Head of Household Winner – Christmas
Have nots – No havenots this week
Nominations – Bay & DaVonne
Power of Veto Players are – Christmas, Bayleigh, Da’Vonne, Nicole, Ian and Dani.
POV Host: – David
Power of Veto holder – Christmas
Power of Veto Ceremony – Veto not used.
Powers – Christmas, Dani, David
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Rank the houseguests —-> Big Brother 22 Ranking
8:50 am Da’Vonne and Christmas
Christmas – I’m upholding my promise to you. I don’t want you to think that Changes. So if you still want to be here you have the votes.
Day – okay thank you for that there’s a lot of game left to play. Thank you for keeping your work
Christmas – yes maam.
Christmas apologies for not “Shutting down” their conversation earlier
Christmas – I allowed myself to elevate. I’m sorry that I raised my voice at you and that’s it.. I wanted to apologize and own it
Da’Vonne – I apologize that I raised my voice to .. and Alcohol was involved a little bit there..
They leave.. no hug.
9:16 am Christmas and Dani
Christmas talking about Da’Vonne “Personally I would like to see her get to top 8 or top7” (how nice)
Christmas – if one of our guys gets shot out I would like her to not be in the committee but be top 6
Christmas – if it’s a bad game move we can change that
Dani – lets play it by ear.
Dani says they can’t keep taking out girls.
Christmas says she didn’t want to put two girls up “you were going to go home this week.. and Tyler and Cody”
10:46 am Bathroom Da’Vonne and Bayleigh
They talk about missing the first HOH.
Da’Vonne – that’s where all the power is the first one.
Da’Vonne – or don’t win the first HOH but stay in the first HOH room because that is where the alliance will form.
Da’Vonne – I ain’t got anybody’s number so I couldn’t make no phone call..
Bay – I know that was happening because when Derrick called us he was just like ‘Yeah I’m not going you know but somebody I’m close with might go so I’m just trying to check around’
Feeds flip.. (more proof Derrick pregamed the sh1t of this season)
12:07 pm Enzo and Bayleigh
Bay says she’s done her vote counting “at this point I know Da’Vonne has four votes and the 5th one.. DAvid wants me go beg Tyler for the 5th vote and I can’t do it”
Bay – Tyler has set me up so much in this game he’ll tell to my face he’ll vote to keep me and he’ll vote me out.
Bay – the four votes Da’Vonne has do not include Kevin
Bay says she doesn’t want their little squads to get split up because of the votes tomorrow.
Dab says Ian, Nicole, Dani are all saying htey will vote for Day
Bay – Memphis says he knows where people are leaning and his vote won’t make or break.
Bay says if Cody sticks with his girls and Kevin sticks with Day “it’s already a majority”
Bay – I don’t want you or David.. you know what i’m saying”
Enzo says he talked to David looks like it’s just us to voting for you to stay.
Bay – David has been ride or die with me in this game to the point it’s upset Da’Vonne (HUH)
Enzo says he talked to Christmas and she wants Bay gone. Bay understand says that Christmas is terrified of her
Enzo – you against Da’Vonne you are the better competitor.
Bayleigh – real talk I’m going to win some sh1t and I’m throwing her a$$ up she has a right to be scared.
Enzo – I’ve been telling Da’Vonne if you stay you have to win sh1t
Enzo says other than Cody she’s the person he’s “F***ed with the most” not only game just chilling.
Enzo – I want you to stay I do..
Enzo names Dani and Nicole as having side alliances with all sides of the house.
Enzo says Dani has been dropping names since he was HOH.
Enzo – Dani don’t play cute now.. she’s on my radar now..
Bay says thats too girls that sucks ..
Enzo doesn’t think Nicole or Dani have a power.
Bay says she thinks Christmas has a power. She felt that Dani had one to.
Enzo talks about winning HOH and putting up “these two” (dani/Nicole)
Bayleigh’s noms will be Christmas and Tyler
Enzo’s noms will be Nicole and Dani
12:50 pm Christmas and Tyler
Christmas says everyone is leaning for Da’Vonne to stay.
Tyler – yeah that’s cool with me that’s who I prefer anyways
Christmas wonders if he was going to give bay a courtesy vote. Tyler says no.
Christmas thinks the votes will be unanimous to evict Bayleigh.
Christmas brings up her and Da’Vonne apologizing to each other.
Christmas calls Bayleigh a “forwardly emotional player”
Tyler says they need to keep it under wraps that bayleigh is leaving he doesn’t want anymore blow ups.
Christmas says nobody is telling Day yes.
Christmas talks about the final 2 they have.
1:08 pm Enzo, Bay and Da’Vonne
Enzo is pushing hard that Dani and Nicole are not their allies.
Da’Vonne says Cody has got to go she points at Enzo and tells him he’s not taking Enzo he’s taking Nicole
Enzo – they came pre-alliance
Da’Vonne – not only that nobody is going to make her a two time winner so he’ll automatically win. Plus you’ll beat him flat.
Bayleigh points out that everyone in the jury will have seen through Dani’s sh1t
Da’Vonne says if it’s Dani and Cody together.. those people are not going to give Cody the money “Nobody likes the way he’s playing this game.. he’s made an alliance with every single person.. he’s going to take Nicole”
2:46 pm Campaigning
3:45 pm Ian and Nicole
Ian tells Nicole how bad he wants to win the HOH tomorrow asks her for help.
They talk about Bayleigh blowing up games on her way out.
Nicole – I guarantee your name is going to come up tomorrow for eviction..
Ian – why
Nicole says it has been floating around with Christmas. She’s going to say Ian’s Christmas’ untouchable.
Ian – I think we both have a good relationship with Da’Vonne. I’ve been cultivating things with Kevin.
Ian mentions the bullhorn had Kevin spooked.
Nicole – I’m way closer to you than I am with Cody and I’m way closer to Dani than Cody that’s the weird thing
Ian says it’s crazy that people think Christmas is his untouchable because of teh safety suite.
Ian says Christmas is kicking a$$ in this game if they get to fianl 3 with her and she’s won 7 competition they’ll have trouble winning.
Nicole agrees says she really close to Christmas right now so she’s not thinking of that.
4:09 pm Bayleigh and the sh!tmas (Audio is on the conversation with ian and Coin slit)
Bayleigh – I just want to have a good last day here and enjoy the experience. it’s been 10 times better than the one I had before. I just want to hold my head up high and finish strong
sh!tmas – yes MAAM
they hug ..
Bay – I appreciate the apology
sh!tmas says she didn’t want to come to Bay too soon “I wanted to respect your space”
sh!tmas – I do love yo u
Bay – I know you do
sh!tmas – I want to give you that blanket for Velvet if you want to take it
Bay thanks her she’ll take it.
sh!tmas – I’m going to squeeze it and give it all my love .. you are one of the most beautiful people I’ve never met your soul shine so bright.
Bay says they won’t drag this beef to the “Twitter space”
Bay – I told you I forgave you three days ago I just needed my flesh to catch up .
They hug some more..
4:15 pm Nicole and Dani
Nicole says she thinks Bayleigh will blow up her, Dani, Ian and Cody during her eviction tomorrow.
Dani doesn’t think so bayleigh will relize it’s not in Da’Vonne’s best interest.
Dani – they like Ian I don’t think they’ll do that.. I think Ian will do that if he’s going home
Nicole – Oh for sure
Dani – she might drag Christmas and maybe Tyler.. I’m worried tomorrow might be freighting
Dani – I dont think Cody wants to win if it’s endurance I dont think he will anyways
Nicole asks who Cody will target
dani – Kevin maybe a backdoor Ian.. he does want Kevin gone
Dani – we know who the four-ish targets.. it doesn’t really matter.. Ideally we would want to break up the David, Kevin and Da’vonne (Of course the last POC)
Nicole agrees.
Dani says she will do anything to prevent Tyler from winning that HOH, Tyler, David, Kevin and do you trust Ian?
Nicole – yeah
Dani – you would let him have it kinda trust
Nicole – no, But I wouldn’t be crapping my pants..
Nicole says they are all he has
Nicole – I haven’t been in the DR for like 4 days (Good)
4:33 pm Bayleigh and Kevin
Bayleigh says she doesn’t have the votes to stay
Kevin asks if she can pull out a stunt to stay.
Bayleigh doesn’t think so. “I just want the people that are left here to go after it”
4:52 pm Nicole and Cody
Nicole says for their game it might not be best for them to win the HOH
Cody knows but he’s worried about Kevin, David or Ian winning it.
Nicole – whoever wins this HOH can’t play in teh double
Cody – I know that’s bad
Nicole – that was me on 16
Nicole warns him that the girls are trying to make an alliance now.
Nicole – I want Day to go after Christmas..
Nicole – are you still fine with me being your final 2.. it’s going to be hard when it’s me you and Dani.. I will take you I don’t know if you take me.
Cody says he’ll take Nicole.
(Can you imagine final 3 Cody, Nicole and Dani)
Nicole – by the way Christmas will not let anyone touch Tyler I don’t know
Feeds flip.. (OMG) when we’re back..
Cody – Christmas is playing clueless..
They talk about how everyone leaving the house will try to blow up Cody’s name. Kaysar and now Bayleigh
Nicole says
Cody calls Kaysar nervous during his Eviction speech he could tell by the acting classes he’s taken.
Cody – I’m so irritated by him.. what the f** ever
Nicole – I don’t think I need to win this week but I will if you want me to
5:30 pm Chit chat about babes in the comic room. In the other room DCanoe talking about people coming up to him after BB16
6:09 pm live feeds updates
Cam 1-2 the targets for the next 3 weeks chit chatting.
Cam 3-4 Memphis telling them a story about making t shirts in high school and selling them.
6:45 pm Cam 3-4 talking about birds. Cam 1-2 talking about past season.
6:55 pm David and Enzo
David says Ian told him because theirs powers in play there won’t be a double eviction tomorrow.
Enzo asks where Dani is. David says upstairs in the HOH. Enzo points out how those two are close now.
David says he’s catching Dani and Christmas “All over the house” whispering.
Enzo – this season yo is a bunch of scared mother f***ers YO..
Enzo – they’re playing f***ing scared.. they’re friends here their friends there.. this allstars season weak YO .. Weak YO (if only you had won HOH)
Enzo – that shows me a lot of people in this house are feeling safe..
David – a lot of people had pre-gammed alliances.. like their family knows your family.. (pregame on BB22 never heard of it)
Enzo going on about how he’s going to flip it if he wins HOH
There’s been some light campaigning. Bayleigh will be evicted right now I don’t really see the house flipping the power alliance won’t allow it.
Yo is Enzo about to play some game and switch it up next week.
Yo I can’t believe it Yo.
Yo if he’s serious, this next hoh is building up to be a comp where most are really trying to win!
He stated he was going to his week also, yo. He will probably just keep the status quo, he doesn’t have a back bone.
I don’t agree with that at all. He sees things a little clearer now. I think he looked at ot earlier as too early to take a shot. No he knows it’s overdue; he has to. And it may be a double eviction. If Dani wins this upcoming HOH, and it’s double eviction, she could pjay again and possibly win. Smh.
Well they went to production crying about their game so far, so now they have a power to use. Lol. Cry babies
He says he’s going to shake things up every week that he isn’t hoh. Then he wins and meow meow turns into a pussy
the Yo can GO…..I’m sick of hearing it already!
He’s probably going to try and nominate Keesha and Janelle with Kayser as a backdoor target.
Best response all night!!! Right above.
Enzos got a bulldog mouth and a puppy dog ass.
He’d probably try to am his sites to take out Nicole Anthony
I sure he’ll go for real big targets – like Kevin & David.
Can we start referring to him as King Cody? We have a queen, it’s now time to crown a King.
Go get em King Cody
Well I will say I like Cody a lot more than I like Paulie.
I would ride that kind all day and night
*king not *kind
king who didn’t win anything?
more like peasant from derrick lol
I like Sucko better…you can call him King Sucko if you must…
PaulIe Made Davonne look completely classless and foolish in the jury house. She really did set a bad example for her kid by acting crazy and acting as if she was going to get into a fight and do something.
You can’t talk too much crap about Paulie when Natalie FLIRTED with every guy in the house. Even when she was throwing James under the bus she fully rubbed Paul’s arm in the HOH in a flirtatious way when Paul was sitting in a chair in the HOH room!
She was being fake the way she blew up Paulies game when she hooked up with Victor to start the game and would still flirt and make advances towards other men in the house and yet try to flip it on Paulie like he did something bad when he rightfully called her out for being fake because she was arguably the biggest flirt in the house !!!
And on top of it they try to throw DaVonne the Veto tonight and yet she goes out first! She should be thanking her lucky stars that she won 5K and Nicole gave it to her! Nicole got 2nd place intentionally throwing the Veto for strategy and Day got last. Have to give Nicole credit Davonne!!
What’s crazy about Bayleigh and
Davonne is that they’ve had no idea that they were throwing each other under the bus this week.
When Bay mentioned that they were duo and couldn’t even recognize that it is game information when you talk about someone’s Ride or die and for that matter a dumb game decision which is why you don’t mention who the hell you’re untouchable is to someone who is outside of it you never give your final two away ladies!!
Bay and Day are completely inept
if they think giving away a final two is personal information in any way!
That is the most illogical idea you could ever conceive in big brother that It’s personal information when you tell somebody who your final two is you fools you couldn’t be any further off because that is strictly game and the fact that you’re so blinded by it being personal and you’re not even mad at each other for telling people that you have a final two shows that you are completely inept at big brother!
The fact that Davonne and Bayleigh couldn’t even recognize that Who’s your final 2 is game information and proves that they never deserved a second chance!
As much as I can’t stand Christmas there is a reason why she (Krampus) wouldn’t answer who her untouchable was to Bayleigh on a couple off different occasions aka the bed in the comic room and in front of the whole house on the veto meeting it’s because you don’t mention who you’re untouchable or who you have a final 2 with !!!
No such thing as personal game information Davonne!
Especially when you were talking about who you have a final two deal with you fool. That has game information written all over it.
It truly is embarrassing that Davonne his plane for a third time and can’t even recognize that.
Bayeligh and Davonne can’t even recognize that that was dumb gameplay to mention your final two is just astounding and doesn’t even qualify as a rookie move because that is 101 that you never give out who your number 1 ally for the final 2 is!!!
Davonne just as a hint you might not wanna throw your ally Bay under the bus and telling Christmas that she wanted Tyler‘s head on a platter.
When Davonne tells Christmas that Bayleigh still has it out for Tyler even when Tyler was willing to give his game up. Davonne is so dumb to even mention that because it’s pretty much the reason why even Tyler didn’t want to go through with it anymore because he felt like Bayleigh didn’t care and it was so stupid for Davone to even throw Bayleigh under the bus like that!
Bayleigh and Davonne completely helpless as players because they can’t even recognize when they are throwing each other under the bus! Davonne telling Christmas about how Bayleigh truly feels about Tyler is the reason assures why her ride or die is going home this week!
Both of those girls have done it to themselves because they can’t keep their mouth shut and use information in a manner to keep themselves out of harms way both of them are the reason why they’re in the situation they’re in this week and they have no one to blame but themselves.
For bay and day this week has proven two things About their career and big Brother:
1. they never deserve a second chance
2. They both probably the worst social game we’ve ever seen because they unknowingly have thrown their
final two Ally under the bus!!
That is why they have the worst social game ever because they bring
themselves down as well as they are number one ally. They are both sinking ships that drag down their allies because they don’t know when to use information and it shows because they have thrown each other under the bus this week by giving up their game plan!
Come on, can’t defend Paulie. Dude was a total hypocrite. Funny how men can demean women for the exact same thing they are guilty of. Men have used showmances in practically every reality-based gaming show. Women have too. Why it is no surprise NicF is so despised. But Paulie took it next-level in demeaning women. NicF demeans all women by her man shields and her shifting loyalty to her supposed boyfriends/fiancé if it benefits her game. WHY she is called on it. Paulie demeans all women by his hypocrisy. Such double standards. OMG, a woman flirted!!! Hey, Chicken Little, the sky is falling!!! Men use women in these games as showmance shields all the time, yeah, just game play, no big deal, women are stupid, such stupid women! When women do so, let’s all scream what whores they are (facepalm.) Guess what, BOTH lose legitimacy when they do so —excluding those romances that actually were real and outlived the house, of which there are quite a few in this game.
Short statement, in re, this season, and your Paulie comment, both Paulie and Nic F are BOTH guilty. It is just as visceral a “WTF” when it is either a man or woman using their sexuality to advance their game. Strategy? Sure. But don’t call out one without calling out the other. Both sexes do it. And equally both sexes are most definitely called on it among the fans. Yet men most usually demean women more for doing so than women condemn men. OMG, Natalie flirted using her big old fake breasts…what a whore, right?? Goes both ways.
If you’re going to call out a woman who has used her sexuality more to advance her game, why not call out Nic F more than Natalie??? Maybe because she’s aligned with Paulie’s brother, in which both are less than admirable. I guess if you pretend to be the sweet midwestern high-nasally virgin, despite using men as man shields while you jerk them off every night, no biggy, cuz you don’t have fake tits. Yeah, that’s okay. Actions speak louder than words. There’s a reason why both Paulie and Nicole F are despised. And it’s precisely for the same reason, IMHO. Let the downvotes begin.
Hey there Pepe you might want to back up and check yourself in the mirror next time you respond because Natalie was hooking up with a couple guys in the same season while trying to flirt with every guy as well and if you can’t recognize that either you’re a total hypocrite !!
Natalie got with Victor at the beginning of big brother 18 that didn’t go so well because Victor got annoyed as hell with her and didn’t want to deal with her drama anymore!
Natalie talked about how big of a crush she had on Corey.
Natalie flirted with Paulie all the time! Even James called her out on it
about trying to flirt with Paulie all the time after she threw James under the bus to Paul and Victor when she blamed James for her game and why She was leaving at final 6.
It’s a total double standard that you put on Paulie and Nicole if you can’t even recognize that Natalie was doing the same crap and she was being fake NATALIE because she did the exact same thing!!!! And Natalie was trying to play the victim about it!
What is the exact reason why Natalie deserves criticism because she tried to throw someone under the bus about being flirtatious when Natalie used that as her whole game !!
The way she threw Paulie under the bus about being flirtatious vibes is a total hypocrite move by Natalie
When Natalie flirted with every person in the house and hooked up with a couple of people in the exact same season !!!
That is a total double standard by Natalie because Natalie was totally being fake and using some thing that’s not even game related when she did the exact same thing more than anybody because she got with and hooked with more people in the house that season in season 18 when it originally aired back in 2016 !!
And if you can’t recognize that you have proven the point that you are blind!!
Because that is the epitome of fakeness is when you complain about something a.k.a. Natalie acting like flirtation things too much when she’s the one flirting with everybody in the freaking house !!
I’d rather call him Queen Cody.
The trailer park that xmas was raised in must be proud of her garbage behavior & trashy speech. They’ll probably reward her with a pack of cigarettes since she has represented their dump as well as she has.
They will be proud that she will still be here next week unlike one of the Victimhood.
Maybe just next week! Or maybe a repeat. Carried by the guys to the end like she did in her previous season, with Paul and the other guy( who had covid this season); I think his name was Jason. She did their dirty work and they dismissed her. Another try, but with different guys. ?
Yes, Christmas is so ghetto. Bayleigh and Da’vonne handled that fight well. Xmas on the other hand; just classless. Everyone I knew with holiday names, houses actually were not in a neighborhood, more so on a lot.
Really their gonna shoot you xmas, you’ve been on Tmz, and you have a felony. Classic…..Karen at it’s finest. Hey guys I know your on the block and going home, but I’m the victim. You can’t make this stuff up.
Really, you think that Davonne handled that well?…even when she was coming in from the outside yelling at Christmas’s back while Christmas was sitting in the kitchen? I don’t watch the feeds but judging from the way it was logged into the spoilers, it seemed that Davonne was the first one to start raising her voice. Hopefully they’ll play it tomorrow night.
Lol. Xmas raised her voice first, hence Da’vonne walking away. Dani later told Cody in the photo room how insane Xmas was to them both. Don’t create your narrative!!! You didn’t even see the argument, and your assuming Davonne was the aggressive one. Smh
It’s apparent you don’t watch the live feeds, but for some reason I don’t think it would matter to you. You know CBS airs the parts they want on the show? They didn’t show Tyler talking about the BLM Movement or doing it for the cause. And Xmas spoke first stating “here we go again” when Da’vonne came into the house. Davonne responded shut the ____ up? Also responded Jessica said you were a coward; Jessica from her previous season. Please know what your talking about, or ask for clarification before responding. Thanks
Tyler never said BLM he said I want to be better… Meaning, in my opinion, I don’t want to be thought of this year as the guy who lied to everyone
Well, I think Xmas assumed she needed to go all ghetto to fight with the girls….
Thank god Xmas didn’t have her benz, she would’ve ran over Da’vonne and Bayleigh. Lol.
Da’Vonne says to Enzo:
“Cody has got to go.”
(she points at Enzo and tells him) “Cody’s not taking you, he’s taking Nicole.”
Ugh, WHY can’t Da’Vonne EVER just lay low when she’s in a good spot?
Yes, she’s on the block (which isn’t exactly a good spot) but she has already confirmed that everyone wants Bayleigh gone!
She needs to just lay back and hold her tongue until after the upcoming HOH is played, then base her game play off of that.
All she’s doing right here is going to piss off Enzo (he already doesn’t trust her) but now what Enzo’s MO is, he’s going to go to Cody and act annoyed with this info and like he’s blowing off steam — and at the same time he’ll try to get some reassurances from Cody based on his body language that it’s not true, just in case on the off chance that Da’Vonne actually is telling ther truth.
Then Cody is gonna get pissed at Da’Vonne’s pot stirring and he very well could make a last ditch effort to blindside Da’Vonne instead of sending home Bayleigh.
Da’Vonne needs to take a serious lesson from Memphis and please *STFU* until at the very least, after eviction, but ideally until after she sees who becomes the new HOH.
I like Da’Vonne, but she is such a frustrating player to watch!
She cannot keep her mouth shut!
This is all so true!!!
An old favorite from BB12.. When the Brigade was in the Toilet..
PLEASE Live Feeds, can we just get through one convo in the house WITHOUT one single interruption with the feeds going down???
I’ve given up. Going to take a break for 30 minutes. All this campaigning isn’t going to get anywhere anyways. The days where you can actually campaign yourself off the hit list are over.
The only thing all star about this season is the hours a day they have feed cuts.
then we get stars.
Left the house, they were on stars.
came back home, they were on stars.
took a little 20 minute nap stars to stars.
came back from making dinner: stars.
There were probably feeds in between that I just missed but…
I’m considering naming the screen stars and coming up with a fantasy big brother season where they try to take each other out.
It’s beyond trash.
how the hell did you forget about taco tuesday? Christie campaigned her self off the hit list. no more kraken for you
Nooooo. How could I forget that
It’s called the bb cover up. They don’t want another Jack and Mickey situation. That’s probably why there is no more bb after dark. Any time it even looks like the houseguest are going to say anything. Here comes the stars.
They let some pregamming and Bullhorn talk make it through today which is weird since they went to stars for everything else.
If this is and endurance comp tomorrow night… I am convinced Ian will win. He told David last night that he’s going to stay up there even if he shits his pants.
I hate to say it but Kevin did well in the last endurance comp.
Did he really say that? Lmao
endurance comp seems likely. no have-nots suggests that placement in the competition determines have-nots.
Once again DaVonne can only see things one way – the way she wants things to be. She’s probably right that people aren’t likely to want to see Nicole win again, but how is Cody’s multiple alliance’s any different than Dani’s multiple alliances? In fact, they are pretty much joined at the hip, and the real reason DaVonne would vote for Dani over Cody is simply because she is female, which is the reason she voted for Nicole over Paul in BB 18.
The woman simply cannot bring herself to play the game strategically or see it in a strategic manner. All she has ever seen in the game is skin color and gender, or at least that’s how it appears based on all of her discussions, alliances, so called game moves and previous history in the game.
And Bayleigh – she wants to take out the man who tried (unsuccessfully, but he still did try) to give up his game so that she could stay and play on in the game. How noble is that? How stupid is she going to feel when she gets home, finds out the offer was genuine – that he really did try to get up on that block for them, only to have them backstab and “MF” him afterwards, because his efforts failed due to no fault of his own?
I can’t believe Enzo is wasting any of his time even talking to these two asshats. Maybe he just needed a good laugh today. Who knows?
I hope Julie lets her no some truths at eviction.
Not a chance.
julie’s been a bit more honest this season. plus she’s probably done after this season (only stayed on due to her contract) and gives no fucks about cbs after they (rightfully) ousted her husband.
Julie has told every evictee that Memphis is the mastermind behind their eviction.
that’s some creative honesty.
I dont think he really tried. He went up to Christmas and never actually said “put me up” He beat around the bush. Tyler is full of crap! And he gets mad that Bay is going to vote him out if he is up on the block but he said he wanted to go home? WTF?? So if he got mad I guess he never thought he would go home if on the block and/or he never really wanted to put himself up in the first place. He is a liar which is find but what he lied about is despicable. He wants people to think he is someone he is not. I would like him a lot more if he just owned who he is.
Wrong he did say put me up as a replacement. Get your head out of your a$$. I don’t care if you like Ty or not. But, he does care. Only reason he switched is when he found out Bay as clueless as she is called it BS. Bay and Day don’t know how to play BB. But TY does. That’s why he got 75,000 G’s on his season. Most votes ever for AFP. And, no offense to KC who he is still Great friends with. He should of walked out with $525,000. Period!!!!!!!!!!
Your whole statement is bullshit. He got mad because because there were two reasons for doing what he did. #1 To support their cause of a POC winning, or at least going far in Big Brother and #2 To end the dissension between the two of them, which had been ongoing since season 20. When he found out even him falling on his sword and giving up his game for her wasn’t enough for her to end the bitterness between them, even though she said it was during their initial discussion of the matter, of course it pissed him off! It wasn’t that she was going to vote him out (she couldn’t – she would still be on the block – Day would be the one coming off), it was the way she said it – that she wanted his head on a silver platter! Similar to saying she wanted his head on a spike! She was still out for his blood, even before she knew whether or not the veto would be used or not, and even more so when she found out it wouldn’t be, even though it wasn’t Tyler’s fault.
And he did tell Christmas to put him up. I don’t know what show you were watching, but it must not have been Big Brother, because I heard him say it. He did exactly what he said he was going to do, so he’s no liar. People like YOU are the despicable ones, trying to make it look like he tried to use that as a game move when he clearly didn’t.
You need to get over yourself. Maybe you need to look in the damn mirror and take a look inside of your own self.
Says the racist Trump supporter. Blah blah blah shut up!
Great argument.. sounds familiar on these posts… No valid point so call someone racist
Day said she wouldn’t vote against anyone who looked like her. Is that racist?
After watching Bay and Tyler interact I would have to think that the whole thing was scripted. Baylee isn’t a good actress, when she knows that it is a pretend conversation she looks away while talking to them.
Until Today Enzo has been playing the same game as his season. Cody would never take Enzo cause everyone is friends with Enzo. Cody Tyler and Memphis would take Cody or David to the final 2. Meow meow needs to step up his game and if he gets HOH take a hit to the strongest player or he would be roasted again.
This is my list to the BB America fa houseguest
Meow meow
The most annoying
The worst players
Fav player to win
Meow Meow
Everybody is entitled to their opinion, but you’ve got one of the greatest players of all time listed on the worst players list. Can I assume you think Babe Ruth sucked at playing baseball? You probably think Jim Brown was a below average running back in the NFL, right?
Opinions are opinions, but wrong is also wrong. You’re flat out wrong about Janelle here, and I don’t care when she went out in this game.
the greatest players don’t get evicted right away
the greatest players fight til the end
all hail to king and queen of BB
Dan and Jordan
i missed janelle’s first two seasons. but in the two she’s been on since she has SUCKED
6 – Janelle was always about fun and rubbing it in the nerd herds noses.
7 – Janelle was all about being the prettiest girl in the storage room.
14 – Janelle wasn’t her best but after that first week that season sucked until Finale..
22 – Janelle was all about displaying to the long time fandom what this show has become and will never be again. Grod hates us as much as we love Grod
What’s with all the christmas hate? Is it carry over from her first year? I didn’t pay attention to the feeds that year. This year, until this week it didn’t seem like she was even mentioned much. I don’t have feelings either way as she doesn’t seem like an interesting player to me anyway, but I must have missed something given even simon calls her sh*tmas.
She was hideous in season 19. This year she’s been alright but highly annoying.
As soon as she won the HOH she got on such a HUGE power trip, it was really hard to watch (I knowed she’s going to be embarrassed when she sees that weeks shows).
Then when she won the POV, her head tripled in size… remember when she told Tyler that the two of them were “untouchable” lol?
How did she get on a power trip? Please enlighten me. All I seen her do was put a duo up on the block and receive nothing but shit from two sore sports. When she won POV she chose not to use it. She’s HOH, that’s her choice period. Like why would she backdoor Tyler, someone in her alliance, to save two people not in her alliance and are majorly pissed at her? She did the right thing for her game and alliance. Nothing to do with power tripping.
Do you know what power tripping is??
She didn’t USE her power as a power trip, she walked around all week like she was God of BB and the puppet master that Raven swore she was… they didn’t even bother to give her a good edit on the show.
So she basically acted like most other HOH’s.
You’re on the money. Could not agree anymore. I honestly don’t understand why DaVonne and Bayleigh would have taken Tyler seriously in the first place. He owes neither one of them anything. They shold have won a HOH this season if they wanted to stay.
i hated her on her first season. she’s pretty meh this season which is nice. she’s the only houseguest of whom my opinion has changed, but i was blahh on the majority of the house and her and da were the only two i actively hated. still hate da, but it’s for her game. she’s entertaining but her game is so bad that it cancels out her good diary rooms and personality.
Too bad it can’t be a tie this week with Christmas breaking the tie. It would of been fun watching Bay & Day pucker up to Christmas.
I hope she goes next or real soon. It doesn’t make any sense that you can say you voted them in because they are each other’s number one. She has a number one and it’s obvious that Nicole and Dani are each other’s number one. Her tears are just as fake as she is.
How is Derrick being involved in this pre gaming crap, not against the spirit of the game? I don’t believe it’s against the rules. It just is a sucky way to play.
It’s totally against the rules! Covid 19 is not the only reason why they sequester before the season starts – It’s to keep them from contacting each other and forming alliances before the game begins. But because of BB events, TAR, and other things, a lot of these folks have common friends and are friends with each other, so those connections were used unfairly, as you know, to gain a HUGE advantage in the game. It has totally destroyed any semblance of a fair and balanced game for this season, and IMHO, if not addressed, will rule out any future possibility of returning players competing fairly in the game.
It’s absolutely against the spirit. Because of the leaked cast, they were able to strategize and plan someone’s eviction 2 months before the game started. One of them will end up the “winner” but it won’t really mean much imo because part of the game is rolling with the surprises of the house (including cast, twists, alliances) and adjusting. What’s going on completely defeats the purpose of what this game is supposed to be about which is why this season is not exciting at all.
Derrick denying the pre-gaming on twitter is rich. He’s guilty as f***.
A) I watched a sh1t ton of BB16 and out of everyone on this show ever he deceived the casuals the most. He’s lied to fans straight up with things that didn’t impact his game.
B) They talk about pre-gaming on the feeds a lot specifically involving Derrick, Cody and Nicole. It was brought up twice today.
C) to a lesser extend we can see how that first week started off and how those day 1 alliances formed out of the blue. Normally we wouldn’t have seen this.
I may be biased I disliked season 16 the most and Derrick/Cody/Veronica are one of my least favorite final 3.
First of all honoured to get a reply from Simon lol. Second it’s insulting to our intelligence to deny the pregaming at this point. There has been so much proof including the houseguest’s words themselves. It can’t be a coincidence that Evel Dick called the power alliance in the house 2 months ago warning about pregaming and it’s unfolded exactly as he said. This dude needs to stay away from big brother and work on his fidelity issues instead. He’s now ruined 2 seasons with his pregaming.
Dude, that season scarred me from big brother for YEARS!!!!! It was so disturbing on so many levels. I still think that one was total Psyops. Yeah call me crazy, I don’t care. That’s my coping mechanism.
Omg I thought I was the only one who disliked Derrick he is the worst he only won because everybody that season sucked and his detective show was a Loser too.
And every houseguest since BB16 has tried to play one of those three. Sit back and run the show quietly using your lemmings, or the loyalist good soldier who has no one, or the cute, quiet floater who just doesn’t know a thing…..
Havent seen a bit of hard gaming since. They are scared. Scared of the twitter mob, scared to offend, be condescending, look like a bully,
Paul was the last one who even tried and look what happened
Wait… did you mean Victoria?
Because I’m right there with you if you did!
For her to act so entitled, like she *deserved* to be there when in reality, she did absolutely nothing but ride Derrick and Cody’s coat tails.
Derrick cheat on your wife lavasseur also ruined 18 by bringing together paulie nichole and asian james in a horrible pregame alliance
Forgot about all that.. he’s the worst. Argh I’m more mad now..
Does he have an app I can give 1 star to?
I wonder if they’ll give Derrick a producer credit this year?
That’s funny! I didn’t like the way Derrick played the game. Shunning people. It wasn’t comfortable to watch. Sometimes made your heart hurt. Producer credit is too funny.
Cody is not making alliances with everybody, dani and Nicole are!
All three are actually. Their the core
Cody had alliances with Nicole, Dani, Memphis, Tyler, Enzo and Christmas on or before day ONE of the season. Shortly thereafter he has added alliances with Kevin, Bay, Day, Ian and even David! That’s ELEVEN people he’s aligned with in the house, and yes I know some of them are fake (see the “Slick Six”), but still alliances that are used to some degree for some purpose.
Oh, by the way, that just happens to be every single person in the stinking house! At one point or the other Cody has aligned with every single person that is left in the house now, so don’t say he’s not making alliances with everyone. He literally has! Go back and look at some of the charts that have been posted if you don’t believe me.
I did not see this one coming….Enzo throwing Cody under the bus. He probably wants Day to work with him and not Dani-Cody
I felte that he was saying what they wanted to hear so they would give him info.
I feel that since Da’vonne brought up Cody’s name first, Enzo was engaging, but attempting to steer.
examples: he pushed the 2 winners nicf and ian idea.
he pushed the dani nicf idea more than once.
oh ok, he will report everything back to Cody. That`s fine with me as Cody will be gunning for Day
maybe not. Enzo is for Enzo. lol.
He has never told Cody 100 per cent of anything.
No Enzo knows what up. He wears those shades so he can peep and look around the house. He knows half of the time their not around him. He’s not crazy. He was praying that Davonne would win that HOH so she could take the shot. I think Enzo is with Day and them, but their just not winning anything and that scares him. If you notice, Enzo keeps telling David, Kevin and Day; you guys habe to win something. He can’t carry them.
Maybe Enzo’s tired of the crap. He’s around them when they really talk. I just read an article which stated Memphis was mocking Ian, and they were in the room laughing. 2 names mentioned in the room, were Dani and Nicole. If that’s true about Nicole, she is a rat and a piece of _____. Memphis should be gone, bad back and all. Bye.
I was actually watching feeds a few minutes ago with Cody, Dani, Memphis and Nicole in the bedroom laughing and talking about Ian; mainly Memphis. Memphis was saying that Ian was an alien and something like an imposter the way he talks. He thinks Ian went in the DR and someone else came out. Something stupid
All I gotta say on this thread is that Memphis found the doorway and he’s chillin with Aslan somewhere in Narnia.
Memphis is sailing to the end, and letting the 100 alliances take the shots. Remember, he was Dan’s sidekick.
Why do so many of the “commenters” have to use derogatory names for the game players? I know, hiding behind a fake screen name allows you to say whatever you want, as long as Simon approves. Of course, Simon is one of those using these derogatory names. Nicole and Christmas seem to be those called the most derogatory names. And no, I’m not Team N or C, I really don’t care who wins, as long as they play a good game.
The names I am using are Coin slit and Sh!tzmas. I may call Cody douche canoe when I’m extra grumpy.
Feel free to call anyone this season whatever you want as long as it doesn’t contain “bad” words. Censor those with ***, !!! and @@@
douche canoe!Perfect.
Because it is fun….and we are trash people anyways.
So Wasenior Xmas stating Da’vonne and Bayleigh would shoot them or put a fork in her face a nice person? Also calling them the “B” word & telling Bayleigh “F” you. Also, Xmas is a known felon. Is this really the person who’s integrity your trying to protect? Really????
And Nicole always crying when her manipulation is not working out for her. Talking about everyone on a personal level, not game; even Ian, behind their backs. And then using Ian who generally is “supposed” to be a friend to just help her game. A true friend; right?
These are the 2 people you choose for the commenters to be nice to?
Maybe you should pick another pair.
Who knew that Enzo would end up being the voice of reason? He’s telling Da’Vonne that Cody & Nicole came in with a pre-game alliance and that Dani/Nicole are not to be trusted. Looks like there’s a little more brain power than I thought behind that “yo.”
It was sad to see Bayleigh’s game implode. I didn’t care for her in BB20, but I was really starting to like her this season. I think that Tyler is her kryptonite. She just can’t see straight when it involves him.
Nicole, Dani, Memphis and Shitzmas Abbot mocking Ian for rocking back and forth.
Saw this last night, it’s pretty disgusting to make fun of someone’s autistic symptoms…
They suck. Really really suck they have no clue how hurtful that will be for Ian when he sees that. They are non-empathetic immature jerks.
Such scumbags.They always target the nicest people.
I think he does that on purpose to make people around him anxious. How come he does not do that in the DR or during the live shows??? He only does when he wants to
stemming as a self soothing coping mechanism isn’t a parlor trick.
You really are a nurk.
educate yourself! your ignorance isn’t appealing.
People are dogging you for that comment the same people that think Tyler made up wanting to go home and then wondering why he didn’t tell Christmas “I want to go home” when he couldn’t say it because it’s not allowed
I’ve revisited your question.
I still don’t think it’s an act.
What might be leading you to your assumption is my following question:
Anyone with medical knowledge feel free to chime in. Because i’m really guessing based on another issue, not autism when I ask this:
Is is possible that Ian is prescribed a medication (an SSRI perhaps) that allows him, in the short term, more control over his stemming and compulsive repetitive tendencies?
I only ask this because when I consider the side effects of SSRI type medications and the health issues not related to autism that he has displayed over the last few weeks, I’ve begun to wonder if it’s possible that he can take such meds for a short period before the side effects overwhelm, and perhaps the schedule of taking them for 4 days of the week (wed to sat night) is too much for his system?
Is that a thing??
I’m not a doctor but I play one on the internet and I can tell you there are no meds involved it’s just a common soothing technique that becomes more pronounced the more anxious he is.
Okay. I wondered because we were made aware that Christmas’ meds were adjusted a couple days before HOH, and in past seasons, medications have been held until the night before comp days (like 18 Corey’s adderall).
You guys gotta ask, if this whole Derrick thing is true, then how long has this been going on for? Me, I really don’t care, because every hardcore BB fan knows( if they really think about it and be honest with themselves) that show went WWE season 6 because of Kayser Iron Shiek anyone?. But at the same time a more than valid argument could be made for 8. Sorry man, 7 was a Degrassi rip off series. And I’m US born. So it really can’t get to you. I mean we still watch. That’s the perverted beauty of the whole thing.
Very true it’s been wrastling for a long time.
That’s even worse then. You mean to tell me its been WWE but we cant get a POC as a winner? If its WWE, its all fake then and the powers that be dont want a POC winner. A gay winner, yes. A female winner, yes. A special needs winner… YES, but not a Black winner? Interesting.
Maybe this season is David’s season
I hope Tyler goes out next week….
To the few casuals that still stumble upon this site. We’re not crazy.
sure we are.
embrace the kraken.
I am really annoyed by Tyler now: “I want to win 500k…for Angela”. No, he should win it for himself
Tyler is totally PW’d by Angela.Why do you think he wanted to leave? DUH!
Episode Review: A Sanitary Wipe
Lots of blablah and tears. whatevs.
Take a drink EVERY time they mention the Committee in d/r as if it were a thing to anyone except Christmas and Memphis (who aren’t in 20 or so other alliances more important to them).
Pre veto I want you to stay in this game conversations between HOH and EACH nominee never happened. How sanitary.
Ian not medically cleared followed by the throwing veto conversation starring Dani with Hard to evict a dick Nicf.
It’s time for veto.
“We have to Add??” is the edit quote preveto. Dani.
Christmas wanting one of the other girls to win isn’t a thing.. more sanitizing. oh. (she vacillated between One of the noms or wanting one of the other girls to win. multiple times, it was only to Enzo that she said she wanted to win {unconvincingly} on feeds).
false start da’ false start bay. dani out. nicf trying to figure out how to throw. duh.
The d/r this episode: anyone else feel like they’re using ALL the Wetwipes? D/R sentiment doesn’t match feed sentiment of the same time frames. Sanitized.
lots of commercials post veto comp before the “Something unexpected” block. ad revenue placement at higher rates at work here. i counted. 9 commercials. in one block separation. ka-ching. Usually about 4 and a news recap.
Nicf’s sloppie box revealed. Tyler is skinny talk leading to Tyler confession talk.
How much of the feed blocked christmas chat do we see? they skipped the nom me or i self evict part. forgetting the women’s alliance made the night before the christmas da talk and the bathroom talk. okay.
The sanitizing wipes must have fumes. Fake backgammon talk. the pegged on between d/r visits one.
The edit just played the episode only people.
veto ceremony. NO speeches shown. oh. okay..
My opinion:
This episode used all the javex. There ain’t a drop of sanitizing bleach left.
I would have been drunk if I drank every time The Committee was mentioned
That’s so not a thing anymore. Hasn’t been since the first week.. Man the CBS edit.
Don’t worry. the evictee will be told how Memphis spear headed everything….
like Grampa Jerry-atric has been a factor since his HOH, other than drinking morning coffee, bitching about Ian, and being in bed by 10.
Do the cameras even show him anymore. When I have watched the feeds lately, he is nowhere to be found
I think he did Morning with Memphis today. with Judgement Day as his co-hose. oops co-host.
He probably leaves after morning coffee, goes to a fancy hotel nearby, sits by the pool all day drinking white Russians, and checks in every once in a while at the house. He gets his info the same as we do…by watching the star feeds and reading what Simon and Dawg report…
CBS believes in alternative facts.
I don’t even remember seeing Memphis in tonight’s episode!
That’s okay. during one of the previous veto episodes, his face went across went on the screen for house reaction to nominations, and i messaged a friend saying ‘look, one of the crew didn’t get out of the shot in time.’
Didn’t recognize him at all.
Would love to see an Ian or David win tomorrow. It would just be more fun and unpredictable.
Anyone else would be such a snooze! “ I am nominating David and Kevin with a back Dior option of Day because they are not in my pregame alliance and they won’t win anything….” oops did I just say that aloud?
I totally agree — it’s becoming far too predictable since the primary alliance has been in power since week 1.
From what I gather, Nicf is revealing the existence of the all girl alliance to Cody like it’s something new.
Paranoid as hell Dani beat her to it by a couple of days.
But it’s Wednesday.
As close to a waffle as we’ve seen so far.
Point of clarification from episode and Xmas talk for days.
You wouldn’t have been backdooring Tyler.
A backdoor is planned from before initial noms. you put up two pawns with the hope the real target doesn’t save themselves or even play in veto. then you renom your actual target. THAT IS A BACKDOOR. the closest Xmas would have been doing is a blindside but it isn’t even that because the renom was in on the plot.
Kevin thinks the HOH will be spinning so he’s trying to figure out a spinning strategy.
MY ADVICE: just stand still you frickin chaos gremlin, you’ve been spun since day one, twirling around isn’t going to make you less spinny.
(Can you imagine final 3 Cody Nichole Dani) Yes Simon I can.Didn’t you get a phone call from Derrick?
SHHH, since the yellers we’re not supposed to mention that Nicf Cody and Dani have ever spoken to each other in the house, let alone in the real world.
Don’t you remember the Production House meeting during the feed outage? the teleconference one with Grod and preseason storyline assistant producer Derrick?
Oops!I’m getting sued.
naw, they won’t sue you, they’ll just make you watch this season again. and again. and again. shudder.
That’s my dream Final 3.
Yes,we know you’re a nurk.You can stop proving it.The jury is in.The Judge has ruled.The executioner is on the way.
Bay… seriously. Really soured on her. They blew the veto comp… it’s on them yet bay out there blaming everyone else.
And did we really need to see day back again? Just because she’s black and they needed black players because BLM or whatever. How is this season all stars… it’s more like second chances.
I do like Tyler and Cody and maybe Enzo. Nicole is good but kind of tired of seeing her since it’s what the third time? Bringing her and day back was stupid … so many others they could have had back who haven’t already been back.
Also I went from excited about David to blah. He’s boring and a terrible player. Now we know it was no loss when he lost out last time and that wasn’t a fluke.
I disagree, I see a bright future for him this BB season. As long as he continues to “act” clueless, and valueless he may be able to fly under the radar and be the first rookie to win an “All Star” season! 😀 :’D
It’s the same old game talk, no one will play the game. Dani is gonna die when she realizes what people think of her game. Plotting her strategy with those beads. She told Cody the live feeders love it, she does it every season. She’s as delusional as Shitzmas! Stop it!
It’s so crazy but Kevin is almost making sense, I said almost! ?????
When you spend the entire game saying the entire house is in an alliance against you in new school big brother… after a few weeks it will turn out to be true.
Broken clock moment. He should be right about something else some time in november.
What’s with Memphis is he still playing the game? It’s like he’s not even there. I hate floaters like that who make it to the end.whats with the bullshit Tyler? Those girls should have seen straight through you when you wouldn’t take off those shades.