Head of Household Winner: Nicole
Nominations are: Jackson & Holly
Power of Veto holder: Jackson
Power of Veto Ceremony:
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12pm – 1pm The house guests are sleeping / lazing around the house. Holly, Nicole and Jackson head to the kitchen to make lunch. They all head out into the backyard to eat.
1:35pm Backyard. Nicole, Holly and Jackson.
Nicole – I appreciate you guys. Jackson – I appreciate you. I do. Holly – I appreciate you too. Jackson – what made you say that? Nicole – I was just thinking. Its very refreshing when people say things and mean them. And I don’t know if I am used to that in my life and I know I’m not used to that in this game. Or rather I don’t expect it. Its refreshing and inspirational. Holly – I am definitely not used to it in my life. Jackson – same. Nicole – Cliff was talking to me a lot about that and being a southern gentleman. The meaning of a handshake and eye contact. Jackson – its something that means a lot to me. And I am unwaveringly loyal to those that are loyal to me but I won’t bed over backwards or go against myself for those that have been loyal for those that haven’t. I will take a bullet for those that have been loyal to me. Why should I!? When you watch this thing back you will see me fully committed to the 8 until Nick and Bella started being sketchy and I started hearing things about them coming after me. That’s when I started going after them. Same thing with our 6.. unwaveringly loyal, until I started hearing things about Christie. And then it was only against Christie and not the six. So then when Christie flipped on me and everyone else flipped on me, I have no loyalty to anybody except for Holly. Nicole – no, I hear you. Jackson – I am a man of my word to those that are loyal to me and when its not reciprocated everything else goes out the window. I am not going to make sacrifices or put in effort or do things for people that would not do it for me. And I love you to death .. more than anything. But I do .. and I hope I can trust you with this and I hope it stays here.. Nicole – oh no, should I be afraid. Jackson – no, but I do want you to know.. Nicole – maybe you shouldn’t drop any bombs that I won’t be able to.. Jackson – okay. Nicole – what say it. Jackson – I was going to say everything in my veto speech tomorrow that I needed to say. I was just going to give you a little heads up. I respect you and love you to much to not let you know. And this is nothing personal. And this stays here because I don’t want it to upset Cliff and I don’t want it to stress him out on top of the current health things that he has going on. The thing is, Holly and I were unwaveringly loyal to y’all and we had a deal to get to the final four. And we knew what we were getting ourselves into going against y’all and y’all knew what you were getting yourself into going against us. Cliff joins them and the conversation ends.
1:47pm HOH room. Jackson and Nicole.
Jackson – this isn’t the big brother that I wanted to play. I came here to be open and honest and loyal to people. And my handshake and my word is rock solid until its not reciprocated and when y’all were going to keep Tommy and then forced us to.. Nicole – I know but I guess I am just frustrated on a game level ..just don’t blow smoke up my a$$, don’t use that as an excuse. Jackson – its not Nicole. Nicole – its more so ..like I know this game too well, I know the logistics of it. Jackson – Nicole, I am going to tell you right now.. Nicole – obviously, its obvious. Jackson – its not! Nicole – don’t use last week as the excuse for this week. And that’s what bothers me because.. Jackson – I am not. Holly kept her word and threw the HOH that she probably could have won. Cliff made me take a deal that said I would .. if I won the veto take him to final three and then he told me down in the kitchen that he loves you but that he would take me to final two but then he changed it the next morning .. I want you to know its not reciprocated. There are a lot of reasons why this is going to happen. Nicole – I am not upset with you and I’m not upset with Holly. This is the nature of the game. I respect the game too but but I think what I am upset about is that I saw it coming and because I saw it coming.. Jackson – but here is the.. Nicole – Cliff is not the one that was questioning voting out Holly. I was! I was the one that said I don’t know about this and Cliff was like no they’re people of their word. I honestly think Holly is the better choice. I said I don’t know Cliff, where I come from people shake your hand while stabbing you. I knew it was going to go this trajectory and if that’s the case I should have given that HOH to Cliff and that’s what I am upset about. Jackson – I do understand. But I do want to voice exactly where I am coming from because this is not a matter of me stabbing people in the back. Nicole – I know, I’m not saying it is. I know this game to well and you don’t need to use that as.. Jackson – its not. I will tell you exactly why. I love you and I’ve always said you’re not a fourth wheel to a tricycle. Nicole – so I am just a third wheel to a bicycle?! This is going to be a great finale night!!! Jackson – no, Nicole. That’s not what I am saying. Nicole – I am such a f**king dumba$$. Jackson – you’re not. Holly and I were not at any point considering going against y’all. And we were told after the veto.. no funny business. Don’t pack your bags, we’re all good and then it turned into y’all were going to take Tommy to final four. And that is for me.. Nicole – because I knew this was going to happen.
Jackson – but it wasn’t going to happen this way. We knew what we were getting into when we agreed to a final 4. Us two, y’all two … we all fight fair and square and whatever happens .. let the best man win. But that all went out the window when deals were retracted and words were broken. We got strong armed into taking a deal that forced me into evicting Holly if I won the HOH and take Cliff to final 3 and then take him to two even though he won’t take me to two. And then you’re going to make Holly throw the veto and then say to her we will give you permission to play but you have to take Cliff to then evict me! And then he will then take you to final 2.
Nicole – I feel bad, I didn’t initiate these deals. Jackson – its not the big brother that I expected Cliff to play and its not the big brother I came here to play but for me the moment I realized that Holly was going to get evicted no holds bard. We will play dirty big brother if we have to. That’s what it came down to and its nothing personal. My word with y’all was unbreakable, Holly’s word was unbreakable and we knew going into the final 4 that y’all two would pick each other and Holly and I would pick each other but it came down to competitions .. whoever won, that’s how it will be and we knew that going into it. Nicole – I guess that’s why I am upset.. Jackson – when we realized that y’all were going to go back on the final 4 deal we’ve had for five weeks.. okay if we have to lie and go back on our word too .. then we will do it. Its not the game that we wanted to play but is the game that we have been forced to play. Do you realize that Cliff is now openly making deals that say I go against Holly, Holly will go against me, he is guaranteeing himself a spot in final 2 and he is expecting it to be handed to him on a platter. Our final four deal that was supposed to be fair and square that y’all went back on that we had to agree to new more extreme and ridiculous deals just to survive and then expect to just hand him a final two with you. Do you get what I am saying!?!? Nicole – Well.. Jackson – its not right! Nicole – I hear what you’re saying. Jackson – and its nothing personal against you but the way this past week has gone on is extremely dirty! Its extremely dirty! And I know for a fact that Cliff is also saying to Holly that he would love to see her in the final three. He is telling me the same things. He is setting himself up for a guaranteed final two on a platter .. and I think he deserves to be in the final three .. but not the Cliff that I’ve seen the past week. Its not the same Cliff. He’s gotten .. he is so well thought out. He does everything with precision and he executes everything flawlessly this whole game. I don’t know if its his exhaustion with the game and he is just fed up and fatigued but the deals that he is making are not Cliff. They are sloppy, they’re messy and they’re dirty. Nicole – I know. Jackson – and that is not the Cliff that I’ve known for the past 80 days. This Cliff is different and that is what makes this so much easier. I love you to much and respect you too much to not give you a heads up as to what is going to happen. And I wanted to explain the reasons why. Its not to go against my word. Its because we were shown that our word was not reciprocated so for that reason mine doesn’t mean anything either. I will say what I have to to survive like y’all did when you were considering taking Tommy. And for me the moment that deal was even considered to be broken that bridge is burned. Does that make sense?! Its a principle thing. Nicole – I respect this game too much. Jackson – this is not a conniving plan that Holly and I have had. You will see this ..Holly and I have committed to y’all two. Cliff would beat us. Nicole – so when you said it was Tommy’s plan to take out Cliff and go with me to final 3 because I am easy to beat that was more so your mentality and Holly think was going to happen. Jackson – no, not at all. Stop making assumptions! You’re doing this again and I don’t want you to say that .. and its not the case at all. You beat Cliff on the ropes. I respect you too much to not let you know. I hope you can appreciate that. I don’t want you to be blindsided. I am going to have this conversation with Cliff but I don’t think today is the right day with his health. Nicole – as a fan of this game .. I see the trajectory and that you and Holly have nicely set up and prepared and its well done. Its very well done. Jackson – this isn’t a master plan. Nicole – its very well done and if and when you two are sitting side by side I can take it on the chin and I will not be bitter. I will look back and be like damn that is really impressive. Jackson – you have a three round HOH that you very well could win. And from that point I don’t know who you would take to final two but this is anyone’s HOH. You are capable of so much more than you give yourself credit for. You smoked us in Comics, you smoked us in the comp the other day, almost smoked us in the comp yesterday. Beat Tommy, Christy and Cliff in the double. I am not blowing smoke. You are a more well rounded player than I am. Nicole – I am the dodo bird that is going to final three with a romantic duo. Jackson – you and Cliff are a duo.. its the same thing.
2:05pm HOH room. Holly joins Jackson and Nicole.
They continue to reiterate the same broken deals over and over again. Nicole – I did not shake your hand when Cliff fell off that rope. I didn’t even look over. Holly – that was my only way of staying in the house because that is what Tommy was offering and that was .. I was about to go out the door. Nicole – my nature is just play the game. Nicole – If you won it, you deserved safety. Holly – if I hadn’t agreed to that you guys would have sent me out though. Jackson – that deal shouldn’t have even happened. We shouldn’t have had to even make new ridiculous deals. Nicole – we thought you guys were going to go back on our deal before it even happened. It was shoot or be shot. Jackson – we weren’t. Tommy is good at what he does. We never wavered on that final four. I just hope we can keep this between us today for his health reasons. Nicole – oh I wish you didn’t tell me. Ignorance is bliss. Holly – lets just have a good day. Jackson – I am going to explain all this to Cliff. Its not an excuse to keep Holly. Nicole – an excuse to keep Holly but.. Holly – I could have saved myself. But it didn’t feel right for me to go back on my word. Nicole – when you said you would throw it .. I didn’t shake your hand. Holly – even after that you still said you were going to keep Tommy. I have no bird, I have not bush. Nicole – we don’t need all these reason and excuses. It makes sense. You’re not really breaking your word because you guys have been working together so much longer. Jackson – I am not about to hand someone the number two spot. Nicole – I guess why I am upset is because the only person I have had is Cliff and he should be there instead of me. I love this game too much. As a person I know that Cliff deserves to be in the final 3 more than me. He was more gungho to get rid of you. It didn’t even cross my mind to throw that HOH to Cliff because I was being selfish. I feel so bad that Cliff was not the one .. I was the one that was saying Tommy said this and that. Where I am from people don’t keep their word. Cliff should have benefited and not me. That’s what is bothering me. Jackson – I understand. Nicole gets called to the diary room.
HOH room. Holly and Jackson.
Holly – Cliff was hesitant too. Jackson – but he was hesitant because of her. Holly – I know. Jackson – and unfortunately she has the key and he doesn’t. I am not sending you home. I would never turn my back on you. Holly – if I had not agreed to those terms and we had fought fair .. I would have the key and you would have won the veto. Jackson – and I would pick between them two. Holly – yup. Jackson – I just couldn’t sit there and listen to her say those things in the backyard and not say something. Holly – I know. Cliff was doing the same thing.. which makes me think they are doing that to make sure we stick to it. Jackson – he is going to unfortunately taking a bullet for Nicole.
3:50pm Hammock. Nicole talking to the cameras – The only person I gave my word to was me. And beside that the only person I meant my word to was Cliff. Aside from that we had an opportunity to take a shot prior to four and I’ll admit I wanted to f**king take it. Who gives a crap! You know what America if you think my word is sh*t and my handshake is sh*t then so be it. You can boo me all you want and throw tomatoes at me all you want but the neck of the woods that I come from which is not the south with southern gentlemen and handshakes and eye contact. I come from the northeast, I come from New York .. and you know what that is kill or be killed. Take a shot before you’re shot. Protect your own before they’re even put at risk.. and that is that. And I would never expect either of them to pick me or Cliff over each other. This would have happened had we kept our word. I don’t need a big speech. If I brought everyone that I said was good, I would have 15 people here in the final two. Do I worry about how that looks to my character.. no! Its a game!
4:02pm HOH room. Cliff and Nicole.
Cliff – how are you doing? Nicole – not good. I have to talk to you. Its really bad. Cliff – they’re thinking about flipping. Nicole nods yeah. Cliff – okay. Nicole – and they don’t want me to tell you. Michie is giving a speech tomorrow at veto about his word means something and his handshake means something and we didn’t reciprocate that. Cliff – its okay. Nicole, its okay. Nicole – you walked inside and Michie was like this will be the final 3. And I am not mad at him .. he won the veto do what you want. I don’t expect him not to take Holly and I don’t expect Holly not to take him. What I am more infuriated about is that someone is saying hey guys this is what is happening. And I don’t respect the fact that he sat here because I was upset and said I am a man of my word, I am a man of my handshake, that means something to me. And you guys went against that. None of this would have happened if you hadn’t done that. And we not gone against that this still would have been the final four. I am upset. I am done. Cliff – Its okay. I’ve said that if I was to advance I needed to win competitions. I get what he is saying, I disagree a little bit in that we made further agreements after that. Cliff – we didn’t do it. Nicole – but we considered it. Cliff – because we were getting information that suggested that words had already been broken. You know that I made that promise to Michie that I would take him even though that would jeopardize both of our games. I said that I was going to do it because I felt like I had to honor my word. If he is not going to honor his side of it there is nothing I can do about it .. and its okay. Nicole – I don’t need excuses and justifications .. just say what you’re going to do. Cliff – are you okay if I go down and say look you put Nicole in a bad position I don’t know what is going on can we just talk about it reasonably? Nicole – I don’t know, Michie said he wanted to keep this between us because you’re not feeling well. Nicole – its a frickin game .. I applaud they way they played. He said this is all happening because of what you did. No its not, its because we’re four and have to go to three. Cliff – I get what they’re saying it should have just been four without extra agreements. Its okay, its alright. If I go out fourth, its okay. You’re going to be final 3. You have a vote from me. Nicole – this week is going to be awkward. Cliff – our whole deal was to go to final 3 and we almost did. If he wants to break it, that’s on him. Nicole – I think if the roles were reversed they would have taken the shot at us.. I don’t care what the f**k they say. Cliff – I will make sure the jury knows that an agreement was made and then ignored as soon as he got power. Its okay I am going to go talk to him. Nicole – If he is going to stand up and say my word means something and your word means dirt. I’m a trust worthy person and you’re not. Great job martyrs!!! Cliff – maybe we made the wrong decision and should have kept Tommy.
4:30pm Living room. Cliff and Jackson.
Cliff asks Jackson to talk. Cliff – she told me and I’m okay about it. Jackson – I know she feels upset because you’re almost taking a bullet for her. Cliff – well I am but.. Jackson goes into all the reasons why he and Holly are going back on their word due to the things Nicole and Cliff did. Jackson – one comment that rubbed me the wrong way was that this will be y’all’s last days. Cliff – oh I’m sorry. Jackson – and then you gave Holly permission to compete. She is a grown woman and doesn’t need anyone’s permission to compete. Jackson continues to explain the deals that were made and why they’re broken. Cliff – however this goes, we’re cool. We’re playing a game. You’re playing for your game and I’m playing for mine. Part of me wishes it wasn’t me and that it was Nicole but that’s how the game goes. Cliff – let me throw out my side. Yeah we talked about final four. I fully intended on a final four with us. I started hearing that Holly was maybe plotting against me. I am not thinking that is the case now but that’s what I was hearing. Tommy was spilling a lot of info that made me think you were playing games with him as well. And then I have Nicole next to me who was very scared that if it came down to me and Holly and the two of us that anything other than Nicole winning would lead to her going out the door. And I already promised to her that whatever she wanted me to vote I would do it. We vote in unity because I promised her that. And because she won the veto I felt a little bit trapped. Jackson – you and I came in here alone and I don’t want you to sink your ship for someone else. Jackson – I love you man and respect you on a personal level. Cliff – don’t get mad at her because I found out. Jackson – no, I wanted to tell you but I didn’t want to add stress to your health. Cliff – I appreciate that but I’m cool. We all know what the plan is, I don’t want people walking on egg shells. I understand but I still don’t like it. I still consider you one of the most honorable people in this game. Jackson – unfortunately its you versus Holly. Cliff – we’re playing a game and if I come up short.. I just don’t want the rest of this week to be weird.
5:15pm – 6:10pm Nicole, Cliff and Jackson talk more and more about everything that happened and didn’t happen to get them to the point in the game where they are right now. Cliff heads inside. Cliff wanders the house and then sits in silence in the bathroom and then moves to the living room. Holly and Jackson talk about life outside the house and then lay in silence on the hammock together.
6:10pm – 7:15pm All the house guests are napping / lazing around in silence.
7:18pm Living room. Nicole and Cliff.
Cliff – I’ve been here for 89 days. I’m okay with going. I’m not going because I did something horrible, its because they’re going to do something that .. it will be their own decision. Nicole – maybe we were thinking of going against the agreement first but for two people that ranted and raved and cried and yelled about your word means something .. then proceeded to give their word and then proceeded to take it back. You’re being a hypocrite to so I don’t want to hear it. I know it sounds mean but we’re all guilty of it. I would respect it more if it was just this is the nature of the game, I am taking Holly. Cliff – but he is so worried about how he is portrayed .. he isn’t giving the explanation to us .. its to them (America). Cliff – depending on what is said I might bring up how this was only brought up after he won the veto. And he will probably get upset and have a melt down about it.
8pm Holly and Jackson making dinner.
8:20pm Bedroom. Cliff talking to the camera. Cliff – he wanted a reason to break the agreement ..and he came up with one. We all live with the decisions we make. I didn’t expect it to end like this. I thought it would be more of a win or if you don’t you go home. You have to live with your own decisions and I am okay with the decisions I’ve made in this game. Day 89, Cliff discovers he is going to the jury house. Try and sell Nicole as much as I can. Although it will probably be Michie and Holly. Then I would have to decide who to vote for .. maybe Holly.. we honored her agreement.
Jackson – I can’t believe I won the last veto. Holly – I am. Jackson – I’m not proud of that win. That was a dog sh*t win. Holly – you beat me by 6 minutes. Jackson – if I had just stopped and thought about it .. I could have done it in 4 minutes. Holly – the thing that f**ked with my head is that both of them took an hour. I thought that was at least 45 minutes of time. That’s what messed with me. Jackson – I don’t feel right winning something that I didn’t earn. I don’t like things getting handed to me and don’t like handing things.
9:20pm Nicole gets her HOH snap chat glasses.
9:30pm POP tv gives them Jenga to play with.
9:56pm The jenga tower climbs towards the ceiling.
Nicole runs for cover.. #BB21 Jenga @bigbspoilers pic.twitter.com/uhHgPuMidI
— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) September 16, 2019
10:20pm Backyard. Cliff talking to his wife Sharon – I don’t know if you’ve gotten word yet or not through a website or through earlier live feeds. Even though I had made the decision to honor my handshake agreement with Michie and take him to final 3 if I had won the veto. He has decided the opposite. He has decided he is not going to honor our sworn agreement and take me to the final 3 in case he won veto instead he is reneging on the deal and taking Holly.. which means I am going home on Thursday. He gave me a lot or reasons and excuses for why he is reneging on the deal but the reality is he didn’t tell me about it until after he won the veto. If he really thought the deal was made under bad situations ..well first of all he shouldn’t have done it but even if he did and he wanted to renege on it he should have done it before whoever won the veto. If it had been the faces comp or something I would have been better at and I won it he would be wanting me to honor it. We know he would. I was willing to stand up to that agreement .. the man to man handshake agreement .. he isn’t. Nicole joins Cliff.
10:43pm – 11pm Backyard. Nicole and Cliff.
Cliff talks about how he will tell Michie later that we he gets out he will see video of him telling Nicole that he (Cliff) has to honor his deal with him (Michie). Holly was honorable and he wasn’t. She kept her word and he didn’t. Wouldn’t that suggest that I might vote for Holly over Michie? Nicole – maybe articulate that to him as well. She gave her word and stuck to it and threw the HOH. Cliff – if its Holly & Michie that means you’re also in jury and you may feel the same way in terms of voting. Suddenly that’s two votes for Holly. Tommy will not vote for Michie. That’s three. Nicole – Christie won’t. Cliff – Christie won’t .. that’s four. Will Sissy vote for Michie? There’s your five. Will Jess.. I don’t know. Will Kat? Nicole – no, no way. Cliff – I’ve always been opposed to a bitter jury.. I’m not sure its a bitter jury if there was one person that honored an agreement with you and another one that turned around a day later didn’t honor it.
Nicole tells Cliff that she was the second in her class in high school and college. Cliff tells Nicole – all these jokes about Mensa .. I’ve qualified for Mensa. I took a test with 50 questions or so and finished so fast I had time to go back and review answers for 4 questions or so. I’m not in it because it never meant anything to me. I’ve got a 145 IQ. Nicole – wow! You should try for it. Cliff – oh and live feeders .. I’ve been told I qualify for Mensa based on my score. If I don’t, don’t rake me over the coals.
11:54pm Backyard. Nicole, Cliff and Holly talk about the jury house and how each jury member is dealing with it.
12:10am Nicole sitting alone talking to the cameras.
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I promised to eat my words if somehow Michie pulled out a win so here I am now. For the first time I will admit I’m wrong. Sometimes predictions don’t come true and this is one of them. Michie’s eviction party is now canceled.
This is one thing I know for sure is that Nicole is going to win. I said this since day 1 and this has not changed. Michie is going to go down the same road as Tyler.
Hopefully, Next year my predictions will be better.
A Doomsday Prophecy just for you Houka Inumuta
– Cliff spends four days campaigning for AFP; on his way out the door he tells Nicole he has her back
– The Rotund One tells Julie he would have had a better chance had he not sacrificed his own game to protect Nicole because he loves her like a daughter…as he wipes a tear away
– Jackson wins the deciding challenge and takes Holly to F2
– Smurfette, with Cliff sized tire tracks on her back, gets third and a truly bodacious onesie which she wears to the finale
– The Crusty/Tommy relationship is kept from the jury. Crusty shoves Dr. Will out of his chair and leads the jury lynch mob roundtable while Tommy cavorts around behind her jumping up and down and fist pumping
– A bitter jury gives the win and a scarlet letter to Holly
– Jackson takes second place and tells Holly, “It’s you and me all the way babe! Let’s shake on it!”
– A wild haired women rushes the stage, yanks Tommy from his booster seat and high kicks him…as medics carry him away Crusty starts crying uncontrollably
– As falsetto calls of “I love you, I respect you” fade off stage, Julie announces Cliff is AFP, Cliff does his finger snappy thing, Nicole runs up to him, tells him he so deserves this…and knees him…twice…SKD-opfh-143-argh!
Thanks for the laugh!
That would be hilarious!!
“Jackson – I don’t feel right winning something that I didn’t earn. I don’t like things getting handed to me and don’t like handing things.“
What is he talking about?
I think he is saying Nicole got her spot in the final three handed to her when Holly through the HOH comp.
He’s referring to the POV.
Some think he means the POV (b/c apparently he kept knocking down the wrong cut out & production kept LOUDLY repeating did NOT.. did NOT) as he was taking shots to knock down the cutouts.
But, others thought he meant the luxury comp which was apparently also handed to him ($10k).
So, not sure maybe both.
I think you have captured the essence of the last few days perfectly!
How will Nicole win? She has to win HOH. It’s the only way and that is too good to be true!
Yea and no one will be throwing this one to her
holly sucks at comps and part 3 is usually observation based which jackson sucks at. nicole has a pretty good chance at winning fianl hoh and taking holly for the win.
I would have understood maybe not agreed with what Jackson did to Tommy and lying to everyone had Jackson now just manned up and owned it. Instead he is using it as an excuse to do what we all knew he would do. Had he said look i saw that you were possibly wavering on our deal and because this is big brother I had to do what it took to make sure Holly stayed. I hate that he is just trying to make it look like hed alway the victim and he had no choice he so honorable. America doesnt want to be F by you jackson so stop trying to. Please your the douche full of s!!t guy at the bar.
Love Nicole she took ownership of what she did. Jackson condescending and a liar. Cliff did this to himself. Jackson would have never known Nicole was wavering because all he heard when snooping on them was Tommy campaigning that’s normal. We do not know if they would have kept their word had Jackson not lied because he did lie. The point is moot.I think Holly still wanted to go with Tommy. Cliff just gave the excuse to Jackson and bought his self a ticket to the jury. Nicole is upset because Jackson is once again underestimating her and trying to manipulate her and she see that. I guess she figures he should give her the respect she deserves instead I love you we will be friends after the show Bs. Jackson is the embodiment of self entitled priviledged jerk sorry. I do really think Nicole is probably the most sincere person we have seen in a long time I really do like her and wish her well in the future.
That’s my take too….they didn’t know if Nicole/Cliff we’re gonna turn they just assumed they would.
Umm, yes they knew exactly what they were doing. Cliff & Nichole told them and us. I feel awful for Tommy but this is BB and it’s final four. Jackson’s mind sees a problem or obstacle & he figures out what needs to happen & he does it. It’s NEVER FAIR. There have been years when people won because they were NICE. That is Not what winning BB is about. That’s AFP.
Was dr will scandalous YES that’s the game
Dr. Will didn’t pretend he was driven by high moral values and integrity…
Give me a break all she has done this whole season is whine like a 10 year old i don’t care how sweet she is she floated literally to the end and yes won 2 comps that were designed by production for her then the lady was given to her she does not deserve to win
Uhhh, so did Kasey last season.
She played a social game just like Nicole & never won a challenge until the very end..
and Kasey won her season.
Cause Tyler stopped playing his due to his showmance…..
Out of curiosity are you cool with production giving Jackson wins in comps he lost? (the one on the jet ski where his time had already surpassed Kat’s final tally with only his socks off?), how his ropes were set up differently in the swing competition (he didn’t win that one mind you), his recent POV win where it’s been confirmed production aided his victory & forced Nicole to stop to drink water (she was less than 2 mins behind him), or the luxury comp he said was handed to him?
I’m not saying TPTB don’t influence ALL the timed events – but to suggest Nicole was the ONLY one who benefited this season from a comp geared more to her assets or that production lied about the true time isn’t recognizing the full picture. Plus, lets not forget Nicole didn’t get to play in eight out of the first nine POV comps.
I’m not suggesting Jackson isn’t a comp beast —– but even he was gifted wins.
You won’t say it, but I will. All individually timed comps are suspect until they air them on feeds in their entirety or put them on the cbs site as an extra bonus clip in full because there is a long history of individual time comps being suspicious (all the way back to the only other individual timed final 4 veto comp in big brother history during bb5). If they want to rig a comp: why not rig a comp where the viewer can’t see the whole thing, and won’t know if the times are correct. Given how they operate the d/r (can you say that again as the sassy angry black woman), we’re supposed to believe they won’t manipulate for story in comps that aren’t played out before our or their eyes? okay. nope.
If that’s true. That mister macho 6’ whatever 200lbs whatever needs help to beat 5’2” 100lbs whatever. Then he really should be ashamed of himself.
You all are so full of it…. Had they respected the final four deal and not created all the drama there would not have been shady stuff going on. It would have come down to comps and there is no doubt Holly would have won Nicole’s HOH that she did not earn. You are all mad because you like the underdog and know they did not have much of a chance to win comps against Mickie and Holly. Talk about honor…. you guys grow blind when your players cause the drama and force moves that should not be forced. We, America, know that Mickie and Holly were planning on honoring the final four deal. They kept Cliff and Nicole safe for six weeks…. took a lot of heat to keep alliance a secret.
What a fickle bunch of sour America you are. mickie won challenges and told who his target was each time. If things changed, he let them know. Nicole is and has been a weasel throughout game and she screwed Cliff by bringing the drama
He will come clean when he gets his questions fromthe jury on finale night. The guy is a genious, i dont care what anyone says, hes one of the best ever. Id say dan will jackson top 3 all time. I dont wanna here evil dick hes the one who needed america to win.
I saw glimpses of Dr. Will in him during the cat fight.
evil dick
Btw it’s EVEL Dick
Yeah. Took that into consideration, but had to spell it as above since he didn’t “wanna here evil dick”.
Zingbot had it right !
I agree somewhat.. He is smart ..BUT he also has production guiding him the entire way so of course he is coming off as being a genius.. but he is not … he is just lucky that production is helping him. I’m sure that if Nicole got that help she would have looked at as a genius as well…
Prove it that production helped him. All you losers who say that have no clue, your just upset because your floater got played. I love it.
Triggered. Love it
The real Jackson is rearing his pompous head again. He played up being a nice guy and According to the polls it worked. He’s using the fact that Nicole and Cliff were trying to protect their own game against them. We know this was his plan all along , so quit trying to play us. I have my fingers crossed he goes out third, that would be awesome, and payback for cheating at have nots and just being an all around jerk.
I think Jackson IS a nice guy. I also think he can be a pompous douchbag. Like most of us there is good & bad & everything in between. Plus, we are seeing these people in a fishbowl making close attachments, then competing against them & then evicting them & killing their dream.
Nah…he is a douchebag that is used to getting whatever he wants no matter what it takes. And mommy helps along whatever he cannot take care of on his own.
Jackson should go back and finish law school……he’s lied and played everyone including viewers…..saying he hasn’t gone shirtless to show off his body, yadda yadda yadda…………..
They should have kept Tommy….at least there would be some game left. It’s a done deal now Jolly has it in the bag….
This is a game and they are not suppose to be truthful come on guys
Thanks Houka! Super impressed with you holding true to your promise!
My prediction is Jackson makes it to final 2 and wins the whole thing (if he does, I think he earned it especially above Holly), but I’m hoping your prediction is right and Nicole manages to win the final HOH and the $500,000.
I honestly think at this point Jackson has earned it….but Nichole could change my mind…..
It seems to me, I could be wrong, but Holly is the biggest floater of all. I would rather see somebody that actually played the game.
Holly played undercover games and shower games.
after watching tonight’s show, that fight with Tommy and voting out Cliff on Thu will only contribute to one thing for Michie – echoing tommy’s statement that Michie does not deserve the money (karma is strong in BBH, hello Paul :)). Tommy, Christie, Cliff, Nicole, Kat, Sis and Jess will vote for Holly. Jack and Nick might vote for Jackson.
If,by some miracle,Holly does happen to win,can’t you just picture Jackson saying,”oh ,Holly ,WE WON”!
I was thinking the same thing. Funny how a couple weeks ago she asked about them being together outside of the house and he was like I don’t know I can’t answer that.I garantee if holly wins he will be so far up her ass more than she is up his.
Don’t you just love Holly also saying I would have won the HOH Comp as if Nicole had no chance. I think Nicole’s tiny body was perfect for that comp.
Holly even had her cameltoe clamped onto that rope.
Jackson carried her, especially the last part of the game.
Who ever jackson sits beside in f2 he will win. I dont think we see a bitter jury. They will vote for the true winner jackson.
jackson wins 10-0. 10? he gets a bonus vote for ending the have-not punishment. 😉
Houka! Thank you for your entertaining posts. And I mean that in a good way. You’re a trip.
You’re dreaming if you think Nicole will win this lol, it’s actually quite obvs either jackson or holly will win final huh and take the other. Nicole will get 3rd and AMF, no bitter jury, after all they all were an alliance at one point. Micky wins 100%
I think Nicole will be in final 2, I think she’ll be smarter at the rememberence competitions. Then she should take Holly for the win. Kudos to her for laying into Jackson. Plus, Nicole/Cliff didn’t turn on them, they voted outTommy.
They voted out Tommy only after Holly promised to give them the HOH AND Veto. Nicole and Cliff both shook hands with Jackson and Holly and swore to go to final four and then each for himself. Then they lied and said they never shook. CBS aired them shaking on it last night. Do you not believe what your eyes and ears tell you? Jackson DESERVES to win this but with all the bitter losers in the jury, he may not.
Yes they voted out tommy but they had to make new deals for them to do that and they shouldnt have had to do that if they were a true final 4.
I hope you’re right. I just don’t want lying Miche. I want Nicole & Holly at the end. Don’t care anymore which one wins.
Jackson should own his part..he was going to take Holly to F3 and F2 nothing changed with that plan. I hope Nicole wins 500K and AFP she deserves all of the money. This game is too big for Cliff. Jackson is playing the game..Holly doesnt deserve to be in the F3 too much drama with her.
Ofcourse he was gonna take holly to f2. Thats not the point. The original plan was to be f4 then scrap it out. But then mickie and holly had to make new deals so that holly could stay and that was cliff and nicole going back on there wordf or a f4. If it was the other way around michie and holly would have stuck with the f4 and would have evicted tommy and with no new deals. So it looks good on the 2 floaters.
I hope that is one prediction that does come true, however it is a long shot . Jackson however will not win, might be in the second chair, but no confetti! That is a sure thing. For like Paul, he display for jury votes. After Tommy and Cliff tell all, who will vote for him, not Jess, Kay, Nick,Sis, Kristy, Tommy, or Cliff. No way he can win now! Stupid!
Cliff is stupid enough to vote for jackson. My God, Nicole had Michie stone cold figured out and he still lobbied her to keep Holly and said he trusted Michie.
Jackson was straining so hard for a couple tears he looked constipated, it was so fake and over the top for him! Nauseating and completely made up BS !!!! You don’t need to be so fake Bro, calling on your mom? WOW that was just creepy!!!!!!
Well yeah, thinking about dear old Ma is the only thing that could force Jackson to squeeze out a tear.
Well I hope Nicole doesn’t win. She flipped on them first and made Holly beg to stay. Now she’s upset that Jackson won’t stick to the agreement. I can’t stand people who stab you in the back and still think you should be loyal to them. I wanted Cliff to win, but now I hope it’s anyone but Nicole.
Do you think Nicole and Cliff are thinking – Should have kept Tommy??? Bye bye Cliff Hogg!!
I imagine Tommy would have quickly aligned with Jackson to take the weaker players out (he already said he hoped Jackson would target them) and rely upon Crusty and his friends on jury to gift him the win.
You have been so far off on a few things lately. Like Saying evel dick would high five Jackson. He absolutely hates Jackson and thinks he never should have been cleared to be on the show. Tommy already said in exit interviews he would have thrown hoh he would have targeted jackson. He really wanted Jackson out.
Well evel has already said, like him or not, he deserves the win; as if he’s an expect on who should or shouldn’t be on the show. As for whatever Tommy said during his “exit” interviews, so? Exit interviews are for excuses. Now that Jackson has owned him, of course he would have wanted him out.
Say, do you recall when Tommy first reveal his secret? Wasn’t it to Jackson and Holly after Jackson won HoH? Interesting. He was sure working the social game with them at the time. Wasn’t if after Nicole won POV that he drifted over to them and sold them…oops, I mean told them, his secret and started wanting to work with them?
tonight Dick said let’s pray for a nicole final hoh win, so that we don’t have to see the “crab infested showmance as the F2”
Some jealously coming from Evel. He needed how many tries to win? Although I’m sure he’s an expert in crab infestations.
Actually, ED won his first season (8) and quit 5 or 6 days into his second (13), so not many “tries”
He was forced to quit because he found out he had aids.
damn, Rokas came out of nowhere.
props to you though SMB, you’ve been touché-ing left & right
He also was promised that he would win if he would come on the show. Anyone that has production protecting them can win. All he did was yell and bully people- mostly the women. No respect for him at all.
Is that a comment about ED or week one and two Jackson? It’s so hard to tell.
I agree, and I said as much to him on twitter, and he blocked me my first week on twitter. That was my first block. 2nd block was Paul BB19 a few days later. Since then I’m doing okay. 🙂
Says the guy with HIV…smh
Wow, Evel Dick can be a little weird sometimes but that’s dumb. Crab infested? Smh lame
If you watch it back, where Tommy told J&H about him and Christie, they had been bashing Christie hard to Tommy and questioning his using the veto on her twice to the point where Tommy felt he had to explain why he did it. It had been really difficult for Tommy being in that house with Christie, and totally unfair to him imo, and I think it was a relief for him to finally explain himself.
Agreed. He looked so uncomfortable when they were bashing her.
I honestly think the main reason he told Holly and Jackson was because they were bashing her so much.
He wldnt of he said he wld of targeted jackson and go f3 with cliff and nicole.
Tommy would have knifed them, too. Only diff is he’d have thrown in a bunch of twirling, high kicking, & “I love you” fake b.s. as he did it.
Good job Nicole on calling Jackson out on his bs reason for going back on his word with Cliff
But Jackson is not wrong here
Technically Jackjaw acted on suspicion of potentially breaking a deal not a deal that was broken…..he conveniently leaves that part out. He will be thought of a scumbag when he leaves the house no matter what anyway lol…..
The hand shake deal was to go to the final four. They agreed then told them they were voting Holly out. The reason they kept Holly was because she agreed to throw the HOH and Veto to them. That is a broken deal. I can’t believe so many people refuse to admit it’s a broken deal. If you agree to something and then change the rules at the last minute, that’s breaking a deal.
Talking about options is NOT the same thing as going back on your word. But Jackson thinks he’s the only one who can plan ahead and hold people to deals. What he did to Tommy was fair but mean. I really hate how he and Holly crown themselves king and queen of honesty but break deals first.
As if deals mean anything on Big Brother but, “talking about options is not the same thing as”? Come on, Cliff and Nicole were intending to keep Tommy and would of had not Cliff threw her under the bus.
Jackson was on to them so he acted first. When it comes to breaking deals, you don’t wait around for them to do it to you first when you know they intend to do it to you. You take the shot.
Tommy was a better choice for them. But, what I hate is Jackson’s double-standard of talking like he has always kept his word and never lied. They both act like victims.
Both as in Jackson-Holly or Cliff-Nicole, because they’re all playing the victim.
Am I the only one remembering that Cliff straight up told Jackson that they were leaning toward keeping Tommy?
I get that Nicole is way more likeable than Jackson, but she was all about that final 4 Cliff got her into when it was Jackson and Holly volleying HoH and keeping her ass safe. Sure she had the opportunity to nix Jackson during the double, but that would have just left her sitting in the same place with Tommy and Christie.
I guess I just have an issue with her sitting in her GIFTED throne acting all righteous when just a few days ago she she was the one holding the knife to their backs with all intentions of using it.
In all likelihood had they booted Holly, Tommy would be in her spot and she’d be the one getting booted this week.
Nicole’s big advantage this whole season was that she was a decent person and a straight shooter, but she is sitting there doing the same thing she is accusing Jackson of. Trying to convince the audience that it is okay that she was being a snake because ya know, she’s from NY.
She was literally handed a spot in F3 and now she’s mad because Jackson is not further stacking the deck against himself?
I think Jackson is right on this one. SHE had all intentions of breaking their F4 deal and only reluctantly stuck to it after backing J & H into a corner and making them promise the world. Is it not enough that Holly with Jackson’s urging honored that deal by throwing HOH, which IMO she had no real obligation to do. Of course it is only after the fact that Nicole is now saying she wasn’t really holding Holly to that deal because ya know, she didn’t shake on it. I guess Jackson should have just told her that he intended on honoring the deal when they made it, just like no funny business right?
The thing is the only thing she can be pissed about is the fact that she took what was likely Cliff’s spot in F3.
Is everyone forgetting that Tommy had already made that same deal with Nicole and Cliff? Holly and Jackson were not FORCED into anything. The mistake was in not breaking up the showmance. And as for Jackson’s saying he HAD to save Holly, yes he did, for HIS OWN game! He was willing to let her go until he eavesdropped!Keeping her was to help his game, so he can stop with the Sir Galahad routine.
Oh, and they definitely planned on going back on their deal. They just weren’t given a chance to. They had no intention of keeping Holly over Tommy. They were going to renege on the deal. They didn’t get a chance to and now everybody’s mad because Jackson lied? Really! It’s Big Brother, not a popularity contest. I think it’s more like chess game. Object of the game is to remove players from the board. There’s no rules on how that’s supposed to be done. (Well, you can’t kill them. Surely that’s one of the rules ) WAAAAAAA, HE FOOLED ME. Oh please! Grow up this is not real life it’s a game and the object of the game is to win. It doesn’t matter if big brother throws a wrench into the game to control it that’s why he’s called big brother. OK so all these people are whining and complaining and some people are complaining and whining and then some people are just whining. I don’t like Jackson, but he is playing a great game. I didn’t like Paul, so controlling. But he was one hell of a player. I thought the object of the game “may the best player win”. But jury always forgets object of the game. They want all the floating ass kissers to win. Always Bitter grudge holder‘s. Maybe the better description would be sore losers.
But, Jackson keeps claiming he hasn’t gone back on his word even once. He and Holly are acting all shocked And holier-than-thou when they have lied multiple times. To call out Cliff & Nicole for not playing a “clean” game makes them liars and fake.
So when Jackson kept Christie instead of Sis after telling her she was NOT his target was that shifting gears?
Or the conversation with Tommy pre POV (BB Comics) did that not take place just to ensure he & Holly would be safe? Or prior to the HOH when he told Tommy he wasn’t his target — given there were only 5 people in the house who the F was the target if it wasn’t Tommy? — one of the people he was sworn in loyalty to?
You get the drift right? The reality of this situation as Another Name so eloquently pointed out is the reason Beth/Jackson stayed true to the F4 deal was ONLY BECAUSE the numbers behooved them to – they had Cliff/Nicole to vote however they wanted but they still were working every other hamster in the house with “alluded promises of safety”. We also seem to over look the biggest comp win of the season was Nicole’s DE HOH which easily could’ve shafted the duo but instead elected to stay true to the F4. Again, if Tommy or Christie had won that DE HOH don’t think for one second Jackson would’ve been spouting his holier than thou bond with Cliff/Nicole —- NO he would’ve buried them and hey – that’s also okay b/c it’s the frigging game – you make alliances and you also try to position yourself safely with everyone else.
The bottom line is Nicole CONSIDERING her options is part of the game & like the majority of BB fans stated the better move was keeping Tommy simply b/c he would give them a better shot at taking out Jackson and/or being Jackson’s target if he stayed & won POV.
At the end of the day Nicole is the one player remaining who can credit others game for the sake of game but she’s not going to ALSO let Jackson deliver the blow with this nonsense about disloyalty when in they end they did stick to the deal (i.e. we are punishing you b/c you allowed yourself to THINK & CONSIDER) & we ALL KNOW even if TPTB didn’t spur on this topic (b/c we KNOW they did) to keep Tommy he STILL was ALWAYS going to keep Holly 100 times out of 100 times.
One final point here – Nicole NEVER had an option – we can say all we want she could’ve forced Cliff’s hand but she could not. She has known going way back when she couldn’t convince him to keep Nick or to vote out Christie earlier that he had his pecking order which was driven by his own desires/needs. Pushing him to do what she wanted still wouldn’t have happened — I mean HELLO – Tommy basically gutted himself saying he’d throw HOH & his priority was to take out Jackson & then he told that to Jackson’s face. Nicole watching Cliff STILL push to keep Holly told her after an entire week of trying to make it happen it wasn’t to be.
I feel for her b/c other than Kemi she never had a true ally with vested interest in the house. Every single person she tried to work with sold her out, blamed her, buried her or treated her like a non-entity. Case in point – how many meetings did this F4 group ever have when Holly/Jackson were in power when they asked Nicole who do you think we should target next?
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm yeah you’re hearing crickets b/c they never had these discussions they just TOLD her what was happening & who the target was. Whereas when Nicole won on DE she met with Cliff then with Holly/Jackson & even in that tight turnaround confirmed with all three it would be Tommy/Christie & if they agreed Christie should be the target. In fact, had Nicole wanted to take out Tommy instead I bet we would’ve seen H/J buck that idea to push for Christie so yeah – I’m not swallowing this holier than thou shit of Jackson’s either. I still think he played a great game – but the hypocrisy of “how’s and why’s” needs to stop.
First of all…THEY ALL LIE. It’s part of the game. Secondly, if you’re not happy with how this all played out, I feel Cliff is just as much to blame as Jackson. Honestly, Cliff shouldn’t be up there in the finals. I’m not sure Holly or Nichole deserve it either. We will see….Jackson has killed the comps. Socially, he’s got some growing up to do. But I see him being very considerate to the others most of the time.
Which part was considerate?
When he joked about Jessica’s weight, and made fun of what she cooked and her portion sizes (while he was eating 28 times a day)? How about when he told people what and when they could eat?
When he said let’s piss on the floor and the toilet seat and tell everyone David did it?
When he would go to Kemi at the urging of the d/r to be nice (in case she won comeback), and then go up to the HOH room or the back yard and make fun of what she said with the alliance and at one point calling her shit. Repeatedly?
When he threw away something from Nick’s HOH basket, bragged about it and then changed his story weeks later? Was it his HOH basket?
How about when he was belittling and yelling in Kat’s face, or making fun of her and her promiscuity and then scampering off to crawl in bed with her?
How about his complaints about other people’s kitchen cleaning habits and shaming them, when his own showmance can go days without washing a dish.
He shares what… one out of every 10 watermelons? A house food. A house food he got snippy with others for eating for two weeks?
What about the whole ‘things Christie says could wreck my life outside of the show’…. hey, let’s tell everyone she was having a relationship with Jack outside of the house (in a time that would have overlapped her previous relationship). That’s not so considerate.
While it may be loosely considerate (if not gross and highly unsanitary) to share deodorant that you use on your anus testicles and penis, how considerate is it really when three of the people that come in contact with that deodorant develop a rash?
How about how he talked about upgrading from Beth on feeds last week to the boys. more than once. the old ferrari’s only good for being up on blocks in the garage, it’s not good for driving talks.
How about this: Using the HOH shower and a stool for sex no matter who is the HOH, and not cleaning the shower afterward?
He’s 24. At what point do we stop saying he’s got growing up to do and hold him accountable?
once upon a time, i was jackson. so, so many commonalities. in some cases worse, in some cases better. you could say i was a product of my surroundings. anyway, long story short, i’ve almost 180’ed since. i could see jackson doing the same.
I just wrote a long response/rant to this and then deleted every last word. lmao I’m a fool!
lol no, you’re good. no fool. was it too sensitive? my post was vague for that very reason. cliff notes?
continuing a previous convo, yeah michael myers is my fave of that bunch too. man, that dude had serious tunnel vision eh? stay out of his way and you were golden.
but yo, have you seen the back n forth happening here? OBB’s finest ladies are going at it. don’t know who/what started it.
Aw dang Cotton, I don’t get notifications when people respond to something I say. 🙁 lol
Sensitive, yea…but I’m not shy…but some people on here hate with a vengeance, so that’s why I chickened out ha. I happened to remember just now about the back and forth between the fine ladies and came back to see if I missed anything and found this lol.
When did Nicole lie?
Agree 100%
This is Big Brother. At some point deals have to be broken
Tell that to Jackson.
Uh…do you know that at this very moment (a while ago) Cliff was (again) throwing Nicole under the bus to Jackson?
EXACTLY! Cliff is making very nausea with all of his throwing Nicole under, over and thru the bus.
And, I don’t care if you want Jackson to win but my God was that the most PATHETIC and SCRIPTED setting session you have ever seen on tonight’s show?? Even my husband who doesn’t watch BB was cracking up!
Jackson was squeezing his eyes together so hard just trying to juice a teardrop!
The icing on the cake was “I need a hug from Mama” and “Where’s Mama when you need her?”
Holly’s expression was too funny!
He looked at camera on cue….tugged at his eyelashes then made poopy face while straining out a tear…..Holly looked down trying not to laugh.
I literally saw brief glimpses of Dr. Will in Jackson’s performance during the fight.
come now. How many beers deep into the goggles would you have to be to compare Jackson to Dr. Will.
His performance during the fight didn’t fool Nicole. Niiii-cole. She just gave up the ghost because there was no way to convince Cliff. If your act in a fight doesn’t fool Nicole, you are no frickin Dr. Will.
So you’re saying Nicole doesn’t have the strength to even compete against her own partner. Whoa, that is weak. Should look good on her resume; played multiple times by her partner and Jackson.
I’m quite capable of making my own point, and don’t need a ‘so you’re saying’ twisted false equivalency as a veiled misdirection from Jackson and toward Cliff. I compose my thoughts in English, and many times choose my words with thought and purpose (even when I say things that are dripping in sarcasm that are ofttimes perhaps too facetious).
You said Jackson’s performance reminded you of Dr. Will. I disagreed.
I pointed out it was not even close to a Dr. Will performance if the most naive and confused person in the room at the time was able to see through it.
I further elucidated that once Cliff decided to bend over for Jackson (on the false premise of a final two lie that Jackson eluded to which would cover Cliff’s ass with 2 final 2 deals) hours before the big Tommy lie, her vote alone would not be enough to carry out her plan. That is neither about strength nor weakness. That is about Cliff’s lack of integrity in the game, and Jackson’s willingness to lie. I’m not the prudish sort. This is big brother, lie all day and all night to win, good moves: Just don’t go to d/r and revise history to soft pedal the reality of your game for a sympathetic hero edit. That’s bullshit. I’ve said repeatedly, and often in responses to comments you have left me, I’d most likely still dislike Jackson (he’s just not my cup of tea), but i wouldn’t be so annoyed by him if it weren’t for this constant image fix malarkey (that i put not only on him but on production). It’s an insult to the intelligence of feed viewers. Too see it further presented in the house in casual conversation with his co-conspirator as revisionist history and false martyrdom: it’s not only an insult but a slap in the face to feed watchers. We saw what happened. We know from conversations before hand what the intent and purpose was. We saw how it was carried out. We don’t need it molded into softened morally acceptable terms and revisions. That’s disingenuous. It’s failing to take ownership by skirting responsibility for actions.
If you want people to read your posts, don’t be so loquacious and bombastic. Just saying….
ACCCCCCTUALLY, those are words that so succinctly describe Michie; he is endlessly verbose and intolerably pompous. Even Zingbot knows that. Thanks for not talking down to your audience, Another Name.
Don’t want to read them? Don’t. I’ll still write them. Thanks for just saying.
Agree with all you say…does this echo another network “reality” show…whose edited glorification of one of the characters despite his narcissism, racism, misogyny resulted in disaster for Mankind….no small stakes here…I see Michie in Congress…?or worse…
“elucidated” what a great word.
Swaggie’s missing brow is a jackson stage 5 stalker… Lol
Thank you.
The thing I don’t get is why is cliff continuing to throw Nicole under the bus at this point. There’s nothing to be gained by it. Jackson can’t magically get rid of Nicole instead of Cliff. She’s final 3. So that’s really a pretty crappy thing to do to your “good friend”. Now He’s just trying to make himself look better. That’s so idiotic.
He’s confused I think Cliff suffered a head injury when he removed it from Jackjaw’s a$$.
I never thought I’d find myself hoping for a bitter jury, but I am. I hope that if Jackson ends up in the final two, he takes second place, regardless of who he’s sitting next to.
Your right, but do you think it was ok for Jackson and Holly to do the same to Nicole and Cliff on Tommy’s eviction day? For some reason I doubt it.
Jackson constantly reminding Nicole that she almost broke their final 4 deal last week. Nicole sarcastically told Jackson and Holly that they’re wanna be martyrs and she hopes the audience throws tomatoes at her, prompting Jackson and Holly to walk away.
Nicole says that if America hates her for nearly breaking her word to Michie and Holly, then so be it. (Jackson has a cuss out speech ready for Cliff he says). Oh the hypocrisy is strong with J/H
What are you talking about? They broke their word first then tried to get them to commit to stupid things. Jackson had to save himself so he came up with a masterful plan. BOTH PAIRS should have known when it got to 4 that they would fight it out from there, not just let them win.
I don’t remember a final 3 or 4 agreement being broken before those people made it to the end. Last year Brent was taken out because he started plotting ahead of time to take out 1of the 5 beforehand (don’t remember who). I think Angela.
season 16. victoria made it to third over both Frankie and Caleb.
season 17. steve made it to winning when Vanessa cut Austin over Steve.
Told you I don’t rememberer, LOL.
Don’t hide behind the fact that you are evicting cliff because they broke their word last week. If they never wavered last week and this exact scenario played out Jackson would be evicting cliff. For Fuchs sake there is 4 people left. Jackson is trying to be a martyr that he is only doing this because they broke their word last week. Like America is stupid and can’t understand that when a final 4 alliance gets to final 4 someone has to get cut to get to 3.
Jackson’s point was , if they had stuck to the final four deal, there would have been no other deals to break. In order to stay, Holly had to promise to throw the HOH and Veto. They all agreed, final four, then each for themselves. Cliff and Nicole made the deal because they had to have someone carry them to the final four. They knew all along no one would beat Jackson in the comps. They just used him and lied. He really thought that they were honest enough to stick to the deal. But everyone is flabbergasted that Jackson broke HIS word? Cliff and Nicole are the liars, and they think they can justify it by saying I don’t remember shaking hands. BS.
Really? So Nicole should have just blindly taken the showmance to final 4? It’s a game! Jackson has mentioned this himself many times. The new deal was because that was what Tommy had already offered, not because they were forced. They HAD to make that deal to stay, because Nicole still did not believe Tommy was lying. At that point Cliff was the reason she had to vote as she did. Otherwise all Jackson’s wrath would have been on her. She knew that. Happy she is calling him out. Just play the game Jackson. Do what you have to. But trying to also take higher moral ground is a totally very offputting. Do what you have to, but in your own words, Own it.
WHICH F4 deal of Jackson’s do you mean, Sandy? The one with Christie/Tommy…or the one with Cliff/Nicole??? HAHAHAHAHAHA Is anyone watching the same show I am? Jackson was ROFL–telling Holly that they’ll decide which F4 they’re REALLY aligned with…meanwhile, he said LET ‘EM TAKE EACH OTHER OUT, and keep the blood off our hands.
You are correct but all 3 of the duos were saying the same thing about using the other duo to take out the other. Literally, ALL of them. There was one official final 4 group though. There was a period of time where Michie/Holly were working with both duos…until they decided on one, and it was while Michie/Holly were in power.
If they never wavered last week, it is likely Nicole would be seeing the door this week. The only one she should be pissed at is herself, but it’s easier to aim her anger at Jackson because he makes himself an easy target. You can’t expect someone to pay a ransom on a hostage you already let go. She can try and convince herself that not going through with evicting Holly was her honoring her side if the deal, but the fact remains that she took the first shot when she held a gun to their heads and demanded more to do so.
They were discussing keeping Tommy or Holly they never got to make a decision because Jackjaw was busy lying to them both….they never actually broke their word….that’s getting lost in all this righteous indignation by Jackjaw/Mommy.
Not true they never made a decision it was still up in the air at the time Jackjaw started his lies….
Cliff was pushing for Holly to stay. Nicole was resisting and thinking Tommy was the smarter move. That’s what led to the conversation with Tommy that Jackson overheard.
Cliff also gave Jackson up to the minute reports on where Nichole’s Head was at.
Nicole and Cliff deserve everything they get. They are the ones that broke their word, not Jackson. He truly was loyal to them up to final four. They are they ones that turned their back by almost keeping Tommy. How could you expect Jackson to evict Holly over Cliff? Seriously? I am sorry but Cliff and Nicole are not very smart. Actually they were downright idiotic to think Jackson was going to carry them to final 3. I don’t even like Jackson but he deserves the win.
Cliff’s the dumbass here who thought he was so clever guaranteeing himself a final two. Unfortunately, Michie is doing what everyone saw coming including Nicole. Nicole had no choice but to vote with Cliff. Michie said it a long time ago, he would do anything to win this game and do anything to make sure it was him and Holly sitting in those final 2 chairs. Don’t let him be this martyr. He’s doing what he has to do to win this game. Unfortunately, I don’t think he’s thinking about jury. Doing both Tommy and Cliff dirty may sway the jury enough to give it to Holly. Here’s to hoping Nicole wins the last HoH and Michie gets the kick in the balls he deserves like Cliff gets this week.
Tommy did say he respected what Jackson did.
but he was lying lol to Julie…wait till he talks to Christie
That’s Jackholes Mom ^^^^
I hate people say they broke their word with Jackson.. Give me a break it’s a game and I would have lost more respect for Nicole if she didn’t consider “breaking her word”. The number one consideration in this GAME should be your family and winning the money to help yourself and family not the other players getting further.. Nicole was 100% correct in her thinking and unfortunately she should have stuck with her gut feelings.. I still like Nicole and I honestly think she is the most genuine, honorable person that was in the house, so yes I would like to see her win the game, and AFP. If she is able to pull the win off going into this final with those 2 then yes she deserves it. Nicole’s parents should be proud of the girl they raised, unlike Holly. I don’t even dislike Jackson as much as I do Holly.. In my opinion she has the worst character of anyone in the house
the crucial idiotic thing they did was telling H/J they were gonna keep tommy. they could’ve pulled off a blindside, but they were too concerned about burning bridges for jury votes. can’t have it both ways.
Bottom line….they should have kept Tommy.
If he just owned up to what he did as part of explaining how he got to finale night. Without making tons of excuses for his actions (blaming everyone else) and trying to play the victim. He deserves to win based on all his comp wins & being able to protect himself when he didn’t win or couldn’t complete.
I think he is going to win. I don’t like him enough to want him to win.
I think he would have been a good bb player without the hand of Grod, and all of her change your behavior watch what you say, go out and act remorseful crap. That is such poo.
In order to own his game, he has to drop his make america like me act. He’d never do that. Even in his hammock talk with Nicole today he mentioned ‘what america thinks’ a half dozen times. He’ll never own his game.
Comp wins. he wins on comparison of comp wins. Targeting (what he did with his power) nope. Sis and Jess are never the big move no matter how you sugar coat it and call it candy. not in a month of Sundays. Tommy? slippery slope claiming Tommy because of that whole ‘what america thinks’ image issue and claiming a lie that might enflame at least two jurors. Jury management: ummm. when every juror goes to the house and tells the previous juror what Jackson was saying about them as soon as they left or behind their backs? Bad jury management. Like… BAD.
Jackson has to hope for a non bitter jury that is more concerned with comp wins than what he did when he had power.
I still think if he doesn’t win Grod will make heads roll. But it’s not a cakewalk. I still think given season and edit he will win and have complained about it since episode one and two.
I see comments saying that voting out Tommy was Nicole’s biggest strategic mistake and that with Tommy in the house, she would have made the final two. I don’t think so… her position would not change and she still would end up 3rd. However, the biggest loser for not keeping Tommy in the house is Cliff!!!! OMG!!!!! There is no way that Mickie would have lost the Vito to Tommy and then kept him in the house. He openly said that he would pick Cliff over Nicole – for the obvious reasons as he would not stand a chance of winning 500K sitting next to Nicole. Cliff is the biggest loser this season!!!! Now, just entertaining our minds, let’s consider that Tommy miraculously won the Vito, would he have kept Nicole to the end? Or Mickie? Many times he had taken deals not considering Christie in them. Hmmm…
If they kept Tommy, Tommy would be HOH, not Nicole. Jackson would be voting out cliff/nicole instead of cliff/holly.
But of course the moment Jackson won veto Tommy wouldn’t be climbing up his rear making deals and would remain loyal to whomever survived between Cliff and Nicole.
So, Tommy wouldn’t have thrown HOH? I think he would.
Nicole would still be HOH. NO idea who would have won veto.
Jackson would have been more likely to take out Tommy, because Jackson knows Tommy’s knowledge of the days surpasses his.
And it would be Nicole going home not Cliff.
What she expected was for everybody to do what was best for her. Tommy/Holly to throw the HOH cementing her spot in F3. Tommy and Jackson to vote out each other and take her and Cliff to F3. Jackson to vote out Holly and take her and Cliff to F3. She’s just pissed that she is going to have to actually earn her way to F2 rather than it being handed to her.
I guess I am struggling with the fact that she is acting all righteous when in fact she didn’t even legitimately earn the spot she is in.
And I am sorry, ya’ll can say “but she didn’t go through with it so she didn’t actually break her word”. But that doesn’t change the fact that she straight up said “no funny business”, then immediately preceded to not only entertain but was lean towards evicting Holly. You can blame Jackson for a lot of things, but this one not so much.
I just have to say, I think this is one of the more entertaining F4’s.
When someone is stupid and weak minded enough to throw a competition to you then yes you deserve it.. no one held a gun to her head
I love when Nicole called out that “southern gentleman” bull$hit…….she’s not buying his excuses and I hate to say it but human pin cushion Beth is gonna get 50K for sitting on a wet stool all summer lol.
Ironic isn’t it?
And here she’s been buried in “southern gentlemen bull$hit” for weeks by her buddy Cliff…who isn’t wasting much time in blaming her for this predicament. Now that’s a real “southern gentleman”. He probably deserves to be F3 more than Nicole.
You’re exactly right. There’s really no scenario where Holly doesn’t get at least 50 grand. How sad!
Has a showmance ever ended up as the final two?
Jeez Louise! This is really is the season where nothing stayed secret long at all
Manifesting a Vanessa exit for Jackson
Holly called Nicole a bully -.- I can’t help but eye roll
Go back to the episode where the Gr8ful are telling Nick what a liar Nicole is, and Holly tells Nick she would never ever use the word bully (when confronted with Nick saying Nicole repeatedly said she never used the word bully, Sis, Holly and Christie were the ones calling it bullying and the clip of Holly saying Nick was a bully). free eye roll.
Holly and Nicole have a lot in common they were both carried by Jackson.
Hmmm, and Cliff tried to throw both of them under the bus.
Holly is so delusional…she wanted Nicole out back when she was HOH and NOW she is talking about how she has had her back??? Give me a f&ckin’ break. And a Michie swears up and down that he’ll take them to final 3? The two for hem deserve each other. I get that it’s a game, but when you have to play that way, the only thing you can hope for is that Karma gets them in the end.
Same woman that told Kat before her eviction to lie to the public and say she never had a showmance with Jackson. When it was on episode and mentioned on feeds. She really doesn’t understand the concept of feeds and 24/7 filming. She thinks she can revise history later and nobody will remember.
Well gosh, then I don’t think there would be a game.
Gee, I can’t see why Nicole wanted a deal in place before agreeing to keep Holly.
Jackson and Holly have said so many times that poor Cliff is taking the fall instead of Nicole.
Why oh why would she want security? Even though she was out of luck in terms of the vote once Cliff started pushing for Holly to stay. WAY before Jackson resorted to the eavesdropping lie.
Nicole should have gone her gut. She was right but gave into Cliff who knew he wss throwing her under the bus. Cliff deserves to go out this week and not win AFP. Maybe karma will bless her and she will get to f2
Nicole should not have deferred. It’s her big season weakness. If I were on jury I would think her lack of backbone is what made her the swing vote, not game play. I like Nicole as a person. Please understand. I think she did some things well socially (bonding with jurors before eviction being smart, sinking into the woodwork a lot being smart). Instead of thinking for herself and doing what was best interest for Nicole, she far too thought of Cliff’s game and position. He’s been bussing her since the alliance with Ovi days. In terms of loyalty Nicole was ten times the ally that Cliff was. But thinking of him and deferring to him is also her biggest downfall, and always has been.
Which made it doubly hard to see her saying Cliff deserves F3 over her. Those words were hardly out of her mouth and he’s approaching Jackson, blaming Nicole for the situation and making tentative overtures to save his own hide.
When Nicole informs Cliff of the situation and says he deserves it, much like she has spent hours bonding with the soon to be evicted, i’m starting to think (not starting, thought for a while) that that’s jury management. It may also be authentic empathy, but it’s jury schmooze as well.
ffs, what’s with all this “i love you” jury management bull doo doo? i hope to never hear it on BB22.
Same…FFS! Never heard the acronym for one of my fave expressions..LOVE it!
That was just sad. She is still young and will learn it is ok to put herself first.
Yes — BUT — all of this drama could’ve been avoided if Cliff simply said NOPE I’m sticking with our F4. That would’ve avoided the “excuse” for Jackson who as we all know would always take Holly as he should.
We can’t say Nicole was weak b/c she never had a choice – she KNEW Cliff was going to be a hard sell with Tommy (she kept saying as much) & she knew it was best for BOTH her/Cliff but he unlike Nicole ALWAYS put his own desires ahead of the pair to her determent in the game & he’s continuing to do so.
It’s hard to be annoyed by Nicole b/c even if she had demanded Cliff vote out Holly I think we all know it wasn’t going to happen. The fact is Cliff created this entire situation by first allowing Nicole to believe it was an option & then by using Tommy’s deal making to try to strengthen his odds of landing in a F2 chair.
Someone said above Tommy/Cliff got Christied by Jackson & it’s true – he’s simply finding a narrative to allow for his reasoning. Likewise, Cliff stayed true to form (to borrow from Another Name – the BUFFOON of the season) by continuing to make constant deals to improve his own position.
Ultimately, I wouldn’t say Nicole has no backbone if anything I think her inability to manipulate was her downfall. Then again this season has very specific traits which included not allowing certain players to actively play the game (remember – don’t talk game with them), allies who burned their own (Nick/Bella/Jess/Cliff etc) and for the most part perhaps the most hypocritical cast ever. Under those circumstances the fact she was able to remain in the house this long, nurture & build relationships and actively try to propel her allies ahead is a feat in itself.
At least Nicole sees the options of what’s best and still attempts to TRY to influence — what exactly did Holly ever influence outside of where the shower stool was positioned? I can’t even give Cliff credit for influencing b/c he never got his buddy Jackson to do what he wanted and Nicole only voted his way b/c voting opposite would’ve netted the same result.
As for her saying Cliff deserves to be here more — I think that is just part and parcel of who she is as an individual. She’s loyal and loving. Jess trashed Nicole even after she tried to help her but instead of striking back by noting her inability to see reality (Christie) keep a secret, or not say nasty things about her personally Nicole forgives her. Out of everyone in the house Nicole could always separate game – will she be hurt by the sheer volume of how much Cliff used her? Probably, but in the same token she’ll also likely forgive him and mark it up as “game”.
I really hope that happens. Nicole’s instincts have been spot on. She hasn’t always won comps, but her reasoning and grasp of the game has always been pretty sound. But she has a problem with letting herself be persuaded by people, mainly Cliff. Cliff lost his chance at final 3 the minute Tommy left the game. He was just too taken in by Jackson to see the forest for the trees. Nicole should feel no guilt whatsoever about Cliff leaving. She tried to make the better move by keeping Tommy. It was ridiculous for Cliff to ever think Jackson would pick him over Holly. At least with Tommy they both had a chance for final 3. Things aren’t looking good for Nicole now but I still hope she can pull it off.
I watched that clip from the “chaos in the HOH” from Jul 12 and it was mob mentality theatre at it’s finest…..everybody but Nicole/Cliff and the camp comeback unfortunates were invited for the witch burning lol.
and jess and kat. don’t forget Jess and kat. Who originally were offended there was a party and they weren’t invited.
No Nicole you see the reason this is happening is because you broke your word and sent Jackson into a tailspin trying to save himself, which he managed to do, and all these stupid “deals” were made. After you broke yours all hell broke loose. Both of you should have known when it came down to 4 you would fight for the veto and that would be a deciding factor. Don’t be pissed at Jackson because he won veto and double crossed your stupid “deals”, after you crossed him.
She did not break her word by just listening to tommy. They kept Holly that point is moot . Cliff was a moron by telling him Holly was wavering. We do not know if Holly would or wouldn’t have wanted to go back on that deal if Jackson had not HORRIBLY lied because of course he did lie. Plus Cliff could have just told Nicole that he gave his word and Jackson would have been the deciding vote .Cliff gave Jackson the reason to go back on his word or at least an excuse. Cliff unfortunately is the cause of his own demise. Nicole is just tired of Jackson treating her like a moron and not respecting her as a person or possible threat to his game. He is the embodiment of entitled. She is not stupid and does not want to be lied to or condescended too. She took ownership of what she did and how she respected his move as for the game.
She just wanted him to stop lying and saying he loves her she great and all that other BS. Respect. I actually really do like Nicole. I hated this season cause I knew Jackson was being favored but I do think Nicole is probably the most legitimately good person we have seen in a while.
She didn’t just listened to Tommy, she bought what he was selling. There is no doubt that if things hadn’t gone down like they did Holly was being evicted. Only reason it did not happen is she got caught before she could pull the trigger. Let us not forget “No funny business”.
So what? It was better for her game to keep Tommy. Deals are made and broken. I dont buy into Jackson’s righteous ire routine. Getting rid of a number for Jackson was a smart move. Cliff was too naive to see it. He thought Jackson would choose him instead of Holly? If he had taken her out he would have had a better chance. One of him Tommy or Nicole would have been HOH. Any of them could have taken a shot at Jackson. He may have still won veto, but wouldnt have a 2/3 chance at f/2.
So if they just blindly sent out Tommy last week and nicole won hoh and jackson won veto how would things be different? (Hint they wouldn’t)
She isn’t pissed Jackson won veto “crossed the deals” made. She’s mad that he’s trying to play up being a martyr that is only evicting cliff because they went back on their word. Literally in this scenario yeah evicts cliff and in the above scenario he evicts cliff. It the freaking final 4 so jackson needs to quit acting like they forced his hand. If there were still 6 people left and Jackson did this he could claim the moral superiority card but regardless the numbers literally forced his hand not a deal breaking
Jackson in no way is saying he would have ever chosen Cliff over Holly. What he is saying is that he was forced to lie because Cliff and Nicole were planning to renege on their final four pact.
The reversal by C&N necessitated every other “ridiculous” deal. Clifford the “deal maker” ran to anyone in power to further his game. I’ve never been so sick of deals in my life.
I, for one see very little that would ever compel me to root for or justify Nicole winning anything. She was mainly annoying and only won HoH’s only when Jackson couldn’t play and when they made Holly throw it. Hardly the stuff that legends are made of. Jackson, on the other hand played a flawless game by winning everytime necessary to save himself or Holly and later, Cliff & Nicole. If he does not win, there is no Justice in this game. Just my two cents.
Double eviction.
No one is arguing that things would be different block-wise if they made it to final 4 without all of the drama. Jackson isn’t saying he wouldn’t be voting out Cliff if they wouldn’t have broken the original deal, he is just justifying breaking all of the new deals that he made at the last minute to save holly. Basically the situation would have been the same, but with four loyal friends instead of the weird tension.
If she really wanted to keep Tommy, she should have said it emphatically to Cliff, but she didn’t want the guilt of being wrong if tommy screwed them over, so she let Cliff make the decision.
Except that he chose Cliff and Nicole be ause he thought they were weak. He always wanted to take them to 4 because he knew he could beat them in comps. They should have evicted Holly. And that is Cliff. He was taken in by Jackson by seeing a younger version of himself in him. And that they are both from the South. I know true ” Southern Gentlemen” and those 2 arent it.
be mad at him cause he has been a huge dick about it, pretending 2 b victim, lying bout tommy,etc,etc
Dang, sometimes it’s hard for me to keep track of who people are talking about.
Are you referring to the “huge dick” Jackson or the “huge but limp dick” Cliff pretending to be the victim?
Easy one.
Crossed him how? He wasn’t getting evicted. He was in a showmance. Everyone knows it’s best to break up the showmance. Ehat is his ire all about? He hasn’t said he loves Holly. She’s better for his game as a number, and to take ” showers ” with. Keeping Tommy was better for Nicole’s game. Jackson won. With a lie. So be it. But this ” honorable ” rhetoric is ridiculous.
Episode Opinon.
CLiff is a Buffoon. Look how hard Jackson’s fighting to get Holly to 4. And Cliff seriously believes Jackson would cut her at 4?
I have said it before. Buffoon. I mean… nope. Buffoon says it ALL.
When Jackson said we’ve never went against y’all at 24 minutes into episode.
I remind everyone of the middle of two couples plan before double eviction. I remind you of J/H having 2 final 4 deals, semantically saying we’ve only shaken on a final 4 with y’all. Not saying they don’t have another final 4. Saying they didn’t shake on it. If Christie or Tommy had won double, who would Jackson have been pushing for the block. Let’s remind ourselves of that. It’s a matter of they needed numbers, not equals. They didn’t go against Cliff or Nicole in their three weeks because of MATH. not loyalty. It was about votes under their thumb. Then once Nicole took the shot at Christie for them, it was about getting rid of Tommy because Tommy would be more loyal to Holly than Jackson and Tommy was more of a physical threat. Jackson doesn’t want to face physical threats. He wants the easiest road possible. It’s logical. It’s game. Opportunity didn’t exist when they needed the math. If Tommy or Christie or even Jess had won HOH anywhere in that timeline: Cliff and Nicole were toast. Opportunity and math not loyalty. Don’t but the wall me. That one is sketch af and we all know it by commentary from feeds Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning vs what happened after feeds went out for tech rehearsal and d/r talks. Sketch. Complete Script flip. It was noted repeatedly on here, and not just by me.
Cliff makes the throw HOH deal. Jackson lies again. Cliff bites. like a buffoon. This part is during episode (remember the handshake on screen over Julie’s shoulder). Holly gives her word to throwing. Nicole still isn’t convinced. The reality is Cliff is so blind to Nicole having more options than him, that he’s sabotaging his own game. Buffoon. His d/r is more buffoon. “almost feels like a betrayal” when he’s been tossing her under the bus for four weeks. Nicole was right. Cliff was wrong. Need I say it again: Buffoon.
(Personal note editorialization. Nicole crying in bathroom. Jackson is there. Yet again in the presence of the human emotions of others… Jackson stares blankly if it isn’t about him. this is the ninth time it’s been noticeable in episode. If it isn’t something that is about him, or for his edit… he’s blank slate in understanding empathy).
Jackson says he needs Holly to throw the HOH in episode d/r. Wait a minute. That’s opposite to everything he said on feeds after the HOH. um. uh. okay. Imagonna go with feeds as closer to reality. Thanks for playing. His d/r of why Holly had to throw made no sense. sorry. it is d/r script edit gone awry.
Holly doesnt want to throw.
Cliff thinks Holly not throwing is going to be a problem. No Buffoon. Keeping a showmance in final four is your problem dumbass. Nicole didn’t think Holly would throw.
(ed note: where was Holly’s moral compunction when the exact same deal parameters were held in front of Christie’s face for how many weeks in a row? We hated Christie but point out the difference in Holly’s view on deals then and now) Nicole is HOH. uh. well she has the key but according to the showmance it’s actually their HOH.
Oh look. It’ time for buffoon deals. eye roll. I’m going to mute. Thanks.
The d/r ordered crying segment. Note this is after d/r when they told him to stop being so jubilant about what happened with Tommy). Loyal to a fault. remind everyone that the six shooters broke up when Jackson said Tommy and Sis are out (they trusted Jack and Christie more than Jackson… had to be ditched). That crying segment was crap. that was artificial. It’s not he felt bad for doing it. it’s that he felt bad about what others will think of him. He doesn’t process empathy without it being about how it affects him. Review the season. Show me where he has an understanding of human emotion where it isn’t applied to being about himself.
Nicole sees now after talking with Cliff that Cliff pushed for Tommy’s eviction so that Cliff could ride the middle with 2 final 2 deals. You got played Nicole. oh well. Next time don’t defer. Show you have a spine.
Holly. um. mad she’s nominated in the final four nominations. Uh. Who’s gonna tell her. It’s meaningless.
Jackson justification crap like he wasn’t going to take Holly if they didn’t break the deal? Oh. Right. UM. Yeah. Edit spin that doesn’t make sense. Typical.
Nicole has no right to say Jackson is telling her BS to go back on his word to Cliff. Her and Cliff were giving ultimatums to Holly and Jackson if they wanted to stay in the house. If Holly hadn’t kept her word to Nicole she wouldn’t be HOH. Nicole has had everything handed to her because she made people feel sorry for her. She is now showing people who she really is. Jackson deserves to win he actually earned it by good game play.
Whoa…be careful, they like to stone heretics.
Amen, terry.
You guys have no reading comprehension. She isn’t mad he’s evicting cliff. She doesn’t like he is a playing up moral superiority and using an excuse that them breaking a deal as why he is evicting cliff. It’s literally just a number crunch they got to final 4 and someone has to go and michie wouldn’t be sending out holly regardless of deals previously broken or not. Just own it that holly has been your ride or die since Jack threw you under the bus and you are keeping her for that reason. Not some made up bulls*** about broken deals and being a martyr.
He is not using it as an excuse for breaking the deal, he us using it as an excuse for having to lie and make the deal in the first place. If Nicole hadn’t entertained keeping Tommy, the 4 would have went to F4 and nothing would have changed except for the fact that Nicole would probably not be HOH and Jackson wouldn’t have had to lie his ass off to keep Holly in the game. SHE forced his hand.
Just like her trying to justify her HOH by saying she never shook on it and never expected Holly to hand it to her. She sure wasn’t singing that tune when Jackson was urging Holly to drop. I don’t blame her, but don’t act like you earned it. Do you think if it was her and Cliff on the block she’d still be saying Cliff deserves it more than her? No it’s just her playing the “martyr” while sitting safe in F3.
No one forced his hand. He could have taken the information to everyone. NO ONE made him lie. Its BB. People do lie. Trying to justify it by blaming others is what is wrong here. Own it! This was Paul’s mistake twice. Hope Jackson gets the same result.
I agree about owning it, but nobody who is hoping to win this game is going to own their lie right at this very moment. Of course he’s going to say they forced him to. They were going to keep Tommy and take out the most loyal person to him. He had no choice but to come up with this massive lie if he has even a glimmer of a chance to win this game. Now onto where I agree with you. He HAS to own this lie, but not yet. And if on finale night….he chooses not to own it, then he will probably face the same fate as Paul.
That was CLIFF coming up with those deals, not Nicole.
He broke the rules when being on slop… should have been punished but wasn’t…..Sam was going out the door though still stayed on slop and didn’t cheat like Jackson did….. Sorry, Jackhole doesn’t deserve shit imo.
I just watched the episode. Did you? Nicole never once told Holly to fall off of that comp. Nicole was prepared to hang in there as long as necessary. Jackson was the one telling Holly to fall off. Holly might have held on as long as she possibly could… maybe she would have fell and Nicole would have actually won but, you know .. Holly would have CLAIMED she threw it even if she hadnt. Holly chose to fall off and was encouraged to do so by Jackson. Whatever deals were made about it.. it was over .. she had made it to 4 and could have hung on and guaranteed herself a final 3 position. All of this is crap about Holly giving it to Nicole. Yes she gave it to Nicole… but she didnt have to. The deals were already broken and Jackson isnt honoring his part of the deal and Holly was ok with allowing Jackson to lie about Tommy and go along with it to help her stay so why is going back on a deal about falling such a moral dilemma for her? because she cant tell a lie or break a deal? I call crap! a lie is a lie is a lie…shes already lied and had gone along with lies.. not following through with throwing the comp wouldnt have been any more of a lie than the others they had already told. they just need to own their own game play and stop with the handshake southern bullcrap. they are full of it! holly jumped off of that comp and now wants to say she would have won it if she hadnt… we will NEVER KNOW!
Because they think it will be easier to beat Nicole, especially since its 2 if them against her. I hope there’s some mental comps and she smokes them. And takes Holly to f2.
I’m wondering if the Final HOH will shift from previous years comps (insert not likely given recent events) to more dates related. Given the typical F4 HOH (endurance) & POV (sounds like physical with some Q&A) were geared toward Jackson/Holly winning perhaps they’ll shift final HOH part 1 to being before & after since they haven’t done that comp yet this season & it’s a yearly comp. If they do that then Nicole could easily win Part 1 they could make Part 2 a physical comp which would be super interesting to see if Jackson would expect Holly to give it to him and then make Part 3 different as well with it also being more dates comprehensive.
In those scenarios Nicole would benefit most and it might ensure her F2 chair.
I still thing TPTB will manipulate the final comps – we just don’t know if they’d like to see a F2 featuring the top competitor (Jackson) & the under dog (Nicole). We’ll have to keep an eye on how things shift following DRs in the closing days b/c it sure seems logical that they would push for both Nicole & Michie to take each other so they get more bang for their buck on finale night. As it stands now Holly could take her favorite seat in the shower for the last days knowing she’s already claimed $50k.
I doubt it because the comps will be very Jacksonish leaning IMHO.
So true! More than one HG has used the “I threw it” when in point of fact their play was simply subpar. Remember when Holly nonchalantly told Michie she wasn’t really trying with BB Comics because she wasn’t sure she even wanted to win it? He was in shock! He thought surely she was joking, considering they’re at the END OF THE GAME. Michie told her he had, of course, given it his all. We aren’t privy to enough of the comps to judge…but what we saw showed Holly went out guns-a-blazin’!
Jackson pulled a Christie this week; only difference is I think he feels guilty whereas Christie self-justifies and believes her own lies. If I were Tommy, I would make sure he didn’t get my vote. But Tommy was aligned with Christie all season who did the exact same thing to everyone else – “Own it”. Tommy got “Christied” by Jackson. My only secret hope is that somehow Nicole ends up with the power and chooses Holly over Jackson for the final 2. Otherwise I don’t really care because I’d rather Jackson get the money over Holly; she’s passive aggressive and inauthentic. In overthinking what people think about her, she looks worse. That doesn’t mean she isn’t a good girl in real life – not everyone has the ability to be completely transparant to the cameras in a fish bowl. She’s not “Amanda” awful, and Jackson isn’t “Paul” awful. (GO NICOLE)
He got “Christied”…how apt a description! Bravo.
He does not feel guilty. he jumped around beaming and making up more lies about things tommy supposedly did and said after the HOH and before being called to d/r and told he was looking like a grade a dick. Once it was impressed on him what people might think of him, we get tears.
Right after the tear fest he was at the HOH reveal. Not a tear in sight. after HOH reveal he’s called back to d/r and comes out, goes back and has another tear fest because they didn’t get enough usable footage the first time.
not guilty at all. It’s more of the same image fix crap we’ve been seeing for weeks. His first impulse reactions (the petty douche ones) are the real deal, the reactions after he’s been to d/r that magically make it to episode instead of his impulse reactions, those are image fix. He’s actually spoken about this in hushed tones to Holly a few times, and once in front of Nicole (that made her look at him like he was in a bird costume).
It would probably be pretty great if he got no help (time outs) by production and let the true d*ckhead shine.
Such a babysitting nightmare this guy wtf did production cast this sociopathic mommy obsessed narcissist to begin with is crazy…..they knew what they we’re getting.
Jackson’s view is that anything mean or upsetting that HE does is the victim’s fault. They pushed him to it, he didn’t want to but…, etc. he’s not well.
Narcissist. Classic.
You bring up an issue I keep overlooking which is MUCH of what the hamsters say in the DR is spoon fed so when we get annoyed with ANY of the hamsters it’s likely all being influenced. Like Nicole KNEW she wanted to keep Tommy & KNEW she had to work on Cliff – but then she says things which make it seem like Cliff snowed her. The reality as we now know is she did see through Cliff & also that he/Jackson made a F2 commitment. It makes me wonder how much pressure TPTB put on the hamsters to say – either “do this/say this” or we’ll keep someone who will.
You know?
the Kemi case. The employee who was pushing her to play up the angry black woman trope even though he’d already received cultural bias training.
Christie refusing for weeks to back down from her ‘jackson is disrespectful to women’ talk though saying she was asked. Four weeks later she finally gives them sound bite moments on feeds. She’s gone days later.
Tommy saying they ask him to say things he’d never say, and he does it because y’know.
Jack and Jaackson being called into d/r to be told about public perception and being told to hush up and alter course.
We know d/r is crap used to promote storyline.
It’s almost like Nicole and Cliff feel entitled to be in the final 2 (Nicole more than Cliff). They seem to feel that they deserve the big prize and it should just be handed to them no questions asked. I feel many of the commenters feel the same way due to their hatred and contempt for Holly and Jackson. Granted, you’re entitled to your opinion but there is more than one side of the story. Yes, Jackson is an ass but he played a better game and did stick to his part of the bargain. Now that Jackson is giving Nicole and Cliff a taste of their own medicine he’s even worse than first thought and Holly is guilty by association. Did anyone notice that Cliff didn’t push back too hard because he knew Jackson caught on to his game? Take to heart people that the game isn’t over yet and your little angel Nicole can still win, even though she doesn’t deserve it.
Straight faced bring up entitlement and defend Holly and Jackson (inferring they have not acted in an entitled fashion) in the same post. That takes hutzpah.
sticking to their side: did Holly bring up the idea of keeping Tommy to Jackson last week before the veto? she did.
Jackson and Holly are not the poor maligned victim of circumstance. Jackson’s ‘character’ and Holly’s ‘character’ have had them in the hot seat for much of the game because they have consistently been @$$holes in word and deed over the last weeks. It’s not a case of how dare they with Cliff and Nicole as a singular incident. It’s a case of how dare they as a pattern of behavior they then hoist on others in order to give themselves plausible deniability. Even with the image fix, it’s been a consistent “I don’t want America to think” strategem they’ve been employing. Nicole and Cliff were going to cut Holly loose. They should have from a game standpoint. Just like Holly was right to bring up the possibility of keeping Tommy before the veto was played. She should have considered it. He was more loyal to her throughout the game, and that would have given her options. To pretend it was never a consideration, to get up on the cross and cry about their stigmata over Clif and Nicole doing what Jackson and Holly discussed doing in the event of someone else winning hoh over the last three weeks? somebody else needs the wood.
Jackson was never going to cut Holly for Cliff or for Nicole. This woe is me you broke your word argument is false justification.
Nicole and Cliff are not poor innocents. Holly and Jackson are not poor victims.
It’s up to the jury to decide who deserves to win. Frankly, in my opinion, I won’t be happy with the winner no matter who it is, but i’ll point and giggle at every one of the losers. That is a comment on the season.
Great comment
100% — they KNEW there were 2 duos & they each looked at options. Cliff never wavered simply b/c he believed (for whatever ridiculous reason) that his best options existed with that F4 & tried to work it so it would be Jackson/Nicole so he was guaranteed F2.
See my note above on your other post as i think your comments about TPTB/DR influence is even broader in the game. I bring this up b/c some of my distaste for Cliff/Holly may be misplaced just based on what they are being “forced” to do to stay in the game.
Still, I’m with you – this season was a disappointment which only improved for me once G8ful started getting ousted & a few underdogs got into the mix.
I do wonder if it’s even feasible anymore for a “true super fan” to come into the house and play the game they want & still win b/c there’s simply so much interference by TPTB. It sure feels like the cast is now more than ever treated as such (a cast expected to deliver lines/actions) based on production’s direction and if they don’t play ball well – see ya.
I’m not sure if BBCAN is the beta test for future Big Brother US (the casting process is certainly following the Canadian process recruit then recruit from the recruits social media, then fill the holes with a few applicants model which is also farmed to Kasssssting). But I’ve noticed that BB 21 follows the last couple seasons of BBCAN model very closely. Production has already modeled a storyline as of episode one (i’ve chosen the winner of the season after watching d/r development in episode one more than once), and will push their model through with game twists and d/r urging. House guests in earlier seasons were more zip lipped about what d/r was urging. Now they talk about it openly and only get you cannot talk about d/r or production messages sparingly. Given these fools didn’t understand the concept of feeds for weeks and weeks, we got the inner look.
In the highly unlikely case that Nicole were to win out, would she still be undeserving in your eyes? Just wondering. No offense meant.
No offense taken, but no she wouldn’t deserve to win because she didn’t do enough IMO. But it seems to me that the past few seasons these are the type of players that are winning. Its the changing of the guard, you know, a new generation. Tyler lost out last year to whats her name(sorry) and she didn’t do anything for 3/4 of the game. But she turned it on at the end and managed the jury. She was a smart player but Tyler did most of the manipulating and it caught up to him in the end. That is why I wouldn’t be surprised If Nicole wins.
Fair enough. Harmless, hungry troll from Sherdog looking to create and eat negatives, but kidding aside, appreciate the authentic response, Sherry. +1
Yalls back and forth had me lmao! :p
Thank you unconTrollable for not wanting to rip my head off. You just made my day.
It’s not BS that Jackson is keeping Holly, but it is BS that Jackson is claiming that if Nicole and Cliff hadn’t considered keeping Tommy, that he would have picked either of Cliff or Nicole to stay this week instead of Holly.
Nicole and Cliff could have been working with Jackson and been loyal to Jackson from day 1, it wouldn’t have mattered-if Jackson won veto-he was going to save Holly and whoever else was on the block-Cliff or Nicole-would be evicted.
The ultimatums on the other hand, were just stupid and over the top. I for one am glad that Holly threw hoh and Nicole is going to be final 3, but that was pretty stupid. And she only did it because Jackson kept saying, “are you going to throw? When are you going to throw?” For someone who kept trying to say, I’m playing my own game, not Jackson’s-that was playing Jackson’s game. Why the hell wouldn’t Jackson want Holly safe-oh, I know, because Jackson knows that if Nicole is HOH and Cliff is the sole vote to evict, Ckiff is keeping Jackson over Holly.
Really it’s kind of the same thing Cliff was trying to set himself up for himselfr at final 4, the difference is, for Jackson it worked. Jackson ensured that Nicole was hoh and therefore would not be able cast the vote to evict. If Jackson wins veto, he’s safe, if Holly wins veto he’s safe and if Cliff wins veto he’s safe. If Nicole wins veto, Cliff votes and Jackson is safe.
Plus, if (most likely when) he and Holly make it to final 2, had she won this hoh, she would had added another comp win to her resume.
Throwing that hoh did not benefit Holly at all. She can be as mad as she wants-she’s the one who threw it just to keep Jackson happy.
One last thing, If the roles had been reversed last week and Jackson and Holly were in control of the vote, I think they would have held true to the final 4, but I dont think it would have had anything to do with loyalty. They knew that Tommy had a better chance of winning veto. If they felt threatened by either Nicole or Cliff, they would have sent that person packing without batting an eyelash.
Considering Holly brought up the topic of keeping Tommy over Cliff, I think they would have considered it. They wouldn’t have done it. They’d definitely have considered it, and made everyone jump through hoops about it. Name a week where they didn’t hold out a carrot and pull it away.
Holly was offered to give the same deal Tommy had already offered. This was mostly Cliff, an attempt to break any argument by Nicole to keep Tommy. In the end Nicole was defeated, by Cliffs mistaken , and ridiculous, belief in Ja kwon to keep him over Holly
Listening to Cliff & Jackson talk (with Holly just lying there in silence), all I could think was “Give me a break!” There is no way I see Cliff & Jackson communicating outside of this house unless they are at a CBS function at the same time
I just watched Sundays episode. Cliff deserves to go home Now. He’s an idiot. I cannot wait to see his reaction when he’s evicted Thursday. He betrayed even Nicole.
Except the cat is already out of the bag. Nobody can keep a secret this season
Censura magnus frater meus
I will skip past my criticism of casting and production involvement as they are blatant and often discussed and focus on gameplay.
First this growing trend of forming a super majority alliance at the start of the game makes watching boring and limits the ability to invest in an individuals gameplay.Since I personally disliked the Gr8ful/SixShooters alliance I was left with picking up the scraps of what was left over to root for which was pointless until the majority alliance imploded.And the pickings were very slim with Kat’s odd ball confusing gameplay,Sam’s inevitable ability to shoot himself in his own foot,Cliff’s frustrating deal making,waiting for Nicole to make a move.At one point during her HOH I was even rooting for Jess,JESS!One of the worst players in the history of BB.Naturally the implosion was inevitable,thank you Jackson.While Jackson is the last person I wanted to win,this is his season,though the specter of Christie hangs over the BB 21 house like a poltergeist.While I’m hoping Nicole can get herself to final 2 it looks inevitable that Jackson will get his showmance to the final 2 and be deserving of the win.
Secondly what I find annoying and frustrating is this attitude of fair gameplay where everyone pretends they’re family and love eachother.No,you left your family and the people you love to go play a game and win $500,000.You are supposed to lie and manipulate,that is the game.And doing so should be for game play not these fake personal friendships they say they will have once they leave the house.Stop the unnecessary BS,everyone is worried about their image on screen that they make themselves look worst in real life.I was not a fan of Dr. Will but he was brilliant for his gameplay which was honest and authentic in a lying and manipulative way,Today’s players want to play while pretending they’re not playing so they can be seen as the good guy.Ultimately it’s hard to respect someone’s dishonesty when they’re not honest about it.Own it and be proud of it,that’s Big Brother,or at least what it was and should be.
Does Jackson really expect anyone-Nicole, Cliff, Cliff’s family, AMERICA-that he would ever evict Holly over Cliff or Nicole? And I dont even get why he keeps harping on it. I dont think anyone (okay maybe there are a few who think Holly would be a guaranteed jury vote for Jackson) that would find it to be a good move for him to do it.
Then again, maybe I can see why Jackson expects everyone to fall for it-after all Cliff still thinks he’s going to final 3.
So glad to see Nicole is NOT falling for it, but why the hell doesn’t she feel she’s deserving of final 3? Cliff is the one who screwed up keeping Holly. Of course, well never know what would have happened had Tommy stayed, but the minute we knew Jackson won veto pretty much everyone, but Cliff, knew Cliff will be going to jury. That makes Nicole more deserving for final 3 than Cliff anyday of the week and twice on Sunday.
I didn’t think I could lower my distaste for Cliff any further UNTIL he elected to go directly to Jackson and throw Nicole UTB some more.
He is insisting he is taking the bullet for Nicole to stay ALL b/c SHE wanted to take out Holly. AND he’s promising Jackson his vote over Holly.
Really Cliff — are we sure Jackson isn’t your biological son? Seriously!
After all the time you’ve spent throwing crap on Nicole, forcing her to do what was best JUST FOR YOUR GAME & her winning DE plus POV to save your ass you continue to disparage her and her game. Why don’t you actually put into actions the WORDS you so freely spout about caring about the one ally who truly did care about you. All your ridiculous posturing moves to ensure your own F2 seat failed & you are leaving b/c YOU f*cked up NOT NICOLE. If just once you had given her a modicum of the same respect you lavished on Jackson you would likely be headed to F3.
NOW is the time for you to play the game FOR YOUR ALLY and tell Jackson – well the truth is buddy – you flipped the script changing direction to keep Christie when that wasn’t good for anyone but you. We went along with it. AND, we know you lied about Tommy but I was okay lying to Nicole to cover for you b/c I believed our deal was real. So—- the way I see it you have a few choices.
1) you can go against your handshake/eye to eye confirmation which occurred before last week, during last week and AFTER last week and show your true colors and vote me out & I’ll deem it “Big Brother lying at it’s best”.
2) Once I’m in jury I’m sure you know I’ll confirm you WERE lying about Tommy & if that’s the case then I can guarantee you that you’ve lost $450k b/c I’d assume you’ll bring Holly so she’ll have mine, Tommy’s, Christie’s, her puppet Jess, Kat and I’ll make sure Nicole votes for her too. So hey, great game play – glad we got to spend time in the house & I hope these last moves with you rubbing it in Nicole’s and my faces was worth the deception of trying to look like a good guy to the National audience.
3) Your other option is to keep me which I’m not expecting but even if you don’t I think you know you owe it to Nicole to take her to F2 at least she’ll win $50k & most of us will be able to reconcile (DISH THE LIES CLIFF & SELL THEM LIKE YOU MEAN THEM) why you punted Holly to win the big money. Besides you can spend money on Holly after the season —- or like I said we can make her the winner — your choice!
But —- unfortunately, we’re stuck witnessing Cliff continue to kiss Jackson’s ass like he has all season. I expect him to trash Nicole (we’re used to it by now) but letting Jackson know he’ll vote for him over Holly only reinforces J taking her if he has the choice. WHY would he do that & screw Nicole over even more?
When Cliff does things like this it makes me feel like he is just one of the good ole boys who doesn’t believe women are equal or as deserving b/c these actions only continue to hurt Nicole and her game.
He better not be anywhere near close to winning AFP b/c he single handedly ruined two games with HIS actions all while having that person continually fight to help push him ahead. His man-crush on Jackson is making me nauseous & I wish he’d just OWN the fact he F’d his own game & try to do the right thing.
Join the discussion…wow thumbs up. With all Nicole has endured & survived, she deserves the win for sure
So true Nicole or Sam would be fine choices….
I expressed a brief similar but weak what if earlier today, but you said it sooooo much better than I could have in regard to the Cliff Nuclear Option.
I have a problem seeing Cliff, given his game, having the stones to hardball Jackson with Jury threat.
I’d love to see it. I don’t know if he could have enough killer instinct. It would be amazing to see the jaw on Jackson go absolutely blurry from Chernobyl level tension grinding…. aw. my black bitter heart just smiled.
I’m taking this as a good omen for my tests and assessments tomorrow hopefully the TBI is healing well and won’t require surgery. haha.
Good news. No surgery.
Yay! Awesome!
Good for you another name!
Jackson is right here though! There are two couples left in the house, so I would think that deals would be pretty much nullified. If Nicole is bitter in jury and gives the win to Holly, I will be so mad since why would he take Cliff to f3 who wouldn’t take him to f2, instead of holly who would take Jackson? Where is Cliff and Nicole’s logic? If Christie, Tommy, Nicole, and Cliff are all bitter, Holly will win. I would be so dissatisfied with that solution. At least Jackson has earned his position!
Actually I think Nicole is more likely to vote for Jackson than Cliff (even though he’s head has been up Jackson’s ass all summer).
Particularly if she’s able to figure out how badly Cliff played and betrayed her. Hopefully, as a super fan she can accept hard game play.
heyyyyy! a pro-jackson post without any nastiness. uber refreshing. as nicole would say, “foot five!”
Let’s get something straight – just because BETH never speaks her thoughts to people’s faces (other than Jackson) doesn’t mean she isn’t the biggest hypocrite in the house.
Holly wanted to switch up the Christie/Sis vote & PUSHED it all week with Michie but lost out to his control over Cliff. She had deals in place with Sam and Nick but went against both of them asking for one more week. SHE would’ve preferred to bring Tommy with her over either Cliff or Nicole knowing he’d take her over Michie.
SHE was one of the worst at bad mouthing people – “I’d never even talk to people like that (Nicole/Jess) outside the house”. or “I never used the word bully about Nicole -UM YES YOU DID & were part of the huge celebration in the HOH trashing Nicole”.
So just stop with this bullshit. You won one great comp on the swings (like Nicole did BB Comics) & you rolled a ball down a ramp & were in copious large alliances which protected you and you constantly considered switching votes to help yourself so JUST STOP.
Don’t think for one second if Tommy had won BB comics Beth wouldn’t have been all about getting out Cliff or Nicole & trying to pull Tommy to F3 b/c he’d take her. I just can’t with her. Just like when she whined about going on the block for the first time this season and kept re-iterating “do you think we can talk her into keeping nominations the same?” AND at that point I also think she would’ve tried to get Jackson to vote out Cliff. But hey, she’s still caught up in Jackson giving Nicole the Back Street Boys audio & HOH room where she’s denied her sex stool.
For Holly to say “you better believe this is the last time I hand you something” is down right HILARIOUS I hope Nicole SMOKES her in the final HOH just so she has to grovel to her to take her to F2. Tbh – nothing would make me happier (I know you’ve heard it before – lol) than to see Nicole win one part & some weird incident happen where Holly wins the other part so Jackson & Holly are at each other’s throats the last few days. Then I hope Nicole takes Holly down in Part 3 by a score of 8 to 1 or something ridiculous just to punctuate how little Holly knows about anyone who played except the shower stool and Michie.
Anyway, I don’t know who I have more disdain for Cliff for burying his loyal Nicole or Holly for all her bullshit about woman’s empowerment when she’s so jealous of the Jackson/Nicole friendship she can’t see straight. We don’t even know if she would’ve won that HOH- Nicole could just as easily have beaten her so STFU BETH!
I don’t know. I think it might be fun to see Nicole win and vote out Jackson and keep Holly. I would love to see the look on his face.
Robin, that’s my DREAM! Right this second, Nicole is honestly thinking she’s not as good of a person as Jackson because she doesn’t think she could betray her ally by taking Jackson or Holly; she still believes Jackson will honor his handshake. But when he sends Cliff out the door, I PRAY she connects the dots like she has all season and see that Jackson lied about Tommy, lied to her face, and feels good enough to kick his butt out of the house if by any chance she gets the power.
Do you want her to also realize that Cliff lied to her even more then Jackson? Heck, good ol’ Boss Howg knowingly pushed her to believe his F2 bud’s lies.
Shes already realized it. It showed it on tonights show that she saw that Jackson and Cliff probably had a final 2. When she watches this season she will be hurt by what Cliff did on a personal level but I think also said she would take it on the chin and call it game if everyone would stop trying to snow them about why and admit it was game play to further themselves and just own it.
Yeah – I won’t cry if that happens lol. Jackson at least has made the moves & done the work & I’m just not happy Holly is going to win anything but she will undoubtedly be Nicole’s choice if she gets to pick.
“Let’s get something straight – just because BETH never speaks her thoughts to people’s faces (other than Jackson) doesn’t mean she isn’t the biggest hypocrite in the house.”
Kind of hard for most people to put themselves in a situation like that house. I’d say that many people with military service have a fair idea of what it’s like. Heck, spend six months on an icebreaker and you get a very good idea of what it’s like; crowded, little to no privacy, living day in and day out in the same confined space…away from your family and surrounded by people of all sorts of dispositions.
You’d be surprised how many people will “vent” their frustrations and anxieties to friends in as private a location they can. Guess what, they won’t say the same thing to other people’s faces either. Why? Because venting can be a good pressure release. Sure, there’s probably a kernel of true belief in what you’re saying but if you can vent it out you can get cool again.
Well the house guests don’t have the luxury of finding a few minutes in a semi-private location to have a quick “private” conversation to vent. They always have cameras and mics on them.
Something to think about before being too judgemental.
Pardon me if I’m “being judgemental” it’s meant as more of an observation. All of the hamsters lie, vent, shows signs of being hypocritical etc.
I just find Holly to be the most blatantly hypocritical. it was fine for them to EXPECT Christie to throw comps & do as she agreed for example. She’s also the first one this season who began the spiel –I wanted to get away from playing with “those people” who are constantly judging & not people I respect. Meanwhile – she herself was involved in all the spouting & judgement — okay so we cut her some slack for being mired in a bad alliance BUT then she does the very same things when she’s not with them so it’s hard to cut her slack.
Again, all of them lie, are hypocritical (especially when something bad is happening TO them as opposed to someone else), but in Holly’s case it always carries that extra mean girl spin on it. Like “how dare Nicole not appreciate we LET her stay here or gave her Back Street Boys & the HOH room” —- so those gestures weren’t genuine. She always feels everyone OWES her but complains in the very few circumstances where she hasn’t had the upper hand. It’s just my humble opinion but her platform is about woman empowerment & yet she’s had the worst things to say about each of the females in the house. Even her true F2 of Kat — go back to the first week Kat was on the block & she was sidling in to replace her as Michie’s squeeze she was CONSTANTLY bad mouthing Kat (along with Jackson) to the point that it damaged Kat’s game with most of the big alliance not trusting or wanting to work with her.
So perhaps I’m being too judgemental of her for “venting” I’ll own it if that’s the case. I’m not particularly fond of how Cliff buried his allies especially Nicole or that Jackson can’t just own being the bad guy BUT I can look at their actions as an ends to a means for their personal games whereas with Holly I find her “extra” is straight goods mean girl all while promoting “I’m playing my own game & I’m empowering young girls”.
If Holly were one/tenth as judgemental as the anonymous, sanctimonious and hypocritical shrews on the internet she’s be a holy terror.
Oh swaggie, if everyone were still posting Christie is the devil posts you’d be in hog heaven and fanning the flames. Let them have their fun, you did. And yeah, i’m as bad as you are for posting about my Holly and Jackson dislike the same as you did about your Christie Tommy dislike. Christie and Tommy were yuck. Holly and Jackson are yuck. the season is full of yuck.
Yup all yuck
Sure it’s full of yuck…fortunately not the level of yuck as the internet. That would be truly gross.
Besides, some people might actually benefit from a little insight into what living in those kinds of conditions can be like; unfortunately for the house guests, they don’t have the luxury of the internet and an anonymous address to vent their frustrations and anger.
Something for others to consider.
Okay. So when it’s Christie and Tommy or at present Cliff and Nicole the rule of thumb is loose the hounds, screw them and their families, vent that frustration and anger.
When it’s Jackson and Holly it’s lessons in understanding and compassion and ‘judge not lest…’ like mother theresa is back.
Meh, what do I care, I’m angry and bitter and hate all of them. You do you.
You really do get ate up by this stuff don’t you?
Honey, on a list of thinks that could eat me, you would never rank.
I would never expect “thinks” to be a concern of yours, ever.
Biting on an intentional typo to show why you don’t rank, you’re too easy.
Haha he bit….
And just like that, Nicole is finally letting her true colors show.
You would too after that abusive rant Jackson did on her! GO, Nicole! Notice how he kept interrupting her.
Hmmmm abusive rant by Jackson, being thrown under the bus by her father figure? Tough choice.
Face it, she’s an asshole too just like everyone else in that house.
mama (sucks thumb), mama (sucks thumb) & mama at home holding a watermelon wrapped in Jackson baby blanket ( water melon print)
If somehow Nicole were able to win final hoh and take Holly, saying all the things Jackson is saying, and has been saying for days:
Would your opinion be man that Jackson is showing his true colors? Or would it be Nicole the petty bitch robbed Jackson?
I’m not asking to be rude, or accusatory. I actually want to know so that I have a deeper understanding. I’m not sure if it’s that you are a Jackson fan and therefore predisposed to disliking his adversaries and being supportive of Jackson (which if you are a Jackson fan, more power to you, we should all feel free to like who we want and dislike who we want right out in the open waving our fan flags), or if you are just commenting on Nicole as an individual.
Thank you in advance for your consideration.
Swaggie’s missing brow is just part (with Cliff) of that human centepede for Jackson
Thank you wolfie!
It just shows how smart she is and how she is capable of calling crap for what it is. makes me like her even more. shes not afraid of him. shes tired of the double sided ethics and she has been right about a lot. her biggest mistake was not trusting her own instincts over trusting cliff. she will watch this season after its over and be even more upset when she sees how cliff was betraying her because she was loyal to him. he got her to feel that way by treating her like a daughter. makes him even shadier. non the less… she is a fan of the show and right about so much .. she should have followed her inner voice. She can still pull this off. She just needs to see the writing on the wall and WIN! Then she needs to use that intellect to show that jury how smart she is and how she saw through the crap and maneuvered her way to where she is. Own it. I want a Nicole win. She definitely can pull this off. And if she doesnt, I still respect her and like her. She will go down as one of my favorite players.
N is coming out of this no matter what a much stronger person…N for the win
No offense meant. Never liked “true colors”. People have bad sides and good sides. We’re all human. We’ve seen Jackson’s bad side, we’ve seen his good side. Same goes for Nicole. Just sayin’.
Jackson only has two bad sides…..
Very mature…I like it. Troll! lol
I hope Nicole and Jackson go on amazing race together and win …boing
Me too! I’ve been harping about a Michie/Nicole F2 for weeks….how cool would TAR be?
I kind of enjoyed it AND — she tried to go into DR & he stopped her to talk, afterward downstairs she said at least 10 times I don’t want to talk about this right now. She asked him to leave her alone, that she didn’t want a therapy session etc. He just kept pushing. Then Holly who can’t ever just let him be alone with Nicole came over to the hammock too & when she made the comment about them being martyrs they finally got up and left her alone.
Holly and Jackson for final 2.
They should pay homage to the sex stool in their F2 speeches……Jackson can also relay that he made BB history by banging two different women in one season……good times
I had high hopes for Cliff at the beginning of this season. I truly did. Then he had his awful HOH and I stepped back and realized this guy sucks. He is all talk and actually thinks he is cool. His act is tiring and I am glad to see him go. Last week took the cake though. He convinced Nicole that keeping the showmance was in their best interests. Are you kidding me!! This has to go down as one of the worst moves in BB history. He just handed Jackson BB21. Great job Cliff, hope to never see you again. You not only cost yourself but you also cost Nicole with your arrogance. Peace out.
Yep. He tried to run people because he was afraid to follow through himself. But in his defense, Nicole should’ve told him I’m HOH respect my decision. She knew the power of the showmance, this guy is trying to to find BFFs. The more I think about it, I want to see a bitter jury this year. That’ll show people that there’s an art to winning the jury by kinda doing things the right way. The earlier seasons the HGs had a code of conduct for the most part. Yeah getting screwed is part of the deal, but being pissed about it and taking it out on F2 is also part of the game. Many forget this little part.
“The more I think about it, I want to see a bitter jury this year. That’ll show people that there’s an art to winning the jury by kinda doing things the right way.”
Except everyone on that jury was just as bad and some even worse.
Exactly. The question is how salty they’re gonna be?
A true super fan will put their personal animosities aside and vote strictly on game play; a concept that Dr. Will seems be having less and less success in imparting to the juries. Saying you’re a super fan and being one are two different things. I sort of expect Nick to be able to do it. If she’s on jury I believe, at least I hope, Nicole will.
I really don’t see it with the others so I don’t really see Jackson taking it if he’s final two. Who knows, they could surprise me though.
With the number of want to be celebutante social media influencers and recruits they have been putting on for the past few seasons, the number of actual fans that get cast are at an all time low.
Most of the yahoos of recent seasons aren’t on because they applied at open casting and wanted to live their dream. They were recruited. Even a lot of the professed fans that have made it to seasons in the recent past are not so much fans, as people who have heard of the show and think it can be used as a platform for some other starfawkery. THIS is why I think juries have been more and more bitter. It’s part and parcel of the casting decisions.
Yeah you’re right & the many of the self described “super fans” don’t watch live feeds. In recent years we constantly hear “I’m a super fan – I watched the last 3 seasons” or I’ve watched most seasons – but never live feeds, don’t know about any of the associated fan sites etc.
This is why I said let the gnashing of teeth begin when Jackson won POV.
Cliff finally exposes himself and some people finally get angry with him but still find a way to work their anger and frustration of Jackson and Holly into it.
Come on people, Cliff has worked hard for this moment. Don’t make him share the limelight with anyone else.
Holly feels like she sold her soul by throwing the competition. She sold her soul by letting Jackson sit there and lie!!!
She sold her soul becoming jackson’s sex toy.
Holly is pretty awful…..Cliff is pathetic and the other guy I just can’t.
Man I wish Christie would of been in on that argument lol
The show was funny tonight b/c Jackson was the one really pushing for Holly to drop off the rope – he knew her winning HOH would only push Nicole/Cliff to gun for POV.
That’s the irony of this season – they ALL work to move their OWN games ahead and ALL lie. The biggest difference I see is Holly is committed to Jackson as her meat shield. Cliff was loyal to HIMSELF and used everyone to push his own position forward.
As much as Jackson may not be my favorite he at least makes the efforts (whether we like them or not) to work each relationship individually. In Holly’s case it’s his showmance & he “manages” her. In Cliff’s case he plays to his intelligence and ego & in Nicole’s case he has the brother/sister relationship thing going. I may not want him to take the top honors but credit where credit is due. Do I like the hypocrisy of his statements when he worries about his “profile” – not really – I’d respect him more if he straight up just owned it BUT again – credit for playing the game.
As for Nicole, she was NEVER the one to broker the deals with the four though she held up her end just in the DE alone which would’ve been the perfect time to oust Jackson. She always worked to move ahead her AND Cliff in the game and never tried to back out of promises. Do I think she was wrong for wanting to bring Tommy instead of Holly – Hell no – b/c Nicole is smart & I think she senses (that gut instinct of hers) the animosity from Beth’s jealousy over her relationship with Michie – it’s why Beth won’t ever just let them talk alone.
Bottom line they all made game moves & in the case of Nicole her allies choices hurt her game also. Cliff has NO ONE to blame but himself for getting evicted and Jackson may have no one to blame but himself if he loses the big money (not for his choices but how he chose to position why the choice was made). Not that Holly is an innocent she lied through her teeth too & now we’re learning Nicole saw through it all which only goes to prove she KNEW Cliff was forcing what was best for his game instead of “their” game.
In the end if there is a way for Nicole & Jackson to reach the F2 I hope it happens as they are the most deserving of the big money. And, if Nicole DOES reach a F2 chair then I hope one of Kat, Sam or Kemi wins AFP. I can’t get behind Tommy being rewarded for getting treated badly in ONE week of the entire summer not when he was the biggest cheerleader to the ostracizing movement this season. Nor am I happy about the fact Holly appears headed for a pay day even if she spends the next 10 days on her stool in the shower since both Jackson/Nicole will take her to F2.
Who thinks Nicole will be very surprised at what Cliff was reallllly like concerning her.
In some ways she’s aware. He’s hem haw insinuated, but made it sound like the other two were bringing things up and he wasn’t disagreeing. Her answer was always I wouldn’t expect you to disagree (with a lilt of eeyore).
omg omg ” Cliff – maybe we made the wrong decision and should have kept Tommy”. omg No Cliff, that was you that screwed that up convincing her.
And still saying “maybe”…
holly doesn’t deserve final three. she’s done nothing. Nicole and Michie for sure, but honestly she’s let michie walk over her and just blindly agree to whatever he says. She’s playing his game, not her own.
And Nicole’s been playing Cliff’s game…while he sells her out. I guess it all equals out.
she’s winning comps and is taking shots, not cliff
Okay. Holly won how many HoH’s? Two wasn’t it? She didn’t take any decent shots but weren’t both of her HoH’s handicapped? I seem to recall she could only pick one nominee in one and there was something else about the other…kind of hard for her to take great shots.
Nicole won how many HoH’s? Technically two also but I seem to recall she got an assist by Cliff (let Nicole get the blood on her hands so I’m safe) and from Holly (who should have just gone for it).
Two solid HoH’s, two gift HoH’s. Okay, somewhat equal I guess. Let’s see, Nicole had a POV, Holly didn’t. But Nicole took shots…while taking a lot of guidance from Cliff. Well she did take that shot at saving Tommy…oops, no, take that back. OH, OH, OH…there’s her latest HoH. The one Cliff will leave on. Great shot!
cliff leaving in bc michie is a comp beast. michie being brought in this then creates an entire new conversation. and she did end up getting tommy out sooo…however i do agree with a couple of your points.
So she sort of won two HoH’s, got Crusty evicted (good selling point), wanted to keep Tommy but was played by both Jackson and her ride or die and he was evicted, and finally, because she wanted to keep Tommy her ride or die, who had been throwing her under the bus, was evicted…and she believes he deserves to be F3 not her?
Not exactly a great resume for the more traditional Big Brother; probably plenty good enough for this group and more than good enough for disgruntled viewers. Kind of funny, three of the people who would vote for her left because of her.
Week 5. Holly’s first HOH. Holly nominates Nick and Sam. Kat volunteers as replacement if needed to hide their relationship. Nick wins veto. Kat no longer wants to volunteer. Holly wants Nicole to go up as target because she hasn’t been grateful enough that they didn’t evict her on week 4. Christie argues Kat volunteered. Christie wins the argument (self serving because Sam was openly targeting Christie).
day before the vote: Jackson, unbeknownst to Holly, tells Jack that the 6 is dead because Christie is too pushy and controlling, and Sis and Tommy are out too because they are friends with Christie so they can’t be trusted either. He then says to Jack our new alliance is you, me, holly, kat, cliff (who he says he’s already been setting up as an alliance for a while) and (either nick or nicole). he then shares it’s perfect because Holly and Kat have been friends for years. Jack, still feeling closer ties to Tommy and Sis, and on the fence about Christie doesn’t want to jump ship to an alliance where nobody has his back and seemingly the whole group has Jackson’s back. This leads to Jack exposing to Tommy and Sis what is going on. That night. Tommy is hinting vote flip. The next day, Tommy and Jack confirm vote flip and then say we should tell Christie. Nicole is in the room as they talk to Sis about the plan. This leads to the day 43 arguments and almost vote flip. This is where Holly finds out that Jackson has blabbed her secret. 24 hours after he did it. And in the leaked footage we see him try to lie and say he never said anything. Vote flip crashes when Christie falls for Kat’s tears about being victimized by Jackson (the I Stand With Kat vote) and a lack of promise from Sam that he won’t target her. The I Stand With Kat vote is one of the factors behind Jackson saying multiple times his image would be fine if it wasn’t for Christie.
There was nothing different about week 5 in terms of parameters or functions. The oddity was overplaying by houseguests causing huge disruption.
With Cliff gone, let’s just hope Nicole pulls it out and wins…this would dumbfound j & h and impress the jury for sure.
Holly is so arrogant. She doesn’t know if she would have won the HOH but it doesn’t stop her from bragging about it. I hope Nicole smokes both of them especially Holly on these last three comps and takes Holly to the end so she can beat her again.
Nicole for the win !!
Well. Just watched the show and what we missed because the feeds were down and it all makes sense. Nicole knew what to do and knew what was going on. She had every intention of voting out Holly. I knew she wasn’t that stupid to keep Holly,Cliff convinced her to vote out Tommy. She trusted him, and why wouldn’t she? They’ve been working together since the beginning. He’s like a father figure. She believed him. I genuinely feel bad for her, especially when she watches this back and sees him admitting that he convinced her to keep Holly as part of a final 2 deal with him and Jackson. What I find hard to believe, is why would Cliff believe that Jackson who is fighting so hard to keep Holly, willingly ditch her the very next week? It didn’t make sense, glad Cliff is going home this week…..
Something you may have missed. Cliff went to Nicole and told her that he made an F3 deal with Jackson and had to keep that word, implying to her that if she won veto she had to keep Jackson safe. But it wasn’t an F3 deal he made with Jackson, it was an F2.
But Jackson and Holly are the evil and the darkness.
Both can be true. CLiff can be a dick and Jackson and Holly can be evil and the darkness. There’s room for more than one big bad in a big brother house. Just watch 19. Couldn’t swing a cat without hitting a big bad.
Hey jacka$$….no one is buying your fake ass cry session strategically placed in front of the cameras.
You are and always will be an a$$hole.
There’s cameras everywhere lol it’s big brother 😉
The irrifutable fact is he didn’t even cry until after a long DR session
I can’t stand cliff, never cared about Nicole for one minute, threw her under the bus again and again, totally got every game move wrong. Now I believe he was a closet narcissist that became full blown once he believed he was mr old cool guy. Not a good look for him, Jackson’s human sex stool.
he may be an insufferable douche but michie 100% deserves to win however I definitely see christie kat sis and jess going girl power and voting holly and her stealing it from him.
Nah they should give the 500k to charity this year…..Jackjaw however does deserve a sharp kick in the a$$.
I’m not sure, Tommy said what Jackson pulled was impressive. Crusty kept saying Jackson was a bad ass and was going to win. Kat pretends she hates him but I think she’ll vote with her head (if not then she’s as stupid as she comes off). I’m not sure about Sis, I never liked her and tried not to pay attention to anything she said or did. Jess will vote for whatever vagina is in F2. I see a Holly/Jackson vote going down with Holly getting maybe 2 votes.
Ugh…watching the show and reading this Jackson is pissing me off. It’s ok for him to break promises, lie, manipulate but god forbid someone else do it. Oh and then to say “i want you to do what’s best for your game”….but pretty much saying dont at tge exact same time.
Let me think, was that when Cliff was bouncing between him and Nicole breaking promises, lying and manipulating? Or did I miss a segment where Jackson was the only one in the house?
I’ve never seen such a bunch of cry babies in all my life… every episode I have to listen to these idiots try and convince America their word means everything to them in this game we call big brother….what show did they think they signed up for exactly???? I respect people more who will lie and cheat their way to victory lol. I’ve said this before, I dont expect people to tell me the truth when I’m at the poker table hahaha. This season has been mostly boring with every eviction being unanimous because everyone has been afraid to play the fucking game
After watching the episode I pretty much agree with what everyone is posting. So can we talk about the look on Beths face when Jackson kept asking for his “momma”? lmfao
If Nicole pulls out some miracle of winning and making final 2 I hope she wins. Even if worst case scenario comes and Jackson and Holly are final 2(most likely) I really hope Holly wins, the way Jackson is acting is back to his jerky ways! Yes Nicole and Cliff you should have kept Tommy because Jackson is mad either way so who cares…The both screwed up by not getting Holly out and now it’s a uphill battle!
All your comments are what you want to happen but when a half millions dollars on the line you do what you have to do. They are not playing to please you. It’s a game.
I hope if Jackson wins two things happen. 1 – he gets booed and 2 – he has to forfeit the money because he lied on his Application for the show.
So the show has no obligation to screen applications?
He won’t get booed. They try very hard to keep the audience from booing. If the audience is mostly episode watchers, they wouldn’t even think to boo based on the episodes.
The second? Opinion: they would be required to pay him his perdiem fees for being on the show because whether or not he lied in his contracts, they did not remove him when he admitted to the lies. That was week one of feeds, so between days 8 and 14. They could, If they so desired, refuse to pay him for his winner’s fees on top of his ‘salary’, but would need to prove that they exercised due diligence and vetting, unless their is a declaration in the signed submission forms that states that the applicant affirms that they have submitted all files requested , and have not withheld any information that may prohibit their ability to appear. It would still end up in court, and end up with ridiculous amounts of press they don’t want about their process and standards.
In any case, I’m not sure if I have ever heard of such a case in Big Brother.
The problem with people saying that Cliff and Nicole didn’t break their word is that it took Jackson gaming HARD against Tommy to secure Holly’s spot in the final four. He should have never had to resort to that. The fact that C & N told J & H there was no funny business then told H & J that they didn’t know which way they were voting, made all deals null and void at that point. Their actions forced Jackson to have to campaign and make deals just to keep Holly, safe. They BROKE the trust, so keeping their word was NOT because they are “good” people and were going to do that all week long, it’s because Jackson had to campaign to his OWN alliance NOT to break their final four deal.
Had Tommy not revealed that he knew Christie before coming into the house, Holly probably wouldn’t even be in the house this week.
And for everyone saying that Cliff made all of the deals the past week, it was NICOLE that was pushing for Tommy to stay. Had she not even pushed that idea into Cliff’s head, then none of this would have happened. So really, Nicole initiated the idea to keep Tommy, which then pushed Cliff to make deals with his own alliance.
Jackson’s actions lately didn’t just happen because Jackson decided to go back on his handshake this morning. There’s a lot more to it, and it started really with Nicole’s indecisiveness about her alliance, which led to trust being broken, and deals being made that caused tension within the alliance. Regardless of words being kept, your word is no good if people doubt it because you are unsure of keeping your promises and it’s no good either if you force people to have to take actions so that you don’t break your word.
Absolutely! That’s why I’m 100% Jackson for the win.
Welcome to the centipede.
(I really don’t know what that means but apparently if you are a fan of the “game” you’re a Jackson centipede…or something like that. I just know the alternative seems to be a very angry, bitter place.)
And yet cliff is still echoing to Nicole now that had they not considered the flipping none of this would be happening and michie would have brought him to final 3. Lol Yes cliff but how would that have benefited Nicole?? She consider flipping bc she was trying to have the best odds for HERSELF and she had the right to do so. Cliff didn’t have to consider that option being if he wanted holly Jackson would be the deciding vote. He was the one making the deals w michie and holly, yes he made deals that included Nicole, and sure that bought them time but ultimately Nicole also returned the favor during the double.
Cliff is so disappointing. I wanted him to be the guy this year but as soon as he won HOH and attempted the big move he has let us down at every opportunity……….consistently.
I have never seen four Big Brother finalists work so hard at trying to “manage” each other’s feelings. It is what it is: Jackson and Holly have never wavered in their loyalty to each other. No explanations necessary. Cliff and Nicole have had fluctuations and, contrary to popular opinion, Nicole is no shrinking violet. She is too smart to have expected Jackson would make good on Cliff’s utterly ridiculous “deals.”. And the sour grapes on which she is chomping do not make for a good look. She is on the attack and wants Jackson to feel guilty. They all keep repeating the mantra, “It’s only a game,” but then they keep trying to justify and explain legitimate game-play. Nicole tells Jackson she neither wants nor needs to hear his whys and wherefores, but she and Cliff keep taking their shots about loyalty and broken promises. And Jackson needs to let it go and save his rationales for when it can make or break him. All four of them can save the “lovefest” for when it has a less hollow ring.
Until tonight, I felt bad for Cliff but no more.That man is a naive idiot! Does he still believe Miche is going to take him? I’m glad Nicole woke up &realized Cliff’s plan was to go to F2 without her. Too bad she didn’t figure it out sooner and made her decisions instead of his. Now she has to realize Miche has an alterior motive for not wanting Cliff to know he’s going. Cliff could make this week really uncomfortable for Miche when Holly realizes he had been promising a Cliff, Miche & Nichole final 3.
@ Dix. Given the lengths to which Jackson has gone to protect Holly and keep her in the game, I don’t think she has room to complain about any bogus promises he may have made to anyone in the house, past or present. When he was preparing the coffin for Tommy’s demise, he was even slick enough to ask Holly to leave the room so that he could speak to Nicole and Cliff, in private. He didn’t want her anywhere near that conversation. He knew he couldn’t trust her to not react to the pile of dung he was laying down. Plausible deniability, anyone?
Did anyone time the coverage of the competition tonight? I’m sure it was longer than the actual competition. Do you think they had to get back up so they could bounce around a few more minutes?
it seemed longer bc of the dr interviews
Holly should have never thrown the HoH especially at final four..Jackson was pressing her to drop…he didn’t want her to be safe ..and him not to be ..does anyone think there is a slim..possiblity he would vote her out Thursday??
He’s not voting her out, but you are right. If Holly were safe and he not, had either Cliff or Nicole won veto, he was gone. In any other combination, the veto winner would likely have kept Jackson.
HAHAHA, Fuck you Cliff!!!
i hATE MICHIE! Someone who deserves the title of big brother and 500k should have an AMAZING game play, which no one has so far, and also maintains their integrity. Michie is the worst.
You know what? I’m thinking of my faves from Big brother Seasons past. I’ve liked the heroes, the underdogs and the villainous in pretty much equal measure.
The thing that I enjoyed about the irreverant and catty and the bad guys: the moustache twirling Snidely Whiplash impersonation proudly proclaiming just how dastardly they were.
When Jun was intentionally stirring pots to get alliances to destruct and people to argue, she wasn’t in d/r saying oh it’s their fault, it’s not me. She was proudly giggling and saying see…. I did that.
When Allison bedhopped with every man, and got them all turning against each other, did she say oh i’m so virtuous? Please, she was happily saying watch me play these fools.
Did Evel Dick go into d/r and say ohhh, i feel so bad, it’s not my fault i’ve been forced to do this? please. Again. proudly doing what he did.
Did Dr. Will go into d/r and say i’m loyal to a fault? No, he was hey guys watch this, it’ll be fun.
Season 6 was Janelle in d/r saying aw, I feel so bad for Cappy? If she did she broke out laughing and said bye bitch right after.
That’s one of the things about the image conscious revisionist crap we’re getting this year that makes my eyes roll: game ownership.
Jackson would have cut Nicole or Cliff this week to keep Holly if the whole Holly Tommy thing had never been in dispute. That isn’t a question. That isn’t even prediction. That just IS.
Cliff is a complete buffoon for thinking for one moment Jackson would cut Holly for him or Nicole in any universe.
Holly needs to stop her whining and revising her role in game history. Someone take her into d/r and explain feeds. UH-gain.
Nicole still needs to have a backbone.
If you didn’t hate Jackson and Holly, you’d see their point of view. I’m ambivalent about who wins, so maybe I’m more clear-headed than someone who has been bashing them as people since Day 1.
They should have never had to make deals to keep Holly safe last week. A Final 4 is a Final 4 is a Final 4. Get to the Final 4, and you know what’s going to happen. HOH and POV get two slots in F3. The remaining HG off the block picks who stays and who goes. In a couple-vs-couple scenario, it’s a no-brainer (usually) what’s going to happen.
They had to make a deal to keep Holy safe. They should ‘t have had to. The F4 handshake deal, then, meant as much as the “throw HOH, throw POV and take the other of Cliff or Nicole to F3” deal. Which, apparently was nothing.
You can bounce checks in the BB house, but you might pay the price for doing so.
Under the scenario that played out this week under the original deal, Cliff would be going home. You’re right. It’s no different. But it is, because Cliff thought he had F2 on lock. He got greedy.
Actually, I can see their point of view. I have not once said that Holly and Jackson are wrong to take each other to final 2.
They would have anyway, deal no deal. In terms of game they would be stupid not to in terms of how each of them has made their way through the game. It would be out of character psychologically for either to do otherwise. In terms of good game moves: of course they take each other.
I have no pity for Cliff. He was a buffoon.
I have no pity for Nicole. She should have had a backbone.
The ‘you broke your deal we shouldn’t have had to make another deal’ is a justification for doing what they would have done anyway is my point of view. The entire moral outrage deal stuff is superfluous. Let’s say the Tommy/Holly vote dispute didn’t happen. Let’s say the final 4 handshake was honored as is from the jump. Or let’s say Jackson didn’t make another deal after Holly made one with the welchers. They’d still have revised the deal for Holly to not throw veto. Cliff or Nicole were still going home. Moral gymnastics exercise and who dealt with who and when: it’s an irrelevancy.
Cliff has thought he and Jackson have had something since the week one handshake and the week four handshake. again: Buffoon. Nicole has been wearing a backstabbing Albatross named Cliff all season, and has been deferring to him. That’s her worst game decision.
I can dislike them, and still remain level headed enough to cut the wheat from the chaff. Doesn’t mean I can’t bitch we’ve got too much chaff.
One word social media.
What is not amazing about Jackson’s game play? Tommy said it best, it’s genius. Just because you don’t like the person shouldn’t mean that person shouldn’t win. Had Jackson not eavesdropped on Cliff and Nicole, Holly would have been evicted and Cliff and Nicole wouldn’t have honored the final 4. So don’t anyone tell me that Jackson went back on his word. He and Holly honored their word for the past month when it came to Cliff and Nicole only to find out that Cliff and Nicole were about to go back on their word. Cliff ended his game by his own words and actions. When Nicole watches this season, she will see she was played by Cliff. He was playing his own game and influenced Nicole accordingly.
Thanks for a great BB site!!
We’re glad you’ve enjoyed it! 🙂
A few of my favorite F4 convos:
— Keesha (BB10) realizing that “those f-ers” Memphis and Dan were going to dump her for Jerry. That was a awkward time on the feeds.
— Britney (BB12) learning about the Brigade. I loved her, but those waterworks were outdone only in the aftermath of the veto ceremony following Dan’s funeral in BB14.
When Holly leaves the BB House without $500,000 she should run like hell away from Jackson. So many red flags. He hasn’t once considered her role as anything but to help him win. That cry over Tommy was staged to make her feel sorry for him for being naughty. (Mommy forgive me type) . He’s a control freak with a bad temper. A Liar. He’s a right fighter. He’s feels he’s always right and everyone else is always wrong. I don’t think he’s a genius. To me he’s a clever con man who has no barriers to stop him from getting whatever he wants. .. Plus, He may have trouble with the jury. He really hurt Tommy who said Jackson doesn’t deserve the money. Christie will vote with Tom. Jessie dislikes him. And Cliff said he campaign against him. Nick will make five of the jury who’ll vote for the person next to him.
If Jacka$$ makes it to final two the greatest thing will be to see him walk out behind the winner with no confetti!!
Major props to Nicole for standing up to jackson it shows she isnt weak! They both have valid points and Yes its big brother and deals get broke all the time. I dont care for Jackson he acts like he’s always right and nobody else’s opinion matters cuz he’s always right mantality….
Love Nicole sees through the BS Jackson was throwing her way. Like she said, just be mature and say you’re taking Holly. Don’t give a bunch of reasons in an effort to make Cliff and her look bad. Loved how she called them martyrs.
Cliff’s tribalism doomed him. Just because someone’s from the same area as you doesn’t mean they will automatically show you favoritism when half million is on the line. Cliff’s wife is probably already steaming mad at him. She probably knew he would get hoodwinked. He spent all that time in the House all summer for nothing. She then realizes oh he messed up AFP too. Cliff’s wife might actually be happy he’s been gone for so long. She probably thinking Cliff we’re not adopting Nicole.
Keeping saying y’all Jackson. Winning the hearts of southern gals everywhere. NIcole…stop whining. You are HOH because of Jackson and “Holl’s”…and going to final three. Where you come from….ok. Where Jackson comes from is you are going to final three and can prove yourself and win a competition without it being thrown to you!
I give more credit to Southern Women than you do.
You’ve struck a nerve there No Name! Why should Nicole have to actually work for it, it should be gifted to her. She’s the last chance to get Jackson out of the game.
You don’t know if Nicole wouldn’t have won that on her own. Holly is a mess thinking she is so superior to others, yet lacks self esteem. She could maybe use 2nd place $$ to get some therapy. Did you even notice while Jackson was screaming at Tommy that Holly had her face buried in her knees. That should have been a tell all there.
Actually No Name and I were talking about the game, not the second HoH that may (or may not depending on your own perspective) been gifted to her. She’s F3; if she wants it, win it.
At the moment it seems the strongest motivation behind her support is that she’s not Jackson or Holly. You know, not that different from the support Tommy had or the support Cliff had.
Mostly facts
She lacks self esteem for sure, but as for being better than everyone? That’s not her. And why are you making fun of people with anxiety? People are way too judgmental about people they’ve never met and down right mean. They all have their good and bad points.
So, I wonder if Cliff realizes he is an idiot for continuing to protect Michie and Holly yet??? Probably not.
Cliff was only protecting himself.
Cliff is an idiot. He played the game like a coward. Nicole’s poor me, head clinching weakling attitude is just annoying. I’m over this season.
I don’t like Michie, but I agree with him re: cliff forcing holly and him to make new deals in order to keep holly. They made a final 4 agreement and for cliff to add deals to that isn’t right. Once they reached the final 4 it would be 2 v 2. Let the best 2 win. Of course Cliff and N would take each other and M and H would take each other.
If holly wins this game it is fixed she has done nothing but ride the coattails of Jackson. Cliff is slimy what they are saying Tommy did cliff is doing the same thing making deals with anyone. He has a deal with Nicole and a deal with michie and holly. Jackson is a jerk what he did to Tommy he did to Christie and Nick. Nicole and cliff must be plain stupid if all along they didn’t see a final two with michie and holly. On to the end this show is really lacking because we all know a week ahead of time how thus is all going play out.
After watching Sunday night’s show, I think it’s a shame that Nicole blames herself for Cliff going to jury this week. Cliff is going for one reason only – he convinced her to keep Holly. It’s Cliff’s own fault. Nicole is buying Jackson’s bull$#it justification for going back on F3 with Cliff/Nicole because they considered keeping Tommy. Jackson is such a jerk for pretending he would have ever honored that deal. He’s such an abusive personality – really top notch gas lighting – It’s your fault. You made me do this to you type stuff. Yuck. I get that lying is part of the game and kudos to Jackson for successfully manipulating Cliff and getting Tommy evicted. That doesn’t mean I think he deserves the money. Tonight’s episode convinced me that he is not just an unlikable houseguest. He’s a rotten person period. I really hope Nicole can pull out the wins for F2. If we’re stuck with Jackson/Holly, I hope Holly wins. I think there is a good chance with Tommy and Cliff, they can convince the jury not to vote for Jackson.
Oh, who am I kidding? Jackson is so conceited, even if Holly wins the game, Jackson will take it as his own. Her name might be on the check, but he’ll take all the credit.
Kudo’s to Holly, for rising from being the Whore of Babylon to the latest anti-Jackson hope! You go girl!
Amazing how many people are suddenly pulling for her to get the big bucks.
Just to see Jackson’s face look like Paul’s would be priceless, however, with Nicole winning.
I’m waiting to see the looks on the jury’s face if they have to pick between Jackson or Holly. Talk about priceless.
Ok, I know I’m late to the party cause I just watched the episode….how could Cliff possibly believe that Michie would take him and Nicole to Final three over Holly???? Nicole knew it was BS, but that moron believed it ?? Really???? My goodness! He kept saying he needs to worry about his own game, he torpedoed his own game! He deserves what he is going to get on Thursday. Can’t wait to see his face when Michie throws him out.
Oh God, those fake tears from Michie…he’s a psychopath. And the look on Nicole’s face when she FINALLY realized that Cliff has stabbed her in the back…this is good stuff tonight.
Your a fool cliff. And you just made me look like a fool for marrying a fool, fool.
Are you like 12? I’m sure his wife, friends and family are proud of him and love him just fine.
Omg cliff really your saying that after you broke your agreement and we’re going to keep tommy a lot of nerve
I said on another post that Nicole and Cliff needed to keep Tommy and vote out Holly as that was their only chance at final two. I was voted down by many but of course I was right. This wasn’t going to happen any other way and it will be Jackson and Holly in the final two.
You got voted down because Cliff was going if he didn’t win HOH or veto. Didn’t matter who was in the house. Tommy would not have kept him safe. In fact, Tommy was a bigger threat than Holly to Cliff’s game.
Plain and simple: Nicole did her part (and kudos to her and Cliff for convincing Holly and Jackson that Holly should throw HOH and guaranteed safety), but Cliff could not. Cliff’s best chance at Final 2 was winning HOH!
The time for deal making and bickering over who broke what agreement is over. If he wants to stay, Cliff has to sit on the same side of the table as Michie. Cliff’s tactic right now should be to get alone time with Michie and go through all of the vote combinations, convincing him friend to friend that his only chance to win is vs Cliff. Holly campaigning for him on the jury is the best move for Jackson to win the $500k and get the confetti.
That said, Cliff is still likely to go. And, if so, Nicole or Holly are near locks to win. If the jury sees what he did to Tommy and subsequently to Cliff, Michie will not win BB despite making the correct game moves — he cannot get the votes.
Jackson is so full of himself it’s annoying to watch I just wish that when they wanted to take Holly out they should have Nicole knows this game n she knew that Jackson wouldnt get Holly out by choice they should of pulled the trigger during the double and got him or Holly out Nicole can’t sit around n think should of would of could of it’s to late for all that you seen the fire under her at the double n that veto so when Jackson votes out Cliff she’s goin to have that fire again and it’s on she just has to win one of the two to go to final HOH and if it’s against Jackson she’ll probably win cause it’s what did the houseguests say or something like that it’s not physical n Jackson sucks at that so I hope she can win! So she can have the last laugh and evict Jackson
at least lets go out with a choice of Jackson or Nicole…with Nicole for the win.
My thought is Cliff has hurt Nicole’s game. There were many times Nicole clearly saw through the others. I think they should have kept Tommy. Cliff did not. Nicole thought so. Yes, they threw that HOH to her, so I was glad she was safe since Cliff went against her thoughts. I think if Michie is against Holly F2, he will win. If Michie is against Nicole, thats a toss up. Most of the jury will probably think Michie deserves it because of all of his “game play.” They think Nicole doesn’t know anything about it, however, seeing the things she says when she’s alone, she’s thinking clearly. If its Nicole vs Holly (Nicole should take Holly to F2 is she gets the choice), Nicole should win. Holly got there because of Michie, in a way. I know she won a couple of HOHs, but thats basically all she did.
“I know she won a couple of HOHs, but thats basically all she did.”
That would pretty much describe Holly and Nicole.
Nicole had a very good read on this game & what was going on. Usually being talked out of it. I hope after she sees this show, she realizes she is a pretty bright young woman who stood her ground with some very strong personalities.
Kind of a conundrum there. There’s a whole lot of sound and fury praising how she stood up to Jackson, while at the same time a whole lot of silence over how she continues to be a floor mat for Cliff.
Scroll up
Wow! Sour grapes on Cliff’s end. Jackson is right that cliff and Nicole were dictating on you do this and you do that and set us up for final 2! That’s ridiculous. And Jackson has played a better all around game. Winning comps, talking to people, scheming and manipulating. That’s Big Brother.
“Cliff – I’ve always been opposed to a bitter jury.. I’m not sure its a bitter jury if there was one person that honored an agreement with you and another one that turned around a day later didn’t honor it….If its Holly & Michie that means you’re also in jury and you may feel the same way in terms of voting. Suddenly that’s two votes for Holly.”
Good to see that Cliff hasn’t given up mentoring Nicole. He used her to get to F4, his dealings to have her throat cut for F2 blew up in his porcine face, so now he’s coaching Nicole to throw away her love for the game and be his tool yet again for bitterness.
Woooooooooo, Pig! Sooie!
Asking Jackson to vote Holly out post final four was super stupid on Cliff. For Cliff to think that he would honor that promise is naive. Nicole and Cliff are mad that he made a promise he was not going to keep…..uhmmmm….have you seen BB. Like Michie told them, you forced me to make that promise. There mistake was not going through with keeping Tommy once Michie had figured out what was happening.
Jackson has some nerve speaking of loyalty. The deal was for final 4 and they are there at 4. Who cares what happened before?
When the final 4 deal was made Jackson was working with both sides and wanted them to “take shots at each other”.
When Tommy made his pitch to stay, he went to Jackson because he n Christie had a deal with them (Tommy not realizing until too late that just because Nicole took the shot at them, didnt mean Nicole n Cliff didn’t have a final 4 deal also with Jackson)
I get that Jackson is playing a game of twisting words and changing their mind.
Jackson should not be mad at Nicole for “considering” to take a shot at big players when from the door, Jackson wasn’t honoring the final 4 by keeping Christie and turned on ALL of his alliances. Bravo for the success he has had with it thus far.
But grow up and OWN that ish!
Dont make it seem like it was someone else that made u change your mind! Why can’t he just say “we made a final 4 with you n Cliff n Tommy n Christie and positioned ourselves for the best chance to win. Period!
Noooo. He has to try n make people feel like they are disloyal n dishonest pieces of crap, the same thing they did to Nicole in the beginning when she was just trying to play the game.
Cliff and Jackson were seemingly being the disloyal one’ s with the deals, Nicole was playing BB trying to weigh her options. Tommy had the side deals with Jackson, that’s the only reason Nicole questioned it.
Jackson wants to put all the blame on others while Holly promotes it. He believes they should have bent down to him and licked his crack.
Cliff allowed his wanna be game play to screw things up for sure but the lack of honesty as to how Jackson is winning the game is astounding!
What happened to when people owned their game?
Nicole never handshook or made those deals and she owned taking a shot, so what it’s big brother!
When Nicole won HOH Holly was telling Nicole she was playing her own game and not Jacksons game. But when it comes to Nicole, she’s attached to Cliff on a deal she didnt make because Jackson said so???
If Nicole stays, alot of her final 2 speech has already been revealed and I hope she gets to tell it. Can’t stand the Jackson belittling game play and can’t stand Holly.
Why do I secretly want Holly n Nicole in the final and after the argument have Jackson vote for Nicole in a tie breaker?
One could only dream…
Jackson and Holly make it to the end, does Holly even get any votes?
PREACH…even if many are nodding–obviously having the need to pretend they didn’t see the last M O N T H S of how nauseatingly disloyal & underhanded a game Michie played (BEGINNING WITH SPOUTING A CONFIDENCE told to him by Kat about her knowing Holly), just before he dismounted her for her friend. Did anyone ever hear his answer to Holly about WHY he divulged that secret–putting Holly’s game in jeopardy…??? He had none, except that JACK was his F2, RealDeal, Ride-or-Die. He will NEVER own his dirty play, though; he will play on that ONE final string of being stabbed in the back by the Evil duo N/C. DEEEEEEEEsgusting.
up 7 down 5? c’mon guys. appreciate a good troll post.
After a night sleep gave me time to think over what has been said, promised, and possible promises broken. All remaining have uttered “its a game”. But the game has an outcome worth 1/2 million dollars to the final winner.
Not long ago- Nicole and Cliff promised each other a final 2. Mitch has promised Holly and him would be in a final 2. The remaining 4 promised each other a final 4. Now this is were it gets tricky. When it came to 5, Tommy, Nicole, Cliff, Mitch, and Holly, the team of Nicole and Cliff seriously considered breaking their promise, starting with Nicole wanting to keep Tommy. Thus breaking a promise of a 4, Nicole, Cliff, Mitch ad Holly. Everyone should have known of the 4, one would be evicted when it would come down to 3. Yes, promises were made, enticed, and commitments were asked for and given with promises, et., But when 1/2 million dollars are on the line, each person will be on their own, and should be at the final. I don’t believe anyone of the 3 will say to the jury that they don’t deserve it and to give it to so and so.
Yes, I’m rooting for Nicole, but a little upset also on how she is behaving that Cliff maybe voted out and sent to jury, especially after she considered seriously with going through and sending Holly to jury and breaking a commitment she was part of. If as they say, its a game, be good sportsmen and accept the outcome and go for the gold.
So many were voted out, and each of the remaining were a part of it. I also think there were some that were voted out, that should be in their places instead.
Let’s say – just for grins – that Holly was evicted last week. Tommy would throw HOH so Nicole would still be HOH. J and T would be on the block. The POV, that we haven’t seen, sounds like it was physical. Who is to say Tommy could win it but let’s keep it where Jackson wins and removes himself. T & C are now on the block and only vote to evict is by Jackson. hmmm you think J would keep C after the betrayal?? of course not. So – the outcome of keeping Tommy COULD have ended up with same result only now J would have to rethink his F2 plan. Because as YA’LL know so well DA BOY WANTS CONFETTI ON FINALE!
Agree, but tommy most likely would have taken Nicole to final two and michie may have also. Now Nicole’s only shot of being final 2 is winning the final hoh. Voting out tommy hurt Nicole.
Meanwhile, from the polling it still looks like sweet, innocent victim Tommy is headed for AFP; unless Nicole goes F3.
The ironic thing is, he would owe it to Jackson and a viewing public with a poor memory.
Cliff, Cliff, Cliff. Your triple dealings blew up in your face and now you’re squandering away your shot at AFP…all the while continuing to poison Nicole’s game. If you really had Nicole’s interest at heart you’d be helping her prep for some of the likely memory comps, not trying to involve her in your plots for revenge.
And if anyone is unsure of what that’s all about, just the sweet, innocent victim Tommy cheerleader for the lynch mob going for Nicole’s jugular….Jackson made him do it.
Does anyone see any parallels between a network television show sanitizing a reality contestant…someone who may be racist, manipulating, narcissistic, misogynistic….?
You forgot recently arrested for domestic abuse and the Lindbergh kidnapping.
Don’t forget jimmy hoffa , jfk and 80’s parachute pants.
And if the divorce becomes final before next season Julie will introduce herself as Julie Chen Michie.
I’m not a big fan of any of the final 4 but I’m getting to be a big fan of Swaggie’s Missing Brow.
nice setup for some harmless fun!
That’s it? No contribution?
Come on you’ve got to have something insubstantial and innuendo based to add to the pot?
I think the last time they could have taken out Michie was when he was on the block with JackAzz. A missed opportunity, because Jack probably would have been gone soon after. Now it’s Michie’s game to lose. I don’t like him or some of the things he’s done, but he is playing the game. Jury management though might be his downfall.
I believe he pretty much lost the jury when he was on the block with JackAzz. There would have been little to nothing that he could do to turn that around, and given the composition of the jury, not worth an effort. Either they will vote for the game or vote for their bruised arses.
“Jackson – I don’t feel right winning something that I didn’t earn. I don’t like things getting handed to me and don’t like handing things.“ What is he talking about? Did production help him win veto?
Well obviously…and damned sloppy work by production letting that get out. They’re usually far more careful at having their secrets exposed.
I can’t figure out why it is lost on Cliff that the moment they told Jackson that they were going to keep Tommy all deals were rendered null and void. Trust isn’t a fungible commodity, once it is gone it is gone.
And now all they want to do is complain about how Jackson went back on his word when in reality it was they who went back on their word and forced a new agreement.
You’re going to love Nicole’s POV ceremony speech to Jackson, when she challenges him to be a man of his word, and to “do unto others as you would do unto yourself”.
Cliff is trying to guilt trip both of them.
I kind of hope when she’s done Jackson asks her to clarify if she was talking to him, to Cliff or to herself? Which of course would immediately results in cries of bullying.
Oh give it a break Swaggies missing brow. We all already know you’re a Jackson lover
And we already know that you’re not…
I’m not so sure about that. She and some of her sisters seem very jealous of Holly.
Why thank you wolfie but I don’t love Jackson near as much as I like those random thoughts of yours.
I think he’s a shit personally, no reflection on or comparison to your thought processes, but I also recognize that he’s the strongest player of the game this season…and you’re…well, unique.
I can’t stand Nicole now. Who wants to win HOH by default? That was pathetic. She couldn’t win anything until almost everyone was out of the house. Then she walks around like she’s some great comp beast. Oh please. I hope she gets sent out in third place. She reminds me of someone I used to be friends with. You don’t stab someone in the back and expect them to be loyal to you.
Myself, I believe a whole lot of aficionados of the game liked Nicole from the start; the seeming sweet, innocent, quiet geeky girl who kind of blended into the background and was maliciously attacked early on. It wasn’t difficult to like her given the rest of the household.
That said, for me she’s become the biggest disappointment of the season.
My biggest disappointment is hearing her cuss, and the cuss words she uses. Maybe it shocked me more since she works with young children. I didn’t expect to hear/read the word she has uttered come from her. I still would like to see her win with what’s left.
I recall the astonishment one viewer had the first time they heard/read the “f” bomb coming out of her mouth. They were flabbergasted and thought it might be an error.
Check out her pregame interview…there’s more there to Nicole. Anyone whose favorite Big Brother player of all time is Paul Abrahamian isn’t going to say “Gosh Darn It” all the time.
Heyyyy, she’s from Noo Yawk.
Could you clarify, please? That Nicole is the “biggest disappointment” this season seems an incredible stretch…unless you mean from the standpoint that you expected more from her than from any other HG. I chose Nicole before the game began, and never wavered. I’m THRILLED with her, even if she goes no further than 3rd. Still, I sincerely want to understand your reasoning.
No you don’t want to understand my reasoning, you simply want to justify your own emotional involvement against another candidate or two.
And what has Holly done? LMAO
Amy–according to these two she has been a perfect angel. Prays nightly, never swears, has never told a outright lie or helped someone else do it, has never talked bad about anyone, has never spread her legs on national tv for all to see, and on and on lol
My, my, my wolfie…do you realize just how jealously and envious you sound of her?
And the fact that Jackson prays after every lie is laughable. Hypocrisy at its finest.
Good thing the other house guest don’t…the house would look like a convent or abbey from all the genuflecting going on all the time.
But yes, we’re seeing a whole lot of hypocrisy. Some on the game as well.
her 2 hoh comp wins were legit though. and took out sam n nick.
I totally agree. She did not win a damn thing except BB comics which she did very well. She was a nice person in the house, she is a smart girl but she does not deserve to win.
Holly is now guaranteed $50,000. Jackson and Nicole will take Holly and Holly will take Jackson.
I do hope that Holly is gracious and thanks Cliff for giving her his permission to compete in the veto; even though she ended up not needing it.
Did that jackass Cliff actually say he’s taking a bullet for Nicole??? It’s his fault this even needed to happen. Had he just listened to Nicole and evicted Holly over Tommy this probably wouldn’t even be an issue. I feel like he maybe has some issues where he was the unpopular kid or something and he views Jackson as the popular kid and he wants desperately to be liked by him. He’s done pretty much everything Jackson has asked for.
Did he say that? Yep, and he says he’s qualified for Mensa as well. Because he’s smart.
He’s just trying to work guilt trips on both Jackson and Nicole; wait till you hear her POV ceremony speech. Of course using Nicole to help him work a guilt trip, priming her to be a bitter juror and raising her anxiety level through the roof is a great plan for getting her ready to battle out F3.
Watching Cliff talk to the cameras is like watching an episode of Mr Rogers. ?
That’s an insult to mr. rogers
Nicoles two favorite words are “I” and “me”.
I know (Sherry) she is just the most self-center egotistical person ever to play the game…good thing they cast people like Jackson and Holly to represent what is still good in the world! Michie and Holly are such good role models of decency and morals. Holly’s dad must be so proud of her and Jackson’s kindness and quiet way that he respects others and allows them to talk is the best
Have you seen this game before? Nicole is not self centered… let’s talk about Rachel or any other former cast member. But Nicole hardly qualifies as self-centered just because you might not like her.
Kidding, Nicole is awesome just annoyed she will lose to Holly and Jackson unless she wins comps which is 2 against 1 but Team Nicole since she said two head snake and pointed it’s you… to Bella
Hahahahaha I’m dead XD
Are you kidding me? Now THAT made me laugh!
LOL, you do realize its only a game, right? And you do realize that perfect little angle Nicole has a decent chance of winning the game, right? I don’t take any of this stuff that seriously. And I don’t go on the attack if I don’t agree with a strangers opinion. And I’m kidding about any of that.
: )
Kind of like being on BB yourself. The second you say something that disturbs them, whoosh...
On BB it’s fish, here it’s Jackson and Holly whaaaaaaaa!
By the way, here’s an excerpt from the speech she intends to give to try and shame Jackson into keeping “his word” and keeping Cliff: “My character is empathy, my character is compassion, my character is forgiveness.”
Jackson should keep his word because he beat her to the draw when she didn’t intend to keep her word. Her character is hollow.
No need to worry Brow, Holly and Jackson are safe there is nothing that anyone can say to him that will appeal to his sense of shame he has no shame. Nicole respects his ruthless game play and trying some of her own, but she is wasting her words on him. She can only win the comps to advance. No need to lose another brow…
Appeal to his sense of shame?
Therein lies the danger of this silly speech that Nicole intends to give, and is being encouraged by Cliff to give…she’s “appealing” to Jackson to do what she herself wouldn’t do; honor her own word. Everything she intends to say can be turned right back at her and Cliff. That is not ruthless and not smart.
Not real smart.
It would be well worth it to see that giant purple vein in his forehead pop up “on national television”.
During his hammock talk with Nicole yesterday he talked about needing to justify his move to the viewers. He mentioned it repeatedly. She pointed out he was going for a martyr edit.
I don’t think, at all, that she’s making her speech in order to sway. I think she’s making her speech for the purpose of being petty to screw with the martyr edit (in that long line of other people making statements to be petty on big brother). If he’s going to give justifications for the sake of the viewers and reputation, she’s going to make a speech that also aims at the opinions of the viewers and reputation. It’s his Achilles heel. After Holly and Jackson walked away (siting she was being immature to say that his reputation shouldn’t come at the cost of her reputation), she said ‘he could just say she’s my girl so i’m taking her,’ without the added for the sake of my reputation to the viewers plan. That’s why she’s thinking of the speech.
You do realize that her and Cliff are also both working overtime for their own martyr edit? The speech will only diminish Nicole and if Cliff cared a tiny bit about her he would tell her to drop it. He’s not, he’s encouraging her to do it.
Of course i realize it’s a race to be canonized.
Did that not come through? Which part of she’s being petty is being misconstrued?
Who is more worried about ‘what the viewers’ think consistently in conversations? Go ahead, say it’s not Jackson, burst into flames. Nicole is a waaaay distant second in trying to get america to approve poll between the two. She just IS. It’s the downside to d/r giving him his change your attitude so America doesn’t hate you talks.
She’s doing it to take a shot at his achilles heel more than change his mind. I said that.
Take the hint from what I said that in this instance we are in some odd level of mindset agreement.
There’s no need in this instance to push a negative about other players in order to false equivalent a positive about your faves. It wasn’t required in this instance.
I’m sorry, I must admit that you are so verbose I just kind of glance at your posts if at all.
So, i need to use more words. noted.
That’s because she’s an introvert.
Cliff doesn’t understand that deal they made with Michie and holly/beth before eviction didn’t need to be made if Nicole had stuck with the plan by not trying to keep Tommy (for her game). They made a deal to be finale 4 and Nicole was ready to let that go and do what was best for her game but (and by no means am I a fan of Michie) she became self-righteous, mad and hurt when Michie did what was best for his game? Michie is playing big brother, not a pity party big brother. ????
What Cliff should be trying to understand: Maybe if Cliff hadn’t been telling Jackson Nicole’s thought process in order to throw her under the bus and make Cliff look like the more cherry option for final 2, Cliff wouldn’t be in this mess.
His own loose lips running to Jackson to tell him what other people are thinking and doing tomfoolery that he’s been pulling for six weeks: that screwed him in the end.
Once Cliff disclosed, he should have gone with voting out Holly claiming he swore to vote with Nicole and she couldn’t be swayed, or never disclosed at all.
Cliff is solely responsible for his exit and Nochole struggling to get to f2. Never was Jackson going to evict Holly and take Cliff and Nichole to f3. Never. At best, he might have thrown the f4 veto so Cliff or Nichole had to evict Holly for him, but he wouldn’t take that chance. His plan was always to drop Nichole and take Cliff and Holly to f3. Nichole knew this but Cliff wouldn’t agree to take out Holly.
Now, Jackson and Holly are going through the rule book to see if they can force Nichole to forfeit her HOH so Cliff can go to F3 instead?
Hopefully anyone but Jackson gets 1st at this point. Cheating on have nots, guidance from production about his “image” and the “help” he got from production on the veto comp? Ugh
It sounds like production was trying to kill Cliff with the veto comp. He told Nicole that he had to stop for water, was spacing out, fell to his knees when he hit the buzzer and had to see the medic afterwards.
Damn, production is really starting to fall down on the job. Cliff did a hell of a lot better job of killing himself.
After listening to Nicole talking about Jackson and Holly lying and etc I hope she says no to them sleeping in the HOH room and no to the shower. Washes the sheets and nope it is mine till I have to give it up. They wouldn’t share,
Didn’t Jackson let her use his hoh room before?
And just why would that matter, it was Jackson. That doesn’t count.
He gave it to her for the week, and took it back when he wanted to punish her after 3 days.
Cliff: I have an IQ 145. SAP IQ 200. SAP wins!!!!!
After watching Sunday’s episode I no longer feel bad for Cliff. He made that decision and he was short-sighted.
Don’t count the ol’ Cliffster out yet. The Rotund One is doing everything he can to get Nicole to blow up the rest of her game before he goes. His work is not done yet.
I liked Cliff before last week…now I see how bad he is at this game. Leaving Holly in was a major mistake that cost him his game. Nicole wanted Tommy to stay but he convinced her not to keep him. I hope Nicole wins last HOH not because I’m not a huge Nicole fan but because I want Holly and Nicole in final 2 not Jackson and Holly ugh. Jackson’s gotto go he’s awful! Holly’s not the brightest tool in the shed let’s be honest anyone willing to hookup with Jackson after knowing he hooked up with Kat thats pretty low self respect for yourself…I hope she can get the counseling she needs to have more self confidence because she is pretty….but I’ll take anyone winning over Jackson…his gameplay is not that bad but personally he sucks!
“I hope she can get the counseling she needs…”
That’s simple. I can take care of that here and now and for no cost.
“Holly, don’t listen to them. It’s your life, live it your way, try to be happy.”
Counseling done.
What was Michie reading Sunday night at the table by the nominee chairs and couches? It looked like spiral bound laminated pages. I saw it on BBAD so it was stime between 9pm and midnight their time. First he was reading it alone, then Holly came out of the DR and sat with him. She asked something like if it was OK that he had it out there, or should it be “in there” (DR I guess?) Then she was reading it with him.
Did anyone else see it?
Any ideas???
Hey Pops,
Almost forgot the most important part: Game Rules.
A lot of people are saying that they were looking up whether Nicole could give her HoH to Cliff; so he would be safe and she would go out. Doesn’t sound all that strange after Nicole saying several times that Cliff deserved to be in the final three more then her.
HOWEVER, there are some screen captures out there that are large enough and clear enough to read. That particular page (but there could be many others) was regarding contestant to contestant contact before the game. No idea what they were looking for.
Damn Pop, you got a thumbs down just for asking that question. They’re a tough lot.
I take back my comment saying that Nicole has become a disappointment for me. She has just come up with an absolutely brilliant plan to save Cliff.
Ready for this?
She wants to offer Jackson an F2 deal if he’ll take Cliff F3.
Promise, handshake and her word on it.
Bye, bye Holly.
I’m bored with this ending I don’t like cliff’s play he is playing both sides just like every other player on the show did is michiegoing to start yelling at him? Michie is a baby if things as it going his way he either starts something with holly or someone else in the house. Holly is a floater and by never being on the block till now says that. Nicole has only started playing the game in the last few weeks and that’s only because bb fans noticed production wasn’t involving her in the game. I think it would have been better tv if Tommy stayed and went against michie. Now we all know it’s going to be Nicole against michie and I hope the jury remembers the dirty game michie has play it’s not just about the comps it’s about bring a decent person.