Tucker “I’m gunning for you! You’re my number one target now! Keep digging your f**king grave bro!”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Cedric
Nominees: Kenny, Angela & Tucker
POV Players: Kenny, Angela, Tucker, Cedric, Leah & Makensy (Rubina is the host)
POV Winner: Tucker
Veto Ceremony: Tucker used the veto on Angela. Cedric put up Makensy. She used her power. America votes on the replacement.
Havenots: No havenots this week

9pm Havenot Room – Rubina and Tucker
Rubina – did you talk to Cam also today and Cedric? It seems like they both are saying they didn’t know. Chelsie said that Cam and Cedric both said the didn’t know. Tucker – WHAT THE F**K IS GOING ON?! Cam cried about it. Maybe that’s because he was lying. I know it was a crazy move but I was down to risk it because I’m the only one who’s doing risky sh*t in this f**king house and that’s how the game has to be played. Its good on your resume. I know I can win the arena so I’m down with it. Now I got to f**king talk to Cam. I was just asking if he wants to form something cuz where the world we can we’re the only truthful f**king ones in there out of the dudes. When this blow up happened I’m like bro what the f**k are you doing? That’s not what the plan was.
Yo bro! I’m still pissed for what you did but now maybe I should f**king tell him but it’s like I was just gonna tell him like dude if that’s what you really thought you should have communicated it better. I know you said we don’t have the numbers and I said I don’t give a f**k about the numbers. You should have stopped me in my tracks like a man like you’re saying you tried to talk to me man to man when it’s not dude you didn’t do it. You should have been like yo I’m HOH, I’m in control of this house. This is what I’m doing. If you go against that that’s on you. Why wouldn’t I save myself if we didn’t have this plan? Rubina – Yeah, I know.

Tucker – I think he’s scared. Which as he f**king should be. Rubina – Yeah. Tucker – I’m going to whoop his a$$ up there. Rubina – Yeah, you can do that. Tucker – I talked with Kenny. I talked with Kimo. They said that they didn’t know what the f**k went on. I was sitting there on the couch and can’t and Kenny goes.. you know, they think he’s still going to do this. And like you f**king better. So that makes me think that he knows. Kenny will go wherever. Kenny did not do a good job of playing it off.
Tucker – I’m so f**king annoying. Rubina – Okay. You don’t have to be annoyed. Want to let it out? Tucker – No, I mean, there’s nothing to let out. It’s just been annoying. Got duped, which is part of the game. But I still have a chance to battle back, which I’m planning to win but just.. I am annoyed at being called a liar when I haven’t listened. I know you believe me. Rubina – No, I know. But I would say for the most part, people can call you a lot of things but the one thing you’re not is a liar. Tucker – I think Brooklyn, Brooklyn knows it too. Rubina – Yeah, she trusts you. Tucker – But I would say, yeah, that Cedric, what the f**k bro? What are you trying to do? You’re trying to bring everyone in?

9:10pm Bathroom – Chelsie and Rubina.
Rubina – I know I asked you before but if it was the two boys stuck up there .. I know things change hour by hour. Chelsie – I wouldn’t want Tucker here as a roommate better than Kenny. But after Tucker’s speech today .. it seems like after Quinn he is going to beast through everyone one by one.. so unless you make him an ally. He is dangerous to everyone’s game. I don’t want to work with him .. at any point he gets emotional or upset. He is very unpredictable. Rubina – if he is on your team it is good for you. Chelsie – I think in the next couple days if something comes about I would still get Kenny out. Rubina – I feel the same way. Only because I still think that Kenny would gun for the girls more. Chelsie – I agree. What you see is what you get with Tucker. Rubina – we would know he would never lie about something. Chelsie – Kenny is the one personally I want out if we can convince more people. Rubina – no 100% I would be down with Kenny.

9:20pm Bedroom – Tucker, Cam and Rubina
Cedric comes into the room. Tucker – so Cedric why are you telling people I’m a liar? You want to tell me or do you want me to say it because I know what you’re telling everybody the words getting back to me real quick yet what? Cedric – What did I say? I’ll tell you what they told me when they came up to me. Tucker – No, I want to know what you’re telling them about me.

Cedric – Nothing I told him this is what I told him that you had no idea I was taking off Angela. Tucker – that’s false what I had said. I’ve heard it from multiple different people at this. Cedric – I’ll tell you exactly what I said. They were like So what happened how that all transpired I was like you were in the living room. You gave your side of the story, which is why I had us all me collectively in living rooms. You can air it out then. They were like OK. Tucker – So what happened? Cedric – I was like look, I told him don’t use the veto. He used the veto. I don’t know what he wanted me to do. I don’t think we have the numbers. You’re going to watch it back. I’m like use the veto on yourself. Tucker – I’m going to watch it back being happy knowing I told the truth this whole time, bro. I’m telling you exactly what I want that blindsided me up there, bro. I swear I said we had a plan and you said we don’t have the numbers. Who the f**k is we? I’m up there risking my ass for you, bro. You had nothing to worry about all you had to say is I’m putting Quinn up because he didn’t talk game with me, which he didn’t. Cedric – So what happened? Tucker – What do you mean what happened you blindsided the f**k out of me is what I mean, bro. I told you in the morning I told you in the morning. Yo talk I talked to everyone last night. I don’t think we have the numbers I said. I don’t give a f**k. I cut you off and said I don’t give a f**k about the numbers. Cedric – I said use the veto on yourself. Tucker – No, you did not, bro. Are you serious? I swear when we watch it back. Cedric – That’s exactly what happened, I swear. And then somebody else. Tucker – 0K. And even if you did say that, which you didn’t. 0K, I said I don’t give a f**k. We got a plan. You have nothing to worry about. You had nothing to worry about, bro! That’s exactly how I feel. And like I said earlier, bro, I’m gunning for you. You’re my number one target now. And then you got a lot of other people coming after you wanted to not get your hands dirty. I said use me. I got in, you know. And then we came up with this good plan. And then last night it was all good. I wake up. You try to say yo talker. I talk to everybody. We don’t have the numbers blah blah blah. I said I don’t give a f**k about the numbers and that was that you didn’t say don’t use the veto on your side. Cedric – I said use the veto on yourself.

Tucker – Kenny told me the same Kenny was right there with me saying the same shit. He’s like are we sticking with the plan? When I was sitting there he’s like who do you think he’s gonna put up and I was like we’re doing this 0K then he said we’re doing this bro. Cedrci – I’m telling you I didn’t blindside you. I’m sorry. Tucker – Yes, you did, that’s what it’s gonna have to be like that’s exactly what it is. You can’t even f**king say it. Look at me in the eyes, bro. You look so guilty. Cedric – No, I just don’t wanna get into which you look I don’t feel guilty. No type of way. Tucker – Go spread your lies more bro. Keep digging your f**king grave bro. Cause I’m coming back from that Al arena and I’m a Bust you. Cedric – I hope. Tucker – I hope so too. The truth will prevail motherf**ker will prevail the truth. Cedric – I agree and I hope it does. I really hope it does prevail. Tucker – You might have told other people that you that I shouldn’t. You maybe you told Kenny I shouldn’t use it. I don’t give a f**k about the numbers. You said we don’t have the numbers. Who the f**k is we? It’s me up there risking my ass bro. No, you tried what do you mean it’s my HOH? What do you mean, it’s not you not on the block? What do you mean dog?!

Cedric – We’re going in circles. Tucker – No, we’re not. I’m figuring out your lies, bro. Now you didn’t say we’re going in circles. Cedric – We’ve said the same thing back and forth. You feel played? I feel like I didn’t play you. That’s what it is. That’s what it is between. Tucker – Dude, have a good conscience. Hope you sleep well tonight. Cedric – Yes. Tucker – Don’t talk to me for the rest of the week. Cedric – OK Alright. Tucker – Keep telling these f**king lies, bro. I’m gonna be back next week. I’m gonna be back next week. I’m confident about it. Even if I lose the AI arena. I got the f**king numbers, bro. You shouldn’t have done what you did, bro. Cedric – All right, you got it.

9:50pm Backyard – Angela and Cedric

Angela – Let him cool down and have another conversation. Cedric -Nah, that’s it. Angela – If he wants to believe that he wants to believe that is gonna be what it’s gonna be. Maybe just things are like hot right now. Like let him calm down and then you guys can talk like alone was there a lot of people around there was like. Cedric – there was like there was like 3 or 4 people let him calm down. Let
him calm down. Let him come to you. Cedric – I’m not worried about it at the end of the day, it is what it is. I just don’t want it to be like push that I’m lying on him. You feel me! They head inside. Cedric – At the end of the day, it’s gonna be what it’s gonna be. It’s not gonna be. It’s not gonna be. I’m not stressing on it. People can believe whatever they can believe when they watch it back don’t know what the truth was. That’s what I keep saying to myself too. Which is a great thing because everything’s recorded so like. yeah, I don’t it is what it is. that’s life.

Bathroom – Quinn talking to Cedric
Quinn about his power – I’m down. I’m going to use it no matter what

9:55pm Bedroom – Tucker retelling all the drama to whoever will listen..

10:10pm Unicorn Bedroom – Brooklyn and Quinn
Brooklyn – I think it’s just what Cedric said exactly. And Tucker didn’t take it as a hint. He took it as no. Like we’ve already.. and he still did it. And now he’s mad. And so when Cedric is telling people, hey, I told him not to do it. And Tucker’s like, no, he didn’t. We were in this together, but they all just told him what Kenny’s doing, acting like he has no clue. Tucker was like, oh, really? It’s been 2 days of this.. Tucker said, I guess it’s The Ballers, The Shakers first, and then The Ballers, and they were going to shake things up. And then Cam came in and so then it changed into The Players.
Quinn – I know he (Tucker) was disappointed that I didn’t tell him (about the power) and that but I wasn’t telling anyone like I told the HOH cuz I didn’t want to go home. I told someone who was like upset and like we’re sleeping next to each other kind of thing and so I don’t know what to say other than that that’s what I told him and he was like it’s okay. It’s okay but I could feel that he was disappointed in me and I was like dude I’m sorry man like. Brooklyn – I think if that’s why we need to do it together so that he can understand that we are not feeling as hurting type of way and we’re like hey because at this point this is what we got everybody else’s there’s a lot of little things but no one’s riding like we are everyone knows about the underdogs everybody and a lot of people even know about the collective there’s a bunch of small little boys stuff so there’s a lots of ones here.

10:20pm – 10:40pm Bumper Pool Room – Tkor, Rubina and Tucker.
Tucker – Sorry you were there if I got you too intense, but it didn’t mean to go ahead because you were there. I don’t want anyone to feel uncomfortable in here unless he’s making me feel. He’s lying and making me feel like mad and comfortable. Tkor – I understand those feelings completely. I just feel like it went too high at the level. Tucker – Yeah. Well, I got blindsided and now I’m being called a liar so. I don’t know how. I don’t. I don’t want to react how you don’t know how it’s going to happen until you’re in it with Angela just like how Matt stood up to her. I forgot that you were in there. I’m sorry. I’m not an angry person, but I haven’t got sleep in 5 days. You guys have seen me get more angry than I ever have been. Rubina – that seems to be a recurring theme here so we do understand and empathize. Sure absolutely you’re allowed that I will give you that grace for sure. Tucker – I don’t want to play the game aggressively like that. I’ve been floating. I’m with fucking nobody right now. I have nobody. Rubina – OK, but we’re with you. Whether you think, unofficially. Tucker – again I am very sorry. I don’t want anyone to feel uncomfortable. It could have been handled better but its what happened so we just have to move on. Tkor leaves.

Tucker – I was just surprised too. He walked in just to f**king touch his clothes and then grab a pair of socks, bro. What are you doing? Whatever. Yeah, but he’s just trying to snoop around and be all chilling and it’s like bro. You already f**ked yourself so I don’t have to tell you to go f**k yourself.. Rubina – well you’re a grown a$$ man do what you need to do. Tucker – now this whole day is like that and tomorrow will be fine. I’ll just talk to him tomorrow. I am sorry some people felt uncomfortable in there but I ain’t taking back nothing.

10:48pm Bumper Pool Room – Tucker and Kenny.
Tucker – I heard that you were saying that you had no idea about this. Kenny – No. I said 100%. Tucker – People are trying to go nuts, but I don’t know who to believe because there was. Listen, I don’t honestly. I don’t care. I don’t. I honestly do not care period. I know you’ll be straight up. Kenny – I said are you sure you wanna do this and you said yeah, I’m like alright yeah, I wasn’t gonna try and talk you out of it’s what I said to people I thought and you were like you crazy f**ker like in a good way. Tucker – Yeah yeah yeah yeah. But now now Cedric is telling people that he had no idea about this Angela move whatsoever. Kenny – Well if Cedric’s saying that I didn’t say that. Tucker – okay, Cuz then people were saying you were saying it too. Kenny – Saying it to who? Tucker – little girls whoever you talk to. Kenny – I didn’t talk to anybody. I’m not going to lie to you, dude. Like, I’m not playing this game like lying. I’m 52 years old. Tucker – I’m not playing it lying either. That’s why Cedric now spreading these lies is pissing me off. And I just had to blow them out. I was like, brothers, don’t talk to me for a couple of days because you’re going up there and you’re telling people that you had no idea about me using it for Angela and that he told me today and his words were that he told me today use the veto on yourself. Don’t use it on Angela. I was like, bro, you said that you that we didn’t have the numbers. And I said, I don’t give a f**k about them. Kenny – I was right there. That was my plan if I was going to win the veto, I was going to pull Angela off.

11:10pm Kitchen – Tucker and Cedric
Tucker and Cedric cross paths. Tucker – I still love you! Cedric – I love you too man! Tucker – It’s all good. Cedric – Yeah, it’s all good. I get it emotion just high man. Tucker – you know .. but during this game I don’t. Rubina – Tucker! Tucker – I’m just making a joke. I can’t make a joke?

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Angela's horse tranquilizer

Tucker is giving Zach Rance vibes


I was thinking the same thing.

Omega BB

The game of BB has been dead since BB-diversity, so now I’m all about the characters since the game doesn’t matter, ultimately CBS wants a TKOR & KIMO final 2 so I’m just going to enjoy these moments & characters when they’re entertaining.


If you think gay weirdos and people with fake accents are entertaining?

Omega BB

gay accents are people who suck-D, I hear no slurp talk from Tucker so far


I was talking about Kimo and T’kor


Gay weirdos? In this day and age? Wow, Steveo…evolved much?


well yeah, all Tucker wanted to do was to flush out their powers. Cedric is putting others at risk on the block. Quinn would’ve put Kenny and Angela up again… I guess. But with the America vote… anybody could be up…. It may be Cam, Tkor, Chelsie, Leah, Quinn, etc… I don’t know what Cedric is thinking. But thank you Cedric for letting us vote.


My guess is America will probably vote in Quinn, Chelsie or Leah as the third nominee? The other HouseGuests eligible are not even playing or even noticed by the viewers.


Cedric to Tucker: Don’t go through with the plan. We don’t have the numbers. Use the Veto.

Tucker: Nah Nah, I’m doing it bro. Nah Nah. What we? I’m on the block.

Tucker uses Veto on Angela. Cedric puts up MacKenzie. Now Tucker’s acting like a spoiled ill mannered, disrespectful child, because he played himself. He thought he could bully Cedric into doing what he wanted, not knowing that Cedric is a Marine Vet, who’s not intimidated by him at all. His Marine training is what probably kept Cedric calm. He Pooched and Marcellus-ed (from earlier seasons) himself.

Tre Billis

Why would they not send Tucker home? Tucker says he has the numbers, but does he? I don’t see him with close alliances like the others have. He blew up Cedric’s HOH and Cedric is in the biggest alliance. Just like Matt, get out a comp beast. Am I seeing this wrong? Didn’t Tucker seal his fate?

The Beef

Versus Kenney? Depends on how much ass Tucker kisses in the remaining week. If he can mend some fences he just might, MIGHT stay.

If Kenney wins the AI comp, against one of the 9 random people America could vote OTB, I think Tucker has done enough damage in the last two days he’s probably going home, and that’s mostly in support of Cedric, who he’s openly and loudly named as his target to the whole house.


He has called Cedric a little kid. No idiot he’s a man who is a Marine. Tucker would never have the balls to be a Marine. It would be awesome if he gets evicted tomorrow and Julie tells him the truth about Cedric being a Marine. And now he’s already kissing Cedric’s ass hugging him and telling him he loves him after he called him a mother******!

Bryan Rockholt

I’m a veteran myself and Cedric doesn’t act like a vet. I am older and not a youngster like Cedric so I guess I look at it different cause in my opinion for a veteran he acts very immature.