Big Brother 26 Spoilers Week three Eviction Results

Cedric won the Head of household, Nominated Tucker (Who volunteered), Angela and Kenny. Target is Kenny or Angela. Tucker wins the veto and uses it on Angela and went on a rampage calling out Quinn and Cedric. Cedric nominated Makesny in Angela’s place. Makesny used her twisto twist power to remove herself from the BLOCK. America gets to vote who the third Nominee is.

America votes Quinn to be the third nominee.

AI Arena Winner is Tucker

Houseguest learn Tucker won AI Arena.

Angela Cries

Final Speeches. Quinn is cringe, Kenny is Cringe.

Tucker votes to evict Quinn
Tkor votes to evict Kenny
Angela Votes to Evict Kenny
Chelsie Votes to evict Kenny

Makensy votes to evict Kenny
Brooklyn votes to Evict Kenny
Rubina Votes to Evict Kenny
Cam Votes to evict Kenny
Kimo votes to evict Kenny
Joe votes to evict Kenny
Leah votes to evict Kenny

Kenny is evicted.

Kenny is happy he is evicted.

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Mother Tucker

I’m so happy right now!

BB Karma

I really wish they would stop casting people like Kenny who wants to quit the game every other day smh so annoying


But how would they know how someone would react once they get into the house??? Their not physic. Unless you mean they put so called “plants” into the house. It’s normal to have mixed emotions once you get into the house. Especially after being around some of these nauseating people.

Don't Shoot the Messenger

Seems like there’s one every year, lately!


I’m doing the Dance of Joy right now!!! Kenny is going home!!



Don't Shoot the Messenger

He added nothing to the show, so it’s the best case scenario for viewers.

The Beef

Given Angela’s first HOH, and that she just won her second one, you just might be speaking too soon about that “best case scenario”. While it’s true Quinn may very likely hijack her HOH, since it’s the last week his power is good, since she would be safe as the true HOH, and Quinn would only have Tucker left as a “bloodless” target since he’s so over-aligned, he also might not. If he doesn’t, we could be in for a repeat of her paranoid bullying first reign.

Quinn is going to have to do some serious talking and negotiating with The Collective and Pentagon members, before he decides to hijack, if he’s going to keep his own ass out of serious trouble. If he doesn’t, half the house may be targeting him, when his “invisible” HOH is over.

Not my Fault

Quinn should be voted out; Dumb move if they don’t. Cedric knew Quinn has the votes to stay and that’s why he didn’t put him on the block…


Kenny constantly said that he wanted to leave. It is right that he left

Kim-Marie Black

He can self evict. Get someone who is competition out and with a major power. Now it doesn’t matter whose hoh Quinn is going to use it


When does it matter that someone is crying to go home? Your goal is to get out your threat; which at the moment seems like Quinn or Tucker. But Tucker won the AI comp. Cedric should have promoted more for Quinn to go for his game. He let everyone run his head of household. Kenny wasn’t coming for him

Kim-Marie Black

Thank you! This was so dumb knowing he has power and that Kenny could end up self evicting. This was terrible game play. I almost want to stop watching. I liked Cedric but come on.

Tucker beast

People in the house are dumb, had the biggest opportunity to get a big player out and failed


Agreed. It may have been a different result if Kenny didn’t tell everyone to vote him out ( he spoke in everyone’s ear before the vote)

The Beef

He damn sure did! I agree with you that’s it’s likely he was asking them to send him home!


Yes!!!!! I think it’s more so Big Brother once again getting involved.

The Beef

I think production got involved with the way they edited the Wednesday night show, which pretty much implied that Cedrick lied, back-stabbed and went against the plan with Tucker, when he didn’t. It seemed obvious they wanted America to vote for Quinn to be the nominee, and that’s exactly what happened.

Do I think production wanted Quinn voted out? No, I think they just wanted the drama of the power holder OTB, and they then put them in a competition they knew Tucker would be favored to win.

Production knows what’s going on in that house, and they knew that in a Quinn vs. Kenney scenario, Kenney was going home, and they were good with that.

Team Taylor

Kenney’s evicted so I’m happy. Despite his wishes to go home, he was one of the better players in comps.

Overall, this was a messy HOH week for Cedric, but I think he’ll be okay for at least two weeks.

Now that Quinn will likely use his upgrade, this is the eviction list I want:

1. Tucker
2. Leah
3. Makensy
4. Angela


You want all the white people? Not surprised.

Tucker's Nosejob

Tucker bein’ all nice to Quinn after the 10-1 vote. Seems all the houseguests were happy with Quinn’s proclamation that he will put Tucker on the block next week. Tucker overplayed his hand.

Omega BB

But if Tucker wins POV & BBAI which is highly likely then that means one of those genius people is gone.


exceedingly dumb move to cause all this drama and then kenney leaves, but at least quinn uses his power next week and should be targeting cedric, just to highlight how dumb the move was.

Ann goncz

Angela is so fake with all the crying get her out she is toxic

Don't Shoot the Messenger

I’m wondering if all the crying is actually perimenopause…


Thank goodness Tucker won, he’s keeping this season alive. These players are trash, Tucker is out there fighting the good fight, trying to bring BB back to its glory days.

The Beef

Tucker is a moron. BB basically gifted him the veto this week. He turns around and uses it on Angela instead of himself. That’s not fighting the good fight – that’s asking to be evicted.

He also tried to hijack the HOH from the guy who actually won it, alienating most of the house in the process, and declares war on Cedrick, who is well-aligned, while Tucker is a self described “floater”.

He survives only as long as he keeps winning veto’s and/or AI comps, and then he’s gone.


Quinn’s speech was a CLASSIC!!

Omega BB

Episode 11 Proves BB26 Cast Is The Worst Cast of Gamers Ever. A cast that volunteers to be nominated and then votes to keep a superpower in the house that will make the next HOH useless.


the majority of them think quinn is working with them.

Omega BB

Keeping a superpower he kept secret is dumb & some of his alliance were exposed by Tcuker & Quinn himself


I’m calling BB 26 the house of worst players ever.

Mike Honcho

Tuck served Quinn up on a platter and the house punted to keep a superpower after america had basically TOLD them to evict Quinn.

Do they not know america can see the diary rooms, live feeds, and everyone’s perspectives? I bet this goes down as one of the top bonehead house moves in BB.


Did anyone find it the least little suspicious that when told go that Tucker dropped to his knees immediately and started grabbing the red balls that were on the floor and unlike the other two who were trying to catch them in the air. Almost like he was told the best way to win at this competition


aww its common sense.