Makensy – “I’m not Going to use it, I don’t think that it’s wise”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Makensy
Nominees: Kimo and Rubina
POV Players: Everyone
POV Winner: Makensy
Veto Ceremony: Veto was not used.
Havenots: No havenots

Spoilage – Veto won’t be used. Kimo the target

9:30 am Houseguests getting ready for the day.

10:00 am – 10:45 am Cam and Kimo Chit chat

10:27 am Chelsie and Makensy
Bathroom Chit chat.. they head up to the HOH

Chelsie – How do you feel about Rubina last night?
MJ – that’s what I wanted to talk to you about, one I’m not Going to use it. I don’t think that it’s wise. I do feel confident that she wants that.
C – I do think not that I don’t think, I don’t know. We will only know she gonna stay true till next week.
MJ – that’s the thing. Any three of them we won’t know until next week.
C – I don’t know what the FREAK Cam would do if he won next week or if he won everything. I do 90% believe he will take us to the final 3.
MJ – I do to and I think she will to The only person that won’t will be Kimo. That’s why I want him out.
C – He hasn’t talked to you has he?
MJ – nope.
C – he knows. That’s why I think Keeping Cam is smart and we have a better chance me and HIm have a better chance at winning against Rubina. Do you think it will be physical?
MJ – I dunno
C – I don’t think it’s going to be
MJ – I’ll be honest I’m really upset right now. Cause I kinda ruined it.. it doesn’t taste right.. Dammit..
C – I do think both of them will take us to three
MJ – I AGREE my question is who do you trust more?
C – Honestly..
MJ – Rubina
C – to be honest they are both BAD (At comps)
MJ – Cam will switch it on in the physical comp
C – that will be determined this next HOH which one I trust more.
Chelsie now says she fears Rubina might take Cam if she wins HOH..
MJ – She will put up Cam and one of us then it’ll come down to the Veto. Whoever wins Veto will decide.
Makensy trust that Rubina will be worse at competition in the final three than Cam.
They agree next week one of them has to win Veto.

10:45 am Feeds go to Pound

12:45 pm Feeds return
Makensy did not use the Power of Veto. The nominations stay the same.

1:38 pm Makensy, Chelsie and Cam
Talking about past events this season.
MJ – I think America LOVES Quinn
Chelsie – I think America loves Quinn more than Tucker.
Cam – I think so too.. Quinn played…
MJ – A hard game
Chelsie says Quinn was “Kind” and Tucker was “Mean”
MJ – he was mean.. as a player
Chelsie – As a player yes
MJ – Very egotistical..

They go on about Tucker…

Out in the Backyard Rubina and Kimo are wondering if the final three cam, Chelsie and MJ formed during Janke.

2:11 pm Backyard chit chat
MJ – Sometimes I think it’s fun to flirt and gfive a look at a attractive man
Rubina – I do the DOUGH eyes if I need to..
MJ – I am tall so I have to be intimidating

Not much happening today….

5:55 pm Kimo’s snack

6:40 pm Chelsie going over days.. . Cam is using the grill.

7:53pm Backyard – The house guests having a BBQ chicken / rice dinner.

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More Whine, please

Tkor in jury house now, mumbling to herself that she is going to tell Quinn that Leah doesn’t really like him. While Quinn and Leah spend lots of time alone together.

Kimo arriving and Tkor telling him they need to tell Quinn about Leah.

Tucker For AFP

RIP streak

Team MJ

Prodo will have something to say about that, just ask Lea lol


Can we vote Makensy one of BB’s dumbest players? She is Chelsea’s puppet.

Not sure

One thousand times yes. Stupidest player ever.


eh, foute, everyone who played with derrick, and everyone who played with dan gheesling (minus ian) still exist.


Your right on with that Danielle was the worst player she did everything Dan wanted her to do

Moaning murtle

You are not surprised are you? Chelsie has been the manipulating MJ for awhile. She convinced MJ to use the veto on Leah and it wasn’t that hard to do she just made sure no one else could get to MJ. Sigh, MJ has no game sense. MJ is also aware that Chelsie will choose Cam over Rubina and takeR to the F3. Chelsie can ( anyone can) beat Rubina in comps. She’s played an impressive game though her personality, lying while at the same time Bible thumping often make her unpleasant to watch.She the winner and MJ has made that possible.

Team Taylor

No way! There are much more deserving worse players like BB4 Nathan, BB9 Jacob, BB16 Joey, BB18 Jozea, BB20 Fessy, BB22 David, BB23 Frenchie, and BB24 Daniel.

Boomer Vibes

I had high hopes for her beginning of season but outside of comps, she’s been a real disappointment.

Omega BB

“I’m not Going to use it, I don’t think that it’s wise,” says the person who put up LEAH & targeted ANGELA because they wanted Chelsie out, the only one who can guarantee beat her in F2.


To Makensey’s defense, I don’t know of a winning player of the game who both won the HOH and Veto in the same week and used their Veto to replace one of their own nominations.


i feel like there are backdoor situations someone’s done this, unlikely this late though.


I think Danielle nominated Dan and Ian then used the veto to save Dan and put up Shane.


Yes but Danielle lost the game

Team MJ

History has taught us(especially this season) that it’s prodo choice on veto use not the veto holder

un autre nom

Some people have been unhappy that i called Mak a blindfolded Giraffe.
looks to left, looks to right, looks at her game.
I mean…. really.
Veto was not used btw. Kimo or Rubina will be evicted.

Hate is Evil

It’s annoying. Why do you refer to her as “giraffe” yet don’t refer to Rubina as “midget”?

Gan ainm

A giraffe is an animal, midget is an offensive term.


Ok…a Koala then!

un autre nom

Imagine bb a group of cartoon animals. Predators and Prey.
I imagined Rubina to be a chickenhawk from the old looneytunes cartoons.
occassional bluster but inactive.
I imagined Mak to be giraffe. gangly and an oddity in a house of predators.
The fact of the matter is I never considered Mak a predator in big brother.
THAT is why she’s a giraffe.

Team Taylor

This may actually be her best move going forward. Kimo is not only the most likable player left, he has a good resume to make a case for himself:

– One A.I. Comp win
– One Veto win on DE night
– Final Speech convinced MJ and Chelsie to evict Joseph instead
– Ringleader of Cedric’s eviction (not T’kor who was still unsure the day of).

un autre nom

her best move is to make Chelsie show her cards.
we all know this. She’d never DO it, but it would be her best move.
That means renomming Cam, and if the vote is tied keep Cam.
Even Mak had awareness yesterday that everyone would evict her next anyway if she doesn’t win veto. She knows Cam does not take HER to finals. nothing lost there.
But Chelsie will have to drop the “I’ll make the hard decision” crap or she’s lost her other option.


Makensy messed up she wants that final 2 but it’s going to be her and Rubina put up next week. Makensy goes home to give cam and Chelsie a better chance at final 2. Dumb moves by MJ. Chelsie is manipulative.


I’m not so sure. Is rubina targeting makensy? And more importantly should rubina target makensy? I don’t see a path to victory for rubina after this week so she’s basically playing for second and I think she’s way better off splitting up cam and Chelsie than taking out makensy (doubt she realizes this though)


MJ was considered Chelsie as an equal. Chelsie only considered MJ as not part of her group. BB has become something I no longer want to witness after being a fan since its inception. It’s so sad for humanity.


What has Cam done in the game besides nothing!

Team Taylor

He won Veto and took himself off the block, ultimately leading to Tucker’s eviction.

Chelsies Socks

Makensy beating Tucker in the arena is what caused tucker to leave.


Big deal. So he used one veto to keep himself in instead of using strategy. He has not played any game. The only two who deserve to win are Chelsie and Makensy.


Big Brother is a lot more fun to watch when the contestants are not playing well. The AI Arena and competent casting really saved Big Brother this season by making the houseguests really put value in the PoV. Nothing is ever set in stone with this cast.

Hate is Evil

Game has been set from the beginning for Chelsea and her “causes”. Mak is just acting the idiot since a long D/R

Team Taylor

First time Veto isn’t used — it feels strange.

But I’m happy Chelsie is in Final 4. Now to send off Kimo and then I’m not sure who should go next.


Chelsie should go next

Team MJ(even if she is brainwashed)

Welp, she had the chance to make arguably the biggest move in the game(which would get her alll the jury votes) but she is now 100% handed Chelsie the win lol


she’s white. she never gets t’kor’s vote. pretty hard to come up with scenarios where she gets kimo’s vote either, and no way does chelsie or cam give her a vote if she pulls this move either. she does this, she needs a final two of herself and cam and pray she gets rubina’s vote. it’s not actually a great move.

un autre nom

Kimo, who didn’t feel the agency to have a one on one about veto use with the veto holder…
is now dismayed by the veto not being used.
Let that sink in. frikkin Godot.
Rubina is covering that she bused Kimo.
She is saying how long have they had a final 3?

ANYone that isn’t somewhat…. questioning the nearly 2 hour outage on a week where the veto wasn’t used for a veto ceremony feed cut….. I’ve got tinfoil hats about that.
Considering what we come back to.

Chelsies Socks

What is a godot? Do you believe production told her to not use it?

un autre nom

I believe they did the d/r for ceremony reactions and the leading questions have put ideas in Rubina’s head.
As far as using veto… yesterday before her 3.5 hour d/r she was looking at Cam like a corpse and rolling her eyes at his camscuses. after her 3.5 hour d/r she is not using veto. It’s suspicious.

Godot is my season long nickname for the trio of T’kor Kimo and Rubina from the play waiting for Godot. talk talk talk no action is the focus of the nickname.


i know everyone thinks it’s dumb to not use veto and keep chelsie in the game, but i don’t think you wanna risk chelsie as a bitter juror and if kimo lasts longer than her she will be. ultimately kimo/makensy is actually a pretty bad final 2 for makensy. rubina and t’kor both obviously vote kimo while cam and chelsie will be bitter af and possibly vote kimo as well. i actually think from a jury management perspective dumping kimo now is a pretty decent move for makensy’s game.

Omega BB

So you would play like MJ despite knowing all?

If MJ is cool with 2nd place or potentially getting 4th or 3rd then keeping Chelsie is not dumb.


yes. she pretty much has to win veto next week anyway regardless and veto holder has all the power. make the move then. all she has to do is not eliminate rubina in 4th and she’s in a good position. heck, if she goes into final three with cam/rubina/herself she potentially doesn’t even need to win final hoh to make final 2 as you can argue to cam that taking rubina makes him look disloyal and doesn’t win or to rubina that chelsie will whip up the jury to be pro-cam and makensy is the safer take (these pitches are bullshit and i doubt makensy makes them but cam/rubina might buy them).

More Whine, please

I forced myself to watch the episode last night because as a super fan I want to know the full season for fund of knowledge of useless category. Also in case there was anything revealed in DR about game intent. Like Ch saying she wants F2 with MK. But she probably doesn’t even really mean that.

I was streaming a movie that I’d pause to listen to the show on my phone from time to time.

I don’t know if I can bear another episode except eviction night and any jury segments. And finale.

I’m dipping tomorrow night.


This is the worst group of players ever. Makensy is dumber than a door knob. Chelsie is not worthy to win the title, and Cam biggest dumb floater of all season.


Agree, I’ve never seen so many lame players make it this far..Cam, Rubina and Kimo are floaters..Makensy wins comps but she has zero strategy..Chelsie would never do this well with a group of good players


somebody didn’t watch bb15

Team Taylor

Nah – remember the gameplay from the BB15 cast? Everyone was so focused on making the next big move that they left the floaters in charge of the end game.


Wrong. That season had good gameplay. The only actual floater was Andy. Even GinaMarie played a good strategic game in terms of alliances.

The Beef

Andy actually played a GREAT rat-float game in BB15, and DESERVED to win that season! He performed a clinic as to how that’s done, and while I don’t like that kind of play, if you’re going to do it, he damn sure showed us how.

What we have left this season are 3 coasters, 1 competitor, and 1 strategist who is also a fairly well rounded game player (comps, strategy and socially). That’s 1 good player out of 5, with the other 4 being weaker than water.

I’m not sure it’s the weakest group ever, but they damn sure deserve to be in the discussion, and yes, I believe season 15 WAS a better group than this one is game wise (not talking about the racist stuff with Aaryn and GinaMarie – just game).


I wish MJ would use the veto on R and put up Chelsea she’s a snake in disguise!

Gan ainm

I have no comment. What’s the point. I surrender. Goodbye world.

Greyson Stoehr

GENERAL QUESTION about GrodProd: We know Production often forces players to make decisions (nominations, Vetos, etc.) against their wills in furtherance of the storyline Prod wants to tell. Ignoring the Muppets playing THIS game, does anyone know specifically HOW Production forces these issues? I would think that any vaguely-cognizant player, when told by Production to do the exact OPPOSITE of what they want, I would think those players would argue “That move’s not good for MY game…” or “Why are you plotting to make ME lose this game?” or even, “WHY are you helping ‘X’ win this?”


they coach questions a specific way to influence them. some players actively don’t do what production wants because it’s bad for their game (see derrick and how he voted out donnie for a good example of a player going against prod’s wishes).

Gan ainm

The most important alliance a player can make is with producers and handlers behind the camera.

The Beef

You can go against production wishes, but may very well find yourself on the losing end of a production propaganda campaign with ALL the other players against YOU, and find that you are the new house target for eviction the very next week. How? The edit will show what a dastardly person you are by going against the “house” wishes, and “selfishly” or “greedily” doing what only you wanted to do, thus turning the entire house against you.

You don’t think all those d/r’s they “read” are their own words do you? They’re not. Case in point – the whole Kimo’s speech changed both Chelsie’s and Maks minds at the last second to vote Joseph out instead of Kimo – we all know that’s complete horse hockey and that they had BOTH solidly determined to vote Joseph out the previous Sunday, but that didn’t keep production from inserting their little feel good BS d/r’s, and completely lying to the public that it was Kimo’s speech that changed their minds on Thursday night. Your guess is as good as mine as to why they felt the need to do that, but it does show they don’t give a damn about showing the TRUTH, but instead have their own agenda and STORY they want to tell, and by gosh they’re going to tell it, no matter if it’s true or not.

As a player, if they asked me to read that crap, I’d say “But that’s not true! I knew 4 days ago I was voting Joseph out! You’re asking me to lie on national TV!” but if you do that, you’re going against production, and not being a good little soldier, so they do it. It’s the story production wanted to tell, so they told it, even though it’s a lie.

That’s the problem some of us have with Big Brother. We think they should just let the players play the game, and production should just report what happens, but no, we get golden edits, villain edits, sanitized edits, strategic genius edits, winner edits, and I guess in the above example sympathetic gay edits. I just don’t see why they had to do that, given he was staying anyway.

un autre nom

examples that I always site:
after HOH comp in season 18 (the season grod went on a press junket and called the season of women), Every HOH was called into the d/r and told not to nominate or target Nicole F.
How we know? Every HOH came out and said Mom and Dad (that season’s name for production in d/r) told me not to nominate Nicole, but keep her safe and try to work with her.
There was a night where a few players had a big yelling whine about it in the HOH room.
during extended outages after comps before feeds returned there would be Storyline meetings. We first heard about this week 2 when the houseguests talked about buddy system watching out for each other and covering each other for any offensive or racist language that could be used. We further learned that Jackhole (the eventual winner) would pull tirades in d/r during and after individual time comps (there were many) if he did not win the comp until the times were changed and he was announced winner. (the veto comp with the jetski, the final 4 veto comp being the most obvious examples) THIS was also talked about on feeds.
WHILE a houseguest CAN refuse to follow the “suggestions”, that usually bodes poorly for the houseguest. This season, Quinn initially said on the Thursday night “Angela is NOT my target, we all know she’ll stay, what’s the point, she’s just a pawn” then Friday named her his target AFTER NOM CEREMONY. Then he attempted to get LEAH to NOT use veto AFTER she told him Production wanted her to USE veto on Angela. Quinn convinced her, but after a 2 hour d/r call before veto ceremony where her cheeks were very red (got yelled at red)… she saved Angela. Quinn? evicted a week later. Not difficult to connect the dots in THAT dotted line of cause and effect.