POV Holder: | AMANDA | Next POV | Aug 24th |
POV Used | POV Ceremony | Aug 26th | |
HOH Winner: | Elissa | Next HOH: | Aug 29th |
Original Nominations: | Aaryn and McCrae | ||
Current Nominations: | Last Evicted Houseguest | David, Nick, Jeremy, Kaitlin, Howard, Candice, Jessie. Helen | |
Have Nots |
10am – 1:pm The Big Brother Live Feeds switched to TRIVIA for the Power of Veto Competition. When the feeds return – we learn that AMANDA has won the VETO!
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1:15pm Amanda WON THE VETO! McCrae and Amanda are in the bedroom talking. Amanda says I was going to say no one comes between me and my man! I won something and it was a hard one to win. I am going to start winning things now. Amanda comments that Ginamarie was close to winning it. Was I the only one that never dropped? Could you tell that I was going to win. Spencer says Gina was at 242 when you won. McCrae says that he was doing piss poor in that one. Spencer says the best thing is that neither of you are going anywhere! Judd joins them and says that he thinks Elissa might put me up now thinking I didn’t try hard enough! Amanada tells him to push for Elissa to put up Gina. Amanda, Aaryn, Spencer and McCrae head into the rainbow room and talk about pushing for Gina to go up. McCrae says don’t push too hard. Whatever you push for she will do that opposite. Amanda says I hope she puts up Judd. Amanda says I jsut really hope Andy doesn’t go up as the replacement. Aaryn says I will be loyal to whoever is loyal to me. Who ever keeps me safe this week I will be loyal to. Amanda says I know. Aaryn says I am so f**king scared!
1:30pm Elissa talks to Ginamarie in the HOH bathroom. Elissa says that Andy is being so annoying. She says that she is going to put him up. Elissa says that Andy follows her everywhere and he is annoying.
1:35pm In the bedroom – McCrae says that he wants to win HOH next week so bad. I am going to put her (Elissa) up every week. McCrae says that he thinks Elissa’s going to put up Andy that would be her smartest move. In the bathroom – Amanda, Aaryn and Andy talk about who they think Elissa will put up. Aaryn says she thinks she will put up Spencer. Aaryn tells Amanda that she thinks Elissa will want to work with her now. Amanda says she can eat my a$$ hole with a silver spoon. I will murder her and eat her in her sleep! Andy says we just have to make sure she doesn’t put me up. Aaryn says she won’t put you up. Andy says that he isn’t so sure – When I went up there and Ginamarie was up there she told me to leave.
1:35pm – 1:50pm Up in the HOH room – Judd and Elissa are talking. Elissa says this is the worst possible situation ever! I hate her she is the grossest person ever! Now I am going to go home next week. Elissa starts crying. Judd says I am going to win HOH next week to keep you safe. Aaryn joins them. Aaryn asks are you going to put up Ginamarie? Elissa says I want to trust you so bad, I want to work with you so bad but if you stay I am afraid you will target me next week. Aaryn says if you put me up with someone that I will stay over them then I will not put you up. I can’t say who I will target because I don’t want it to get back to them. Elissa says you are being nice to Amanda now. Aayrn says I have to be nice to them, they are both now voting. Aaryn asks are you going to put up someone that ensure that I will stay? Elissa says I am not sure what I am doing yet. Aaryn says if you target me I can’t keep you safe but if you keep me safe I will work with you. Aaryn asks Judd what he will do? Judd says I am not sure who they would vote out. Aaryn says so you are going to vote me out? Judd says no, I just don’t know who they would vote out over you except for me. Aaryn leaves and tells Amanda that Judd is even going to vote me out. Amanda says that she will make sure that doesn’t happen. Amanda says just don’t do weird sh*t. Aaryn asks like what. Amanda doesn’t answer. Big Brother cuts the feeds. Andy joins them. Amanda says that’s why I want her gone. Andy asks who? Amanda says Ginamarie. Amanda says I will make sure she goes or Judd goes over you. We just have to make sure Ginamarie goes up on the block.
Andy asks Amanda if he will go home. Amanda says you will not go home I will make sure of that but make her think that you will go home if she puts you up. Aaryn says if people are lying to me and telling me I am safe when I am not and I go – I WILL BE A BITTER JURY MEMBER! I will not vote for those people. Andy says same I do not want people to lie to me! Andy says that it pissed him off that Zingbot called me a floater because I am not a floater I have been loyal to people since the beginning. Amanda tells Andy here is the plan make a fake alliance and tell Elissa that you, Gina, Spencer and Judd with her will work together to flip the house on me and McCrae. Tell Judd and Spencer that its a fake alliance. Andy says I don’t think it will work she will still do what ever she wants to do. Amanda then goes and tells Judd, Spencer and McCrae about her plan. She says make sure Gina doesn’t know that is fake. That way you get Ginamarie up on the block because she is a vote for Aaryn. Then you have 1, 2, 3 to get ride of Aaryn. You have to make her think that whoever goes up beside Aaryn they will go home. Spencer isn’t so sure about the plan and says we only have one shot at it. Spencer says that there is a plan out there in the universe I am just not sure that is it.
2:10pm In the rainbow room – Andy and McCrae talk about wanting to keep Spencer over Aaryn if he was to go up on the block. McCrae says I have been working with him since the beginning. Andy says he has been building a relationship with him too. Andy says that he shook hands with Elissa and made a deal with her that she wouldn’t put me up as a nominee or as a replacement. Andy says even though I would put that b***h up in a second. I will go up there and ask her if she is still loyal to that deal. McCrae says Elissa will say she never made that deal. Andy says he will have a nervous break down if he goes out at the hands of Elissa. McCrae says there is no f**king way you will go home.
2:15pm – 2:25pm Up in the HOH – Ginamaire and Elissa are talking. Elissa tells Gina that people are already trying to get you to go up. Gina says she notices people stop talking when I come near them. Elissa says Aaryn was already up here throwing you under the bus wanting you to go up. Gina says no way really?! Elissa says this is so bad! I can’t believe this happened. Elissa tells Gina she has to win HOH next week. Elissa says that Aaryn thinks she is safe. Elissa says if I put you up they get rid of you, if I put up Spencer they get rid of Spencer. Elissa tells Gina 100% you are not going up as the replacement. Elissa says Amanda is so disgusting I want her gone. Gina says I will help get her out next week. Gina tells Elissa if you have my back I will have your back as long as I can carry you. Just like I had Aaryn’s back but since she no longer has my back I don’t have hers. I see what she is doing. Elissa says so I have your vote to evict Aaryn? Gina says yes. Gina says she doesn’t want Andy to go up. Elissa questions why? Are you working with them too?! Gina says no, just because he votes with the house. Elissa says didn’t you see how he followed you up here so we couldn’t talk. Gina says she saw that too she just thinks they can get him to vote how we want. Elissa says he is working with them. Gina says they are all hiding like cock roaches. Gina says that Aaryn want to talk to me. Elissa says don’t tell her anything. Gina says she won’t. Gina and Elissa head downstairs..
2:30pm – 2:35pm In the lounge – Spencer brings up how Elissa said that she wasn’t going to waste an HOH on me. Spencer says that Elissa already has her mind made up and no one is going to change her mind. Judd says I am in no position to threaten her. Spencer laughs about waking up and seeing Zingbot at the foot of his bed. Gina comes in and says who wants to see me explode? Gina has pop rocks and soda. They tell her to get a 2lt of soda. Gina says like a musician (magician lol) Gina comes back and tries it but nothing happens. Gina leaves. Andy comments the he will go up and pick Elissa’s brain to see who she will put up. Judd says that he is really worried she will put me up. They talk about the competition and how Amanda had the best strategy and was so steady. McCrae tells Judd about how last week Elissa said she would walk and not go to jury. McCrae says thats a big f**k you to everyone that loves this game, that kind of sh*t drives me nuts!
2:37pm – 3pm Up in the HOH room – Spencer talks to Elissa. He asks her if she has a big family. She says yeah. Spencer says so do I. Andy joins them and uses the bathroom. Spencer whispers to Elissa that she will talk to her when he (Andy) leaves. Andy leaves. Elissa asks what do you think of Amanda and McCrae. Spencer says they would cut my head off in a second. Elissa says so whoever I put up, do I have your vote 100% for evicting Aaryn? Spencer says yeah. Elissa says I have someone (Andy) in mind that I think they would keep over Aayrn. Spencer says no one wants to work with me because I have been so toxic the last few weeks. Elissa says if we don’t work together we will be picked off one by one. Spencer says they have never needed me, they have pooped on me. Elissa says they are trying to get me to put you up. You want to tell me who you will be putting up? Elissa says I’m not going to tell anyone. Who do you think I should put up? Spencer says I cant say anything because I am so expendable.
2:40pm Meanwhile in the havenot room – Amanda talks to Aayrn. Amanda tells Aaryn that you need to make sure Elissa thinks that Gina will vote to keep you. Aayrn says she knows Gina will vote to keep me. Amanda says reiterate it to her. Then tell Elissa that you have the numbers to stay. Go to Gina and get all the information from her about Elissa. Then go back to Elissa and say all the information you got from Gina to prove she is with you. Aayrn says okay. Amanda says this won’t work unless she puts Gina up next to you. Tell her that Gina hates her. Then let her try and get Spencer and Andy to vote against you which she won’t be able to get. Tell her that you have the votes and will stay over Andy, Spencer and Gina. Look at the past who has Gina been working with? Not you, me. Make her believe Gina is with you and not her. Let her work on Judd and Andy. Tell Gina how Elissa wont have power next week and everyone will go after her if she doesn’t separate from Elissa. You have to separate Gina from Elissa. Amanda says I think it will work. Aaryn says okay. They leave the havenot room.
3pm Amanda, Andy and McCrae head into the lounge and talk about the Zingbot zings. McCrae says that they had to memorize them last year for the HOH competition. Amanda says I dont trust Judd at all. McCrae says if Judd goes up that would be perfect. We have to make him think we trust him. McCrae says he doesn’t think there is anyway Spencer would work with Judd. Andy says if she puts me up I will have the biggest fire lit under me. She made a deal with me. McCrae says you have to throw that in her face if she puts you up. Andy says I don’t think I want to pull a Helen and call her a traitor. McCrae says you are probably going to go up if that is the way she is acting with you. Amanda says Gina needs to go this week. Andy asks why is Spencer still up there, she told me she was taking a nap. I wish I was a bigger a$$hole I would go up there and ask her why he is still up there I thought you were taking a nap. Aaryn joins them. Andy says she is going to put me up .. she asked me to leave twice now.
Use the Big Brother Live Feeds to FLASHBACK to SEE what they can’t show you on TV:
This makes me happy that Amanda won POV because it messes up Elissa’s HOH. I really don’t like anyone in the house!
OK this is so rigged lol its quite hilarious. The one bitch who never wins shit won POV when she needed to the most… load of shit.
Unbelieveable! I am beginning to think this show is rigged myself. How did she win? I really need to see this episode?
don’t get confused andy’s going up and arryan is going home. Either, demanda or mcray will be gone by next week if spencer, judd, or gm wins hoh
If Andy goes up, I hope GM, Judd, and Spencer save Aaryn. At some point these people need to vote against Amanda n McCrae. Voting against them by voting Andy out could be the first step
There is no other choice but Andy as the replacement nominee. If anyone besides Andy is nominated, Aaryn stays. Elissa should tell Andy that he is the pawn, and that she is justified in nominating him because he voted Helen out. I want to see Andy squirm while his 3am alliance decides whether to keep him or Aaryn. By the way, the proposed fake alliance with Judd, Spencer, Andy and Elissa will never work. Judd will expose it, and Elissa is to smart to fall for that one. She doesn’t fully trust Andy or Spencer.
You are right! I hope she puts Andy up, and Elissa, Judd, GM, Aaryn and Spencer make a real alliance. Its time for Spencer to realize that Amanda and McCrae will take eachother as final two. Get Andy out this week then McCrae and Amanda the follwing weeks.
well if elissa wasn’t stupid it wouldn’t matter mccrae and Amanda should have been up only putting 1 up they had the votes for there core alliance to stay 3 hard to believe they count spencer being with them how do you think hes still here good lord
Elissa originally wanted to put up Amanda and McCrae together. However, Helen talked her out of it. It was Helen’s lame brain scheme to backdoor Amanda. Now one has gotten the other off and it’s back to trust the gay guy. Elissa has a very good read on everyone. Gina telling Elissa to trust Andy is a disaster waiting to happen. So Gina doesn’t want Andy on the block. So who does that leave…..Spencer. They’ll vote out Spencer in a minute to save Aaryn. Elissa, trust your gut, its Andy that needs to go up. Then it doesn’t matter who goes home. Andy or Aaryn would be one less vote for Amanda.
Your couldn’t be more wrong. Helen said put up Mc and Amanda; Elissa said Mc and Aaryn. Helen told her not to say anything to GM then. Stop making things up.
Yes if I was a Helen fan I wouldn’t want to be associated with that lame brain plan as well. However, the fact remains it was her plan….deal with it….don’t be a denier. Ask Helen the next time you see her, whether its time to vote out Amanda yet? That was another of one of her plans…..its called I won’t vote out Amanda plan.
Helen utilized the words traitor + betrayal before doing an exit.
If Aaryn is in a position to cut deals, and Andy was the other betrayal
that Elissa is aware of, ANDY goes up. She has very few moves…
Elissa dumb to listen to Helen, but its Elissa soooooo…..
She should be pissed at herself and at Helen for running her mouth.
I hope there is a Pandoras Bix that can fix this crap
Uhhhhh Box
Oops, I forgot about that, but could you imagine the ‘it’s rigged’ discussion if that happens? Judd for HOH.
Yeh like a diamond power of veto! LOL No pandoras box to change anything this week. Pandoras and a double eviction both possibilities next week.
PS I said here the this was a bad day before POV. I knew Grodner would keep Amanda safe! Get use to this game being rigged 24/7 going forward. Whatever Ellisa was told by production we’ll see tomorrow before Mondays POV ceremony. Please lord let Andy go up! Other wise the pawn will go home. Arryn and Andy stay the game is virtually done ………………… F***ing again! “AHANDJOB does Dallas” and Grodner sucks so bad she needs new knee pads.
Alison Grodner should be fired!!!
So if amanda wins POV and takes mccrae off, cant she be his replacement? I dont see the problem here.
A long as you have the POV you cannot be nominated, unless you are already nominated
At the begining of the season they said the POv would not be protected from going up they chose to use the veto to remove someone else.
Answer is…. No. If u win veto u cannot be used as a replacement. Also u have the power to remove someone from the block.
Whoever wins the POV is safe and the person that they decide to take off the block is safe also
No. If Amanda takes MC of (she will), she is also safe. So, we are stuck with both of them. DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thats not true, At the begning of the season they said the power fo veto would not keep the holder safe if they chose to use it. Now all of a sudden that has changed. This is truely a producer directed game. They have a prechosen winner. They are going to bring Amanda and Elissa to the fnals. A show down between the two will make for good ratings and Elissa will win. All the talk about Amanda being friends with a member of production is just a smoke screen to throw people off of what they are doing. They favored Rachael when she was on and theya are favoring Elissa but doing a much better job of not being so obvious about it.
@ ANG…… I think you are confusing the POV with the MVP. They never said the POV holder could still be nominated if they use it to take someone off the block but they did say that the MVP person can still be nominated. It has always been a rule, as long as I can remember, that the POV holder cannot be nominated. Just think about it…If the POV holder could be nominated then NO ONE would ever use it unless they were already on the block for fear of being the replacement nominee.
No, she remains safe.
No, Amanda can’t be the replacement because she won the POV. The POV holder can not be put on the block.
disgusting she wants to kill Elissa and eat her and that she shaves her pubic hair in front of people and that she does all the other despicable things she does. I don’t think there is much left for her mouth to vomit out. Judd was right she needs holy oil poured on her to exorcize out those demons.
Amanda is one disgusting bit¢h. I cant even repeat some of the gross sh¡t this bit¢h has said.
You sound classy.
can’t stand how cocky they are again. And they are so foul mouthed I can’t stand it.
I want to vomit in my mouth. I was hoping to enjoy the rest of the week watching Amanda squirm. Then it was going to be wonderful to not have to see her again after Thursday. Amanda has been the most vile BB player ever. Now, we have to deal with what everyone has been saying that Allison Grodner has rigged this game for Amanda to win. I think we should be able to get our money back from paying for the feeds since the game is rigged. We should make a petition on change.org to ask for our money back as there has been clear evidence the game was rigged. This was not disclosed when we paid for the feeds. CBS will lose viewers
Quit your belly aching. If the game is rigged, it’s rigged for the Botox duck lips. I can’t understand why all the asswipe haters don’t like Amanda. She’s AWESOME!!! And she and Aaryn are the only two left who have played the game. Spencer, Elissa, GM, McCrae, and Andy have floated the whole season, just going along with the program. Nobody has lived an exemplary life in the house and everyone has said vile and disgusting things. Amanda just does it to your face while all the other rats do it behind the subject’s back. Go all the way Amanda baby. And make the fake gold digging elitist asshole’s life a living hell the next two weeks. Recruit Aaryn and GM to help. and have Andy tell her to get the eff out if she walks in on his conversations. LUV LUV LUV IT!!!!
If the game was rigged for Elissa to win then Amanda would NOT have won her first ever competition of the season ensuring her and McCrea’s safety. I have never really bought into this whole “game being rigged” thing but if I started having the slightest thought that it is in fact rigged, common sense would tell me it is rigged for Amanda. She hadn’t won any competitions and then the first time someone wants to backdoor her she pulls out a win…yea that seems a little fishy to me.
Yeah right. It was rigged when Elissa won HOH too right?…I think Amanda should go home but I’m not blind either…
Aaaahahaha!!! I LOVE IT!!! TOLD EVERYBODY THIS LAST NIGHT!!!! And as I promised, giving out th double “1-finger salute” to all the McCranda haters!! Ohh, I know it stings all of you!!! And fyi, aaryn will stay. Andy may go, but …oh well. Elissa will be out next week!!! WOOOP WOOOP!!! LMAO!!!!
Quit your whining Canadia. Elissa hadn’t win shit all season either until she needed to at the most. And that was just last week. How convenient that you forgot. Elissa is the fake bitch. And since she was playing Helen’s game of trying to manipulate everyone and plant lies about what HGs are saying about each other this is all going to blow up in her face because now they are going to be able to compare notes as they plot her demise in 2 weeks. The gold digging skank’s attempt to get Amanda out failed just as Helen’s plan to do the same failed. And like Helen, Elissa will be going out at the hands of Aaryn and direction of Amanda. I LOVE IT!!!! (That is unless production and CBS rig it and give the elitist snob a power to save herself, which wouldn’t surprise me).
Does it not occur to anyone that maybe Amanda had not intention of winning an HOH because she had her front man winning them and making moves for her. Having Aaryn in HOH was just like being in HOH herself. She made all he decsions but didn’t have to put a target on her back. It worked in her favor for a long time but alas, people started catching on to what was going on.
It’s called rigged?
Its quite hilarious how CBS is being a complete FAIL at covering it.. I laughed my ass off when i knew she won! Just give her the money and stop wasting the other contestants time!! poor cast will get therapy from that DEMANDA
i agree it has to be fixed because Amanda could not win anything. Hey CBS you are going to lose viewers if the bitch amanda wins. It will prove that this show is rigged!!!!
It’s rigged because it didn’t turn out the way you want. Drunk driver complaining about the speed limit…
Elissa’s HOH is STILL GOOD!
Either Aaryn, Amanda, McCrae or Andy (as replacement) were all her targets for Helen going home last week. Every scenerio for who would win veto was carefully planned out.
Next week, when she is no longer HOH, everyone will be going after the McManda as long as neither of them are in power. Neither of them will be going after Elissa because the 3am alliance will be broken and now loyalties will be tested. Thus, its time for backstabbing and to take down the evil queen–Amanda ALONG with the rat (Andy), the puppet (Aaryn) and the follower (McCrae).
I agree!! 3 AM ALLIANCE WILL DIE!!!!!!
WRONG, NEXT WEEK ELISSA WILL GO HOME!!! The alliance will go on either without Aaryn, Andy, or Spencer, but they will still control the votes and Elissa will be evicted. I really was hoping Elissa had enough sense to put Amanda and McCrae on the block together so one of them would be sent packing. This week Aaryn or Andy, next week Elissa. Elissa has no one on her side and she doomed herself by her nominations. So once again the rigged television show goes on.
Depends on who the HOH is next week. This week’s HOH comp was a combination of endurance and agility. I seriously doubt that this week’s HOH will be another endurance comp. So its going to be questions and answers or a pure luck comp. Q&A comp and Gina has no shot at winning and it favors Amanda/McCrae. Pure luck comp and Gina and Judd have a chance of winning.
Even if Amanda/McCrae company wins HOH next week. They would put up Elissa and Judd. Elissa will have a chance of winning POV. All is not lost.
It was really 2AM, only Aaryn thinks they are 3AM.
Plus Aaryn would be bitter and KNOW Amanda and MCrae played herher!
Everyone needs to spread this information about amanda being the predetermined winner. This shit needs to go viral and we need to oust this show for being so horibbly rigged
Support 4chan, they are planing something to out Alison. They supposedly have emails from Alison to Amanda. They are even planning to get rc helicopters over the house.
Truth. Its rigged coz you didn’t want Amanda to win.
Shame on you CBS ‘BB’….
So you rigged it.. but choosing to rig it for the most vile disgusting representative of women..let alone mankind…
Shame on you!
you must have been sleeping or under a rock since June to have missed the derogatory and disgusting remarks that Amanda makes about EVERYONE on a regular basis…not to mention last week she was all over Elissa saying as many mean things as she could to anyone who’d listen. And wasn’t she repeatedly mocking Helen for crying to other house guests? What about the way she treated Jesse in her ridiculous moment of insecurity thinking that someone really wanted MCcrae’s nasty ass?? Personally, I LOVED it when Elissa laughed in that monster’s face, she gave her a dose of what she (Amanda) has been dishing all season long!! Go Elissa!!
BTW my comment was directed below to “Name”… sorry!
Amanda did not laugh in Helen’s face while Helen was crying. Even Amanda is not that mean. Elissa is!! Elissa is the meanest girl there. Elissa was actually laughing in Amanda’s face while Amanda was crying. Elissa is insane! She is so insecure and always putting others down. Elissa thinks she is the best looking also. Eww- she has the smashed in duck lip face.
No she didn’t laugh about it in Helen’s face, she just sat there shooting dirty looks around the room and smirking to Aaryn while they fake comforted her. Then she went in the DR to trash talk Helen telling her to save her tears etc etc. She is the meanest most putrid human in that house and people who support her show that they are just as horrible as she is because they are condoning her vile behavior. Elissa looks down on these people because she sees how asinine they truly are, as does anyone with access to the live feeds. They are truly a group to behold. If she didn’t know them personally she wouldn’t be saying anything about anyone, but after getting to know them all personally and on a game level, they all just suck and make themselves look bad on national television. She is on a show and basically has to say what she feels at one point or another, to not do so would be fake. She is the only one who keeps it real besides my girl Candice. Everyone else just follows along doing and saying whatever Amanda tells them to do and say. FINALLY someone had enough balls to come at the throne of McCranda sending the house into an uproar, and as soon as Amanda won Veto they are all right back sucking her toes and begging to be in her good graces. How does this chick have any say in anything when she has never been HOH?? She should have been running around campaigning and instead she stayed in bed talking sh!t all day and crying about her safety. What a loser. If Spencer, Judd and Gina Marie are smart they would abandon McCranda and Andy the Rat, joining Elissa to get them out next week.
Blow it out your ass Disappointing Season. Amanda rocks! And you have no idea how much satisfaction I have right now that all the Amanda haters were pissing their pants with glee when the Botox princess’s plan was to back door Amanda and now are shitting themselves that Amanda and McCrae are safe and their fake hero is going home in 2 weeks… at Amanda’s and Aaryn’s hands. I so loooooovvvvvveeeee it!! Ha ha ha ha ha to all you Amanda haters. This is going to be a fun next 2 weeks!
I am so HAPPY! The way Elissa was treating Amanda was disgusting. Amanda was crying and Elissa just kept laughing in her face. Elissa is the meanest of the mean girls. I don’t care if Amanda goes home later, but this was just great to see after Elissa behaved in such a horrible, mocking manner.
Thank you! Elipssa talks about how everyone else is disgusting – when she is so mean.
She needs botox for her heart.
I watched it on the feeds and it was really funny…it wasn’t done in a mean and sarcastic way and Amanda and Elissa hugged it out in the end.
Still it was really great some of my favorite moments of the season so far.
If Amanda uses the veto on McCrae can Elissa put up Amanda? one of the commenters lead me to believe that.
Amanda is safe and cannot be nominated since she’s not on the block and won the veto. and can pull of Mc.
You are so stupid.
I loved when Elissa was laughing at Amanda. Amanda was just fake crying anyway to get her sympathy…nothing she does in the house is genuine. Elissa is the only one in the house with the guts to stand up to Amanda & not cower down to her.
Of COURSE this isn’t COMPLETELY RIGGED!! First time this chick wins anything in two months is the only time she actually NEEDS to. And Andy going up is nice just to see him sweat, but no way is he going home instead of Aryn–he’s got Amanda’s posse to keep him safe, where as Amanda was planning on getting Aryn out next anyway.
At least I’ve saved myself some time in not bothering to watch any more BB’s from the States. Here’s hoping BBCAN stays classy and virtually rig free!
Thanks Simon and Dawg for all your work, and looking forward to your coverage of the next BBCAN!!!
I wanted Aaryn, Andy, McCrae, and Amanda gone in that order so I’m happy as a bee!
Amanda last one because although she won a veto, she’s still worthless.
I would prefer Aaryn to go though.
It’s wrong because thousands of people have spent money to watch the feeds. So sad. I believe it is rigged. I received confirmation after seeing Helen pushed or tapped to jump off the box.
There is a God. Thank God!!! Eff you, Elissa. You big Botox duck lips phony!!! I hope Amanda makes this and next week a living hell for you because you are going home you fake!
Perhaps you like Amanda due to her pubic hair shaving on national TV?
Perhaps you like Amanda due to her pubic hair shaving on national TV?
AMANDA just said she would murder Elissa ? On Big Brother Canada she would have been kicked off the show for that comment ?
Oh please.
I know…..eating her asshole with a silver spoon is worse than murder.
So funny! Yes I would choose murder over that torture any day!
Sombody needs to report Amanda to Cali pd. that’s a threat and the cops would have to act just like they did with spencer.
And everyone in the United States daily affirms…this is NOT Canada!
Okay, the worst has happened now onto plan B which should be putting up Andy and getting rid of Aaryn and not because of personal sh*t but because getting A out is good for Elissa’s game, Aaryn is good at competitions and she will never work with E. The racist has to finally get out of the BB house ’cause she was a major SHEEP during all 4 of her HOH’s!!!!
I am confused. Didn’t they say at the begning of the season that the POv holder was not safe from being put up if they use it? If Amanda uses the veto to remove McCrae then why wouldn’t Elissa puit her up in his place? I am not sure where everythng got so mixed up.
This is what I always thought as well. I am so confused!
No they never said that. They said the MVP was not safe.
Well this is not the worst thing that could happen to Elissa. McRae, if I win HOH I’m going to put her up,we’ll you’ll put her up last week and you’ll would have put her up(out) this week if she had not won HOH. If Spencer is serious about working with Elissa the 3am could be in trouble.Next week Judd,GM, and maybe Spencer will go against McRae,Andy, and Amanda. They will send Arryn home this week. They will keep Andy but Andy Amanda and Mcrae has won 25% each of the the HOH that Arrynwon that’s 75% of what Arryn won. It look like she couldn’t trust Arryn anyway and she could have influenced GM. It looks like Elissa will have done better than anyone-except Arryn. If Spencer goes with her she will have a 50/50 chance of her team winning HOH. Plus if they put her up she can play for POV, so that means Amanda and McRae have a 50/50 chance of going up also. Amanda is so dumb, she thinks she can con Elissa to put up her on allies. (That was dumb Helen that fell for that) Elissa has put up from 1st MVP who SHE wanted not who the house wanted ( Amanda) She tried to save Candace & jessie. She is not falling for Amanda’s childish tricks. And we get to see the little weasel on the block and he will cry like a little BITCH. I hope GM wins next week because it will be bye bye Mcranda. They will batshit because they will go up together next time with Andy as a replacement.
You are right,Maybe they should have rotated the pawns so Spencer wouldn’t feel dispensable. You all are talking about basically giving him Arryn’s slot but it may to little too late. He saw how you’ll treated him. Elissa didn’t put him up and she is the enemy(he knows he would have gone home like Arryn is)
McRae ======Judd
Andy. ====== GM
This is the breakdown of next HOH competition. It actually looks like Elissa’s team has a 55%.—45% edge to win the HOH at least
Next time Amanda & McRae will go up together with Elissa’s team deciding who goes home. Andy as a replacement.
I hope they send McRae to jury with Jessie next and then Andy. Let Amanda sit there while McRae is living it up in the jury house with Jessie & Candace.
Judd can tell her how much fun he had with them. Keep saying, I wonder what McRae and Jessie is doing right now. She will self evict because she will realize she’s gonna lose anyway. They can walk around for 7 days knowing that one of them is going home. If GM wins HOH you won’t see Amanda’s fat ass up in HOH bed again.
I agree 100%
Even though Elissa has no clue that Andy is working with 3am, I’m sure the DR pushed her towards Andy.
Her excuse of “he’s following me, I have to put him up” is pretty pathetic.
She’s already admitted that the DR tells her everything.
They even told her closest ally, Helen, that she was the target last week.
Aren’t big brothers ratings down?
You’d think they would appease the Internet fans if it is rigged.
I’m done with the show. For real. Amanda winning is bogus and you’d think something would be done about the rumor of her being predetermined to win that’s two months old.
Actually, BBs ratings are up, the highest in 3 years. And if the game is rigged for anyone, it’s rigged for Elissa to win. It’s so obvious that the DR feeds her info, blankets and instructions. The most recent example, she was going after Aaryn until she had a lengthy Diary Room session. Then she comes out of DR. grabs Judd and says Amanada’s the target. Wah, wah, wah Elissa. I suppose she’s going to go home now.
No even the post that stated it was rigged said that it would make it seem like it was rigged for Elissa. They treat her better to give attention to it so they could help Amanda out by telling her what is happening around the house.
Your making things up and it’s BS!!! The original post from a former employee on another site made it clear that Ellisa is there as a distraction to allow Amanda to get further in the game. Not as you lied and said that she is there to help Amanda. Stop making up garbage.
Get a life… bitch x3
Okay….Elissa’s ally was pushed…..Amanda wins POV….I’m pretty certain Elissa is the distraction…..Amanda is the predetermined winner. AG totally. How does misted you! HOW DOES IT FEEL BY BEING MISTED…….by AG!
I have heard numerous people (Amanda, Elissa, Helen & Andy) make comments about their “friends” in production. They all seem to have a relationship with production and they all discuss things going on behind the scenes and in the DR. Hence the reason why “Big Brother” reminds them over and over again that they are “not allowed to talk about production with other house guests”. I have heard them all remark about how Elissa gets special treatment because she is Rachel’s sister but Amanda is being called out for being close friends with the executive producer, Allison Grodner. I can imagine that if Elissa (someone who brings in massive ratings) threatens to leave the show they will kiss her ass and accommodate her every whim just to keep her there. But this is hardly rigging a show so that she wins. I want Elissa to win ( because anyone else winning is like giving money to a monkey, or should I say rat), but I doubt that she does. Maybe the person who hasn’t won anything until she needed to is the one being “helped” along and handed half a million for essentially nothing… but her superb “acting skills”. What a waste. I can’t wait for the show to end so that she can see how much America dislikes her. BB is a real social experiment that showcases exactly how mindless sheeple work….peer pressure and group-think has created a dictatroship in the BB house this season for sure.
Try reading her conversation with Helen Thurs. am. This was E.’s plan if she won HOH. It was Helen who convinced E. to backdoor Amanda and not put them up together!
They are creating an Amanda/Elissa showdown at the end of the season for ratings. It will come down to Elissa and Amanda in the finals and Elissa wll win.
Does someone on here have connections to a TV or news program that would “investigate” and report any findings on rigging? Maybe TMZ or some other non CBS related show. This makes me really sad to think of all the time I have watched since season one. So disappointed.
Cbs could easily pay off anyone who would investigate something like that. It is so easy to do whatever you want with money. It is hard watching a reality game show because it could be rigged. Everything could be. The NBA could be and it is very possible it is. Anything where viewers and money is involved has that potential.
Yup Ray Allen shooting desperation 3 in Game 6 – rigged. Using the NBA to explain why Amanda won the POV – that’s a stretch dude. Who are you? Rachel Reilly?
You Rachel / Elissa fans are truly pathetic. Like McDonalds, I’m loving it!
I know i am personalizing a little much but i agree i am done watching a show where people who i am constitutionally opposed to succeed. Outside o f elissa an judd, i do not like these people for who they are and i cant watch any of them be rewarded for their offensive, crass, juvenile, and utterly stupid behavior and ways of thinking. I love this game but the game is the players and i am not loving it right now. I am seriously done his season, cant even say i am glad for the weeks i did have bc they were disturbing and upsetting.
Astrid, I agree with you 500%. Not only was the racist comments disturbing, but the other conversations they have are gross and disgusting also. There conversations are over the top with TMI (especially disgusting Amanda, GM, and Spencer). At first I didnt like Elissa, but after hearing the conversations and observing the personalities of the other HG, Elissa and Helen became my favorites because they were decent and had class. The rest of these idiots are low life. Its hard to read the spoilers because of the disgusting conversations.
except we already saw her on camera explain to helen her plan the week prior, you are 100% correct…
Wow shocker NOT!!! Amanda is now for sure guaranteed to win the money! RIGGED BOOOOO
why do people keep saying that she could get 2nd but doesn’t have the votes from jury to win period sit down and analize each vote its like dan of last year I told everyone a month before the end he had no chance
You know what? Almost everyone that leaves comments on this website are brainless hypocrites!
When Amanda wins something, you say the show is rigged. But when Elissa wins, the show is not rigged?
When Andy lies, you all judge him but it is okay for Elissa to lie.
You all suck except a few people who actually understand what is going on.
This websites comments have destroyed any faith I have in humanity.
Yes, it’s true. Can you imagine playing any kind of game with these people?
If their favorite wins, it was ‘great game-play’, if they lose it’s RIGGED!
“The websites”…? Guess there must be no crime in your area.
oh for goodness sakes rio are ya giving up on life too? little dramatic
Lol – Chief, I am a little hormonal right now 🙂
You’re an idiot if you can’t distinguish the differences you’ve listed, RIO SEVEN! The statement about the show being rigged for Amanda came out two months ago and it just seems a little too perfect that for the FIRST TIME since the show STARTED Amanda wins the POV when she needed it to keep her and MC in the game! Just a little too coincidental, don’t you think?
And if you can’t tell the difference between Andy lying and snitching out EVERYONE and EVERYTHING he sees and hears, and Elissa (or anyone in the house for that matter) lying for game play, then you are truly delusional!
Are you 85 years old?
That’s because most of the people who leave vitriolic comments about Amanda are fat old cat ladies.
Are you saying – Amanda haters = > 60 years old?
Indeed. Or at least they have the hearts of old ladies.
I have a theory about Elissa. One day on a visit to her Botox appointment, the doctor accidentally slipped and injected her heart with the poisonous paralytic . Since then her heart has been a stone cold nugget of coal.
Also, thumbs down are delicious. They sustain me. They represent the tears of old disgusting Elissa fans.
Chuckles — Bosley Crowther wrote a brilliant review of the flic BONNIE AND CLYDE way back in the 60s that
got him fired from his critic’s job when he went into how much fake blood was up there in living “technicolor”…
this is before Quentin Tarantino made a name for himself. AMANDA is a sk@nk. A bYTCh~viXon. 100% Cra$$.
inside BB’s surrealness, ANDY THE SPY is so D@HHHMN close to retirement. Amanda the slut is why this must be.
She is so open and vulnerable. the JURY may end up plunking the big purse in McCrae’s lap. Folks are not stupid…
even if they THINK pizzaboy has a coke habit, he DESERVES the money over her. what he did to Nick is IAN level.
Cmon people, this show is as real as “The Hills” was, (I called that one early on too). Amanda is an actress, she works for the Dolce Group (Boogie, Dr. Will are investors). Nick and McCrae are actors. No one cares. It’s like years ago when that chick was on Maury, Springer, ect.. wearing wigs-hired hand. I see Judd winning this, he is really the least objectionable. But you have’nt seen the last of Amanda- there’s all stars, AR, Survivors. Look how far that idiot Hasselbeck got and she did’nt even win! I watch BB for what it is-a soap opera. I’m on the fence about Aaryn, her Mother hired a PR firm so they may divulge how much of it is scripted to take the heat off her. Casting should be evaluated b/c this group is so unlikable, that’ll be the real death of this show. Either that or someone will get seriously hurt by another HG
Your source is wikileaks right?
I agree that there is a degree of hypocrisy involved with people who cry “rig” when their least favorite house guest wins or makes a huge move against their favorite. However, I disagree that everyone is motivated the same way when it comes to making comments about the show being rigged. For example, anyone who watches BB for any length of time should expect lying, backstabbing and sh!t talking because this is the name of the game. To expect anything different is absurd and these folks have either not watched the show long or they are too righteous and goodhearted for such a scheming and conniving program and they should move on to other programming more suitable for their tastes. In my opinion, the rigging is obvious for two reasons: 1. Aaryn was outed as the resident racist and reprimanded by Amanda who has said far worse comments…. but none of that was aired on CBS. Why??? If not for the Live Feeds and Blogs like this one, the world would never know what a disgusting human being Amanda is and they would be rooting for her hardcore while and shunning Aaryn til the cows come home. But now we know the truth about her and all of her disgusting habits….including hopping in bed with McCrae the first week because he was HOH. 2. Amanda has done NOTHING in this game to wield the power and authority she has. Everyone bows down to her and does her bidding without hesitation. For weeks people shuddered at mere mention of her name knowing that any thought of nominating her would end in their eviction. Why has she ruled the house like this if she never even won HOH? Aaryn should be the Queen after winning all the comps that she has but in the end she is just Amanda’s pawn like everyone else who hasn’t been evicted for daring to go against her (AKA the “HOUSE”). And til this day, she continues to be edited as this smart-mouthed, fiery vixen/mastermind who’s social game has her running the house, but in reality her social game SUCKS! All she does is bully people and bone McCrae. I’m over it, she has to go.
Agree. same people who blame officiating when home team loses.
Here I am, the sole person actually doing a happy dance right now!
I’m with you!! I’m glad now Andy will go up and we get a real show!! I like Andy, but he needs to taste the block!
You are dancing because you love Amanda and her onions
You’re not the only one! Haters are going to hate! 🙂
ME TOO! McCranda lives on!
Trust me your not the only one! Amanda may not win this game but I hope she destroys Ellisa before she leaves!
I’d love to see Amanda guns blazing at Elipssa to the point that she walks off.
Can’t stand the CyberDyne robot!
i’m not an elissa fan (do not care of bulk of cast actually, though can tolerate judd if he dont get back with goof troop) but i am tired of the mindless hate people like you throw her way. get over it.
Correction: It’s not mindless hate – it’s mindful dislike.
I am super happy too! I didn’t want Amanda or McCrae to go. Now I’m happy that Elipssa isn’t getting her way.
Let’s watch the CyberDyne robot malfuntion this week. LOL
I personally don’t like any of them, but this new snag will dial down the viewer’s boredom regarding this year’s cast.
What snag?
Bye bye aaryn
Time to nominate ANDY THE RAT make him sweat. Andy together with the MCCREA team has been sitting pretty and snitching to everyone except MCCREA alliance.
That is why you should of put up McCrae and Amanda.
Yep. Should’ve just put them up together then replaced with Andy. Aaryn is already backstabbing Elissa. This all blew up in her face.
Well Aaryn is still a target and a damn good target to take out.
For Elissa’s game this is perfect for us all not so much. Without Andy or Aaryn that power couple is not as powerful and if their comp records are anything to go by they have little chance they have to rely on their social game. But it’s going to be extremely hard to sell f3,f4, deals with anyone,clearly no f2s except to Aaryn some dummy or Andy the rat ass #oLe.
Production told helen to manipulate elissa not put up Amanda. The show is rigged. yeah right. LOL.
S***!!! We have to put up with DEMANDA for another week. If she uses POV, I hope Elissa puts up Andy or GM (I still don’t like her after what she’s said about Candice & Black people) as a replacement.
Are you serious Anon? The only RIG JOB I see is the one that just happened. The douchebag that never wins ANYTHING just won VETO… Now that is a “RIG JOB”
This above comment was for “this season blows” .
I hate Demanda, but I love the fact that Duck Lips screwed up her HOH and production’s attempted rigjob was foiled.
To This Season Blows are you kidding me production’s rigging worked just the way it was suppose too. I mean come on why do you think the Feeds were down for over three hours so that Production could once again rig it for the predetermined winner who has family that works for CBS and if BFF with AG. I mean everything the insider posted earlier about having proof that it is rigged is going right according to what she claimed. IT is so rigged that it is pathetic!!!
Boy, do you ever have it ass-backwards! Production succeeded in rigging it to keep Amanda off the block!
Ivy League Wife can you not read. That is who production rigged it for and that is why feeds were down so long. IT has always been rigged for AMANDA!
Billie, obviously you’re the one who has problem reading, at least in chronological order. I was responding to a comment made by This Season Blows:
This Season Blows says:
August 24, 2013 at 1:35 pm
I hate Demanda, but I love the fact that Duck Lips screwed up her HOH and production’s attempted rigjob was foiled.
To me and others on this board, well except you, it reads that Amanda foiled the attempt to rig it for Elissa! Reading may be fundamental, but it’s nothing without comprehension.
the whole D@MN game just went into QUEEN BEE mode… Helen right now in her woe &misery is not the “other” BB queen bee…
we all know CBS will dominate the Nielsons becuz this BYtchFe$t grudgeMatch is sorta rather like the way railroadman Spencer
the Larry Flint wannabe would set up a HoH competion! can we now say mud wresting? can we all think like yesteryear’s barflys?
QUEEN BEE ELISSA almost took out her rival QUEEN BEE AMANDA. Elissa is a sweet soccer mom but her rival is a stinky skank.
Well whoever the insider was that said it was rigged for Amanda and that it would look like Amanda was going home but she wouldn’t was EXACTLY RIGHT!! This show is so rigged it just makes you want to throw up. RIGGED, RIGGED, RIGGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If anything solidifies the theories that this show is rigged for Amanda it would be this VETO competition. How convenient is it that she won a competition this week of all weeks? Ugh, this f***ing sucks. So livid right now that I’m all for jumping on the BBRigged train. This show is definitely RIGGED big time. First, this week with Helen’s foot thing during the HOH competition and now with the shedevil winning the VETO and saving her nasty ass boytoy who wears the same friggin shirt every single day. This week had so much hope and promise and now its ruined. I really don’t know why I keep watching. Next week, we’ll see her or McPussy win and then that will be another week we have to watch her in control. UGH!!
Rigged?…You mean like elissa winning pov last week so helen went home instead of her… or like her winning hoh this week of ALL weeks…when she needed it the most
Hey billie,
One more time –
IvyLeagueWife says:
August 24, 2013 at 2:16 pm
Boy, do you ever have it ass-backwards! Production succeeded in rigging it to keep Amanda off the block!
The fact I said it kept Amanda off the block implies it was rigged in Amanda’s favor, NOT Elissa’s. Rigged for Amanda, not Elissa. I’ve never said otherwise. Get it? Got it? Good!
I hope Elissa puts up Andy
If she puts up Andy, I think they sacrifice him to unleash Aaryn on Ellisa. Awesome!
If she puts up Andy, I think they will sacrifice him to unleash Aaryn on Ellisa!
Aaryn is going home!!!!
The smart thing for all the HGs would be to take out the strongest player. There is only one left in the house and that’s Aaryn. Elisa screwed herself, she got lemons and made sauerkraut.
First comp win of the season … Lol .. Oh well .. Bye bye Arryan !!!
Put up Andy!
yep, Andy might go, he also can’t win anything. Aaryn can.
A little critical thinking suggests that production is not running Elissa’s HOH.
First, it doesn’t take two hours to tell Elissa to back door Amanda. That’s a five minute conversation.
Elissa holds all the aces when dealing with production. She was cast to gin up ratings—-If she refuses to comply, their only recourse is to throw her out which would not only be a disaster rating wise but how could they possibly explain throwing out the HOH since BB is not about to say she wouldn’t let them rig the show. Or, production can rig the veto comp for Amanda to win. We’ll have to wait and see how the veto plays out to put all the pieces together.
Elissa has demonstrated that she has a mind of her own and isn’t about to be persuaded to do anything she doesn’t want to do (except perhaps by her Husband).
I’d suggest that production tried for two hours to call the shots and Elissa finally said I’ve had enough. Watch me and if you don’t like it, do whatever you have to do.
I’m going to cryyyy, my worst fear came true 🙁
can’t believe she actually won it – I guess we can thank production for that one
Way to go Amanda, screwed up Elissa’s plan! Can’t wait to watch Elissa’s botox crumble.
Don’t bet on it, She putting up Andy!!!!!!
then spencer Amanda and mccrae vote out aaryn unless they do something stupid they cant get andy out anyway they got 3 votes to keep him
if they are smart, Amanda would get into a fight with Andy and plead with Elipssa to put him on the block.
Since Elipssa always does the opposite, Andy will be safe and whoever else she puts up will go home.
Aaryn is going home anyway. Bye bye 3am alliance.
Cannot wait for Demanda to take off Mccrea and then realize after that she just gave away her power of veto and now she has none and can be a replacement.
This is the reason why Elissa did not use POV on Helen because she woulld go up otherwise HOH has to nominate two people again?
What? Amanda can’t go up as a replacement. She has the veto and if she uses it on someone else she cannot be put up. Elissa didn’t use it on Helen because she had to pull herself off the block since both were on the block already.
If the HG that won the POV uses it they cannot go up as a replacement. If she really wanted to split them up she would’ve out them both up.
Of course the one week someone ACTUALLY wanted to backdoor her she won the veto… here’s to putting rat ass Andy up and getting him out!
Shut. The. F**k. UP!!
Calm down and take your Xanax.
Time to get nervous rat boy.
Yes, but I think if Amanda takes Mccrea off then Amanda is no longer safe and she can be nominated too as a replacement.
Nope, she still safe.
How is Amanda safe if she takes McCrae off the block? Are they forgetting that the POV holder is not safe if they use it to remove someone from the block? This is what they said at the begining of the season. What is going on?
I don’t care for andy but if I was andy I would say put me up im staying guess you cant add
Great, just great.
elissa’s master plan to put mccrae next to aaryn doesn’t seem to smart anymore. only everyone predicted this would happen. let’s hope andy is the replacement nom, my second choice would be spencer. mcmanda lives to see another week.
aaryn will have to choose to work with elissa, gm and judd, or go forward with mcmandy and 3am. until the replacement nom goes up next to aaryn, the rats will scurry, and it will be interesting to watch.
I had feeling this would happen…the best bet would have been to put Mcloser and Demanda on the block at the same time so one of the power couple would leave…I see what Elissa was trying to do now she has to get out Aaryn to break up 3AM…
The horror, the horror, the horror, the horror! Oh, this was the worst case scenario. The show might be rigged after all. Goodbye Aryan…or Andy then.
The situation is not ideal but at least one of 3AM has to go home pick your poison you keep rat boy or HOH queen…both can’t be trusted they run back to Amanda. Elissa +GM +Judd must stick together and pull in Spencer and after eviction this leaves Amanda Mcpizza + Aaryn/Andy if Aaryn leaves team Elissa has a higher chance of pulling HOHs…but the way everything is rigged I expect the worst lol…
I actually yelled out loud NOO!! when i read it…
I’m entirely too invested into this show….im done with this show…
until the POV ceremony…
Thank you production for saving her.
Aaryn is going home anyway!
I wish but I think she’s going to put Spencer up and he’ll be voted out. Production need Aaryn to win comps and they need Andy to continue to be the rat that he is
Nope!!!! Aaryn is going home!!!!
I really hope so. Aaryn was originally Elissa’s main target anyway until she went into the DR
I hope Aaryn is voted out, but Big Brother is protecting both Aaryn and Amanda by giving them the performance enhancing drug Adderall.
That sucks!!! Well at least Andy or Aryan will go. You have to get Aryan out as long as Amanda is in the house she will follower her commands.
This is BS. I’m done watching live feeds. Done with this season.
McBitch is back to making his empty threats and his big talking. Amanduh thinks shes Wonder Woman.
Thanks Production.
I stopped watching the live feeds weeds ago and the one time I popped in it was Helen crying, ugh!
Unreal….. This is why Elissa should have put up Amanda AND McCrae.
On another note, it’s highly suspicious that Amanda finally wins a competition just when she needs to. Rigged?
Why God,Why??????????
PAHAHA!!! Don’t cry, it’ll be ok. Try not to jump out of any open windows!!!! Go 3 a.m.!!!!!!
Elissa please put up that little weasel Andy
Lets get rat face out of this game.
Darn….Amanda won the veto….
And THAT is why you always put targets number 1 & 2 on the block TOGETHER
So true – not sure what Elissa’s best long-term move is. Is Aaryn going to listen to Amanda or Elissa? I think GM sees through Amanda/MC – it appears Andy’s time might be up – and while I like Elissa’s gameplay – this is almost a waste of HOH unless she can get GM and Aaryn on her side. Is BB rIgged? Who knows – some say the POV wins by Elissa were rigged – I think when your neck is on the line you fight… and since I’m here for the entertainment factor – I can only hope that Judd wins the next HOH.
Hate to say it but… It’s Rigged. So rigged.
Typical BB
Beyond pissd!!!!!!
What a surprise! Just out of nowhere, & in the nick of time!
Out of all the times Amanda wins veto.! -_____________________________-………BUT atleast Andy the rat is the replacement nomination.
Yupp this show is deff rigged! There’s no point in watching it anymore its obvious that amanda is going to win I’m outt
Yeah buzz off and stop your whining.
You’ve got to be F****** kidding me!!!!
No shocker there. Amanda is the predetermined winner of BB and Allison Grodner’s friend. This is a disgrace for CBS to rig BB like this
No sense in me watching next season. I will continue with this season but I’m disappointed in CBS
If you hate it so much and think it is rigged, go away!!!
I just canceled my subscription and I’m SURE I’m not the only one, so I’m pretty sure most people are “going away.” People are entitled to voicing their opinions and what they think without people saying “IF YOU DON’T LIKE IT THEN GO!!!!!” We ARE going, thanks.
Preach it, Rio!!!!!
Rigged Brother. This show is so scripted and fixed. Amanda is going to win so it’s just a big fake waste of time show!!!
How convenient that the only time she wins is when it saves her and pizza boy. UGH!!!
This is why if she wanted one of Mcranda gone she should’ve put both up. Now if Elissa puts up Andy and doesn’t get the votes, she’s done.
One can hope. 🙂
Elissa should have put up mccrea and Amanda and now she has to get out arryn and Andy. Amanda needs to go I can’t stand her.
Let me guess, McMusty faked an injury.. SHOCKER!!!!
Did we not say the only way she could win is, if someone threw it??
UGH why does demanda have to win this competition?!?!?!
hopefully andy gets put up!!!
This is exactly why you put Amanda and mc up at same time.
Not like there’s 15 players in there and she has a chance not to play in pov. Not to mention wasn’t this a non random houseguest pov selection? Like production obvi knew mc would pick Amanda to play. How. Fucking. Convenient.
Wait, so if Amanda uses the veto on McCrea, does that mean that BOTH Amanda and Mcrea are safe?? Can’t Elissa put up Amanda afterwards?
Amanda is safe and when she takes down McCrae, he is also safe. So both of them are safe. The only time when only one person is safe is when you are on the block and you win POV then you save yourself.
Nope. The fact that she won POV saves her from being the replacement nominee. She can also decide not to use it and leave Aaryn & McCrae up there and one of them (most likely Aaryn(YES!)) goes home.
Has anyone else noticed that there are two rats in the house? Andy (Howdy Doody) and GM’s nasty weave. It looks like something is nesting in there. Clownie FTW YO!
Are you fucking kidding me?? Oh well Andy or Aaryn either one is OK with me
Mc: I finally persuaded Amanda to shave her p*ssy last night. Big mistake. Genital warts just aren’t attractive.
Didn’t want to believe all the hype that this show was scripted and fixed…I believe it now!
Amanda wins. I am starting to believe this is fixed.
Goodbye, BB.
No thanks
Bye Bye!!!!
Even though I’d rather Amanda and McRae be up,I’m happy Andy is going up 🙂
$hit. Seeing that witch with the veto makes we want to puke. She is going to be more arrogant than ever. if Andy goes up does he get voted out?
I think Andy will go up. I think this is how the vote goes:
aMANda- keep Andy
McPussy-keep Andy
Spencer-keep Andy
JUDD-keep Andy
GM-keep Aaryn
Amanda wins POV which 100% proves that CBS has the show scripted and a good number of the HG’s are paid actors. She wins nothing for most the time she’s in the house, lays in bed most of the time, is a degenerate, is foul mouthed, screws her puppet in front of millions of viewers and when it matters the most she somehow pulls it off.
What a disgusting woman.
She literally just said “I will murder that bitch in her sleep” about Elissa. STAY CLASSY, AMANDA!
And don’t forget the classy response, ” Elissa can eat my a$$hole with a spoon”. She is a class act!! CBS must be so proud!
I just can’t wait until she leaves the house and realizes 99% of America hates her and put her on the block. She’s so delusional she doesn’t have a clue.
Sitting, I’m so disgusted by the news that Amanda won the POV. And probably next week they’ll evict Elissa, how sad.
Isnt it awesome???!!! I LOVE IT!! DONT CRY, AMANDA HATERS, IT’LL BE ALRIGHT. Theres only about a month left in the season, before she picks up her half mil check. lol lol lol
Should’ve put McCrae and Amanda up in the first place.
Agreed. Hindsight is 20/20, I loved the torture, call me sick, but yes you are right!
Worst possible POV result that could happen would happen. Oh well. Either Aaryn gone or Andy. I’m fine with both.
Now that mixes it up quite a bit. My thinking is that whoever is put up as a replacement will go home. I think McCrea and Amanda will try to keep Aaryn, as she can win HOH next week, and she would be thankful.
Seriously, give me a break. I never bought into the rigged for Amanda thing, but this doesn’t pass the smell test. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. Maybe I am being too cynical in thinking Amanda is the chosen winner. Most of the time, it seems the person most in need of winning the veto miraculously wins. Maybe each veto comp is specifically designed to support each nominee’s particular strength. I was so looking forward to watching Amanda and Macreae scramble. Darn.
Well that was the worst thing to happen! I really wanted Amanda gone! But if Elissa is smart she should at least put someone else up from their alliance, like Spencer or Andy.
Andy is screwed
I already couldn’t stand amanda and mccrea but now I really can’t stand them!! Elissa was doing such a great job of flipping the house!
This is complete BS!!
First time someone is ready to make a game move and this happens?
Im really starting to believe the conspiracy theory about Amanda being set up to win it from day 1.
Anyone notice they stopped the MVP after Amanda went up twice? And now the first time they were serious about getting her out she wins the Veto?
Just awfully fishy to me.
What u guys think?
I agree. It seems way too coincidental that the minute a big move happens Amanda, the queen of losing, wins something that protects her and mccrea. Absolutely worse case scenario. Of this show is truly rigged, at least rig it so it makes the fans happy. I really don’t think most people are going to be happy if Amanda is in final 2.
You haven’t even SEEN the veto comp and you think it is rigged. Maybe production uses comps to suit someone’s strengths, but even that would be hard because a lot of the comps are elaborate sets. These things may be planned for a long time. Just because Amanda hasn’t won yet, does not mean the show is rigged. Actually, statistically, she was bound to win ONE comp at least.
You know what, try to think of something more original to say next time. All you people say is you hate so-and-so, the show is rigged, the show is boring…
Well I like the show. I like the HG, and I hope Aaryn or Amanda wins. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Yeah you right, Rio!!! Let em all choke on that sh*t!!! Its not rigged, she’s just clutch when it counts, and how do we not know that she hasn’t been “playing possum” this whole time to make ppl think she sucks at comps??? EITHER WAY, ITS GLORIOUS!!!! MIDDLE FINGER TO ALL TH HATERS!!!!!
Agree with everything you said except the stuff in ‘ALL CAPS’
FACT: Production wants Demanda out, as evident from how they told Rachelissa in the DR to target Demanda instead of Aaryn. They did not rig this for Demanda because they don’t want her to stay.
FACT: After a few days of Brenchel fans denying that the show is rigged while wanting Duck Lips to be handed more special rigged powers, it will be amusing to see them now cry “rigged” because their messiah screwed up her HOH.
It can’t be a fact since we are not privy to what they discuss in the diary rooms other than what they show us on the actual broadcast. It’s all speculation and conspiracies. Whether they are in fact true, we may never know.
So you have special access to the DR room? How did you get that exactly, pay extra or something? Since you state what happened in the DR room as fact, it’s safe to assume you have special access, correct?
wow how fast things turn in this house, i was getting excited that mcnasty and duhmanda were feeling defeated for a change. now power is going to Duhmanda’s head. Maybe there will be more fights tonight.
Thus sucks. Oh well. I guess we can get Aaryn or Andy out. Doesn’t matter to me.
Yaaaaaaayyyyyy. Expect the fucking unexpected. Congrats on winning a challenge babes!!!! Wow. Talk about that outta nowhere…..there goes the neighborhood.
Can Amanda be put up if she uses the POV on Mccrae? I am pissed that she one, out of all of them that played, it had to be her!!! UGH!!!
I’ve just had enough. I never believe those stupid rumors but come on, seriously? Unbelievable. It might be partly sour grapes talking, but when a girl talks about raping someones limp body because that girl called her BF cute, it’s just beyond vile. Now the one time she’s in trouble she pulls a win out of a magic hat? She couldn’t even win when comps were THROWN FOR HER. Done with the live feeds, and I was done recording the show two and a half weeks ago.
When Andy finds out he will piss his pants
Anyone still doesn’t believe a bias towards Amanda exist? Production won’t even allow her yeast-infected genitalia to hit the block. Two months of no wins; NOW she wins something? Unbelievable!
I’ve been a believer since I read it and watched a couple of weeks of this train wreck of a season. Totally predetermined that the bitch called Demanda gets the win. As people have been saying…may as well write the check right now. OOOP, maybe they already have….HAHA.
Oh well….cheers.
If Amanda uses the VETO on Mcrae can Amanda then be nominated or would the VETO protect them both?
If she uses it to save him, BOTH are protected.
The veto protects them both. It would have been better if MCCrae had won it because then he would save himself and she would have gone up.
I just….Ill withhold complete judgement here….but it just seems REALLY shady that the chick who has tried so hard to win comps, wins this particular comp. I REALLY hope it wasn’t a comp that could be easily rigged by BB, or a comp where we KNOW the person who wants it the most/will give up the most, gets it no matter what.
I don’t know. I think its a bit of a shame really, now she saves her stupid pizza boy, and HOPEFULLY, andy is placed on the freaking block next to aaryn
Lol Amanda winning is the best thing that could have happened. MC gets taken off Andy goes up and one of the four goes. Probably Aaryn who wins tons of comps
If it wasn’t rigged BB would of shown it on the feeds. Amanda has been the predetermined winner since the start. I mean come on her family works for CBS, and she is best friends with Allison Grodner. Just like the insider posted on the Facebook page it is coming true and no way it would be unless she has inside information. I have watched this show since season 1, but have not watched the show in over two weeks and no no longer watching BBAD or the Feeds. There is not use. Hope Grodner, Monview, and Chen are all fired.
Aaryn will stay. She is too valuable to them.
you can’t be serious.amanda won?i would like to present big brother to the members of the motion picture academy for consideration as best original screenplay.anyhoo.no matter,i think elissa will put up andy or mccrae and aaryn goes home.
OK, being furious at the possibility of AG being behind the rigging of the show is fine, but wishing her physical harm is still not right.
I WROTE CBS AS SOON AS SHE WON!!! WHO CONTROLS THE RIGGING OF GAME SHOWS ON TELEVISION NETWORKS. They need to be contacted. I mean who were the Powers To Be that got CBS in so much trouble in 50’s for rigging game shows? That is who needs to be contacted.
TMZ is probably the best source to put it out
No we would have to hit CBS where it hurts. Contact every advertiser during the commercials and boycott their products. Telling hem that CBS promotes racist, etc. Lol. Now that I’ll hurt! Ouch. Lol
It’s rigged every year, as far back to Jeff getting the first coup d’tant. spelling? Rachel’s was the most obvious. I’ve complained every year. You’d think Julie wouldn’t be involved in something so obviously rigged, but she does. I’d love to see a real competition with players, BB fans, who have auditioned through the correct process & not just been picked up in a bar.
an accident?? You are worse than Amanda with that kinda comment. Amanda won. Get over it. Don’t kill yourself, its just a tv show!! hahahahha
“WAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!” – 90% of the obb comment board
Put Andy up and vote him out. Not exactly Amanda or McRae but the next best thing.
Andy is going up.. Andy the Rat, or Aaryn the comp (Adderall)Beast??? Decisions, Decisions!!
Hope Elissa put s up Andy the rat. Elissa should have put up Mcmanda together and backdoor Aaryn. Aaryn has the votes to stay and will continue to win comps for Mcmanda
holy shit this bitch win it i hate that … andy needs to be nominated next to aaryn
So over this show! I hope Andy goes up and Aaryn goes home!
Where is Pandora box at?
Elissa is going to need one because all of 3am will go after her next week and them everyone will fall behind like sheep.
They are waiting for Amanda to win HOH before Pandora’s box. The show is rigged for her. Elissa was only brought on the show to be a distraction from how they are rigging it for Amanda to win.
I’m afraid you’re right. Otherwise, if it was supposed to go in favor of Elissa, she would’ve gotten the PB already, I think. Oh well….I’m off to cancel the recordings on my DVR…..again.
This is some B@/?!s;’t!!! I’m so disappointed!!
Wow… didn’t see that coming… Amanda finally won something!
Hope Elissa remembers Andy was more loyal to MC & Amanda and she puts him up as the replacement.
Need to put up Andy. Then have both Andy and Aa expose 3AM. Whoever stays will cause Amanda to doubt that person so she can freak out
So if Amanda uses the power of veto on mcdummy cant Elisa put up Amanda?
Bleeech!! I so wished that Amanda and McCrae would have been on the block together. And now she wants to say, “nobody comes between me and my man.” Between the wedding (gag me) and now this, she sure copies Rachel a lot, especially for someone who claims not to like her.
This is RIGGED!
I am done with Big Brother and I am done with CBS, See Ya
Screw “The Talk” too!!!!!!
so elisa is basically screwed now. how freaking convenient. I mean…..its really hard to support BB these days. you watch comps in season 6-7, and they were pretty darn legit. a lot of comps that you can’t rig, but now? its just these “placed” competitions. they need someone with small feet to win the pov, we know what type of game is coming, etc. its just annoying as all heck.
Name, thank you for the laughs!!! The part where you say they need someone with small feet to win the competition. That was so funny!!!!!!!!!!!
McPussy and The BItch remain in the house. Andy should start packing his belongings…
Really CBS!!! I couldn’t sleep or get any work done. Now that I know it’s fixed. I can just watch the finale and stop wasting my time. Ur not gonna make a fool of me. Thank God Im FREE!!! Thanks Simon & Dawg I’m totally donating for all your hard work!
Bye bye!!! See ya later!!! Don’t let th door hit ya!!! Don’t cry too hard, its just a tv show.
I think The McStinky Duo needs Aaryn more than Andy…. Since the jig is up on him.
Most disappointing result performance. AG must have known what kind of competition Amanda was best suited for and made sure that was the one saved for this time around. I waited all morning for this and now it has ruined my day.
I was going to come back and watch this week because “finally” Amanda’s rein of terror was over. Now I am just going to read this blog. Once Elissa is voted out I won’t even do that.
Nooo!!! What are the odds Amanda would win??? I hate seeing them so smug. Well, at least the puppet or the rat will be leaving and that weakens them two for sure.
How convenient Amanda winning the pov! This show has to be rigged. How come Amanda isn’t called out for the death threats she spews out. This pit bull gets away with everything vile that she does. Aaryn the racist should have been given the exit after week one. CBS you surely can’t reward either one of these disgusting people.
I’m so done I thought if u use the POV ON someone that person who won it could still go up on the block I have been so confused and now Aaryn Amanda and McRae will be safe because Elissa made a deal with Aaryn and Elissa doesn’t know she spilled it to Amanda after she gave her word she wouldn’t so now all three will stay This has been the worst season and I can not believe the outcome. Maybe something will happen to help maybe a Pandora box that if open will null and void the Pov for punishment hell I don’t know I am Distraught
problem is, aaryn’s fear of Amanda is bigger than her desire to work with elissa, so Amanda still in the game means elisa can’t do anything. its really a shame
and if aaryn goes, you still have andy. there is just a clog of useless people protecting Amanda for no reason
Bummer that Demanda won, but hopefully this won’t change other houseguest’s mind about wanting to split the Demanda and Mcpussy apart next. Im glad that Elissa is putting up Andy as a replacement, I would be glad if he went home.
Stop posting you are not watching anymore! Nobody believes you or cares if you stop and production isn’t taking back the pov. every third post is the same old same old. By now nobody should be watching.
Elissa should put Andy up. If she doesn’t then McCranda will stay strong.
I want aaryn gone! Here they all go again, running to Amanda and his girlfriend Macrea and spilling all the beans! Back to a boring game again! smdh
I have lost hope in this season
McPussy is the most despicable person in that napalm-craving house.
Spencer-the-boor or evil-aunt Andy will most probably leave.
Hopefully Judd can win next HOH to save the day…
Now we know it’s rigged.
Ugh!! Amanda is like an itch you can’t scratch or a disease you can’t get rid off! I can’t believe she won!
I hope she puts up Andy. I’m fine with either Andy or Aaryn leaving.
Remember when all you Brenchel drones insisted that putting Aaryn up was the smarter play? LMAO.
Those of us who watch for the game (not showmances) and were fans well before Brenchel entered the house for the first time saw this coming a mile away.
I’M DONE the slob has done nothing all season, they have shown proof of the show being rigged ( Helen getting pushed ) with countless other times, they should just call it a soap opera and be done. of course they black this out and the miracle happens. Enjoy the money Mcramda !!!
NONONONONO! I feel like I’m going to cry! If only Elissa put both Demanda and Mcpussy up. Sigh… Well at least it looks like a different member of the 3AM is going home.
That is totally screw up! Thank you production for rigged the competition. You deserve to be fired!!! FIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Les Vroohes should fired Alison Grodner on the spot for being a friend of Amanda!!!
Leslie Moonves should fired Alison Grodner
Les Moonves should have fired her a long time ago. Complaining to CBS is useless.
Yep!!! And crying about it is useless!!! I am soooo glad everybody on this board is ready to HANG THEMSELVES!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! This sooo epic!!
Elissa’s mistake was not putting up both Amanda and Mcrae.
Okay, tell me this show ain’t rigged!! Now Detestable Demanda and McMinute are both safe once again. Their gangster style reign of terror in the house will continue. More than likely Aryan will be booted out this week and Duckie the next. I wonder who will be put up against Aryan? The best choice would be RatBastardAndy, just to make his nuts shrivel and prepare him for his upcoming demise. Would be awesome if by some chance he was voted out thus denying Demanda and McMinute their information source. Then they would have to get up off their asses and actually play the game instead of having it played for them. And what would that alliance be called 1AM? It would be sweet to listen to the red weasel disclaiming to Duckie how she lied to him about him being 100% safe. I would not feel sorry for the RatBastard.
Elissa knocks out a Veto and HOH back to back and it’s the greatest thing ever… Amanda finally wins something and it’s “production rigged it”… come on people!
Put Andy up on the block, that rat boy needs to feel the heat yo.
That bedroom is gross. I swear I would sleep in the Have Not room before sleeping in there. This is the first season I have watched Big Brother? Don’t they have assigned cleaning chores? I think Production should tell them that next week the least productive house cleaners are going on the block, No HOH, No POV. Might be the only way to get rid of Amanada and McCrae. What a bunch of pigs.
Simon/Dawg: Elissa told Judd she missed her conversations with him and looked forward to them. She also complained about what trash and she can’t even talk to the other houseguests because they are so boring. What exactly did she and Judd talk about? Or is she just delusional? Dd he just sit there quietly while she spoke?
ya ya so the worst case scenario played out, now Elissa should stick to the plan and nominate Andy.
If Amanda takes off McRae. Cant Elissa still put up Amanda?
I really don’t think this is bad for Elissa’s game. She’ll put up Andy and one of her two main targets will go home (Aaryn). I’m pretty sure the conversation she had today about working with Aaryn was just to cover her bases if Aaryn won veto. She’ll be very happy to get rid of her. Elissa has clearly drawn the lines going into next week. It should be Elissa, GM, Judd vs. the rest of the house (she thinks she has Spencer-will be interesting to see if he honors the two week deal he made with her). Not the best position for her but I gotta give her credit for playing the game she wants to play instead of someone else’s.
Pretty sure Production is going to talk Elissa into putting up Spencer instead of Andy (who was hired by BB to assist Amanda in winning). They’ll keep Aaryn around because they need her to win comps for them
Honestly, everyone is crying that this is rigged.. but it seems to me that a lot of people win when they HAVE to. Amanda almost won HOH. Why is everyone so surprised that she won POV?? An argument could also be made that it’s fixed for Elissa too, just depends who you like better. Love her or hate her, it’s still more interesting with Amanda there
What was the comp- Who gives the best handjobs?
No worries with this outcome. As long as Elissa puts up Andy. If Aaryn goes..that’s huge because she’s a major contender for comp wins. If Andy goes..the pigeon carrier can no longer let everything out of the bag. Andy has been the catalyst of good people going home.
Amanda and MacCrae are not big on winning comps…….take them out in the next 2 weeks.
I’m done with this show. Use to like it but it is so obviously rigged and I can’t stomach watching Amanda anymore
I hate that Amanda won… she needs to go out of the house… but then I feel CBS should of done more when Amanda and Aaryn said all the racial things they said and still say. Both of them have psychological problems and I hope next year CBS will do a better job of screening the people they want in the house. This has been the worse year. I hope Elise puts Andy up.. he also needs to watch himself although he has not said some of the things that Amanda and Aaryn have said racially he still will sit there a listen to it and not say anything about how wrong it is…. he also needs to go…. I really do not feel too many people like anyone that is in this house tis year.
So let me get this straight… Amanda wins veto, takes of McCrae, and both of them are safe? Has it always been that way?
DEAR GOD YESSS! It amazes me how many of you people do not know how this game is played!! It has only been that way since, oh….S 3!!! Everybody is so busy hating on Mcranda, they don’t even know th rules to th friggin power of veto.
Can we just think for a second that maybe the game wasn’t rigged for Amanda to win this pov and maybe it was just her fighting to save not only her butt but MCs too and she won it because she felt like she needed to save him and she’s never felt like that before because he’s never been in danger? Just a thought… We do know most HGs have a fire lit under them when they’re in danger
Please! Amanda’s fatass couldn’t win against the other houseguest, no matter the situation. Only ONE way, it’s RIGGED.
GEEZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ…I run to the store and THIS happens!?!?!?!?! Okay breathe breathe. Andy will go up and at least one of the A’s will go home.
GM = Aaryn
McMinute = ?
Demanda = ?
Spencer = ?
Judd = ?
Andy is Demanda’s Rat Dog but his cover is blown so his usefulness is gone. Aaryn wins comps so McManda may keep her and that would be 3 for Aaryn.
Okay Elissa let’s see what you can pull out of your hat now.
I’m so curious why all the other HG’s act like they want amanda and MC to stay in the house. Don’t they realize that both of them will pick eachother in the end, meaning THEY LOSE. Only 1 can win, and if you don’t take the people out who have been running this crappy season, then they win. No doubt about it. STUPID STUPID houseguests.
If Amanda uses the power of veto on McCrae can Elissa put her up?
Lots of people are claiming the POV competition (and season) were rigged so Amanda would win. How so? For that to be the case then every person in the POV competition had to be in on it and throw it to her at the behest of the producers of the show. No one in their right mind would do that at this stage when they can almost feel either the $500K or $50K in their grubby little hands. I do love listening to conspiracy theorists though…their delusions crack me up.
I totally agree!! Love it that theres about 200 ppl on here that are ready to commit suicide b/c Amanda won!!! Pahahahahaha too funny!!!
first of all, no there is not. second, never joke about people committing suicide in that nature.
who’s joking?? Its absolutely true!! You and every other Mcranda hater out there are bawling worse than that veto beaver
Zingbot made an appearance. Yay! Love Zingbot!
This entire show is rigged!! Cbs sucks, allison grodner sucks, amanda zuckerman sucks and mccrea olson stinks ( literaly) with the stupid way elissa made the noms and withhow she changed her mind last night after DR is proof it is fixed!!!!! Whata slap in the face for true committed BB fans! Booooooooooo CBS…. something needs to be done about this!
So disgusted right now. Please let there be a Pandora’s Box in our near future!
Will Amanda using the veto on her man, can’t Elissa then put up Amanda on the block? Can’t that be done.
COME ON PANDORA’S BOX!!!!! If you are going to rig it, lets rig it more so Elissa can continue her moves!!! She’s the only one with the guts to do this!!
Oh noooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Over this whole game!!!
as long as Andy’s up I do not care who goes out the door! yes it sucks McCranda are going to be safe, but their days in the BB house are limited..
Now this will be interesting…Aaryn and Andy, who goes? Either way the 3AM alliance is down one player.
Who woulda thunk that Amanda would have won, expect the unexpected.
All the talk of this show being rigged….and this happens. LOL What a JOKE. There’s no way fat, ugly demanda would win anything on her own. As soon as it was over, she was right back to telling everyone what to do. The worse part is, they’re all going to do it! This show is God awful. You would think with something being so rigged, they could at least make it good. It’s the same crap week after week.
Here’s hoping to a miraculous HOH win by Spencer or GM next week and that they have the smarts to put up both Amanda and McCrae otherwise it’s just more of the same. It was a fair attempt El but now unless they hand you a DPOV for next week you will be gone.
I’m not disappointed, I guess McMusty would throw it to her(aka fake an injury), The 4 I wanted out Mcranda, Aaryn, or Andy…. 2 of them still can happen.
Elissa should’ve put them both up though, but I’ll guess what I’ve always guess Production wants either McMusty and Onion Stink or Onion Stink and Elissa to be in the finals.
thats what you get, when you play personal! elissa did it and now has to live with it. dumbest move ever not to put up mcrea and amanda. even if she wanted aaryn to be her no. 1 target. she would ve had all options now.
so weak players get what they deserve! elissa has no options now. only person she can put up is andy. if GM votes to keep aaryn all the power is in mcrandas hands. once again.
I thought that Elissa “realized (after talking to production and Helen) targeting Aaryn was emotional and not good game strategy. But, alas I think some people are right that AG and Rachel had a plan to make sure aMANda and Elissa made it to the final 2. The winner will get $500k, the loser $250k. My hope was that Judd and Spencer made it to the final – that would have been classic and affirmation that the game was pure.
Amandumb winning something? Nobody is going to buy that! This is BB’s “jump the shark” moment.
here comes a pandoras box
I’m done watching this stupid show. If the fix is really in for Amanda to win, and it seems like it is, then what does this say about the character of CBS and Big Brother production that they would choose someone like her to win?
McManda has no balls to put up Elissa next week. Elissa will keep winning the PoV!!!
If Amanda uses the POV on McCrae, is she up for grabs at being a replacement nominee?
Pardon me while I laugh myself silly. All you delusional people who put down the rest of us who were on to production’s heavy hand are now just seeing the light. Well, as they say better late than never.
Why cant Elissa still put up Amanda? If she uses POV for McCrae isnt it considered used?
That house is DISGUSTING! What a bunch of pigs this year!
Come on Elissa had 3 targets this week: Aaryn, Amanda and McCrae. Now she has to put up Andy. If Amanda and MCCrae are smart they get the minions to vote out Aaryn and all is well in their world.
Elissa can’t compete in HOH and the puppet master and her pizza schlep can let Andy (more of a thankful minion because momma let him stay), GM (Who will be the pawn this week to go up against Elissa and now kiss a$$ for that side), Judd (Who is going to play every side again) and Spencer (Who is loyal to the power couple) do the dirty work.
Aaryn is a wild card. She is a beast but truly knows that she has all of the blood on her hands. If she stays she has to get rid of the power couple to win. Does the lazy couple really want to take that risk? Aaryn’s HOH’s were never hers and the people in the house know it.
Elissa gets ko’d next week because production is over her and she really doesn’t care because she got out the one girl she has hated since the beginning. In Elissa’s mind she has made a big move that no one else was willing to do in this season of BB.
Can she put up Amanda if she use the veto?
ugh, it could have been a good move with the initial nominations. make everyone think aaryn is your target, less time of demanda acting all bitchy, a chance to build trust with aaryn in letting her know whatever, and to try and edge aaryn and demanda apart.
but demanda’s paranoia made whoever think she and mcpussy were being targetted which made the one flaw in the plan of demanda winning blow it up even more.
in hindsight, maybe she should have flat out put them both up, but then that’d be more demanda in her face time and less chance to build whatever with aaryn. the only way to fix it, put andy up and do whatever to get spencers vote.
I called it last night. Love how this played out!!! Love being right.
Dang this is terrible!!! All our hopes of this season getting better are down the tubes unless Elissa gets some type of power from Pandora’s box. And let us just hope Elissa doesn’t get talked out of putting Andy up.
My goal is to stay alive until wed to see what the fuck kind of competition it was, and how it occurred. Anyone know????….I mean wow. Wow. Amanda. McCrea or aaryn were toast. Now it may be Andy….remember, Spencer is the wildest of wildcards….he does whatever whenever…..especially digging in his nostrils during After Dark. Boohoo, Amanda won Amanda won……awwww, do you all need a bahbah, or a binky???? Here’s a thumb…..suck it or stick up the backdoor…..this is a/the game. You either hate the PLAYER or you hate the GAME. Gotta wonder if its an Elissa and Amanda final 2……….hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. ummmmmmmmm. Hmmmmm. To quote Rachel’s sis.
This isn’t as bad as some think provided Elissa puts up Andy. We’re talking about a four person alliance so they have to take out two in succession order to take control. especially with wild card Spencer in the mix.
If GM or Judd don’t win HOH next week, Elissa goes up even if Amanda didn’t win POV this week. The key is next weeks HOH no matter what else happens this week provided Andy goes up next to Aaryn.
I don’t blame them for losing POV, they were probably holding their breath the entire time to escape the funk of onions and musty armpits, they said a medic had to give them oxygen….. It wasn’t fair for the others. I’ll bet even Zingbot’s systems were affected.
“Zingbot 3000 ?@Zingbot_3000 25m
Yes, I was in the house. Sorry I can’t type. I am being hosed down to get rid of the smell.”
See, told you Mcranda’s funk affected him too.
OMG…. DeMANduh tried to convince JUDD
if he goes up, “there is no way you will go home.”
HA HA , I just read that Andy was upset that the Zingbot called him a floater , Guess he was really Lucky he did not get called a RAT that would really upset him !
Certainly not the result I wanted. (I wanted Amanda gone.) But not a disaster. Aaryn is a beast in comps. Elissa simply puts up Andy, and Aaryn goes.
Just as long as Elissa does not mess up by putting someone else, it will be a successful HOH.
This show is RIGGED!
This is a joke totally rigged. Check out the youtube video saying Amanda will come close to being evicted but doesnt and will Win the show. Julie Chen should be ashamed to host a show that cheats .Is this a reality show or wrestling. Already determined winner Amanda. BB you are officially a joke of a show.
i used to love this show but now it sucks. when u have somebody who says i know someone on productions then u know it is rigged other wise she should never have been allowed to play. so thats it for me. not watching anyymore. What they said about this being the amanda show was right. when you have 15 people give up their summer it should be a fair game and it is not. RIGGED RIGGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why bother finishing out the season if they are going to give Amanda the money anyway? It’s RIGGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The thing that makes me the most upset is that everyone was so hot and bothered with the derogatory comments made by so many of these houseguests. Yet, look at yourselves! Saying that you HATE the contestants and saying hurtful and derogatory things about these contestants. You’re no better than they are. I get that you may not like Amanda or Aaryn or Elissa or whoever, but all you’re doing is stooping down to their level. Ok, rant OVER
Saying nasty comments is not the same as saying RACIALLY CHARGED comments. Amanda herself says that her vagina smells like onions, and that she has a nasty vag infection and she also says that McCrea stinks and needs to shower all the time. So people making those comments are just relaying information that she says herself. She also talks trashy about others. It is the racial comments that Amanda, Aaryn, Spencer and GM said in the house that got everyone up in arms!! And now every trashy thing that comes out of their mouths just multiplies everyones opinion that they are trash and do not deserve to win. As much as I would love to see Elissa have an ally, I would rather Andy stay, even though he is a rat, than GM because she is no better… she is one of the undeserving racists in the house. And I would like to believe that CBS would not want a racist to win, fixed show or not. I’m just so depressed about the whole situation. It’s sad to think that anyone could win after being proven to be such a hateful, racist, disgusting piece of a human being.. where is the “what goes around comes around in this house??”
If Elissa would get a Pandora’s Box, is there anyway that could change her nominations? Just asking if there was any hope this week that Amanda might still get on the block.
Judd: Another wild day in the BB house and started with this crazy dream last night that surgeons removed my jaw by mistake.
Andy: That’s nuts. Did you try to stop them?
Judd: Well, what could I say?
Worse case scenerio…Amanda wins VETO!! For the love of Dog, is it possible to put up with her nasty ass another week? Next week will be even more impossible to get her skeezy ass out. I’ve never given a second thought to a rigged production in her favor…always thought they were rumors started by simple Amanda haters…..well…I might just be flipping…like the house and becoming a believer. Elissa made one big mistake…that was to not put them both up…she let her personal vendetta with Aaryn over rule her game judgement. Oh well, there’s always Aaryn and Andy!!
I have wasted so much time this summer following this show. Good new is after today I am done with BB.
Rachelissa gets rigged twists, rigged competitions, a bigger stipend than everyone else, coaching on game moves from production, and doesn’t have to follow the rules, but keep pretending that it’s rigged for Demanda, Brenchel drones. LMAO.
Elissa. Anything Amanda wants, do the complete opposite. Put that rat boy in the trap.
I had no doubt that Amanda would win (with thanks to BB production) which means Elissa has to put Andy up against Aaryn to force the demon duo into a major decision. I have enjoyed the last 15 BB but sadly when Amanda wins (as we all know she will), I will no longer hold any regard for the show.
At least Andy will be going up and arryon will be gone
This is why I have stopped getting excited, Thurs evening is the only time you “somehow” know things will work out. Elissa should put Andy up and hopefully he blows everyone’s game wide open to save himself.
If Amanda can win — I am still hoping Spencer is somehow buying time to make a move if he gets HoH.
here is a way to look at this god forsaken tragedy. if ellisa put up aaryn and somebody else other than mcranda, aaryn mccrae and amanda would be off the block because amanda won the veto. Aaryn was already elissa’s target anyway and she is good in comps. so really this was the perfect strategy for getting out aaryn and having a backup plan if she lost. As long as she puts up Andy, Aaryn is going home and it will just be 2AM. Although i still would have put up the showmance together instead of put someone strong as a solo person.
Amanda and McCrae needed to be put up right away. No doubt about it. There is no such thing as backdooring Amanda. She stays paranoid as hell anyway. Just putting up McCrae would put her on paranoid overload and have her do what she did today. There is no use backdooring a player like Amanda. Backdooring a Judd or even a Helen, yes. But not Amanda. Either you are all in or not. You couldn’t half-a** it. Now look what happened.
Anyone who doesn’t follow Amanda’s orders is a “f***ing idiot” literally, everyone according to her. She is so disgusting, she’s trying to get the guys to form another fake alliance with Elissa to put up GM and then Elissa would think Aaryn is going home when in fact GM would get all the votes. Luckily she said this to Spencer and Judd and I think Judd honestly wants to work with Elissa so he’ll tell her everything and she’ll put up Andy like she’s planning to. This week could still be salvaged in some way by getting Andy out or Aaryn if she’s still 100% in this 3AM alliance…
Now we know why Elissa was in the DR for two hours. They were trying to talk her out of nominating Amanda if Elissa had the chance.
They need 2 change the pov so that if that person wins it they can be put up as the replacement nominee(Amanda)if they take someone(mCcrae)off the block!!! HATE IT SOOOOO MUCH SHE HAD 2 WIN A COMP NOW….REALLY!!!!!UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!
Can Elissa put Amanda up since she’s using the Veto on McCrae maybe I just don’t know the game as well as others. But to me it seems she would have to hold onto the veto to be safe I may be way off just curious how all that works. It seems fishy to me amanda winning just really odd.
Guess the production coaching wasn’t exactly as brilliant as everyone thought. How disappointing! I was just starting to get interested again & now….
The only smart move now that McCrap and Demanda are not going to leave, is to put up Andy the Rat. I hope the Rat leaves, next week Demanda, then McCrap, and then Aaryn. Everyone from 3AM has to go. The best final 2 would have been Helen and Elissa. At least Elissa is still there, I don’t know who she could beat in the finals. Any ideas?
Pandora’s Box has a yeast infection too.
McCrayFish’s beotch is ball hogging all the meds.
That’s the only thing rigged.
And to everyone asking can Amanda still be nominated…NO! How long have you been watching BB? Anybody that wins POV is safe. Now please stop asking.
Thank you : )
Elissa was possibly damned in any case scenario and took a risk. She’s been left with a major mess in there and can only take out one person. I personally think McCrae or Aaryn would have been for first choices to knock out. But I don’t know because than there’s Andy. I know Amanda is a strong player in there but I don’t trust McCrae’s connection with the boys without Amanda there. That way Amanda can run her big flap mouth and rub Spencer ,Judd ,and maybe Gina Marie the wrong way enough to make them wan to get her out if they win HOH since Elissa can’t play next week. Elissa had some forethought in prepping for next week by breaking the walls down with Gina Marie. Hopefully, it sticks. I hope she puts up Andy and he and Aaryn start panicking and running their mouths. I also hope Amanda goes back to her MO so that she will look like a threat and whomever wins HOH next week (barring Amanda or McCrae winning) will put she and McCrae up for eviction. All isn’t lost on Elissa’s eviction. She just needs to put up Ron Weasley.
I’m like “bunny in a magic box” why can’t “Elissa” put up “Amanda” How does that make her null and void? I’ve always thought when the “veto holder” relinquish the veto they are giving up their rights. Someone please clear this up for me. Thanks
When has there ever been a POV winner nominated after using the Veto, unless some special screwy power was used?
Again, how long have people watched this show?
Season after season I read that the show must be rigged. For the first time I actually believe it might be true. But I don’t get two things…
1) Why would CBS want Amanda to win if they have been reading the boards and see how all the die hard fans hate Amanda and threaten to not watch anymore. How does that make their ratings to up?
2) If it is fixed after all these seasons how are they keeping all those past house guests from talking to the public and friends about production’s sneaky ways?
The racism, the disgusting HG’s, all the cry’s of “rigging”….. this shit is ratings gold. Do you think CBS gives a crap about all the internet haters…..lol. You are the ones who are delusional. 500k is chump change to pay anybody for this kind of attention. So sit back and enjoy because you are all addicts. You know you will still watch.
Hahaha!!! Yep!!! You are correct!! Who do you think has shed more tears??? The OTEV beaver or the McCranda-its-a-rigged-show haterade drinkers today??? lol, I’d say that’s a tough one to call.
Doesn’t look good for Aaryn/ She should put Andy up. He needs to feel the block even if he isn’t the one going home (to jury). Little weasel.
Who would be better to get out? Aaryn or Andy?
I say Andy would be best to go. Aaryn has at least shown that she is fine with getting McManda out. Even after doing their bidding.
Andy will stay loyal to McManda all the way. There is no wavering with him.
Yes, send Andy home. Then the information feed is broken to Amanda. I hope he is put up and voted out this Thursday. Then GM wins HOH and puts up Amanda and Mcrea together. One is sure to go. I have given up watching anymore as long as Amanda is in the house. It is so sad that CBS has rid this season.
Amanda could not win anything, I guess she had to save her King. This show is so rigged. CBS SUCKS BIG TIME
LOL at Brenchel drones. When Demanda wins, it’s “RIGGED RIGGED RIGGED” but then you all want production to hand Duck Lips a Pandora’s Box or DPOV to get her out of this mess. I guess rigging is okay to you as long as it helps your favorite HG.
Just because we wanted one of 3am out doesn’t mean we are all Brechel fans. We are just tired of the same old, same old with Amanda bullying everyone. At least Elissa isn’t comparing her sexual exploit in every conversation and is the only one who is not willing to have Andy come into every conversation. I was rooting for Howard and then Jessie… anyone who had the balls to get rid of the showmance. So very tired of Amanda and McCrae running things.
haha that’s exactly what it is!!!
Please, please bring back MVP for one week with a pandora’s box. Amanda goes on the block and they can vote her arse out.
This doesn’t have to be a disaster for Elissa’s HoH. She had valid reasons for wanting Aaryn out before Amanda. Put up Andy and hope for the best.
If Amanda uses the veto to save her man
Can’t she then be put up wtf really!!!!
No. That would result in the POV never being used.
Here is what happened. … CBS did not want their rating to go down. They know they will only achieve that if Elissa and Mcranda remains in the game.
They made a deal with Elissa to win HOH (that was the only way to ensure that she was safe). They gave Elissa a condition. .. do not put up Amanda and Mcrae together on the block. That way one person wins the POV and take the other person down.
This show is rigged.
These people in the house except Judd and Elissa are totally a crazy but CBS’ S staff is more twisted , evil , wicked and demented more than the players.
Am I missing something, but if Amanda uses the veto on McRae, doesn’t that still leave her open to be put up. I think back from one of the earlier bb when Marciles used the veto on someone and he was then put up
Wasn’t Marcellus already on the block. Amanda isn’t so she can use it on McCrae.
What’s so ironic is, the veto is suppose to keep 1 houseguest safe, how is it 2 can be safe on the same veto? Are they not abiding by the rules? Come on CBS….
No, Marcellus was a nominee himself already. He used the Golden Power of Veto on the other nominee. So Marcellus was still on the block. But if you are not a nominee, you cannot be put up.
it is rigged didn’t u see on yesterdays comments a web site showing Helen being pushed off with a hand during hoh
That didn’t happen. She slipped and wished everyone well while leaving.
McManda has no guts to put up Elissa next week. She will keep winning PoV.
You do realize that both Demanda and Aaryn want Duck Lips out more than anything… and McPussy or Spencer would follow Demanda’s orders and get her out.
Albeit nightmarish results…this still adds excitement to the game…expect GM or Tranmanda to EXPLODE at some point…oh yeah, add Aryan in the mix with Andy falling to pieces…..THE FEEDS ARE GONNA ROCK ! Lots of whispering and conspiring …this is called getting bang for your buck on the feeds !
I think this just might work out. E needs Judd, and GM. Right now she can not and I believe will not put them up. That leaves Spencer and Andy. I believe if Spencer goes up I believe MCrea will want Aaryn out because he will want to make one moves without Amanda. I think he will vote Aaryn out. If Andy go up we still get a power player out. Amanda can’t save everyone and Spencer knows this, he may rat out Andy to get him up and out. Esp. If he feels Judd and GM not going up Spencer will be the Big loud Rat this week. He will make a move.
ELissa is so stupid. IF she had put up Amanda and Macrae, now she could put up GInamarie with Mccrea and he would go home. I wanna Mcrea gone
If they get ride of Aaryn over Spencer will be really stupid, because Spencer is not working with them.
Best season of BB ever.
CBS really sucks it make me wonder if Survivor is rigged to and any other games show they might have.
Why did Candice not want to come back into the house? It was something Judd said earlier.
Did you see how Candice was treated?! I liked Candice and kind of hoped that she could have came back and immediately became HoH then she could have gotten her personal revenge to remove one of the racist b!tches but she had to put up with a lot of racial remarks from multiple house guests
Looks like Aaryn is staying, as Spencer is still clearly with Demanda and McPussy. Can’t wait to see Andy the Rat Snitch finally go home!
Pretty sure Spencer will be on the block with Aaryn and he will be evicted
To comment on Luckylin’s post: It does not matter if Amanda uses the veto to save McCrae. Once you are a veto holder, you cannot be nominated as a replacement for that week. This is not the reason why Elissa didn’t use it on Helen. Of course she would use it on herself. Think about it…..even if she chose to use the veto on Helen instead of herself, she was already on the block.
I understand MC is happy he’s safe but why does he have to be (and Amanda) so damn nasty towards Elissa all the time. I’m not even going to repeat what they say but geeze, how can people be so nasty and two faced.
Like to know how much production paid the Veto player’s not to win, but let twit of twit’s (Amanda) win? Gonna see who in production has little one’s whose teeth are about to come out and pay a visit. I know I’ll get paid handsomely to take their tooth away. Oh, the DRAMA! DRAMA!!!!!
I was really upset when I found out that a lot of things about Big Brother were set up
back in the Evil Dick season. I have accepted it and I still watch knowing that it is
not 100% real. I don’t believe that any reality show is 100% real.
I KNEW IT! Now, of all the vetos, Skum Man Duh won this veto nomination. Something she couldn’t do this whole time. hmmmm I am pretty sure this friggin game is rigged. She hasn’t won a darn thing this whole season and now all of a sudden “IT” wins a veto. What was the challenge? How long her and her nasty butt boyfriend could get it on in bed? Oh, sorry, I forgot he can only last a minute. Well, I guess all those calls in the diary room gave Skum Man Duh some very useful information as apparently she actually won the veto. UGH!!!!!!!!! Rigged, Rigged, Rigged. How disappointing to be watching a show that should be fair to all concerned and watching Helen get knocked of her stoop and now this witch winning the veto. There is only one thing that does make sense, it is most certainly rigged. Unbelievable! Mc Gross was probably already Skum Man Duh’s boyfriend outside of house, as well. He did say something about producing a movie, what does a pizza boy know about that? Makes me sick, CBS and the both of those vile creatures.
You have to laugh at the fake vacation conversation between Elissa and Spencer just because the rat was close by. Not exactly the type of conservation they would be having at this moment. The rat is not going to be fooled.
Omg!!! I am beyond pissed no doubt bb is rigged we all want the bitch out and we were about to get our way finally but we hate her so much we watch every night to see/hope she will eventually get voted out! For bb her being there helps their ratings and her gone there would b no drama. I’m so mad I’m considering not watching anymore this can’t b life everything is working in her and mcrae’s favor!
Onion Twat was due a win, not to mention, she knows way too many people in production. Elissa, nice try, I really hoped Amanda or Aaryn were going home but as I predicted Amanda wins veto, pulls Mcpussy off, anybody but Andy will go up and go home. Leaving 3AM intact and Alison Grodner celebrating her blindside of Elissa. Now watch the sheep flock back to 3AM to be sacraficed leaving the 4 of them running the house. By Thursday, the replacement will be voted out 5-0 and it won’t be Andy. This was the last chance to rid the house of Amanda. CBS gleefully will sign the check, I am sure tons of high fives in production this afternoon. Too bad…GM, Spencer or Judd will be going home this week. McCrae or Aaryn will win HOH and send Elissa or GM home Next week. And there you have it, absolutely awful.
If Amanda removes McCrae can’t she put Amanda as the replacement? Why is no one talking about this? If he removes McCrae, Amanda is still able to be out up, no?
I love it! I predicted it too!! Isnt it great??!!! WEEE!!! GO AMANDA
Okay, NOW shall we quit watching?
Many such as myslf have sopped watching and rely on sites like this. Being condensed, it seems like there is a better flow of action rather than the boring truth. I read here and switched to watching Celebrity Big Brother (UK). Screech is a HG on that one, also the Stodden girl.
Elissa should put up Andy and get Aaryn out of this game. Amanda is annoying but I want to see Aaryn walk out the door. I want to see Julie interview her!
Fuck Andy. Put him up.
HEE HEE HEEEEEE!! I love it. All these idiots on here are soooo mad, they are ready to kill themselves!!! IT IS SOO AWESOME!!!
you are one rude piece of shit to even joke about people killing themselves. apparently either amanda is rubbing off on you, or you are exactly the same ugly moral character as her to talk like that.
Ummm well, sorry but the truth hurts. they are and you are prob in that number, too. so gfy.
and btw, I did not say they should or I hope they do. I said they are so upset Amanda won that…quit cryin and lighten tf up
aaryn–because she has won all hoh’s that she was available to play in. she needs to go.
Ha ha ha, Andy says “She is going to put me up .. she asked me to leave twice now”. Well she probably will put you up, but she asked you to leave twice now because you are a giant SNITCH. Go home already you weasel.
Does anyone think production will now add a Diamond Power of Veto for Elissa, maybe via Pandora’s Box?
Does Diamond Power of Veto allow the owner to switch noms anyway they want to, even putting people back on the block who have been taken off? I can’t remember the rules on how it’s used.
I’m hoping a twist occurs…fast…so that McCrae or Amanda are taken out (along with their dirty laundry)!
IS there any possibility with either Pandora’s Box or Diamond Power of Veto that they can still get Amanda out the door this week or is the jig up and Amanda just the predetermined winner?
Just kill me no! I can’t watch anymore…………
I going to love the F3 when McPizza and Spencer backstab Amanda. That will be both a good twist and some Karmic television.
Mc is not going to take out his girlfriend, he has had more sex in the house than he has had his whole life.
Or ever will have. He is not going to give that up.
Not sure why everyone is crying “rigged” – have you guys been watching the past comps at all? Amanda is the worst actress ever, especially the HOH? comp where she was last chosen to press the button against Aaryn. She obviously has been throwing comps and whining afterward to make herself look weaker. McCrae’s another story – he readily admits he threw something ha.
Go figure it takes Amanda to win veto and we have the most posts on one thread this season…….ummmmmmmm. hmmmmmmmm. Mmmmmmmmm. McCrea better get some onion breathe tonight, b/c he owes her not only the major cock, but the admiral tongue. Awwwwww yeaaaaah!!!!!!! Sorry folks, I been drinking since I heard the news. (Addicted to this site(help me HIGHER POWER) and BBAD)6….I don’t sleep well, soooo……. Maybe I’ll twist a jay later…… this season has been a nasty one…..let’s have more of them, sans the predetermined winner.
Was the live feeds on for the HOH competition. I tried for an hour and just saw the trivia questions that flash when the feeds are down. If so, how can people say Helen was pushed.
Someone had the video on a BB blog site. I saw it with my OWN eyes….maybe it’s on youtube….I’ve been distraught about the integrity of the game ever since…….a hand is clearly and easily seen pushing/poking/thumping Helen’s right foot a second before she fell/dropped from the platform during the baseball wall comp.
Geesh, if ya don’t like what you’e seeing….simple…DON’T WATCH……YET y’all still have to post on here: ” I’M NEVER WATCHING THIS SHOW AGAIN”
do you guys really see jury members voting for Amanda tho? I believe the conspiracy thing but I really can’t see anyone currently in jury voting for Amanda. idk who Amanda could stand next to in an F2 and win..
but believe me, if she makes it that far I won’t be watching.
She can win on the fact that she has the ability to be a master of manipulation…
Spencer the complete dumb arse. That’s right Spencer stick up for Andy when clearly Elissa is already thinking of putting the rat on the block. Of course, Andy is working with Amanda and McCrae.
My first and last comment: I’ve watched this show since the first season and this season has left me feeling angry and extremely disappointed. We just had about 18 hours of pure joy watching Elissa give to Mcmanda exactly what they deserve. And now, here we are again having to watch/listen to them spout their malicious crap. Honestly, I can’t watch any more of it. Real life is frustrating enough – and to see these 2 people go to the end is more than I can handle. I’m thinking maybe if I drink some lemonade it will help to get this bad taste out of my mouth.
Such hypocrits. Elissa fans saying she won when she had to but when Amanda does it it’s fixed. Let’s be fair, they are both getting help from production. As for Amanda, she is the same loud, vile, vulgar type person Rachael is, so she is sure to become the next BB celebrity with a following of the same classless. BB opened Pandora’s Box of vile houseguests when they let Rachael in the door. Never thought Elissa should have been cast, she is such a fake phoney and there only because of her vulgar sister.
Amanda ordered Aaryn to go upstairs and throw GM under the Bus to get her put up next to Aaryn and then they would vote GM out. Aaryn went upstairs and did it, she acted crazy and paranoid like GM was against her and then left. I hate Aaryn, I hope Elissa talks everything out with GM and puts up Andy.
Aaryn has seen Gina Maire talking to Elissa. Does she really think going up and throwing GM rather than Spencer under the bus is going to work for her. At the very least she should have told Elissa that Amanda was making her throw GM under the bus or that Spencer should go up. Now Elissa knows that Aaryn is willing to lie to one of her closest allies. No way Elissa will ever trust her now.
When Aaryn did that Spencer had been in the room talking game with Elissa. You could tell Aaryn just wanted to throw GM under the bus, get it over with and get out of there. Amanda told Aaryn to bully Elissa into putting GM up, when she explained it to Aaryn she talked with this huge ego and attitude, she wanted Aaryn to say it exactly like this: “Nice try Elissa, you wasted your HOH and guess whose not going to have power next week? You. I have GM, Amanda and McCrae voting to keep me, see you in Jury!” Aaryn didn’t do that she flew up there acted paranoid about GM and flew out.
What’s even dumber Aarun told GM that. Can’t believe it and GM say don’t make it like she can’t trust her. Dud!!!!
The situation with Helen and Elyssa was different in the essence that both of them were up for eviction. In this situation only Mc Gross is up on the block and Amanda is not. So, I am assuming she can remove his nasty, smelly butt and then Elyssa has to nominate another HG to go up on the block in his place. Who cares, this friggin game is so darn rigged and it makes me sick to think that (Unless they are getting paid under the table to play along with the NON reality storyline). Or the other HG are in the game to win, as stupid, vile, ignorant and disgusting as they are (with the exception of a couple of them) or should I say, one sheep following another to slaughter to win this game and they are being made fools of in front of America. Or maybe, we (the fans) all being fooled and all the HG are in on it and are being paid a large amount under the table and that is why they have just been making complete idiots and morons out of themselves, thinking the bribe money will take them through the rest of their lives. And in their tiny little minds it just doesn’t matter what they do because money talks. Therefore, not caring how disgusting and pathetic they look to the outside world. Ignorance is bliss. Maybe we the fans are the ones being made fools of? Just a thought.
Amanda is ratings gold for CBS. I don’t think it is rigged for her to win but they want to keep her around as long as possible. She is the most hated house guest ever I think, but that is a good thing for CBS because people are tuning in just to see her demise. When she doesn’t fall and actually becomes more empowered, people become absolutely enraged; they pay closer attention because they want to see this nasty skank go down. So get used to it. I think she may be around till at least final 4. She is rating gold (even though she is the most vile, disgusting, putrid sub-human I have ever seen). I hate this show right now but to their credit I don’t remember any other season where I was out on a beautiful day enjoying cycling and lunch and had to keep checking this site to see what happened in a POV. Ten pages of comments! That’s insane (and awesome for Simon and Dawg). Sadly, I thing we are stuck with this recurring bad dream named Amanda for a while.
The watchdog agency that oversees all television programming is the FCC (Federal Communications Commission)….many ppl were asking for this information regarding possible “rigging” of tv shows.
The rage against Amanda makes you all look insane. Just sayin’
Yeah I’m so sure only the crazy people are rooting to get this grotesque bully out. Propping Amanda says a lot about your character. “Just sayin'”
Yep!!! I wholeheartedly agree!!
How about Andy being upset because Zingbot said he is a floater. ” I have been loyal since the beginning.” I wonder if Helen agrees with that rat boy?
Aryan or Annie going is fine. 3AM loses either the rat or the beast, the 2 strongest players in that alliance. McManda’s days are numbered. Plus we get to watch them turn on Aryan now. Thankyou Elissa…..the first HOH that seems strong enough to stand up to Amanduh. Sure wasn’t expecting that!
Simon or Dawg: If a Diamond Power of Veto is thrown in the mix (maybe via Pandora’s Box), can Elissa use it to CHANGE noms already in place? Can the Diamond POV be used if Amanda used her regular POV to take down McCrae, that is, can Elissa then use the Diamond POV to put either McCrae back up or put up Amanda?
I can’t remember how the Diamond POV can be used…thanks.
Can Andy please stop bashing Elissa? He acts like he’s better than her “If Elissa’s the one to get me out…-insert insult here-.” Andy already knows America isn’t rooting for him, he said “If Elissa gets me out, especially when America still thinks I’m a floater…” THEN STOP BEING A RAT FLOATER.
When it seemed like Judd, GM, Aaryn and Elissa could align it was so fun to think about and now Aaryn jumped ship back to Amanda with a snap of Amanda’s fingers.
I posted this yesterday: Amanda Zuckerman has been employed by the Dolce Group from 2007 to present- it is listed on her LinkedIn profile (please go check). Remember, Dolce Group is co-owned/co-founded by none other than Big Brother’s, MIKE “BOOGIE” MALIN. Dolce is their company for innovative restaurant/entertainment places like the infamous Geisha House (Ashton Kutcher invested and other celebs), Les Deux, Ketchup (now in Saudi Arabia), etc, etc etc. So Amanda has known Boogie since at least 2007! This helps explains some of her “gameplay”, too. Will others please research further and see what you think?
Andy just outed 3AM to Spencer
If Amanda uses the veto to take McCrae down, can she go up as a replacement, or is she immune from going up?
the holder of the VETO can’t be nominated. If they could no one would never use in fear they would be going up
There is no one that can be put next to Aaryn to ensure she goes home. Spencer, Judd, GM – they will keep Aaryn over them in a heartbeat. So the obvious choice everyone thinks is Andy but let’s look at the facts: Amanda and Aaryn are the ONLY valuable pieces of 3AM and Aaryn’s role as HOH winner is 1000x more important than Andy’s floater role especially now that everyone sees him for the rat he is. No way they’ll vote out Aaryn to keep the useless rat.
By not putting McCranda up together, that way she coud have backdoored Aaryn once Amanda came off the block, Elissa has officially wasted her HOH and has so many enemies and no true allies (GM is too weak & stupid and desperately needs Aaryn, Spencer is a fat, lazy, floater slob, and Judd seems very clueless to me & does not seem to ever be “playing” the game – there’s nothing dangerous about him and never was, he was the worst Jury member to return ugh!).
Elissa will now be leaving next week if she doesn’t win POV and then win another HOH.
It’ll still be nice to see Andy gone off my TV screen, he is very funny looking to me and his face and voice really bother me :-/
Robert on one of the feeds it actually showed Helen standing on her stand and a hand came out from the back where her feet were and pushed her off or touched her foot and caused her to become unbalanced. Not sure which of the feeds it was however. Maybe someone will remember and bring it up where to find it. I saw it with my own eyes and she was most certainly put off balance if not pushed, which did make her fall of her stand.
The hand was there to remove that flap that was giving Helen such a hard time. Every time the platform moved out (was extended) the flap was caught and followed it out. Helen kept using her foot to push it back. When the platform went back into the wall Helen still used her foot and kept using her foot to push it back in, although she had already pushed it in (at this time). She had her feet too far back on the platform, they were practically behind the wall, she was on her tippy toes (slightly) If she had brought her feet out a bit instead of having them “tucked under” the hole in the wall, she could have stayed on. I was
watching her (got the feeds that night thru this site).
And later when the comp was between Elissa, Amanda, and GM the same thing was happening with those flaps. Eventually someone came behind the wall and pulled out Elissa’s first (cuz she was having the same kind of trouble helen was having). Then there was Trivia screen. When it came back all three girls had their flaps removed (or pulled back or whatever). Not too long after, Elissa won
I repeat….the FCC (Federal Communications Commision) is the watchdog agency that oversees all television programming, “rigging”, etc.
It’s been proven in years past that CBS does not have the show listed as a competition so they can do whatever they want. Read the contract the players have to sign, it says CBS can change things as they see fit.
This is by far the worst thing that could have possibly happened. She should have had a back-up plan just in case Amanda won POV. I would have put both of them on the block. When she won and took herself off, I would have put up Andy and voted McCray out. That serpent (Amanda) is powerless without MC. Now we are stuck with the Bearded Dragon and her pet monkey for another week. Just awful!
last night on another blog, it said that Amanda was telling Mccrae that she knew one of the guys that was throwing out the baseballs during the HOH. Did anyone else see that?
Dixie, I heard that comment also. She clearly said to McCrae that she knew one of the guys throwing the balls, and it cut to fish right away.
this season is like the nightmare that wont end…my guess is that gm goes up and aaryn goes home
What show are you watching? If GM goes up, GM will go home!
Andy just made Spencer promise that if he knows that Andy is leaving he has to let him know so he can rip into Elissa in his speech. Why is it that these jerks only see what’s done to them? He has done things to Elissa ten fold. Amanda does the same thing.
Why would anyone want to eat her butthole with a silver spoon? I guess it’s possible but it would be tough to get her own head out of it first. Then the spoon would have to be really big, like a ladle or something.
I must admit that I’m so disappointed that Amanda won veto, however, on the bright side I’m so enjoying watching nervous Nelly Nicker Wacker Andy squirm and about to dump in his pants…lol. He’s so torn up and pacing the floors saying…”OMG..OMG…how did this happen”. Well, it happened because your a nasty rat fink and while flip flopping around and still lying your ass off you still choose to kiss Amanda’s fat ass. That’s how it happened little Dandy Andy!!
Actually what it shows when Helen dropped is Helen holding on to the box that holds the balls ( clearly a disqualification ) and a hand comes out and taps her shoe likely letting her know she was disqualified…but I too like a good conspiracy so let’s just go with she was pushed..lol
I don’t think the contests are rigged. However, I am certain that the DR told Elissa about 3 a.m., and to vote Amanda off. As soon as she left that room, she was completely different, wanted to go after Amanda instead of Aaryn, and had no trust in Andy.
Welp….that’s it, I tap out and have boarded “this shit is rigged train.” Too many shady things happening, in the Rigged Brother house. Only hope for me to hop off the train is if some “special power,’ makes an appearance this week and Mcpuss and the are able to be wookiee put.
Sorry my interrwebz r-r-r-r-rage is high! That should have read “Mcpuss and the wookie are able to be put up.”
Andy you should of listened when Helen told you that you were putting a target on yourself by voting her out. Say hello to karma.
For those of you doubting if the game is rigged or not take a look at this. It specifically shows a hand coming out from where Helen is standing and as soon as it pops out Helen falls off of her stand. Then you decide if you think this game is rigged or not. I don’t believe it is written in the rule book that contestants need help in the competition whether it be for the better or the worst. But, then again Skum Man Duh won so I guess she received some extra help as the witch hasn’t won a darn thing all season. She is really going to think she is the Queen of the house now. OH! I forgot she already does. DUH!
No surprise – its rigged for the worst season in BB history. I hate Andy, Amanda and Mccrap but it looks like Aaryn cannot work with Elissa and so it all falls apart.
Elissa needs to realize that Aaryn is a puppet who wins completions and should use that to her advantage by putting Andy up and sending Andy home, mind tactful players are always the worst.
Note to all future Big Brother players: Unless you are absolutely certain that you will be successful, do not attempt to backdoor your target. Simply put them up on the block, and hope he or she does not win the veto. Nakomis (season 5 contestant & backdoor originator) is probably shaking her head in disapproval.
Agree. Sorry Brenchel fans, we cannot really give Elissa the ‘chilltown’ respect she does NOT deserve. You have to say the same about Amanda, to be fair. You don’t blindside Helen by telling her you’re voting against her 5 days before eviction. You give Helen 5 days to destroy Mcranda’s game – this is the kind of week you get.
I am so freakin happy right now. now they need to save Aaryn and get Elissa out next week. get the votes to save aaryn and they’re home free. aaryn wins comps. yea 3M!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Go Amanda! McCrae was smart to protect his Queen. Those two still have a lot of moves left in them. If Elissa thinks she is going to be able to take them out she has another thing coming.
I truly believe that Demanda is one of the most disgusting and vile people I have seen on tv I do not want her to win, GO JUDD. But in the big picture 95% of the fans only watch it on tv. So for the majority of the people Demanda has been given favorable edits. However, it has been widely publicized how Aaryn is a racist. So, in the best interest of CBS, not the fans, if Demanda wins she is quickly forgotten, but if Aaryn wins being a racist, then there could be a backlash at CBS. Rigged or Not Rigged, I don’t know, but I think CBS main interest is covering their own butts.
Simon and Dawg- could you please consider two suggestions: first, deleting most of the posts that don’t understand how POV works and second, deleting the posts that call each other names. There is enough name calling of the HGs here, but we shouldn’t be making it person al among those who post here, eh? Thanks for considering my suggestions and thanks an extra bunch for all you do.!
My theory is this seasons BB is totally rigged and ALL the HG are in on it. They are being paid under the table a descent amount of money to play along with the story line. Therefore, they have no real desire to really work for the half mil. because it is predetermined that Skum Man Duh is already going to win it. I have heard a couple HG say they were happy just getting into the jury house. Others saying that they’ll be happy with the 50,000. This is why they are completely being disgusting, vile, pathetic human beings because in their tiny little minds they probably think that the money they are making will carry them through their miserable lives and it really doesn’t matter what America thinks about them. Why work for the half mil if youre being paid under the table a descent amount to play along with this non reality show. Mc Gross mentioned how he wants to produce a movie. What does he know about producing a movie he is a pizza boy and claims that is all he is. Everyone in the house in on this rigging and we the fans are being made a joke of. That is why they are always cutting the feed, calling HG into the diary room during certain conversations. YUP~ I feel the game is rigged and all the HG know about it and are in on it. The joke is on us, but I am not laughing. Otherwise, how could these morons act so disgusting and deplorable? I cant believe you can get that many disgusting people in the BB house just by casting them randomly? Just my opinion.
Extremely off topic, but why do houseguest have to “buzz-in” the storage room??
I have been a loyal big brother fan since season 2 and in no prior season was someone who couldn’t win comps been allowed to bark orders and control everyone elses nominations it would NOT have been tolerated from any player and especially the entire house … Also every vote to evict being unanimous if any vote (in previous seasons ) was ever unanimous it would have been a fluke
i agree. i just read the 12 pages here.
the totalitarian lockstep conformity of
the vote has been way too “one party’
I HATE that Amanda won the POV. It means another week of that vile duo McCrae and Amanda. Maybe she’ll put up the rat Andy in his replacement and then this week won’t be a total waste.
But I gotta say that I’m quite tired of people calling the game rigged. Give me a freaking break people! It’s a game show and you never know what’s going to happen. Please stop whining all over this page about how it’s rigged. It’s gotten old.
I want Andy the Rat to leave. You can vote out Aaryn another week. ANDY GO HOME YOU RAT!!!
Andy is offended that Zing called him a floater. No Andy, you’re not just a floater; you’re a floating asshole!
Once and for all:
Rules for use of the POV:
Nominee A and Nominee B are on the block.
Nom A wins the POV.
If Nom A gives up the POV, the recipient is safe, but Nom A is still on the block and therefore subject to being evicted. ( See comment regarding Marcellus, below.)
However, if Houseguest C, who is not on the block/not a Nominee, wins POV, it is safe for C to use the POV to save A or B.
The HOH then has to assign a replacement, who CANNOT be HG C (the POV winner). The HOH has to choose from among the other HGs.
Otherwise no one would ever use the POV, except to save themselves. Think of the POV as an immunity from being nominated.
RE: Marcellus- He was on the block, and had the POV. He had played such a good social game (HGs loved him) that he actually believed he could save his fellow nominee and still survive the vote, no matter who was put up as a replacement. (Over-confident much???) He was wrong!!! Thus, he went down on the BB record books as the only player ever naive (some have said stupid) enough to get evicted when he had the POWER OF VETO!!!!
This is a complete joke. You have the 2 “biggest losers” running the show or I should say the one while the other one McCrea runs after the meanest and foulest mouth to do her every bidding that she wants done. I think it is so funny when she crawls behind the trash can as that is what she is TRASH. I really don’t see how any of the other players cannot see that she doesn’t intend to take any of them to the end with her besides McCrea and can you imagine what a life he will have if they end up together: McCrea get me this, McCrea I need that, Where’s my trash can so I can crawl in with the trash…… Totally the worst season of BB ever.
I would like to see Aaryn go, then McCrae, then leave Amanada alone for a week sweating it out. She would go beserk! She would need more of her drugs to get her through, and as more friends shied away from her she would have the wildest melt down.