Cam “In no way shape or form is anyone in this room going to be put on the block as a pawn. Not f**king happening.”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Cameron
Nominees: Mecole and MOMMA FE
POV Players:
POV Winner:
Veto Ceremony:
Havenots: ?

Lock your ranks in before midnight

5:05pm Matt and Meme.
Meme – he was honest with me in the conversation at least it seemed like. Matt – that’s what he told me. That you’re not the target at all. You’re okay. He had a lot of reasoning for Felicia. Meme – yeah, that’s what he said to me earlier.

5:18pm HOH room – Matt and Jag.
Jag – Dude I think Cory and America are good for our game. Matt – okay. Jag – because Cory is talking about how .. Cory knows Blue wants to go after him. Matt – yeah. Jag – but I didn’t confirm. Matt – but Cory said I know she’s going to take a shot. He knows she’s not going to take a shot at you and me. He knows she’s not going to take a shot at.. Jag – America? Matt – not even America.. but Cirie. Jag – here is the thing, that’s what he mentioned he said, that Blue and Cirie are very close. A lot closer than we think. Matt – I think so. Jag – like they have a final two. They’re one, twos. Its very clear because when Blue was talking to us what did she say she said that she want’s to take everyone out and have us three and Cirie. Matt – Cirie would not put us up before Cory and America. Jag – neither would Blue but we have to think about who we move forward with. With Cam he is good to keep because he is always be the target right. That’s if we believe he won’t take a shot at us.. so we have to continue to gauge that. Matt – keeping Cam is good because he will always be the number one target. Jag – and a good competitor.. Matt – and a shield for us. But with him gone .. BOOM we are locked down have to win comps .. HOH’s and Vetos. Jag – we’re probably going to be next up to go. For now I think it is good to keep Cam, like I don’t think next week is the week to get rid of Cam. Matt – but lets say he wins in the third week, we get rid of Blue .. or Meme? Jag – if Cory or America wins, they might take a shot at Blue. If I win, I would probably take a shot at Meme. Matt – I would take a shot at Meme. Jag – if Bowie wins, its up to her she would either take a shot at Blue or Meme. Matt – if we’re in a one, two, three, four.. Jag – we’re not in a one, two, three, four.. that’s why I don’t want to push one, two, three, four that much. We just need to pull Bowie in because here is my thing because the ideal person to go far with is Bowie. Matt – I know. Jag – Me, you and Bowie. Jag – here is the thing, the way I see it.. I think Blue would take a shot at us before Cory or America do. America’s ideal four is probably her, Cory, me and you. Because she is assuming that if we’re in the final four we will just take shots at each other. Why would we take a shot at America. That’s what she probably thinks. Cory just mentioned that to me. He was like YO, America is locked in! Cory and America always choose each other. You and I always choose each other.. and that’s where Bowie comes in. Bowie is close to us. That means she is not close to Cory and America. She is not close to Blue and she is not close to Cam. She is closest to us. We pull her in and we should talk to her and be like the three of us. I don’t know if we want to name it, we can if we want but we don’t have to.. We can literally just be like look. Blue already wants to go after Cory and America. Cory wants to go after Blue .. Let them. Ideally, Felicia goes .. next week if we win.. I would be fine with Meme going just because we don’t have any loyalty to Meme but I would also be fine with Blue going.

5:48pm – 6pm HOH room – Felicia, Bowie, Matt and Jag.
Bowie – She (Felicia) is paranoid! We were sitting outside in silence and she was like well I’ll sit over here so you can talk. We were like you can sit here. And then he (Cam) was like I’ve got a room if we need to talk. Its like Izzy, the way they go about getting votes is bizarre. Cam – no she is not trying to get votes. She is sulking. Bowie – but that is not how you get votes. Cam – I could tell you what she pitched to me but it was f**king bizarre.. BB blocks the feeds. Cam – I definitely know who I want to leave this week and we all agree who we want to leave this week. And in no way shape or form is anyone in this room going to be put on the block as a pawn. Not happening. Not f**king happening. Which leaves us the choice of about three people. Jag – Cory, America, Blue, Cirie. Cam – in that scenario the only person I see surviving and Felicia definitely going home because of us is Blue. If I set up Cory.. Bowie – he would go. Cam – If I set up America.. Bowie – she would go. Cam – if I set up Cirie.. Cory comes in to ask if he can shower and the conversation ends.

6:15pm Spy TV Shenanigans…

Kitchen – Meme, Blue, Cirie and Felicia.
Felicia – so Bowie Jane is up in the HOH room … with her new crew.

6:43pm Kitchen – Cirie and Felica.
Felicia – I think I have gotten to my I don’t feel like eating bullsh*t with this sh*t no more state. I don’t want to play no more. Cirie – come on now. Felicia – I think just seeing the hypocrisy in so many people just gets to me. Where everyone just running up stairs and all that other sh*t just makes me nauseous. Cirie – You know that’s what they do. Felicia – and then next week ain’t nobody hold a conversation with him (Cam).. sitting down here staring in windows again. And still blaming everyone else why he still don’t got no game. And what he doesn’t realize is that you don’t realize is the real something is you don’t connect to people and you can’t blame other people for that. Cirie – yup! Felicia – and I know he is doing the same as he did the week of Izzy.. he is telling everyone I am the one to go. Cirie – MMmhmmm.

7:25pm Bathroom – Felicia and America.
Felicia – I intend to be here till November 9th. America – good, good.. that’s the spirit. That’s the attitude you need to have going into tomorrow. Felicia – I want to win this veto SO BAD! I haven’t been good in vetos, tomorrow has to be something I can do. America – I think it will be. Felicia – I am banking on it. I’ve got to figure out if I get House Guest choice who the hell I’m going to pick. And I know Jag and Matt are spending a lot of time upstairs. America – I know, I would have suggested them because they’re really good at the vetos. Felicia – yeah but I don’t think they would use it. America – yeah I don’t think so. I would volunteer but I haven’t been very good at vetos either. I don’t know maybe talking to Blue or Cory. Felicia – I am thinking maybe Blue. I’m going to talk to Matt I think I could convince him better than jag. Matt is starting to prove at being better and better. America – good for him. Felicia – he is starting to shine.

7:30pm – 8pm Backyard – Bowie, Jag and Cory playing pool.

8pm Backyard – Jag, Bowie and Matt start working out.
Jag – as long as we trust each other.. we have our triangle of trust. I mean I trust ya’ll. Nothing leaves here. Matt – that’s how it works.. we don’t say sh*t. Jag – how are ya’ll with Cirie. Matt – neutral. Jag – my thoughts with her is that I would be fine putting her up as a pawn Just because she hasn’t shown that she goes hared in competitions.. BB blocks the feeds. Jag – I’m going to turn it up. You’re going to turn it up. And we’re going to beat her (Felicia) for sure. That’s the plan.

8:34pm Dinner time..

9:20pm – 9:40pm Comic Bedroom – Blue and Felicia.
Blue – I am sorry you overheard that. Obviously I didn’t know you were there but as you know with Cameron being HOH and back in the game girl I have to kiss some a$$, right?! So basically he was like what did Felicia ask and I was like nothing she was just talking to us. And he was like no, no I saw you in the camera like she was asking you something. I know Felicia’s body language. And I was like okay fine she was asking us if we played in the veto, would we use it. Would we get her. At the table I was like if you get HG choice who would you pick? Matt and I was like okay yeah I talked to Matt and he was like we do it we are not going to take her down. So I am sorry, I didn’t know you were there. I was trying to protect me, Matt and ultimately if I were to get chosen and win, come on miss girl .. I would obviously take you down but I am really sorry that you had to overhear that. I hope that it didn’t come out like I actually meant it or anything like that. You know where I stand with you. You know where stand with Cameron especially. And I am really really sorry. Felicia – okay. Its okay. Felicia hugs Blue. Blue – But miss girl if you choose me, you know that I got you. Felicia – no worries. I realize its a game and everybody’s got to do what is right for their game and he is one of those guys that you have to lie to. Blue – and stroke their ego. Felicia – but next week somebody has to be willing to go after him .. its almost as if he has this house afraid of him. Blue – yeah its really annoying. Felicia – you guys are going to wait too long and won’t be able to get rid of him. Cirie joins them and they start quizzing on the days / events of the season.

10pm HOH room – Matt and Cameron.
Matt – yeah did Blue tell you. It was perfect .. and now I don’t think she will. Cam – Blue that Felicia asked her? Yeah she just told me that. Matt – so we were just sitting there and Felicia goes so you guys good if I picked one of you two? And I was like yeah. I was like if you’re already going to ask you might as well just pick us because no one else is going to play for you. Jag joins them. Matt – and she was like and you’re willing to use it on me to take me down and I was like yeah.. obviously lying. But then Blue was like yeah but my chances of winning .. I mean I haven’t won anything but yeah. So I was like.. because for me I play, I take a spot away from her having a chance to win so I am like perfect. I am not going to use it and she can’t get mad at me because like she is gone in 3 days. Apparently Blue went up to you to tell you about it and you were like would you play for her and she was like f**k no. Me and Matt, No! Cam – Blue was telling me about it at the table and Felicia was in the living room in that corner seat. BB switches the feeds. Matt – she probably won’t pick me or Blue now. Cam – then who? Jag – Me? The ZOOM! Cam – yeah welcome to the f**king show. Last week and she was trying to kick me when I was down. We had that party and she was like Cam we had a good laugh because of you. Everybody knew what she was doing. Don’t f**k with me! But I am not going to do it to her. Yeah but it f**king sucks to be down doesn’t it!? And you realize that no one is keeping you. No one wants to keep you. Matt – yeah. And I knew she thought she was so confident last week trying to get the boys out. Jag – we should get Bowie up here. Cam – yeah she usually wonders up here. Jag – she is so solid. Jag – is everyone is the Comic bedroom? Cam – Cory is probably in bed getting his birthday cuddles. Jag – everyone is probably in Comic conspiring against us. Cam – well Cory and America stay close to Cirie and Felica… and always have. Jag – Blue is obviously close with them and I mean you noticed her today. Cam – which was surprising to me how forth coming with information that Blue was with me today which made me not believe a lot of it. Matt – what do you mean? Cam – just that she was just so adamantly against Cory but loved…. BB blocks the feeds..

10:04pm Big Brother blocks the feeds..
11:42pm Still blocked.
11:52pm – 12am The feeds return.
Bathroom – Matt, Jag and Blue.
Blue – did I tell you how I almost f**ked up? I f**ked up and then I saved it. Jag – how did you save it? Blue – so basically Cameron was sitting there .. a bunch of people were sitting there and like .. and because Mama Fe asked us if she got HG choice .. she said she would love to pick one of ya’ll. He (Matt) said yeah and I just nodded. I didn’t say anything. So then it was Me, Cam, Cirie, America, Cory .. like we were all kind of chilling in the kitchen while we were cooking. So I look at Cam and was like who are you picking for HG choice? And he said Red and I was like Okay!? So then later Cameron said Matt. And I was like HUH?! He was like I am picking Matt. And I was like oh shoot, you better beat Felicia to it because Felicia asked if she gets HG choice she would choose Matt or me. And we told her yeah but … And then he was like ..walked over to the corner and she is sitting right there. So I was like F**K! And so then we started whispering and she comes around and was like ya’ll don’t have to whisper. And I was like F**K! Then later I pulled her in and said sorry. I told her I had to save face with Cameron. I told her I didn’t know she was sitting there. I was like you know me and Matt. You know we rock with you. You know like be serious.. I was like come on. And she was like yeah I know its part of the game. I was like if you still choose me I will play for you. Jag – you handled it better than I would have .. I would have been like be serious you know you’re the target. You know you are going home. I can’t sacrifice my game… that is how I would have handled it which is probably why I am not even in the conversation.

1:00 am Houseguest heading to bed early.

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62 thoughts to “Cam “In no way shape or form is anyone in this room going to be put on the block as a pawn. Not f**king happening.””

  1. The brown sugar babes (or whatever they call themselves) hopefully will be targets 1,2,3 and 4. And in no particular order.

  2. Pardon this interruption for a special message; “Cam lovers are gross”; we now return you to your regular programming.

    1. I agree and for all you haters Cirie hasnt been
      on the block How foolish that you hate so much that your missing great game play. Of course you have to remember its a game.
      Also, I have watched BB since the beginning
      and I am 60 years old and not once has this websites opinions from readers ever gotten things even close to popular opinion
      Whens the last time you got Americas Favorite player right. You all cry all season long yet continue to watch. Even your side remarks Simon are getting old. How about just stating
      what you see and allow us to form our own opinions

      1. If you don’t like the side remarks or other commentary, then by your own assertion that people who cry about the game shouldn’t watch anymore, then maybe you shouldn’t visit the site anymore either… Food for thought… 60 years old. Seems about that time in a persons life when they become the “get off my lawn” guy. Also, the Kraken jokes never get old. Keep on doing what your doing Simon. Some of us appreciate all the hard work you and Dawg put into this site so we can have a place to vent every year!

        1. And comes to Simon’s site to tell him what he should say and not say. The freaking nerve! Then @Sick of stupid remarks, turns around and makes the STUPIDEST remarks!

        2. My lawn is on 68 acres and a half mile off the road I can choose who is on my lawn
          And I notice no one addressed being wrong
          about public opinion and favorite player
          as for writers comment the funny jokes should be towards all players not just the ones that become obvious he dislikes
          And how old are you pretty young Im guessing I am a Women not a guy And I have
          im sure more life experience than you
          So whatever I write is my highly educated
          thought How are you helping this site by encouraging people that dont agree with you
          to leave it Really

          1. “My lawn is on 68 acres and a half mile off the road”

            Did you acquired your lawn by the fruits of your labor, or did you obtain it by way of marriage (or divorce)??

            1. Wow so a women cant do anything without a man
              I retired 10 years ago due to the fruits of my smarts. Jealous much. See I can get personel with comments too oh boo hoo
              you made me cry
              I know some of you feel cirie had an advantage but she came into the house with a hugh target
              on her back due to her great game play on survivor more then once
              BB brought in many more viewers
              from survivor fans
              Jared and Izzy hurt her game she had to scramble around the mistakes Jared made

              exhausted from reading my post didnt realize you had problems readings. Im not writing a formal letter. In fact Im writing with my thumbs quickly probably with spelling mistakes too Again Boo hoo
              Just venting Or am I not allowed
              I didnt target one specific persons comments
              like the troll you are

          2. Ever learned how and when to use a “period” ( . ) when writing a comment? What you’ve posted is referred to as a “run-on sentence”. In grammar / punctuation, a “period” is a “full stop”. To put it in perspective, imagine running your mouth, and flapping your lips, for two minutes non-stop without taking a breather. Your post is exhausting.

        3. Agree with you, btw, I’ll be 67 in November. Please don’t lump all of us “old folk” together. Much appreciated! So you know where I stand I am pulling for Cam to make the final 2 and even to win BB25. I plan to vote for him for AFP, as well. He is level headed, the best player this season, and contrary to popular thought he is the least mean-spirited BB25 hamster.

      2. Please don’t mistake my anti-Cam stance as being pro-Cirie,she is my #1 nope,if I may steal a phrase.As far as great game play, I don’t see any. In a previous post I said I will consider this week one and judge each houseguests game play with a fresh start because up to now their game play has been terrible.For example: Cirie Felicia and Meme created the dominate alliance and then proceeded to vote out members of their alliance,Cam repeatedly blows up his own game,Cory Matt and Jag kept running to Momma C spilling info,America can’t stop flirting and then wondering why no one takes her seriously,Blue literally attaches herself to Jared and stabs her allies in the back repeatedly,and Bowie…. well most of the time I couldn’t find her.

        1. If Cam knew Jared was related to Cirie he would not have “blown up his game”! Cam has never trusted Cirie and he voiced that to her. Therefore, Cam was number 1 target for Jared and Cirie.

          Corey, Matt, & Jag we’re all aggravating how they played both sides. I’m glad Matt & Jag seem like they finally picked a side. Corey is still playing middle.

          America is smart, but the flirting is overwhelming. She needs to start winning, but she doesn’t want to pick a side, so she’s not wanting to nominate.

          Blue is untrustworthy. She is also playing middle. I’m not a fan of someone who is a totally different person in the DR. She is a performer in there. You see her true colors on feeds.

          I think Bowie is laying low. Why get involved if they are all going after everyone but her? She definitely threw the wall comp.

          Meme thinks she’s smarter than all of them. The amount of cleaning spray she sprays is too much. She must be scared of germs. I would hide those cans every week!

          Bye, Felicia!

      3. My issue with Cirie (and Jared) is that they were given a huge and absolutely unnecessary advantage in this game. Been rooting against them since day one. One down, one to go.

      4. Don’t think this site has anything to do about popular opinion or providing commentary that makes you happy.

        As for Cirie, how is it great game play when they stick her son in there to feed her information? Also, they cast Izzy who considered staying on the block just so she would protect Cirie. As much as I wasn’t that big of a Izzy fan, she probably would have gone farther in the house with Cory had Cirie not been there.

        Cirie hasn’t played a great game, she’s been given a competitive edge.

      5. Crying and moaning about houseguests/production, Stomping around in a huff when something doesn’t go our way, Drinking kraken and trying to be cheeky are all parts of the OBB experience.

        Cameron is a interesting cat. Similar to many I didn’t like him, ever since he sold out family style week one. HIs convos can get very cringey fast. He was a mid tier player for me.. BUT.. Essentially by himself Cameron has defeated everything that production and the houseguests have thrown at him. Nobody else comes close this season (Jag would be second). I respect the battle he’s fighting.

        What does popular opinion mean to you?

        Does it mean
        a-CBS legit polls?
        b-Twitter totally not psycho hot takes?
        c-Reality TV influencers no vested interests spicey takes?

        1. When season started, I wanted to like Cameron because of the intro package of him with his daughter, former military, country boy…then he blew up his people and was so cringey with Reilly and then America and so know-it-all and dismissive and so very wrong about so much of the game. I also did not get his anti-jag spell, and he was so inexplicably over-the-top with his Jag hate that I feared it was for an ugly reason. I am so very glad I was wrong about his anti-jag period. Still having a hard time cheering for him because of that weird thing with America (I don’t care for her part in it either). But I have to agree he’s been surviving and thriving lately against the unknown juggernaut of cirie/Jared, the whole house being against three times over….got to respect his game for that alone. It is truly something how he has turned his game around.

        2. Simon I have been to this site since you started it I didnt like some of your side remarks thats all It was commenters
          remarks that bothered me
          That was the first time ever that I put myself
          in a social media situation
          Guess I brought out all the bullys with the name I picked
          Thank you for being respectful
          I will contnue to Support your site of course
          Sorry Ill have to tap out now The sun just came out and Im going to walk my dog
          Better things to enjoy right now
          My Public Opinion is based on the End Of the show results and the discussions I have
          with my friends and family fans

    2. I am a Cam ‘liker’ and I’ll be called gross all day long if that means my morals are still in tact. You will never hear me rooting for a group of mean spirited, ugly on the inside, pack of dogs who can’t see the bed they’ve made for themselves. That nasty group (Cirie, Izzy, Felicia, Jared) took advantage of the kindness and good hearts of the other players. Now the tables have turned and what do you see, a bunch of spoiled rotten brats, with poor sportsmanship throwing tantrums like toddlers! The good guys/underdogs took power and you can’t stand it because you are just as ugly as that nasty group in (and now trickling out) of the house. Very proud to be “gross”!

      1. It’s not personal,I was just being a bit of a troll with all the Cam loving posts because I find his behavior and attitudes creepy.I don’t support that nasty group any more than I support Cam.I judge the houseguests by the same standard,no one gets a pass.At this point I don’t support any of the houseguest but I am against Cam Cirie Blue Matt and Felicia.

      2. Queen B I didn’t want to insult you any further but my joke response was going to be – I’m sorry I insulted your boyfriend,I just think you can do better.

      3. Rooting for the underdogs!! So glad the tables are turned on Cirie and Felicia! This whole season they have done nothing but call everyone liars and shady people. They have been spreading lies about everyone and acting like they are the queens of big brother. Now that they are no longer running the house they want to quit! SORE LOSERS!! They can’t do anything now that their hitman “Jared” is no longer there! So instead of playing the game and trying to win . They want to just give up! HA HA! KARMA!

  3. Cam needs to stir the pot, tell Cirie that Felicia wanted Cam to target Cirie.

    Felicia is a sore loser, earlier this week she was talking about she’s putting Cam’s ass up. I didn’t understand how she was going to do that without actually winning HOH LOL…

    Now that Cam won HOH, Felicia offered to work with Cam, he shot that down, Felicia tried to convince Cam Cirie has more power than she does, Cam shot that down, Felicia wanted to make it to Jury, Cam shot that down.

    Watch how mean and nasty Felicia is going to treat Bowie, it was ok for Cirie, Felicia, Blue to all be up in the HOH when they had control, now that Felicia has been exposed, and she has no power, nothing to offer to make people want to keep her, Felicia says she does not even want to be here, she doesn’t want to play anymore.

    Poor powerless Felicia I really don’t feel bad for you, you can’t say others run towards who has the power, because that’s exactly what you have been doing, you did good, most of the time, people your age are usually voted out much earlier.

    Felicia is soooo bitter, she won’t be in the Jury house, can’t turn everybody against Cam.

    ‘Felicia is really going to lose it when she’s voted out, and Julie tells her Jared is Cirie’s son. The look on her face will be priceless, all of the crap she said about Cirie to Jared !

    1. I’m not so sure that Felicia is the actual target. And won’t she feel like an ass when maybe Cirie goes home and she is stuck there with everyone she is badmouthing? She should feel like an ass anyway for the way she’s been acting. Trying to guilt Cam into not putting her up, even going so far as trying to put the moves on Cam in her wacked out idea of seduction. What was that? And at her age… she should be ashamed of herself. She ought to hope she does get evicted. It would be better than having to face the houseguests.

      1. the more i read, the more i think she’s the target. no one really likes her so she’s an easy olive branch cam can try to use to build relationships with the rest of the house. he has to know he’s a target. don’t know how he gets the bull’s eye off him though. this is unlikely to be enough.

    2. yeah, cam’s best move is to cause chaos and get everyone targeting each other, not sure how successful he’ll be though. everyone wants him out, and justifiably so because he’s a comp threat and doesn’t talk enough game for them to know where his strategy’s at.

      if felicia could fly under the radar the way cirie’s pivoted, felicia could’ve very easily coasted for a few more weeks (it’s crazy how cirie is now in a position where i really don’t see her touching the block for at least three more weeks, where she could’ve very easily gone home on double eviction night if jared won pov, with jared gone she’s significantly reduced her target moreso than i think i’ve ever seen a houseguest manage). instead she’s just annoying emotional bitter juror everyone wants out asap.

      1. I can easily see Cirie drifting to final 3 unless America wins HOH and even then I don’t know who you would put up against her to vote her out, ironically the only other person I could see nominating Cirie is Felica.

    3. I can’t help but be suspicious that Julie will hold back the truth about Cirie and Jared as long as Cirie is still in the house, because that knowledge going into the jury house could jeopardize her chances of winning, and they just can’t have that.

  4. To many Cam became a fan fave simply because he said he’d target Cirie (even though he didn’t and won’t).I see so many comments about how he is playing the best game and is the underdog,you can’t be both at the same time.What would good gameplay look like this week for Cam?Bond with Jag and Matt to build trust and cooperation,pull in Cory and America closer as a side alliance to Matt and Jag,make a final 2 with Bowie and show her more respect as a partner,and finally make a secret alliance with Cirie.But what are the odds his ego will just blow himself up again?

    1. I’m kinda confused.
      When CORY is with AMERIKA, laying down in bed during the very early morning hours, is he saying:

  5. Hypocrisy- this will be my “word” of the week! First of all, thank you for sharing the spoilers! I don’t have time to watch feeds…yet & also just love the quick synopsis. When I read about Felicia, Cirie, etc using the word hypocrisy ? …I’m like have you looked at your own game? You talk more smack than any of the others & now you’re pissed because u are a target. I am NOT a Cirie fan, but I can admit she is GOOD, she can tell lies & yet blame it on someone else, deny outright, & people BELIEVE her for some reason. When her & Jared ganged up on Felicia – stuck by their lie (they wanted izzie to stay), but yet wanted Fe to tell the truth…wtf. I don’t blame Fe for lying about her final 2 proposal to Jared because they wouldn’t tell the truth that they were the 2 against Fe. Sorry, I am a Cam fan, I thought he was a dupe with his first HOH, sticking to an “alliance” (that izzie/cirie called fake), even after Red pointed out Izzie’s reaction, but I respect that he actually made a move & protected those he cared about by NOT telling them his plans. He may be attracted to America, but from what I’ve seen with written feeds, he isn’t pushing himself on anybody, I think people are disliking him & putting him on category of creep because he looks similar to 70s show, Hyde…there I said it…

  6. Cam is definitely wasting his HoH. But it is so satisfying to see Felicia on the block. She keeps calling him mean spirited, but turns around and continues to trash this man, as she did for weeks, behind his back. And working with her serves him no purpose if she is useless in this game. And she definitely proved to be untrustworthy with how quickly she threw Cirie under the bus. She is a nasty old woman. BYE FELICIA!

    1. I disagree with Cam wasting his HoH. With the hateon Felicia has for Cam it would be bad for him to have her in the jury house poisoning the hose against him.

    2. “She (FELICIA) keeps calling him (CAM) mean spirited, but turns around and continues to trash this man, as she did for weeks, behind his back”
      Don’t worry. THERE WILL BE REDEMPTION come this Thursday, when the Great American Eagle is going to sweep around and poke her bald and ugly head with it’s huge beak, and run her out of the house.

  7. If these three guys are Brigade 2.0, Cameron is Matt, Matt is Lane, and Jag is the Meow Meow. I don’t think they have a Hayden.

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