“We’ll get rid of Day and we’ll move on.. if it’s a double. The 2 remaining people go up”

Head of Household Winner – Memphis
Have nots – Cody, Christmas
Nominations – Kevin & DaVonne
Power of Veto Players are – Kevin, Tyler, Dani, Da’Vonne, Memphis, Nicole
POV Host: – Cody
Power of Veto holder – Tyler
Power of Veto Ceremony
Powers – Christmas, Dani, David
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9:43 am – 10:50 am Kevin
Kevin with his awesome reads of the house says Memphis isn’t cool with Tyler using the veto.
Kevin – Umm.. he’s going to get blood on his hands.
Kevin says he’ll go to Memphis and tell him he’s going to try and get Tyler to use the veto on him so Memphis can put up David
Kevin thinks Da’Vonnes best to stay is if the veto is used on him and David goes up as the replacement. He doesn’t think there’s a chance Tyler will use the veto on Da’Vonne.

11:13 am David joins him.
Kevin – if you took an opportunity to flip a vote and maneuver yourself in this game to position yourself. I Ain’t mad at that.
Kevin – As much as I say I’m going to be salty the reality is. I wouldn’t even be mad if Nicole ..
David – I wouldn’t be surprised if Nicole did. based on the conversation I have with Da’vonne I definitely don’t think it’s her
David – I would have been mad if this was a strategic move you made. To either split me and Da’Vonne to bring her closer to you..
Kevin – Awwww

David – after I played backgammon with Nicole once and she gave me .. As I was winning she gave me a tip the tip that she gave me almost made me lose. At that point I was like .. I took a receipt on that.. you gave me advice that almost let me lose the game as I was beating you down.

David – Brings me back to her telling that’s my best friend, that’s my best friend, that’s my best friend she voted him out she had to
Kevin – Ian said he knew he was getting hustled by her. But he backtracked on that he did a 180.. I was like what they what happened Ian..
Kevin – He told me Nicole is using me then he was like ohh never mind I made all that up.. Sorry.. I was like Ohh okay
David – I knew from the moment when Nicole projected.. When Cody was mad one night she seemed very very flustered by it.
David – she said ‘Cody made me cry last night’ what does that have to do about anything?
David – She was like.. umm .. everyone ones Ian ..
Feeds flip (shady) When we’re back. They’re talking about why Da’Vonne is believing Nicole and Not him.
Kevin – I told her I don’t get it when I talk to David he’s got a totally different perspective..
Kevin says Da’vonne is saying that week 2 David came to her and told her he was involved in a guys alliance.
Feeds cut..

12:01 pm Memphis and Christmas
M – this stays between me and you
Christmas – yes sir
M – the whole Nicole, Dani,. Da’Vonne something something. Last night I gave Da’Vonne a little nibble and sure enough it came right back.
Christmas – what was the nibble.
M – I was just talking … you know this game’s crazy.. I feel like everyone knows my plan at this point.. dadda dadda dadda
Memphis says he’s trying to protect his relationship with Da’Vonne.
M – This house is getting crazy Nicole and Tyler there’s something going on.. that’s all I really said..
Christmas – what was her reaction
M – nothing. as far as she knows I’m not working with anyone.
M – F***ing 2 hours later Nicole comes up she’s like I heard my name out of someones mouth as a target
Christmas – WHAAAT… 2 hours..
M – It took me a minute I was like there’s not way she’s referring to Da’VOnne.. there’s no way.. that’s why I gave it to Da’VOnnne I Wanted to see who brought it back.
Memphis brings up the pecking order for the committee how they have to have a plan.
Memphis says he’s not targeting Nicole there’s 4 people left in this house that have to go. Told Nicole why the F*** would he be targeting a member of the committee goes on about being the most loyal person in the committee to do what the HOH wanted.
Memphis says either Da’Vonne is trying to work with Nicole or Dani or she’s trying to get their votes by giving them information.

M – Dani is just screwing herself
Christmas – what is her bigger plan?
Christmas says Dani put Tyler up before
M – well lets not look backwards..
Christmas says the girls haven’t been playing to full capacity since the last 2 vetos.
Christmas – Dani’s attitude after that veto was bizarre.

Memphis – We’ll get rid of Day and we’ll move on. We’ll continue to push Committee, Committee , Committee Committee.
Memphis – this is my pitch to everyone.. If we can get everyone into a room maybe tonight.. We’re all on the same page if it’s a double. The 2 remaining people go up, David and Kevin
Christmas – no pawns
Memphis – if someone has to take a pawn seat if someone wins the veto I mean.. I don’t want to use.. Enzo is the best pawn
Christmas – I know
Memphis – you don’t want to put a wiseguy up .. It will make him question what else you have with everyone else.
Memphis says if a committee member doesn’t put Kevin and David up they have serious problems.
Christmas – and you are next you’re f***Ing next

They talk about the meeting tonight where they will shift the target to Da’VOnne instead of Backdooring David.
Memphis – Dani will be like this (makes a face)
Memphis – out of the committee think about it. You Tyler, Cody, three votes against Nicole, Dani.
M – Nicole told me straight up up here I’ll do whatever it is you want me to do as far as voting.
C – I believe her
M – she has no problems sending Da’Vonne home.. tha’ts what she said

12:30 pm Enzo and Da’Vonne
Da’Vonne – YO, if you hear something will you let me know
Enzo – I’ll let you know.. Right now I don’t think he’s using the veto

1:20 pm Memphis and Christmas

1:36 pm Cody and Coins
Cody – how was your talk last night?
Nicole – it went good. he told me he’s mad at Dani and Tyler because they are both.. Dani claimed that she threw it.. He was like Come on
Cody says from his talk with Memphis he’s not mad at her.
Nicole – be honest .. when I talk is it annoying?
Cody – not in the slightest.. look how you are talking when you get in there they ask you a question and you are immediately .. your voice goes louder.. I was so loud in the DR .. part of the reason it was ..
Feeds cut.

2:27 pm Da’Vonne made lunch for everyone.

2:38 pm Christmas and Tyler
Christmas – I have a little idea that will benefit us long term.
Christmas – so, Ian thinks Nicole voted for him to stay. He’s in jury. He went against you.. right.
Christmas – Ian knows I didn’t vote for him to stay so he’s like super good with Nicole still. Well Da’Vonne is not sure she has some doubts with David about where he voted.
Christmas – What if we let Da’Vonne know right before she goes that Nicole was the flip vote
Tyler – tell her in the goodbye messages..
Christmas says if the both of them do it it’ll add validity. Asks if he would be down.
Tyler – hell yeah

2:55 pm Christmas and Dani
Christmas going on about Kevin going this week and David next week.
Dani – if you had your choice this week who would you pick
Christmas – either one doesn’t really matter
Christmas – backdooring David would cause a lot more waves.
Dani says Kevin and DAvid are closer than she thought, “it’s interesting I would have never thought after all that”

3pm – 3:27pm All the house guests are lazing around the backyard chatting about random things.

75 thoughts to ““We’ll get rid of Day and we’ll move on.. if it’s a double. The 2 remaining people go up””

  1. “David is talking about why Da’Vonne is believing Nicole and not him…”
    Ummm, maybe it’s because you’re shady as fuck with your falling down the rabbit hole nonsensical answers?
    Remember when Enzo cast those wonky votes a few weeks back and Cody asked David in front of everyone if David was the one who did it?

    We knew it WASN’T David, but instead of simply telling Cody “it wasn’t me”, for some strange reason David started answering Cody’s questions by asking him another question (ie; not giving Cody an answer at all).
    It was SO shady and bizarre and it made him look suspect AF.

    1. Dayvonnes just an idiot who thinks she’s smarter than she is… easily manipulated and holds grudges which ruins her game

      1. It’s ridiculous that Dayvonne is so pissed at David. If you get another chance to play BB, maybe don’t choose who you align with based solely on skin color.

    2. tbh Davids been the most honest with Day and Bay… he alligns himself with Day and Bay and Now Day is sitting on the block and not believing the one person who she should… David.. Kevin sucks at the Game and David is literally the only person that cant win anything but a secret power but… atleast thats her alliance

  2. Hahahahaha @ the opener Kevin pic again! (Your screen grabs are epic Simon. Dawg’s too!)

    Bored OBB Fam? Let’s play a little “Caption This”

    Kevin: Oh no, I just sharted my shorts. Again!

    1. I find Kevin’s facial expressions & hand gestures more entertaining than just about anything Cody, Dani, Nicole or Memphis have to say. Kevin isn’t a good player but I kind of enjoy his morning talks to his husband and his diary room sessions. I just wish I could hear what he has to say once the show is over and he’s had time to look back at what was really going on!

    1. That must be why she’s crying .. “Whaaa I don’t have a boy to shield me & play grab a## with this season.” ” Whaaa, Janelle thinks I’m a weak player & Olay doesn’t want me anymore. “

  3. I’m so disgusted w Tyler and his intentional targeting of Bay and Day! First he planted the seeds of disdain, which he was constantly watering with microagressions and falsehoods that has grown into a Poison Tree. He’s wrecked their games, played with BLM Movement and now will single-handedly be responsible for Da’Vonne’s eviction! He has made promises, broken promises and set her up. Yep, this is Big Brother but somehow it feels PERSONAL. By using VETO on Day he would have done what the HOH wanted and squashed their beef inside AND OUTSIDE of the house. He will definitely deserve the backlash that he will undoubtedly receive.

    A Poison Tree by William Blake

    I was angry with my friend; 
    I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
    I was angry with my foe: 
    I told it not, my wrath did grow. 

    And I waterd it in fears,
    Night & morning with my tears: 
    And I sunned it with smiles,
    And with soft deceitful wiles. 

    And it grew both day and night. 
    Till it bore an apple bright. 
    And my foe beheld it shine,
    And he knew that it was mine. 

    And into my garden stole, 
    When the night had veild the pole; 
    In the morning glad I see; 
    My foe outstretched beneath the tree.

    1. FFS… The veto hasn’t even been played, or NOT played, yet. You’re villainizing him for just WINNING it.

      You’re obviously NOT watching the feeds or you’d realize just how enormous your blinders truly are towards him. This game, the blogs and Twatter are not a fair assessment of someone’s core values and integrity, nor is your attempted assassination of his.

      NO ONE deserves special, or awful, treatment because of the color of their skin. Character and integrity matter. That said?

      This is NOT a game of integrity, character and values. That would be Hallmark Channel.

      1. FFS what show/feeds have you been watching? You seem to be the one wearing blinders or is it rose colored glasses! How can I assassinate the character of a villain? Are you daft or just silly? Come on, Tyler HAS admittedly, targeted Day n Bay since the very beginning. Maybe you don’t understand what he was doing because you do it everyday huh? BTW I didn’t invent the BB Backlash as it’s been going on for 22 seasons. Who deserves backlash you wonder? Whoever TF did stupid, unnecessary or spiteful moves, that’s who! If you’re a VILLAIN enjoy yourself during the game because fans will eventually have a say good and bad.

        Finally, Brainiac, i’m here, at this site, because I only watch the regular show and only get my ‘info’ from the highly edited show! SMH Tyler STANS want to re-write history, while it’s being made! Pfft

        1. I don’t participate in “backlash” behaviors or spread misinformation. There is only one winner of this game… they are ALL targeting, and/or using, each other in one way or another to win the game.

          Be well. Take care. I’m not here to insult anyone. May you find peace in your heart.

        2. What Tyler “admitted” to doing, was to try to get Bay and Day to go after Dani, by telling them the truth, which was Dani was trying to get Christmas to put the both of them on the block! Day then decides to “fact check” this information by going directly to Dani and ASKING her if it was true, which she of course denied (who wouldn’t?), and then redoubled her efforts to get them both put on the block!

          That’s when Tyler had his moment of feeling guilty about things, which he shouldn’t have, but he did. So he offered to end his game so that those two could continue on in there quest to become the first POC to win “regular” Big Brother (Tamar Braxton having already won Celebrity Big Brother in 2019). Your insinuation he somehow used the BLM movement, simply because he acknowledged it in making the offer to them to give up his game, may be your opinion, but it is far from a proven fact, and I don’t think he would ever do something like that because of the backlash he would receive from doing it. The bottom line is Christmas decided it wasn’t in HER best interest to use the veto and put Tyler up, so she refused to take him up on the offer, and that was the end of it. That’s NOT Tyler’s fault!

          DaVonne has no one but herself to blame for the position she is in. She was offered alliances early on, but chose to “vote with the house” against her own best interests. She constantly believes people who are lying to her (Dani/Nicole) over people who are telling her the truth (Tyler/David). She makes bad choices in the game, and the only really good choice she has made so far this season was to take Kevin off the block, but even that one is being used against her by the other side, because her position is so weak due to them voting out so many of her possible allies. She is likely going to jury this week, and I hope Tyler and Christmas let her know in their GB messages just how bad Nicole and Dani have screwed her over.

          1. THANK YOU, BEEF! *BIGGIE granny smooches* I am beyond tired of explaining this and you did it so well. (May wanna keep a copy to save time on this false narritive that’s awful, wrong, won’t stop coming up and just won’t get the clarity it deserves by CBS)

    1. Tyler, Enzo, Memphis, and even Sh!tmas (sorry simon, but that is how much I can’t stand nicole/cody/dani/day/kevin/david)

    2. Decades ago there was, some may remember, a TV series called Dallas. At the end of a dismal season that upset every fan and killed off many viewers, the next season started out that with one main character waking up and realizing that the season “it was all a dream”.
      My vote is that we all wake up and find that this season so called “ALL STARS” and find out it was all a nightmarish dream.

  4. *David joins Kevin
    {hmm…skip that}
    *Tyler + Xmas talking
    {skip that too}

    LOL we’re really out of options

  5. WARNING: If you prefer to avoid long posts – skip this

    In a house full of snakes, rats, liars, worse than D-list actors & terrible script writers this season of BB All-Star has been trying at the best of times. For fans who grew up spending summers watching Dr. Will, Dan, Janie, Danielle Reyes et el this new school format in particular has ruined the original premise of why we fell in love with Big Brother.

    In truth we probably should be focusing more of our angst toward the true culprits: ( Allison Grodner & CBS) instead of getting so mad at the cast. After all, the participants are simply doing as their contract dictates. It’s not like anyone other than the occasional hamster (Chima) has ever really tried to call out production for their interference b/c the money they make in a few months surpasses a typical salary.

    Despite knowing this season was already decided prior to cameras rolling, old habits die hard so I carry on dissecting strategies pretending there’s some semblance of a game being played. At least DE will occur & as much as they’ll try, TPTB won’t be able to control those live events – – – clown shoe anyone?

    With that in mind IMHO here’s where the house resides reaching jury stage with particular focus on shifts during Dani’s HOH, Memphis ongoing HOH and how or why players positions changed based on actions.

    To avoid replicating efforts for those interested the link below outlines where each player stood pre-jury with specific details on:

    • alliances
    • main allies
    • their primary target(s)
    • who they were key targeted of
    • strengths/weaknesses
    • position in house


    Note: TPTB = The Powers That Be (or Production – Grodner)

    Recent move/actions: Correctly figured out/planned to target the power triangle of Cody – Dani/Nic (D/N) then suddenly we’re supposed to believe he wants to be in an alliance with D/N plus Day? Even with Kevin’s crazy bi-polar game play I call BULLSH*T
    Position shift: Prior to Day using POV on Kev he was the main target of the underdog trio but he’s moved up one notch with Day’s closeness to D/N.

    Recent move/actions: Never felt Day wanted to play with David – her unwavering belief Nic voted out Ty (over David) proved that. Last season David took grief for not working with Kemi & Day knows he didn’t want to get nailed again for not working with POC. Meanwhile Nic orchestrated Day’s target/eviction in BB18 & remains the shadiest snake in BB22. Day’s so far out of the loop she’s trying to guilt Ty into taking her off the block & making so many false claims it’s laughable (he KNOWS she voted him out).
    Moral of the story: Day should reflect on BB18 & remember ‘screw me once shame on you, screw me twice SHAME ON ME!’
    Position shift: the reason she moved up the target list is b/c 1) Dani/Nic try too hard to protect her & 2) b/c she calls people out & fact checks. She’s a goner unless TPTB intervene. Day is dyslexic at processing information — ie: target friends, work with enemies. Eventually, the truth will emerge — & that will lead to fireworks.
    Side bar: I suspect Ty’s GB message will follow same pattern as Ian’s with him exposing the Committee AND telling her Nic was the one who voted out Ian (as I edit I see Xmas/Ty discussing doing that very thing) AND I think he’ll reinforce he DID tell her truths about Dani & DID try to leave for her/Bay. If Ty manages to get to F2 I think Day might forego her usual preference for either POC or female winners.

    Recent move/actions: His ruse at keeping his power secret backfired even though he told Kevin/Day. The biggest problem for David is when he tries to play the game & not say too much it comes off as disingenuous. Still, Kev/Days disbelief in him makes ZERO sense b/c he DID tell them and ONLY them. David may be naive and not suited for All-Stars but he’s simply trying to work with Day & push her agenda of having a POC win the game.
    Position shift: Memphis has said if he stays quiet he’ll stay off the block — but who buys he’s not the re-nom? (confirmed) The longer he stays in the house the better his chance at being Victoria’d to F4 or F3 is.

    Recent move/actions: By spending more time with Memphis to take the spotlight off her/Ty she ended up in the Wise Guys. Most of the girls want her out (threatened by her physical ability)
    Position shift: Has she traded in Ty for Memphis? Or is this all a ruse? The longer she remains in the house the more attractive she is as a F2 since many won’t vote for her.

    Recent move/actions: Best defined in my prior post about his Dan’s strategy but his HOH actions prove it was DAN who gave him that strategy b/c he’s got zero sense of the power structure. Started his HOH with secrecy & demands but has shifted to talking far too much (trashing too many people) to others. AND he’s not good at remembering who he tells things to — example: he ONLY told Cody that Nic was on bottom of Committee totem pole so when Nic tells Memphis he blames Ty (??)
    Position shift: Memphis is one of the best at laying back when not in power, but he’s one of the worst HOHs – becomes a condescending dictator. He entered the week positioned well with 3 easy targets and might end up one of the biggest targets at week’s end since he’s pissed off Cody, Ty & the ladies.

    Recent move/actions: Operation troubleshoot is underway following Ian’s eviction complete with fake tears/vote she’s moved onto playing victim. Goal: to fix her external influencer media role. Enzo asked why Nic was lying on the floor in the center of the room & she told him b/c people bother her if she is in bed. Enzo said- so why not lay in a corner then? (LMAO)
    I suspect Nic KNOWS it’s only a matter of time until she’s exposed to Day & firework show begins. Considering how Day dealt with Tyler imagine how she’ll process this truth! Comparatively this is like an 11 on a scale of 1 to 10. In preparation for Day’s eviction Nic is already upped her efforts to work with Kev & pull him to her as an ally (ssssssssssssscole)
    Position shift: Should Nic reach F2 I envision Day approaching the voting box & delivering a statement on par with the first Survivor season when Sue torched Kelly.

    Recent move/actions: Messy, messy, messy – she’s trying sooooooo hard to micromanage & push her own agenda. Memphis is mad she gunned for POV & now she wants Ty to remove Day from block. All her seed planting is starting to sprout as she’s getting exposed. Nic is burying her b/c she’s still mad Ian left, Ty doesn’t trust her & Commity +Enzo all see what she’s doing. If the trio (Day/Kev/David) was a duo it would be smart to backdoor Dani but sadly that’s unlikely to happen YET.
    Position shift: Prior to her HOH she was sitting pretty but her rouge HOH & inability to fade into the background post HOH moved her up the target ladder. Cody/Nic WON’T nominate her but they WILL vote her out. She’ll be targeted by both Ty & Enzo this coming week as a backdoor if it’s DE.

    Recent move/actions: Can’t blame him for gunning for POV esp when he might’ve been a potential renom (esp since Memphis wouldn’t tell him the plan ahead of time).
    Position shift: High on many ppl’s target list but he’s done a great job this week of making sure to keep his allies in the loop. Just the fact Memphis had to be convinced to take out Day instead of David might show Cody keeping Ty instead of Memphis would be better for him. Ty played along to protect Nic/Dani from Day/Kev re the David vote. I keep wondering how much Xmas is telling Ty b/c if she’s keeping him in the loop he’ll know he’s at the bottom of the Committee.

    With so many unlikable pre-gamed allies Ty has become the easiest to pull for — his IDEAL scenario would be for Xmas & himself to win back-to-back HOH’s starting with the DE in order to get out Dani & either Cody or Memphis.

    Recent move/actions: Part of 2 Wise Guys F3s. Q: has he told Cody about 2nd WG F3?
    Position shift: Remains safest hamster in house BUT is getting on some people’s nerves & I’ll reiterate – at some point a down load has to occur when all his double, triple, quadruple (oh you get it) gets exposed. As per above IF he tells Cody about 2nd WGA that will move Memphis up the boot list for Cody.

    Recent move/actions: Cody had to babysit Dani all week to keep Enzo off the block while pushing for Ian’s nomination. He’s annoyed by Enzo’s constant complaints considering how safe he is. When Enzo suggested taking out Ty instead of Ian — Cody had to spoon-feed him strategy on why it was terrible to lose Ty at that point in the game vs. Ian. Told Nic about Wise Guy Part 1 alliance which was likely done to focus her on taking out Enzo/Memphis. In past week he’s witnessed Dani/Memphis/Nic all trying to push their own agendas, That may pull him closer to Ty who is wisely keeping Cody in the loop about EVERYTHING. Of note: Cody was so mad about Dani/Nic trying to keep Day he even told Ty “we’ll just tell Day it WAS Nic who voted out Ian”. With Nic backing off keeping Day it prob won’t happen (BUT Ty/Xmas will spill tea via GB message & Ian will confirm in jury).
    Position shift: Although he’s the biggest target he’s also got FIVE F2 allies in the house with none really willing to lose him at this point. The only person he might not be safe sitting beside is Enzo. He’s working David lately which might equate to him making David his Victoria.

    Closing Thought: Although everything is prearranged for the F3 love triangle – – Dani going rouge, Nic sitting center floor making victim noises, Memphis pushing his agenda & Enzo being too safe might end up annoying Cody enough that he’ll shift the pecking order. If I had my druthers at this point my hope would be Cody electing to shift F4 to keep Ty/David/Enzo with him instead of the other less desirable hamsters.

    Probably won’t happen – but a lady with desires for a return to the OG BB can hope.

    1. Two clown shoes for all us OG’s please. And, I love your astute verbosity. Excellent read/break-down of what’s really going on in the hamster cage again.

    2. Really good assessment. I agree with almost all of it. Still a bit unsure what Nicole’s game is. She attached herself to Dani pretty hard and seems very aware that was a mistake, though I can’t figure out what her course correction is. Day and Kevin are pretty much already gone. Memphis and Dani are self-sabotaging. Cody is in a good spot but needs to figure out how he navigates which of his final 2s to go with. Enzo, Xmas, and David all are vying for the honor of getting dragged to the end and losing (a spot Memphis could also course correct himself into), but there can be only one. Tyler’s probably the most interesting to watch. He has options but can he overpower the hold Cody has on most of the house? Tyler’s a good enough player I think he could actually do it, but it’s a very difficult path to take and not one I would be surprised to see any player, even other greats, fail to accomplish

    3. Thanks for this! I agree for the most part.
      I agree how David’s game comes off however despite the “who won the power” lie, as you pointed out he was honest with TWO people. Why did he “owe” honesty to anyone else?

      The issue there being those two (Kev n Day) are always busy so called “fact checking” have inadvertently changed the game by telling the other side the “deal”. This allowed multiple lies to surface by varying alliances none of which matter seemingly. It’s ok for everyone else to lie and “seem” genuine but not ok to play your cards close and “seem” disingenuous (David)

      David was also the first (and only) person to be honest with Ian about his own group targeting him.

      Ian while talking to Kevin told Kevin he felt he was being targeted and when Kevin brings the information up Ian flips the script.

      See what happens when you are actually honest versus seemingly honest?

      This as your beginning point ties all back to production. Where honesty is picked apart and group clique voting blocks that lie get all the glory and its called BB all star game play.

      I appreciate all of your breakdowns!

  6. I think Ms. Chen should honestly restructure the whole Big Brother game. Minority players are coming up short and it is not representative of a just and fair society. The minorities are always coming up short and behind the eight ball. The game should not be won by people who has the same common interest and goals. Let us move past the racist facade and allow everyone an opportunity to win . The privilege should not always be the victor of Big Brother. It’s time to make a change.

    1. Survivor Cook Islands where 75% of the cast was poc, I think did a lot to course correct survivor, I’d think bb could benefit from a similar season

    2. Oh for sure Dan the Man. Such a brilliant idea, however you seem very, very confused and breathtakingly contradict yourself within 2 sentences. Is this Bay? C’mon, come clean….You bored at the jury house? Has the Sawgster snuck in yet?

      Because I am soooo excited about your musings, I have shared this before here at OBB, but I’m gonna reiterate it for you Bay, let’s just have a POC BB, why not right, its 2020 like that unhinged black lady was telling the white stewardess the other day. It’s only Black Lives Matter dontchaknow, so why not give 13% of the population (how much of that is productive, well maybe 25%), their own special BB show. It’s interesting how segregation was so frowned upon 60 yrs ago, but this is really where we are headed with the radical left like Big Dan(Bay) leading the way. Anyone else with a relative functioning prefrontal cortex agree with me? Bay/ Dan you needn’t reply to this question.

      Bay, like totally an aside, can you ask DayDay where can I get me one of those “African continent” necklaces? As I’m a 5 gen of the despicable “European” descent, I would love to have one with the continent of “Europe”, even though there are dozens of countries in “Europe” and I was born within only 1 country, but nevermind, I need the entire “European” continent hanging around my neck……Thanks Bay….

  7. Once Day is out, I am out too. I want an underdog to root for and there won’t be any after she leave. I hate what Tyler did to Bay and now to Day. But truly, who is left worth rooting for in this gosh awful group.

  8. I like the idea of Christmas and Tyler both telling Day that Nicole was the flip vote which evicted Ian during their goodbye messages. Probably one of the smarter moves of the game IMO. Day won’t believe it but its a good move. Just proves that Christmas may be a total bitch but she isn’t totally stupid.

    1. But the minute Day gets to jury (likely this week) Ian will tell her anyway b/c he saw Nic’s GBM which confirmed it.

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