“I’m not funny this year. That’s what happens when you wait 10 years to bring me back! This ain’t the Meow Meow anymore.”

Head of Household Winner – Cody
Have nots – Ian, Kevin, Memphis, NicoleA
Nominations – Kevin &
Power of Veto Players are -?
Power of Veto holder -?
Power of Veto Ceremony -?
Safety Suite – Kaysar & Janelle
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7:25pm Outside the HOH room. Enzo, Daniele, NicoleA.
Enzo – these days are long. I’m going to bed… but there are DRs. Daniele – yeah they will get you. Enzo – I like that they give you a line up now. Daniele – can you give me the full days schedule .. that would be nice. Enzo – So I won’t go to bed. Daniele – can I just go in the DR and start talking and you take what you want? Enzo – yeah just feed me lines.. I don’t want to think YO! Daniele – I don’t feel like being funny. Enzo – yeah I’m not funny this year. That’s what happens when you wait 10 years to bring me back! Its over! The magic is over! Daniele – this is the new me. Enzo – yeah the new me. This ain’t the Meow Meow anymore. That guy is gone YO! Daniele – you rip up your hat (meow meow hat) in front of them (production). Enzo – yeah. Daniele – who do you think is happiest from your season to see you back? Enzo – probably nobody! Daniele – shut up! Enzo – probably Lane. But Lane I ain’t that funny anymore. Daniele – Do you think that Britney was shocked that you’re on? Enzo – probably because its 10 years later .. maybe. Daniele – you know they asked her? And she said no. Enzo – oh wow. Daniele – she didn’t want to leave her babies. Enzo – that would be funny her in the house. She is funny though ..she gets my humor. Hayden I don’t really talk to no more. Daniele – I bet he is so happy you’re on. Enzo – yeah.. I thought he was going to be on for sure. Daniele leaves. Nicole and Enzo continue to chat. Enzo – I feel like the girls are stronger than the guys on this season. Janelle, Daniele, Nicole ..she won it.. DaV, Bay, you know what I mean like .. its crazy. Nicole – its very scary. For the guys you’ve got Tyler, Cody, Ian .. he is like a wild card. He is smart but he could win comps too. Nicole agrees. Kaysar and Memphis I don’t know too much about them. Nicole – I can tell you one thing if there is an all girls alliance.. I am not a part of it.

7:47pm – 8:15pm Nicole and Daniele.
Nicole – I talked to Janelle for a second and I just told her that you’re good with me. And she said I’m good with you. Daniele – what? Nicole – she just said it back but it didn’t seem sincere. I just think that she is talking to people. Just tell me if you hear anything? Daniele – about you? Nicole – yeah because she was like you don’t know anything. And I was like no .. what .. like you haven’t talked game.. it was a very weird vibe. Daniele – that is weird. Its weird that she went for the safety. I talked to DaVonne and she really hopes that you’re being sincere about it .. like she still likes you and said that she just can’t let her guard down. I was just like you have to let it go and if something pops up that when you worry and stuff you know. So she is cool with you .. just play it cool. DaVonne thinks that she’s running things right now. I just wanted to feel comfortable with her because she is the one person I don’t feel comfortable with. She just has a lot of baggage from her season that she has to get over. Nicole – I just get a weird vibe from Janelle. Daniele – I don’t trust Daniele at all. Janelle walks in. Daniele – we were just talking about you. I haven’t talked to you all day. Nicole leaves. Janelle talks about her conversation that she had with Cody and said it was just weird. He said he wanted to work with me. Daniele – wait, why is that weird? He didn’t say that to me. Janelle – it wasn’t like yo I want to work with you.. like lets go.. it was like beating around the bush. It just didn’t make sense. I didn’t feel safe. Daniele – he didn’t tell me anything at all .. it was just awkward. Janelle – that is the perfect word .. awkward. He said if you want to play for safety .. go and head and play. I’m like are you telling me I should? Daniele – that’s what I would have thought too. Janelle – you don’t think he was going to target me? Daniele – he didn’t tell me anything. I haven’t heard anything about you. Janelle – I totally have to win HOH next week. Daniele – we need to win HOH the next two weeks while that safety is here.

8:30pm Bathroom. Ian, Kevin and NicoleF.
Nicole – did you talk it over with him (Cody)? Kevin – MMmmhhmm. Nicole – okay good. Kevin – I just feel like Keesha has a built in like Memphis. That’s so weird.. why me? I don’t have built in team. He explained it to me pretty good though. Nicole – Okay good. Playing with him from season 16 .. he is very straight up dude. If he tells you something his word is good. Kevin – I sense that. Nicole – are these the houses moisturizers? No one is a target.. I don’t want to use someone’s lotion and become a target. Kevin – I think I’m good. Nicole and Ian agree.

9:08pm The house guests are playing charades

9:40pm Keesha and DaVonne.
Keesha – I was just wondering if Kevin is a pawn and everyone is gunning for me. DaVonne – I don’t know I haven’t heard anything. Keesha – he said that he couldn’t decide who to put up. No one would give me any names. Kaysar joins them and breaks up the conversation.

9:30pm – 9:45pm Kevin, NicoleA, NicoleF and Ian. Talk about their past seasons / experiences in the BB house. Ian then talks about how he is on the autism spectrum and how he doesn’t like talking about it.

10:40pm Kitchen. Janelle, Tyler and David. Janelle talks about her past seasons. Meanwhile Memphis and Keesha are talking. Memphis tells Keesha to not start campaigning until after the veto and how could be used against her if she does it too early. Keesha – I am definitely not going to play too hard, too fast.

11:15pm Bedroom. Cody and DaVonne.
DaV – I didn’t want to talk to you at all during your reign because I didn’t want it to appear fake. I feel like I have a really close relationship with Enzo and I have a really good feel about you. He was like I really like Cody and I said I really like Cody too. So I wanted to know.. Cody – I would work with you. I’ve got your back 100%! DaV – The four how do you feel about that? Cody – just from watching you I feel like youre incredibly smart and good at reading everything that is going on. I am loyal to the people that I am working with. I love you and I am not going to cross you. DaV – I love you. Cody – And I love Bay a lot, she is straight up. I just like straight up people. I am good with you. I like Enzo. I think us four could be money! You’ll be close to people that will help us and I’ll be close to people that will help us. I think it would be a bit better to be a bit bigger than a four. DaV – I want you to know that I thoroughly trust you. Cody – I thoroughly trust you. If I win again you’re never going up.

11:25pm – 11:40pm Bedroom. Cody and Daniele.
Daniele – so everyone thinks that you and NicoleF are working together already. Cody – why? Daniele – because you were on the same season. Cody – I know! Its a f**king nightmare. There is nothing we can really do about it. Daniele – its a big problem and everybody thinks that you, Tyler, Memphis and Enzo are going to be in a guys alliance. Cody – you know why .. DaV mentioned .. oh no you did. Daniele – we meed to pull DaVonne in because she thinks she is running things down here and so does Janelle. Cody – what the f**k is going on down here!? Daniele – You need to pull in DaVonne but the problem is you have to pull in Bay too. Cody – that was what our conversation just was …it was Enzo, Bay and DaV. Daniele – DaVonne doesn’t full trust NicoleF. Cody – this is going to be a nightmare. Daniele – the girls are really scared theres a guys alliance. Cody – there isn’t anything even close to a guys alliance. Daniele – DaV is also talking to Janelle and Bay is working with Janelle I think. You have to be so careful. Cody – sh*t. Daniele – everything you say to DaV is going to go to Bay and if Bay is with Janelle it is just going to be relayed everywhere. You have to be so careful but if you’re too careful people are like well he is not saying anything. Its really tough. You can not be seen anywhere with NicoleF. Nicole is also know as being Ratcole. Enzo joins them. Enzo – what the f**k doing? Cody – I’m about to nominate the whole house! (LOL) Enzo – no one would think we would be together. Daniele – what if you guys fake latched onto a different guy so that you two would never be nominated together. Enzo, Christmas and Tyler join then and the conversation ends.

12:05am – 12:20am HOH room. NicoleF and Ian.
Nicole – I am always going to try.. the time I throw it is the time I get backdoored or put up. Its like going home with a veto in your pocket. I am always going to give it my all. I know some people throw comps but this is all stars.. I’m not throwing anything! Ian – the thing to think about .. I am going to try and win it .. I have not thought about what I would do if it happens. Nicole – I know. Same. Ian – The thing is .. the first HOH is hard because like Cody said there is nothing to go off of and the second HOH is hard because youre the one that broke the mold. Nicole – I just feel with us two being the only winners .. I just don’t feel confident throwing it. Cody joins them. Cody – how are you feeling .. are you making good relationships? Ian – yeah. Cody -you’re not talking to me.. Ian – I am just shy.. it takes awhile for me to warm up. Cody – I can’t wait for that Ian to come out. Are you going to work out with me? Ian – yeah. Big Brother blocks the feeds.

4 thoughts to ““I’m not funny this year. That’s what happens when you wait 10 years to bring me back! This ain’t the Meow Meow anymore.””

    1. Ur right….. they may be friends irl but fierce competitors on the inside. Dani is fully aware that Janelle is a beast & wants her out as well as Kaysar ASAP… Dani is good at this game and know there are big obstacles in her way…..Kaysar warned Janelle not to say anything…. she slips sometimes ; lol when Dani asked her who she would put up if HOH…. Janelle caught herself & said “ threats”

      1. Kaysar was right… his advice lasted less than a day…lol… glad she caught herself from naming the “threats”.

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