Cam – “It would be a cannon fire shot straight to the boat.. I will be the cannonball”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Cameron
Nominees: Jag & Blue
POV Players: Jag, Cameron, Blue, MEME, Jared, Red
POV Winner:
Veto Ceremony:
Havenots:  Izzy, Corey & Bowie

Lock your ranks in before midnight

The Situation Right now Cam is saying If veto is used something big is going to happen. He hints at Izzy. If Veto isn’t used Jag goes.
Blue picked Jared for Veto, Jag drew MEME,

8:30 am Cameron and Cory
Cameron – I’m really not that close to Bowie we’re just cool.. Any game stuff I have with Bowie is thought REd or through that side of the house. Me and REd are close just because we are close. The people I am closest to it would be Red than you
Cory – I assumed we talked more game than you and Bowie
Cameron – me and you talk more anybody in this house that I talk to.
Cory – for me it’s you and America. I talk to Jared but he operates at a different speed
Cameron – he has to filter things through the people he is closest with instead of thinking
Cameron – we can see how this POV goes if it goes a certain direction there can be some REALLY REALLY Big moves happening.
Cory – yeah..
Cam – I think you know what a big move would be
Cory – You think you have the votes?
Cam – We would we only need five. It would be all of the six. All five of you and I would be the tie. We can make anything happen. No one knows about us.
Cam – it would be a cannon fire shot straight to the boat. It would be a start of a war. might as well start that mother f***er up right now.
Corey – If the veto is used
Cam – IF IF.. if not just go on.
Cory – it will be used.
Cam – It’s going to happen it’s gonna happen soon. I will be the cannonball I will be the one that gets f***ing shot.
Cam – I fully expect Jag to win.
Cameron says he was nervous with the Reilly vote. He thought Hisam had no chance to stay.
Cam – the thing that I saw is particular people going upstairs people that I thought you know I was good with. Like Izzy going up with Jared. Jared walking around with this person and then…
Cory – it looked like something shady?
Cam – It looked like the thing I was already suspecting in which case it would be Izzy talking to people that we’re not aligned with. Which gave me full alarm bells. She had in her mind whatever was about to happen I didn’t have a shot at it. She had thought through the fact I wasn’t going to win HOH what are we going to be doing. Me I thought the targets were already Jag and Blue. She Had a BIG ASS plan B and I think I was it. (BOOM)
Cory – I think you would have been plan B
Cam – if Izzy was sitting where I am right now there wouldn’t be a plan B
Cory – you would already be up?
Cam – she would have made that move
Cory – she would be deciding Cam/Red or Jag and Blue
Cam – she would have talked everyone into it and I would have been on the block.
They talk about how it was Blue that blew up Reilly’s alliance to Hisam.

Cameron called to the Diary Room.

9:00 am Feeds cut for Veto player picks.

9:30 am Feeds return MEME and Jag talking Sounds like MEME got picked.
Jag tells her he talked to Cameron and he said there’s no Backdoor plan
MEme makes a face doesn’t look convinced.
Jag – I’m way more comfortable with you winning than anyone else.
MEME says she’s here to play and win the competitions “I have a feeling this will eb a long one”

Feeds cut again

When we’re back.. Backyard is still open. Chit chat.

9:50 am Jag getting mentally ready

9:55 am Jared, Izzy, Felicia
Jared says Cameron told him he wasn’t going to be the replacement.
Izzy – what’s he doing?
Felicia says Cameron promised MEME she was safe.
Izzy says MEME told her for America the promise was original and replacement noms but for MEME it was only “original noms”
Izzy – He wants to be in with Matt.. they have a 8 person alliance starting next week they only need 6 to be strong so one of us is disposable for him. All he needs it 7. I’m just saying I don’t think we are out of the woods yet in terms of being replacements.
Felicia – it’s too soon because if next week any of us win his a$$ is gone.
Izzy – I know but he doesn’t think we’ll win
Jared – he doesn’t think Matt will put him up but I know Matt would. He’s so full of himself he thinks he has Matt.
Jared – don’t underestimate him to make a BOLD a$$ move. Even thought it’s f***ing stupid I think he’s cocky enough to think I’m winning sh1t red is winning sh1t regardless.
Felicia – did he tell Cory he wasn’t putting him up
Izzy – he’s tell that to everybody
Jared says Cory going up as the replacement might be the easiest choice for Cameron to make. He might think he won’t piss too many people off. He is also “Cocky and Bold” and might want to make this move.
Felicia – this week I think we’re safe and maybe next week after next week we will be the first one they try to take out because they think we’re running this.
Izzy – we have to take our shot next week
JAred – as cocky as he is he is calculating he knows I have a 1 in 11 shot in staying next week if I were to do something wrong this week. He’s calculative enough to know not to touch majority territory. Just in case next week I don’t want to sell myself out. You also go to remember he’s got things like Veto where he’s cocky enough to say f*** it I win veto I’m good.
Izzy says Cameron thinks Matt is close to him. “I don’t put it past him to think he has the numbers this week, He thinks people are with him.”

Gorgeous America Joins them.
Jared – The main thing is regardless everyone in this house is on the same page. Regardless if Blue or Jag goes no matter who their sitting next to.
Izzy – YEAH YEAH of course. I agree. OKay
America – You are good.
Izzy – Yeah yeah yeah I’m not like.. I feel fine I just don’t want to be stupid to not See through those possibilities that’s all. Especially since I know that the thing I have been doing the worst in this game is nurturing my relationship with Cameron. That’s all.
Izzy – I’m trying not to be stupid about it.
America – it’s scary..
Jared – you never want to sit in that seat. people will start saying he looks good there actually.
Izzy – OR It can happen they can sit there you know.. (LOL)
America give her a hug “We’ll see you after, It’s okay to worry.”
Izzy – I’m not even worried.
America leaves.

Watching Izzy panic is delicious

10:25 am Chilling

10:40 am Fueling up




10:43 am Jag and Blue
Laughing about Cameron
Jag – he is so loyal to the death he will do anything for me including evict me (LOL)
Jag – he will do anything. There is solace in the fact that even though Reilly went home Came just did that to protect her. He did that to protect her.
Blue – because he saw her as a daughter
jag – it was all to protect her and he did protect her
Feeds flip and when we’re back.
Jag is joking about how the one person that they didn’t want to win the HOH won’t the HOH.
Jag – When I walk into his HOH room what do I do? Put up a fight? NOt even a little I walk in and he professes his love for me. Jag I’m in love with you and the reason you are on the block.. he says this in front of the entire house the reason you are on the block is I’m in love with you and I would like nothing more than to be the knight in shining armour that takes you off. You know what I mean? that is his plan. Now we’re here and I’m going to go home.
Jag – Cory said to me yesterday, Jag I think you are as secret genius.. what so secretive about it clearly I’m a mastermind. This is all intentional. When they asked me what is my strategy for big brother I said I want to be on the block weeks 3 and week 4 It’s panning out exactly how I wanted. (LOL)
Blue – yeah, what a predicament we’re in. There is a sliver of hope that I am holding on.
Jag – we’ll have to see how this veto goes and then panic afterwards.
Blue – I need to talk to Cory and be like YO you don’t have to tell me specific or what her game is but can I trust America. That is all I want to know.
Feeds flip..

11:15 am Matt, Blue, Jag and Jared
Jag – we’ll have to win the veto
Jared – in a perfect world we would have won (HOH) and his a$$ would be going home (Jared was the first one out in the pressure cooker 90minutes)
Jared – I can’t stand to look at him bro..
Jag – Yeah, he can’t stand to look at me.
Jared – the way he keeps f***ign walking..
Jared – if Red don’t win Bro.. Or Bowie and her annoying a$$ don’t win one of them is going home for sure.. (Cam or Red)
Jag – Yeah
Jared – FOR SURE (wow this guy is a douche. Cory was mentioning him being a d!ck)
Jag – I’m getting hot as hell
Jag leaves..
Jared – I was on the block since day one.. day one bro..

11:30 am When and where is this veto competition happening?

12:20pm All the house guests are just sitting around chatting about random things.

26 thoughts to “Cam – “It would be a cannon fire shot straight to the boat.. I will be the cannonball””

    1. Jag / Reilly originally joked that the Handful were really the shitshow alliance when they realized everyone had turned on them. Ongoing Jag joke.

        1. A lot of the comments were made by Izzy and Cory. They planted the seeds through out the house. That’s why they keep people from comparing notes. People are posting all these horrible things that Izzy and Cory spread, 5 percent true, but 90% not. I watched Izzy tell America that telling lies for game-play is fine with her but personal comments/ attacks that Cameron make are stupid. I can’t find any personal attacks Cam has made.

      1. Because they’re pathetic! Matt kept a q-tip that she left. Some of them are creepy. America was talking about Matt’s shrine to Reilly. Just creepy and weird.

      1. Who is Meme with? If she won veto, what would she do with it? Maybe it’s most likely she won’t try to win and just keep herself out of this.

  1. Do they actually know what the POV comp is going to be or are they guessing that the players won’t be competing alongside each other

  2. As you all know, I’ve got my issues with bbtwitter.
    I check the temperature, but I don’t swim in the pool.

    I give Cirie social game props.
    She’s used the star position she was given episode 1 to her advantage well.

    anyone saying her flippetyflop paranoia is rational needs to shush. it’s fuqed up.
    anyone saying another houseguest that gestated in her body isn’t a huge advantage needs to shush. how much of the game is bond/trust building?
    Having a fukakta social media stalker of her celebrity isn’t an advantage? shush. Izzy is playing her game for her idol to win.

    what has and always will weird me out is the relationship between d/r call and clamor for Cirie’s affection. if we didn’t know from season 19 that d/r was telling houseguests they should go talk with and trust paul… i’d be less leery but still leery.

    how the casting helped
    average age increased. usual seasons it’s 23 year olds saying we don’t need a mom.
    the older houseguests pushed hard on the respect your elders button as strategy.
    put in someone older than her. it’s harder to say doesn’t fit in if it’s a pair.

    so you’ve got a former tenant in her body… a psychologically iffy starfuqer stalker, a set up where she didn’t have to compete for safety giving her special status from the jump, increased the age so she wouldn’t stick out as out of place, and would have people to relate to…

    and lets not even get into the number of people dropping family secret hints, or the fake shock faces every eviction. they all know but check the contract, the secret is storyline until the fields family reveals it. it’s part of production.

    Socially she runs rings around them. Strategic awareness… she’s close to the oven and the qtips are out to get me level paranoia.
    don’t but on survivor me. adapt.

    1. Izzy is a mixed bag. She gets information for Cirie but she helps propel her paranoia. Jared is also complicated in that she has already yelled at Jared for not relaying information and I am sure that if she knew the full extent of the Blue/Jared situation she would be working harder to have Blue evicted

      1. Izzy gets what is essentially a final 2 offer. what does she do? tells Cirie.
        She cried about not playing to win… did nothing to change that.
        Izzy’s entire role is shield for Cirie. and as soon as she laments that she immediately gets a d/r call.
        Jared? spoiled brat that resents not being the star even though his identity is based on being the son of a reality celebutard. don’t tell me he hasn’t used my mom is cirie to score wannabes.
        the entire showmance is a fake prop. he wants to look cool. production wanted a showmance. Blue agreed for screentime / image. look at her roll her eyes to the cameras when he’s talking his views on women/relationships. this is fake to the 10th power. Last season i called the Taylor/joseph relationship as a production negotiated image tool that would be over once the next season started casting. gee look. it’s a golden age of movies studio trick for image and hype. get photographed together, it’ll be good for the show and your image, you’ll both get verified and influencer cred and endorsements… then in ten months…. it just didn’t work out right in time to hype the next season.

  3. Jag and Blu were targeting Cam first and now their acting like whiny little high schoolers. Jared needs to be evicted so he can stop embarrassing himself. He’s the youngest of 11 kids. It really shows too!

    1. Where you’re getting your false information, I want Jared gone myself he talks in complete circles of pure ignorance and lies and people listening to him come away baffled, but seemed to convince them how to get rid of Hisam by looking like the victim and his Mother believing him, smdh it is a shot show?

  4. Dayum, Cameron is fukkduh….. he should have shot the cannon to begin with by putting up Felicia & Izzy as initial noms…. Seeing Izzy spiral even more would be delicious, lol

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