Chelsie “The hard part for me is they’re very equal.” Cam “Regardless its one after the other..”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Makensy
Nominees: Kimo and Rubina
POV Players: Everyone
POV Winner: Makensy
Veto Ceremony: Veto was not used.
Havenots: No havenots

8:55pm – 9:25pm HOH room – Makensy, Cam and Chelsie
Makensy – are y’all ready for tomorrow? Chelsie – No. Makensy – All right. Well, at least you’re honest. Chelsie – What do you think? Makensy – Oh, I thought we were getting Kimo out? Chelsie – I still need to talk to Rubina. What would you say are your pros and cons for both? Makensy – Rubina’s cons are she’s a little bit more physical than Kimo, but her pros are that she’s less mental and is the exact opposite of Kimo, both beatable but he does better in high pressure. Chelsie – I’m trying to weigh my options of like in these next couple competitions. Are they going to be physical? Are they going to be mental and both I think are prone to put any of us up regardless. Makensy – Oh yeah. It’s not about who would put us up or who wouldn’t. I think when I’m trying to weigh its who do I feel more confident beating in the event that these competitions do begin to get more physical. Chelsie – I am just trying to weigh who I would feel more comfortable beating Kimo or Rubina. Who would you prefer? Makensy – I don’t have a preference over either but I have seen Kimo do better under pressure in situations of physical and mental. Plus I also think about the opportunity but the rare chance that one of them gets all the way to the end. It would be better to sit next against Rubina than it would Kimo. Kimo has a social game. People are going to vote for him and he’s been on the block a bunch of times and been saved. He has a better game story than Rubina does. Chelsie – but then we all have better game stories than both of them. Who would you want out? Makensy – I don’t get to vote but I’ve been wanting Kimo out because I didn’t feel safe with Kimo at all especially after the whole Angela thing and I’ve said that since Jankie World. I said that before Jankie World. I just think he does have a good resume. He’s played a damn good game and he’s better in high pressure situations than Rubina. If there is anything with mental, Kimo is going to do better. Chelsie – but if there is anything mental I feel confident beating him. Makensy – no I know, I am just saying Kimo is better at mental than Rubina. Chelsie – the hard part for me is they’re very equal. Cam – regardless its one after the other, its just what makes it easier for next week. Chelsie – I am going to have my conversation with Rubina. Makensy – just let me know what you think. Chelsie – Kimo makes you more nervous. Makensy – Kimo does. I just feel like Kimo this whole season has made me more nervous, but that’s me. Cam – Has he even gotten to threaten you at all? Makensy – no, he’s just wanted me out this whole time. And I’ve seen him win more than she has so I think he has more ability to pull it off than she does but that is my own opinion. I think both are beatable. I just believe he has more ability than Rubina. Chelsie – Yes, 100 percent. Makensy – the only thing I think Rubina has over Kimo is holding on longer. Chelsie – they’re both threats, its just who is smarter to get to the final 3. If we keep Rubina what is the worst case scenario? Makensy – that she wins HOH and it doesn’t even matter who wins veto because one of us is going. Chelsie – okay, what is the worst case with Kimo? Makensy – he wins HOH. Chelsie – so both are worst case, it just depends on who we think has a better chance at winning HOH based on what we think the comp will be.

9:35pm – 10:41pm HOH room – Chelsie and Makensy
Makensy – my preference is that Rubina stays. I think that if it came down to her making a choice, she would keep me over Cam. He (Kimo) would not and setting myself up best since I can’t compete tomorrow I would like the ability to be next to you. I do have to think about myself. I can’t play twice next week. I can only play once. If either of them wins HOH, I’m fucked. I assume that if it was Cam and I next to each other, Rubina would pick me to stay. Rubina wants the all girls thing and she said that she wanted to talk to you again later about it. That is what she wants and I know Kimo would not keep me. I think we can beat both I think she’s gonna be worse at mental and I think this week is gonna be more mental. It’s gonna be probably physical and mental but she’s not gonna have that I think Kimo can pull it out but again like I’m not voting I kept y’all safe I did my job this week you all do what you want to do but Rubina here being here next week makes me feel safer with you and I. Either or I feel confident beating. But like i said it could be a game of chance. What if one of them wins other than us? Who do you feel safer with? Chelsie – neither. Makensy – Do you think Rubina would choose you over Cam? Chelsie – No. Makensy – See you say that, but you haven’t talked to her. And I really do think she would. Chelsie – I don’t think she would. I’m telling you that right now. Makensy – Why do you think that? Chelsie – She’s not trying to bring all girls to the end. In a moment where she needed to save her butt on the block, the first person she threw under the bus was a girl when it was unnecessary. It comes down to who I feel would be easier to beat. I feel stronger beating Kimo. Makensy – then keep Kimo. I am good with either. Kimo has not talked with me. Kimo will take the shot at me regardless.
Makensy – I just hope Cam doesn’t fuck me over cuz I could have easily put Cam up on the block and made sure that I kept Rubina. Chelsie – yeah, I don’t think think he would do that to you at all. Makensy – I hope not but it is scary when now he’s trying to flip
and keep Kimo. Chelsie – yeah. Makensy – when he’s been wanting Kimo for the longest time, longer than I was you know what I’m saying?
And if he does slip I’m fucked. I’m f**ked!
Makensy – I’ve shown my actions enough so him (Cam) flipping on me is just a choice of his own no matter even though I’ve shown my actions and that’s what sucks and it’s the same thing that can be stated about Rubina. Chelsie – Yeah no I get it but. Makensy – it’s annoying when I won fucking 8 comps and he’s one fucking one. Chelsie – that was funny. Makensy – I’m like I won 8 fucking comps and you’ve won one. What the fuck have you done nothing? What have you shown me? Nothing. Either way I could be screwed by all three of them so I don’t give a f**k. I can’t say anything else. I mean, at this point, I don’t give a f**k. I have to win. I can’t give a f**k if I want to be in the final three. I have to win. Or you have to win to secure that because I think he would f**k me over. I think Rubina would fuck me over and I think he would f**K me over. Do I think there’s two that would f**k me over less? Certainly. Chelsie – yeah. Makensy – There’s no way this motherf**ker has lost these comps.

10:26pm – 10:41pm Kimo and Rubina working out..

10:55pm Kitchen – Cam and Chelsie.
Chelsie – she is very nervous. Cam – Uhmmm?? Chelsie – Makensy. Cam – really? Chelsie – MMmmmhhhmmmm. Cam – what’s she saying? Chelsie – she just feels like Kimo will come after her and Rubina wouldn’t. Cam – well Rubina is going to have to come after somebody. She (Makensy) don’t get to vote. If she don’t think Rubina will be coming after her that means she’s coming after one of us. Chelsie – yup.

11:20pm Kitchen – Makensy, Chelsie, Rubina and Kimo eating / making food. HOH bathroom – Cam is showering.

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cam and chelsie flipping the vote should be a wake up call to makensy that they are playing for themselves not her, and she needs to win veto next week and split them up.

Game show lover

Chesie has Makensy explaining/begging to be in good position next week? her mistake is telling Chelsie that Rubina will not put her (Mak) up. Common sense, why will you say that, when you are only 4 people left in the game after eviction, who are left to go up? (Chelsie and Cam) and you don’t tell them that(Mak). Somethings has to be keep a secret in big brother. Anyhow,
Mak is a comp winner and does not know how to play the game. Chelsie is the gamer and deserves to win, so far.

Omega BB

A wake up call?

We’re way pass that point, she blew her game with her 1st HOH.


I said “it SHOULD be.” I’m aware that the reality is that rip van winkle has nothing on her

Gan ainm

Has Cam been playing the most stealth game ever? What is his end game? To have a shot at winning he needs Chelsie gone but how does that happen at final 4? And if he gets final 3 with Chelsie and Kimo how could he not take her without being destroyed in jury? Or would jury respect that move since Chelsie wouldn’t have time to contaminate the jury? I just don’t see him making any of those winning moves.


his strategy seems to be take credit for everything chelsie did and assume the jury will believe him cuz he’s a man.

it was kinda funny to watch his interactions with kimo earlier this week where he was like, “dude, i gotta go to the end with three women cuz a dude always beats a woman in the final,” but now he’s realized that kimo hasn’t done anything all game either and is probably better to take to the end than rubina.


I truly hope that the god Makensy believes in will intercede on her behalf and let her win all the remaining comps and be the BB26 winner. After seeing Makensy read the bible, my opinion is that she feels telling a lie is a sin and is sure that her temporary best friend Chelsie won’t commit a sin by lying to her. That might be her real world experience with her friends.

re: opinion. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and some of them are.

un autre nom

Woke up to give meds to the family member I’m caring for.
Cam told Chelsie that Kimo offered him final 2.
She SHOULD BE flipping BACK.
Chelsie does NOT think when it comes to Cam. She feels.

D/R COUNT: Chelsie 205, Mak 160, Kimo 131, Rubina 92, Cam 88.
Again… never seen a winner edit have the least d/r.
BB25 final 5 d/r count at as of Cirie’s eviction: JAG 239, Matt 145, Bowie 80, Felicia 205, Cirie 239.
BBCAN12 final 5 d/r count as of Victoria’s eviction: Anthony 95, Bayleigh 81, Lexus 53, Todd 37, Victoria 107.

CHANCES RUBINA LEAVES ARE STILL HIGH 70’S LOW 80’S. They were 85 conservatively when i went to sleep. WITHIN AN HOUR THEY WILL LIKELY HIT 90, but I’ll be back to sleep because there’s three hours and change until the next med pass. I never say 100. 95 is as certain as i get.

Mak has woken up, and everything she’s told Chelsie tonight has been fact.
She realizes she’s thrown her game away for a pair that are in the process of screwing her over. She is on the verge of realizing Chelsie has played her for weeks.
She is right when she says Cam is screwing her over.
She is planning to wear her finale clothes for the eviction because she knows she’s in shit now and being evicted next.
Chelsie’s answer: win the veto next week. Stop saying we’re going to screw you over.

Next week: with Kimo. Cam’s game is safest. Makensy is most endangered.
Next week with Rubina. Cam in most endangered.

Personal Opinion: IT IS STILL EASIER TO BEAT RUBINA THAN KIMO IN COMPS. ALL COMPS. Kimo beat Cam in bbcomics. Kimo has beat CAM IN EVERY BOOTH COMP.
SO… Cam wants to keep the male because Cam doesn’t want to be last man with 3 women.
EVEN KNOWING WHAT SHE KNOWS…. Chelsie LIKELY sides with Cam for the 5th time in a row. He calls the shots, she calls herself the mastermind.
Personal Opinion 2: Mak is STILL the most beatable for EVERY other houseguest. She has NOBODY singing her praises in JURY. Chelsie, Rubina and Kimo have advocacy. Cam? At least Quinn and Leah knew his game. T’kor even because bias.
DUMBEST MOVE FOR EVERY FINAL 4 is cut Makensy. Just saying.


The d/r count is the only thing that has kept me thinking IF KIMO IS SAVED as a possible move. He’s 130’s. Rubina is 90’s. But that’s not necessarily true if they are going for the drama of losing someone that has d/r connection like Vic or Cirie. Hmmm.


Brainiac's Daughter

“BB25 final 5 d/r count at as of Cirie’s eviction: JAG 239, Matt 145, Bowie 80, Felicia 205, Cirie 239.”

—I’m so impressed! But how do you get the numbers of the DR sessions? Are they listed somewhere? Thank you!

Every season I say, I can’t watch these stooopid people. Production manipulation gets worse and worse! And yet every season I watch and I’m back here again!

un autre nom

There is someone on twitter that tracks them, and I try to keep track while i review episodes and compare my findings with the twitter source.
I have a very weird habit of watching production do what it does.
This means monitoring dr calls and changes in game. This means watching dr inclusion in episodes to see who or what arc production is pushing as canon in their fictionalized retell of feeds.
I had to go back and search through my season 25 and bbcan12 research to find final 5 dr count. I tried to get 24, but that was previous laptop and i didn’t bother to save that info when i did my final badckup.

Brainiac's Daughter

I really appreciate when you point out the prodo narrative versus what really happens on the feeds. Your insight is very spot on and valuable, thank you!


Its like Chelsie grew up watching ‘thats so Raven’ everyday, so thats how she conversates with people.

Omega BB

i’ve been saying she reminds me of a former child actor from disney or nick

Team Taylor


I’m not sure it’s wise to keep Kimo over Rubina simply because the final Veto comp always focuses on what day certain events happened in the house. Kimo would be better at this than Rubina.

If Rubina is evicted, this will be the first strategic move led by Cam, but she may be the only person he could beat in Final 2.

I guess we’ll see how HOH and Veto pan out soon.

un autre nom

Cam has been the decider for the last 5 votes. Once he makes his decision, Chelsie falls in line.
Realistically, as far a a woman that women can root for: Chelsie has never been the one.
This could become a problem for a predominantly female jury that Chelsie swore she wanted final 3 women and final 2 with. Think about it, she said it to T’kor, to Leah, To Angela, To Rubina, To Mak. NOW? You truly think Leah hasn’t told T’kor that Chelsie was the FIRST person to push a T’kor nom?
I think IF the women ever say ‘so the women finale was a lie and now you want a vote based on female solidarity?’ and that will sink the ratchet hypocrisy of Chelsie’s house of cards. Same token, if she goes with Mak she has to answer to the POC members of jury she adamantly told she wanted a POC finale. She’s made promise after promise to people based on gender and race that she breaks with at least 3 and up to 5 jurors…. and expects to win by saying ‘you were stupid enough to believe me.’ Since her entire game is social manipulation…. SHE WILL HAVE TO ADMIT TO LYING to 1/2 the jury either way…. and did this jury not seem to have a moralistic view of playing the game with integrity? Not their own games but the hypocritical view that EVERYONE else had to play with honor and integrity (something CHELSIE pushed to everyone).
IF THE JURY NOTES that Chelsie did what Cam wanted every week… if the jury notes that The WOMAN thing or the POC thing was opportunistic bullshit….
Just questions not agenda on my end, to attempt to keep things interesting and not boring.

Brainiac's Daughter

I like this! I wonder if the T’Kor cult either in the jury house or left in the BB house can get enough perspective to see that Chelsie has been manipulative, lying, and being directed by Cam? Her power moves ultimately rely on a man (Cam, Mr. Bump on a log) to give the final nod? Semper femina, really Chels?

Gan ainm

Given the lack of critical thinking exhibited by these jury members, I think Chelsie should be fine.

moaning murtle

I’m not rooting for any one in the final 5 but I am rooting for good BB TV ( gameplay, entertaining, etc..) I wonder though, am I being overly generous about Cam’s ability to manipulate Chelsie? Is Cam alert to just how much Cheslie manuipates MJ? Is Cam this season’s Steve while Cheslie is this season Vanessa? We have to wait and see..

Meanwhile… MJ is getting played once again oh mylanta… In response to Cheslie and Cam’s reeling MJ in about the pros and cons of keeping Kimo, MJ did her often repeated line: “I’m aware” ( side eye we know she’s not) as she gets lost looking at herself in the mirror. Is MJ slowly beginning to wake up as she seemed genuinely pissed that Cam and Cheslie MIGHT vote to keep Kimo. MJ knows her game is toast and a few days ago she told Cheslie she would understand if Chelsie had to cut her. Except for wanting T’Kor out NO ONE has done anything MJ wanted to do, yet girlfriend still doesn’t have a clue. I have no empathy for MJ. Although it is too late,I bet having Leah in the game looks pretty good to MJ right about now.

un autre nom

Chelsie finds out Cam and Kimo are a final 2. Cam tells her Kimo would take him final 2.
The two discuss the eviction plan.
Cam caves twice to get rid of Kimo.
Chelsie, who was pushing to get rid of Kimo…. changes course to get rid of Rubina.
Her reason: to weaken Mak’s game.
So…. considering Cam wants Mak out next, and he is sort of hem hawing at Chelsie when she says final 3 with Cam and Mak….
why would weakening Mak’s game be important?
Reality imo:
Chelsie is trying to show SHE has the control and power here…. while doing what Cam wants as of the time she goes to sleep.
She tells Cam she is undecided as of bedtime for Chelsie.

Cam has already told Kimo how hard he is fighting for him, and if he stays it is due to Cam.
If e goes…. it’s the women’s fault to at least ensure Kimo’s jury vote if not getting a final 2 deal if he stays.

Rubina spoke to Chelsie asking if they needed to talk or if the plan was still the plan. Chelsie told her the plan is the plan. AFTER THAT, Chelsie told Mak and Cam that Rubina hasn’t even talked to her.
Kimo still says he has to talk to Mak to try to get the split vote save… but he doesn’t want to. (this encapsulates not only Kimo’s game, but his game long relationship with Mak).

I’ll try to get back tonight before the 2 hour episode…. but life is kicking my ass right now.

Moaning murtle

Dear Un Autre Nom,
Thank you for all your posts. I don’t think I am wrong to say that we have been enlightened, entertained, and engaged by your posts. I hope that brings you some comfort, hope, and maybe a little joy. We don’t have to know you to keep you and your stressful situation in our thoughts and prayers. Watching BB may be a guilty pleasure for most of us, but in reality we know what really counts in life and helping out our fellow man when and if we can in whatever way we are able is one of them. Endure. Darkness doesn’t last always.

Brainiac's Daughter

Thoughts and prayers with you in your RL. Blessings.


Life is about to get very boring at work without your posts when this ends. What will I do? Thank you for the time you have put into this. I

Gan ainm

In terms of Cam’s supposed game, are we in bizzarro world? Why would he ever want to go to the end with anyone but Mak? Does he not know that is his best and possibly only shot at winning?


Un Autre Nom,
You need to take care of yourself as well. We do not want to lose your wonderful insight and humor.

like Dlrock, not sure what I will do when I can’t read Dog and Simon recaps and your and other posters opinions and comments.

take care of family and hoping for full recovery of your family members.


Take Care of yourself Another Name. Building the shrine for you.

un autre nom

Canadian episode viewers:
THERE IS A POSSIBILITY THAT GLOBAL WILL NOT BEGIN THE PROGRAM UNTIL 9pm TONIGHT. IF that is the case… switch to cbs affiliate in your area at 8pm.
Either that…. or the schedule has not been updated for this week in the guide.