“I think I Buzzed in maybe a second before you in that last one. I think you knew it was day 63. “

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Chelsie
Nominees: Makensy and Cam
POV Players: Everyone
POV Winner: Makensy
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: No havenots

Spoilage – no fun..

Midnight – 1am Chelsie alone until lights out

2:00 am Rubina and Cam
They are talking about how they manage their social media accounts. Rubina says it was never her priority to build her social media.
Rubina – you are 10 years younger than me and you have such a good head on your shoulders that’s how I know you’ll f**ing make it and it’s going to be cool to see. You are already making it.. You are already there. Seeing the trajectory is going to be f***ing sick.
Cam talks about all the people that are successful that he looks up to have had similar hardships/paths in life, “everyone worth looking up to goes through those type of things”
Rubina says it’ll be cool to look back at this experience in the future “that’s why I never say no to any experience honestly because you never know if that’s going to be the one that …
Cam – right
Rubina – I don’t think there is a bad experience because everything teaches you … there’s something to be learned in everything that you do.
Rubina – you’re the same.. I’m not going to say an opportunist but you’re not going to say no to an opportunity.
Cam – I won’t..
Rubina – that’s what it seems like, you work with any brand..
Cam – Yeah any brand.. anyone that is willing to work with me I’ll work with them to be honest.
Rubina – as long as it aligns..
Cam – as long as it’s I’m not supporting bad stuff
Rubina – a Bullying campaign.. can you imagine? I did a anti bullying campaign but it was for a makeup brand.. I love purpose behind a passion.
Rubina – I can taste 8 days… I hate how excited I am to get my phone back. That’s Lame..
Cam – you just want to know what’s going on.
Rubina – I want to see who people are also.
Cam – yeah
Rubina – mostly my stuff too.. I don’t know if I’m going to be replying to messages. Are you going to reply to message?
Cam – Yeah
Rubina – How?
Cam – I’ll be replying for DM’s all that stuff
Rubina – how do you know where to start I need help.
Cam – From the beginning…
R – how are going to? Scroll all the way down?
Cam – Yeah I want to talk to people
R – but how that’s so overwhelming.. Do you ever template a message?
Cam – no, I am serious when I say I want everyone to have a intimate experience with who I am.
R- But scrolling all the way down? that’s like thousands of messages.
C – yeah
R – how many would you message in a day?
C – umm.. you do it in bits and pieces.. I want to do it though.

Rubina – how about Tik Tok vs Instagram… Comments wise?
Cam – you just gotta do it… I wait a day I post then I don’t reply for a day.. I post then I don’t look at it until the next day…
Rubina – when do you reply to DM’s and Night?
Cam – same, the next day.. I want engagement I want people to ask me stuff..
Rubina goes on about replying to social media comments.
Cam says most of his followers are from New York, LA, UK and Australia. “I want to connect and create a community”
They go on about the social media business for which Cam has seen success in. (Chelsie followed him before coming on the show)
Cam – 99% of it is me one my phone.. and I’m a home body..
Rubina – where are you with Tik Tok
Cam – 745K
They wonder how much Big Brother will boast that.
Rubina says Kasey on Big BRother went from zero to 600K
Cam – I really want to start doing stuff in person.. meeting people in real life doing events and going on TV..
Rubina – I can see you going on a panel.. I wonder if the vans like us doing this?
Cam says he likes Big Brother and the fandom but he has a life outside of this that he also cares about.

They wonder why they did the Nominates and veto competition a day early. They head inside and are shocked by the time.

2:34 am Cam and Rubina getting ready for bed. Chelsie is sleeping in the HOH and Makensy is in the Diary room.
Rubina says there’s no Wednesday show
Cam – what do you mean?
Rubina – Wednesday we got bumped
Feeds cut.. When we’re back
Rubina – I never watched it live I only ever watched it on Paramounts plus
Cam wonders if the last episode is live.
Rubina – Julie is out there and she only comes out when it’s live.
Cam – I feel like Julie only does pick ups…
Rubina asks if he takes his earrings out before bed for safety?
Cam – it presses against my earlobes..

Cam hopes the eviction is Sunday “if we have to wait until Thursday again”
Rubina points out that Julie Chen said 10 days. “You slept in the same bed all season?”
Cam – pretty much
Cam is looking forward to sleeping but then gets called to the Diary room.
Rubina laughs.. Feeds cut..

When we’re back Rubina is up and looking for her clothes to get changed. She says she was notified by production to change. She suspects she’ll be called into the Diary room after Cam.

2:40 am Makensy out of the Diary. She tells Rubina in passing says “I have to go back in 2 and a half hours”

2:53 am Makensy and Cam
Makensy says her winning the veto was “Luck” (Grods lucky buzzer)
MJ – I think I Buzzed in maybe a second before you in that last one. I think you knew it was day 63.
Cam – Yeah I just did Day 61 at first and then I was doing day 63 the last time.. Yeah…
MJ – So you were counting up to your second?
Cam – Yeah
MJ – So you had Buzzed in before I put 63 already
Cam – I was about.. I was at the 1 getting to 63
Mj – That’s why I am saying I only put in one number .. so that’s what I’m saying you were faster WAY faster..
Cam – doesn’t matter I still lost it’s okay it is what it is..
MJ – I have a questions when you were going around the thing did you go to the left?
Cam – what do you mean?
Mj – where the handles were. Did you come back where the handles were?
Cam – yeah, you went around the other side?
MJ – yeah, I didn’t feel safe or coordinated enough to go to the left because I didn’t use the handles.. the handles just f***ed with me because I was like why am I putting my hands low. I never used the handles
Cam – Ohhh sh1t.
MJ – I think that’s also wy I was so slow.. I’m telling you all you all were already pressing.. You did good love.. We’re done.. done for the day 3 am
Mj – let us sleep in.. please..
Cam – I think they will.
MJ – I hope we get something.. maybe dinner, would be cool if we got a show..
Cam doesn’t think they will get a show the backyard is open.

3:06 am Makensy doing some reading before bed.

3:13 am Rubina late night exploits
Rubina hides in the closest to scare Makensy having just scared Cam.

After 10 minutes of Waiting…
Rubina – Alright one scare was good enough I’m going to bed.

3:30 am Cam, Rubina and Chelsie are all sleeping in bed. Makensy off Camera.

4:10 am Still waiting for those Zzzzzzzzz

4:16 am Chelsie and Makensy
Talking about Bible verses. (Chelsie may be coming out of the Diary Room)
Chelsie – is john 7 ‘new wine’
Makensy – no it’s him in Galilee speaking.
Chelsie – have you ever thought about going to Israel?
Makensy – I would
Chelsie – it’s so crazy to walk and be where Jesus actually was
Makensy – Dude I can only imagine.
Makensy called into the Diary room “How long were you in there ”
Makensy – at first..
Feeds cut.. When we’re back Chelsie is reading the Bible and Makensy is in the Diary room.

4:32am Makensy and Chelsie
Makensy – I just think it’s so cool that at least I’ll walk out on the day
Chelsie – I have full confidence you and I will be next to each other and it’ll be two women and that’s never happened .. (Big Brother 4 happened)
Chelsie – it’ll be two BELIEVERS that has definitely never happened. The women who hosts this show has changed this show to be about faith. (mmmmm yummy Kraken)
Chelsie – not fully be about it but she has added a lot of our faith into this show which is so cool.
MJ – it is nice
C – the outcome will be very special. No matter what happens we’re walking out on the last day. We’re not going to the Jury house.
Makensy – I don’t need any more sleep overs with certain people I’m good..

MJ – I will be praying a lot.. I just need to know what decision is best for both of us and for him. he will know (Him – God)
C – he’ll know
MJ – I just need him to show me. It’s not my choice it’s yours. .. Figure it out.
C – I think it will be very clear to you. When he tells you who to take there will be clarity and peace about it..
Chelsie – he’ll lead you to the right one.
MJ – Cam congratulated me..
C – Finally
MJ – yeah.. I walked in after a late night because him and Rubina were up late alone.
Makensy says Cam would have won the Veto he was faster than her but he buzzed in the wrong number at first, 61. This gave her the time to buzz the correct number is, 63.
They talk about how hard Cam was trying especially after his performance in BB comics.
Chelsie – you got beat by Kimo.. Who breaths’ hard when he eats. (LOL)
C – this whole season he’s tried which makes it worse.
MJ – is makes it bad for both of them.. but especially him since he comes from an athletic background
C – Both are in the same predicament.
MJ – I am glad I won that cause I definitely think after seeing how they both are acting my a$$ would have been grass.
C – I feel the same way. It started when Kimo was still here..
Chelsie – I think if they look at the resume of their game they’re screwed..
They are both convinced Rubina and Cam would have taken each other because there’s no way they have the Resume to beat anyone else.
Chelsie says Cam stopped talking and being around them after the veto.
Chelsie – I think he realizes how close we are and I think he realizes no matter what happens he doesn’t have a high chance of making it to the final 2

Makensy thinks the Jury is going to be pissed at her. Kimo is going to tell Angela how much she would talk sh!t about her.
Chelsie says Makensy’s game is the best game on the memory wall. She will be very happy if she wins and will consider Makensy’s win as her own win.
Chelsie adds that Makensy’s game was a lot like Taylor’s She was a survivor. Chelsie thinks the vote will be 4-3 or a 5-2. jokes that she will win AFP and Makensy will win the season.
C – 2nd place is also huge financially
MJ – I don’t care who wins we’re booking a trip
C – when you win you take me on a trip or when I win America’s favorite I’ll take you. You played a hell of a game.
They go over how much the two of them had dominated the competitions in the final weeks.

C – there has been season where people have done nothing and won.. if you look at Cam and Rubina in the Jury they have no blood. They will win this game they survived 80 days and did nothing.
MJ – good for you no stress that must have been nice.. here I am 22 and I got a grey hair.

5:25 am Counting grey hairs
Chelsie – Obama Year 4
They mention that Joe would use the aloe vera as hair gel.

9:20 am houseguests waking up.

10:08 am Cam and Rubina
Rubina talking about what kind of Insect she would be. Says lady bug. Points out they are all supposed to be male though, She cites the movie Bugs Tale as her source.
Rubina then changes to butterflies
Cam – I would like a ladybug too..
Rubina – Really
Cam – Yeah.. I would want to be a bug that brings good luck. when someone sees it.
Rubina – There’s only good connotations with Butterflies but you have to be a caterpillar first.. Then you have to transform! that’s sick. Start on one thing on Land and then you get to Fly! that’s dope. Whatever insect does that?
Cam – I don’t think there’s any other that go through a metamorphosis like that in their lifespan. I think they just Grow up..
Cam says all caterpillars turn into butterflies.. Rubin is shocked.
(Chit chat)

10:14 am – 10:30 am Makensy and Chelsie
Mj – I don’t know what to do Cam said he wanted to have a one on one
Chelsie – before ceremony?
MJ – yeah
C – that could happen sooner than later.
MJ – I was like ok… he was like do you not want to do that right now. I said ‘honestly no’
C – has Rubina had her one on one with you yet?
MJ – nope
C – they both feel a little too comfortable for my liking.
MJ – for my liking as well I am glad Cam said something (congratulating her on the veto win)
C – he just needed a couple hours
MJ – I told him I’m just tired. .. 10 am on a saturday after I stayed up till f***ing six

Chelsie goes on a rant about how Cam asks questions “Are you using that whole tomato”
C – why can’t you just ask for a piece of the Tomato CAM?
Chelsie says Rubina and Cam will vote for each other at the end and the one that goes back will work the Jury.
Chelsie – they are both in the best position for Fricking jury. Makensy agrees.
Mj – have you and Rubina talked at all?
C – they aren’t going to be honest.
MJ – I know..
C – I think Cam will be honest with you. Rubina won’t be.
MH – I know
C – Cam will be honest in two words or three… ‘yes we did’
MJ – I’m going to be honest I’ll tell both of them I don’t know what to do right now
C – what is your gut telling you?
MJ – nothing… confused.. it goes back and forth..
MJ – My problem is I have hesitation with both cause, I don’t think they will choose me in the end to have a decision that literally doesn’t benefit me at all is terrifying.. I just need to figure out what is the better of two bad options.

11:15 am

11:20 am Chilling

11:35 am Rubina is packing, Cam and Makensy chit chat in the kitchen and Chelsie is sleeping in the HOH.

12:54pm Sleeping their way to the finale..

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Moaning murtle

If Rubina and/ or Cam spent more of their time ” gaming” or staying in game mode, like Chelsie, and less time wondering, thinking and or hoping about TV product endorsement, increasing their social media following etc. they will get after the show and realize they are there to win 750 thousand $ this convo wouldn’t be different. Rubina will be more surprised to see how many folks were disappointed in her lack of game sense( remember last week she said she didn’t want to win because she would have to make a decision) I truly believe she believes she is going on Amazing Race with Tucker. Cam has an easier path( he thinks) to stardom because he didn’t have to do anything. He knows Chelsie will take ” her husband.” Chelsie already has Hollywood connections via her aunt( think like Cam is thinking).Yikes! MJ will likely get picked up for modeling or more reality shows because of her comp abilities. So yeah, Chelsie stays up under MJ and in her head, that’s smart. Why can’t Rubina and Cam see/ do that?


yeah, rubina, cam, and (kimo) only seemed to bother trying in competitions when their game was on the line. for cam, that was never, and for kimo and rubina it just made it so that they were too unprepared to switch gears to take on makensy most of the time.

of this cast, tucker and makensy have very realistic shots of appearing on the challenge. you can maybe add chelsie to those two as having a chance at appearing on all-star seasons or traitors. it’s doubtful we see anyone else from this cast ever again.

Game fan

i can see leah, quinn and angela get cast as well.


I’d hate to see Angela again but considering how many times I’ve had to suffer through seeing Rachel Reilly again, you’re probably right. Quinn and Leah maybe we’ll see again on amazing race if they attempt the couple thing but Quinn’s a waste of a spot who would get voted out early while Leah is duller than paint drying

The Beef

Honestly, I think this is the only reason Leah has suddenly “discovered” she just might have feelings for Quinn. The only way she might get invited back to another CBS show (Amazing Race) is as a returning “showmance” couple, so now she’s playing that angle up in order to hopefully get that invite.

How else do you explain her complete 180 on the guy, after having 3 days to sit and think about it, knowing she was about to be voted out?

Team Taylor

Angela will show up somewhere again. I can see her on “House of Villains” or “Traitors”.

Matt, Cam, and Cedric could make one run on “The Challenge”. Quinn could go on “Survivor”, Leah could go on some dating show, and T’kor and Kimo could be in “Amazing Race”.


Cam sucked too hard at competitions to be a challenge invite while matt and Cedric were booted too early to likely even be considered as alternates. We’d see Chelsie before either of them. Makensy and Tucker are the only two particularly likely to get invites. Leah and Quinn would have to go through the entire casting process again to appear anywhere other than as an amazing race couple and their bb appearance is likely more a detriment than a boost to their chances. T’kor/kimo aren’t nearly dynamic enough for amazing race. I think they’ve only ever done romantic couples and if they ever did a duo that wasn’t that it’d likely be a dr. Will and boogie style bromance. T’Kor and Kimo are way too subdued

Moaning murtle

…or Chelsie

un autre nom

I think it’s Grod telling her.
God just punishes the less faithful with bad comp performances.
Oh wait… or is that exec prod Chenbot?
At what point did you hit Kraken level?
I think I started the season thinking it won’t be loooong.


God AND Grod.

Team MJ(even if she is brainwashed)

This is probably one of if not the most forgettable cast in bb history. It amuses me that they think it will “make them” their 15 minutes of fame will last about 3 minutes lol


Absolutely 1,000 correct.
Worst houseguests ever, and 60 seconds of fame is more like it. Fame — a word to hardly describe them.


Bb15 is still the show’s worst cast and much worse than this season. This season’s not great but neither is 90% of most casts. This is certainly a season lacking that 10% that isn’t forgettable and their fame will last a week if they’re lucky, but I’ll take bland over another season with paul


Oh gosh, I had forgotten about Paul.

Team Taylor

100% disagree! With all the drama and twists that happened, this will be one of the most memorable cast.

Forgettable cast would to BB9 and BB19.


i’ll grant you bb9 was forgettable. bb19 was not, it was awful, but it was so bad it’s actually one of the more memorable casts.

The Beef

I think BB21 was the worst, followed closely by BB19 (biggest bunch of bullies I’ve ever seen).

This group may be the worst as far as game play goes, but I don’t think they’re as bad morally as 21 and 19 were. BB15 had some solid gamers, but obviously also had it’s problem with racists, as did 21. It just depends on how you look at them and what sticks out to the individual rating them.


21 has issues, but i liked nicole. 19 is the worst cast but it’s a question of if we’re talking mean or dull. 19 and 21 are mean casts. this season’s cast is just dull. the only mean player is angela. she’s the only one i’d call a bully (reinforced by saying in jury that quinn has no shot with leah, why say that out loud to his face?). chelsie and tucker are controlling and overbearing but they don’t crossover into bullying. imo bb15 hits both metrics the hardest of being simultaneously full of mean people being dull.

un autre nom

What I’m picking up and believe me… I was more absent yesterday than watching:
Chelsie has both Mak and Cam thinking final 2
Chelsie has Rubina thinking final 3 with Cam, but final 3 with Mak is for a cause too.
Mak has been feeding Rubina final 3 women and talking to her like a pseudo final 2 until veto was won.
Cam has been pushing the final 3 with Rubina button HARD. He’s been totally sloppy with Mak… i think he isn’t even trying to hide it.
Post veto:
Cam goes manbaby and pouts in his room.
Rubina is pushing that female final 3 hard.
Mak hasn’t made up her mind to Chelsie (i think she has… but is waiting for Grod to approve).
Chelsie hasn’t tried to work Mak yet… even with bible study sessions. IF she starts trying to equate which person to evict with a scripture…. I NOPE HER.
Before anyone asks…. In the past I noped people during the finale a few seasons back.
I’ve been too nice about noping. Old me would have just about everyone of them noped for pissing me off. What have i become???? oh, damn… am I becoming a nice person…… kill me.
Season Toll:
first nope: Angela. feed cuts basis. A week of almost constant feed cuts.
second nope: Tucker. prodomanip beneficiary basis.
Kenney. quitter basis, if they’d kept him he’d have been nope.
Chelsie. she almost got the prejudice nope until i realized she’s an opportunist not prejudiced. Heck, she’d even use believer vs heathen as a strategy. THAT’S THE HEIGHT OF OPPORTUNISM when they are all in a parking lot trying to win money.
T’kor. FOR ACTUALLY BEING THE MOST PREJUDICIALLY BIASED HOUSEGUEST WE’VE SEEN SINCE GR8FUL…. SO WHY DIDN’T I? BE-cauuuuse I was trying to be niiiiiice and already HAD two nopes. eyeroll. being nice is going to kill me. If she appears on another jury segment talking about representation as code for bias juror… I WILL NOPE HER. My soul aches that I didn’t every time she pulled a coded conversation for WEEKS.
Rubina: for not playing big brother. She was given a stay of nopecution for 48 hours when Tucker was evicted to see if she would game. at 4 hours left, she pushed girlliance. Wasn’t much… but it was game.

SIDE NOTE…. if we get another jury visit and they do a choreographed song and dance… I NOPE THE WHOLE JURY. I’m done with that shit. SO DONE.

More Whine, please

I think it’s more of cynical radical acceptance to not nope them all. That’s what I’m starting to do in life at age 61 so I don’t end up living in a cave where only my children can contact me.

Paul Sucks

Just nope ‘em all already and call it a season. According to Chelsie, it’s what god would want.

un autre nom

If God is worried about which entitled asshat living in a parking lot should be given money….. oy.
I am not being sacrilegious, I’m thinking it’s sacrilege to claim superiority and hand of God handing you money for being an asshat in a parking lot for 90 days.
shakes head and rolls eyes. I mean, homelessness, poverty…. God cares more about celebutard wannabes getting that coin? I’m gonna need a self awareness check on the cast of this season.

East Coaster

Hey AN,
Just wondering if you have the stats ( I know ya do somewhere ) of the bb curses and if they affect any players left. Like first to enter type thing. Is there one for the final 4 hoh not winning? I could be making that up, but that idea. Bb curse stuff. I haven’t commented much this season as I’ve had a lot of family stuff going on. But as always appreciate Simon, Dawg and you AN !

un autre nom

final four hoh…. predominantly makes final 2. In Can that was a relative certainty.
In US it’s been less but still pretty good bet.


The winner of OTEV usually never wins, the only player to have done that was Cody.

un autre nom

Cody was a return season. I don’t count 22 in MOST of my records. BUT Jag won it.
Tiny comp is still active if memory serves.


You un autre nom, Simon and Dawg were the saving grace for BB, Thank You!!!

Moaning murtle

Very funny! You are, to my mind ? percent accurate that Chelsie would fully engage ( more than she subtly already has) in a “believer vs heathen” strategy. I never thought these words would appear so much here because one’s religious or spiritual practices or journey is such a personal thing but here we are. I am sure MJ and Chelsie are Julie’s eye on favs so she can have her spiritual convos with them. Occasionally someone says many knock Chelsie on this site. I have to push back against that. Chelsie has played a dominant game and part of the reason for that is she is always in game mode. She makes moves that are best for her, she lies, is a master manipulator =perfect recipe for BB. Also her competition has been lame. I’m not ready as many on FB and X are to call her the next Derrick or Dan G. Put her in the house with some real “I’m here for the money not Instagram followers” competitors not some Kimos, Rubinas, T’kors or gullible MJs and let’s she how she does. What many are uncomfortable with watching is she has shown herself to be mean spirited and petty in situations she didn’t need to be all while Bible thumping. As many others here I like to see good game play, strategy, humor, etc not moves motivated by personal vendettas because someone looked twice at Cam. I have no doubt Chelsie will win the game. To that I give her a hearty congratulations, but win hearts or have an increased fan following ( like Tyler just to name one). I doubt it. Other than her usual audience, who wants to watch her inevitable proverbs on Tik Tok with a Bible in one hand and Cam’s ‘underwear in the other? ( Who would be surprised that she probably has a pair of his underwear under her pillow?) Not many,?. and that’s what makes her win feel so lackluster.

Not sure

Tucker for AFP please and thank you.

Gan ainm


Greyson Stoehr

I think the entire season has been sad–a houseful of people regularly ego-touting about their ‘impact’, ‘representation’, and social media ‘influence’ to the point where they all seem to think they’re going to be FAMOUS!!! whittled down to a choice for a final three that doesn’t really matter, and two finalists who are alternatively meh and then diametrically-opposed into The Manipulator and The Comp Girl. So….Tucker wins, right?

john miller

Cam is the biggest floater ever and makes Chelsie and especially Mak look like jokes and stereotypical submitters to mail dominance.

john miller

why did u reject my recent comment?

un autre nom

Chelsie and Mak. HOH.
Discuss that Mak hasn’t decided.
Cam asked for a one on one but Mak doesn’t want to do one on ones yet.
Rubina didn’t ask yet.
Chelsie is dogging both for being too comfortable (that’s what happens when you’ve been telling both they are safe with you).
Mak wants them to admit they discussed cutting her if they won Veto. She and Chelsie agree Mak should look at who she can beat.
Chelsie says Rubina has 2 jury votes locked (T’kor and Kimo) if she makes final 2, only needs 4 votes. This is Chelsie telling Mak not to even think of cutting Chelsie if Mak wins final HOH, and also subtly saying Cam has no jury support (and would take Chels… shhh).
Mak is still not happy with Cam’s attitude lately. GIven her way, without Chelsie, Cam would be gone.

Meanwhile the cartoons are discussing reincarnation as butterflies or some shit. WHO CARES.


Cam’s deadweight floater. He doesn’t deserve to be carried to the end, it’s disgusting.