lucky because I assume Chelsie pressed the issue like Cory pressed the issue regarding Luke. Difference: because of his storyline, Tucker was allowed the expulsion through eviction route.


Not enough surprises and twists in the game. Bring back the days when they had endless supply of alcohol and showmances….and what happened to when they had competitions for food. This group is pathetic!

Game fan

Mj wants to base her decision kn day 43 ? And rubina have time to talk to you this is litterly how she is acting the entire season, stop making excuses.
Cam would not take her , and was so close tk beat her in the veto. He was even close to winning the hoh. That should be a no brainer… but she wants to be loyal. What about loyalty to rubina?
Why do i feel if mj told chelsea, what he really said about getting chelsea out, chelsea would suddenly push cam to go and that would work lol

The Beef

Nah, Chelsie would just ask him about it and Cam would say “I just told her what she wanted to hear. I’d never evict you baby.” and Chelsie would believe him. She’s got the hots for him, and Cam knows it.

Angela 's Ashes

Here’s what I don’t get, please school me. If Chelsey and MJ are so into their faith and the Bible can you explain why they 1. Curse like sailors. 2. Sign up for a show that by its very nature is all about deception, lying, and manipulation? In the end, where does their faith and doing ” good works” get a shout out?. Maybe they pledged to give their money to the poor or victims of natural disasters and I missed it. They all seem to just want some kind of fame. SMH. I wish I understood…


I made a similar comment last week about their faith. Asking god to help them in the contest…as if he doesn’t have his hands full with more important things!

The Beef

Having faith and being a Christian doesn’t make you perfect – just forgiven. I agree it’s a bad look to do what they’re doing, while supposedly being born again Christians, but they are human beings and all humans are sinners – even the ones who have been saved and have faith.

Angela 's Ashes

Dear Beef, dlrock, More Whine, please and Jazzy. I appreciate you taking the time to reply. Each reply was thoughtful, non judgemental, and without being unnecessarily insulting. You gave me more to think about and to consider and for that I thank you!

More Whine, please

Overly devout religion is all about hypocrisy.

Dan did the same. He swore on the Bible and loaned his grandfather’s memento to Ian based on the memory of his dead relative. That’s why I’ve always felt he deserved to lose. If not for his extreme pathological exploitation of religion, he’d not have made it as far as he did. It’s one thing to lie but another to cross over into sociopathy where even cynics would think you’d have more decency and be tricked into believing you.

I assume he made some prayers pregame where he told god he might need to do this for the game, and come back to ask forgiveness in confessional. I suppose Dan thinks he’s superior in his goals for using the money, he’s such a good person blah, blah. Just like these other hypocrites such as Tkor, although she’s more pure morality than religion based.

Everyone always rationalizes their own bad deeds. Dissonance creates all sort of narratives that preserve their egos.

Don't Shoot the Messenger

Cussing has absolutely nothing to do with faith, or being a good person, Einstein. Smh…

Bowie's Girly Pop

Ignore this post, Angela, implied in this response according to this moron you could go out and kill someone or cuss them out and as long as you have faith or consider yourself a good person you’re okay. So you don’t have to be a good person to have faith? Think about that…


I’ve watched Big Brother every single season (Including 1-2-3-4-5 which no one seems to remember). On 9/11 there were 3 people left in the BB house. Since that day I have had an issue with anyone in this house saying anything about what G-d wants for them in the Big Brother house. Like you said…if they had a clue what was going on in the world right now maybe they’d lay off the G-D stuff, he’s a tad busy.

The Beef

I agree that God doesn’t care who wins Big Brother, but if He did, He would probably determine who He thought needed the money most or look at how all of them were going to use it, and then arrange for the most worthy person to win, without regard as to who prayed the most for it, or who professed to be the most “religious” in the house. That’s what Jesus did when He was here 2,000 years ago – helped the poor, healed the sick, and worked with the most down trodden among us, so I doubt it’s changed much since then.


I can’t school you because I have wondered the same things

Butters Mom

From the comments, I guess I should be glad I missed the show last night. No point in watching it on paramount either. Thanks for the updates.

Game fan

no nothing intresting about the episode, just that they were actually pretty lucky winning
this week. in the hoh it was 3 to chelsea, 2 to rubina, 2 to cam.. in the veto mj came last twice in the first rounds. and cam was really a second from winning. she is crazy to keep him when her idea is to get rid of him in f3.

The Beef

The best thing that could happen to Mak is Cam wins Final 3 HOH and takes her to final 2. Do I think he does that if he wins? Only if he wants a shot at the $750k.

He has no chance of beating Chelsie in F2. None.

Moaning murtle



Mackenzie continuing to play for second place. She should be getting Cam out. Simply because he is a little better than rubina in competitions. I really think no one would take Mackenzie to the end. So it doesn’t really matter other than Cam has a better chance of winning in competitions. No way anyone is taking the chance of having Mackenzie in final 2.

The Beef

Why would anybody take Chelsie in Final 2? Nobody beats her! If Cam, Makensy or even Rubina wins the F3 HOH, they should take ANYBODY but Chelsie to final 2, or they are morons.

It’s not about loyalty. It’s not about female empowerment. It’s not about race. It’s about $750,000!

angela's ashes

I hope this makes someone smile today maybe even laugh: Mak told Rubina she was safe after Mak’s veto win. Rubina who is too lazy or unskilled to check in with MJ to make sure that stays true spends her time trying to figure out what to do with her time. Meanwhile Chelsie lets Mak sleep in her HOH room so no one ( read Rubina) gets into Mak’s ear. Chelsie does her thing to Mak and says: “you know Rubina is too comfortable” She plays into Mak’s ego. Mak gets mad about that. Like Jag, Mak thinks only people like her that have won comps “deserve to be there.” Chelsy even insults Mak by telling her your wonderful and.. ” your brain isn’t even fully develop yet” but Mak doesn’t catch it. So Mak tells Chelsey she is taking Cam and closes her convo with Chelsey by saying…get ready for it… this exact quote: ” I’m leaning towards keeping Cam because I’m not gonna let somebody else’s voice depict what I do in the game.”


Have they figured out that Rubina wins if one of them drags her to final two? I think McKenzey will vote to evict Cam. Both the remaining two will think Rubin’s is the easiest to beat.


My hope is that someone screws a pooch and Makensy makes it to F2 and winds up winning. Mak’s speech should include that she won veto 5 times, keeping her in the game. I know Mak winning isn’t in the script, chances are extremely Slim. I heard that Slim left town on the last stage.

It would be great if in the F3 comp, the master manipulator gets the ax. It’s her turn.

un autre nom

Got home. looked. nothing at ALL going on from a strategic analysis point of view.
one check at about 11pm for me then, see if that changes. If not…
Check again tomorrow when I get back.