MAKENSY the Comp Beast WON the BB Comic VETO!!

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Makensy
Nominees: Kimo and Rubina
POV Players: Everyone
POV Winner: Makensy
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: No havenots

11:10am – 4:50pm The live feeds were blocked for the power of veto competition. Makensy WON the VETO!! They talk about how it was the BB comics Veto. They discuss each house guests comics. Leah was “the cubby chaser”. Rubina – Cam, how did you feel about yours? Cam – Ummm well I’m here. (Cam’s had something to do with him being invisible lol) Kimo – Awwww ..we see you Cam. Chelsie – Iconic! Makensy – I am so glad that we got to do it. They talk about how they haven’t had one guest host yet this season. Rubina’s was the roller rebel. Makensy’s was Mechanical Girl.

5pm HOH room – Makensy and Chelsie

Chelsie – Bro, I mean, thank gosh, thank what in the everlasting is he (Cam) throwing comps? Makensy – I think he’s. Chelsie – I’m telling you, he still has to be. I’m telling you he is dangerous. He is dangerous for next week because he’s going to try to have me and you carry him. Makensy – He no, he’s going to make sure that he has no bad blood with Rubina, he’s going to get one of us out ..because he Cam, like I told you, he’s being smart. His move is going to get one of us out and then try in the final 3 and win. Chelsie – There’s no way that took him more than 30 minutes ..honest?!!? Makensy – he even said he stopped. He fucking stopped. Chelsie – He has to be throwing these comps. There’s no way. Makensy – I’ve been telling you. Chelsie – there’s no way that took 30 minutes to do! Makensy – No! That was EASY! Chelsie – yes! That was easy! There’s no way. Makensy – I was surprising that Kimo even got a 30. I knew you did, cuz I saw I heard whenever he said go.. BB switches the feeds.
Makensy – And that’s why he’s been trying to get close to them. Chelsie – Yeah. Chelsie – I’ve literally carried him this whole game and so have you. Makensy – MMmmHHmmm.. the second half? Chelsie – Yeah. Chelsie – Like he’s going to try to convince next week. You and I… Makensy – he told me if he wins next week. He’s just gonna have his rock, paper, scissors. seriously!?!?
Chelsie – Yeah, he’s going to try to get one of us out. Thank God he didn’t win this week because he probably want to try to do that this week. Makensy – because that would have got them on his side. Chelsie – I have to win this HOH. This next HOH, I have to and then me and you have to win freaking veto cause if we don’t like guarantee one of us is going home.

5:25pm In the Kitchen – Makensy and Chelsie
Makensy – I am debating taking off Rubina and putting him (Cam) up. I am not having it. Chelsie – the whole season (Cam has been throwing comps). Its crazy!

5:35pm Storage Room – Chelsie and Makensy
Chelsie – Because WTF, its just making us more and more threats! Makensy – he’s been doing that since.. Chelsie – the beginning of this game. And its been bothering me and I don’t know why I haven’t asked him. I’m just going to ask him. I am just going to ask him straight up. Makensy – I asked him yesterday and.. Chelsie – he said no. Makensy – I was like you have got to win.. And he was like I am trying. There is no way a D1 athlete.. Chelsie – you’re taking a break in the competition?! Makensy – a 25 years old football player, that you’re taking a break during that. Chelsie – and beyond that it shouldn’t have taken him more than 30 minutes. Makensy – it shouldn’t have taken anyone 30 minutes. Chelsie – it shouldn’t have taken anyone 20 minutes. Makensy – unless you were Rubina and you were having a hard time falling and like hurting yourself. Chelsie – that is insane! Because if its me, you and Rubina at the end and he wins.. Makensy – we’re through. Because if he puts one of us up, that’s going to have Rubina take him. And he’s going to think that one of us are going to take him. Chelsie – he’s going to think that all three of us are going to take him because we’re a threat to Rubina and Kimo and he is not. If he’s in the final four its going to be him thinking we’re both going to take him to the final three. And Rubina because she’s going to hesitate taking me and you to the final three if she wins. Makensy – he can’t win.

5:45pm Kitchen – Makensy, Cam and Chelsie
Makensy – Good Job Cam. Good effort. Cam – Good old’ college try. (Makensy shakes her head) Cam – once I got to 25 minutes I was like my back hurt. I was about to pass out. I finished but probably like 33. Cam leaves. Chelsie – it frustrates me because it makes us look more like targets. I have to win HOH and you have to win the veto.

6:50pm The house guests are cleaning up the kitchen / hanging out and chatting.

6:53pm Chelsie talking to the fish..
Chelsie – Obvi we just played in the iconic comp. Unfortunately I came in fourth but the good part is that your other aunty came in first. She won. That’s a good part. But here’s what I realized. Pay attention Ross, you won’t get this. Here’s what I realized. Y’all know y’all uncle (Cam). He didn’t even come in top three. It took him more than 30 minutes to do that comp and so right now, just between me and you just between us. Yo, uncle. I think he’s playing us. I know. I think he’s playing this with yall, but I just need to let y’all know if your uncle come up in here. Your uncle Cam come up in here trying to talk all, report back to me because right now between us ..I don’t know if he can be trusted. That’s all I’m saying.

7:43pm Kitchen – the house guests are chatting about the veto comp / snacking. Quinn-Sanity “Mad hair day”, Atomic-Mom (Angela), Kimo Volcano, Kenny was a hot dog “He’s a real wiener”, Leah’s had glitter, Brooklyn charcuterie thief, Makensy Mechanical “She’ll control, alt delete you”, Young Cedric barely legal always lethal, etc.

8:14pm HOH room – The house guests are hanging out.

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If she’s smart, she’ll take out Chelsie now.

James k

she can make a $750,000 decision and take out Chelsea. it’s extremely obvious.


Yay! So glad MK won!
I believe Angela was a plant for ratings. Everything about her was classic “Karen”; the outbursts, the melt downs, the paranoia, the attacks on others, the victim mentality, and the look.


In Angela’s voice when they told them their locked out of the house for Jankie world” “Noooooo”

Don't Shoot the Messenger

I thought “Karens” were all skinny with short hair…

un autre nom

Karenism is predominantly about adult women who behave with such extreme entitlement that they believe their personal rights and freedoms supersede the rights and freedoms of every other person around them. Even laws and rules that others must follow are are not rules to be imposed on a Karen.
However… Karenism began as the alpha in a group of women who used her social power to keep herself as alpha, while using bitchiness as a weapon against all beneath her.


Please MJ!!! Put Chelsie up!


If that’s what she’s thinking then I guess she *isn’t* smart. Who knew ! ? !

The Beef

Everybody knows. Her idiotic game play has been showing us for the entire season.


‘Who knew’ is a common expression of sarcasm.

And yes, everybody knows.

Game fan

Thats the second great thing to happen. i can take it


I agree.

Team Taylor

My Veto prediction was true!

Sorry Kimo — it’s time to go.


Top 2 Prediction: Rubina and Chelsie
Winner of Big Brother 26: Chelsie

5th place: Kimo – MJ HOH, MJ Veto
4th place: MJ – Chelsie HOH, Cam Veto (Not used)
Chelsie, Cam, and Rubina remain as the final three and battle it out.
Cam wins the final HOH. Rubina flops and laughs. Cam chooses to take Chelsie with him.

Game fan

You said rubina is in the final 2

The Beef

It was Saturday night and the Kraken was obviously flowing liberally when he wrote that.

Not sure

I would not call Mackenzie Comp Beast as there is no competitor there to compete along with Mackenzie. Except Chelsie.
If Mackenzie wants to win better use that veto and back door Chelsie otherwise, Mackenzie goose cook next week.

Don't Shoot the Messenger

But, but…Cam kept going on and on about being a big comp threat!!!

Uncle Sam

Pressure makes diamonds. This woman is an animal competitor. If MJ gets to final 2. She earned a win regardless.


MJ needs to backdoor Chelsie now. Either way MJ is getting put up and voted out by Chelsie, Cam, and Kimo if he makes this week. Her winning the veto next week will be the only thing taking her to final 3.

un autre nom

Let me get this straight…
It took Cam, Rubina and Kimo longer to complete BBCOMICS than FELICIA?
Her time was under 19 minutes.
Blink blink.
good thing they got out Angela…. she was doing comparable to Felicia in comps. That would have been embarrassing.

Buh Bye

That’s what makes this season so legendary 😉


I don’t see anything about it being legendary at all. So boring…Cam doesn’t have a clue and I’m not sure if he truly is a ball player! Player yes but not football or BB! Time for him to meet Julie. Rubina and Kimo are sweet but that’s about it. Mak and Chelsie are awesome players and I’m happy they made it this far. I hope they are final 2 and Mak wins ? she earned it!!

More Whine, please

I’d say Fe has the advantage of intelligence over those 3. She was very sharp and on point.

I don’t think Kimo is dumb, but he’s both physically and mentally sluggish. It all moves like molasses.

I can’t figure out Cam. It seems to take him a lot to trigger a normal adrenaline rush for tackling an urgent task.

Rubina ain’t that smart.

un autre nom

Felicia may have been… not stupid. However… Felicia moved like her hips were made of plaster.


Who’s Felicia? The best player in the BB house is Chelsea, the puppet master. She tells MJ what to do. Chelsea is very classy and mature.

un autre nom

Chelsie has spent half the season badmouthing people in her camtalks, especially Cam. She is not classy and mature, she’s petty and childish to the extreme… she just happens to be cast with morons.
Felicia. the 63 year old from season 25.

un autre nom

Dear Cam,
you can hardly expect anyone to think you do comps with ANY urgency whatsoever when you TELL EVERYONE you took breaks.
shakes head.

I think it is possible if they did that comp vs COUCH they would have lost.
shakes head.

People that likely would have beaten Cam, Rubina and Kimo:
Felicia and CIrie; THE ENTIRE CAST OF 24 and 23 including Couch and Azah; NICOLE FRICKEN ANTHONY AND THE ENTIRE CAST OF 21 (mensa boycott season); Corey, Victor (20 to 29 minutes), Austin, Vanessa and Shelli (21 to 25 minutes ish) , Zach Rance (26 minutes ish he had two comics placement reversed and took a LONG time bitching and moaning about what was wrong).
The only people they seem to beat are…. Victoria, James, the old guy from 19 and the previously evicted who didn’t compete.

Chelsie just told the fish Cam might be playing her, and she might have Mak use the veto.
PS CAM… told you not to tell Chelsie you are a manwhore in a situationship until AFTER the final 2 was a done deal. I TOLD you she be petty.

un autre nom

Remember when we were all telling Mak to shut up about being this season’s comp beast?
I think she was on the couches saying it to everyone that day.
She’s won 5 comps out of…. 9? is it 9 or 10 since she said that…. I think 9 since that day in early September.

IF she had a brain and IF she made it to finals:
Any of you that was a threat in comps had to leave no matter how much I liked you, but I had to keep one comp capable person in to diminish my target, and I already had a final 2 with Chelsie, so the rest of you…. sorry but I had to think game, and every threat to me comping out had to go.

Moaning murtle

As expected, MJ won. I predicted either MJ or Chelsie( a few posts ago) It’s was a no brainer. What is also a no brainer is MJ WILL NOT BETRAY or BACKDOOR Chelsie. Period the end. Chelsie has a plan in mind, is ready to clip Cam, and if she makes up her mind to do it( she’s almost there) it won’t take much to convince MJ who is near ready to do it too! Someone said, Chelsie has some kind of Jedi mind hold over MJ, she does..Chelsie knows Rubina and Kimo can’t win anything and has no respect for them as players. MJ will continue her I’m nervous if Kimo wins…or insert Rubina’s name.. Chelsie knows, not a chance and if they do win something, they are more in her corner than Chelsie and will talk about but move at a snail’s pace to do something if they move at all. Rubina has already started she would be happy just to be part of history. Kimo would be happy to make final 4, more $… Chelsie, yeah she’s good. MJ’s high on making it to the final 2 and being this year’s comp beast!

un autre nom

Makensy did just make a milestone for female bb players. She is the eighth ever to win 5 or more comps in a single season (only HOH and POV included there).

Tucker For AFP

Can she stop winning unnecessary comps?

Gan ainm

No, Tucker must be erased from this season. Will they really let him win AFP?

un autre nom

Her programmer Chelsie told her she should win every comp at this point because she is already a threat and everyone likely wants her out.
Being a good muppet…. she said yeah…..

un autre nom

I don’t think Chelsie is acting:
First she told the fish.
Then she was coooold when Cam talked to her in HOH, offering her a clean blanket… she went and got her own.
Now she’s saying Cam is playing rock paper scissors while everyone else if fighting for their lives.
I don’t think she’s decided….
but again…. DON’T TELL CHELSIE YOU ARE IN A SITUATIONSHIP you doofus… because her side glances started THEN.

Remember when Cam told Chelsie ‘when we get out Quinn my threat level rises because I’m the other comp beast, but without Quinn I’ll win all the comps?’
WHERE DAT GUY AT? Ain’t seen him.

HE BETTER LAY ON THE CHARM AND TELL CHELSIE HE NEEDS A BIBLE LESSON, Cus right now… he is in DEEP water. Mak is almost Salivating to make what is currently the best move she can make.
Bear with me.
Without Cam who is Chelsie depending on?
Right now, who are Kimo and Rubina thinking is the BIGGER THREAT to win?

It’s a good move… but will Chelsie decide she’d rather take her chance with Cam… and possibly get screwed over at final 4 or 3? cringe.

Game fan

Getting cam out is great for chelsea cause if kimo or rubina wins veto they can take out mj for her without blood on her hands. I think even if cam takes out mj at 4 she can blame chelsea for it.

un autre nom

Both Kimo anf Rubina have been piecing together than Chelsie is the bigger threat.
Whether that’s going to be forgotten who knows.
But… they have been talking.

Game fan

Imagine cam is hoh , mj veto , now chelsea and rubina are otb . It could be very tempting for mj to take out chelsea. But if its kimo , she wont go to the final 3 with both kimo and rubina.

un autre nom

Mak taking out Chelsie would demand independent function.
The way Mak views her relationship with Chelsie is yay team!
In a normal season where a person makes one REAL final 2 and does what is BEST for BOTH of them…. In that sense Mak is actually playing old school.
since 20 everyone makes Tyler final 2’s all over the place. Final 2 has NO MEANING.
New school lack of complete loyalty to your one true final 2 is antithetical to an old school game. Name one final 2 that Chelsie hasn’t considered throwing under the bus. I’ll wait. She is the bus terminal for ALL of her final 2’s, even Cam we saw yesterday.
Chelsie, sorry folks, is playing new school. Mak is playing old school.
If both were playing the same style, then Mak’s wrecking ball to her own best interest game would not be so egregious. But Old school as much as we try to attach it to the way people play now, is dead.
Two sides come together and take each other out has gone the way of Arnold Shapiro (pre Grod exec prod 2001-2006)… no longer a factor.

un autre nom

Chelsie told Cam that Mak is really pissed about his veto performance and is thinking of using veto, she’s heard Cam wants to take Rubina to 3.
Chelsie says she’ll talk to Mak.
She doesn’t think Mak will do it, but she’ll talk to her about it.

So Chelsie mathed and realized going into HOH 2 v 1 instead of 1 v 2 is bad?

Moaning murtle

No, Chelsie is doing her Chelsie thing. She is setting Cam and MJ up so they will be against each other. ThIs way when it’s time to choose, either one will choose her. Chelsie’s ” M O for eviction has always been personal or personally motivated. She picks person, plants a seed for eviction, pulls back and gets others to do it, then comes around and agrees with others when they tell her ____( insert name) gotta go. In the meantime she remains friendly with latest target. She did it with Quinn and the Joseph eviction, and remember she even had Leah apologizing to HER when MJ put the two of them together.Watch her work. We shall see if Rubina and Kimo( who said they woul talk to Chelsie again on Sunday)will persuade MJ that Chelsie is playing her. Given all we know about K and R vs Chelsie’s manipulation skills, whom do you think has a better chance of controlling MJ. What Chelsie wants a Chelsie knows how to get. She didn’t set this endgame up for nothing.


REPLACE RUBINA WITH CHELSIE. Cam will probably vote Chelsie out too.

un autre nom

Chelsie might be pulling a con.
She might be encouraging Mak that Cam is conning them.
She might be telling Cam that it’s all Mak.
That way if Mak DOES pull the trigger on Cam…
she keeps his jury vote
or if she talks Mak into keeping Cam
Cam takes the shot to take out Mak
Chels keeps Mak’s jury vote.
She is still hoping that Rubina and Kimo are snowed by her and would go after Mak for her comp wins over Chelsie for her social control game.

JUST A THOUGHT. Since Mak went to sleep early… I don’t quite KNOW what Chels is doing.
However, Chelsie’s switchover from talking to the fish to giving Cam the lowdown and HOW she gave him the lowdown?
Something to consider.