“I put a HUGE target on my back this week.. four meatheads in the house I went after every one of them”

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HOH: Frenchie
SAFE: Derek F, Britini, Azah
HAVENOTS: Xavier, Christian, Sarah and Alyssa
WILDCARD Competition Winner: Christian
– Christian also saved Xavier
Nominations: Kyland and Alyssa
Power of Veto Players: Kyland, Frenchie, Alyssa, Travis, DerekX, Tiffany | HOST = DerekF
Power of Veto: Derek X
Power of Veto Ceremony:

WILDCARD Winner: the winner will also be safe for the week (just the winner, not the winners team). With this reward there is risk. If the winning HG chooses to accept safety for the week, it will result in a punishment that may affect them, their team, or the entire house.

Big Brother 23 Houseguest Rankings – RANK THE HOUSEGUESTS –

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Big Brother Spoilers – As of Sunday morning DerekX will be using Veto and Frenchie the glue clown will be putting Travis up as the replacement.

12:20 am Hannah and Whitney
HAnnah is wondering who will go up out of the guys. They think it will be Travis.
Hannah – I really hope he doesn’t put a woman up.. keeps to his word
Hannah – if he puts up a girl I wonder who. Sarah Beth, Claire?
Whitney – that would be a waste of an HOH. HE wants to make sure there’s big move early on
Whitney – it’s boring when people vote out the quiet people.. and it’s sad
Whitney – do you think he sees it coming? he would have to right

Kyland and DerekX break up the game chat…

12:37 am Kyland and Tiffany
Kyland talking about (Travis?) trying to get Frenchie to put Sarah Beth up. “If he wanted to get Christian out it would make sense to put up someone else from his team”
Kyland – what Frenchie told Travis verbatim.. I’m going to tell DerekX he can do whatever he wants
Kyland says Frenchie is selling the story to DerekX if he uses the veto a girl will go up and Alyssa will go.
Tiffany – we have to know what DerekX believes
Kyland – he sold to DerekX My target was Christian so he put Alyssa up He’s leaving it open sto I want to put up a girl that will send Alyssa home. But Travis is saying I don’t believe that I’ve heard other things
Kyland clears up – Travis is telling Frenchie he doesn’t know if that is true but if it is true he wants to push the girl to be Sarah Beth.
Kyland – that validates his claim about a big fish
Tiffany says there’s a lot of people in this house that are fine with sacrificing Travis’ life in this game so why keep him here. Tiffany points out that Travis is working with DerekX in the long run and if Travis stays they are on an island with DerekX by themselves.
Kyland talks about Tiffany’s worries about Whitney and Frenchie’s groups teaming up. “the things that are being cooked up are tighter than that”
Tiffany – okay got it.

1:47 am Claire and Whitney have done some chatting off feeds.. when Whitney goes into the toilet claire says to the microphone. (There was a group discussion about conspiracy theories on/off feeds)
Claire – very weird She doesn’t believe in Sandy Hook.. don’t know about that one
Whitney comes back after some chit chatting she leaves.. Claire speaking into her microphone
CLaire – Frenchie knows how to spin a tale he’s a good guy he’s such a good guy .. How big of a shield can someone be before it’s unwieldy
Claire – everyone wants to go after Christian next week but.. That’s not for me. not for DerekX. Christian would actually.. I got to go for it next week just cause I don’t know.. I mean it would be Christian or DerekX or one of these boys I’m trying to work with. We need to pick off numbers from their side..

1:20 am DerekF and Azah
Derek brings up Frenchie saying that DerekX will use the veto.
DerekF adds that he voiced to Frenchie that everyone is coming to him asking him what he is doing.
Deref =- If you tell us what you are doing then I can help you but if you are not using your men on your team then you are not using your team. How are we to help you?
Azah – yeah
DerekF – we have other sh1t we have more comps there’s more sh1t we have to do
Derekf – He said he’s going to work it out and he said comes Thursday we’re good.
They agree if Frenchie would have communicated with them more he wouldn’t have been affected by the other people in the house like he did.

2:20 am Travis and Claire (hard to hear this conversation)
Travis says DerekX is going to use the veto.
Claire – yeah he is.
Kyland joins them.
Travis brings up Frenchie telling him that everyone is coming up to him pressuring him to put Travis up.
Claire – let’s talk in the morning when he’s not outside the door (You can hear Frenchie yapping)
Claire mentions something about Christian I think she’s trying or tried to have a meeting with him to join their two teams up.

2:52 am Pranks by Frenchie with the help of Tiffany and Whitney .. He hits the Coral room putting shaving cream on Kyland.
Frenchie – we got you
Kyland – yeah you did
Kyland – what are you doing
Frenchie – I put shaving cream on your feet
Frenchie cleans up his feet for him
Kyland – thank you

2:50 am they prank the Have nots..

They get Travis next putting shaving cream on his hand
Travis – where do I put this..
“That’s what she said” (Not sure who said this)
They get Claire last.
Claire – what the f***
Frenchie helps clean them up.

3:15 am Frenchie the glue clown and Whitney
Frenchie is going over a conversation he had.

Frenchie – this HOH is hard cause I’m f**ed, either way, I’m damned if I do damn if I don’t If I don’t put ‘somebody” up one of our friends goes home
Glue clown – if I do put somebody up.. like if he does use the veto I have to put up him (Points to the bedroom where Travis is sleeping)
Glue clown – I get more blood on my hands. I’ve had one target and with a 12 gauge pump splattering..
Frenchie – I told Travis it’s kinda hard I’m in a f**ed up predicament I have on one side if he doesn’t use the veto it’ll probably be easier on me no more blood but if he does there’s a lot of pressure from people to put you up
Whitney – that’s a really good way to put it because there is
Frenchie – he was like I get it. It’s the truth a lot of people want him up I want him up. At the end of the day like.. we just have to like stick to our guns.

Whitney says DerekX is a really good competitor
Frenchie – and loyal
Whitney and Frenchie agree it’s not a good idea to get rid of DerekX right yet.
Whitney – he’s being so loyal
Frenchie – he’s loyal why would you send somebody home that is that loyal

Whitney goes on about how strong her team is Hannah is so smart, they have meetings together “So often”
Frenchie – we don’t
Whitney – you guys have to start
Frenchie the meth clown – I built really strong relationships with each of them. I would rather build strong relationships.. Alliances are great but at the end of the day, I don’t want to leave anybody out..
Frenchie- think about this. we might have an alliance but what happens if that alliance goes? I know it won’t I know it’s strong
Whitney says she doesn’t see the other people forming an alliance.
Frenchie – neither do I

Frenchie – I want to be able to walk out of this house and have our friendships still intact..
Whitney – me to
Frenchie – I’ve seen so many reasons where afterwards the houseguests don’t talk anymore or they fight on social media.. I don’t like that. I don’t have time for it.
Frenchie – when I go home I’m going back to my farm not Instagram
Whitney – do you even have an Instagram
Frenchie – I do. there’s not much on it… cows and goats

THey talk about Meeting the fans.
Whitney – I would love to have fans
Frenchie – you probably have fans I don’t (true)
Whitney – shut up I’m honestly curious do you think people will be upset with you? Cause you keep saying. People think I’m a jerk you genuinely think that?
Frenchie – sometimes..
Whitney – you are just doing your job as the HOH
Frenchie glue clown – I think three people on Twitter that I know of that probably support me when they say my picture pop up (yeah your wife and kids)
Frenchie lists off the local people that follow him on Twitter. One of them he gave a PlayStation four to. “there are some good people on Twitter but you then have your sh1tbags too all they want to do is cause Drama and talk bad about people”
Whitney – you did you job as HOH you did it with the best information you had and you made a BIG move that’s what everyone what to see. Nobody wants to see tiny targets going up and getting voted out nobody wants to see that.

Frenchie – I put a HUGE target on my back this week
Whitney – HOW?
Frenchie – cause I’m gunna have to put up the three biggest people in the house
Frenchie – I went after Christian, I went after Brent and then I went after Derek and then Travis.. that’s four meatheads in the house I went after every one of them in a week.

Whitney tells him Brent is on their team, “Christian is he 100%”
Frenchie – yeah but we have to be careful with them
Frenchie – me and Christian have an understanding we’re both super hard competitors so why would we go after each other this early. We can help each other and take each other far.
Whitney – we really do need to start thinking that.

Frenchie – I wonder how many people in the house genuinely want to be friends and how many talked to my face cause I was the HOH.

Whitney – who you are as a person. Is like genuinely loving, honest, ridiculously funny, Fun, Lighthearted, beyond game talk people just love you as a person and you have to realize that. (Funny! Is Whitney on glue also?)

Frenchie starts talking about what he’s going to do with the money.. feeds cut. When we’re back everyone is finally sleeping.



9:00 am Houseguests are waking up.
Frenchie the clown’s voice is raspy “My Voice is gone we were laughing (talking) so damn hard (Much)”

They are getting ready for the swimwear photoshoot today.

9:20 am Britini and Azah
Britini brings up talking to Christian last night where he said “I can really trust you”
Britini – We’re straight-shooters.
Azah – I thnk we’re in a good position.. for next week
Azah – yeah
Britini says the only person she would be uncomfortable with if they won HOH would be Travis.
Britini – Even like DerekX I feel like we’re going to be fine
Azah – I like DerekX honeslty
Britini – the other night he was kinda nice. I don’t see him putting us up
Azah – he never talks game with us
Britini – not single. that’s my only thing
Azah – I’m sorry he’s on my radar
Britini – He’s never talked game with me, Hanah’s never talked game alone. Derek started yesterday, Sarah Beth really doesn’t talk game with me at all. Alyssa has been forced to talk game with me.

9:40 am Milling around getting ready for the day’s events. Sore throat hasn’t appeared to have slowed Frenchie down.
9:55 am Feeds cut to pound puppies
10:47 am Feeds on pound puppies
11:00 am Feed on pound puppies


11 thoughts to ““I put a HUGE target on my back this week.. four meatheads in the house I went after every one of them””

      1. Simon, I noticed Derek in Frenchie as soon as he went all wishy washy. Even pointed it out to my friend. I have to check Willie out though. Can’t remember his game play. Was he Hantz’s brother?

        1. Yeah Willie was the Hantz brother who had week 1 HOH. It was a similar HOH where he targeted someone knew every 2 hours. In ended with him almost gettign into a fight with someone and being removed.

          1. Who is your guess for who the Glue Clown would try to fight from this cast?

            And who would win lol?

            Also would they get evicted as well if they defended themselves from Glue Clown?

  1. So much of the recap is Frenchie…does he breathe or is he one of those people able to speak while inhaling as well?

    Although Derek X. needs to move on and quit apologizing for trying to play the game and getting busted on day 2.

  2. I do not usually comment this early in the season, but since everyone else is playing this thing like it’s week 6+…Ima go ahead! If you don’t remember a players name after this weeks feeds, they are the only ones sitting pretty. Frenchie is a farming fiasco!!

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