Chelsie – “Makensy is considering using the veto on Rubina and getting Cam out this week.”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Makensy
Nominees: Kimo and Rubina
POV Players: Everyone
POV Winner: Makensy
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: ?

10:30 pm Chelsie cringe show in the storage room
Chelsie – me and Makensy were choppy it up and she’s pissed.. here’s my observation fully. this is a lot coming from me who has been working with him. here’s my observation, take it or leave it.
C – the observation is he’s been throwing comps and his goal is to make it to the end and say it was his goal to be carried to the end it was his strategy to develop relationships and have a social game where he can be carried to the end.
C – I never forgot zingbot.. zingbot said things that eluded that he has made no contribution

Rubina jumps in and scares her. After she leaves Chelsie goes back to “her show”
Chelsie – Let me paint the picture. I Don’t know the time but it took cam more than 30 minutes to finish this competition. Let me give you some context. It took Makensy 13 minutes and me around 16 minutes. So something is off.. do I look like BOO BOO the FOO you know.. I mean a little bit right now.. But overall do I look like a fool to you?

Chelsie – I’m going to talk to Makensy tonight this is the tea.. if some of y’all can’t hold water I’m going to need you to log off so hold water. HOLD the Freaking water.

Chelsie – Makensy is considering using the veto on Rubina and getting Cam out this week. Now I have to really think through that with the end in mind I don’t know if that is the wisest thing right now. But if his strategy is to throw everything because he is perceived as the D1 athlete and he didn’t
want to be a threat and he’s throwing everything then kudos to him because he’s played a terrible game this far when it comes to competitions but he’s accomplishing his goal of not being perceived as a threat.
Chelsie – Anyways.. She’s considering to use the veto if you know anything about makensy she is ruthless in this game. She will do whatever she feels in the moment. It might Bite her in the a$$ in a couple weeks but right now she’s just POP POP POP dropping them like flies. so anyways.. yeah I don’t know and the crazy thing is before the comp he’s like… (She waves her hands around) Doing all this extra you let Kimo beat you!
Chelsie – something is fishy in the water that’s all I’m saying that;s my observation. My Prediction is that honestly she might use the veto take Rubina off and put Cam on the block.
Chelsie – Ohh WEE you know how Julie says expect the unexpected I hope all season we’ve been giving you that the unexpected. I am upset with myself I should have wont that competition I came in second because of a stupid mistake and Umm I am pissed. However I am going to look at the glass half full and if in the even I make it to the very end and it’s Makensy and someone else there is a chance they will take me over her because she’s won so many competitions. I’m trying to think of it’s half full unless Makensy give me the boot which I don’t know and I don’t believe is going to happen.

Chelsie – there is a lot going on.. A lot of fishiness.. you know what I’m saying. You best believe if there is one thing you you’ll have noticed about Makensy and my game this season is that we’ll make freaking moves to get to the bottom of something here.. She will make moves when she has power and I will make moves based on the power of my words. Don’t get it twisted don’t think that I won’t… you know plant some seeds and get makensy to look at some different options. That’s all I am going to say.. take it or leave it.

Cam joins her. She starts calling him out for throwing competitions. He says he didn’t he just doesn’t do well.
Cam – she’s putting me up as a renom
Chelsie – she considered it. She said she was going to talk to Rubina.

Chelsie adds that Makensy things that he’s going to drop them and get close to Rubina.
Cam – why would I do that?
Chelsie – I was going to talk to her tonight but everybody is in the room.
Cam – that’s so dumb. Why would I do that.
Chelsie doesn’t think makensy will put Cam up “But she’s eluding to it”
Cam – if she does that she’s going to lose her game.
Chelsie – yeah because if it’s me, Kimo and Rubina…. unless she wins Veto and then wins all the other comps..
Chelsie goes on about how livid they were about Cam doing BBComics in 30 minutes. “There was no way that Kimo who gets tired from walking down stairs beat you in this competition”
Chelsie – you are the athlete this season and you lost to Kimo?
Cam – I lost.. My Back hurt… I swear my Back hurt.
Chelsie laugh.. “How old are you”
Cam – I’m 25 but I’ve had a lot of injuries
Chelsie laughs at him. “I’m going to talk to her tonight and say that’s no wise to do that. You will keep her safe over Kimo and Rubina”
Chelsie – She is upset because she didn’t want to win another Veto.
Cam – I’m confused.. she should be mad at you to for not winning it.
Chelsie – I was close..
Cam – why she win?
Chelsie – well I’m glad she did
Cam – Listen relax
Chelsie – I’m not trippin for me I’m trippin for you.
Chelsie – her fear is you are actually going to try this week.
They laugh
Cam – I really was that bad I swear to god I swear on everything.

11:00 pm Cam heads to bed early
2:00 am Makensy Zzzzzz

10:32 pm – 2:30 am Kimo and Rubina Chit Chat Marathon.
Kimo – have you noticed I try to listen to people
Rubina – You do
Kimo talks about moving to New York and the theatre scene.
Astrology.. Kimo “Tucker is also a air signs.. Libras are infamous for wanting balance”
Rubina says her main people she met this year are Kimo, Tucker and T’kor “You are my MAINS … we’re going on trips together”
Rubina says she wishes someone had recorded all the live feeds.

Yadda Yadda Yadda …

3:00 am Kimo and Rubina
Kimo – why did T’kor get put up.. she had the least amount of.. her resume wasn’t very good. She had a HOH (And she took her alliance member out)
Kimo – I know people were using the reason of them putting them up.
Kimo – Genuinely I think I was the target and Angela used it on me then suddenly I wasn’t the target so they had to put someone else who was considered a dangerous player and I guess T was considered a dangerous player.
Kimo – Leah said that.. T’kor is one of the best if not the best social gamer which I wouldn’t argue with
Rubina – I wouldn’t either.
Kimo – Chelsie is probably the most dangerous player in this game. She’s so good. SHe can win comps, She has a fantastic social game and she’s incredibly strategic. If she’s against MJ, Chelsie’s winning.
Kimo – Chelsie has people in Jury that will probably vote for her.
Rubina – 100%

Rubina says Ideally they get Chelsie on the block but if they can’t get her than Cam.
Kimo – Are you going to talk to her in the morning?
Rubina – I think it’ll be fair that the people in the block talk to her first So I would like to go first
Kimo – I will go after, Chelsie feels comfortable she might go last. That might be her strategy to get the last word in.
Kimo – I can always go last..
Rubina – I will go first you go last.
Kimo – at that point she might have new information she can ask me things.
Kimo is worried that Makensy and Chelsie are already on the path to get Cam out.
Rubina – Kinda seems that way. That’s the vibe I am getting.
Kimo – do you thinks Chelsie will also get Cam out?
Rubina – at this point I think so

4:00 am Kimo and Rubina still chatting
Kimo – I can’t wait to have coffee in the morning (LOL dud go to bed)
Kimo says all Cam needs to do is win the next HOH and he sails to the end.
They start talking about Jury votes.
Rubina doesn’t want to guess asks him who his jury votes are.
Kimo – T’kor, Rubina, Angela
Kimo thinks Quinn and Leah’s vote will be dependent on who he is next to.
Kimo says second place you still walk away with 100K. Explains they make 14K from Stipend plus 75K for second place.
They talk about only taking home 400K after taxes.
(These two will have the money spent before the show is over)
Kimo wants to go back and finish his Master degree.
Rubina wants to go back to school, “Maybe I’ll vlog that”
Kimo thinks there are a lot of people that are “non traditional” that go back to school. None traditaionl meaning older.
Rubina mentions that T’kor doesn’t want to go to the wrap party. “That will make me sad”

4:30 am Rubina and Kimo finally go to bed.
7:20 am zzzzz

10:30 am houseguests getting up for the day.

10:41 am Makensy and Chelsie
MJ – I’m tired and I went to bed so early..
They laugh at Chelsie making a Monte cristo last night.
Chelsie – Kimo’s like 80 and he didn’t know what a Monte Cristo is.. That’s weird.
MJ – Maybe it’s a hawaii thing
Chelsie – UMMM NO Rubina didn’t know what it was neither did Cam. So I had to explain and unfortunately you got woken up in the process

11:05 am Cam and Makensy
Cam is trying to convince her that he’s not throwing competitions. He lists off the comps he got 2nd or 3rd in says he does better when he can see the competitors. Not individual timed comps.

11:30 am Backyard is open.

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Game fan

Not even 5 min to make a plan for cam or chelsea to go? Lol. At least do those long convos with mj .

un autre nom

I decided to turn in as soon as they started talking about how people have been treating Rubina poorly and they need therapy.
Honestly, I think Rubina is over-internalizing.
Ie: did she say anything to Lisa or Leah about talking over her? Even when Leah asked?
Mak giving her a nickname made her feel small? Once she told Mak she didn’t like nicknames there was an apology and it stopped. How is that….

Naaah. The fact that she’s felt the need to keep her mouth shut and show less of her personality is on her, not on others.

From what I remember bb does offer post season therapy. I hope she takes them up on it.

Team MJ

This is Chelsie’s absurd push for AFP talkin to the feeders. Pretty sure I can remember in the past houseguests getting b*tch slapped by prodo for that. “Stop that” is seeded into my brain from previous years feeds.


Chelsie ain’t winning afp. Tucker’s a shoo-in. Makensy probably second not sure about third

Another Dixie

Is nothing else going on that the cameras stay on her for that? Apparently, production approves, or they’d switch. I’m glad I don’t have feeds this year. I’d just turn her off anyway. I didn’t even read 1/10 of what she said.

Team Angela

MJ would really be ridiculous if he doesn’t vote out Chelsie this time. Chelsie is just like Kim from Survivor Season 24; no one can seem to vote her out. It’s impressive!


At this point Makena should take out biggest comp threats. Cam’s not a bad call. Physically Makensy is stronger than all of them but cam and with Angela gone no one left if a huge mental threat. Chelsie maybe’s been sandbagging the mental stuff but hasn’t really shown she’s a threat. Rubina’s been awful in every comp, and Kimo’s been even worse

Team Taylor

If Makensy decides to evict Cam, that’s on her. I’m not opposed to it, but next week ultimately comes down to who wins the last Veto comp.

It will be some form of “What day did this event occur in the house?”

I believe MJ and Chelsie can beat Rubina, but can they beat Kimo? He may do very well with that comp.

Team Angela

You’re so transparent. I can feel that you don’t want Cam to be voted out in the last line of your comment!

Backseat Driver

Of course she doesn’t want Cam out……Chelsie has been planning on taking him to final 2.
She knows no one would vote him to win!


Kimo or Rubina winning this game would be such a travesty. I know y’all hate Chelsie, don’t respect Mak and forget Cam exists but still any of those 3 are 1000 times better than Kimo or Rubina winning

More Whine, please

Kimo’s done way more than Cam. He orchestrated the flip against Cedric, which completely restructured the house. He’s also survived the block several times, sometimes as main target. He got himself off the block twice.

It could be argued that even Rubina is a more deserving winner than Cam. She saved herself in the AI comp, reintegrated into the house after Tucker was evicted and found her alliance home with Tkor and Kimo. She was able to move up above Kimo in Tkor’s hierarchy. She was trusted by Leah to not relay info to Chelsie.

Mak has been a clueless puppet and only remained in the game bc at first, her comps were saving her, and then Chelsie found her valuable both as shield and easily manipulated ally once Bklyn was gone.

I will grant that Chelsie is somewhat more deserving of win than Kimo and Rubina, but those two have enough win equity for me to prefer they win over someone as insufferable as Chelsie.

Especially as Chelsie has made plenty of mistakes in the game, including being so cocky as to completely not snuff out the Cedric blindside. She’s not an outstanding player, she had circumstances, selfless HGs and some luck on her side.


I feel Chelsie had a relatively easy ride pre-jury. The decision not to nominate mascots was beyond stupid and gave her and Cedric a huge cushion. Cedric then squandered it with a horrendous hoh (your job is to keep as many houseguests safe and you nominate makensy knowing how her power works?), but Chelsie skated through losing some allies but without much heat on herself. Since tucker left she’s been well positioned and playing the best social game. I just wish her game was more multi-faceted

Makensy’s game is kinda the opposite of Chelsie’s. Socially she’s been pretty weak but she’s racking up the comp wins and it’s impressive to make a deep run doing that. Do think she could do more building alliances though

Cam and kimo’s game are awful. Cam’s just riding Chelsie’s coattails and kimo did the same with t’kor. Both would be awful winners

Rubina I give a bit more credit. I still don’t think she’s done much herself and pre-jury she was just riding tucker’s coattails but post jury I do feel she did work to get in with t’Kor and I give her more credit for that than cam and kimo who got dragged along rather than making moves themselves

Overall Chelsie and mak are decent winners to me. Rubina’s meh. Cam and kimo would be bad

Don't Shoot the Messenger

Chelsie is definitely insufferable!

moaning murtle

Chelsie is doing her Chelsie thing. She is setting Cam and MJ up so they will be against each other. ThIs way when it’s time to choose, either one will choose her. Chelsie’s ” M O for eviction has always been personal or personally motivated. She picks person, plants a seed for eviction, pulls back and gets others to do it, then comes around and agrees with others when they tell her ____( insert name) gotta go. In the meantime she remains friendly with latest target. She did it with Quinn and the Joseph eviction, and remember she even had Leah apologizing to HER when MJ put the two of them together to hash it out when MJ couldn’t and didn’t know how to answer Leah’s question to MJ about why MJ picked her ( L) to be otb. Watch Chelsie work. We shall see if Rubina and Kimo( who said they would talk to MJ again today) will be able to persuade MJ to see that Chelsie is playing her. Given all we know about K and R vs Chelsie’s manipulation skills, whom do you think has a better chance of controlling MJ? What Chelsie wants Chelsie knows how to get. She didn’t set this endgame up for nothing.

More Whine, please

Leah apologized bc she knew she was stuck without any power, and hoped to have Chelsie see her as less of a threat than Angela at that point so as to gain her vote. She went out of the house knowing that MJ had been played by Chelsie.

Quinn told Julie that Chelsie is a major threat in the game. He had no social capital left to work against her once he had HOH, so he attempted to join her temporarily instead of trying to beat her just yet.

Joe also was not misted by Chelsie at all.

Chelsie has two puppet allies at this point, so kudos to her for that.

But she did not impact on all these other HGs in that way.

Kimo and Rubina are clearly wanting her otb as renom. Of course they have no power over MJ, who took it upon herself to latch onto Chelsie since week 2.

moaning murtle

So disappointed but not surprised to hear K and R talk ( endlessly) about how many followers they might have after they get out. Rubina( I know she’s done a billboard ad) always seems to be making a reference to getting some type of product endorsement and I don’t think she is kidding. IMO the only nuggets that came from last night marathon: •Kimo said, with confidence,in jury everyone would vote for Chelsie.
• Rubina said she was sorry she ever said she was a shield for T’kor, though she didn’t regret being one. •They also talked about the effects the death K’s dad and R’s mom had on each of them respectively. K and R are poor players against Chelsie and MJ and odds of either winning against MJ and Chelsie are against them but their okay with that so long as they have followers. Those two.. kindhearted and loyal, yes, but they are there to experience BB not to play it. Example, they have no strategy how to approach MJ other than who speaks to her first and who talks last.

MJ has no clue that Cam will never take her to the end. No one will take her to the end if it can be helped. If MJ does anything it is likely because Chelsie has convinced her to. Cam is content with second place so her telling Cam now ( she’s giving him a talking to now about how this is all part of God’s plan!?) It’s unlikely anything will come of MJ’s discussion until after she tells Chelsie about it and Chelsie decides if she want to keep Cam. I hope MJ wakes up after the show ends and maybe comes back for Reindeer Games or something a better strategic player.


I don’t get being critical of Mak’s game. Yeah if she takes Chelsie at the end and loses to her it’s a blunder, but otherwise what can she do at this point? She’s too big a threat in comps for anyone to take her further and everyone knows that and should be doing the dance that they’d still take her. It’s more a strike against Rubina and kimo that they’re not selling her on the idea of taking her than Chelsie’s being all that great a saleswoman

moaning murtle

Cheslie is the threat to win the game right now. Of course, the right move is to take Chelsie out but MJ will not do that, that’s a $750 thousand dollar “blunder.” I am disappointed with MJ, so much power and so little gamesense. On the plus side, MJ and Cheslie would smoke Kimo and Rubina in comps, and Chelsie is the bigger quiz threat, and that’s part 3 of the final HOH


chelsie still needs to get to part 3 of the final hoh and smoke is a pretty strong word, hoh part 3 is often total crapshoot. i still feel getting rid of cam now and aiming for chelsie out at 4 or 3 is the better choice (unfortunately i think mak’s dumb enough to take chelsie to final 2).


Do it girl! Do it! Get out Chelsie’s real #1.

un autre nom

So Cam has told Mak he has the yips and doesn’t want her to rub it in, he’s embarrassed himself enough. Then says God is testing him.
We all watched Cam throw the stacking HOH. The man tried to stand an ice cream cone on the tip as his only piece.
The only time Cam performed… BB changed the go order in the comp half way through and Tucker said he threw it to Cam.
He doesn’t take the comps seriously because he has no urgency because he’s not been in danger. He said it himself to Mak ‘ I knew Kimo wouldn’t win’.
So Cam is putting in minimum effort because he doesn’t HAVE to put in effort.

If you are Cam’s ally, and he isn’t putting in effort (during the double he knew he was safe no matter WHO won the HOH and Veto)….then you are the ally that realizes you ARE carrying Cam.

The yips? naaah, he’s got the Blasè’s. He’s got the why try if I’m not in direct danger overconfidence of someone that watched a couple how to videos from past winners that didn’t comp out… don’t win unless you have to.

I don’t THINK Mak was buying…. plus she’s already figured out Cam’s end game plan.
a) he told Rubina they can only possibly win against each other.
b) he was already planning to cut Makensy. Any only if she noms me talk is faux justification for what he was going to do anyway.

CAM came in saying only comps matter. He was one of those guys. Telling people Comp wins make the winner because he’s a big guy who played sports. But… he’s playing the only put in effort when it’s your ass on the line game.

Do i think a Cam renom is a done deal? No.
Do i think his talk with Mak did anything to assure her he isn’t planning what we know he’s planning? No.

moaning murtle

“He doesn’t take the comps seriously because he has no urgency because he’s not been in danger. He said it himself to Mak ‘ I knew Kimo wouldn’t win’.
So Cam is putting in minimum effort because he doesn’t HAVE to put in effort.”

Precisely! LOL! You said it best!