“I’m actually thinking, As much as it sucks I might do the same noms that happened last week.”

HOH: Sarah Beth
Nominations: BIGD and Claire
Power of Veto Players:
Power of Veto:
Power of Veto Ceremony:

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Big Brother Spoilers – Sounds like Sb will nominate Claire and BIGD. The target sounds to be DX but it’s still too murky with the roulette power and all.

8:07 am BIGD and Azah
BIGD – I know for a fake I be nominated today
BIGD – at the end of the day SB will go with her GUT and her conversations with Kyland.
BIGD says his one-on-one with SB was filled with alot of dead air.
BIGD she’ll pick me, Tiffany or Me and Claire or me and you

8:31 am Sb and X
SB – Ky was a proponent of putting him up
X – keep going I want to know how that makes sense.
SB summarises Kylands thinks people will take him off after winning the roulette. SB says she’s not confident people will do that
SB – I’m not going to do that
Sb – I’m actually thinking, As much as it sucks I might do the same noms that happened last week.
X says Claire was thinking about keeping Brit over BIGD. X says the week before there were conversations with Claire about flipping the vote to evict SB (Too bad sb doesn’t know the truth)
X – you feel good with Hannah if Hannah goes home you have Baby D coming for you.. touching Hannah isn’t smart. Going after babyD at least initially is setting yourself up to have a replacement nominee.
Sb thinks that there will be 5 people playing for the power. She says both nominations are on her radar she’s fine with whoever goes down.

X says BIGD and Claire as nominations is the smartest play.
X says she would only have to worry about Tiff and Azah coming after her
Sb says she’s not certain Tiffany will come after her. She believes Tiffany isn’t as close to Claire as she thought. Kyland said that Tiff told him Claire was trying to flip the vote last week.

8:51 am X and Alyssa
X tells her Sb is looking to nominate BIGD and Claire. she’s leaving the target up to chance.
X adds that SB is leaving BabyD as a backdoor option. X says Sb wants Hannah to play in the roulette if Hannah plays that’s great it means BAByD will have zero incentive to play in the veto.

9:30 am SB and BIGD
Sb says she hardly slept she has a lot of things to consider “I’m not going to beat around the bush but I’m thinking of using you as a pawn this week. My target this week NOT you NOT Azah. If you are able to come off in the roulette.. Especially if it’s Azah who takes you off both of you are safe. Neither of you are my targets.”
SB – I want the power to be used this week that is one of my priorities
DF – that’s fine
Df says there was talk about a vote flip last week because people are scared of what he can do
DF – I’m mentally checked out when I feel like I am being picked on I think it’s bullshit..
DF says when DX was HOH people were trying to take SB out. “Jokers are pawns but we’re not coming after you”
SB says she’s playing this HOH differently because of the roulette she wouldn’t put them up otherwise.
DF – the jokers are the punching bag now I am the punching bag.. there’s no powers I can use to flip sh1t I feel like I am stuck in the corner.. I’m tired of it.
DF – Because I am a big dude nothing is playing to my strengths for being a big dude.. I already cursed them out because I’m like is how it’ll be all season you aren’t going to make everyone else feel weak and I feel strong? (sorry no low rep high weight comps)
Df – I arpecaite the heads up.. I respect you. I’m not upset with you it is what it is. It’s a game so..
Sb says Azah could get enough money to stay she’s not sitting beside DF he’ll be sitting beside the same person he sat beside last week.
feeds cut..

9:39 am Kyland and Azah
Kyland says when he started talking to SB last night she had 4 people with 3 of them being Cookout now she has 4 people with only one of them being cookout
Ky – I was working..
Ky says some of the reasons SB had to take out members of the cookout was because of conversations she had with other members of the cookout.
Ky says he’s planted seeds so if there will be two Cokouts nominated one of them will be him.

9:47 am Claire and SB (Feeds flip to this conversation near the end of it)
Claire- I feel like if I go up it’s kinda beneficial because I can’t spin the wheel so I definitely see the benefits in that and I’m open to it for sure. I say talk to Tiffany about how much money she has.

9:50 am Claire wakes DX up
Claire – DX .. Sorry I woke yo up I found out I’m on the block
DX – what are people doing down there
Claire – that wasn’t a joke
Claire – SB wants me to go on the block so Tiffany can spin to protect me.. I told her Tiffany doesn’t have the money
Clair e- she says Hanah and Alyssa will spin..
DX – or I’ll take you off
Clair e- ok thanks.. I’m not that worried
DX – you’re in a good spot the person goes on the block
Claire- for sure as long as someone plays. (roulette)

9:55 am Hannah and X
Hannah says she’ll spin and throw it because everyone will expect her to take Claire off. If she wins and Spins another cookout member will go up.
Hannah – why isn’t she putting up Ky and BIGD?
X says Kyland is her closest Ally.. “You have to see it from her perspective”

10:02 am Feeds cut to pound puppies

11:05 am feeds return Claire and BIGD nominated

36 thoughts to ““I’m actually thinking, As much as it sucks I might do the same noms that happened last week.””

    1. Maybe. We shall see how everything plays out. At least DX is an appropriate target to go after even if everyone of us is rooting for him to go far

      Meanwhile Big Brother is not playing fair. The dog that they have on there while they play the Casino game (?) is looking so sad that even I want to adopt that dog

    2. Welp, there goes my thought that SB from Royal Flush might actually stick around.
      That lasted less than a day.

  1. Not sure if Hannah is misting X here – but saying “we could take down DF” to which X replies “if that’s what SB wants” made me laugh. You going to tell me Hannah would take down DF over Claire in spite of DX supposedly being her F2? Come on

    1. Why do you find this hard to believe when Hannah has consistently and strongly professed her allegiance to the 6? You talk about being misted here, Hannah is the one who is misted! She is totally misted into giving up her own personal game to 5 other people, 2 of which don’t even consider her “black” enough to be in that alliance! She is being used for her vote, and for her ability to influence DX, and that is all. Tiff would pick Claire over her, if she could pick who she wants to play with, X would pick Alyssa, and Ky would pick SB. Clearly BigD and Azah would pick each other over Hannah every single time, not to mention every other member of the Cookout, with the possible exception of Azah and Ky, and I’m not even sure about that one.

      1. Because even the Cookout don’t overtly show the house their cards… Azah voted out Big D as an example. It’s not that he isn’t her number 1 — it was for appearances.

        If Claire leaves this week Tiff will vote for whoever is sitting opposite her to be evicted – ditto with Hannah & Baby D.

        IMHO Tiff would NOT pick Claire over Hannah — weeks ago she became Tiff’s F2..
        The boot order of the 6 doesn’t have Hannah earmarked first — 4 of the 5 want Ky out first (Big D wants Tiff).

  2. Anyone wondering if X was all-in on Cookout the fact he just threw Tiff UTB for trying to flip votes to take out SB to protect Ally is laughable. Does he forget that HE was the one who voted out Sarah Beth & Tiff/Claire were the ones who kept her safe?

    I mean – I know he wants Tiff up instead of Big D b/c he wants Claire to stay on the block but this just proves X truly will fight to keep Alyssa & THAT just proved it!

    The problem here – is Ky already told SB that Tiff warned of what was going on during this last HOH so X and Ky should’ve got their ducks in a row before he spoke to SB. This makes it seem like Ally/X are shady & just trying to get SB to target Claire/Tiff.

    And there it is – right after she tells DF he is going up as a pawn & he acts like the name he loves to call the females in the house. And JUST LIKE X – he tries to imply Tiff/Claire were the ones trying to flip the vote on her the week before. He’s not wrong – but can I just say — X & Ally were the two people who voted her out & knew she was staying but still did it.

    So I wonder if SB is looking at Big D, X, Ally & Ky as having as being tightly bonded b/c if they were so concerned Tiff/Claire were trying to flip the vote why not tell her the actual week she was OTB? Xavier specifically looks super shady b/c he’s playing this all tough as if he’s protecting her but the reality is if he cared she was in such danger then why not warn her? BECAUSE he wanted her to leave! HELLO!

    Shortly after SB talks to Claire who says she understands her rationale- no hard feelings but suggests she talk to Tiff about how much money she has (b/c SB doesn’t know she played last week & only has $25). She tells Baby D who is already susp of the situation.

    So NOW Baby D/Claire are going to know for certain that Ky influenced the noms. And X is saying he’ll apply pressure on SB to take out DX. Xavier isn’t going to play since Hannah/Ally said they would. He thought DX wouldn’t play but HE JUST TOLD CLAIRE HE WILL — & HE’LL TAKE HER DOWN!

    Yeah for sure, he knows Ky forced the changes which means Ky is still lying to him & he’s in danger. Throwing into the universe – let DX win Roulette & take down Claire & just for fun let’s see X or Ky on as the spin re-nom!

    1. The thing is Tiff has always viewed SB as a threat (if only for ridiculous reasons) and was part of the effort to try and flip the vote

      1. I agree but it’s not cut & dry — there is a reason why Tiff switched to that tangent & its all intrinsically tied to a specific juncture in the game.

        Tiff was getting annoyed at doing all the heavy lifting. She was literally T H I S close to saying screw the Cookout b/c Big D called her out publicly for taking out Brit in the WCC & Azah got pissed at her believing yet another of Brit’s lies. And Tiff did that so Brit could still be an option to go up & to keep Azah safe.

        Shortly after Ky & Tiff made their F2 & she locked into the CO. BUT this was also when Ky walked into the room & said “so Jackpot he?” and went on to tell Tiff how SB told him all about their alliance & how she was his little spy. Immediately after Ky stopped sharing game intel with Tiff & was connected at the hip with SB. Sure, Tiff got paranoid — but that gave her every reason not to trust SB.

        I had high hopes for the Sarah Beth that started this game & was eager to see Claire rekindle their bond. I’m still hoping Claire tells SB what Ky did (ratting her out) to explain why Tiff/Claire pulled away. There is no way SB could ignore Ky doing that without taking it as betrayal & him sabotaging her game.

        I’m so sick & tired of how Ky addresses the women & even X when he’s not in full control. Wake up ladies – just like something like the CO this female to male ratio is also a rarity.

    2. I don’t disagree with what you’re saying here about X and about the whole vote flip attempt last week, but the thing is hind sight is always 20/20. If X had known SB was going to win HOH this week, do you think he would have voted her out last week? Probably not. But he didn’t know she was going to win, so he did what he thought was best for his game, and that was to cement his relationship with Ally, which he felt was important not only for himself, but also for the 6 going forward. His vote wasn’t necessarily a vote AGAINST SB, but instead, a vote to support his new “#1 ally” and his “person”, as they are now calling them, for the Cookout.

      I don’t know if there was a way to explain that to SB without pissing her off, but she really doesn’t seem to be to PO’ed about it anyway. He obviously can’t tell her about the 6, so the best he could have done was to say, I knew you were staying, so I just decided to support her with my vote to keep our connection strong, or something to that effect.

      I remain amazed that none of the Cookout members have yet caught on to “the secret”. They are either a lot dumber than their resume’s indicate (Claire – AI engineer?), or else they are being told not to speak of this now clearly obvious secret alliance.

  3. SBKy was a proponent of putting him up
    Xkeep going I want to know how that makes sense.

    Notice how Xavier talks when thing aren’t going his way?

    Hannah already telling X she’ll throw the comp — BULLSHIT she’s not even going to play – she’ll say she fell but in reality she’ll won’t play so she can save her money for next week. I wonder if Hannah tries to help take out DX this week if she’ll plummet in the fan votes.

    And for all these people who keep bringing up how Claire tried to flip the fucking vote to save Christian (sorry it deserved to be spelled out in full) are they brain dead? THEY voted to keep him in the house & they didn’t do it out of empathy — THEY actually wanted Chris to stay. So you’re trying to screw Claire/Tiff for trying to help you to keep the player you preferred stay in the house & just want SB to ignore that fact?

    Seriously what’s wrong with these people?

    I really, really hope SB tells Claire this information b/c that’s a really bad look on X.

    1. I’m confused. If TPTB have already made it pretty clear that a poc is gonna (HAS TO!) win this season due to some moronic political reason, why do people even think a non-poc is in the running & has a chance? Not meaning to be mean or funny or whatever & I’ll still continue to watch regardless, but it’s no longer a game of skill, strategy, ideas or any of the other things so many enjoyed. Maybe I’m missing something here. If so, please enlighten. Thanks. P.S. I’ll still take this kinda play vs showmance, stay in bed each day, etc etc.

      1. You’re spot on – & of the 6 CO members X has definitely played the best game.

        You’re prob picking up on me being super annoyed with TPTB b/c I felt they overplayed Friday (I counted at least 5 things none of the players would typically do w/o production interference).

    2. Aren’t you supposed to be loyal to yourself first in this game? With all due respect, X has done yeoman’s work in keeping TC safe so far in this game, and while his attempt to flip the vote for Christian could be viewed as a selfish move, at least Christian was loyal to the Kings, while SB sure does seem more loyal to Ky than anyone else.

      I’ve always been partial to winning comps, but the game is only half over. Kasey is viewed as a competition beast, and I don’t think she won any until the second half of her season. I think you need to win the ones you need to win, and the rest are gravy, or even may be considered target painters, so be careful.

  4. I agree with Big D, Big Brother really needs to tailor some comps for Big D –

    The Couch Endurance Comp – see who can sit on the couch the longest without getting up.

    The B!@ch Comp – Who can refer to woman in the most derogatory terms the most times.

    Yeahhhhh, that would be some really riveting television right there. What other comps would Big D be good at?

  5. Why is it ok for all people of colour to get rid of Caucasians but if a group of white people grouped up to get rid of all blacks everyone would scream racism!!!! This game has become so frign political! How about playing the game based on gane play and not race!!!!!

    1. Sorry to repeat, but your post has me upset again with the unfair set up. Previous post –
      Love DX & want him to win, but even if he gets to F2, the Cookout will not vote for him.
      Crazy how these 6 don’t see the other POCs such as Alyssa or DX. They didn’t include Hannah at first as she is bi racial, but so is Ky. A little racism in this group perhaps? The others will not confess that they see the Cookout alliance as they know they would be called out for being racist themselves. Was the Cookout formed before filming started? by production? scripted?
      I see the racial problem on BB as one of casting. Look at their other 2 reality shows, Survivor & Love Island. Survivor has always mixed the races together with both black & Asian winners. Harmony among the players, race not discussed. BB has only been casting people like David or Da’vonne who are not players. Where were these fine POC from this year’s cast all along? Being overlooked by BB casting. It’s not a CBS problem, it’s a Grodner problem.
      What could have been a real experiment has been ruined by manipulation of production etc. I do not think that it’s a fair concept for the other 8 players as they have been set up to lose. They haven’t talked race or said the things Azah has said. Looks like these millennials aren’t the prejudiced ones.

      1. Survivor did have one season that began with the players segregated. Remember? There was the Blacks, the Old People, the Whites, and the Mixed Races. Eventually, they were shuffled around, but it seemed very unfair at the beginning. The blacks didn’t know how to put an outrigger on a boat and kept sinking themselves. The elders pretty much lost every challenge.

        I don’t think this show has done anyone a favor by allowing too many of one race to ally and control the game. It just keeps racism alive!

        1. What season was that? Survivor Cook Islands had 4 ethnic groups, hispanic, asian, black and white. An amazing asian guy (Yul) won on merit. No Old People tribe, no Mixed Race tribe. They never did such a division since.
          What were you watching?

  6. Is X trying to Jedi mind trick DX into not playing when he really needs to? DX made a huge mistake in telling X he got 100 BB bucks last go-round

  7. Thai season the people are wuss lol and since when does any hoh have to tell anyone they’re plans lol dumb Tiffy toes

      1. Nobody in that house is a threat to the Cookout! They have a 6-4 advantage right now, and a built in 5-4 voting block advantage in jury against ANY other competitor, unless it is 2 Cookout finalists, in which case a Cookout win is guaranteed! The only way the Cookout loses this season is if by some miracle none of them end up in Final 2, and the chances of that happening with their voting advantage and their competition advantage (X, Ky, vs. DX) is very slim.

  8. hmm.
    Collecting my thoughts.
    So yesterday I said I believed Claire and Azah would not go much further in the game because they were late castings, and late castings don’t typically make it to top 6. Still on track, even though I’m totally confused by what happened overnight.
    SB saying it was her HOH not Ky’s lasted a whole…. eight hours?
    The whole sleep deprivation thing she was worried about… Ky counted on it. Welcome to the Symbionese Liberation Army SB, Patty Hearst will show you where to sit.
    Yesterday I also said that of the people that said they would play, that could actually have enough money to play, only Hannah and maybe Azah would have enough. I still stand by that. I do NOT see Alyssa getting 75 this week. Tiff would need to get 100 to even have a chance in playing… but would she? SB doesn’t even have enough to play, nor does KY, nor does Claire, no matter how much they get. Somebody call Grod, because her second High Roller twist is looking a bit doubtful. Better monkey with those voting results stat, because X sure as hell ain’t playing, Couch is still acting like he can’t, and SB is telling Dx he doesn’t have to.
    X and Dx are each trying to save their money for next week.

    Ramifications of noms:

    • buh bye resurrected Jackpot.
    • SB is doing the cookout FOR the cookout
    • Ky still isn’t giving clear signs to the rest of the cookout about what is really going on. (personal feeling)
    • Anyone who plays High Roller shows their hand. They are all going to be pretending they didn’t win so that the nominee still on the block doesn’t know they’ve been hung out to dry.

    I’m still in catch up mode, so hopefully I’m making a bit of sense.

    On feeds I’m at the point where Ky is in his I meant to do that phase to EVERYONE. He just told Dx that he was in the HOH all night giving SB permission to think freely.
    I think I actually taste vomit.

    1. We shall see what transpires because I believe the Casino event has started (the screen is showing animals again)

      1. Yeah, they will be down for a while.
        While my initial thought was okay, SB will do whatever Ky says like a good little idiot, I was pleasantly surprised by her one on ones. Then…. they reprogrammed Ofkyalnd to get her back on script. Between Ky and the D/Rflying monkeys, I guess I shouldn’t have been pleasantly surprised.
        I’m starting to see a bit of a season 18 situation forming, but keep putting it out of my head because nobody is implicitly stating that the D/R is telling them what to do or not to do this time, unlike 18 where they right out talked about the D/R telling them not to target Nicf. The closest we’ve come is using production as a strategy in targeting last week, and X saying the D/R told him how many houseguests that had 100 last week were left in the house.

        Because so few people are actually going to be able to play for High Roller 3, I highly expect the next HOH will be slip and slide with a second or third container to fill for more BBbucks. If they follow pattern. Although they’ve gone off script for this week in regard to following the comp schedule they were most closely emulating (which was season 17).

  9. What the hell are these folks thinking. Some of them are being over played and they will be in jury where you can just about be honest until the camera person shows up. It could be very ugly. I worry too much. A couple will def need a counselor on speed dial.

    1. The only ones truly needing counselling will be Brit and SB. X already talked to Alyssa about the importance all the POC being in jury, and the chance of a POC winning (this was last week), so she thinks she’s in on the plan with X. Dx and Claire know. It’s been obvious for a long time that they know and are playing dumb. What they are admitting to knowing is that X/Han/Tif have a final three, but they are hoping they are more important (guess they’ll know otherwise soon). They know that the prejury and Brit all had one thing in common (race). They know, and discussed how odd it is that every time they talk to someone (in the cookout), the target pushed on them is ALWAYS SB and Alyssa. They’ve noted how strange it is that nobody is after any of the big threats. They know.
      As far as bitter jurors? The bitterest jurors will be the first two cookout members to get cut.
      NO if and or but about it. They are going to be salty.

      1. I think you’re right and I think that’s funny. The first two of “the 6” will be bitter and will feel like they should have been in the final 4, even though two of them have been totally carried throughout the entire show so far. One of those two thinks he’s the mastermind of everything, even though he hasn’t won a single comp and has participated in basically none of the strategy sessions to advance the teams efforts. Funny thing about him is, he may be dragged further than others, simply because he’s so easy to beat.

        The only ones who may not be “salty” as you say, are the ones who deserve to go further. I can see X being eliminated at 5 or 6 and taking it like a man. Ky too might be understanding and know that people were eliminating a big threat to win. I don’t know how Hannah might take it, but I think the other three will be salty.

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