Big Brother 15 SPOILERS – Live Eviction and Part 1 of the 3 Part HOH Competition!


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Big Brother 15 Live Feeds: FREE 2 DAY TRIAL

On tonight’s live eviction episode we will get to see Andy’s nominations as HOH where he nominated Spencer and McCrae for Eviction. During tonight’s episode will see the Veto competition that Andy won and whether or not he uses it. Since Andy made the nomination as HOH and won the veto there is no reason for him to change the nominations. As a result Ginamarie will have the sole vote to evict McCrae or Spencer tonight. The Exterminators Alliance (Andy, Spencer and Ginamarie) have a final 3 deal – Ginamarie will be voting to evict McCrae tonight. Earlier in the afternoon today – Andy, Spencer and Ginamarie broke the news to McCrae about the Exterminators Alliance. McCrae was shocked and disappointed to learn that he had no chance of staying and that his time inside the house was up.

Following the Veto competition, Veto Ceremony and the Eviction – The remaining Final 3 House Guests will compete in the first part of the 3 part final HOH competition.

Head of HouseHold Winner: ANDY
Power of Veto Winner: ANDY
Veto used: No

Actual Voting Results:
Ginamarie votes to evict: McCRAE

FINAL 3 House Guests: Spencer, Andy, Ginamarie

Sunday Episode:Special never seen before footage and HOH Part 1 Competition Revealed
Wednesday Episode: Finale where Dr. Will confronts the jury.

7:35pm The Big Brother live feeds are still showing TRIVIA..


8:40pm TRIVIA..

9pm Not back yet..

9:05pm The live feeds are back up with Andy, Spencer and Ginamarie competing in PART 1 of the 3 part HOH competition. Its a roller skating competition where they are holding onto a rope with a bar while going around and around in a circle. There is no talking going on at the moment. They are all concentrating and trying to not lose their balance.

Big Brother 15 Live Feeds: FREE 2 DAY TRIAL


PART 1 of 3 HOH – Endurance Competition winner: ?

3 PART HOH Competition leading up to the FINALE on September 18th:

  • FIRST of the three part HOH competition is played. This will probably be endurance.
  • SECOND part of the three part HOH will be played over the weekend / early next week. This one is usually the skill/physical competition.
  • THIRD part of the three part HOH will be played on the finale episode. This competition is a question competition where the winner will decide who they want to take to the finale 2. The final 2 house guests will then answer questions from the jury members and the jury members will then vote on who they want to win Big Brother 15.


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If MC is evicted I am sure he will be comforted by Amanda in the jury house this week.
But Amanda will be pissed to see him as she would not be getting the 500K.

Shaking my head

I see Chen’s manipulation and public shaming of Aaryn worked. As soon as she arrived at the jury house she apologized for her ‘insensitive and ignorant’ comments made. Whether she was sincere or not we’ll never really know. But I’m sure Aaryn being blindsided in front of a national TV audience and being singled out for specific comments she made (as well as a couple boos from ignorant audience members) helped motivate her in reforming her image. Bravo, Chen! Aaryn apologized. Now will you?


Nobody forced her to say those hateful comments. So it is nobody’s fault but her own.


Nobody made the rest of the house make equally if not more offensive and malicious comments but they didn’t get crucified for what they said on national TV by CBS so they could grab a few more ratings during a slow week in the BB house. If GM wins will they ask her why she thinks welfare is n***** insurance, or what a mexican dirt baby is, I highly doubt it.

Fortunately for the billionaire corporation, Candice went on a crusade to destroy someones life over naive comments as she tried to buy an extra week in the house giving CBS the perfect excuse to socially execute one of their contestants in a incredibly public way.

Of course the fan base ate it up because, as I’m seeing more and more, the type of person who enjoys watching the spin Big Brother puts are a very petty and shallow bunch.

give me a break

The final three is horrible but i hope it’s between Andy and Spencer……….Gm said the N-word, wanting to punch Helen eyes to make them straight, Jew-nose comments, and saying Elissa’s kid looks dark like a puerto rican dirt bag………..The casting director did a horrible job……the three finalist are horrible but GM is gutter trash…….yea she’s funny sometimes…..but not funny enough to make me forget about the things she said…..

Brown Fat

Brilliantly stated…


SERIOUSLY?!? Give ME a break! GM is sincerely like a 5 yr old – the ignorance and disrespect that comes from her mouth is just her knowing no better! She doesn’t have a single mean bone n her body and has a heart of GOLD! Spencer is scary SCARY sexist predator w disrespect for women on a level I’ve never seen- he is SICK! Andy? A disgrace to the human race! PERIOD! None of them “deserve” to b in that house- much less the FINAL 3! But if anyone should get $ – its poor GM! As a Sandy Victim and as an adult who’s been so sheltered its SAD SAD SAD! Maybe some $ would allow her an education and to broaden her horizons to be the better person she truly dreams of being!!!


Wow! I thought the houseguest this season have been appalling!?!

REALLY PEOPLE? You call yourselves BB fans and spew such hateful words and judgement against Julie Chen? Her truth Sharing from “the Talk” this week was a powerful story of strength and courage – she busted her ass from first yr n college interning w CBS – check your facts Idiots! She may be married to the big man but she never slept her way to the top!

Get some class Trashtalkers!


Apparently she did sleep her way to the top because she was dating him while he was still married. Chen is a pretty sorry excuse for a human being and has no right to say anything about anyone.

Aaryn's PR team

See? It’s been two weeks since her eviction and people are already forgetting about the politically incorrect statements Aaryn made in the house. Next week people will have moved on even more, and the week after it will be an even more distant memory. And this is just for the haters who paid attention this season. To the 99% of America who didn’t watch BB much less heard of Aaryn or even her last name, she’s good. As I predicted would happen. (Her apology tonight will also go a long way in improving how she is treated after this game). Same will be for Amanda, and other HGs the haters piled on. By January nobody will even be able to name the HGs this year except maybe who won. Or even care.


January? Try October. This has been the most unremarkable unmemorable boring season ever!

give me a break

Nobody is forgetting what these women said…….it is just that the shock value is gone….the temperature is down……it’s expected now for them to say something racist……….the racism armor will stay with them…….If they are accuse of any racist act when they leave the house…they will not have the benefit of doubt…because of there past actions………Having video proof of racist language will stay with them forever…………. People are not shock anymore when GM, Aaryan, and Amanda says something racists because they are seen as racists……it’s expected now……and that is sad…


Anyone that watched the show knows the sh!t these people have said and any future employer will easily be able to locate footage soooo it may die down but it will NEVER go away.


Aaryn only had a bad couple weeks and she realized she needs to think before speaking at least a month before she was eliminated.

I do agree that Julie and CBS’s targeting of a single houseguest for that kind of behavior was and is nothing short disgusting.

I want to see Amanda grilled, as well as Gina, Spencer, and let’s not forget the biggest asshole this year, Jeremy. And you can add a few more people to that list.

Funny how Julie changed her entire face not to look Chinese and she now got mad at the Asian remarks from Aaryn (and Gina). She should be mostly pissed at Gina, though, as it was Gina who said about Helen that she would like to punch her in the face so her eyes would straighten up. I doubt Julie will bring that up to Gina, however. Going after Aaryn was CBS’ decision.


I am going to be the devils advocate here and go out on a limb. I think that for the first time in the history of BB, CBS received so much hate mail directed at both Aaryn and Amanda, that for the sake of their families, BB gave both these girls a heads up. Judging from the way Amanda cleaned up, and the fact that the first words from the limo to the house guests, from AAryns mouth was an apology, makes this sound like a spin doctor scenario to me. I also noticed that for the last few days prior to Amanda leaving the house, she let it be known that it was the diary room putting her up to her misbehaviour. I didn’t buy those lines for one second. In conclusion, take ownership for what you said, and be sure your apologizes are sincere, not contrived by a PR firm.




I just wonder why she didn’t shy away from asking Aaryn questions, but didn’t seem to give Amanda NEARLY the same kind of lashing. I think Amanda got off WAAAYY too easy in her interview. I’ve held on to watching this far, but seriously, between Andy, Spencer and GM….no choice is a good choice. I will read to see exactly what the fall out is when these people go back to their “real lives”, I think it’ll be interesting to see how the real world welcomes them back…but otherwise, after 15 season, this is my last. It’s been a long, mostly fun ride. Hope all the unjaded continue to have as much fun as I did for as long as ya can! Good night BB people, and good bye! 🙂


I’m sure it was more than “a couple boos from ignorant audience members” that ‘motivated Aaryn’s apology. Pretty sure she was coached by DR producers before she made it inside the jury house. Get ready to see her mom’s PR dollars being put into use!


Heck no that biotch Chen will not apologize because she is a self righteous arrogant pretentious racist bully. She thinks she is God’s gift when in reality she is just a wanna be who made her way in show business because she climbed on top of an old ugly man for his money and job opportunities. She was so ashamed of her own race she had plastic surgery to make her fit in with main stream whites. After reading about her surgery I realize that Chen always wanted to be a blue eyed American and hates anyone that is. Ever notice on that stupid show The Talk there is not one blue eyed woman on that show. Chen just wanted to be a bully and pick on someone that would not fight back and she found the perfect victim in Aaryn who at 22 is too stupid to know any better, and Chen’s fake look of being offended at the asian eyes comment was bunk because Chen herself hated her asian eyes and had surgery to correct them. Did think that Aaryn’s apology last night was heartfelt because they do not know what or if any of the jury house will be shown on television, and it is apparent that she really was just too involved in trying to fit in with the “cool” kids that she did not even realize what she said. Ignorance runs rampant in that 22 year old, but it does seem to seem like she is waking up and realizing it was unacceptable. Noticed that Amanda never offered any apologies or will any of the other disgusting people. Also notice that Candice came off as entitled and never offered an I am sorry for taking things that did not belong to her and wearing them. There is more than enough blame this season to go around and none of these deserve to win the money, but have to say think the worst person on this show and the biggest racist and bully is Julie Chen!!!!


The final three are floaters. Three giant floating pieces of shit. None did anything all season (except sit around and spew racist and perverted remarks and tattle on what everyone was saying) until the very end by banding together, because they knew they were losers and had done nothing compared to HGs who actually played the game this season. Ass backwards! The finale isn’t even worth watching. The prize money should go to charity because none of those assholes have earned it.


If it wasn’t so sadly delusional it would be funny that Andy keeps trying to sell that it was this big plan that the Exterminators had to rid the house of power players starting with Aaryn. Andy did everything in his power to save Aaryn. Taking his ORDERS from Amanda and going along with the bullying plan. It was Elissa who got rid of Aaryn DESPITE all the low tactics and despite everyone against her including the mumblemouth moron who should’ve had her back. Andy’s only choice was to hope Aaryn was evicted instead of him by Mcranda and GM’s 3 votes. Even just watching the CBS edits you know the plan was hatched long after he ran out of other options and long after the choice was made for them. Does he really believe his own BS? I hope someone (Amanda?) calls him on it if he tries that argument in the finale….If he’s still playing.


funny but they took 25 percent of the house and all the big players


I guess if I had to pick in that 3, I’d like to see Gina “The Fart Girl” win.


Production also made the very same assertion during tonight’s show as Andy, that the exterminators eliminated Aaryn. As soon as I heard that I thought, what are they talking about, that’s not even close to what happened, and then Andy said the same thing in DR. If anything, it was Gina’s frustration that McCranda was voting out Aaryn that week, which got the exterminators together since they all began commiserating that McCranda was running the game. Apparently, production thought it would be more exciting if they told viewers that the exterminators had taken out Aaryn as well. I’m not sure if it was production’s idea first, or if they followed Andy’s lead on it, but obviously it was a total fabrication.


Andy likes to take credit for “big moves” and “big ideas” he really didn’t have anything to do with. But then again, this is the guy who actually had to “practice” saying….”I vote to eliminate..I mean EXTERMINATE…Amanda.” Oh Andy…you’re SOOOO…WITTY!!! pppppffftt… he’s the human version of GM’s bad, hideous “high end” white girl extensions.

Elissa for the Win

I agree! Besides Andy was on the block with Aaryn! And it was Elissa who “took out” Aaryn! The red rat bastard is too cocky. Can’t stand the F3. ELISSA FOR AMERICA’S FAVORITE!!!!


elissa set-up the game – she got rid of the power players with her mvp nominations and got rid of arryan with her hoh win – none of these losers (andy, spencer, and gm) had the balls to even think of putting up amanda and mcray before elissa


Amen Luker006!


SO excited that Dr. Will is going to grill the jury members. He doesn’t mess around and will likely call a few people out.


Worst season EVER, again lets talk about how “great” Andy manipulated everyone.
You could see right through Amanda she was proud Andy exterminated ALL OF THEM. what an
Idiot. Judd’s says MCG is the target and amanda jumps at the lets make andy the best player all
season.She got him there and he united with the other floaters for her to say
He exterminated everybody in jury is ridiculous.
Again Andy’s message to MCG “I put the alliance together and masterminded everything” GRRRRRRR

So funny even MCg doesn’t see a future with Amanda. Hahahha just say it.
I kind of liked Aaryns comment about Amanda. Spot on. But how can she changed when that’s her personality.


I sincerely hope that next season they give us more variety in ages and personalities so that when it gets down to the wire we have some reason to be surprised or excited. I hope that they realize that they can do better. I hope they understand that they NEED to do better.

I’m not talking about all angels and do-gooders – I’m talking about people with more than one flavour – more than just the racist, misogynist or bully. We need to see more good vs. bad and in order for that to happen you need to have personalities that are from opposite sides of the spectrum – but that are JUST as opinionated and strong willed as their opposite. THAT makes for good TV.

This season was ruled by a couple of unwashed bullies and their rat that ruled the game from an ant infested room. The rest of the sheeple voted as they were told and week after week it was intensely boring to see the house voting as a block.

I want next season to see more variety in ages – less focus on who they can get to hook up. Less obvious casting to fill their ideas of what’s interesting to the viewer. This season was boring after Helen left.

I vote for Helen or Howard as America’s Favourite – her for being such a player and him for not descending to the gutter to the extent the rest of the clique did.

Big Sister

I am voting for Howard with no hesitaiton. In my mind, of the final 3, no one deserves to win, much less get $25,000. This group scraped the bottom of the barrel! At least, Howard was the only one of the original group to even come close to being a real human being. No one would listen to him or Candice when they had their fingers on the pulse of what was going down. My second choice would be Elissa, but I don’t get the feeling that she needs the money at all. The fools left in the house will ge blaming the Brenchel army if she gets it and they don’t get that there are a lot of us out here who are NOT members of the army. We just find them to be disgusting. By the way, Aaryn’s apology to Candice and Helen tonight is too little, too late. She is a grown woman and not a “kid” and she, GM and Spencer must now pay the piper starting Sept. 18th!


Yeah I don’t mind Ellissa but I don’t think of her as a favourite.

I liked Helen’s game play when she was one of the underdogs and, for a while, managed to turn things around and keep her and Ellissa in the house in spite of the odds against them. But she blew it when she had her chance to take out McRanda and threw Jessie under the bus. Frankly, I’d choose Howard first – but having said that…. I didn’t see the spoilers or the live feeds, so I am only basing that on what saw on the edited version of the show.

What I did see would have me vote for him. I just wish he hadn’t blown it when Helen asked him a question, flat out, that she already knew the answer to and he lied. I groaned and shook my head at that.


The only thing Helen did that was memorable was try to turn everyone and everything into a let’s-hug-it-out, rah rah kumbyah cheerleading household. Telling Aaryn that she was Janelle only better, that it wasn’t the best time to evict Amanda and that “let’s go with what the house wants/it’s what the house would have wanted” served only to ruin the gameplay.


Helen’s biggest moves were targeting and evicting her allies.


I voted for Elissa, Jessie and Aaryn.


if gm and spencer make final 2 cant wait to see candices vote she will be thrilled

The analyst

Big Sister, at least Aaryn apologized. Give her that much. Had she not you would be whining that she hasn’t learned and isn’t cognizant of some of the allegedly insensitive things she said. Personally I recognized this for what it was: a reality TV show – a game – where strangers had to do a whole lot of despicable things, as they do every season, for a $500,000 prize. Taking everything into account I really wasn’t offended by anything that was said or done in the house. Plus, I had a choice to either watch it and accept it for what it was OR to be offended and not watch. You had the same choice.

On another note, Howard for MVP? Seriously? He swore on a bible two times and lied both times, and he made some pretty disgusting sexual comments. He didn’t even make it long enough to be on the jury. His game play sucked and sorry but he deserves nothing.


Aaryn did NOT apologize because she was sorry for her comments and learned her lesson. She apologized because she was TOLD to do so in order to clean up her image; her “apology” read like a script. The only thing Aaryn is sorry for is how bad she looked and the fact that she got boo’ed and nobody likes her – that is what hurts her feelings, NOT her comments. Even her saying in the jury that Amanda is worse outside and she wants no part of it, is apart of her PR spin to separate herself from negativity. If she truly was so despised by that sort of behavior she would have revealed that in her DR sessions privately so, we viewers, could witness that she had some decency.

She showed her true colors in the house. This apologetic Aaryn is a ploy and does not fool me. You likely were not offended by her comments because she didn’t target your race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation (aka you’re likely NOT Black or Asian or Gay).

give me a break

TO Analyst: You are not offended by the Racists…. but Howard offends you…….being racist in a social game is okay with you….I wonder if it was three black girls that when after Aaryn….flip her bed…and another one got in her face to fight her…would you be okay with that………It’s sad that you see nothing wrong with racist behavior…..and that you welcome using racism as game play move…..Aaryn is not sorry…..when she get’s back home she is going to be surrounded by people like you….who think it’s okay to be racist….and she did nothing wrong…….and blame Howard and Candice for being offended and for being black……..IT IS SAD THAT RACISM DOES NOT OFFEND YOU……..but Howard offends you…………I don’t get it……it is sad that you think like that…..


Aaryn’s comments in the house were obviously inappropriate, but the hatred spewed towards her is way out of proportion to her behavior. She has apologized, she seems to have grown some while in the house. Also, please do not assume that everyone who is willing to forgive her, does not care about eliminating cultural inequities. I agree that part of her motives for apologizing is that she wants to save her image, but I also believe that she is struggling somewhat with her self-image and truly does not want to be ‘that person’. I have to cut her some slack in that regard, as I have reasonable hope that she can move forward from this with some level of enlightment. I think many people are placing all their frustrations about society onto her, that she’s become a scapegoat to some degree. She really isn’t all that, couldn’t even deal with the heat that Julie Chen put on her (let’s fact it, Julie isn’t exactly a hard core journalist, it’s all fluff but Aaryn was ready to cry). There is much more discrimination and injustice in the world than what she had to dish out, and dumping all your anger about it onto her is not going to make it any better. If you’re a better person than her then you would give her the benefit of the doubt and have some forgiveness in your heart, and understand that most people are a blend of good and bad qualities and that every single person has some level of ignorant bias, no matter how subtle, in their mind. Tell me, were you offended by the comments houseguests made about perfomance enhancing drugs, but I assure you that those are highly discriminatory comments towards disabled people (you can google OCR, the office of civil rights, to find out more about this). People with disabilities need those meds in order to perform on a level playing field with everyone else, but no one batted an eye when the houseguests complain that the Adderal gave unfair advantage to Aaryn. No one is perfect in their views of the world. The girl made an apology, accept it like a decent human being and move on.


Thank you Fay. Well said!

Big Sister

She heard the boos from the audience and that clued her in to the way she was being perceived. Obviously she was among those judged to be out of line by the repeated disavowals that CBS and TVGN put up before each broadcast. By the way, I don’t whine–I simply state my opinion. I chose to watch, as I have since Season 1, even though I was offended by her actions and comments and they were not “allegedly” insensitive. That is my perogative. Just because you weren’t offended, so be it. I might have respected her more if she hadn’t apologized and stood by her apparent beliefs. BB15 may be the best thing that happens to Aaryn as she is bound (I hope.) to learn and grow from this experience. I stand by my support for Howard. Being in jury is not a prerequisite for getting the $25,000. So you vote for your favorite and I will vote for mine.


Helen was a stupid player. It was never the right time to get Amanda out.

Shaking my head

I can’t believe Rat turd kept GM over McCrae. He just gave her $500k because the women in the jury house will pick her over either guy. After betraying so many alliances why did Rat turd suddenly get a conscience and decide to be true to the exterminators?

It’s sickening that the racist skank was twice now put in the position to make the deciding vote on who to evict. That piece of shit loser should have been evicted weeks ago. It will be sweet irony if she wins final HOH and sends Rat turd packing.


Bingo. The girls harped on the fact that a girl has never beaten a guy in the F2. GM wins if she’s F2.

gina's tongue ring

bobby OMG! AMAZE-BALLS! GinaMarie for the WIN!
Andy would CRY… for – Mommy!!
Spencer … WTF¡ Who fuc*in cares¿


Andy kept GM bc he felt he already has too much blood on his hands and did not want to send a bitter GM to poison the jury house. I wish he had sent her out, but from a game standpoint I can understand his logic. What disappoints me is that McCrae didn’t try to work that angle with Andy, or try to convince GM to take Spencer out and assure herself a F2 (being that Andy and McCrae have good reasons to not want to take each other to F2). There was a lot of logic he could have tried on them, but he let his emotions get in the way once he realized he’d been duped and outplayed b/c he hadn’t played the game for most of the season. He basically gave up. That’s what distinguishes him from a Dan or even a Boogie….fighting until the end. Dan did it with his funeral speech, and Boogie did it in All Stars when he convinced Chicken George to flip and keep him during the very last minutes before sitting down.


hope mc goes home. andy will be stupid to save him


I honestly think that they should let America pick the winner from the final two and eliminate the Jury. It would another demension to the game and if the houseguests had to worry about what America thought of them they would police their mouths more. I say contnue with the evictiions the way they are now but when they come down to the final two let America vote for the winner.


I love that idea.

Nick's Hat

I still say I should win America’s favorite. I never bad-mouthed anyone, everyone talked about me at one point or another, I was never put up as a nomination; and I’m still in the house. Just because I can’t win the 500K doesn’t mean I can’t win America’s favorite. Every other person in the house this season was terrible!


Andy will choke part 1 HoH endurance & part 2 HoH skill/mental competition!!!! Can’t wait till finale night that Andy will get evicted!!!!!! No jury will not vote for the rat. It would GinaMarie & Spencer final 2 and Elissa will take home America favorite houseguest.


Captain, My Captain, thank you for that comment. You are the Good Luck Charm for Josh and me. Keep on going against the Rainbow Warrior Andy. He has all the Jury Votes. Helen said it right he played a great game. Take care my friend. Josh and I are in the money, Life is so Sunny.


Don’t bet on it. GinaMarie easily beat Andy & Spencer in endurance but in part 2 Spencer can beat Andy in skill competition which make GinaMarie & Spencer Final 2.


Ginamarie will win Part 1.
Spencer will win Part 2.
Ginamarie will win part 3 (she’s so underestimated at questions).

Ginamarie and Spencer will be final 2.
Ginamarie solely voted to evict the two biggest players in the game- Amanda and McCrae.

Aaryn, Helen, Elissa, McCrae, Amanda, Judd will vote for Ginamarie.
Andy, Candice, Jessie will vote for Spencer.

Ginamarie will win Big Brother 15.


Nope. Spencer will win if final 2 are him and GM.


Nope!!!!! GinaMarie will win it.


I hope you are right about how the HOH wins shake out and I hope that GM takes Spencer. I think she will win. I’m not sure the jury wouldn’t give it to Andy based on his social game which was really good if you didn’t know he was ratting. GM played a good social game and made no real enemies and she won enough to be considered more than a floater. She also made some ballsy moves. I hope she wins it all…….Since someone has to. I still say this season was really bad… bad that we saw how much involvement production has. I hope they choose a better cast next season. To Simon and Dawg…..thank you for this website. I know it means you had to watch all this crap this year and I am so glad you did. I couldn’t. Hope Elissa gets the 25k just cause I don’t really care who gets it.


I so hope it works out that way captain. I would so love for Andy to walk away with nothing and for Ginamarie to win the season. She is the lesser of the three evils.


If Andy was thinking clearly he would take McCrae off and realize that Spencer and GM are going to take each other if given he chance. At least with McCrae he has the chance to win 50k. I wish McCrae would’ve pitched that to Andy. Both Spencer and GM know they can’t beat Andy in the final two so they will never take him. So Andy you fool you probably end up in 3rd after all….lol


What McCrae needs to do is ask, in front of everyone, who thinks WHO is making it to final two. Obviously one of them is lying – he could upset the apple cart and have a hope of messing with their heads – but don’t think he’s smart enough. He’s just laying there and taking his “fate”. I’d be all “So, Spencer, Gina Marie is taking Andy – at least if you take ME one of us will win something. You’re going to go up as a pawn one more time and it will be your trip home.” He needs to mess with their heads but he’s such a lame gamer he won’t be able to. Too bad since he’s the least offensive to me to see as the winner.


Agreed, McCrae should have messed with their heads. It’s not that he’s stupid, but he let his emotions and insecurities get the best of him instead of feeling inspired to fight for it to the end. He knew he messed up and he began wallowing in it instead of trying to make the best of it. Even my 13 yr old son kept saying during the episode, darn it, why didn’t McCrae try to talk them into keeping him based on each guest’s F2 odds, it was obvious he hadn’t even tried.

Pinocchio Obama

Not much to choose from but with what is left in the house I guess my order of preference would be GinaMarie, Spencer, and Ratty,


if its gm and spencer think vote will be close maybe 5-4 gm


Spencer – GM final.
Spencer will get the votes of : Candice, Jesse, Judd, Amanda and McCrae.
GM will get Aaryn and Possibly Helens.


Forgot 2 : Andy will vote for Spencer. Elissa probably GM.


Judd said he was rooting for GM. And Spencer lied about Candice and the hat so she is not a sure thing for him.


Candice will not vote for GM in a Spencer vs GM final. She even stated that when they showed jury house.


WHAT has been Spencer’s “purpose” ….. in the house?
He devoured FOOD like a fuck*n grizzly bear, and drank
GALLONS of COKE! He stole most of the candy, from the baskets, in the HOH room! He was always stuffin’ his FAT FACE!! He Is WORTHLESS!! He is an OBNOXIOUS PERVERT! HILLBILLY….. PEDOPHILE! SLIMEBALL RACIST A$$HOLE!!
OMG! To think he could be – in the F-2, win the $$$, makes
me SICK! How can this ….. PERVERT….. be rewarded?

Pinocchio Obama

The jury house footage was awesome!


You have to love Candice’s honesty. She told Amanda the truth about McCrae. He was worse than a floater, he slept, pun intended, through BB15. Getting in bed with Amanda totally ruined his game.


I agree, he d/n have a great social game, Amanda is now trying to run the jury house


Trying is the operative word. They aren’t taking her BS anymore.


Uh, DeManda was the one who climbed in McC’s bed. Blackwidow caught her Mcfly.


Helen d/n think that Aaryn had said or done the racist mess when she was in the house?????? she even implied Candace was lying. She probally was wondering what was going on when Aaryn gave her lame apology. ok ok ok ok ok

Can't wait for it to be over either

Helen is going to feel really stupid when she hears Aaryn tell her to shut up and go make her some rice. Most of these ppl. are disposable. Aaryn’s excuse of being from Texas is ridiculous. She may be sheltered but I know she’s aware of other races besides her own residing in that State.


My favorite players are Candace, Elissa, and Howard. I d/n her the personal nasty attack and lies from them like the others. Andy was during ok he was a rat and really that is how the game works, but he d/n say personal things until recently in the game. So go Andy!!!!!!!!! Spencer and GM is horrible horrible horrible people I will never root from them.

gina's tongue ring

Seeing the jury guests was awesome!


I hope the jury house footage is now the majority of rest of season… it’s WAY more entertaining then the boring remaining three HG’s. I had to just Fast Forward through everything except the eviction/julie interview and watched the jury footage.


Bye bye Mccrae haha you made the worst move in the history of big brother wuhahaha


Looks like Jury house isn’t bitter, they respect Andy’s game, so as long as he makes final 2, he wins.

Big Sister

I only heard Helen say that. These jurors are bitter!!!


Isn’t Helen the one who influenced the house? Think she couldn’t do the same to jury?


You wish!


Jury is different than the BB house. You’re not getting vote out and this is a bitter jury.


Amanda is totally going to vote for Andy and try to convince everyone he was the best player ever now that McCrae has been eliminated. Just you wait. Amanda is loyal like no other.

Andy's sis

J U Double D looked miserable in the jury house! hahahahaha

Judd is toast

The lazy asshole should never had been allowed to leave. The exterminators are all equally worthless pieces of shit but I’m glad the shady guy who was in a constant slouched position, couldn’t enunciate his words, and whose probably dumber than GM (who is pretty much an imbecile) was sent back to the jury house. It was unfair to let him back into the game.

Next year the jury should consist of EVERY contestant. And maybe the jury house should have access to the 24/7 live feeds with replay so they can watch the game unfold and make a truly informed decision on who to give the $500k to. Maybe include the jury house as part of the live feeds, or have BBAD include an hour in the jury house one or two days a week. Just an idea.


I Knew Amanda was going to do that.
I agree with Candice he floated his way for a long time
Want MC to go to the jury house sooo bad

the lioness

Candice’s body language says it all. She hasn’t forgiven Aaryn.


Why should she forgive her? It was not a proper apology.


The only reason Aaryn apologized was because she got caught and her PR spinners told her to. It makes her look good on camera and that’s about it.


Sounded like a perfectly fine apology to me. Truth is she would never accept any apology because Candice is a bitter bitch.

I'm keeping it real

Candice is a prima donna princess who is used to getting her ass kissed. And when that didn’t happen with the BB females she turned to shit-stirrer and instigator with her big mouth, running to Howie for cover every time. She had no problem whining that ‘it’s my mouth and I’ll say whatever I want’ but cried woe is me when ‘the mean girls’ (Chen’s term of art) spoke their mind. Sorry Candy, if you can dish it out then be prepared to take it. You’re just a bitter bitch because they got you out before you could get them. It must really suck that GM may be getting $500,000 handed to her next week when you just got $13,000.


yesssssss cannot wait to seee Amanda’s face

Spencer's Nut Sack

Because Canned Ass is a racist KneeGrow just like Aryian Nation is a racist Cracker.


Well, at least they are no POS like you.


Aaryn gives the weakest apologies, so I don’t think ANYONE could forgive her for anything she’s done in her life let alone on the show.

Amanda also gave weak apologies, and her attitude in Jury solidifies that she’s the same person we saw on the show.


I don’t know. They were sitting so close, their arms were touching and things seemed OK to me.

But I could tell Candice was still mad at Amanda…


I so wish that Aaryn knew that it was Spencer that crushed her hat and then told her it was Candice. He started the firestorm and then sat back and laughed.

In my humble opinion

Who cares whether Candice forgave her? Aaryn may have been sincere but it was also a PR move to improve her image since Chen made it pretty clear that it was somewhat tarnished (in Chen’s view, certainly not everyone’s). Tonight I didn’t hear Helen apologize for being a dictator and bully to Aaryn demanding she put so-and-so up or she was going home the following week. I didn’t hear Jessie apologize to Aaryn for being a jealous bitch who couldn’t get any guy to look twice in her direction. I didn’t hear Candice apologize to Aaryn for her elitist attitude toward Aaryn/GM/Kaitlyn/Amanda and all the smack talk (‘keeping it real, boo’) she dished out even after Aaryn apologized for the bed flipping incident. So give it a rest. None of the women (or guys) this season were saints. All said offensive things. I personally don’t think Aaryn had anything to apologize for. She played a game and broke no rules. It’s a disgrace that Chen had to make a farce of Aaryn’s exit interview and target her for a national shaming. If I were Aaryn I’d get a good lawyer after the finale and consider suing CBS.


What will she sue for ??? Everything Julie said, she actually said, that would really be a joke..


“If I were Aaryn I’d get a good lawyer after the finale and consider suing CBS.”

Sue for what actually? The things that came out of her mouth, and the things she did? I’d LOVE to be in that courtroom, but they’d kick me out for laughing too loud at the bullshit that came outta Aaryn’s mouth, and her lawyer’s excuses.


Oh, Uh, the ladies are going to eat each other up…. Judd better lay low, or he might get jumped. LMFAO

Spencer's Nut Sack

I’d luv 2 c sum of dez c u next tuesdays eat each other!
Marilyn is Bye-Sexy…. as soon as I win the $500K she gunna milk my prostate for some then say BYE-SEXY!


Good God, was that even English????? How about spelling properly before looking foolish, pal.


I like how MOST the women are against AMANDA and MCCRAE!! She is ONLY pushing for him to WIN so she isn’t the SUGAR MAMA! haha lol when he moves to Florida or so AMANDA thinks!! He told the guys he is staying in MINN for awhile!! We will see how whipped he is???


McPussy on bbad – said he wanted to go home – for a month!
Then, he was planning…..on going – to Florida ?
He didn’t say “A R” on the show, that’s the buzz!
If Amanda is pissy, about him – not winning – the $500k , the
McPussy needs to tell the WHORE to………F U C * OFF!!!!!
He is going to be 150% BETTER OFF ….. WITHOUT HER A$$!
(don’t…know if the pussy – was that good)
McPussy will hopefully ….. reflect back!!
He knows WHY ….. he did not win, the game!
Amanda SHOULD go home ….. ALONE!


It looks like MC might be a better pick for F2 than Spencer. Amanda’s campaigning is actually hurting him. It won’t matter because he is gone. I think the only one who can beat Andy is GM but it would be close. They all know Andy backstabbed them but will probably vote for him. Unfortunately they won’t know how badly he trashed them until it is too late. I think they will all regret giving Andy the $$ when his true nature is revealed.

Dirty Harry Reid

What were the odds of Big Brother getting the three ugliest males on the planet for final three guys?


Astronomical odds Dirty!

Does anyone but me wonder how many Halloweens Andy could have gone out trick or treating without a costume? He certainly did/does not need one. In the dark I am sure he looks like quite the troll. Scary.


Andy could be “Casper the GHOST”, no costume needed!


He’s …. a …. MIME….!

Andy should be thrown in the cornfield, as a “Scarecrow”!


Welcome to big brother hall of fame class of 2013. Here is the final member of celebrity wing hall of fame! David HasselHoff!! Congrats David HasselHoff. Tuned in the finale night to introduce the hall of fame class of 2013.


I hope Andy loses the first part of hoh tonight so he can stew for a day or two and sweat it out.


MCCRAE can now join AMANDA!!! in jury lol


McCrap is an idiot-all he had to say was ‘gina marie-andy has a final two with spencer-if either of them win you’re out. i’m making a final two with you now-that puts your final two odds at 2/3 vs 1/3-don’t be stupid. BAM.
these people never know what to say.


mcrae in his exit interview is having second thoughts
and is monday morning quarterbacking the summer

amanda's under-wear

I am laughing so hard I am crying. lol lmfao


I have to take issue with Andy for claiming credit for Aaryns’s eviction!! He tried like hell not to go up on the block and cried like a little B*tch when he did!! If it were not for AM/MC he would be in jury. What an arrogant little F*ck! Sorry still want Andy gone….losing hope.


McCrae suffered because he just woke up on Day 77, you can’t think well after you 1st wake up.

The irony is, he claimed he KNEW Andy was the one who voted out Amanda, yet he still didn’t put him up? ROLMFAO


Because he actually thought it was Elissa,{ and even if it was Andy} he thought Andy wanted to work with him. McCray, for a fan did not know how to play the game. Of course , none of the players knew how to play this year .


His biggest mistake was lying in bed therefore he wasn’t aware of what was going on around him. That’s the thing about Ellissa she watched people and had a pretty good idea of who was talking to whom.


hope springs eternal for next summer… BB16 is a GO! i just saw a recruitment pitch
for the next BIG BROTHER season! the short ad came on about at about 9:50 tonite!!!




wtf is dr will going to confront the jury about?

Fingers crossed

I’m hoping he’s going to ask all the questions that Julie Chen hasn’t been “allowed” to ask. All the stuff we’ve been hoping they would get called out on, but maybe as host/representative of CBS, Chenbot was forced to edit or refrain from saying. I dunno, this is my final prayer at least. In fact, if all goes well, hopefully he will put this cast in their place way better than she could, and given his reputation, truly force these sheep to grasp just how terrible their season was.

*pleaseohplease* >D


I loved elissa, but I’m voting for Howard. He was such a nice and mature person who handled the racism in a respectable manner. I would vote for elissa, but I’m voting for Howard since she already has a lot of money and $25000 will make a bigger impact on Howard. He deserves it!

Spencer's Nut Sack

10 – votes America’s Favorite ELISSA.
Just to send a message on how wrong all the other jealous SCUM white trash cock sucking short eyes players are.


i am in a pleasant state of shock. it got renewed. CBS is

on a talent hunt. This press release is dated 2 p.m today…

it looks like management decided to bite the bullet and if they

are about to toy with having a superfan edition or a mix of

fans and favorites like SURVIVOR, one of us might get lucky!


well count me in. Here’s my application:

Occuaption: I am a Barfly
Education: Yes
Inspiration: Whatever Production wants me to think/say/believe/act…….

Another Liberal Loser

Thanks for the reminder Amanda I had almost forgot what an asshole you are.


I don’t want Andy to win


I really enjoyed the jury house especially when Candice and Amanda were arguing over who was the main floater and Amanda suggested that GinaMarie was and Candice said that it was McCrae because he never even got out of the. bed

amanda's under-wear

whaaa! whaaa! my mcnasty is gone out of the house! who will buy underware for me?! whaaawhaaa! He was such an honest player waaa! <—this was the last thing ever heard from the mcnasty couple and they never came together again. This story my friends is over.


OMG was that enough of the Rat you think on the show tonight made me wanna puke. Andy tell us…..WTF give it a break we know he;s your star LOL but don’t any of the staff read those blogs. What a pathetic season


he could have also said-if you keep me youre guaranteed final 2-i’ll take you and andy will take you over me. with spencer/andy you got a 50/50 shot. which odds you like better?

Jim 64

We want a big brother ALLSTARS 2
Go Ginamarie Go


Why does Andy keep taking credit for evicting Aaryn? How was she EVER a target of the exterminators when the exterminators weren’t even formed yet?? In fact, Andy was campaigning that entire week to get Spencer or GM put on the block so he wouldn’t be nominated. Even though he knew he wouldn’t get voted out, he still cried and acted like a jerk in hopes of staying off the block and being the only house guest to never be nominated… well that didn’t work and this is the real reason he targets Elissa with malicious attacks. Elissa is the one who orchestrated Aaryn’s eviction… if she would have nominated anyone other than Andy, Aaryn would have never been evicted and 3am would have been in the final five at the very least. The exterminators formed when 3am began to unravel and Andy the rat-faced floater jumped ship. It makes me want to puke every time he keeps saying how the exterminators took out the four biggest people when they evicted Aaryn, Amanda, Elissa, and McCrae. I hope Andy loses.


I couldn’t agree more with your statement Gee!


I hope if Andy is final 2 and starts saying how they exterminated Aaryn, Elissa calls him out on it.


I hope Spencer or Gina Marie win the 500K…God knows they will need it after being fired from their jobs.


The Jury’s scenes were so good. It seems Aaryn is redeemable while Amanda seems a lost cause. She was ready to bully the jury into voting for McCrae. It’s hard to like or admire this girl’s gameplay.

This Season Blows

“It seems Aaryn is redeemable while Amanda seems a lost cause.”

I’ve been saying it all year.

Aaryn is probably a nice person in her normal life, but she’s completely ignorant about racial issues and didn’t get that her jokes were inappropriate. I think she understands she was wrong now.

Demanda is just a vile, hateful person who will never, ever change her ways.


I agree that Aaryn is probably more ignorant than racist, she is however a spoiled brat. There was definitely malice in her eyes and words whenever she spoke to Candice. I know many people didn’t think she was really sorry, but I do believe she was and will hopefully grow from the experience. I am hoping Candice will be a bigger person and forgive. Not saying she has to because she was terribly hurt by that lot but living with bitterness and anger is not growing either.
Agree about Amanda.

Bored Viewer

McCrae’s exit interview didn’t reveal anything that I hadn’t already read in the spoilers. He was a really “good sport,” considering the information he had at the time of the interview. The jury house (more like the jury mansion) scenes were among the most interesting footage of this season.

It seems GM is now the pick for #1 (even among posters who have no favorite). Any posters with no favorite who would rather see Spencer with the 500K?

BB15: Crackhead Edition! 6 Days Remaining!

Andy's sis

McCrae is a good guy, he just showed his age and lack of maturity tonight. He is going to look back at this experience 10 years from now, looong after he has left Amanda and she has self-destructed elsewhere, and think WTF?? He’ll be all right.

Too Tall

CBS’s Julie Ching is a racist. It was revealed today on tv that she got eye surgery so that her slit eyes would look more American (caucasian). She said that all Asians tend to look alike and she wanted to stand out and not have ugly slitty eyes like most Chinese have.

JULIE CHING IS A RACIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SpongeBob SquarePants

I saw that piece on tv also, I was disgusted. Julie Chen is ashamed of her own race. She is a racist.

This Season Blows

The irony of Julie hammering Aaryn over her dumb Asian jokes is hilarious in hindsight, considering Julie hates her own race and got plastic surgery to try to “look less Asian.” I don’t know about you, but I consider that more offensive than anything Aaryn said. What kind of message is that sending to Asian women that Julie felt the need to mutilate her face to look “more white”?

Dr. Will, watch me Sunday!

I was thinking the same thing. Why did Julie admit that when she knew she was
going to catch so much flak for it. She shouldve just kept her mouth shut
and no body would have known. Now it’s all over the message boards that Julie
is a hypocrite. She should apologize to Aaryn.

This Season Blows

I also think Julie is jealous of Aaryn’s looks, considering she didn’t confront ugly-ass Demanda for saying even worse things about Asians. She’s clearly just jealous and biased towards Aaryn.

Spencer's Booger

I agree with you, I think that Julie Chen is jealous of Aaryn’s good looks and her whiteness and that’s why she attacked her and not Amanda.

Dont bomb Syria!

Aaryn is white.

Julie Chen is oriental.

Aaryn is proud of being white.

Julie Chen is ashamed of being and looking oriental.



so…anybody want to bet how many of the above people are actually the same person (and likely aaryn’s PR rep?) lol.

I mean I really hope someone is getting paid to come here and write this awful stuff. If people are doing it just because they want to, they’ve got a lot of hate inside of them.


I think that you have a lot of stupid inside of you. Just because you don’t agree doesn’t mean your conspiracy theory is correct.

Dr Will

Ditto! I agree with you.


Well Too Tall — Your a day late and one lie too many. That is not what she said or why she had the operation on her eyes. Why don’t you take the time to listen to the interview? Here’s the link

Too Tall

You are stupid as stupid gets! Yes, she got eye surgery, it was an eyelid lift so that she would look less Asian. She’s a racist just like Aaryn.


Julia didn’t you listen to the interview on tv? Julie Chen doens’t like looking like a Chinese and she wanted to look more like a white person

Stick a fork in me, I'm done

cBS host juie chen is racist, fire her


Ill admit that Juli chen is racist, but i dont think that she should be fired. The next HG that Julie confronts about racism, should just throw it back in her face.

BAM, Biatch!


First of all, it is SO OBVIOUS you aren’t a minority and DO NOT know the definition of racism. You’re also A LIAR because you’re oversimplifying Julie Chen’s confession and above all the whole issue which is all about eurocentrism. Any non-white person, nowadays, know that the dominant cultural reference is the Western a.k.a. Caucasian model. By example, braiding your hair or going natural is considered “ethnic” in a lot of work environments. Ethnic with regard to what? I would never do what Chen did but as a minority, I understand what she went through. Minorities still experience the need to look white. then it boils down to a question of strength of character but also priorities. Her career was what mattered the most to her back then, her parents supported her, it’s the only thing that matters. You haters who have never been discounted to the sole color of your skin for years and would probably never know what it u is, aside from being called white cracker once every 2 decades, can kiss all the real victims of racism and discrimination’s asses.

Spencer's Booger

Dumb Twat


Breathing piece of shit! Truth hurts, unfortunately it doesn’t help some seemingly living organs to grow some brain cells.


yeah us white people know nothing of racism. when i walk through a black neighborhood i dont experience any racism at all. right.


I didn’t believe you but I googled it and saw the cbs vid. You are so right! Julie Chen is a racist! She’s biased against her own people.


That’s internalized racism at play, not julie being racist. Internalized racism as in absorbing society’s racist beliefs into yourself to your own detriment. Like for fuck’s sakes if you’re really concerned about racism, worry that society made her feel bad about a piece of her own race.


you’re asking this lot of winners to accept the role they play due to their (highly likely) majority privilege…good luck.


where the heck is the hoh comp??

This Season Blows

Great Final 3 and solid winner guaranteed…. stop whining, people.

Too Tall

Looking back at Julie Chang’s interview with Aaryn, WHAT AN OXYMORON: 1 racist interviewing another!!!!!

Done with BB, three a$$es left!!

I wholeheartedly agree with you. Julie is the biggest racist of them all.

CBS should get a new host for the next BB


Honestly people, Julie was told by the production manager of her first local news job that he would not give her on-air work because she looked to Chinese and her eyes made her appear uninterested and board while relaying a story. She was then told by a prominent agent in the industry that to make any type of name for herself she would have to undergo plastic surgery. She went home and had long discussions with both her parents when making the decision to go under the knife. This isn’t racism you asshat, its pulling your professional dream out of a holding pattern and making the decision to comply to racist stereotyping in order to succeed in life.


Michelle, you are an asshat? (sic) Julie’s parents strongly disagreed with her and said that she should be proud of her heritage. Julie Chen told them that she was ashamed of being Chinese and wanted to look more white because she couldn’t advance in Hollywood otherwise. What kind of message is that sending ot our kids?!


Susan…she was not ashamed to be Chinese. I thought I would paste in the exact quote so you wouldn’t continue professing your misinformation:

“Chen, who says she’s proud of her Chinese heritage, told her co-hosts: “And he [the news director] said, ‘You will never be on this anchor desk, because you’re Chinese.’ He said ‘Let’s face it Julie, how relatable are you to our community? How big of an Asian community do we really have in Dayton?…On top of that because of your heritage, because of your Asian eyes, I’ve noticed that when you’re on camera, when you’re interviewing someone you look disinterested and bored because your eyes are so heavy, they are so small.'” Chen said that at the time, she had discussed the surgery with her parents, who supported her decision.

Would hate for you to continue on living the life of an asshat…

Karen is BBs biggest fan

You must not have watched the same video as me. They are not showing the entire video, just parts of it and their are different versions. I don’t think that you watched the one that proves that Julie Chen is a racist.


The fact that you think you can “prove” racism is absurd. The notion that one is a racist is a matter of individual opinion, never a fact.

Unless Julie Chen said, “I julie chen, of sound mind and body, am a racist.” Then there’s no proof, only assumption.

Man people are hateful tonight. Disgustingly more than usual around here.


so, if people in Klan robes were lynching blacks, as long as they didnt say those particular words, there’s no proof of racism??? that’s asshat logic.

This Season Blows

That just means the news producer is just as racist as Julie. I’d have told him to go screw himself and found another job that isn’t racist. Instead, she agreed with the racism and got intense plastic surgery to look “less Asian.”

Karen is BBs biggest fan



This is my first season watching BB and I have to say that the biggest sorprise is learning that Julie Chen is a racist.

Karen is correct, not only is Julie a racist, but she is a hypocrite for bashing Aaryn when she is no better than her.

Todd Crane

Hope GM goes to final 2 with Spencer. GM wins $500,000. Spencer doesn’t comply with some rule and forfeits the $50,000. And Andy comes in 3rd happy with the $94.83 he won in the house.
I wanted Elissa to win, but after she left I really didn’t like anyone but picked McCrae as the lesser of many evils. Now that he’s not there I’m rooting for GM.

Regina Maria should be the poster girl for illiteracy.


Help me out here, folks. I keep missing it. I’m supposed to text what to whom for America’s Favorite?


As a longtime fan of Big Brother who recently turned 21, I am thrilled to hear there will be a 16th season. I am finally eligible to apply for Big Brother, something I have wanted to do since I was probably 12 years old. The odds are slim, but I truly believe I would do well in this game. Hell, I think any one of us here could have beat these final three punks…

Go Gm, I guess.

Thank you Simon and Dawg for the awesome spoilers, this season may have been a disappointment but I still always found myself reading your spoilers… I will be making a donation. (:


I cannot believe that between a racist a pervert and a rat, most people would want the racist to win. I’m speechless. Sure Andy is annoying and in any other season I would not root for him but everything he did in the BB house was game and not personal. The fact that people are rooting for GM makes me sick to my stomach.


His trash talking Elissa’s children was personal. If you go back you’ll see Rat Dog would do what he learn in his beloved improv classes–he’d throw out a line then sit back and laugh as the others started in with the hate. He knew what he was doing.


How was it game to continuously mock evicted houseguests and refer to women as c***s?!?