LISA WON THE VETO!! Angela “Do you know how good that would look to our grandbabies if we take down the macho man!”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Angela
Nominees: Kimo, Lisa, Kenney
POV Players: Kimo, Lisa, Kenny, Brooklyn, Angela, Joseph (Tucker is the host)
POV Winner: Lisa
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: ?

DEEP FAKE HOH Upgrade: Quinn
AMERICA’S VETO Upgrade: Makensy
MASCOT: Cedric & Chelsie

1:21pm Big Brother blocked the feeds for the Power Of Veto competition. When the live feeds return we learn that Lisa WON the Veto!

4pm HOH room – Angela and Brooklyn
Angela – What do you want to do with that? Just get
enough people around. He’s going to think if I put him up. He’s
already probably assuming if somebody pulls off, he’s going to
think I can’t rally people but wouldn’t it be the ultimate f**king
blind side? Brooklyn – But listen after what happened this morning. You can’t put anyone else up other than Matt. Angela – I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t dream about. So like, that’s already a given. So then if I can trust you with that and please, please, please, if you can help me. Really. I’m not good at this. I’m going to tell you. But I’ve been not good at this. I need help. I need help. I need direction. I need someone I can trust. I need that right now in this moment. I need it. Look at me. Brooklyn – If you’re choosing Matt, I’m not voting Kimo though. So if he was your target, if you really, really, really love him. Okay. So that was my only thing is, please don’t make me vote Kimo if you want me to. But then if you’re putting Matt and you want me to vote, I don’t even want Kenny to go home. Angela – I got some stuff I can tell you if I can trust you. Let’s talk about some other stuff later because we got time. Let’s not rushing anything like all the stuff I got a lot of stuff. Okay and I’d love to like share it with you. Lets just solidify this right now where we are.

Angela – Do you know how good that would look to our grandbabies if we take down the macho man that was running around the house doing what he was doing and petitioning the way he was doing.

Makensy and Matt are chatting in the bedroom.
They are trying to figure out what votes they can lock in if / when Matt goes up on the block.

Bathroom – Kimo and Kenny
Kenny to Kimo – I hope she puts something else up there I think that’s for me and you that’s I think I mean you think about it and they process it and tell me. If you think I’m off I would be like I could be getting paranoid but I don’t think that whole thing this morning hurt Matt I think it helped him.

4:15pm Bedroom – Makensy, Chelsie and Brooklyn
Makensy – We just need 6 (votes). Boy, like a solid six. Chelsie – I know. So all you need is 6. That’s not bad. No, that’s not bad. Makensy – And she was like honestly like give me a medical you don’t like I don’t think the way she went about was not 0K and obviously I
wasn’t in the room with what happened so like she could dig it the
wrong way and like now I just like but the thing is Matt’s freaking ex pastor. He knows how to use his words.

4:33pm Bedroom – Joseph and Angela
Joseph – I feel like you don’t trust me for something, and I don’t know why. Angela – I’m just hurt right now. Im just hurting. This is a game, and I’m maybe not like doing the best that I could be doing, to be honest with you. I didn’t sleep last night one time because I was playing out what I wanted to say. And this morning. So it took a long time for me to put the feelings into one speech. Joseph – Yeah, Im sorry if I made you feel like you can’t trust me for whatever reason. Angela – I just feel like when you guys came upstairs, I just felt like a bogus. Just like, feel good. You’re good. Joseph – It was legitimate. And I don’t know what else I can do to show it. We all really like you and mean it and like. Angela – I want to blindside Matt and if it goes, if it goes South, then I’m it goes south. Joseph – I don’t think so. I think you will. I’m not going to talk to him anymore and Im just going to try to chill but you said you promised I’m not going on the block. Angela – you’re not.

4:45pm Unicorn bedroom – Lisa, Brooklyn, Chelsie and Makensy.
They congratulate Lisa on the veto win. Chelsie – congratulations, first veto of the season and girl won it. They talk about the competition and how it was the spelling the biggest word veto.

Havenot room. Quinn and Kimo
Quinn – She (Angela) doesn’t trust it I was like I want Angela to
feel safe. And then Cedric just runs upstairs and then tells her there’s this alliance and you’re in it. If you’re not part of it. And then when we were talking about the name, I came up with the name and I said, I always wanted a name something that collective. Then they agreed in that moment. Kimo – Yeah. Yeah. Quinn – That’s what it’s called. If you approach someone within already named Alliance, it seems like you’re like bottom. Kimo – You’re on the bottom, right. Quinn – Okay we need 7. Have you heard about this 10 person alliance? Kimo – Yeah, I heard that there was one but what does that mean?

Unicorn Room – Leah and Matt
Leah – I make my own judgments and then I’m a independent person. Nobody’s gonna move me one way or another. Trust me I’m not afraid
to wake the f**k up. Like you and me and Mackenzie like that is real to me. It is so real to me that’s why I like and like you guys.

Matt – she called me ugly, she called me dumb she called me like aggressive. After that I walked into the bathroom and I was like what hit me was my mom had to watch that. Leah – and guess who knows you the best in this world you’re f**king mother. That’s who knows you! Guess who knows Matt! Guess who raised your fucking mom. Not
this mother. I couldn’t believe it like I just couldn’t believe it.

Bedroom – Matt, Kenny, Chelsie
Kenny – she’s fucking her shit up. She just kind of like she’s not talking to me about it. Well no she’s not talking about. She goes everyone’s so fake. Everyone’s like you’re trying to get over on me
and I was like listen I’ve been nothing but like good to you and
she’s like I put something out there to see if it got around and I’ll
know soon enough like who’s talking who I’m like I said okay. I said
at the end of the day but I’m on the block like I’d love to sit down talk to you about it like in my theory on how I can try and stay here. I go cuz in all honesty I think you made a huge mistake
put me up and she was like oh I think I did. I was like if he goes up, you’re either getting rid of me or Kimo.

6pm HOH Room – Cedric and Angela
Angela tells Cedric that in the veto comp she was sure that Joseph was taking her stash of letters. He knew where I was hiding them. I shouldn’t have been so obvious. Cedric tells Angela that she should make an announcement tonight at 10:30pm that she is going to sleep and for people to not come up or ring her door bell. He tells her she will feel better after a good nights sleep.

13 thoughts to “LISA WON THE VETO!! Angela “Do you know how good that would look to our grandbabies if we take down the macho man!””

  1. Before anyone assumes that Matt will be voted out a reminder that there is the major unknown of the AI Arena

    1. Think of Matt on jury.
      He thinks only the number of comp wins matter.
      He doesn’t think social game is important in crowning a winner.
      He thinks Floating shoutdn’t be a viable strategy for a winner (if he means coasting or being an anchor, I agree, but original definition floating is the most difficult social strategy to do well in big brother).
      Add to that he seems to have a pretty odd bro-mentality about what a winner should be… odd because the only people that chill with him in the least are women.
      He can go.
      I just don’t like the WAY they are going about it. It’s deranged.

  2. T’Kor, Cedric and Joseph want to pause the Collective. Angelia is the issue.
    Angela seems to be telling Joseph she doesn’t trust him…. while she’s trying to ensure her target gets voted out. Sideye.
    Angela no longer trusts Joseph because he didn’t look at her. Ay yi yi yi yi.
    Angela no longer trusts Quinn and she now quaetions Chelsie’s loyalty as well.

    All the while she’s victimsplaining to get the sympathy of these people that she is backstabbing while calling them backstabbers becasue they didn’t look at her or hug her or talk to her when she needed them to.

    Gaslight emotional manipulating sympathiy pandering fruitcake.

    1. She had said yesterday that she didn’t trust Joseph based on one of her spirals. Nothing happened today

      1. She went to Joseph as I wrote that. At one point he asked if she was going to put him (Joseph) on the block. She later complained to Cedric that Joseph had ruined her shot in Veto.
        All this afternoon.
        He said to Joseph it was because he didn’t look at her at some point when she thought he should have….

    2. Add Cedric to the list of people that have turned on Angela?
      Going to be self fullfilling prophesy soon.
      Apparently Angela believes Joseph sabotaged her in the veto.

      Everybody is out to get the 50 year old woman… that they call mom…. until she hits the crack pipe and starts thinking the little green men are telling her that everyone is backstabbing her…. and she has to make them feel bad that they are so disrespectful and backstabbing towards a fifty year old mother.


  3. HG’s that do not know the read definition of a blindside or backdoor, give me a headache! Angela said she is not stupid but she keeps showing that she is STUPID. Even if Matt were to be evicted, Angela would STILL be stupid. She would be lucky but still stupid.

  4. I’m impressed with how fast Lisa has improved her game! Usually the passive player will talk a big game and do nothing. However, Lisa has gone into overdrive with talking to the whole house and she won her way off the block with the Veto. Her short-term game is set and just needs to do more work on her long-term game.

    Matt will be OTB with Kenney and Kimo. Best case scenario is for Kimo to win the Arena AI Comp so the house is forced to split up Kenney and Matt. But I have a bad feeling Kimo may end up being the first casualty over both guys.

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