Big Brother 26 Final Veto Results – Makensy wins!

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Chelsie
Nominees: Makensy and Cam
POV Players: Everyone
POV Winner: Makensy
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: No havenots

Spoilage – Makensy won the last Power of Veto. She will have the single vote to evict either Cam or Rubina.

9:18 am Makensy and Chelsie
Commenting that the backyard is open so maybe the Veto is tomorrow. They speculate if Veto is today then maybe the veto ceremony is tomorrow.
Makensy says her parents met at a country bar dancing. That is how she also met her Ex.
MJ – My dad got up and asked her to dance..
Chelsie – Shut up
MJ – That man is obsessed with that women and that gives me hope. I hope to have just a sliver of that obsession in my husband towards me.
C – you know you will
MJ – If it’s Matt for sure
C – If it’s Matt then one million percent because on paper.. you know on paper there is compatibility…
Feeds flip to Rubina checking out the fish.

9:40 am
Big Brother – wakey wakey houseguests
Rubina – ohh the clouds have changed..
Big Brother – thank you
Rubina – 9 more days..
Rubina eventually gets up and heads inside to look at the fish. Cam joins her to talk about the fish.

10:13 am
Chelsie gets called into the Diary room.
MJ – Ohh Jesus is it already time?
Chelsie – alright let me put a little foundation on and brush my teeth.
MJ – Lord help me. Give me strength and the will. ain’t no way

Makensy heads downstairs to baby talk with Rubina
MJ – I’m so sad.. but I’m very very glad.. It can’t be bad.. and no reason cause I’m in the Big Brother pad

10:23 am Cam working out, Chelsie in the DR and Rubina/MJ sleeping after exhausting the fun that is baby talk.

12:30 pm Feeds kick to Pound for the veto competition.

2:50 pm Feeds return

2:54 pm Girls are chatting about the change in schedule this week. They just had the veto competition.
They start talking about how fast Cam was moving in the competition. There was a running and a button pressing component. Cam really tried.
Rubina – did you hear when he smacked the…
Chelsie – I closed my ears because I knew it was coming
Cam’s flip.. When we’re back they are congratulating Makensy on her win.

3:14 pm Chelsie, Rubina and Makensy

Girls are hanging out in the HOH room. Chelsie is telling them that God heals through Miracles and through medicine.. She goes on about a person from her church that was dying of cancer and god told him one night to throw all his medicine away. He did and adopted a holistic diet. Months later the doctors said the cancer was gone.

4:09 pm Feeds on Pound. perhaps for the Power of Veto ceremony

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Mak could have won if she had gotten Chelsie out last HOH.

now she needs to kick Cam out and she can walk to final 2 comp as part physical part mental

Team Taylor

This was the best outcome I could hope for.

The big question is will MJ evict Cam or will Chelsie successfully nudge her to evict Rubina. Honestly, it can go either way.


It appears MJ has more feelings for Matt that she is finally talking about. The other day she was shedding some tears recalling something funny Matt did. But I sensed there were some sad tears in there too as if she missed him.

un autre nom

Last night:
Mak told Chelsie that if Chelsie won veto and used it on Mak, then she would make the decision with Chelsie on who to evict.
Twitter seems to think that’s binding If Mak won for herself.

With Cam being snippy with Mak yesterday after Kimo was evicted (you got your way he said in a snippy tone), and his reaction to losing today…. Mak gotta know she was out the door if Cam won.

BUT MAK IS MAK AND I KNOW YOU HATE IT BUT BLINDFOLDED giraffe. See I lower cased it to lessen the ‘it’s so rude to call her that’ people. lighten up. I spent a season calling Derek F a Couch and Azah a bedpost for gosh sakes.

The Beef

She’s a fool if she doesn’t evict Cam. She’s got to know Cam takes Chelsie and Chelsie takes Cam.

Of course on the other hand Chelsie could take Rubina over Mak, but it could cost her jury votes if she does.

Maks chances of winning are slim, but she’s got to make the move that gives her the best chance of at least getting in a final 2 seat.

un autre nom

She is in the final three by consistently making the wrong choices starting day 2.
if she could make her path harder… she’d drive backwards down that one way street going the wrong direction at 80 mph for an extra ten miles because…. Mak.
Remember when she was introduced to us on feeds and she was telling the house they had to target the current HOH…. before noms? WHAT HAS CHANGED?

Gan ainm

She has blind faith in….Chelsie.


I’d love to see Makensy and Cam at the end. Sadly, I think Chelsea will win it all.

Moaning murtle

I said in a post yesterday that MJ would win veto. I mean really think like Chelsie, that is Rubina can’t
win anything that is why she really wanted Rubina in F4. Recall Rubina and Kimo were singing and dancing and/ or sleeping rather than studying for the HOH that Chelsie won. Who will MJ take to F3? Perhaps Rubina because both Chelsie and MJ will smoke her in comps. The very same Rubina who is so tickled she is representing a cause etc and is under the illusion she’s part of making History ( notice Chelsie has cozied up to Rubina, did her I wish T’kor was here spiel and that’s all it took to get Rubina in her web. Maybe Cam, who doesn’t have to win anything as long as he plays Chelsie’s ” husband.” Did he and Chelsie really have a mock wedding ceremony? According to Brooklyn they did. I missed that.
Who am kidding, it will be whomever Chelsie wants. Others can hope, but will all know what Chelsie wants she gets and she has the win in the bag.

Moaning murtle

Thursday’s show was, IMO, terrible. Too much time on the BB comics and a disappointingly short, uninformative jury segment. The Quinn /Leah reveal was meh to me. Leah just defended Quinn by saying it’s not so ridiculous that she could be crushing on him. So like Leah. I didn’t sense she was saying she was interested in Quinn just boosting his confidence . Whatever , it didn’t hold my interest. What was confirmed was as long as Chelsie is in F2 she wins. Kimo and Rubina both agreed she would have the jury vote – and she does. I don’t sense a bitter jury at all. The majority of them appreciate good game play. With the strong possibility of not having Angela’s vote, Chelsie will have the vote of the remaining jurors.

Facts Only

if rubina doesnt go to jury this week I already know I wont watch this season. I have subjected myself to this garbage modern era of bb. stopped after tucker eviction and will not waste valuable time watching it. just follow bb canada and cancel it. we can go to a better time and watch old seasons. before soft offended society pushed the narrative for production to rig it along with garbage casting. same with survivor.

Angela's valium

If you’re sick of the modern era of Survivor then check out Australian Survivor. There’s 9 seasons already and the 10th season will air in early 2025.

Facts Only

I have watched it and yes it is much better. Toxic woke lifestyle is not there like here in North America.

Gan ainm

These people just can’t help themselves. They keep making me hate them. This is completely non-game related. The Chelsie /Mak convos today are why I hate them. Soon I’ll never have to hear them again. Right God, you promised.

Uncle Sam

I’ll say it again. Makensy is a comp beast. If she makes the final 2. She deserves a win regardless. 2HOHs, 5 Vetos if you count America’s one that put Cedric in Tucker’s crosshairs. two AI arena wins causing Chelsie and Tkor alliances to fracture prematurely. Maybe the most important 1st week. On the bottom of the house with Matt having Chelsea throw her to the wolves. Makensy still made it to the end.


Ugh, worst outcome…makensy will be dumb and keep the best I can hope for is anyone but know Chelsie would take cam over mj, and cam takes mj dumb enough to take Chelsie over cam?

Gan ainm

That’s a rhetorical question, right?

un autre nom

Does anyone else get that who cares feeling some time around the final 4 every season?
Just me?
I couldn’t give a rat’s ass who is evicted.
I’m not really a fan of anyone.
I think i ended the premiere saying… welp, this is going to be another point and laugh when they’re evicted season.
Edit read is still Chelsie win like I’ve been saying since about episode 4 or 5. Don’t despaiir if you dislike this…. 25 Cirie actually had the winner edit EXCEPT Jag had D/R content in every single episode (that DOESN’T HAPPEN OFTEN). Also… bbcan 12 (what I like to call the betatest) had ANTHONY getting the winner edit from the hop, and he lost.
So if you are a chelsie fan, rejoice that I’ve got a pretty good record since 16. If you are a chelsie hater… I con’t have a perfect record and always own it when I’m wrong.

So I don’t care who is evicted. I don’t really want or need another jury segment. I Haven’t enjoyed a jury roundtable since 20. why do all the chalkboards have nails running down them?
Maybe if there was strategic theory or loyalty or gamesmanship afoot. Instead we have untaming of the shrew.

Comp beasts??? What’s?!?

I’d like to see MJ and/or Chelsie up against Janelle, Nicole F, Britney, Rachel R, Danielle, in competitions and see if they are “comp beasts” against them.
I highly doubt it. Any of those girls of would whoop their butts. This season the competition moves at a snails pace.
just my opinion…. I feel like I’m in an alternate world.

Game fan

Mj can def beat nicole and.. britney? Whats so great about britney?

un autre nom

Look back at some of the comps in early seasons.
ANYONE COULD BE A COMP BEAST with some of the early seasons.
No really.
The comp beast moniker is…. suspect in a lot of ways.
A true comp beast should be able to win a comp at ANY stage of the game. Individual time comps should be excluded from comp beast win tallies because Grod GRODS.
So… people who do a comp run at the end when they are competing against the pondscum… Are they a comp beast?
People who only win one TYPE of comp…. are they comp beasts or comp specialists?
Seriously. Remember those seasons where they had WAY too many booth comps and the same houseguest would win? SEASON 23 HAD A BOOTH COMP VETO. I mean…. really?

SO…. true comp beasts should be able to win a physical, mental, endurance or luck comp at ANY time.
Individual time comp comp beasts are prodomanipulated comp beasts and don’t count IN MY OPINION. Sorry Jag, Sorry bbcan11 TYRANT. That’s over half your wins. NOT COMP BEASTS IN MY OPINION.
People that do end game comp runs to the ends or only win ONE type of comp aren’t comp beasts in my opinion either. They are best of the worst and comp type specialists.

example of theory from this season: Chelsie won 4 HOH booth comps. She’s a mental comp specialist not a comp beast. Mak won a 1:4 shot memory comp, a physical and a puzzle Arena 1:3 shot each time, the worst OTEV EVER… the worst winning time in bbcomics EVER…Jankiest Tiny veto as an HOH win EVER (that top row…. yeesh), An individual time veto sound recognition….a stacking HOH ind room comp. So… IS THAT A COMP BEAST OR JUST best of the few by circumstance?
KEEP IN MIND… BY MY description of Comp beast vs. RECORD keepers… MOST comp beasts are NOT comp beasts.

BY NUMBERS ALONE… given this season had 37 comps.
Mak participated in 19 comps. won 9. 47% success rate.
Chelsie participated in 18 comps won 5. 28% success rate.
Cam participated in 22 comps won1. Cam has a 4.5% success rate.
Rubina participated in 23 comps won 1. Rubina has a 4.3% success rate.


mak probably wins considering all those competitors are older now. but even in their heyday, mak beats nicole and britney


MJ better win this or production better make sure she wins or people will never watch again. Chelsie isn’t my personal favorite. And Rubina and Cam are the biggest floaters of the season. MJ has the story and game credentials to win.