MAKENSY WON the VETO! “Why was she so happy that I was going to lose?”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Chelsie
Nominees: Angela and Kimo
POV Players: Chelsie, Quinn, Rubina, Makensy, Angela, Kimo
POV Winner: Makensy
Veto Ceremony:?
Havenots: No havenots this week.

3:38pm The live feeds return from being blocked for the Power of Veto competition! It was the OTEV veto competition. Makensy won it on the first round because everyone else got the first question wrong.

In the kitchen – most of the house guests are chatting about the competition. Rubina – I am just hyped that I got to play in OTEV! Like truly hyped for that one!

Cam – it was fun to watch. I was just chilling. I just .. when they were throwing it that’s when I was like come on guys. Leah – that is when I was starting to get involved when they were throwing it. Cam – yeah when they were throwing the correct answer out of the way it was like binary bridge. Like when it was literally right there. But its much easier said than done. I guess. Makensy joins them. Cam leaves.
Leah – I like when I realized when I realized like you were the only one up there with the that was crazy. I was like this is crazy. I’m like these fucking idiots. Makensy – Oh, I have a story I’m gonna tell you later.

HOH room – Makensy and Chelsie
Makensy – I was watching everyone go for Tucker and throw Cedric’s name. So I’m up there. I grabbed centre finally and I run and I get up there and I am an idiot and I’m not hiding it. So I put it down and then I’m like oh shit flip it over. So she saw what I had and she knew that I had Cedric and she was like good job so she tried to like. insinuate that I had a right thought I had it wrong and I was like yeah that was we were sitting there for a while I saw Rubina Rubina gets the thing and I see it’s Tucker and so she comes up there I’m like cool at least like yeah. I knew nobody heard the thing wrong nobody heard it wrong nobody was thinking correctly though So when people are Angel was like oh I just heard it wrong I’m like she didn’t hear the question you didn’t hear it wrong you just didn’t know the answer nobody did I’m like yall didn’t hear it wrong because the question was point blank and that’s why it was a difficult question because people would have thought that like it was you were Tucker it was Tucker or Cedric because they were Tucker Yeah, but I knew because everybody week after week everybody was like Tucker didn’t compete in that first call Tucker didn’t compete and I’m like he did we did because I was part of it was like we did we so I knew immediately and then so she was like did I hear it wrong and I was like I don’t think so because there’s no way anybody heard it wrong.
Angela looks at me and I look at I look at her and I’m like I start 2nd guessing myself because I see more and more people grabbing Tucker’s name coming up and I’m like maybe I heard it wrong and
so I look at her and I go I think I might be wrong just to see see what’s how she ran and she’s like no you are right and she had to and she and she was so she when she turned Tucker’s name over ecstatic when I saw all happy yeah I know when I saw everybody like she’s freaking ecstatic. Chelsie – Yeah I know she tried to play you bro. She tried to play the heck out of me. Yeah and I’m sitting there and I’m like yeah do you think I’m dumb or do you think I’m dumb because I’m not you just lost this comp and? She’s literally rooting for Kimo I heard rooting for Kimo to get it cuz she wants one of them off and I’m like what in the heck is going so who does she next to her I don’t know and that’s why I just won this I was like I just won this off a one round everybody’s an idiot and I didn’t even mean to really win first round bro. What is she trying to scheme I don’t know but why? Why was she so happy that I was going to lose and why was she trying to get me to lose cause she could have if she wanted me to play so bad.
Makensy – If I use it I’m fucked because you’re going to probably have to put somebody up that we’re close to that could protect us. So I don’t want that so I don’t want anybody yet but if I don’t use it it’s like who is going home who is the best option and it’s like how do I make sure that Kimo if he stays he’s going to protect is going to protect us if he stays regardless I think he’s going to protect us.
Chelsie – I think if Kimo stays were protected I feel like if Kimo goes they need people. Makensy – exactly. So I feel.. I think Angela we can beat but I just hate that she keeps getting by. We need to see where the house lies with Kimo. Makensy – I agree. I feel like we might need to right before eviction we might need to make sure like on one side we’re okay.

4:20pm Bedroom – Tkor and Cam
Cam – so what do you think? how are you thinking? Tkor – I feel pretty good either I think that if Chelsie doesn’t want to use then Makensy probably wouldn’t use it. I feel pretty good that
Makensy wouldn’t use it on Angela. Cam – yeah. Tkor – if there was one person I’m sure would never use on her it’s Makensy so if she does I would be shocked. Cam – so I think it worked out for the best. If I had played and won it, I wouldn’t use it. So I think its a good setup. Tkor – if the veto doesn’t get used it would be the first time. Cam – I do feel confident it won’t get used.

4:35pm Storage room – Angela and Leah.
Angela – prior to the game. I had asked Makensy if, if I got house guest choice, if she would play for me, but then before the game, I also told her right after, like, don’t play it for me, because I just worry. I don’t really know where Chelsie’s head is at, and I don’t know how she really feels about everybody, so it’s probably best not to play it on me. So that way, just don’t play it. I don’t know when there’s a time I’ll be able to tell her that again but I just don’t want you or her to go up. Leah – I know. Angela – So don’t worry. Don’t worry. Should you like, whatever she thinks is, you know, I’m sure best for her and everyone and whatever. Leah – I honestly haven’t talked to her about it. I was just excited for her that she won. Angela – So excited for her but I did tell her, so I took the pressure off of her also, because I just don’t want her to think that I am anything like I don’t. And Chelsie told me her plan was that I was not the option that there was somebody else she had in mind. So, and that she does like the idea of all women going to the end. So I’m just going to try and just rely on that and just just be myself and rely on that because you know what? I can’t win everything, but I can be an asset and be okay. That’s my plan. Could be lame, but that’s what I’m doing. Leah – That’s not lame at all. Angela – Okay. I just want you to know where I was at. Leah – Well, thank you so much. Leah – Thank you. But don’t worry.

4:45pm HOH room – Makensy, Cam and Chelsie
Cam – where do you lie on Kimo or Angela? Makensy – I feel like physically they’re both pretty not great. You know mentally. I mean actually Angela’s beat him more but at the same time Kimo was targeting me before this and is targeting you. You know what I’m saying? Angela, we weren’t persuaded to put Rubina up until you were up because I don’t think her and Rubina are close and I don’t. She wants somebody on the block that hasn’t been up before Kimo was targeting me before this and is targeting you. You know what I’m saying? Angela, we weren’t persuaded to put Rubina up until you were up because I don’t think her and Rubina are close and I don’t. She wants somebody on the block that hasn’t been up before. So T core you know. so I’m tired of her skating by without her without that being her plan you know like she just does it somehow and it’s like when is I going to stop? but yeah, I don’t really know. I don’t have a preference towards either one going at all right now. I don’t know anything I feel like maybe after having some convos they’ll tell me more and I can report back but yeah I have literally no preference either one going home is great for my game. What are you thinking? Cam says that he thinks its better to get Kimo out because he has two people (Tkor and Rubina) backing him so it will be harder to get him out as the numbers continue to dwindle. Makensy – okay, I see what you’re saying. So lets get Kimo out. We can get Angela out whenever. Chelsie – all three of us can beat her.

5:25pm HOH room – Cam and Chelsie
Chelsie – I’m grateful that we pulled Mackenzie in while she was on the block saying we got your back. We got the vote that shifted everything because she had four people lying to her and the other
4 weren’t. And that’s why I say Rubina and Tkor were part of the ones and Kimo. Okay, Kimo it is I just need you guys to make sure it’s a majority. I don’t wanna have to split that. Cam – Yeah. Chelsie – I just hope it doesn’t get messy. Cam – I don’t think so. I don’t think anyone wants to be on the wrong side of the vote. Chelsie – yeah.

5:53pm Kitchen – Leah and Angela
Angela – Leah, I don’t have the votes to stay. Leah – I don’t think you know that. Angela – I’m pretty sure I don’t. I haven’t had the chance to, like, talk to everybody yet. And I don’t know what everyone things change on a dime. You saw what happened. Angela – It’s true. Leah – So it could be right then and there. Angela – Like Quinn’s voting me out. He’s going to have 2 – 3 people with him. I’m gone. Leah – I don’t know. You still should talk to everybody and not, you know, don’t I know? Angela – I know. But I feel it. Leah – I know. But don’t isolate yourself.

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18 thoughts to “MAKENSY WON the VETO! “Why was she so happy that I was going to lose?””

  1. Congrats Makensy!

    I kinda hope they use the Veto on Kimo and then backdoor Leah. Chelsie would have the votes no matter what Quinn and Cam think.

    1. I was thinking the same thing. I would put Leah on the block and hopefully she would go home. I believe Leah would put Chelsie up before Angela or Kimo would. You have to play what’s best for your game..I think Makensy wouldn’t use the veto because she knows she would put up Leah. Mak was pitching Tkor.

    1. I bet that really steamed production. Setting up OTEV has to take a long time & lots of work, all for 1 question.

      1. They may be steamed, but they are the ones responsible for recruiting those losers. That’s what you get when you recruit people who are only interested in increasing their follower numbers, selling whatever it is they sell, or doing whatever they can to promote themselves in the television industry.

        I’ve watched every season, and I don’t recall a single OTEV competition that didn’t go the full 5 questions. It may have happened, but if it did, I don’t remember it. In the update above, Cam and Leah seem to be implying everybody was throwing it, but why would Angela, Kimo and Chelsie do that? It just doesn’t make sense that the two nominees would throw, and I wouldn’t throw if I was HOH either, due to having to make the re-nom.

        But we already know these players are lacking in the strategy department. Seems like they’re lacking in the study department as well. Just wow!

    2. So if that is true…why were the feeds down for two hours? If the comp was over after one round it would have been over in what 30 mins or less? I wonder what will be shown for the comp on Wed? Maybe they made them redo the comp pretending that MJ was the last one standing?

  2. Un autre nom .. Gan.. where are you? Say ” it ain’t so.” Did MJ just convince Chelsey, so easily, that they are such comp beasts they can get rid of Angela at any time so keep her and get rid of Kimo? With Cam confirming their delusion? MJ has been wanting Angela gone since week one. Wish granted. We had our party plans ready for what strongly look like Angela’s departure. Yikes! How come Angela skates by ever week, is a seat filler like Felicia ( but not nearly a person of heart, wit and wisdom as Felicia is) and Felicia did not? What is going on? T’kor to the rescue? Quinn and Leah rubbed their hands in fiendish delight.

      1. You DO know the first one she won was a total crapshoot comp, right? The first round had some sill involved in it (her team LOST that round, but weren’t chosen to be eliminated), then they reshuffled the board, RANDOMLY placing numbers everywhere on it, and then assigning all even numbers to have a value of ZERO.

        She got lucky and happened to land her shot on an odd number. I believe it was Leah who got a bigger number than her on the final shot, but it was EVEN, so it counted as Zero.

        Her second HOH win was in the Head to Head, house guests choice, where whoever survives the last match picks the next two to compete. She won that one legit, but you can win, if your competition rings in too quickly and guesses wrong, and frankly I don’t remember how many times she was up and won by picking right, vs. how many she won by her opposition picking wrong. Doesn’t really matter though, as she was up several times, and it was a legit win.

        What DOES matter is that Quinn STOLE that HOH from her, and all she got out of it was safety for the week. Quinn made the nominations and the re-nomination for that HOH, and thus, in my eyes, while she gets credit for winning the comp, she’s only really had ONE HOH reign during this season, and that one was pretty much gifted to her by production.

    1. Strategically it is much better for that trio to evict Kimo to reduce Tkor’s voting block without themselves looking like a voting block by getting Leah and Quinn to vote together as the house, this way Chelsie can position herself as the center piece of 2 trios. As long as Tkor and Quinn are divided Chelsie is in a secure spot all the way to final 4.

  3. I think the reason I’m having such a hard time getting into this season is because of what is wrong with new school/social media BB. Getting on BB is a marketing tool to promote/sell themselves/products and become influencers/famous. I am not interested in watching an infomercial. I don’t want to follow you or buy anything you are selling. I just want you to play the game.

    1. Add on- follows groups of people while intentionally sitting the furthest away from everyone. No contributing, only listening. I have literally never seen her do a thing in that kitchen. And not to stereotype but she’s a parent.. it should come as second nature to want to care for and help these people, help tidy your “home,”.. just help these younger people in some positive way but no, nothing, nada. I have seen her sit there WATCHING people cooking and cleaning around her and she says nothing. Just watches.. *shiver* my hate for her as a BB player knows no bounds. Least fav houseguest of ALL the seasons I’ve watched the last 20yrs.. she beats big MEECH so that says something.

    1. That would be the biggest move of the season especially if T’Kor went home (which I would think would be the intention if they did that).

      As it is I’m just happy that it seems that Kimo’s scheming nasty ass (seriously him eating food is TOO much) gets to be Juror # 1!

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