“If they were withholding that information for so long.. does that mean they were okay with getting everybody of color out?”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household:  Michael
Nominees: Alyssa and Terrance
POV Players: Monte, Alyssa, Michael, Terrance, Taylor, Brittany
POV Winner: Michael
Veto Ceremony: Veto was not used.

Lock your ranks in before midnight

7pm Bedroom – Monte and Alyssa.
Monte – I want to be able to work with you. I have always been actions speak louder than words. That’s always been my thing. I want to follow through on my actions to build trust. I hope you do the same and I think that can all be taken into consideration for next weeks HOH. Alyssa – yes 100%, and I know that you are a man of your word and I am a very level headed person. I love the game so if we have to have a conversation I will listen to you 100% and trust you. With Michael this week he told me ahead of time and said listen I have to do this. I am a very emotional person but I am not an emotional player. I take everything with a grain of salt. So next week we can figure that out, I just really want to stay this week. Monte – I am going to be very frank with you I think everybody wants you to stay this week. I don’t know what he (Terrance) could say to Taylor, I don’t know what he can say to Brittany, I don’t know what he can say to me. There really isn’t much that is compelling at this point. Alyssa – okay well that makes me feel good.

Bedroom – Monte and Terrance.
Terrance – they didn’t want us all to work together.. but they thought we were and we wasn’t.. but now what if we really f**king do!? Monte – right. Terrance – and that’s real talk. And that’s what I want to do right now. Me looking at what’s going to happen next week is we had the best opportunity to put Michael and Brittany up and call it a f**king day. She told me I had her vote. I just needed confirmation from you. Turner just told me I got his vote. You know what I am saying.. so that’s all I need right now. Monte – because all you need is three. You know where I am at .. if I get the confirmation then all three of us can lock in. Then I am completely fine with that. Looking at next week .. Michael and Brittany. Terrance – what else would I do? Monte – no that makes sense. Because what does Michael usually do when he wins the veto? He saves himself and he saves Brittany. So in that case instead of having that situation line up the way that it does have him go down and have a pawn and then have Brittany goes out. Terrance – but if we put them both up and its again 5 against 1 .. because Brittany will want to play hard as f**k to get her own a$$ out of the fire because she knows f**king well that she is going home. Monte – yeah I think that’s a clean way. I have been really thinking about this.. because honestly when I look at he whole Michael and Brittany situation I do think to myself .. okay if they were withholding that information for so long.. does that mean that they were okay with getting everybody of color out at some point if Kyle wasn’t willing to work with them? But the fact that Kyle wasn’t willing to work with them.. meant that they had to back out of that plan. So lets bring Taylor and Monte in to make sure they feel good about working with us.. now that that relationship is severed but they want to keep Alyssa around.. I don’t know .. its a conspiracy theory. Big Brother switches the feeds.

Bedroom – Brittany and Alyssa.
They talk about if a double eviction will be this week. Brittany – I just feel like we’re boring enough right now .. like how are you going to get content?! It sounds like they’re building something crazy. The only thing I am thinking is .. are they building multiple sets if its a double? Alyssa – yeah. Brittany – we should be prepared for anything.

Bedroom – Turner and Alyssa.
Turner – all that I need is to make sure Taylor wins .. and someone is next to Brittany .. whether its you, whether its me, whether its Monte, whether its Michael.. it doesn’t matter.. Brittany ends up going home because that keeps us and everybody else that is not playing both sides… every time someone does that and they get out next week. Its f**king insane! And I am not going to mention you at all .. and if Taylor comes up to you to privately to talk.. Alyssa – act like I don’t know anything. Turner – I was going to say the exact opposite. Because she (Brittany) has clearly been playing both sides… and well just so that I don’t become a target. Because if you don’t know anything and I am not going to say your name at all.. because if she goes up to Monte .. Monte knows. If she goes up to you .. you know. Confirms what is going on. So please don’t say you don’t know. Alyssa – okay, got it. That’s disappointing for Brittany and Taylor because I thought that they were like ride or die to the end. Like you’re going to throw your closest ally under the bus? Turner – she is throwing everyone under the bus. Its so dumb but its because she’s been playing a dog sh*t game.. and riding on Michael’s back and wanted something to happen and panicked.

7:50pm Bedroom – Alyssa and Taylor.
Alyssa – in my one on ones I heard that Brittany may have been throwing around the girls alliance to other people. And please don’t act like I told you this because someone might approach you with it later. Just say that that was never a thing. Taylor – okay and I have your back. I did hear that she said that and I was like what are you talking about .. so I think that she was trying to say that to get the heat off her back for whoever wins HOH next week. Super frustrating .. but when you get approached please act like its the first time hearing about this. Taylor – okay. Alyssa – when I heard that I was like that is not true and that person was like well she has been throwing around a lot of sh*t. Please don’t say anything. I am on the block .. I can’t risk anything right now. Taylor – I know. Alyssa – I am just going to lay low and we can handle it next week.

7:55pm Bedroom – Turner and Taylor
Turner – I am very weary about bringing forth this information because I don’t want it to sound like I am lying ..but if I was lying this would be the stupidest way to go about it. If this gets out, it doesn’t matter because I am telling the truth but I hope it stays between us but if it does get out I will go loud and proud about this. You are very close with this person, so this is why I am very nervous about this.. Taylor – is it about Brittany? Turner – YES it is! This is huge. The other day at 5:30 and I was up till 6 she came and outed your game and Alyssa’s game .. and she wanted to do a final two with me .. and I was like one this serves me literally nothing.. with peace and love I don’t think this is going to do anything for me. She was talking about how you, Alyssa and Brittany were all in the same room talking about all girls, last girls left and trying to form an alliance of some sort.. Can we confirm whether this happened .. whether you want to or not.. did this happen? You know what you don’t even have to say it .. I think it did. She was like you’re being left out of this and this is going to target to get out Michael.. and to get out you (Turner)… and to get out Monte in the end. And I was like wow .. awesome. And so this is why she was like we need to be a final two. And I was like no, I don’t even want this! I am not asking for any of this! I don’t need to know any of this. She was like I think Taylor and Alyssa want to bring me to the end just so that they can beat me. And in turn I was like oh so you can beat me right?! And she was like yes, I think we have a fighting chance against each other. I was like I’ve played a better game than you.. what do you mean!?!? I am just like what the f**k!? And I was like so its good to bring the best most mid player to the end right!? And she was like exactly. And now you’re calling me mid?! She was talking about wanting to get Michael out as soon as possible and I was like what .. that is your boy! And how you want to put me on the block next week.. which I understand .. I put you up. Clearly Brittany is outing your game to me.. and I just want you to do what you will with this information. Taylor – thank you.. I do believe what you’re saying. I can pick up pretty quickly when there is a shift between people and I do feel like there has been a shift two days ago.. Brittany has been acting a bit weird. There is some truth and some lies in what you’ve said. And why would you trust Brittany when she outs all this. I will say depending on who stay or goes this week I was going to put you on the block next week.. but not to send you out the door.

8:17pm HOH room – Michael and Terrance.
Terrance – I know how this is moving .. I haven’t had confirmations like boom, boom, boom so and I know you probably haven’t had too many conversations with confirmations for me to stay. Michael – I have had conversations where people are saying they’re weighing the pros and cons. So I know people are considering it. Terrance – so I guess the only pitch that going into next week, I could have is that I would be a better ally.. Big Brother switches the feeds.

8:31pm Storage room – Michael and Turner.
Turner – I told Taylor about everything. She was not happy about it. And I was like if I was lying I would be a crazy person. I named every specific instance and she was not happy about it. It went very well. Taylor was not happy about it. Michael – I talked to Terrance .. and guess who he said he would put up next week.. You and Monte. Turner – and then to me he is telling me you. He needs to get the f**k out. And then we need to work on whoever the f**k else.

9:10pm Dinner time.

9:32pm Chinese Checkers time..

10:15pm -10:40pm Bedroom – Brittany and Taylor.
Taylor – did they pull you in today? Brittany – yeah. Taylor – what the hell is going on? Brittany – just one on ones. Taylor – Terrance told me that you said that you wanted to keep him but you’re out numbered and that I am the last vote. Brittany – are you kidding me? His whole things.. he didn’t even try to pitch me. He was like I know I am going home. You have to carry the torch. You’re going to be the oldest person now and you’re the last married one. I had a good run. Taylor – He said like everyone is saying the would keep me but you just won’t let go of stuff from last week. Brittany – oh my god .. vote him out with glee. Brittany – you’re 100% sure voting him out? Taylor nods. Brittany – and I am 100% voting him out. Pinky promise.. that’s all we need. Alyssa and Michael joins them.

10:30pm Monte is sleeping..

11:35pm Kitchen – Brittany, Turner, Michael and Taylor are sitting at the island together chatting.

12:10am HOH room – Taylor, Turner, Brittany, Michael and Alyssa are hanging out.

1:40am The house guests in the bathroom chatting.

2:50pm HOH room – Michael talking to the cameras.
Michael – Live feeders ..what a day! What a day .. what a day!? Brittany is apparently running around to everyone ..when she doesn’t have to. She really doesn’t. She is my number one and I still have her back BUT and its a big one… she is not doing herself any favors and if she is a sinking ship I am not going to go down with her. Plan A is to just win the veto this next week. Not a good plan granted but I will sure try.

3am All the house guests are sleeping..

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61 thoughts to ““If they were withholding that information for so long.. does that mean they were okay with getting everybody of color out?””

  1. I haven’t watched every season, but it isn’t possible to have a more fractured house with this many players left. They are all stabbing each other in the back trying to maneuver to the end. Maybe Monte and Turner are still together, but there are truly no alliances right now and won’t be until after the double.

    1. This is the first season I’ve watched in ages cause it got boring. I stayed on this season to watch Michael’s amazing play. When I did watch, it was not this fractured. There are a bunch of lame loser HG except for Turner and they all think they’re going to the end, whether deserved or not. So it’s lie lie lie.

    2. Michael and Brittany are together still. I won’t see them for real turning on eachother ever.
      But.. everyone is in for themselves at f7 , this is the way a game should be played. There is only one winner.

  2. Ok, I’m confused. Are Monte, Turner & Michael really working together?

    Are they going to get rid of Taylor, Alyssa & Brittany, then they will go after each other?

    This week is a double, if Monte or Turner win HOH, they will not take a shot at Michael ?

    They will not backdoor Michael if there is an opportunity?

    1. I don’t even know if they are really considering keeping Terrance, I hope not! What good is having the feeds if everyone is lying to everyone else? LOL

      1. I think Taylor is flipped after her and Terrance one on one, a lot was said and Taylor said she wishes “she didn’t know too much now.” Monte is a go for the CO 2.0, “the family reunion” to drag turner along unknowingly, and silent target M/B. Turner says his vote is with Terrance to stay, basically monte, turner, and Taylor, just need to have a quick convo which I’m sure will happen today and the jury house no longer will be sexless.

        Michael has a great sixth sense and even told Britt that he thinks everyone is voting Alyssa out but her.

        1. I hope Taylor doesn’t fall for Terrance’s BS again. That man has ill intentions in regard for Taylor, he never has her back EVER!! He has disparaged her at every turn in this game. He’s a vile POS. F him, I hope he goes. After him I hope Brittany is next, she’s too freaking annoying. I would be ok with Michael, Taylor, Monte, or Turner winning. The ones that I’m not ok with winning are Terrance or Brittany. Alyssa is a meh for me, if she won I’d be disappointed, but at least she’s not Terrance or Brittany.

          1. Completely agree, Blobbo Terrance is a vile POS as you said. Someone found some gross YouTube he made. I don’t have the stomach to look at it, it’s bad enough having to look at him on BB.

        2. Yes I’m beginning to see the house is flipping against Alyssa. Michael has great intellect and insights and he sees this coming and it may not be a bad move for him since she’s loved by the jury. OTOH let’s face it, they’re all going to be pushing to evict Michael since he’s such a big threat. The only one in the game other than Turner who can play !

    2. Out of fear the boys will only backdoor Michael if they can guarantee his eviction however Monte also fears being outnumbered by the women.

    3. Everyone except Terrance thinks they’re in a dozen alliances!! Seriously it changes every hour. By Thursday it will be an entirely new set of alliances.

    4. And yes they will sadly try to evict Michael as soon as possible cause he’s clearly the biggest threat, best player.

      1. You left out the part where Michael is the biggest racist left too. Let’s not forget that. I can’t wait when Michaels leaves in the DE 🙂

        1. Racist? Where does that come from? It was Kyle that admitted his game is “rooted in race”!
          Maybe you’re a homophobe..

        2. People throw around the word racist like a frisbee, as if saying so makes it so. Michael is a decent man, a racist he’s not. Cut him some slack and don’t be tempted to assume you know his heart.

          1. I wish there were a lot more people in the world like you.

            Michael is definitely not racist. But it’s very easy for people who are to project it onto others!

    5. I think monte & turner would not nom him but if veto is used would take the shot 1000000% . They are just trying to have something with him in case he does wins out all the way to final 3 and 2. (Which he absolutely can)

    1. I don’t notice that but I do always notice Brittany “swaying”. Swaying while standing, swaying while sitting. Maybe she is trying to hypnotize people Lol

  3. I’ll just say it’s anyone’s game. I do hope Taylor/Turner does win one more HOH with Micheal/Monte pulling a veto win. Or vice versa. I’m just hoping Alyssa and Brittany out next, provided Terrance does go to poison the jury. (Ha)

    1. Nope. Assuming Terrence is the one to be evicted next, BB tradition regarding the normal DE dictates that either Brittany or Alyssa win the DE HoH

  4. Kyle reveal aside I think this is a good example of how Michael has been playing a solid game. Everyone is scrambling and all over the place and he is laid back, letting everyone dig their own separate holes. He knows he needs to win, but he isn’t doing anything to make the target on his back bigger, but in the meantime other people are. I can only imagine this will continue as people keep talking.

    One of the biggest attributes to this game is simply knowing when to keep your mouth shut lol

    1. 1000% agree. Michael’s play is stellar, from his physical comps, to his intellect, to his strategy, to his calm and focus. He’s the only reason I’m watching this summer. Usually I leave after 2 weeks out of boredom. It has been amazing to watch him this summer.

      Sadly I have doubts whether he’ll make it beyond the DE tommorow. He’s obviously the biggest threat.

  5. Commenters just as jumpy as houseguests. lol! Terrance will be out. Monte and Turner have no power and no new alliance. Michael and Brittany have each other’s backs. Taylor is playing a great game of social poker. But she fulfilled her promise to black women. Any connection with Monte/Terrance is just superficial. They try to use Taylor late in the game and she returns favour. I see Taylor or Michael winning BB, with Brittany in second place. Hope Turner goes in the double right after Terrance.

    1. I’m glad you have so much confidence in Brittany, afraid I don’t.

      Michael has been under enormous stress to get where he is and the pressure is intense. I would love to see him win but all of them have one goal: to evict Michael since he’s such a big threat.

      And then the rest of the loser slackers can fight it out among themselves.

  6. So, Terrance suggest forming another CO and that’s fine, but Kyle identifies the potential and has his life ruined. Seems fair me.

    1. Terrence is just grasping at straws. He is throwing anything and everything out there in hopes something will stick.
      As for Kyle, he made his own bed.

      1. It was hard to buy his theory that he’s in such a closed off world. There’s college, movies, books. Surely in college it was shown that there’s diversity in the country. But I think he’ll grow from this and be OK.

  7. Listened to Toxic Terrence all day. His pitch to Taylor and Monte is no different than Kyle’s. It’s becoming hard to root for anyone. BTW. This site is a lot more interesting than the feeds.

  8. “If they were withholding that information for so long.. does that mean they were okay with getting everybody of color out?”

    YES!!! its a GAME!!!

    a player vs player game of elimination. do you expect them to just let you win the game because of your skin color?

  9. Even though there’s a few obnoxious Hgs left. ( yeah, that would be ‘ya boy & the Flea). It’s still better than last year (IMO)….bc it’s not a steamroll….. anybody’s game, really except Floatie girl shouldn’t be anywhere near the F2

    1. Problem is floatie girl might just win BB! They all want the biggest threat Michael out, and then Turner will be next, and then one if the float goats could win.

  10. I think the DE comp. will be a game of chance more than skill. Production will use that type of game because Mikie cant play. Meaning production can not help him by them being the only ones seeing results in a Timed event or has answers to questions that can be given ahead of time.

  11. I’ve seen tonight’s comic book covers.
    Jasmine is Sprainiac. one leg is in a cast, she has a crutch, the other foot has a boot with mechanical arms to strangle bakers and take their muffins. (difference is one muffin half eaten or 5 muffins half eaten in the baking tray).
    Daniel is Old McDaniel, a farmer with evil vegetables. (Differnce is one silo or two silo behind him)
    Nicole is Short Order cook… with evil food. (The differece is the pizza wheel cutter and spatula switch hands)
    Ameerah is A-Beer-ah. her lower torso is made of beer as she comes out of a can, and she is punching drunks at a poker table (difference is can, beer of comp beast label).
    Pooch is The Pooch. a dog with a really big human head running down the street after a bank robber in shorts and a sleeveless shirt (difference is fangs on Pooch in one).
    Indy is the Brazillian Waxer. she fires purple wax out of her hand to coat criminals. Brazil flag colors for her costume. (difference: one of the wax men has a lit candle wick).
    Joseph is Shredded. he has a shirt on, but it’s ripped all over, and he’s fighting two guys. (difference is a green wristband in one of the pictures).
    Monte is Count of Monte Twisto. sitting in a purple friar monk robe (?) surrounded by past season twists like team america, the coaches,the camper, america’s player, pandora’s box, the apple tree, the hacker, etc. (apples color is the difference to spot).
    Taylor is Po-Taylor Chip. seated in yellow and red costume, eating a potato chip while holding her last enemy by the collar of his shirt, with a pile of at least 10 more enemies on her left. (potato chip color is the difference between the two).
    Michael is Copy Cattt. Scientist with a little kitty on his lab coat uses a scanner to create an army of cat minions. (direction cat in scanner is looking is the difference).
    Brittany is Brit-Flea, small flea costume standing amongst salt and pepper shakers with a penny on the left side. (salt and pepper shaker pillars are reversed is the difference).
    Alyssa is Mall-yssa, she shops til crime drops. throwing shopping bags at a criminal in a mall. pink and blue costume, gold arm band, psuedo action pose. (difference is the color of her shopping bag in her hand, pink or blue).
    Turner is Rug of War, commando type styling in a cave using a gun to make rugs to capture is enemies, enemies wrapped in rugs hanging behind him like caught in a web (his rug gun color is the difference, blue or green).
    Kyle is Rep-Kyle, in a lizard costume with a prehensile tongue in a spider man pose on a wall turning back to stick out his tongue to beat his enemies (Crime is about to suffer Reptile Disfunction). The difference? Tongue is longer and has a twist in one version.
    Terrance is DJ Showtime top half human, bottom half mecnanized flying speaker that fires cold air. (difference is a red feather in his hat in one version).

    Most aren’t HORRIBLY drawn, but suffer from stupidity in concept, most likely drawn by someone that has seen their photo and read a quick bio… but doesn’t watch the show.

  12. I find it interesting how everyone can talk about scenarios with POC now but Kyle got called racist and was evicted for it! Not to mention what it did to him mentally and his personal life. What bunch of disgusting hypocrites.

    1. Kyle will be ok and will grow from this. He can’t excuse his “rooted in race” (his words) thoughts about being so sheltered and expect it to be accepted in the real world. He will grow from this and be a better version of Kyle.

  13. Taylor has told Turner that Britt’s game is to ask leading questions, then run to the person and report the answers as what the other person said.
    Funny thing: this is what Turner did to get Britt exposed, this is what Monte does, this is what Joseph did as a spy. LOL.

    This has a lot to do with part of season tone. I am of the belief that week one tends to set a tone for the season. What happened week one: one person was singled out, piled on behind their backs, and never told why. All alliancing was fluid, and there was no actual loyalty to be had. So, now we’ve got a house where everyone is in multiple final deals, in overlapping alliancing, and nothing is static. Targets are not actually given a voice in confrontattion, it’s all pussyfooting and tests. This is, in essence, the season without fact checking, it’s the season of finding a witch, having a witch trial in absentia, and evicting the witch. This isn’t to say the witches are innocent, in most cases they aren’t, but it’s more the perception of guilt than actual guilt that the house runs with this season.
    Not judging how they are playing the game, just looking at the overall game they have chosen to play, and pointing it out.

    Forgot to include the comic covers in my comic covers post… here they are.

  14. The only racist are the black people in this game and last season , Taylor said I don’t want to put up a person of color , if a white person said that it would be blown up… then Terence says he would love to start another black alliance.. like come on…

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