Bowie – “It’s so much more pleasant in here now” **updated**

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Cameron
POV Players:
POV Winner:
Veto Ceremony:
Havenots: ?

Lock your ranks in before midnight

The situation MEME and Felicia going up.

11:00 am Bowie and Cam
Cam says this past month all the sh1t they’ve been through he’s always thought “Man Bowie’s always there dude”
Bowie I was looking at the wall I”m always mad looking at that wall seeing REDs face. I’m like F*** that sh1t
Cameron – that pisses me off
Bowie – I’m still mad about it.
Cam – when you look back at this that HOH I won the live one when I walked back in with the key I was LIVID LIVID
Bowie – I was LIVID
Cam – so pissed
Bowie – Jag and Matt are great competitors we’re going to have a great time
Cam – this is a good week.
Cam – I had to do what I had to do to OPen the house back up.
Bowie – you totally did.. YEAH it worked.
Cam – If someone hadn’t pulled that trigger we would still be under the reign of Cirie, Felicia and Izzy
Bowie – And Jared
Cam – I mean those three particularly and every alliance they formed around to protect themselves.. that’s all they had. I couldn’t take out CIrie I had to take out the bulldogs.
Cam – it was a hard fought battle to get from where I was to where I am now.
Bowie – that’s crazy
Cam – took a lot of gamble. It’s so far paid off. Everyone is better for it. Everyone’s game is now possible (Kinda true although COrey/America had a lot to do with it)
Bowie – It’s so much more pleasant in here now (Yeah)
Cam – Yeah no kidding.. it is for everyone. When Izzy left we all gathered together to hang out.
They talk about how the other side early on in the game would get all pissy when Bowie would talk to Cameron.
Cam – if they think I’m that powerful why aren’t they close to me?
Bowie says once she found out about all the alliances and group in the house she figured it out. They were painting a target on her saying she’s
close to red and CAmeron because it would give them a collection of three people they can vote out and not get any blood on their hands.
Bowie – they are still hanging on to that
Cam – hard to now they are running out of people to hang on to with.
Cam – they got rid of Jared for us.
Bowie – Felicia was a big driver for a lot of this really..
Bowie asks what his backdoor plan is
Cam – I’m not backdooring anybody that is just a replacement nominee.. Backdoor is what happened to me. Don’t le them play veto put them on the block after Veto. I was backdoored.
Cam – this is straight ahead. There might be a replacement nominee.. The slim ass chance Felicia gets taken off the block we figure out what we need to do.
Cam – I am going to do something good for me and you. I trust you Bowie.
Bowie thanks him again for getting rid if Izzy says she’ll send him flowers outside
Cam – I like tulips… It’s a strong flower.

121:08 am Cameron and MOMMA FE
Cam – over the past month or so my name was dragged around this house like I was some sort of evil monster. Don’t get close to him, Don’t talk to him him he’s a liar, he’s a manipulator, his this and that.
Cameron tells her it was Jared that came to him the night before the vote to say Felicia is trying to flip the vote.
Felicia – We were still voting Jag out the night before that’s the truth.
Felicia – I work off feelings and gut feelings.. my gut it telling me you’re putting me on the block.
CAm – is this a stand off?
Fe – I don’t do standoffs
Cam – you are a hell of a competitor.
Felicia – so i’m your biggest threat in this house?
Cam – you are a force inside of this house. And NO.. YOu are easily the greatest persuader inside of this house
Felicia – that’s where you’re wrong
Cam – you are doing it already
Felicia – this is what I discovered. It’s Cirie (OHH shit grenades)
Cam – this week is very important.. this one week.
Felicia starts justifying her actions over the last month. Mentions Cameron going Haywire.
Cameron – Why did I go haywire? I was in survival mode
Felicia – it was a mean spirited cam
Cam – I couldn’t trust anybody, My best friend had just been voted out without my knowledge. I was part of an alliance but I wasn’t.
Felicia – Did you and red talk game every day
CAm – I’m not mean spirited I had to be calculated
Felicia – if you think it was me calling you names behind the scenes that wasn’t me.
Felicia says if Hisam had won veto jag was going up and going home. She had the votes “And that’s real”
Cam – sitting next to HISAM tanked me. Tanked my whole game. It screwed me.
Felicia – well HISAM did that
cam – I know but that was a situation that was created.. Pawn be damned it f***ed me.
Felicia – OHH so you are mad at me because of that
Cam – I’m not mad at you because of that.. You’re a player. I’m just talking about that. It screwed me. I am still hearing sh1t about HISAM to this day.
Felicia – WE’ll I’m still learning about being on the block with IZZY..
Cam asks if he’s in the final 2 does he have her vote.
Felicia – I’ll give you my vote and I say that insincerely because I sit here and say you’ve played a hell of a game. I’m not kidding you you are the guy everybody is chasing. YOu need four votes I will be one of your 4. You’ve played a hell of a game.
Felicia says Cirie has done a lot of underhanded manipulating. “I’ve Gone into the diary room and said the person I’m allied with is manipulating my game. She will see that when she get home I’ve said it to the camera that’s what my gut tells me.”
Cam – your gut has been right this entire game.

They hug it out.
Felicia – who you sitting me next to?
Cam – why would I tell you that.
Felicia – get out of here..
Cam – you always have a last question..

11:24 am Corey and Cam
Corey – it’s been fun seeing the roller coaster from the outside but being on it must be f*** up
Cam – it’s got it’s peaks and valleys
Corey says the trend has been if he doesn’t win HOH he’s on the block.
Cam hopes he’s made a good enough relationship with Corey and America to keep him safe next week.
Cam – all our interests align for the next couple week.
Cameron says he made it pretty clear last week what he was going to do. Felicia sat on the couch and she knew exactly what he was doing.
COrey – everytime you don’t play HOH people will float the idea of backdooring you
Cam – doesn’t make any sense anymore..Before I get it I was the dangerous diabolical a$$hole going against my friend’s and backstabbing. It was grom week 2 I was the evil a$$hole.
Corey says if they put themselves into a position where they have a 50/50 shot of winning this game. “Final 2 final 3, I’ll take those f***ing odds right now”
Cam – yeah regardless we make it as far as we can in this game.
Cameron says Hisam should not have won the Veto during his HOH. “He would not be gone had he not won that”
Corey – we would have gotten himself into trouble
Cam – eventually, The fact her won three in a row like that so definitely
Corey – the truth is. Felicia shouldn’t have gotten rid of him. That whole week I was like what the f** are they doing. Then they vote out RED.
Cam – they screwed themselves. this whole thing.
Corey – they had Hisam against you, Red against jag. At that point they had 7 deadly sins so they thought they were fine.
Corey says that IZZY vote blew out the game.
CAm – that was the first buckle. you kept it going.
Corey – everyone feels like they’re pretty good except for two people. Let’s say Felicia is gone, MEME and Cirie. Everyone else feels good truthfully.
Corey – I trust Matt and Jag Truly a lot. Matt has proven himself to make a move he’s not the golden retriever. I don’t think anybody views Jag that way either.
Corey – I don’t want to take the first shot but I don’t want the first shot to be taken on me.
Corey – next week if I win I will put up Cirie and MEME
Corey says this is the third time he’s won HOH and every night he celebrates that he wins.
Cam – I would hope so .
Cam – you’re my dude we’ve been tight since day two. I have no quarrels with you I love that you love the game. I love playing this game with you.
Corey – this week what do you need from me? Just chill out? I’ll play in the veto I would love to play in the veto it would be fun. If it’s OTEV Jag and MAd would win it.
Cam – if they get picked.
Corey – is it Felicia and MEME or Felicia and Cirie?
Feeds flip… when we’re back
Cam – let play and have fun I’m all about having the fun
Corey – Congratz on making Jury
Cam – thanks Buddy congratz on making JURY

11:48 am Jag puts on the pink turban . Cameron helps..
Cam – it’s like a parachute right now
Matt – almost like a hammock.

11:58 am Cirie, Blue and MOMMA FE
Cirie says she has a headache
Cirie – I ate too much jerky I ate it for breakfast..
Felicia – that is high in sodium.
Blue leaves..
Felicia says she’s going up talks briefly about her conversation with Cameron.
Cirie sighs “MMMmhmmmmmmmm… it is what it is…….. it is what it is…. ”

12:18 pm We’re all just chilling waiting for the MEME and Felicia to do up.

12:30 pm MEME and MOMMA FE
MEME – well let’s see what he says when I talk to him
Felicia – mmmmhmmmm
Felicia – I am damn tired of sitting on the block.
MEME – I don’t talk trash to nobody about nobody
Felicia – mmmmmhmmmmm
Felicia says the reason she’s going up is because Cameron feels her putting him up against Hisam gave Hisam the opportunity to destroy his game.
Felicia – well that was HISAM not me
MEME – mmmhmmmmmm

12:41 pm Matt and Jared
Bro-ing about it being OTEV
Matt – if you get houseguest choice pick me.
They bro for a bit. couple minutes later Matt leaves..

12:44 pm Jag and Cameron
Chit chat.. Jag asks him who he would pick for Veto if he pulls the houseguest choice Chip.
Cameron was going to pick Matt. Wonder maybe if he picks Bowie it’ll hide their alliance better.
Cameron says he has a day to decide.

Jag leaves grabs MEMEM.

Backyard is open. MASS CHIT CHAT STARTS

12:55 pm MEME and Cameron
MEME – what’s the vibe
Cam – you know the vibe this whole house love ou we doi you are not a target it is just the situation. I think you know what we need to do. You are good that is what I feel.
Cam says even if Felicia wins the veto MEME will still be safe.
Cameron tells her she’s the pawn.

1:05 pm BLUE and Cam
Blue asks him who she should trust more Matt/Jag or COrey/America
Cameron – I don’t know I don’t know to you
Blue says she trusts Matt and Jag more.
Blue – DOwn the road who do you think is a bigger threat to my game?
Cam – that’s for you to figure out I couldn’t tell you about yours. I know Mine, I have a feeling like I do i never know in what order. THings change week to week.. It’s a new puzzle every week to try and figure out you place in it.
Cam – you can play this game and I want to play it with you
Blue – I do to.
Cam says he doesn’t have a person and now Blue has lost her person “You can always come to me Objectively”
Blue – I don’t be running my mouth with certain things. I might say on the outside if people ask me how my conversations went with you i’ll be like PFFFFFyou know how it is.. I f****ing hate that guy
Blue – whatever I say to you is truly what I meant. I might go around denouncing our relationship because I think that is best for our games.
Blue cries. “JAred said this before he left he said Cam really wants to work with you”
Blue – BRO I need Corey out of this house.
Cam – that’s your one? I thought it would be Cirie. You like Cirie then?
Blue – Cirie for me it like a lonely island right now. I think for me she’s kinda not impressive. To be straight honest.. DUDE I just need to break Him, Matt and Jag up. Corey is playing such a smart game. He’s using people to do his dirty work for him. (Like winning HOH and nominating Jared?)
Blue – I understand why you might feel a way about CIrie, Felicia and all of them they did get RED out.. liek I get that.
Cam – I don’t care about the Red thing. That is not why they need to go.
Cam – if Corey leaves does America rush to you?
Blue – if Corey leaves american rushes to you!

1:10 pm Cirie and MEME playing pool.
Cirie farts.. they laugh
Cirie – i’m nervous
MEME – ohh my god what is happening

1:29 pm Felicia and Cameron
Felicia goes on about the reason he gave why she’s going up. She asks him who he trusts in the house
Cam – That’s a interesting question and those are not thing that are not easily answered in this game and it’s weird to ask.
Felicia – it is?
Cam – sure
Felicia – I can tell you who I trust..
Felicia – I want to see if you trust me enough to play game with me.
CAm – NO and I don’t want to skirt around it NO.. I can’t I’m not going to be that person to you I can’t. The only thing I can give you is the same thing I gave Blue and Jag it’s the opportunity to play this game. I can’t see us working in this game.
Cam – I feel in my gut if you remain in this game I am your top target.
Felicia tells him there’s a bigger target this week than her.
Felicia – I’m going to be frank with you and I hope this stays between me and you.
Feeds cut..
when we’re back.
Felicia says this is her third time on the block she’s chasing his record.
Felicia – I really hate that you have me going against MEME
Cam – I know that and I’m sorry for that because I know how that feels. I do. I really do. It’s the game.
Felicia – I know it is
Cam – PLease know that.
Felicia – I’m surprised to hear you say you don’t want me in the jury house because you don’t trust me. I’m offended by that.
Cam – I’m sorry about that I just wanted to tell you how I feel.
Felicia – OKay good to know.
Felicia says 1/2 the people in the ouse haven’t even started playing the game.
Cam goes on about how strong of a player she is.

1:48 pm Chilling

1:48 pm America and CAm
America – what’s up?
Cam – nothing I was about to go outside
America – I know I know you’ll probably get called so I was like OKAY let me go get my word in
Cam – whats up?
America – What’s up?
Cam – nothing you wanted to come talk
America – I did
Cam – COol

America gets up “I hope you enjoy this little number”
America – I’m kidding..
America – I ran up the stairs real quick when I say Felicia come down. Whats up?
Cam says Felicia made a pitch to him to take out Corey so he could get closer to America.
America – I had a feeling she would drag me..

Cam – don’t talk about me America. Please don’t talk about me.
Feeds flip

2:00 pm Classic BB hammock time

2:42 pm Feeds on pound kitties

3:46 pm Feeds return. MEME and Felicia on the block.

3:40 pm MEME is frustrated trying to calm down. “you woke up this morning fully expecting this to happen. it’s done you can relax.. Take a deep breath”
Cirie comes in and gives her a hug
MEME – I’m okay, I’m not surprised..

3:46 pm Hammock, America, Blue and Felicia
Felicia – I’m so tired of sitting on the damn Block.. you are going to make me pack my suitcase again. I got to win the veto competition tomorrow. I need a veto.
Blue and America give Felicia some pep talks about her chance in winning the veto and staying.
America – it’s not over yet
Felicia – I’m next to MEME…

4:04 pm Cam and Jag
Cam is talking about making music with his daughter. She thinks up the idea and he plays the guitar. There as one song they did that they called “ROCKET SHIP”
Cam – we’re still working on that one. three verses down and a good choirs.. I show that to people and they are lke are you kidding me? i’m, like no that’s her man.
jag – WOW
Cam – one’s called crashing waves
feeds cut

4:17 pm Blue and Cirie
Blue is going over the things she said to Cameron to throw the heat off Cirie.
Cirie – Mmmmhmmmmm
Blue is worried Cameron might put Cirie on the block if the veto is played.

4:30 pm Matt and Blue
Blue says when Jag doesn’t agree with something he’s very quiet when he’s supports the idea he’s really excited.
Matt – we got to play it smart..
Blue says she likes hanging out with Corey and America but sometimes their jokes aren’t funny.
Matt agrees. they laugh
Blue – they keep repeating the same joke…
Matt – over and over…
Matt – he laughs at her joke and she laughs at his joke. They HYPE each other up. So no matter what it’s always going to be fun for them.

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37 thoughts to “Bowie – “It’s so much more pleasant in here now” **updated**”

    1. And what does it mean when MATT is trying to read FELICIA’S bifold as she tries to duplicate a scene from Basic Instinct?

  1. Meme saying that she’s never talked trash to anybody about anybody?? Does she not remember the weeks of her talking major sh*t about Bowie with Cirie and Felicia?? I’m glad Bowie is being included much more now although Cirie and Felicia still love dragging her name around for no reason

  2. Just finish off the cabinet except for target Cirie. Let her spend some time with her not complete db of a sim! The game will change when her fanboys Bo longer have her to kiss up to and try to her into her good graces!

    1. I dropped my phone howling with laughter reading your name
      Jared’s Virtuous Nature
      It’s too much! Bwhahaha hahahahahaha hahahahahaha

  3. These Live Feeds get on my nerves. In a conversation the next word gets cut off then jumping on next feed to miss a whole sentence. Then it switches again to the person I don’t want to hear from. I want to hear Felicia begging for her game to Cameron and have it like Felicia talking to the wall because Cameron is direct. Felicia chasing Cameron but she is saying that she don’t chase people. Don’t let her be in jury I don’t want her to get more money.

  4. Fe going really low. Suggesting Corey be evicted so that Cam can have America to himself.

    She’s holding up a woman that she’s continuously slut-shaming, as bait for a creepy stalker male.

    1. From reading the above it looks like it was BLUE not FE saying if Corey leaves ‘America rushes to Cam.’ Bc SHE wants Corey gone not FE.

      1. Fe also said it directly to Cam. Something like “you should get out Cory so you can be with America in the jury house.”

  5. Felicia is just making the decision easier for Cam at this point. She’s burning it all down, every part of her game in a desperate attempt.

    Now let’s say by some crazy miracle Felicia wins veto…the chaos that would ensue then. Or what if Cirie won and used in on Felicia…what would Cam do then? Blue, in hopes Meme goes, or a bigger new target like Cory?

      1. yeah… the ship has sailed on cirie and felicia working together. for the first month of the game cirie would’ve pulled felicia down, but now fe doesn’t benefit cirie’s game in anyway. cirie is more likely to pull down meme than cirie at this point, though i think cirie would just keep the noms the same.

      2. CIRIE, FELICIA, and MEME are sorority sistahs. KRISTEN never was, and that’s why she (KRISTEN) never made passed rush week.

  6. If I was Cameron, I’d make sure that I told Cirie, Felicia suggested that she be up on the block instead of her. Tell her Felicia said Cirie has more control, and better at persuading people to do what she wants, Poor little Felicia. LOL…

    Was Felicia not running around kissing Cirie & Jared’s ass, saying that if Jared leaves, and Cameron comes back, she’s putting his ass on the block.

    This is what happens when you suck at Competitions, stab everyone in the back, same mean nasty things that go beyond game, Jared,Felicia, Cirie, Blue, they have all said mean nasty things about Bowie.

    When Felicia asked Cam if he would consider working with her, I damn near spit out my Soda, Felicia has met her match, Cam is not afraid to speak his mind, and tell Felicia exactly how he feels about her, and he did it in a very nice way, but he spoke the truth.

    Felicia is sooooooo Jealous of Cirie, Felicia had not issue with voting to evict Cam, before they reached Jury, I’m glad Cam told her her doesn’t even want her in Jury. Bye Felicia !!

    Now moving onto America, flirting with Cam, saying she hopes he likes her outfit, Doesn’t America know that Cam is not that gullible to fall for her crap, she’s not all that. America without her makeup on, it’s not a good look.

    Blue, what a back stabbing good for nothing, no game playing, woman who has spent the last month chasing a man-boy, who treated her like crap, used her to satisfy his needs, and yet she smiles in America’s face. then tells Cam, America & Corey are not very smart ?

    Jag, Matt, Cam & Bowie should not give Blue any information, Blue would have stabbed Jag in the back if Jared gave her the order, they do not need Blue, Blue is dead weight, Blue has done nothing this entire season, other than what she was told to do by Jared.

    1. Felicia is so jealous that she’s the target over Cirie. Her mouth and attitude put her in this position. She says way too much to everyone. Like Cirie or not when it comes to the game she’s more careful with who she shares info with. Jared was the one that messed her up the week he was HoH because everything she was saying to him, he ran right to Blue with. Which Blue then took straight to Jag/Matt. But She’s managed to pretty much to shrink that target again and no one is looking to take her out right away. Felicia on the other hand has been running around still trying to make alliances with everyone in the house.

    2. “America without her makeup on, it’s not a good look.” Look at most actresses. Makeup is what makes one think they’re beautiful. Personally, I prefer the no/minimal makeup on a woman so I can see the real her, not a character.

  7. Say what you will but I understand these nominations. Felicia is a pot stirrer. She has no problem pushing buttons, crossing lines, fueling the fire, and stabbing anyone of her housemates in the back. She will make the jury house a miserable place to be.

    1. She also wants Cam out. Hard to say if she’d push for Cerie to leave over Cam, but she’s definitely not on his side and he knows it.

      I think she’d find it easier play him up as the target, bc she’s uncomfortable going against Cerie unless it’s a stealth and definite take down. Cerie and Jared made her feel too uneasy, that confrontation rocked her; she is used to being the one blowing her mouth off, but can’t tolerate any actual social heat when it comes down to it.

    2. i understand them, especially considering how limited knowledge cameron has, but i don’t think they’re the correct noms for his game.

    3. Cam is also dead right that Felicia will NOT vote for the best player to win the game if she was in jury, but instead would vote for the person she liked the most or for cause to win. If I was playing I’d definitely want jurors who would analyze the games of the two finalist and hopefully would vote for the one who deserved to win.

      Felicia would not be a juror like that.

      1. “If I was playing I’d definitely want jurors who would analyze the games…”

        You are asking for too much critical thinking from a hamster juror. Votes usually come down to “likes”, with zero analysis on “game”. SUBLIMANALLY, they will rationalize “game” in order to cast their vote for who they “like”. As an example, hamster jurors typically vote for that person that was in their “alliance” even though the other may have played a better “game”.

      1. Cam isn’t planning to go after Cirie. His plan is Felicia. If anything else happens this week, it’s because other houseguests decided to switch the target. Remember, when Cam pushed Jag as target the house was keeping Jag (until the power and idea of negating Cam’s HOH entirely by keeping both noms happened). Remember also, Izzy was staying on Cam’s second HOH until Izzy went control freak on Co/Am and they flipped the script. Cam has had zero effect on who gets evicted on his HOH’s, it’s the agency of others that determines target for eviction on a Cam HOH.

  8. Cameron… you were NOT backdoored. You played in that football comp POV which means you had a chance to win and stay off the block.

    So many of these hamsters claim to be super fans but know the basic BB 101 fundamentals of the game. ARGH –

    rant over

  9. You know, Cam might be creepy with his fixation on and targeting younger women – but America isn’t exactly shutting it down or discouraging Cameron when she does a VERY CRINGY little dance for him saying

    “I hope you enjoy this little number” Ewwwww!

    To give him credit, he shut that down very quickly. Saw the clip on Twitter.

    1. From what has been said: America has flirted way more with Jag than with Cam. That’s part of her social game. It’s problematic this season to viewers that had no problem with it last season. Then again, because the house bullied the woman using flirtation as social game, slutshaming was verboten. Dirty Elvis, Kyle, Joseph and Monte flirtation was acceptable. Hell, it was cheered (except the Elvis one that was excused). Same yardstick theory states we give America the latitude we gave last season.
      Why have we changed the yardstick? Why is the bbtwitterverse suddenly slutshaming?

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