Tiffany “Now I just have to make sure she [Sarah] doesn’t win it [HOH], my plan is in motion..”

HOH: Christian
SAFE: Xavier, Alyssa and Sarah Beth
HAVENOTS: Azah, Big D, Britini
WILDCARD Competition Winner: Claire (safe 2 weeks)
Nominations: Hannah & Whitney
Power of Veto Players: Christian, Hannah, Whitney, Claire, Azah, DerekX | Host Alyssa
Power of Veto: Christian
Power of Veto Ceremony:

Big Brother 23 Houseguest Rankings – – RANK THE HOUSEGUESTS –
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5:13pm Bedroom – Hannah and Alyssa.
Alyssa – Christian put you up and I understand his logic but that wouldn’t necessarily be my logic. Because at the end of it he was wanting Whitney out and everything we were like do whatever is best for you game. But I wanted to talk with you, me and you because I don’t want you feeling like that was something I would do. Maybe you and Christian feel good but I don’t know where we’re at. I don’t know what you’re thinking. Hannah – yeah, what do you think you would done? .. with the houses target being Whitney. Alyssa – so with Whitney being the houses target I don’t know that Whitney would have been a target for any of the girls because I know shes said that she wants a girl to win. I know she’s said everyone’s name so I could have put her but I think I would have put a pawn that is more so a pawn. I think you are a pawn because everyone loves you but I think you’re smart and people see it. And I wouldn’t want to risk you as a pawn. At the same time I understand his logic. Hannah – yeah I understand it too. He wants to minimize his bloodshed. Alyssa – I think for next week if I win HOH there is someone that I have no game talk with. Like we talk game and you go out of your way to give Christian and me advice. Like no one does that and I appreciate that and really from week one you’ve don that. And that is why I felt so bad about it and Christian felt bad about it because I never wanted you to go home. I understand his logic of it and I know you do… you’re one of the smartest people in this house. Hannah – Don’t say that. Alyssa – well I’m talking me and you. Because we’ve talked before when I was on the block because we have kind of the same vibe about Big Brother. A lot of people don’t think things logically. I am more logical and Christian is better at the comps. Like where you’re more logical and Derek is better at the comps. I wanted to talk about next week because you’re not someone I want to go home. I feel like we could work together. Hannah – yes. Alyssa – there are much more people that I should be worried about. Hannah – which again it sucks that I am on the block by the hand of someone that I consider to be one of my closest allies outside of my time .. if not my closest ally outside of my team. Alyssa – that is why I wanted to talk to you individually because at the end of the day we’re playing a solo game. Hannah – if you were to win HOH .. I know you said you have a specific target in mind .. you don’t have to tell me .. but in terms of the pawn that you would want to sit next to that target would you use me again? Alyssa – I don’t think I would. I don’t want to say for sure but I don’t think I would. I don’t know why I would. Hannah – you would use someone from that team? Alyssa – from that team because if you think about it the logic of it is if Christian wanted to make the logic of it that Whitney is the target and put someone on the block on the same team to not piss them off .. that would be my logic. Why would I not just put another person on that team to not piss off the other teams. With the wildcard comp and everything I don’t want to say for sure because you just never know but for me that wouldn’t be my plan. Hannah – and the other thing I wanted to ask you is… the team twist is about to end ..whether it ends before next weeks HOH comp or after but how do you feel that would affect your personal game. Alyssa – when teams are done, I think people think that teams are supposed to protect each other but its a solo game so I don’t want to keep my loyalty to just 3 people. I feel like I talk more game with you than SB. The same or more than X and then mostly Christian. So I feel like that might mostly help me because I’m not with this main group that has four people and is winning all these comps.

Hannah – you and Christian are a strong duo in the house whether or not you like it. Now do you feel like it would be beneficial to keep another duo in the house to kind of shield you guys. Alyssa – well that is kind of what I was going to talk to you about because people expect Christian to go after Derek and people expect Derek to go after Christian. People see you and Derek together.. 100% I’ve heard it. People see you and Derek as a duo and people see me and Christian as a duo. Why would we go after each other? Derek was feeling like people are pinning them against each other. I know that Frenchie ruined the whole A word (Alliance). Hannah – so it would be best to keep it under wraps.. obviously because people wouldn’t expect it but if someone does try to take that shot .. you have 3 people backing you up. Alyssa – exactly. People wouldn’t expect it and if Derek and Christian keep pretending that they would go after each other.. maybe people wouldn’t go after them because they think Derek or Christian are going to do the dirty work.

6pm Backyard pool games..

6pm Storage room. Tiffany and Derek X
Tiffany – whether or not she (Sarah) has a power or a strategic purpose for only wanting to get to jury .. I don’t care what it is, I don’t feel comfortable with her. And if she is coming for Hannah like that because no one is saying Hannah’s name .. she could come for me like that. Derek – no this is good because I am willing to take that shot too. Tiffany – okay, you, me and Claire are willing to take that shot if we win HOH this week. Derek – Hannah will too. Tiffany – Hannah has to and I want Hannah to know that I support her 100%! I don’t want you to not win because you don’t want to take a shot at the kings. I already let X know that I am taking the shot. He is not even going for it because he doesn’t want his team to be safe. Derek – then we are definitely going to win. SB could. Tiffany – we think it might be a memory so you and Hannah have got to gun for it. Derek – do you think Ky would take out SB? Tiffany – Ky would NEVER take out SB. Ky is probably going to gun for Christian and Alyssa and right now that isn’t a big deal to us because we can get them out next and they might like us better and be less bitter if we let them (Christian & Alyssa) go to jury together. Derek – how do you feel about Christian and Alyssa with SB? Tiffany – no! They’re on board because they know they’re not smarter that her. I think they feel better with Hannah than SB because at least they can talk to Hannah. You can’t get anything out of SB unless she wants you to. SB is 28, she is playing like she is 22. She is playing us all!! Who are you going to be when jury starts because this is NOT her. You see how she is when we play those games.. she is huge inside but otherwise she is like this (Tiff puts on her sunglasses and lays back on the fridge). I am scared to see who she is when she comes out. If she wins HOH, she wants to send Hannah home. Derek – yeah I know. They hug and Derek leaves. Tiffany – now I just have to make sure she (Sarah) doesn’t win it (HOH), my plan is in motion.. She can be very dangerous to my gameplay.

6:22pm – 6:40pm Hammock – Alyssa and Christian.
Alyssa tells Christian all about her conversation with Hannah. Alyssa – she brought up the duo idea. She made it her idea. She said that even though he (Christian) used me as a pawn, I will not do that to him and I can offer that to you as well. She said whether you like it or not Alyssa, you and Christian are seen as the strongest duo in the house. Christian – what?! What?! That does not make any sense. Alyssa – as the strongest duo? Name another stronger duo? Christian – SB and Ky. They are the strongest duo. Alyssa – but people don’t see it. We’re the most obvious. I know that you feel better about Britini than Hannah but I think you should reconsider. Getting out because .. I think I would do Britini over Hannah. Christian – that is fine with me. Alyssa – The fact that Hannah brought this up to me makes me trust her way more. Britini has only said she won’t put us up. Hannah wants to work with us.

7:20pm Kitchen Table. Whitney is holding a “night club” make up class for all the other girls that are sitting around the table applying their own make up. Alyssa didn’t want to do it because she didn’t want to cake on and waste her make up.

8pm Chess room – Big D and Xavier
Xavier – they only reason I say SB (Sarah) is because SB has made it evident she is coming for a member of The Cookout. That’s why she would have to go. Alyssa and Christian aren’t coming for Hannah. Big D – I know that. How would you feel about this if I put Hannah and SB on the block together. Xavier – how would you feel about that? As long as we know that Hannah isn’t going home.. I don’t give a f**k. The only reason I say take a shot at SB is because … like Christian and Alyssa were perfectly fine not going after Hannah. SB is the one that got in their ear to make Hannah a target. That’s why if someone from my team has to go, it has to be SB because she has made it very clear that she is coming for someone in the cookout. Big D – I wish Claire hadn’t won that two week bullsh*t! I think if you told Ky he would be on page with it. Xavier – do you think he would .. because he and SB are like this (fingers crossed). Big D – that man is in sync with us. I think if you said it he would be down for it. Xavier – The reason why she needs to go is I have never seen SB fight so hard to get someone out. I don’t know what it is but she will not stop until Hannah is out. Big D – I was still a little scared of Hannah because of her running her f**king mouth.. but she is a part of the thing but.. Since Hannah wasn’t an original member.. Xavier – she became an honorary member. Big D – so she would be a pawn if I need a pawn. Xavier – if you put Hannah up next to SB do you think people would be clear that you want SB out? Big D – after my speech. Xavier – you would have to make it very clear because you’ve said they’re both playing the same game.. It would make it too easy to flip. Big D – who can I put next to SB to make sure SB goes .. it would have to be Alyssa. Xavier – it would have to be Alyssa. Kyland joins them.

8:35pm Make up class continues..

9:15pm The guys are getting restless and wonder how long the makeup lessons are going to go till. Big D – Ladies .. I would sign up for this class. Make up by Whit! I am freaking out because everyone looks completely different from their picture!

9:30pm HOH room – Alyssa and Christian.
Christian – Big D keeps talking about how a girl has to go. I’m like why do you keep talking about that? I know that’s why two girls are up on the block. Alyssa – sometimes he is like you never hangout with me and I’m thinking every time I sit down and talk game its nonsense. Christian – its just repetitive stuff. Alyssa – I feel bad but whenever I sit down he is like what are we going to do about this slaughterhouse. Christian – the slaughterhouse is done my man! Alyssa – his logic is just not there. Christian – what I like is that we’re at the point where we can be alone and people aren’t like – are you okay? Xavier joins them.

9:45pm Backyard – Big D and Hannah.
Big D – if you won HOH what would you do? Hannah – I can guarantee you that none of the five of you would be going on the block. Guaranteed. Big D – I just hope as soon as Whitney goes home, Julie is like okay guys this is the end of the teams. This is now an individual game. Hannah – I would be so happy. Do you think its going to be memory, endurance, physical or puzzle? Big D – not a puzzle. Hannah – thank the frickin lord! If I or one of the six can makes sure we’re in prime position going into jury we can buy ourselves a few weeks before we need to start scrambling and stressing. Big D – oh no for sure! I know that!

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7 thoughts to “Tiffany “Now I just have to make sure she [Sarah] doesn’t win it [HOH], my plan is in motion..””

  1. Everyone on here is now doing there best “Professor X” to make sure SB becomes the next HoH

    1. One can only hope but the Kraken has arrived and Tiff has the rest of the season planned out. Zzzzzzzzzx

      1. The season has been planned out before it started see BBCAN…Maybe Tiff has the Cliff notes.

  2. So. As ridiculous as this season’s alliance mapping is…
    Here’s what I think is going on.
    As of right now, Whitney’s only actual hope is a dynamic she doesn’t even know exists.
    Whitney has to hope that Az and Df still don’t consider Hannah cookout material. Whitney has to hope they get Brit to vote to save Whit. Whit has to hope SB browbeats Ky into voting how she wants…. all just to get to a tie. That’s her best bet… a dynamic she doesn’t even know about. yeesh.
    Diagram says as of Friday PM… OOPS. It’s Sunday. my bad.

    1. So are you assuming the Ky will also vote along with SB to vote out Hannah in this scenario? Because that would be 3 of the 5 Cookout members voting turning on one of their own, the very FIRST chance the had to do so, and I just don’t see that happening. Far too many real world social implications if they do that, and I think they are very much aware of that. As of now I believe Hannah has Xavier, Tiffany, Claire, DX, and Alyssa locked down for votes, and I also think Ky and Azah will vote out Whitney in support of a Cookout member. Who knows what DF may do, as that guys logic escapes me, but he should support Hannah as well. The only two votes I see Whitney possibly getting are SB (for sure) and Britini (possibility).

      1. This is why i think Whitney doesn’t have much of a shot.
        Because three of the cookout would have to vote against a cookout member (even though 2 don’t think of her as a member, more of an associate).
        The big reason I even brought it up: week one. When Ky was the target. Multiple members of the cookout said ‘oh well, if we lose Ky maybe it’s better. They wouldn’t suspect the rest of us, and we could pull in the spare (Hannah).’
        Chances Df would take out Hannah are higher than either Azah or Ky. But none of the three are zero percent chancers when it comes to voting out Hannah specifically.

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