“They’ll say I sat in the committee and did nothing for 65 days”

Head of Household Winner – Nicole
Nominations – Chirstmas and Memphis
Power of Veto holder
Power of Veto Ceremony
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9:30 am Wakeing up

9:45 am Christmas and Memphis
Christmas talking about a dream she had where they were all getting drunk off 2 dollar shots.

10:24 am Enzo and Memphis joking about the veto being at midnight. Christmas joins them tells them about her dream about getting drunk with the rest of them.
Christmas – I lost my shoe and you were Christmas it’s in your hands.. we were the life of the party..
Enzo – yeah you have some dreams in here man.

10:47 am Christmas and Enzo chit-chatting about the season while looking at the memory wall.
10:52 am
Christmas = mushrooms are so cool looking
Enzo – I like mushrooms a lot I like them on my pizza.
Christmas- food has the coolest colours man
Enzo – yeah

11:17 am Breakfast is served.. Cody is still sleeping.
Nicole – this is our first family breakfast all season

11:31 am Memphis going in in length about the night club business..
Memphis – say you do a million dollars a month.. and let’s say you make 30% profit. It was crazy money.. iut was dumb… fun times.

11:35 am Nicole talking about her dream last night “I rescued a baby puppy out of a tree”
Nicole – I really need to win this veto.
Nicole says the only way Cody is going on the block this week is if Enzo won the veto and used it.
Nicole – Cody’s my ticket to final 3. He’s the best competitor here I truly believe if he has the option to take me he will no one else will
Nicole talking about Enzo being suspicious that Nicole and Cody have a final 2.. fe4eds flip to downstairs Christmas doing dishes in silence.

When we’re back
Nicole – Cody better not throw it to Memphis. it’s not a stupid move if Memphis is taking Cody and Enzo to final 3 it makes sense.

11:42 am Christmas joins her. Chit chat about breakfast.

Christmas – I’m going to think out loud to you you can take what you want leave what you don’t
Christmas – I really want to make it to the end but I don’t want to do it in a sleaze way

They start going over Christmas and Tyler’s attempts to get Nicole out during the triple.
Christmas says she wants Nicole with her to final 2. Christmas says if she already has a fina; 2 then she won’t be mad
Nicole – I do want to sit next to you in the end. That’s just plain and simple. It’s I feel like we’ve both had this weird journey nothing has been easy for us in this game. we both have people in the jury that will be angry at us. It’s a game move and it was real early in the game when we talked.. We just had a bond. Honestly, that’s my best move in this game for sure I think.
Nicole – after that triple I felt very betrayed but I’m passed that.. I’ve matured more I’ve seen it as a game move .. I put you on the block game move. Slates clean. This wasn’t to get back at you I don’t want you leaving.
Christmas says her gameplay last season was really overshadowed and under-appreciated “I worked my a$$ off. JOsh said the whole time he was going to take me.. Josh took Paul” (Her “gameplay” season 19 .. ugh)
Christmas – Paul played a very different game than I knew could ever have been played I don’t want to play that way.
Christmas – I don’t want these three dudes to pull us along and pluck us off that will infuriate me.
Nicols says Enzo has the best social game in Big Brother history.
They go through Cody, Enzo and Memphis being hard to beat against in the final 2.
they talk about Dani. Christmas goes on about not trusting Dani since early in the season.
Nicole claims to never tell Dani anything about Christmas.

They talk about how Tyler and Dani didn’t get a along at all. Nicole points out how they were the two vegans that made food for each other but wanted their heads on a stick.

12:14 pm Christmas retells her dream last night when they all went out for tacos and got drunk “We weren’t sloppy we ere really funny… and I lost my shoe.. where’s my shoe and you were like on your hands.. your parents were there ..” feeds flip to Enzo playing with the balls throwing them into the basket. You can hear construction going on in the backyard.
When we’re back to the HOH conversation it’s more of the season 19 revisionist history from Christmas.
Nicole tells her there’s no one else better for her to take to the end other than Christmas. She’ll do whatever she can to keep her safe this week.

Nicole – people are stupid for not wanting to sit next to me I’ll just say that out loud. People in the jury will definitely question my game more than any other game because they’ll say I sat in the committee and did nothing for 65 days and that’s something they will say what did you do..
Christmas – If I’m HOH the boys are going up.

12:40 pm Christmas leaves.
Nicole – that was a good discussion

Nicole says it’s best to sit in the fina; 3 with Cody and Christmas she wonders who will cut Enzo next week.
Nicole – the only way Enzo doesn’t make it is if I Christmas wins HOH and I win Veto. Enzo is Final 3 for sure. he’s got the best shot at making the final 3. We’re all taking him to Final 3 he doesn’t need to win anything

12:50 pm Nicole studying while Memphis and COdy talk about highschool.

12:54 pm Christmas talking to the camera about working with Nicole. “If I win the veto she’s safe I will vote one of the other two guys home.. not Memphis”
Christmas – The conversation I had with Nicole sets it up that if Memphis is able to stay this week he is a great option for us to be able to work with going forward so he needs to win the veto so we can get Cody on the block and out. That is what is going to have to happen. I need her to know I am on her side and we pull in Memphis. If he wins the veto we have to cut a deal with him Obviously I’m his final 2 he’s my final 2 he’s been crazy loyal to me and I’ve been crazy loyal to him he did tell me if I had that shot with Nicole to take it. I didn’t go against him in that sense.

1:00 pm Memphis comes in they chat abotu the veto
“I’m ready to rumble… ”
Christmas – listen you have to get yourself off the block
Memphis – you have to get yourself off the block
Christmas – DO IT.. butt head..

1:11pm we got pound puppies.

2:47pm Still blocked.
3:50pm puppies..
4:27pm Still nothing
4:55pm Nothing

24 thoughts to ““They’ll say I sat in the committee and did nothing for 65 days””

  1. There’s a pathway for things to get interesting if Memphis wins. Christmas thinks she has a chance split up the pregame alliance. Enzo will be the one going up.

    Probably Memphis or Christmas will get evicted this week.

    1. If Xmas can win the veto that will cause nasal to have to cast the deciding vote to out Memphis and cost her his vote if she makes the final.

    1. 12:50 pm Nicole studying while Memphis and COdy talk about highschool.

      This and the fact that she is the least likely to win a comp keep her from being a big target. Everyone would want to take her to the end since she hasn’t done anything all season and she is a previous winner.

  2. Oh my god… feeds with this crew is boring and annoying… I don’t know how he producers can edit 5 seconds of content let alone 5 minutes for the show. I have never wanted feeds in the jury house more… but apparently one of the perks of the jury house is the are not on live feeds anymore… they can interact like normal people trapped in a house.

  3. I don’t think any of them made a big move because it was all done by committee. Even if Cody and Memphis won comps they did not make a big move. Christmas won a HoH as a fluke and she screwed herself because her HoH was done by committee. Enzo did his HoH by committee because he was to scared to nominate and get out Dani.

    There have been no huge game moves this Season. Nohouse flipping moments, and nothing game changing. Christmas is going to jury because she is not as popular as Enzo and she is a weak player. She would have gone home no matter who is HoH (as long as the HoH wasn’t Christmas. If it was Christmas it would have been Nicole because she is weaker than the others and not as popular as Enzo.

    NO BIG MOVES and all done by committee.

  4. Nicole has to know that unless she gets Cody out,she will end up second.Wake up ! 50k or another 500k,what will it be?

  5. I like the picture of Christmas stretching and Memphis taking a hard look at her chest. She does have a great body, I’d leer at her too.

  6. If Nicole really wanted to show she deserved the win in 18, then getting Cody out would be her big move. Unfortunately, that won’t happen. And Cody would be the most bitter juror ever. He would pout in his skinny jeans that that is not what Derrick said to do.

  7. Many of us who have watched this show since the beginning have expressed how disappointed we are in this All Stars season. (Lack of All Star players, pre-game plotting, etc.) It makes me wonder how new viewers feel about the season. If I didn’t already like/dislike certain players based on earlier seasons, would I feel differently about them if I’d never watched them play before? I’m not certain, but I’m pretty sure I still wouldn’t want Nicole or Cody to win.

  8. If Nicole was a guy, fans would call her the puppet master. People just dont appreciate girl’s game unless they win comps.

    1. She hasn’t done anything to be a puppet master, if so she could have flip the vote and kept Ian. Whining is not a puppet master!

    2. That’s not true . I would be the first to root for her or any women..but.. She didn’t had good game relationships with tyler, memphis and Christmas.
      Beside behind in the same alliance they didn’t really talked one on one , especially with ty amd Memphis. And obsiouly the trust wasn’t really there. She didn’t influence anything.. any eviction. Or noms.. up until this week that she has to. .. she was even willing to vote out Christmas against tyler.
      Her worst moment is thinking Christmas is more loyal to her than Dani. She is good at lying. She is a good surviving socially. She sometimes understand this game . But she didn’t do to much /any game moves this year.

  9. The ladies talk and in truth both recognize they are each others best F2 options in terms of winning. And, both are open to that option.

    The problem – Nic’s third is Cody & Xmas’ third is Memphis with both wanting to have their shield as in F3 so they land in F2 regardless.

    Since neither will concede on their primary male shield BUT will one of them be savvy enough to suggest bringing Enzo (since they both think they have ties & will inevitably believe they are his F2 vs. the other) with each cutting their favorite option for F3?

    That would require back-to-back weeks of Memphis/Cody leaving and although it wouldn’t matter who left first if Nic or Christmas wins POV the option of taking out Cody this week exists & should be taken. Xmas would need to play up how much Nic’s resume would blossom if he left on her HOH & better still by her hand.

    Doubtful Nic would take Xmas off the block if she won however, so she’d push for Memphis’ oust this week. Xmas should try to get an agreement prior that if she wins POV Cody will go up & they vote him out b/c he’ll be harder to take out the deeper they get in the game.

    Expecting NONE of this to occur since we can’t have nice things this season (insert’s annoyed shrug).

  10. Oh. BBcomics. An individual time comp veto. shocking.
    Admittedly, When they described last week’s hoh on feeds as being like the stripping veto from season 21, I made the assumption that meant individual time. My error there, and I own it.
    But the percentage of individual time comps lately is ridiculous. The Maze comp was the first individual time veto comp this season, wasn’t it? So week 7 is the first ind timer? So Memphis’ second HOH week in week 7 shows the first ind. time comp. The golf/croquet hoh before the triple with otev means 50% of the week was individual time. after the triple the stripping hoh with the ind. time comp juror photo veto, another 50% individual time week. Followed by the teetertotter ball comp with bbcomics. A fourth week in a row of 50% individual time. That’s one way to ensure the events follow storyline, I guess.

    Because many of us watched BBOTT, we are aware that it isn’t that difficult to show individual time comps on feeds so that we can be sure there is no production oddity… or at least see where the oddity arises (that mirror veto comp in ott and complaints by a hg comes to mind). We know, for the most part, how long the comps take to reset between runs because of that mini season experience. For the most part, unless there are technical difficulties, the hours of feed blockage between runs doesn’t make sense (although there was that 9 hours they kept Chrissie in the storage room because of tech difficulties in the comp causing massive delays). Especially if each person only takes 10 minutes or less to perform the comp. Add that to Kat’s complaint after the aforementioned stripping veto in season 21 (that she had the actual lowest time but didn’t get the veto), and it becomes pretty obvious why I find ind. time comps sketchy.
    They had how many individual run comps this season? A veto past the midpoint in the game starts the trend. An HOH? pretty much unheard of. Followed by two more ind. timer vetoes in the next two weeks? Denmark level fishy.

    Not buying it. Second week of jury and they START having individual time comps half of the time every week.

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