Ginamarie says Jessie was a h*rny toad. Andy says that b***h wanted to get f**ked!

POV Holder: Elissa Next POV Aug 24th
POV Used Yes POV Ceremony Aug 19th
HOH Winner: Aaryn Next HOH: Aug 22nd
Original Nominations: Elissa and Helen
Current Nominations: Helen and Spencer
Last Evicted Houseguest David, Nick, Jeremy, Kaitlin, Howard, Candice, JUDD, Jessie
Have Nots (head cheese and habaneros) GM, Amanda, Helen and Elissa


12:40am Up in the HOH room – McCrae tells Aaryn that she doesn’t need to worry about Elissa coming after her next week if she wins HOH. She’ll be coming after me and Amanda. Aaryn says she doesn’t think so, she is coming after me, Ginamarie and Spencer because she thinks we’re scum. McCrae says she thinks we’re all scum. Aaryn says well that’s true. McCrae says overall she thinks we’re all scum, she will want to go after us because she believes we were the reason she went up on the block. I believe Helen is going to tell Elissa to make a power move is she wins HOH to put up me and Amanda. Aaryn says but one of you would come down off the block. McCrae says not necessarily like who wins veto that would take one of us down. Aaryn says me, Ginamaire. McCrae says but then she could put up Ginamarie if you took one of us down. Aaryn says I didn’t join the 3AM Alliance (Aaryn, Andy, Amanda, McCrae) just to not save one of you if I could because if I didn’t and I was up next week none of you would save me. McCrae says yeah, I think we will all have to work hard next week just in case she wins HOH. I am so f**king solid on 3AM. I will tell anyone anything just because but I am loyal to this. Aaryn agrees you have to lie to people. The only thing that could f**k us over is if we couldn’t get in Elissa’s ear if she won HOH. Aaryn says if you and Amanda went up then me, Andy or Spencer would save one of you. Amanda joins them and wonders if they are having a private conversation. Aaryn and McCrae say no. Aaryn says I didn’t know Helen called me a f**king bit*h! McCrae says that Helen knows that she has been played and has no idea what is going on around her. Aaryn says yeah I am trying to make Elissa believe that I have no idea what is going on. Aaryn says Elissa is going to be so pissed (when Helen is evicted). Aaryn wonders if I go up will you take me off the block. Ginamarie joins them. Amanda says it doesn’t make sense if I take you down then McCrae would go up in your place. Aaryn says well if you are up I won’t take you down, it goes both ways. McCrae and Amanda think they will go up if Elissa wins because they are the architects to Helen’s demise. Aaryn doesn’t think so because she thinks Elissa thinks we’re scum. Andy and Spencer join them. McCrae says the only way to get around it is if Andy spins it.

The conversation turns to talking about Ginamarie’s farts. Andy takes a poll to see who has been woken up by Ginamarie’s farts. Everyone but McCrae hold up their hand. Andy says hold up your hand if you are a coward a$$ pu$$y that is not willing to admit Ginamaire farts. McCrae holds up his hand.

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12:55am – 1:30am HOH room – They talk about Spencer’s butterscotch pu$$y comment about Jessie. Aaryn asks him when he goes to jury will he please act on that and find out if she really does have a butterscotch pu$$y. Spencer says no because I am not going to jury. And besides I have something way better at home. Amanda talks about how she has been trying to avoid Helen and Elissa all day. Aaryn says that she almost pulled a Helen and almost told Helen she was going home. Andy says that an hour after he told everyone not to let Jessie know she was leaving, he saw Helen walking away and then Jessie told him that she knows everything. Andy says that Jessie formed a final two deal with him after he put her on the block. They all laugh. Andy talks about pretending to sleep in the HOH room whenever he would see Jessie coming to talk. Aaryn says that Andy did that to her too. Andy jokes about how it would feel to go home by a fruit cake like me. Aaryn says it’ll be a run by fruiting. Amanda and McCrae head down to the backyard to smoke. In the HOH room – Aaryn talks about how she never saw how manipulative Helen was until now. Aaryn tells Andy we need to be careful of Amanda and McCrae. Aaryn says there is no way to win sitting next to Amanda and McCrae, they are way to manipulative. Aaryn says that Amanda is upset that we wouldn’t use the veto on her if we had a choice. Aaryn tells Andy and Ginamarie she wants a final 3 deal with them.
1:50am Out in the backyard – Andy, Ginamarie and Spencer are talking about Jessie. Ginamarie says Jessie was a horny toad. Andy says that bit*h wanted to get f**ked. McCrae says I bet Judd f**ked her. Andy asks in jury. McCrae says I’m sure she was over it two seconds after being there. Ginamaire says Candice just sat and watched while Jessie played with herself. She was another f**king crazy bit*h. Gina says and then Jessie was humping the bed while Howard was giving her a massage, it was the most disgusting thing I have ever seen.

2am Up in the HOH room – Amanda talks to Aaryn about using the veto on her or McCrae are up on the block. If two of our alliance members are up on the block we need to save one of them. Amanda tells Aaryn to not doubt the alliance. We need to stop doubting each other. Andy joins them. Amanda complains about how McCrae isn’t as affectionate with her right now and that she gets needy when she is on slop and not sleeping in the same bed. She says that McCrae is annoying her because all he wants to do is talk game. They talk about Elissa still sticking with Helen the sinking ship even though she knows she is going home. Amanda says I thought she would be smarter than that. Andy leaves and McCrae joins them. Aaryn says that Elissa thinks if you don’t do everything for her you are bad. If you think about yourself she thinks you are bad. That’s how she thinks. You can’t go through life taking things from everybody and not giving back. Amanda and McCrae head to bed.
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2:30am – 2:45amMcCrae and Amanda are in the lounge room talking. Amanda and McCrae talk about smoothing things over with Elissa so that she will work with them moving forward after Helen goes home. Amanda says that she is going to tell Elissa that Helen is going home and no matter what and that she is being honest with her and coming to her as soon as she knows. McCrae tells Amanda to tell Elissa that our target hasn’t changed, now that Aaryn isn’t in power we are going after her. Just tell her that. McCrae and Amanda make out for a bit and then head to bed.


6:55am All the house guests are still sleeping..

10:10am All the house guests are still sleeping… no wake up call yet.

10:30am – 11:20am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. When the live feeds return – All the house guests are still sleeping except for Aaryn and Helen. Helen is getting ready for her morning run. Aaryn heads back to bed after changing her mic batteries. Elissa is now up and in the kitchen making coffee. Helen finishes her run and comes back inside the house. Elissa is cleaning the kitchen and Helen is doing laundry.


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209 thoughts to “Ginamarie says Jessie was a h*rny toad. Andy says that b***h wanted to get f**ked!”

  1. all these disgusting people know how to do is talk crap behind other people’s backs…and mainly about people not around. thats not gameplay, thats showing off what kind of awful person you really are.

          1. Exactly. I’m not condoning some of the talk going on, but reading some of the comments on here every single day alot of people on here are no different than these houseguests. The only difference is they are on camera.

          1. Yep, I didn’t agree to go on national television or receive any money for my comments and/or behavior. But had I, I’d still be employed.

      1. Having an opinion about contestants on a tv show is ‘talking about them behind their back’? The HGs actually know, live with, and converse face to face with each other. Their meanspirited twofacedness is in a whole different realm. I guess if I don’t like someone on TV them I am a bad friend to them lol :-/

      2. Then don’t come on this forum if you don’t like the comments. No one agrees with everyone and you have as much right to say what you want as anyone else.

        1. I hate racists but that doesn’t mean I should stay in my house and hide bbl? I like to confront those who live in glass houses but like to throw rocks. You don’t eliminate racism by hiding or being even more racist. Is that simple enough for you to understand?

    1. I don’t know why everyone on this board is so upset about the quality of character of these houseguests. I always figured the show was about 16 narcissistic people who are emotionally unstable locked in a house. We want them to lie and backstab and be horrible people. We’re just pissed these people are not backstabbing enough. The show is not supposed to be a morality tale.

      1. You are so right! I am just finding it boring because no one wants to be the one to ‘get blood on their hands’, but they HAVE to! And I hate when they go in to vote and say Oh boo hoo, I don’t want to do it BUT……..What the hell Do it then deny it…….LOL……….

      2. Finally someone who gets it. The game is a social experiment. You trap 16 people in a house and dangle 500 thousand in their face. Never seen anyone win this game by being honest. Of course they lie

      3. don’t think America realizes when you put people confined in one area for that length of time and trying to accomplish what they are this is average America hope people realize this sure if not playing the game could avoid everyone this is average America when its nerves are frayed

      4. It’s not so much that they are displaying characteristics that most of us would abhor and avoid in real life–it’s that they don’t realize they’re doing it and often judge others for doing the same thing. We get mad at people in real life when they display this kind of hypocrisy, too. Honestly, I think the houseguests nearly all suffer from self-delusion, some more than others. I think MC is in denial about some things regarding Amanda, and once in awhile we’ll get to see him express some honest insight. Helen is certainly the most self-delusional. That’s why she could convince herself to vote out her entire support system and proclaim it a nearly error-less game (even as she sits on the block, sure to go home).

        We loved Dr. Will, but he knew what he was doing, embraced it, and had fun. I personally didn’t like Evel Dick, but I know a lot of people did. Again, his name said it all. He wasn’t trying to fool the world or himself. Amanda thinking she is America’s Sweetheart is tragic, really. If she had embraced her mind-molding capabilities, admitted to her flaws, deceit, and cunning instead of creating a mythical planet in her own mind in which she is the star, the good girl, the most loved, then I think (ironically) that more people really would love her.

        1. I am agreeing with you. Not everything we think, should we speak. And obviously most of the HG’s are delusional
          enough to think that their responses and reactions and just jibber jabber is an acceptable way to behave. It is not.
          The reason they tend to fixate on past HG’s is to take the focus off their own despicable actions. I was raised to be
          accountable and responsible. I thought most were too. I was wrong.

    2. I think that is really judgemental! Everyone in the house has annoying qualities, and good qualities – just like you, me, and everyone else. I am starting to like everyone. Sure they lie, but don’t forget that these people are basically strangers. They are not going to give up half a million for someone they just met a month ago. Everyone on the show, every season, has to lie – at one point or another. You would probably act the same way. Also, I think people like Andy lie to avoid conflict. I highly doubt Andy is a liar at home in his regular life.

      1. Andy didn’t become a professional liar the day he walked into the BB house. He cultivated those qualities long before.

        1. ‘Nappy hair and slanted eyes’ and 28 likes? Wow, I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree also applies to bb viewers. Shameful people.

        2. I hate it when somebody says they are clowning around. Give us clowns a break. None of us are as low llives as you (HGs) are.

          I was playing with the ants yesterday. I remember now, that spot on the floor was where Amanda sat down. We are so lucky we only have ants, not the maggots I thought we would get.

          And folks, quit calling anybody duck faced or duck lips. Ducks are so much cuter than these warthogs in here. And I apologize to any warthogs that are reading his.

          Anybody want to speculate that if Amanda was not Jewish, but Candice or Howard were, what kink of comments (or new words) would we have heard?

          Somebody bring me a gun. I can’t take it anymore. I hang myself, take pills, try electrocuting myself, nothing works like it does in the movies.

          What is that smell. Oh, Amanda and McCrae just walked by.

      2. I have no problem with the way Andy played his game. If players are going to let him listen in on their game and can’t figure he is two faced, then that’s on them. The problem I do have with Andy, is that he’s joining in on all the hateful bashing of those unable to defend themselves. Andy, to state the obvious, you are gay. So would it be ok for someone in the house to make a gay riddle? As long as it fine with you Andy, then carry on. Gina, that’s another brave girl. She always want to point out someone else flaws and cracks emotionally when you mention that she’s illiterate, uneducated, and desperate for attention. Amanda, who is supposed to be a Jew, but I seriously doubt that. I have never heard a Jew make so many mean spirited holocaust jokes before. Again, if Amanda can make fun….can I make a nice Jew riddle?

        Yep BB may be on to something with all these riddles. I just want it to be an equal opportunity thing, lets get the black, white, jew, gay, and blond riddles equal air time. Now that’s entertainment.

        1. It appears as if Andy is fine with the ‘gay’ jokes made in the house, because he knows these people like him. Intention is important when judging behaviour and for the most part these people mean no harm. I think people, and certainly many commenters here, just don’t understand the rule of context, which is that you can’t make the same joke to a stranger that you can to a friend because they don’t know you or your intent. Some commenters are IMO mistakenly assuming the intention of these houseguest is negative (hateful, evil, etc.) simply because they don’t like them, they are projecting this and then it builds and builds until they’re are worst people in the world. I will say that there have been a few comments that supercede the rule and simply should not be said. We as a cultural have made these distinctions and most of us follow these conventions.
          Anyway, Andy riddles are hilarious.

    3. Seriously! This must be your first season watching. Every season the houseguests talk like this about one another. Especially the girls. It’s always part of the show.

      1. If you think this season is like every other, I think this might be YOUR first time watching. If you’ve had the feeds before and this year you wouldn’t say something so foolish.

      2. There is a difference between talking about people and talking about people and this crew has took it to an entirely different level. Yes I understand their playing for $500,000 but is it really worth losing your reputation in the process? Aaryn’s career in modeling or hosting any type of show is out the window with good reason. It is a liars game and I understand that but lying is totally different then the name calling and gross remarks they make about each other. When you are put in this position you have to remember at all times that all eyes are on you, good or bad, but mostly more when it’s bad.

      1. Hey Name…Do you have a life? You and your angry troll comments seem to be EVERYWHERE…Grow Up!!! Get a Life!!! And stop with the angry post…or you’ll get an aneurysm…Geez Louise!!!

      2. (in her typical drunken voice)

        You’re like – 3 second pause – so disgustiiiiing.

        Like, I don’t want to – another 3 second pause because her brain isn’t fast enough to process thoughts quickly – sit next to youuu.

        (DUCK FACE smile)

    4. Everyone is so critical of these house guests. Perfect example is Aaryn. Sure she said/did some shitty things to Candice, but put that aside. Look at her other behaviours/qualities. I have been following the blogs religiously and watching AD. Aaryn has grown on me. Sure she is flawed, but we all are. Look at it this way, she wins lots of comps, she avoids conflict, her strategies/alliances have worked so far, and she always tries to put a positive spin on things. I really respect that. I think everyone needs to keep in mind that if anyone lived on TV for three months, others would have tons of bad shit to say. No one is perfect.

      1. I read and watch after dark also! I have NEVER seen, heard, nor read her try to put a positive spin on anything! She has never owned up to things she’s said either. Not even a “I feel bad” or “maybe what I said was wrong”! Please try again!

        1. When I say Aaryn puts a positive spin on things, I mean that she can be positive about the little things. I am talking about how she says that she is happy to have made it this far. She tries to get Gina to see things more positively, generally Aaryn does not focus on the negatives. In stark contrast is Ellissa who is constantly focusing on the negatives, I miss my husband, I miss my kids, I don’t have a yoga mat…it just never ends with that woman.

      2. Rio, shit up you idiot. You just said you don’t watch the feeds. Reading a blog is not the same. Don’t come on here and say people are being to critical when you can’t possibly know what the hell you’re talking about. Aaryn is racist trash, if you haven’t noticed it lately maybe it’s because the two black people are gone now. Derpa derp.

        1. Aaryn is SO racist she hangs out with a JEW girl all day.

          Anybody who thinks she’s a racist (because she happened to get in a fight with a girl who happened to be black) is a friggin’ idiot.

          1. You do realize that “Jew” is not a race, it’s a religion, correct? As annoying as this is, in reality there are only two “races”…black and white. Everything else are technically ethnicities that fall below those two categories (ie you can be Hispanic and white or if you are Asian you are technically considered white) Total sidenote…

              1. Well actually there is only one race the Human Race….the shade of someone skin, the color of someone eyes or hair, and what ever religion they practice is not a RACE…

                Our f*ck up History created this myth about someone skin color being a race or religion…….and because of that we had Genocide of the American Indians, the enslavement of blacks, the rape of the Indian American and Black American women by the slave holders,,the Genocide of the European Jews by Hitler….

                I hope one day we get past this but we won’t…..Aaryn is the perfect example….her parents past racists ideology down to her….and just for having white skin….she feels above Candice and Howard…

            1. Listen, you dumbass. I’ve yet to find one white supremacist who likes Jews. Anyone who thumbed up your post is also a dumbass.

          2. People area way too sensitive to name calling these days. I’m white and I’ve been called a cracka, white bread trash, honky and all sorts of racial slurs. That kind of thing doesn’t bother me, because I’m secure with who I am as a person. People need to grow up and stop letting petty bs bother them. I believe in freedom of speech. F**k political correctness.

            1. What they really were saying is “I want some crackas cause white bread give me rash, gotta go they honk n. that’s why it did not bother you.

            2. Although I agree that the comments calling houseguest racist, vile, etc, is out of proportion with reality. You are mistaken if you believe that calling someone a cracker is the same as calling someone the n-word. It’s about an ongoing history of privilege and the abuse of power. Things have improved, but being white is still overtly and subconsciously considered “normal”, default human in our culture, and everyone else is “other”. There must be something in your life that can help you understand what it feels like to be the outsider looking in, or to be considered less than through no fault of your own. The connotations that come with a word like cracker are very mild, of course it wouldn’t bother you. I think it is good to remember that Howard and Candice are okay regardless, they will not be damaged by this experience because they are also confident people, so we must getting better albeit slowly.

      3. What do you expect? These bloggers are a bunch of liberal lovers. They can’t stand to see a Republican like Aaryn or Amanda win. That’s why they are hating on them.

        1. Pinocchio, first of all, your political affiliation has no bearing on who someone roots for in this game. Secondly, calling us bloggers “liberal lovers” shows your level of intelligence. Third of all, I believe we “bloggers” can cheer for whomever we want.
          So with that being said, quit trying to start crap on here and just “blog” about the actual show BIG BROTHER!

          I personally do not have a favorite this season.

          Have a delightful day ?


          1. Take it easy there, Mitt.

            I voted for you (but I only voted once, unlike those liberal voters).

            Also, BTW, Jewish people tend to be VERY liberal Democrap voters.

        2. Pinocchio, first of all, your political affiliation has no bearing on who someone roots for in this game. Secondly, calling us bloggers “liberal lovers” shows your level of intelligence. Third of all, I believe we “bloggers” can cheer for whomever we want.
          So with that being said, quit trying to start crap on here and just “blog” about the actual show BIG BROTHER!

          I personally do not have a favorite this season.

          Have a delightful day ?


        3. dis muderfuker be trin to start wit evryone. wuts dis gotz to do wit polotiks you just a racest name calin ass who tinks dey be smartr andz betr den evryone else kis my black balz (dats rite dey black!)

      4. Hey Rio, like Aryan, you must have a extremely short attention span, get some Adderall why don’t you. Aryan is a racist brat. Just because, in her word, she is acting as a “nice witch” to save her game, doesn’t erase all of her horrible actions. Have you notice all the black people are gone? She and GM didn’t just do some “shitty” things to Candice. Their actions and comments were racist, hurtful, inappropriate, and have consequences. Please go rewatch the show or re-read the blogs. She still spill out bigoted comments sometimes, and is now having more self-control because she KNOWS the production is showing her TRUE color as a racist. Sure, Aryan is now a much improve player at the BB game, both socially and physically, but she still must deal with the consequence of her actions.

        1. Relax E, I am not defending Aaryn’s racist remarks. A lot of the house guests have said racist things. All I am saying is that she s not pure evil. She is young and probably sheltered. She has a lot to learn, and this will probably be her lesson. That being said, I don’t think the fact that both black house guest were evicted is based entirely on race, there were other factors. Also, I don’t think you can blame Aaryn for either Candice’s or Howard’s eviction. GM wanted Candice out the most, and Amanda wanted Howard out the most. Last point, let’s not forget Helen has done very well and she is part of a minority group.

      5. Rio Seven, I don’t understand why you wish to forgive Aaryn’s bad behavior and only embrace the good when she has made it perfectly clear that she doesn’t want forgiveness?! She states she is proud of herself and feels she hasn’t said or done anything wrong (even when warned by the elder Amanda…although it sure doesn’t help when Amanda then shows the same apathy toward her own behavior, hence the wrong message). .By just embracing a few positive moments isn’t it destructive permissiveness? It’s about time we stop telling younger people that they’re always wonderful stars and start holding them accountable when they behave poorly (and, of course, praising good behavior). It seems people have become afraid of hurting someone or losing their love by simply teaching boundaries and giving constructive criticism. How will they ever learn? We end up with what we’re seeing…not only no accountability, but hubris, anger then serious delusions of reality-ex. Aaryn now believes she is the victim of the racist Candice! She feels SHE has been defamed. We all know Aaryn was the aggressor but now the posse has swallowed her conclusion, twisted up all the stories, made Candice out to be a monster (and rejects her as a valid BB player), and finally, the constant bashing and mocking that continues for their entertainment. It’s really horrible to watch. They are then set up to fail in life. Sooner or later there will be consequences (all is permanent on the internet for anyone to google) and it will be at an inopportune time to their own detriment. It truly is a sad state of affairs.

    5. Right, it’s like every negative quality they have is at a high alert. I remember the house bashing Rachel, I mean it wasn’t like she didn’t give them tons to work with though. And how relentless Britney was in bashing her behind her back. But it seemed like they had other little social dynamics that weren’t as dark and twisted as these people are. Even with Britney, outside bashing Rachel she has a certain type of humor and wit. Everything is so extreme from the sex comments, meds, to certain ones making race analogies and comments that wouldn’t just be in the forefront of everyone’s head to instantly go to. On the flip side, Helen doesn’t bash but she’s just can’t be a little annoying she’s extremely annoying. Howard, just wasn’t laid back, she was extremely passive and was extreme with praying, referencing to how God was in control but yet he was too passive to do what he could in certain moments. Extreme cowardly behavior. extreme cattiness, etc. Someone mentioned yesterday not remembering two men crying like McCrae and Andy over an evicted house guest. Sick puppies and strange ducks.

    6. They all do it every season, you just notice it more this yr b/c you don’t like them as much and b/c of the whole race storyline.

    7. CBS you win! If this show represents a microcosm of our society then America is already lost. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Unless there is someone else that comes back into the house that I can root for, then I really don’t care about who wins and loses. I am not waiting to see if and when Amanda gets voted out. I am not waiting to see if Andy ever betrays McCrae. For me to wait until that happens, I would have to endure watching and reading the comments from these despicable people. These hateful comments are way over the top and the frequency at which they say them increases everyday.

      I have realized that I am an enabler for CBS to produce such a hateful show. I personally think this season, BB15, is just trash. I no longer want to be involved with trash either directly or indirectly. I bought the feeds this year but I won’t be buying them next year until CBS has proven to me that I won’t be watching a repeat of BB15.

    8. Lurker007…really? Seems like there’s lots of “disgusting” people posting here who are talking about other people behnd their backs who aren’t here to defend themselves, you being one of them judging from some of your posts. All you hypocrites out there are a joke! Wah, wah, wah. Lots of you are no better than the HGs and in some cases, a lot worse. Also, targeting some HGs for their behaviour because you personally don’t like them but if, let’s say Jessie, acts disgusting no one says a word. Then there’s those whining they want a big move to be made, but now that there is and it’s Helen being taken out and not Amanda, they are crying again about no big move being made. Wah, Wah, Wah. Give me a break! Will be laughing at all of those people when one of the 3AM wins this.

  2. what I wouldn’t give to see these people’s faces when they come out, thinking they are each America’s favorites, or one of the next great BB players… only to discover they’re the punchline to a joke America isn’t laughing at anymore.

    1. except that when they come out most of them go into a denial mode….you see it right away in the back yard interview….that put on a persona defending themselves and then you see it later on twitter and facebook. Someone on this site recently posted a link and it ended up taking me to Dani’s facebook page Last years hg) and you can see after all the wake up calls for her that were on the internet about her psychological state that she is still in the same low self esteem delusional haze she was in while in the house. It has been almost a year and she is trying to act cool on twitter communicating with Kara. Hardly any of them get it. They just get deeper into defending their own self delusion….you can see it already on the feeds with Aaryn and the racism issue. The more it is brought up the deeper she goes into self denial and cover up. Helen will see the game mistakes she made but that is about it. As far a I know Dan Gheesling has still never (correct me if I am wrong) fessed up to how he played Dani knowing that she was VERY emotionally and mentally unstable. He still acts like a 13 year old boy….he doesn’t get it that he is a narcissist. He did play a good game….yes but that isn’t what I am addressing.

    2. Oh go back to Brooklyn! The punch line is that its obvious that the liberal educational system failed Gina. The girl can’t read or write and has a gutter mouth. Liberalism at its finest.

  3. what I wouldn’t give to see these people’s faces when they come out, thinking they are each America’s favorites, or one of the next great BB players… only to discover they’re the punchline to a joke America isn’t laughing at anymore.

  4. Amanda insists that Aaryn use the POV to take Amanda off the block, if Amanda and McCrae are up, but says to Aaryn it doesn’t make sense to use the POV on you Aaryn, if you and I are on the block, because McCrae will just go up…why doesn’t Aayrn see Amanda’s us ing her?

  5. these people are having the same dialog they had before jessie left! Just insert Helen’s name instead of Jessie’s. They are still talking about Jessie, Candice, and Judd just like last week. Same stupid comments with no new material, come on guys….really! Then there’s “lost in space helen”, she’s still talking about her BIG move getting Jeremy out.

    I do think it’s funny how they automatically assume who will win the next HOH, and start running scared. All someone has to say is “I’m winning HOH next week and putting you on the block if you don’t do what I say…” and they will be King/Queen of the hill without doing anything. LOL

  6. As a friend of Amandas I can tell you she is as good in her career selling houses as she is in the big brother house and dispite what you think she hasn’t or will not lose her job. She is playing big brother with the skill of a surgeon and you haters are jealous. I want you to know that we love Amanda in our hometown and she is going to be welcomed back with a big parade! If you play big brother you play to win. Not to be liked by people who read forums. So, please feel free to come join our celebration in a few weeks and if you are looking for a house make sure you give Amanda a call, she will have it sold in no time at all.

    Consider yourselves lucky people, nobody ever has played bb as well as my girl.

    Btw, she has been offered many modeling roles but turned them down because she is a career woman and knows her priorities in life. So if yu want to know where the supermodel is.. Amanda IS IT!

    Keep going girl, show the masses who’s the boss

    1. “Consider yourselves lucky people, nobody ever has played bb as well as my girl.”

      And nobody has ever overrated a BB player as much as you 😉

    2. plz.

      either you are fake or delusional (though she does have the ability to brainwash folks so if you are real, she brainwashed you too).

      btw, if she really is your friend, you think that talking trash behind peoples back is only done for the game? doubt it, its engrained in her character and she has probably talked badly about you too.

      all we need to know about demanda is right here:

    3. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but the only reason your friend is still in the house is because they put her in it with a bunch of idiots just as nasty as she is. Any other season she would have been gone the second she started screwing mcnasty she would have been out. She doesn’t know big brother, she just knows it a bit better than the rest of these dipsh**ts enjoy your parade maybe she will wear some blood stained panties on the float for you all.

    4. Thanks for the Amanda Update!

      That was a very enlightening comment about Amanda doing great at her job and the best player in BB. Touche’! I despise her on a personal level. She is a bully. Amanda in her words, thought it was funny to announce in the house, lets hit the gay guy. I didn’t care for that type of bigotry. Amanda, said she felt like she was raped. That is a serious accusation. If she really felt that way I feel sorry for her and she needs to get counseling from the in house BB medical staff. However, her subsequent statements and reaction makes me highly doubt her accusation and makes it even harder for the next woman that actually feels sexually threaten. Amanda is a drama queen who when challenged or is called out for her behavior immediately plays on the sympathy of others.

      So glad Amanda is having a successful career and you feel she is playing a great game. However, Amanda as person, on a personal level. I would never even want to be in the same room with her and don’t condone her vile behavior.

    5. R-I-G-H-T!!!

      Apparently you have fallen for her Bullsh!t too…but more power to you…and trust me, there is no jealousy on or about her.

      Hopefully her ex- does produce those naked picture of her online…I’m calling BullSh!t though…I think Amanda just said that to gain some kind of sympathy….which the houseguest fell for.

      Can’t wait when she finds out how the viewers really feel about her …hopefully she’ll disappear and this will be the last we see of her.


    6. You are just as delusional as your pig friend Amanda! Buy a house from her? Id rather live in a cardboard box!! If she is so great and professional why is she on reality TV having sex with a dirty discussing Pizza Boy? Professionals don’t carry themselves that way or talk about having a yeast infection around other men! Amanda is racist, rude, vulgar, ignorant and self centered! And she was offered modeling contracts?? For who??? GQ? She looks like a man with fake tits! Her vagina smells like onions!!! She has no morals! She sits in a room full of men with her legs spread wide open!! Yeah she’s a real classy professional woman! Keep dreaming hunny! Ur friend is just discussing and nobody is responsible for how she portrayed herself on the show except for her!! If it wasnt for Andy Amanda would be sitting at home with u still being a sorry excuse for a human being! Grow up sweetie!! Have fun at the parade with your stinky friend. Hope her onion smell goes away by then!! Lmao

    7. Amanda is a Republican, they can’t root for her. They are still waiting and hoping for a Hillary type to win BB15.

      1. Exactly! And I’m glad they are voting out a Hillary type on Thursday! Helen needed to be booted from week one! I thought I would vomit when Helen stated that she gets her children to do whatever she wants by crying to them. Typical manipulator. I’d bet anything that she manipulates her husband the same way. GTFO Helen! You left wing political hack!

    8. Hahaha LOVE your post! And I think you are right about her life and job and town afterward. But beware, theres about a hundred or so whackjobs that frequent this site and bully people that don’t share their same views about her. Im worried that one or more of them will probably try to do stupid shit to her after she gets back out in the real world, the way these idiots went after Shelly Moore’s fam after Jeff and Jordan didn’t win a couple years ago.

    9. Please be sure to tell Amanada she has a lot of support and there are a lot of people who appreciate her game play and see how she has masterminded the evictions in the house. We just have better things to do with our time than spend day and night posting comments in response to people who can’t see the forest for the trees and who are just as hateful and bigotted as they are calling out Amanda and others for being. Its a game and she is playing it well. Whether you like her or not, can’t take that away from her. Were I her, I wouldn’t waste my time reading comments posted by bigots and bullies, and just enjoy her win orwhen she gets out of the BB house….or the win of one of her alliance members.

    10. It’s clear to see Amanda has sheep in and out of the BB house, and it’s easy to control weak minded people when they are spineless, how about putting her skills against a real WOMAN with class, strength, intelligence and the will. She wouldn’t last a week against any other player, but lucky for her BB filled the house with nit wits, perverts, racist, weak horny pizza boys and illiterate fools who doesn’t have a clue of how to stand up against her. If your home town is so proud of the way she conducted herself in the house and all the mean spirited comments, racial slurs etc. I would hate to think what else you are proud of. That is the type of a town I have no desire to visit. Thank goodness it’s only your small piece of land who may think Amanda is someone to be proud of. She may be able to sell a house, but can she save lives, and make her Jewish community proud? Her comments are a disgrace to the Jews. You can’t be serious. BTW I can only hope she will learn from the backlash. I wish better for young women of your generation, not all money is good money, she may win the game but she has lost much more, dignity and her self respect. If you really are her friend, please be supportive of her and stand by her cause when the game is over LIFE BEGINS and she will need someone shoulder to cry on. Yes, she will do a lot of crying, her she cried when Elissa made those slut comments, it will be worse when she hears what the public have and will say about her. She will deal with the backlash 10 times worse than what she did to others…….Karma

    11. I don’t even know Amanda like you claim to and I can even tell that she will care what the forums say. She starts to freak out and cry and yell as soon as one of the guests says something negative about her. She spazzes any time someone homes America was MVP. She won’t loose her job your right. Her proffesion is right up there with used car salesman. People buying homes from her will just have a clue going in as to what type of person they are dealing with.

    12. Modelling contract? BAHAHAHAHAHA she needs to loose at least 50 pounds and get some plastic surgery…. I don’t know if they can fix such a strong jaw line, I think Mcnasty has a better shot at female modeling then her.

    13. Why don’t you tell them that Amanda’s been an actress for the Dolce Group that is co-owned/founded by none other than BB’s —MIKE “BOOGIE” MALIN from 2007 to the present. Amanda wrote that on her LinkedIn profile. Now we know where her tactics come from and that she’s not some innovative BB player.

      However, that still doesn’t explain her lewd behavior and acts, hubris, unparalleled hypocrisy and unbelievable need to be the Queen Bee at the expense of others. All of it is permanently on the internet and unless she stays in the family business, she might have a problem in her future endeavors. Employers and others now routinely Google people. I know you love her unconditionally, I get that. It’s just that she can be condescending, insulting, offensive (way beyond minimum PC), and very hurtful. These are not + traits and seem to have never been curbed. Actually, that’s sad for her as human nature leads to harsh judgment. Someone might want to advise her of that. You cannot unwring a bell…

    1. Helz ya Im wit ya on dat. shez gotz one fin plump ass anz doze tits be all natral notz all fake lik dat dum bit*h Elisa. Jese wuz da hotest in da house hanz down

      1. Tyrone, I am not going to use big words and say you are uneducated. I am just going to say that I am glad you vote Democratic and not Republican for starters. Two I seen you post like this several times. So I can only assume that you are a white guy trying to make a point by degrading a black guy. So I know you are a liberal by your actions. Only liberals keep pretending that they are helping minorities and they are not. Please Tyrone, the black pretender, stay on the liberal side.

        1. I dontz no wut you are sayin dem meen tings fur.furst off i am black an asin my dadz met my momz durin da war. jus cuz i never wentz to colige dontz meen you are beter den me. i hadz to drop out uf skool to helpz my momz out cuz my popz wuz kilt in a drive by. jus cuz I cantz spel gud duz dat meen i cantz hav a say? I try my best, workz hard evry day. I dunt get no state welfair and takez care of my one kid ndz helpz wit my momz. i dontz vote cuz dey are all croks. juz cuz you are racest and hatez obama dontz giv you no rite to take downz to me. fuk off it be a free cuntry

          1. I apologize Tyrone from using them big words on the account you never went to college. Can we do a little math instead. How many fingers do I have on my right hand Tyrone….you can do it…yes its 5. Now if I close all my fingers on my right hand with the exception of my middle finger that’s pointed straight up, do you know what that means you t@#d….I mean Tyrone. If you don’t know what it means, ask your mom, then come back and do the white guy pretending to be a black guy post again. You seem to enjoy it and I don’t want to stop your enjoyment. You know why, because you being of limited intelligence and all. LOL!

        2. Pinocchio why don’t you take your political agenda and opinions/assumptions of the political afilations of the posters on this site and put them where someone might actually find them interesting – this blog is NOT that place! There is absolutely NO reason for politics to be discussed here so take the hint and STFU!!
          Apparently you also never found a sentence you couldn’t add a displaced period or two! Btw, YES, I AM an Obama supporting liberal so what of it?!

        1. Tankz man. at leest der is one peeple not pikin on me bout my spelin. soree to ufend da peeple dat iz bettr den evryone

  7. I think CBS is doing a 180: they’re giving Aa a great, innocent, misunderstood, not-at-all-racist edit. I think Aa’s PR is in the DR telling her to make it appear that she respects Helen, thus negating all the racial slurs she said about Helen (her slanted eyes x 3, slapping her to round out her eyes, nail salon, rice making). Watching Sunday’s episode when Aa kept saying how Helen is one the most incredible woman she’s ever known, did anyone notice that Aa was trying not to burst out laughing. I think Aa is definitely back-peddling. She knows what she said about Asians and way more offensive than Shaniqua comment.

    At least I thought so. The difference is no one’s clueing in Helen on what was said (and a lot of people were there).

    Aa talking about others being a good manipulator – Aa is the master manipulator. With everyone else you see their intention.

    BTW, Andy is so yucky!

  8. I think if Elissa wins hoh she shd put Andy and mcpussy if any of them gets off put Amanda up and its dpov put Amanda and Aaryn

      1. Man your life really must be uneventful with all the time you put into trolling the forum. Sad life chronicles^

  9. im tired of amanda she rude to people the show need somebody else to win by the way we know everthing amanda say everthing you cant edit out cause we know in she is a bad person talking about howard like that the men is gone then is gone say racist suff its wrong to hand the money to a person like that to me elssia desiver to win cause she takes up for what wright so if i was the proudiction i will let elssia win for america in you could save your show
    look how many people goes for elssia look how many people hate amanda look how many time people vote for amanda to go on the block this is america if you let elssia win the game proudiction i pomise you america will love you an your ratings will be sky high then any sation before cause i know alot of people in they dont watch cause of amanda bully telling people what to do in get her way they use to like amanda but now they say they cant look at her america hates her proudiction what you sya simon

  10. Has anyone noticed that McMinute has the traits of a pure slimeball? Just the way he carries himself is disgusting. Pizza Boy pick up your feet when you walk and try to smoke with some manly qualities instead of a gay/female combo act. See there I can talk about you behind your back, now I am a toughie just like you scumbag.

  11. Did helen really call Aryan FBITCH or that is another lie of thid 3AM alliance. Please Simon just want to let me know. Thanks.

  12. Spencer is really growing on me. He was rock solid during the have-not comp…he really showed his conductor skills, “it is Spencer, follow my voice.” Too funny! Also he doesn’t believe in killing bugs, and that impresses me. You know the theory that you can’t trust a man that treats animals badly? Well, if he won’t kill a bug he is probably a decent guy.

  13. I thought we were finally going to have an exciting week taking out a big target. Instead this herd of sheep turned what appeared to be the #2 target into basically the 5th strongest player, that is going out in 8th place. Not so interesting after all. Another unanimous vote (save Elissa’s) with zero chance of turnaround once Amanda dictated her decision to the house. I thought it may get interesting if Elissa gets HOH, but even she is targeting Spencer. I’m guessing the return player twist will flop as well. This season is a snoozefest.

  14. These chicks are so catty and insecure in particular Gina Marie, Aaryn, and Andy. Amanda too but the others seem to always default to the same type of catty b*tch conversations. Andy has a way of putting stuff out there in “joking” way when he wants to put someone’s name on the radar to bash them. I don’t believe for one second he’s a professor. Boredom in the house is one thing. But it’s like they couldn’t have enough other than thinking about themselves going on in life by the way they talk all the time. Gina Marie has issues calling anyone disgusting when she’s just vile herself. I guess she thinks it’s cute to always default to talking about Nick. But doesn’t consider how trashy and ignorant she is and maybe she’s not his type other than a possible friendship. She’s talking about Jesse but she’s the one who talked about banging Nick when she gets out probably the only thing she has to offer him other than being an immature psycho and clinger.

  15. Considering I’m batting zero when it comes to my wish for HOH – I guess the writing is on the wall that it won’t be Elissa. But, I’m hoping by putting this in writing my jinx will be lifted – Elissa as HOH would be solid entertainment!

    1. IF and that is a HUGE IF Elissa could win a rigged competition for HOH the entertainment would be the deluge of tears cried by the so called “Brenchal Army” when this spineless, gutless slug of a woman puts up for eviction the two people Queen Demada tells her to. Then I would wish that all this “Elissa Is Our Savior” shit would disappear.

      1. I don’t care which way it goes, I’m watching for the entertainment factor. Spew your hatred towards someone else.

  16. What really pains me about McCrae is that when he first came in the house, he was this fresh-faced, different kind of kid…happy go lucky, etc. When I see him now after “The Beast” has literally “sucked” the life out of him and his game, it’s sad. It happened a bit at the time and it almost shows signs of Stockholm Syndrome. I just feel bad for him now because he was so naïve and didn’t know what hit him as “The Beast” devoured him 🙁 He just looks so blah, disheveled and zombie like.

    1. Things will get better for MC in a few months, when Amanda puts him on a Miami street corner in fishnets and high heels.

    2. People behave the way you allow them to behave. McMinute allowed this to happen. Early on he was telling Amanda that the things she was saying were racist, etc but he chose to ignore it and let her do and say anything without his commenting. She got worse and worse. So he has to Man Up and take responsibility for the slug he has become.

    3. IAN you are 100% Correct! PIZZA BOY was bubbly- excited -and ready to play the game!!! Now walks around like a “whipped” pup with his tail (aka dick) bt his legs…Queenie the whore/bitch Amanda ruined McPussy’s game! She imo USED him ONLY to better her game…and for sex…btw he seems the “gullible” type …possibly ?!?
      Poor dude has chewed his nails so much ! stressed out from her – more than the game IMO!

  17. worrying about being on the block and still gonna threaten people, not too bright Mcrae. (Amanda rubbing off on you.) I hope somebody puts them up next week and nobody uses the veto on them. Amanda will go batshit. Mcrae will blame her big mouth for their demise. He will be running for his life the next week. Amanda will be so insecure of what he is doing when she is gone. WIN WIN

  18. If I see one more person say Amanda is great at his game…. She sucks at this game. Hence her need to always confront someone over comments they may have said when she her self talks so much crap about people. Amanda is still in this game due to one person only… Andy!!!! Amanda has no game. She has numbers. And since everyone is scared to go against the grain she is on top. It just annoys me to see that every week one person goes against Amanda and then they take that person out. Next week it will be someone else on the block and they will try to rally the troops against Amanda and no one will join them. And once that persons out they pick a new victim and its the same situation all over again. Instead of the odd men out trying to form their own alliances they buckle to 3 AM. None of them got a real game going.

    Moral of the story… Amanda is controlling, emotional and insecure. She puts herself in bad situations with everyone in the house and if it weren’t for the rat Andy and the kiss ass ‘I want to be accepted’ Helen, Amanda would be gone. Please stop saying she is good at this game because she isn’t. She just has protection.

    1. Sorry, Tellie… but everything you mentioned about Amanda not having any game is bs. Andy doesn’t give her the numbers that are on her side and Andy isn’t the one who makes people scared to “go against the grain.” as you put it. Amanda is the one who’s calling the shots around the house and she is playing the sh!t out of this game. Step off the jealousy train.

  19. McCrae must be enjoying being able to sleep without being attacked! Even though he is with Amanda he is going to process what Helen said against everything Amanda does. Helen planted the seed and it will grow in his mind. It may be too late for his game play but he will see her for what she is.

    I totally forgot about the wedding… Thank God it wasn’t televised!

  20. I thought this was a game. GM is so full of hate. Nick would would be a total fool to be seen anywhere with her. Jessie’s ass was the biggest threat in the house.

    1. GM and Spencer need to both use the double headed dildo together. Am snot sure which one would enjoy it most. Of course Rat Boy will be the fly on the wall.

  21. Rachelissa cries more than Helen.

    “WAAAAHHHH!!! WAAAAHHH!!! I won’t be on the show unless you pay me more and rig it for me!”

    “WAAAAHHHH!!! WAAAAHHH!!! I’m not MVP anymore, so I’m gonna throw a tantrum about production and make them cut the feeds!”

    “WAAAAHHHH!!! WAAAAHHH!!! I’m on the block, I’m quitting the show and not going to jury!”

    “WAAAAHHHH!!! WAAAAHHH!!! But I don’t wanna eat slop, I’m now suddenly allergic to it!”

    Vote me down, Brenchel drones, but your messiah is entitled, pompous, and unlikeable.

    1. Other than brenchel drones, everyone agrees with you. Elissa was a waste of space and given the most power of the season and did nothing but make herself expendable and useable. Now because she is facing going home everyone thinks she will win HOH and put up mcranda? Try GM and spencer, she will try her MVP just use me approach if she did win HOH. Watch for grease to be on everyone’s handles but Elissa on the next HOH contest.

      Never seen someone given so much in BB and done so little with it.

  22. are these people that stupid. If she used the veto on Amanda or Mcrae, then Elissa would put up Andy DUH. Then what would you do stupid. If Andy used it ther would be a chance of you going up. DUH Would you think that would be better than letting one of them to go now rather than in another week or two. Who would your final 2 be then? DUH

    1. Jessie first comment to Helen, “Is it time to vote out Amanda?” What makes it so funny, Helen keeps saying she is not going to go out like Jessie. Yep! You are right Helen, you went out way worse then Jessie. You kept intertwining your attempts to stay in the house with your control of Elissa. You were offering deals that kept you in the house, but would have evicted Elissa after she saves you. You kept making irrational arguments about a vote against you is a vote against moms. Irregardless (shouts out to Howard), Helen you still have a chance to come back in the game after eviction. I am just sorry for Elissa, with a ally like Helen, who needs enemies.

  23. ” Andy says that b***h wanted to get f**ked!”

    Looks like Professor Andy could be the next HG to get fired from his job.

    1. I have been thinking that all season. It ‘s not a good idea to be a teacher and go on this show….wasn’t sure what he was thinking….all he does tho is teach a couple days a week at a suburban community college….it’s not like this kid is likely to be very successful in life….lives in boys town in Chicago and caught up in that world…..he’s not a go getter….prob won’t have much impact

  24. Ok, I get the gist of this week. Bash Candice and Jessie, while Amanda tells us how desirable she is that even Howard wanted her. No sense in getting upset with this nonsense going on in the house. I am the one stupid enough to keep reading these vile comments by these house guests over the last few days. I am going to take a break from this nonsense and check back in after Thursday HOH comp.

  25. So Amanda, GM, Aaryn and Kaitlin ALL threw themselves at guys first chance they got and now they want to rip on Jessie for being horny?? Makes sense.

  26. After watching Helen’s performance over the last couple of days in trying to save herself from being evicted, I really do not think she would play any better coming back. She has some serious flaws in strategizing and lacks clear rational thoughts. So for that reason, I would not want her back as the returning jury member.

    Judd would be interesting choice to return. He could realign himself with Aaryn and Gina Marie. Or he could realign with McCrae, Spencer and Andy (the only drawback is with McCrae comes Amanda). But as far entertainment purposes, it would be just one big home coming party. It would be like watching a bad High School reunion, with a bunch of self-entitled and self-absorbed people.

    Jessie returning would only refocus everyone’s attention in trying to reevict her immediately. Amanda would not want her anywhere near McCrae. And we, know what Amanda (the House) wants, she gets.

    Now Candice returning would be great for television and for the pure shock of seeing GM’s face on her birthday. The drama in the house would increase exponentially. In addition, since Elissa is out on a limb and has no real true alliance, Candice would be a welcome respite. If Candice could focus on the game and not the other BS, then Elissa and her could potentially cause some damage.

  27. So Demanda had a fit cause she was worried Jessie wanted McWimpy.

    Yet she allow Howard to stroke her leg.

    McWimpy already won this competition he found the love of his life.

  28. Sickens me that one of Aaryn, Spencer, Gm, Andy, Amanda or Mc are probably going to win this game. I wish they could all lose!!!

  29. These people are pretty vile, not a decent thing out of their mouths about anyone. I get that it is a game and that emotions can and will run high at times, but this nasty garbage spewing by these people is over the top. Frankly the one i find that worst is Andy, he is a complete bitch when people’s backs are turned, saying nasty and filty things but as soon as they are in the room, he sidles up to them like a little puppy lookign for approval. Both him an MCcrae are weak, little nasty men, all big talk when no one is around to call them on their bullshit.

    Absolutely none of this is “game talk”, this is just ugly, vile garbage and I believe it shows exactly who these people are, they just have their filters turned off and are showing who they really are.

    While I may find Ellissa odd and hard to like, at the very least she has been the only one that has repeatedly refused to engage in the never ending slag fest that has been happening since day one and that is probably why she has been hiding away as much as she has been. It also would go a long way to explain why she has consistently refused to discuss anything personal with these bottom feeders, the filth that comes out of these people’s mouths is astonishing, and there is no doubt that she is keenly aware about giving them fodder for their vitriolic get togethers.

  30. If Elissa and Aaryn could put aside their stubbornness and mutual dislike for one second, they could make some big moves. Aaryn says over & over, “Elissa is coming after me. Elissa hates me”. I think Aaryn would drop the 3AM in a heartbeat if she could find a way to trust Elissa (and vice versa). I kept yelling at the screen yesterday morning MAKE HER A DEAL, ELISSA and she didn’t hear me. Obviously.

  31. I’m starting to think Helen didn’t want to believe Andy was a rat because simply she has no friends outside of the house and thought she had found one.

    1. Or she would have to admit to herself that she sucks for not being able to see Andy was playing both sides all season. Helen is refusing to admit that her biggest mistake was trusting Andy over the rest of her alliance. I can’t even feel sorry for her this week because everything that’s happening to her she did to her allies. She lied to them and made them feel safe knowing she was going to vote them out. She wasn’t even strong enough to give her allies a sympathy vote. She sided with the bad side against the good side when it was convenient for her. And she has the nerve to tell someone else not to do that when her butt is on the line. She’s such a hypocrite. I really hope it’s a unanimous vote. It has been for everyone else up to this point. I hope Elissa votes with the house just like Helen taught her.

  32. Does the runner up get a set amount of prize money and if so how much? This is really going to stink if Amanda, Andy, or Helen win it all.

    1. I believe second place gets $50k. And everyone’s eligible for America’s favorite player which is a prize of $25k.

  33. Now the two minorities are gone next minority asian Helen has to go. Remember
    That she is not white. She has to go right AG.

    1. There are only 3 minorities in the house and the  Supremacists Ayaan & Ginnamarie have had 10 eviction-nominations between themselves and they have nominated a “minority” 4 out of 10 times. 

      The one week out of their 5 HOH stints that they didn’t nominate a minority was in week 6 during the double eviction were Candice was evicted.

      So far every week that the Supremacists have had the HOH a minority has either been nominated or evicted.

  34. I don’t get it. Aaryn asks Amanda if I’m on the block and you win POV would you use it on me. No Amanda won’t because McCrae could go up. So Aaryn says that goes both ways so she wouldn’t use it either. Then Amanda confronts her about her using it on them, why wouldn’t she if one of their alliances were on the block. I get it because Aaryn couldn’t be put back up, but Andy could, so that’s not really fair to the alliance. I’m so over Amanda. She’s disgusting. So over Gina Marie too. This year sucks!!!

    1. I know, right? What about Helen last night on BBAD? She was eating something on her plate with a fork and then put the same fork into the community salsa jar TWICE!! The night before when she was cooking at the stove she sampled what she was cooking and rested the spoon on the pot handle when she was done, I’m presuming to use it again. I’m sorry, but that’s just bad manners, not to mention gross!

  35. Why does McCrea always have his fingers in his mouth, gross??? I would never order food from the pizza place he works for, yuck!

  36. Okay I have not quite seen a coup de tat being used but here is something from my imiganition

    suppose the jury members play for a chance to return and a coup de tat that expires the following Thursday and the have a choice of
    1.using it to steal the hoh.
    2.using it to revoke the hoh nominations after the nominations (this way you let whoever won hoh get some blood on their hands)
    3.using it to revoke the nominations after POV (incase POV is used and the coup holder doesn’t see them favorable) save an evicted house guest(if its them or someone in their alliance)

    I think this would give whoever returns some interesting choices and some kind of safety depending on their choice it could make or break them

    1. erleer youz wuz all boutz her cuz she wuz republikin nowz youz want her out. yuz dunt no wut yuz wantz do yuz? I gess all dem yeerz bein a republikin teechez you howz to lie outz both sidz of yur face huh?andz agin iz dunt votez cuz dey all croks but yuz tink juz cuz i be black i vote fur Obama

    1. JUDD is winner by default.

      Mcrae is worried about him.. JUDD has shown he can win competitions.

      Jessie can’t win competitions and the minute she steps in the house she is Amandas #1 target cause she will be afraid she will give her hunk of a BF – McWimpy a BJ.

      Candice will be attacked right away by Gina Marie and her trying to “keep it real will be more important than winning any competition. If you recall she claimed she quit the running on a log competition cause Spencer quit.

      Helen will be voted out right away for the simple fact everyone is tired of her lame tactics.

      1. Helen seems like a decent person but her game play is some of the worst I’ve ever seen. When she compared Aaryn to Janelle I wanted to scream. What Big Brother were YOU watching, Helen!?!

  37. Simon or Dawg,

    Is it true that Amanda’s real estate license has deemed “Inactive”. And that the only way this could transpire is that she (Amanda) would have to put in the paper work, which we know she can’t because she has been with BB for the past couple of months. Or that Prudential Realtors, for whom the license is registered with, deactivated on their own accord?

    Have either of you heard about this?

    1. Yeah ive heard about this .. my guess is that they got too much hate from all the fans that they pull her off their site. I have no idea if they could deactivate her licence.

    2. I believe in FL you have to “House” your license with a company. If you don’t have a company to House it with, it gets deactivated and you have a certain amount of time to get it Housed with another company or it’s pulled.

      1. I get the feeling that Thursday’s live eviction show has to be a rapid fire production. Because the evicted house guest (hmmm, who will that be) has to compete with the other evicted juries and then the winner will have to compete in the HOH contest; which will definitely be endurance. Thoughts?

        Anybocy still wish that the MVP twist was in effect, with America doing the voting? Now that would have been a real twist with this weeks nominations.

        Helen, Amanda and Spencer all up for eviction…..

  38. I watched big brother Canada and all the live feeds and they never spoke in this disgusting manner! Helen and Ellissa are the only ones I haven’t heard talking this way! Amanda is so evil, I can’t believe the filth that comes out of that girls mouth! She is always backbiting !

    1. I never saw it.. did they all say “Eh?”

      I used to go to Windsor, Canada when i was 19ish cause I could drink there and not in the US. Go into the clubs there the parking lot would be filled with US people. Every car had a US license plate. Go to TIim Horton’s you would find the Canadians.

      In big brother Canada was there a curling competition for HOH?

  39. When Amanda was on the block she approached Spencer and asked him if he would take her off the block if he won the POV. She asked Aaryn if she would take her off the block if she was put up. Great BB player? I think not. Dr. Will and Dan found ways to get off the block without begging. The thought of actually winning the POV has not occurred to her. She thinks everyone else in the house is there to help her win the $500.00.00. We are going to see a total meltdown when that self centered egomaniac finally gets nominated for eviction. I can hardly wait.

  40. Hoping that whoever is the returning HG or Elissa wins HOH…then I hope that DR clues them in on the 3AM alliance so that the right lowlifes get put on the block this week.

  41. Why do people want crap like Pandora’s Box, the Coup D’Etat, or an automatic HOH for the returning houseguest? I want less opportunities for production to meddle in the game, not more. These stupid-ass “twists” ruin the season more often than not.

    And it’s funny how quickly Brenchel drones switch from being outraged over the Demanda/Grodner conspiracy theory to wanting production to rig HOH to Rachelissa and tell her to put up Demanda. Apparently rigging is fine as long as it helps your HG of choice?

    BB needs new producers who will emphasize gameplay – not famewhores, showmances, or dumbass twists – and who will let the game play out organically instead of playing favorites and meddling with the outcome. It seems Grodner has forgotten why so many of us BB fans started watching the show, and from the sound of things, way too many fans have too.

  42. GM is so jealous of Candice…. IMO. why else would she say all those nasty vile racist remarks about or against her?!? CANDICE was Teen USA- NFL Cheerleader and she is a professional as an Pediatric Speech Therapist. She is a smart and beautiful young woman and has accomplished much in her life – she did this all before being on BB – not sure how many of the BB15 players can say the same?!?
    IS damn impressive IMO!

    Then we have the wannabe … GM the pageant … whatever? GM…will… NEVER excel or improve her life! She could win the $500K in the end (doubtful) She will always be a LOSER in my opinion!!

  43. Who raised these vile, racist disgusting people……..what embarrassments they are…….It amazes me how Julie Chen is upset at what Aaryn said in reference to Asians, yet she and CBS continue to let the vile, racist, deplorable behavior to continue……I guess the money is more important than having values and morals….

  44. “Ginamaire says Candice just sat and watched while Jessie played with herself. She was another f**king crazy bit*h. Gina says and then Jessie was humping the bed while Howard was giving her a massage, it was the most disgusting thing I have ever seen.”

    This hoodrat got A LOT of nerve, calling someone else crazy. Funny hoodrats are the main ones talking about someone else, when they do the same shit in their lives. I see “padded walls” in her future, when she finds out Nick don’t like her.

  45. “Amanda talks to Aaryn about using the veto on her or McCrae are up on the block. If two of our alliance members are up on the block we need to save one of them.”

    McCrae and Amanda wouldn’t save Aaryn or GM if they were up on the block, but they’re trying to get them to do it? They would not use the veto and vote out GM one of tne comp beast in the house. Aaryn, Andy and GM are carrying Amanda and McCrae. McCrae haven’t been able to win anything since week 1, which proves he’s on Amanda’s level art this point, Aaryn and GM, and Andy could cut their loses and evict one of them, to gain the upper hand.

    “Amanda complains about how McCrae isn’t as affectionate with her right now and that she gets needy when she is on slop and not sleeping in the same bed. She says that McCrae is annoying her because all he wants to do is talk game.”

    Get a hint, that means the man don’t like you anymore, he’s done with your yeast infected stinky onion puss.

    She trying to force it on him, LMFAO who didn’t see this coming weeks ago?

  46. The answer to the nude pics of Amanda on the net are true . She is also not a brunet but really a red head and I have a feeling when she gets out their maybe a lawsuit with her name on it waiting for her from her ex . Also I have a very funny feeling upon doing some digging Amanda has lied to CBS also from what I could find out she’s not 28 she’s 38 she’s also been married before and her last name was different . Also according to the photos I have found its the same person so I think CBS and BB production have both been lied to or they knew and wanted to keep the real truth a secret . Funny thing about the net you can find out a lot about someone just by googling their name theirs no way to hide your dirty little secrets .

  47. hey yeah maybe you’re right maybe so but guess what? She’s not on any other season she’s on this season!

  48. So Elissa ends up being the only one who can see these people as they truly are which is scumbags, and they’re calling her stupid… project much losers? I can’t stand this cast. I really want more than anything to see the people boo and stay DEAD SILENT when Amanda, MC (just for being associated with Amanda, she’s vile and if he can tolerate her…….) Aaryn, Spencer.. the list obviously goes on. It’s funny that I couldn’t stand Rachel so I had mixed feelings about Elissa, and she ends up being one of the only decent human beings cast this season.

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