“Holding this information from the house and trying to do an honorable thing by waiting two weeks”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household:  Turner
Nominees: Taylor and Brittany Kyle
POV Players: Turner, Taylor, Brittany, Alyssa, Monte, Michael
POV Winner: Michael
Veto Ceremony: Micheal used the veto on Brittany. Turner nominated Kyle.

Lock your ranks in before midnight

3:20 pm A broken up showmance

3:22 pm Brittany, Taylor and Michael
Taylor – we have 25 days to go
They start talking about Turner not wanting to send any leftovers home until the final 5.
Michael – it would have to be Terrance or Alyssa.. I don’t see him doing hat
Taylor says Terrance and Alyssa are both equally beatable
Michael – I’m fine if Terrance goes first
Taylor – he told the whole house this week that he wants me out.. OKAY
Michael – I want to fast forward a couple of weeks so it’s just us a fun summer house
They giggle. “Summer house”
Britt – we can do it.
Michael – Alyssa will do well at mental comps
Michael adds that Alyssa isn’t talking much game with people she’s just sitting in the back room going over the days.
Taylor – all the time
Brittany – she has jury votes galore.. Turner thinks he can win against her in the final two I think it will be a toss-up
Michael – against Turner Alyssa would have Indy, Jasmine, Kyle, and Terrance. All she needs is one more.
They agree Alyssa not being in the leftovers and making it to final 2 would be a big deal.
Brittany – Turner has won two comps but he hasn’t played a good game.
Michael – A big move doesn’t matter if it’s not smart.
Britt – that is why he’s freaking out outside he realizes he screwed up. Sounds like Dyre fest really screwed him over.

Taylor says Alyssa would have more votes than any of them.
Michael – Turner would vote for Alyssa, Turner would, those girls are really tight that’s five. I can’t win against Alyssa
Brittany – we’re the deciding vote (next week)
Michael – if Turner wins the veto and pulls one down then he decides.

4:41 pm Chit chat

4:43 pm Monte and Taylor
Monte – this could have also been an opportunity for Brittany to own up to her mistakes and Michael’s Mistakes in holding this information from the house and trying to do an honorable thing by waiting two weeks after they knew about it. They had all the opportunity to share it with us they even said it if Kyle was gone after Dyre fest they didn’t see a reason to bring it up. They said it would have probably been mentioned at some later point.
Monte – when? why would they have a reason to bring it up? Why would we be even able to believe them at that point? Kyle wouldn’t be here to defend himself.
Monte – they would have never told us Michael and Brittnay are smart people. When we’ve been in this alliance they’ve always been so calculated and so thought out in what they are doing and why they are doing it. This is not to me.. this doesn’t feel like Ohh this was heavy on our hearts and we had to share it right before replacement nominees were named.
Monte – I can’t sit here and tell myself that it makes sense for those two. Evidence has shown they are both very smart people. Decisions were made for reasons everything plays out just fine with them. Next week Michael can play for HOH, Brittany can play for HOH they know how tight you are with them you are playing HOH. They feel very tight with me I’m playing for HOH. We can target the other side of the house. Turner we all said we wouldn’t put him up so the assumption is Terrance and Alyssa. If I win HOH those are the people that are going up on the block. All I’m saying it if there is an opportunity and I hope you can trust me in this conversation. If Michael doesn’t win the damn veto adn somebody else does or if I do we would be guaranteeing ourselves second place in this game.
Monte – I don’t know what you came here for..
Taylor – 750 thousand dollars.
Monte – I know what the pecking order will be Michael, Brittany in their ideal world it’ll be Alyssa/Terrance then Turner/Me.
Monte – if there is a chance to take a shot and we don’t take it there’s no way we are winning. Jury will look at us like what the f** you saved him
Taylor – yup
Taylor says she would rather Alyssa get to final 5 over Alyssa. Turner will be harder to beat.
Taylor – so my priority will be to be getting Turner .. I go personal shit against this one. It will be so easy to get rid of him this week.
Monte – Turner up to this point has been manipulated by Kyle .. like when he trusted POOCH blindly.
Monte – I truly believe that Turner doesn’t have any interest in taking you or Brittany out.

Taylor – whoever takes out Michael wins the game. Everyone knows that.
Monte says they stand a fighting chance against him but not Michael. “I don’t know the game nearly as well and I don’t perform anywhere close”
Taylor – I’ve only won when he wasn’t playing.

5:04 pm Kyle and Terrance
Terrance tells him to talk to Jasmine first and say Terrance told him to. “He told me to talk to you when I got here (Jury)”

5:51 pm Terrance and Monte
Terrance talking about the weight he’s lost so far this season. He’s on track to reach his goal weight 230. They go into a long conversation about fitness and how much Terrance has lost.

Monte says he doesn’t drink pre-workout anymore. etc etc..

They talk about Kyle and what advice they’re giving him when he goes into Jury.
Terrance – I told him to be ahead of it and your best bet is pull Jasmine in first. Technically I’m sure she’s the mom of the house.
Turner joins them. THey talk about Dyre Fest week when Terrance put Turner up for saying facts. When Terrance talked to him about something he shouldn’t have known.
Turner – I was not listening and I said Facts.. I do that all the time
They all laugh

6:57 pm Chit chat or sleeping

6:58 pm Snacks
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149 thoughts to ““Holding this information from the house and trying to do an honorable thing by waiting two weeks””

  1. This is where a live camera in the Jury House would be good. I would like to see Jasmine’s reaction to Terrence telling him to talk to her

    1. End of show tonight, Michael says something to the effect of “Well, if he left, that would certainly be better for my game.” Yo, Michael, we knew you were “finding your conscience” to help your game, NOT because you were so torn up about that nonsense with Kyle. And now you just said it. Oh, oops.

          1. When Kyle admits that his actions were “rooted in race”, is that part of the “game”?
            Maybe Kyle will do some soul searching after BB and become a more diversity sensitive human being. Right now he’s very much driven by race.

              1. What you are missing is that Kyle had to admit that his actions were “rooted in race”. And his ex use being that he grew up in Utah only around Caucasian people! Seriously lame and racist.

                1. “HAD to admit his actions were rooted in racism.” Part of the deal with production to get him to stay no doubt. And the CO actions were rooted in racism but that’s ok. Everyone’s actions are treated equal, just some are more equal than others.

            1. Something being rooted in racism doesn’t mean the person who commented was actually conciously being racist. It’s a systemic problem in society and not only caucasians are guilty of it.

  2. I’ll be so happy when Terrance and Alyssa are gone. Terrance is trying to come off to America as such a loving and forgiving person, but he forgets the cameras have picked up on the foul names he has called Taylor behind her back.

    I don’t think Terrance is sincere with counseling Kyle, Terrance is thinking about Terrance, he’s also hoping Kyle will speak highly of him in Jury, Terrance is 2 faced, and cannot be trusted.

    I will not be disappointed to see Terrance, Alyssa, Taylor, Michael or Brittany walking out the door. I’m pulling for Tuner and Monte to make it as final 2.

    1. I don’t see a situation where those are the final 2 because either of them will want to take a weaker player to sit next to them

      1. Completely agree, but historically comp champions just don’t get to the end. He absolutely deserves to win BB though.

        1. Every one of her ridiculous comments are nothing more than mere dog whistles…

          Nothing more.

  3. I love that the edit made it very clear this was 100% strategic on Michaels end and not a moral decision

    1. They left off how angry he was and how he promised revenge. He got the golden boy edit and he still looks bad.

    2. Except in the final DR when Michael said he was prepared to deal with potential fall-out bc he felt it was the right thing to do, while also helping his game.

      I feel perhaps M is saying that in order to manage perceptions regarding his move. BB may also have fed him some of that.

      But, if we are talking about edit, production is not making it so clear.

      1. Michael had no choice. He played the game, and he knew that when Kyle slithered over to Terrance and outed the LO, that he’d be the next to go. Michael was true to his alliance all the way through, until he knew Kyle had thrown them under the bus and got Joe evicted.

  4. They had a different narrator on at the end because the octave of his voice was different. It will be interesting to see 1) how much of Sunday’s post movie events that they show and 2)if tomorrow’s episode starts on time because Biden is speaking sometime tomorrow night

  5. Are people really feeling sorry for Kyle? After all that crap people had flagged on his social media? Plus-lee-ze.

    1. I don’t think people feel sorry for Kyle, but I DO think people see right through Michael’s oh my conscience, my conscience, & his side-kick Brittany’s phony boo-hoo-hooing. Two peas in a pod. Neither of them deserve to win. And that leaves….?????

      1. Why the need to find somebody else to blame? In the end he did all the things they said he did – and he has done much more. Blaming things on M/B is trying to make Kyle less guilty. Ridiciculous.

    2. Can’t possibly feel sorry for Kyle. He’s a snake and probably a racist and now has admitted his actions were “rooted in race “. He was the first to betray the LO to get Joe evicted.
      The guy needs to go home, get employed, moved out of mom’s home and develop some character.

      1. Last years cookout alliance was all about race. Watching that season, I can see how Kyle may have thought there was another cookout. That doesn’t make him a racist. I don’t know about his social media posts.

      1. LOL… it was ON HIS SOCIAL MEDIA. It came from the best source: his official accounts. Homework is needed before trying to participate in the conversation.

  6. Michael and Brittany are despicable. This isn’t just game play. This can ruin someone’s life and livelihood in the real world. Making those insinuations about Kyle is going too far. They didn’t just recount a conversation. They clearly framed it in a way to make it sound like Kyle was racist and motivated by racism. They planted those seeds in the other houseguests heads. Horrible horrible people. They put something out there that is practically impossible to defend yourself against because the more you try to defend yourself the more you are called a racist and others dare not defend you for fear of being called a racist. No win situation for the accused.

    1. If Kyles statements were so racist, why didn’t they confront him when he first said them to them. They are trying to ruin his rep in the house so that they remain safe. They are just as guilty of playing the race card as anyone.

      1. They didn’t expose Kyle then because they were being true to their alliance. But when Kyle exposed the LO to Terrance just to get Joe evicted, Michael knew he’d be next. Kyle even admits his actions were “rooted in race”. Not good. Michael then played the game, pure and simple. Just the way Kyle did. But Michael has never once added race into the mix this season. He’s an amazing physical and intellectual competitor.

      2. They did confront him when he said them B even had a 1 on 1 with him explaining the how bad the optics of his plan were.

        “They are trying to ruin his rep in the house so that they remain safe.”
        In the house, yes. To get a foe evicted.It is BB after all.

    2. Exactly Elisa! Perfect wording. Michael and Brittany are playing a disgusting game even on the BB level. It is not Ok to use the racism card for game play. Kyle was not being racist.

        1. You have Taylor parading around the house telling everyone how she votes based on RACE AND GENDER (the look of shock on her face when she was told was either complete BS or more likely a lack of self awareness), many discussions about the Cookout have been had around the house. You can point out the concern of of a girls alliance, you can point out a concern about a Bro alliance but if you point out a concern about Cookout 2.0 it’s”problematic”. It was just the best alliance/strategy ever. If you could put other house guest into a social noose (the more you struggle the tighter it gets) it should be seriously looked at.

          I think people need to look at themselves and wonder why they feel so uncomfortable talking about race and stop projecting themselves on to other people.

      1. a thought came to me. Lol if Kyle not racist for saying it or implying a move based on race, perhaps Micheal and Brittany are not too for telling them he implied the thought.

        personally I think Kyle & Micheal or playing their butts off. I felt like Kyle knew what they might tell. Remember when he was talking to Alyssa asking her what could they be telling Monte etc. he knew he had told everything but…….hmm maybe we might need to team up against the POC (said to that effect).

        I this crazy is a crazy thought but if I know deep down I am not racist, I would of denied , denied denied, I would have played dumb like I didn’t remember saying it. Lol and I’m sure you took my words wrong. Lol. Then I would have took it up with America every chance I got in the camera. Because a lot of people feel he did nothing wrong.

    3. I am a 65 year old Black female, and what Kyle said/thought whatever you want to label it, was not being racist. The extent that they are taking this is sickening. He has a right to think as he like, I’m pretty sure it came across the other people pf colors minds about getting together, but personalities just didn’t mesh with this group. It really bothers me how people want to jump on the bandwagon and label a person racist because of a thought process, a comment, even a freaking look can cause one to be labeled. But it was okay for Taylor to openly say ” I’m not putting a Black woman up”, WTF???? It’s NOT about color sweetie, and that same black woman would have put you up in a heartbeat had she been in your position. SMH. For $750.000.000, I’ll put my own Mother up and throw in my Son :). I do understand Michaels desperation in doing this as it is said – I ain’t mad at him, he’s there to win money NOT make friends, and no holds barred.

      1. Amen!!! @gkenon you couldn’t of said it any better!!! How no one brings up Taylor not putting Jasmine up because of skin color blows my mind. Michael and Brittany are 100% using this to advance their game and it’s sickening. I hope everyone in that house watches it back and all apologize to Kyle for attacking him and “canceling” him for a narrative that was spun and his words twisted! Finally thought this season would get by without this crap, but here we are. SMH

      2. You’re a 65 year old black woman? Sure you are. Your wording proves your lying. Try pushing your bullshit agenda differently.

        1. Wow! So my wording and articulation make some other race or culture? You’re an idiot! Your worse nightmare ….an Educated Black Woman! Stay well, and get educated dear one. ?

        2. Black folks aren’t woke in general. Rich white guilty virtue signaling cretins are. pushing attitudes like yours. Bet you have a picture of the cast of “The View” on your wall.

        3. Tell my hips and Arthritis hands I’m not 65, and the last time I looked in the mirror chocolate melanin was still there!

      3. This is an awesome comment! I wish it could go viral. This is exactly the problem with today’s society. Thabk you for saying this.

      4. As a POC. I agreed. Haha.
        when Kyle entertain the thought. I felt noting. I mean I had forgotten about it until M&B brought it back up. I said, Gottcha Kyle! And lol cause I knew it would work on the rest of them.

        yea I’ll 750,000 I’ll I tell them I was white and just got a tan. These guys just might believe me. Yea I’ll play the purple, and blue cards

      5. I like your words and attitude and I agree that Michael is playing this game to win. Why else would he have put up with the fact that in the early weeks of BB an all boy’s alliance was formed and he was not asked to join and he knew about it.

        I think at that moment he knew his only hope was his intellect, strategy and physical skill relentlessly at work week after week with no letdown in order to stay in the game. I admire his tenacity immensely.

        I, do, however disagree with you in that Kyle himself admits his actions were “rooted in race”. And his “The possibility of those 6 with that background “ on the live feeds is definitely racist.

    4. Knowing what I think I know. Why M&B are being wrong about the timing and game play. (I don’t get it) I am 100% with Michael and Brittany on the timing, game play and the way they said it to the other house guests.

      Kyle formed a new alliance outside the house because of two reasons, Alyssa and REVENGE on Michael.
      He broke out the alliance because of one personal reason also. He got UPSET with Michael picking Taylor and Monte over him. How dead he go with two people he doesn’t want in the game, so he got upset and didn’t care about M$B as the all white he wanted to play with. Kyle knows when you form an all white or all black alliance it will be called a racist group and he didn’t care about this. If B&M had agreed to Kyle’s plans there would had been an all white alliance long time ago which he didn’t care how it looks or called outside by fans. So why are people blaming M&B about Kyle’s life outside the house when he knows how big brother fans are? He will be fine. I can not say this enough.
      M and B are 100% right for going after Kyle, M picked two blacks over him to bring in a comfortable house while he outside in the sun. This was when all his thoughts were coming from to blowout the alliance and go after the 4 indoors. Kyle knows exactly what he was doing. There is a saying, I always said, ‘when you come after someone as a revenge, you better don’t have any dirty laundry because there is a 1000% chance it may come out in a double loads about you . B&M did exactly that.
      Great job Michael and Brittany, let the game play on….
      Another thing, all these have been called racists:
      CBS, Julie, all alliance before the cookout, white alliances, the cookout, some individuals and Kyle make no difference. Let the game goes on…..

      1. See, this is where Micheal has warped people. Kyle wasn’t suggesting a “white alliance”. He wasn’t suggesting to get rid of all the black people. He wanted to reduce their numbers. Just like when there gets to be too many guys or girls in the house. You need to reduce groups with things in common that you are not part of. That’s part of the game.

      2. Wow, that’s an awesome take. Kyle was very angry at Micheal for not picking him, I agree. Kyle also cam talked his plan about the 5 person alliance to prevent a cookout 2.0, he also said to the cameras, “I hope I don’t get canceled for this”, take it how you want to but he knew the optics of the situation.

    5. Kyle has no livelihood. He lives at home with mama. Besides that, when Kyle decided to act “rooted in race” per his own admission, he bought his own ticket to being exposed as racist. No one did it to him. Just Kyle being Kyle.

      After Kyle betrayed the LO, and got Joe evicted, Michael knew he’d be next. Michael never betrayed the LO. He just played the game. And Kyle’s racist comments are on the feeds for all of America to see: ie “The possibility of those 6 with that background “. Michael did nothing wrong. It’s all out there..

      1. Ouch. LC, how mad does it make you to know that your comments are getting little to no likes? Maybe you’ll finally realize your bias is showing.

        1. I’ve liked all LC’s comments. Kyle did it to himself, blaming other cast members is stupid. I don’t think Kyle is racist, most likely, he’s just very stupid and immature for his age. But still his own fault nonetheless.

          Big brother is big brother. If you don’t like people using other people’s words against them, you’re watching the wrong show lol. He gave them the ammo, they used it and now y’all are crying. Give me a break

        2. Actually my comments on the new board got plenty of likes. But that’s not why I’m writing.
          I saw Kyle betray his alliance by outing them to Terrance and then save his sorry hide and got Joe evicted. He’s a snake and a weasel. He subsequently admitted to taking actions rooted in race, and has come up with the lame excuse of only being raised with Caucasian’s. I was only raised with Caucasian’s but do not have his racist mentality actions of having wanted an all white alliance, and expressing his unease about POC. I’m not making this stuff up.

          Michael is playing the game, against all odds. Using intellect, physical skill, and strategy that has given a good reason to watch BB this summer. I’ve loved watching him move through this show and the calm and focus and very hard work. Unlike many HG who lay in the sun and eat!

          1. Absolutely, Micheal has had to win every veto to assure he doesn’t go home. He’s never included in anything unless he inserts himself. They are all playing a cutthroat game. Each will flip the minute a final 2 or 3 has been proposed. The only one loyal right now is Micheal to Brittney and Taylor. If Micheal played for just himself, he’d be called selfish. I think he should play for just himself since Britt and Taylor have been entertaining the idea of cutting him with Monte. Go Micheal!

    6. Please explain how MB ruined Kyle’s life when Kyle was being publicly excoriated and called KKKyle WEEKS ago when he said those things, well before MB disclosed it to the house? The only thing that they did was to inform the house.

        1. Not my words. I said publicly excoriated, which means various forms of public discourse, including social media (twitter, youtube, bb fan sites…) and regular media (People, TMZ…).

          But for Kyle’s purposes, social media alone is a death knell because social media is how he makes a living (tictok) and social media will dictate how much he can profit off the experience.

    7. The whole world saw what was said and what was happening. Wether or not Micheal said anything, Kyles comments caused Twitter to loose their minds. Kyle has been called kkkyle on Twitter for weeks now. There were articles coming out about that before Micheal said anything. I think BB saw this coming and helped push this along so Kyle had a chance to get ahead of this before leaving that house. Also, he would not have had a chance to talk to the people in the house. Twitter is roasting hard this year! Pooch posted a picture with a black eye the day after he got evicted. Just an observation!

  7. EPISODE REVIEW: So What Type of Edit are they gonna Spin?
    a few minutes late so… Missed the recap. OOPS.
    Turner: Leftovers divided.
    Britt: that conversation never happened.
    Monte: I feel justified.
    Taylor crying in house at the table and sniffly in D/R.
    Kyle: gloating: I’m golden. Thanks Michael, not picking me to live in comfort sealed your fate.
    Turner talks to Britt then Taylor. You aren’t my target… gee then who is, d’uh.
    ED. We’ve got last week Joseph sells out Taylor Britt and Michael clips again. The exact same clip three times this week. Was there only the one clip?
    Have not room chat.
    Michael thinks he’s the blinside target. He is. 2 people blow smoke up each other’s ass… if it took longer than 20 seconds and involved a pool floatie it might be on the sex count. kidding.
    The After Party and Monte meet.
    Kyle reveals he’s the one that outed Leftovers.
    Kyle didn’t feel comfortable lying. Monte’s face is whatchutalkinbout Kyle?
    Monte d/r: so it wasn’t Joseph like everyone said, you’re dirty boys.
    Monte / Taylor talk: Monte says the Joseph blame isn’t kosher.
    Taylor asks Monte to win veto and take her down.
    Monte is down for that, d/r he’s playing the middle.
    Kyle Michael talk.
    Michael and Kyle…smoke blowing in a really bullshit fashion.
    Michael d/r: thinks Kyle is knee deep in the get Michael plot. HE IS.
    Workout room. Michael is tired of protecting Kyle.
    Day 31 FLASHBACK.
    the cookout conversation. After veto has been played and Michael has decided to target Daniel instead of Monte, but day before the veto ceremony. Kyle didn’t want to hit the block with Daniel as his Fistie Beastie was where this talk started THAT day.
    Michael and Britt tried to protect Kyle (ED. With d/r calls and feed cut/switches that happened in week 6 and 7 , I’m thinking d/r was saying these aren’t the droids you are looking for so don’t talk about droids for a good week and a half but hey…)
    Michael and Britt plan to out Kyle’s conspiracy theory? The Day 31 clip is done to death btw. There’s multiple conversations to choose from. Look back to day 24 or 27 for example. Hey, got to day 33 or day 39 if those are too old. Day 39 had three to choose from.
    Michael knows it’s play veto or go home.
    Turner doens’t want Micheal picked to send him home.
    Turner picks Alyssa, Taylor picks Monte, Britt picks…… pregnant pause…. Micheal.
    Danger Will Robinson music.
    Turner doesn’t want Michael to win yet another veto. If he does Turner’s plan is screwed.
    Bros movie preview before Veto Comp.
    Slip and Slide. Higher ramp incline than usual. No really.
    smaller receptacle option for larger cup.
    Michael thinks he’s do or die. Michael checks the math.
    Kyle rooting for Turner of course.
    Britt would like to win but who we kiddin.
    Taylor wants Monte to win.
    Monte is surprised Michael is so fast.
    ED. Alyssa spends time on her back… 10 seconds at a time. in a montage.
    Britt strategy not to die. lots of people falling. She needs Michael to win.
    Michael knows it’s time for next gear.
    Turner gets large glass. tumbler is twice the size of wine cup.
    Post veto d/r
    Michael knows he was out if he didn’t win. for the lgbt community to have representation.
    Taylor is worried. Who will be renom?
    Turner doesn’t want to renom Monte but what do you do? (ED. on feeds not so cut and dried).
    ED. Forward to Sunday night. Kyle came out of the D/R for the announcement. After 5 hours. BROS picks. Alyssa, Turner and Taylor with Michael.
    Michael Britt talk. They want to keep Brochella intact. They want to talk to Taylor and Monte first.
    HAVE NOT ROOM TALKS. Was cut and paste on feeds, expect cut and paste here too.
    Michael reveals
    DAY 39 FLASHBACK Hammock clip. Week 6 Saturday (a week AFTER Kyle learned that Terrance and Jasmine targeted Monte).
    Britt says they didn’t know how to handle it. Monte and Taylor think it’s crazy. Taylor d/r black in this game isn’t easy. disappointed in Kyle.
    Monte says this is why you guys weren’t comfortable with Kyle and Turner last week, it makes sense.
    Monte is sad Kyle would propose this. Monte says this changes things.
    Alyssa says he never said that to me. ED. He did. She shot down the concept of Jas and Tay together. They possibly had sex in the bed during that talk. So late week 5 or early week 6.
    Turner doesn’t know what to think.
    Kyle was pushing a non black alliance. Terrance incredulous.
    Turner doesn’t like being included in that Alliance talk.
    ALYSSA SPILLS TO KYLE. cut and paste. Cookout thing. Kyle is thinking this will be looked at bad real world. (ED. HE ASKED IF THEY MENTIONED HIS COOKOUT TALK BEFORE SHE ANSWERED HERE).
    Back to Britt talking about the bathroom conversation. Kyle tries to enter.
    Turner believes Britt and Michael. The timing is convenient. Turner has to think about this.
    Michael thinks morally right, game it works too. Blowback he’s prepared (he isn’t)
    Kyle d/r: never crossed his mind. He would never cross that line.

    1. The edit for the most part was a good one. The only thing being that they changed some of the events around so that some of the discussions that happened before the movie was made to seem that they happened after since the Michael & Brittany talks with Alyssa, Taylor & Monte, & then Turner happened before the movie

      1. I realize that my ED. comments are just my running commentary of gut reactions to what I’m seeing, and a serious person should just stick to the facts… but i’m not a reporter, so I feel free to add flavor.
        The edit could have been worse FOR SURE (I was afraid of a boys will be boys edit, that would have been horrible). I WAS glad that they pulled up a clip beside the day 31 clip that many think was the ONLY time he ever mentioned it. I felt it necessary to expound on what the timeline environment was for those days, in order for it to be more clear.
        I didn’t HATE the episode. But it left me with questions (such as my thought about whether or not production had asked Britt and Michael NOT to disclose during the period where production was actively trying to protect Kyle from himself).

  8. I would like to reiterate how Michael and Brittany decided until now to verbalize all this information about Kyle, in addition to flipping some of Kyle’s words around. By any means, Kyle is no angel, at the same time it says a lot about Michael and Brittany’s character, in having waited this long to release such information. I hope all of them learn a lesson from all of this.

    1. Don’t you understand why they waited? They, unlike Kyle, were being true to their alliance. But when Kyle the snake slithered over to Terrance and exposed the LO just to save his behind and thus get Joe evicted, Michael knew he’d be next. So he then played the game pure and simple.

      No one this season has played with such skill as Michael and he was 100% right in exposing Kyle’s racism when he did. Kyle himself has admitted that his actions were “rooted in race”.

      1. You really are a broken record with that “rooted in race” BS. Was taylor saying she would not nominate a black woman, not also “rooted in race”?

  9. Monte shouldn’t be pissed. He should be ashamed that he never picked up on Kyle’s way of thinking. He was ready to move forward with Kyle, but at the end of the day, don’t blame Brittany and Mincael when your sixth sense didn’t kick in and you went all in in an alliance with Kyle and Turner. Perhaps he should have spent more time with Kyle, instead of blindly offering to work with him and Turner. Due your due dilliigance and stop blaming others.

    1. Monte flips and goes with the flow. He said Daniel was a cool dude the other night then when Turner said Daniel gave him creep vibes, Monte- I don’t get that. Turner explained about Daniel wanting a hug from Alyssa every morning made him feel ick. Monte said “come to think about it, he did have some creepy vibes”. All you have to do is suggest and Monte’s on board. After his talk with Terrence about M&B timing of this, he’s now telling Taylor and Turner that M&B timing is rubbing him wrong. He needs to get his own thoughts for a change, think for himself.

  10. I watch Big Bro. To escape .I’m a cancer patient.i. sick and tired I’d CBS pushing race.I live in the south We All get along just fine.why do ppl see color I Do Not I am just about to stop watching Big Brother after all these years .CBS stop the REDDIT and it would not be any.

  11. So, Michael&Brett are safe already. they want to save Monty&Taylor They especially want to keep Monty off the block in the meantime Monty is stabbing Michael in back every chance he gets and Michael’s the scumbag.

      1. We know Monty was safe because he’s playing both sides, Michael doesn’t know that so he’s trying to keep Monty’s butt from going out the door. Monty pays him back by trying to get him out. I think Monty’s the scumbag.

        1. Michael was not trying to protect Monte. He wanted to keep Monte off the block because Monte would be the deciding vote between Taylor and whomever else went on the block (Terrance/Allysa). That way he saves a LO.

  12. Ugh I am so tired of showmance ignorance. Not that Kyle or Alyssa really stood an excellent chance to win on their own anyway but watching them play love bugs all season gets boring. 🙁 Not that I want to see people fight or hate on each other but I like seeing the wit and intelligent strategy that this game could and has displayed before. Even on a chess board the King and Queen move in separate ways and make for an incredible game.

    It’s like Jasmine having enough arrogance to think she made it so far by her wits when really she only made it as far as she did because there were bigger targets. If that was intentional like with Turner then I’d applaud it but she’s been clueless the whole game. Then saying that she’d limp her way to the end of she needed to… I get that it’s a strategy but not a good one to me.

    I think BB likes most of their players to act like emotional idiots because then production can manipulate them more. I personally do not enjoy watching them be so clueless.

    1. I absolutely miss the days of real strategy and thinking your way through the game. Unfortunately, once they find a strategy, production takes it away. When they first developed the backdoor strategy the HOH and nominees got to pick players. Once that happened they started drawing names. I miss the limited veto ability that went away with the Golden veto. I miss luxury and punishment comps that disincentivised getting rid of good players too early.

      1. That’s why it’s been great watching Michael really play BB, using strategy, intellect and physical skill. I’ve been drawn back to BB watching him play the game.

        Re: Jasmine, her own true skill was having a everlasting birthday! So glad she’s gone.

  13. Well to quote Daniel who I did not like when are you guys going to wake up and play the game Michael is going to win it all. Not that I was rooting for him but he clearly knew the game.

    1. I shut the tv off I couldn’t stand to hear Britney or Michael talk or their smug faces think it is time to hang bb up this is so disgusting and Kyle should not be leaving for their dirt bag move cbs should of stepped in on this one it is not funny to mess with someone’s life like that

      1. Really? Did you like it when Kyle the slime slithered over to Terrance and exposed the LO and got Joe evicted?? Do you not realize that Michael knew slime bag would have him evicted next if he didn’t play the game?

        When Kyle admitted he was “rooted in race”, he messed with his own life.

      2. Almost every single season people’s life are affected outside of the game. Are you new to big brother? People have lost jobs, been called racist, had their businesses put in jeopardy, have bad reviews bombarded on their business, received death threats etc.

        Sorry but Kyle was already set to face all this outside of the house. Maybe the “KKKyle” that was TRENDING on Twitter a couple weeks ago should clue you in

  14. The D/R showing Kyle say Monte was expendable & would be the 1st person out of the AfterParty was new since we definitely know Turner never felt that way. I definitely agree with the voiceover guy and someone pointed out that the way that they moved around the timeline of events was on purpose because of tone since the talks they showed that Brittany had with Monte, Taylor, Alyssa, & Turner all happened before the movie

  15. It just kills me! Michael and Brittany did this for solely strategic reasons because Michael was intimidated by Kyle. They all know it but they’re still going to vote out Kyle??? Get back to the game and get over the personal! Take out Taylor and then everyone go after Michael and Brittany! They can take it Kyle after.

    1. Right! They are all letting Michael manipulate them into helping him win, all while sabotaging their own games. It’s crazy!

  16. For all the people saying they are going to stop watching Big Brother for playing the ‘race’ card, Big brother is being fair and showing both sides of the story. They played actual clips of Kyle saying what he said. You clearly didn’t stop watching after last season if you are still here, and this isn’t an airport, there’s no need to announce your departure.

    1. They clearly played what they wanted to play. Again, he never said anything racist. I watched the live feeds. It’s stupid how they edit to make a controversy

    1. You should be sick of racism and prejudice in this country. I just ask you to do your research on how Mormons view black folks.

  17. After Kyle gets evicted, the next shot must be Michael. No backdoor, no renom, no mercy. There isn’t anyone who will compete at Michael’s level in remembering past events in the house. Then the next shot must be either Turner or Terrance. Turner is the next best competitor after Michael and Terrance could end up getting more jury votes than expected.

    1. In the early days of BB, an all boy’s alliance formed that Michael knew that he was left out of, and in that moment he knew he had to play a real game in order to make it through even one more day. I have rarely seen such strategy, intellect and skill in BB. It’s been a joy to watch and it’s why I keep watching.

  18. I thought I was watching Big Brother.
    Now we are watching a commercial for movies
    And a public announcement about Race.
    I never saw color in the early days of big brother.
    I saw stragerty.
    I am sad.

      1. she didn’t win because the other houseguests got to see her DR’s
        you thinking it was because of her race is why she didnt win makes you the racist

  19. Everyone thought the Cookout was the greatest & it was a all black group that had a winning idea. Kyle suggests the same thing and now he was and is forever a RACIST on national tv. Please explain why the Cookout wasn’t racist & condemned like Kyle?

    1. Birds of a feather flock together as the old saying goes. A black alliance, a girls alliance, an all-guy alliance, a white alliance – when is it a natural inclination, a survival tactic, an experiment, a strategy idea or a white conspiracy for historical (i.e. natural) dominance? Hard to say. These are complicated discussions. But remember, historically, the default has and still is an all-white group being assumed in America to be the best (i.e. natural) game to play. So from the start, the game has always been a white Cookout even if they did not name it that way. But, if you always gravitate to all-white as the best default option for white people, it’s suspicious behavior and I think something is not quite right. Personally, I don’t think Michael wanted to shine a light on Kyle’s proposal as he understood it was explosive and could cast a very dark shadow on Kyle’s life after the game was over. It is unfortunate that people of different races don’t sit down and respectfully discuss their thoughts and share their experiences and so, it has been an interesting series of discussions that have taken place on this season of BB. It gives me much to think about.

      1. Michael had just been betrayed by Kyle when Kyle outed the LO to Terrance to save his own hide. Michael knew he’d be next. He play the game.

  20. Finally caught up and I have questions.

    1. Why did Kyle tell Alyssa that he was worried he’d be evicted this week on Sat. the day before Michael and Britt revealed? It was right after a d/r.
    2. Why is Monte so ‘loyalty’ talk when he was pushing the target Kyle post veto week 6 and he’s now pushing get Michael?
    3. Why is Michael still trying to blend into the woodwork? He’s won 5 vetoes and 2 HOH comps… there isn’t enough wood for him to blend…. that’s???
    4. Did the d/r push Alyssa to get back with Kyle? she leaves d/r call, and a half hour later they have sex.
    5. How can Turner ask with a straight face why Britt Michael and Taylor are doubtful about him?????
    1. 1) I am trying to remember that scene. The edit didn’t show that Kyle was mainly avoiding Michael before the veto competition so was talking with Alyssa a lot (veto comp was later than normal on a Saturday). The only conversation that stood out in my memory was where Alyssa sort of told Kyle what Michael & Brittany said to Alyssa Sunday morning 2) Monte is loyal but less so regarding those 2 in the way that he is trying to strategically blend in with the different groups (he dropped breadcrumb hints to Michael,Taylor, and Brittany regarding what the other side was up to without explicitly telling them after nominations happened) 3) Don’t have an answer for that one, lol 4) Alyssa apparently has a type (her words not mine) so maybe last moments before they are officially broken up? 5) Turner may just be hoping that Taylor & Michael don’t have long memories (which of course they do) and so got a promise for safety for this coming week and hoping they honor the promise

    2. Michael couldn’t blend in because now Kyle the snake outed the LO to Terrance to get Joe evicted. And Michael knew beyond a doubt he’d be next.

  21. This is the stupidest thing I’ve seen. Kyle never called for an all-white alliance. Michael and Brittnay are snakes for holding the information. However, I want to applaud Terrance in how he handled it. Have a conversation. Find out why people are saying things! Jesus, be dumb adults.

    1. When he says multiple times, listing names of every non white and immigrant person must be working together?
      When he lists the others as having to band together to stop that steamroller from happening?
      Did he CALL it an all-white alliance? Not to my knowledge. In the face of direct evidence that there wasn’t a cookout type alliance, did he stop calling it a cookout type deal? Nope. He kept bringing it up for a full week AFTER finding out his theory was crap.
      Terrance is ONLY entertaining Kyle for one reason: he’s finally part of an alliance and wants to maintain numbers. Everything else is window dressing.

    2. Kyle admits his game was “rooted in race “ and it sounds like he was forced to apologize.
      He did propose an all white alliance. Busted!

  22. This episode was so hard to to watch, on so many levels. I’m not a kyle fan, but what he said wasn’t nearly as bad as they portrayed and eluded to. One would be stupid not to be on alert to last year’s gameplay. This does not warrant Michael to spin it to make Kyle appear as a racist… Lives can be destroyed over such a serious matter, and this was sad to watch, especially when Kyle started breaking down in the diary room. Kyle is very childish and doesn’t have the best gameplay, but I don’t think he meant any harm by suggesting there could be another “cook-out” gameplay brewing.

    1. Just wait until tomorrow’s episode. I can only imagine what that kid is going to do to himself on national TV by basically admitting to being a racist, simply because he was guided to do so by production for ratings, and because he feels the need to apologize for this so-called transgression – a transgression the Cookout is not only lauded for, but some say makes them the greatest BB alliance of all time.

      Taylor looked dead into the camera in one of her D/R’s tonight and said “Someone showed their true colors.”. Funny how when she showed her true colors by refusing to nominate Jasmine, because she was a black woman, that was okay, and not at all racist. Kyle proposes a race based alliance to counter one he thinks may be forming by the POC in the game, and he becomes Nathan Bedford Forrest.

    2. Kyle had to apologize and admits he was “rooted in race”. If, in real life, he had a job instead of living home with mama, he would understand the society we live in a lot better. Maybe this whole thing will make him grow up.

  23. So, much forgiveness for Kyle after he took ownership of his behavior. A chance for redemption, friendships deepened, a renewed connection with his GF! More sex!

    So how about Michael try out some of that. Come clean and admit to the POC in the house, and particularly Monte, that his prime motivation on the timing was a game move.

    Admit that he and Brit CHOSE to protect Kyle earlier on. He literally says that during the episode.

    Reconcile that dissonance in a positive way, by acknowledging the harm that he too committed towards POC when he first hid and then exploited that information.

    His transgression is actually worse than Kyle’s bc it was calculated.

    1. What you don’t understand is that Kyle finally had to admit he was “rooted in race”. He was ruminating in the live feeds about an all white alliance.

      When Kyle threw his alliance under the bus to get Joe evicted, Michael knew he’d be the next on Kyle’s chopping block. Michael has played this game with more skill, intellect and strategy than I have seen in a long time. When Kyle the snake betrayed the LO, Michael simply played the game. Not before, but when Kyle showed his true lack of allegiance to anyone but himself.

      1. And what YOU don’t understand was Kyle was manipulated to admit that first by a 5 hour d/r session with production, who has much more than just a passing interest in how all of this plays out on THEIR programming, and then by his one on one discussions with the others, in which they ALL pretty much told him if he DIDN’T admit what he said was racist in nature, he had absolutely no hope of being forgiven by any of them.

        Given all the pressure he was receiving from both TPTB and his fellow house guests, and the fact he knew he was most likely being vilified as a racist anyway by the twitter mob and all the SJW like you in the outside world, and feeling all alone, he most likely felt like he had absolutely no choice BUT to admit what you think he did (we still haven’t heard it yet – only what Monte paraphrased that he said), and I still maintain that was a huge mistake on his part, without the benefit of talking to legal counsel first. I truly think this issue is so big and will impact his life so much, he should have self evicted, left the game, then talked to an attorney along with a publicist before making any statements to anyone about what was or wasn’t said in there. Guilty or not, that’s what he should have done. He damn sure isn’t winning anyway and I doubt if he lasts in the jury house, if he ever even makes it there.

  24. About 1% of all Big Brother fans are tuned into the feeds and sites like this. Do not be fooled into thinking America doesn’t LOVE Michael. He is the golden boy and if he is playing any kind of deceptive game, most of America is completely unaware of it. The tv edit makes him look wonderful and they did no favors to Kyle.

    1. I hate to tell you, ever one.in there is playing a deceptive game. I guess Michael,s the only one that’s not supposed to play that way. I think a lot of people are so upset bc aLGBTQ man is doing so well and is such a com beast.after all sissy boys aren’t supposed to be able to compete with big strong straight men.

      1. It has been a joy to watch him use his talent, skill, and perseverance to move through this game.

        In the end, someone not as talented will probably win. That’s what usually happens.

    2. Michael, without a doubt, has brought back true game play to BB. I haven’t seen this kind of veto skill, strategy , intellect, in forever. It’s been a joy to watch him move through this game, against all odds.

      Are you aware that in the early days of BB, an all boy’s alliance was being formed and Michael knew he’d been left out of it. I think that’s when he knew he’d have to really play this game in order to make it through each week. And he has.

      I’d love to see him win, but sad to say, usually the strong comp players don’t.

  25. Actually this whole thing makes me sick. Kyle is stupid and a racist so he doesn’t know it. Terrence is using Kyle‘s guilt to go to the jury house and talk on his behalf. Michael and Britney play heroes but waited two weeks and then they don’t take the black woman off the block they save Britney. Alyssa keeps saying the racist because all she has to offer it’s a pretty face. She doesn’t want anything and she hasn’t done anything. She’s almost the worst in all of this she’ll do anything to stay in the game, gross. Everyone is just using race for their own gain. CBS is using the whole situation to boost ratings and holding some things back but not others. And I mean everyone – it’s sickening and that’s America. Quite done with big Brother US glad I’m from another country

    1. Not a defense, believe me. In terms of Michael leaving Taylor on the block… he believed Monte would flip to vote out Brit, but wouldn’t flip to vote out Taylor.
      The more Monte talks, the more I believe he might have.

      1. And why the Hell not? As if all of them are saints and playing games filled with loyalty and integrity?

        I have no doubt neither Michael and Brit were comfortable with the whole “white alliance” thing, but they also chose not to expose it when it was first proposed because it benefited them game wise not to, not to mention all the playing both sides of the “use the veto to get Alyssa out” argument, to try to create chaos within their own alliance by getting Joseph and Kyle going at each other. So much loyalty and integrity in this group, right?

        Taylor’s “true colors” were exposed when she went against her entire alliance and refused to nominate Jasmine due to both race and gender.

        We all know Terrance proposed a race based alliance to Monte early on in the game, but I guess he gets a pass – not from me. Why doesn’t CBS show this on network TV and out Terrance for the racist he is, instead of just outing Kyle? Maybe because it doesn’t fit the narrative they are trying to push? Think about it.

        Didn’t take Turner long to turn on Joseph once he found himself in the minority in Dyre Fest – about 10 seconds (talk about the 10 second man). He not only turned on him, both he and Kyle buried the Leftovers out there and formed a new alliance to take out the inside Leftovers with Terrance and Alyssa, just like the inside LO’s formed one to take out the outside LO’s, so no loyalty for either group. But when Michael won veto, it took about 5 minutes of talk to get him to turn on Kyle and bury the knife in his back as well.

        And Alyssa – She’s telling people in the house how bad what Kyle did was and how racist it was, but she doesn’t really believe he’s a racist. At the same time, she doesn’t think she really “knows” him, so she feels the need to “break up” with him – which she of course, puts the word out to everyone in the house because she wants them to know she’s not “with” the racist. She then proceeds to have sex with the guy just a few hours later. She’s either like a dog in heat, feels extreme pity for him, lying to herself, or lying to everybody else in that house about how she really feels about Kyle and what he’s done, or else she’s just a nymphomaniac who doesn’t need long sex sessions to satisfy her sexual cravings. What other explanation could there possibly be? 😉

        As for man’s man Monte, he’s a hard one to figure out, partially because the players around him keep switching things up on him. They don’t maintain consistency, so it’s kind of hard for him to do it when they don’t. Some here think he’s got these high moral values based on loyalty and integrity but I just don’t see that. What I do see is Monte trying to do what’s best for Monte in the game, and so far he’s done it with a LESSER amount of dirty play than any of the others, with the possible exception of Alyssa, but what she’s doing is more sleazy than dirty, and more personal than game play. That’s why I’m pulling for Monte to win at this point in time.

  26. Yeah, not a fan of Michael and Brittany and how they played this. Michael is a puppeteer and controlling the emotions in the house with this news. They act like they are doing some social justice work but did not bring this new to Terrance. They did this to benefit their game only and not because they are good people and wanted to do the right thing. What about the emotions and feelings of those who are directly effected by this news?? Doesn’t matter as long as Kyle is the target and Michael and Brittany and skating by

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