Head of Household Winner: Nicole
Nominations are: Jackson & Holly
Power of Veto holder:
Power of Veto Ceremony:
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Nicole Nominated: Jackson & Holly
This week the nominations don’t matter as it all comes down to the veto. If Jackson, Cliff or Holly win the veto they will decide who goes to jury. As HOH, if Nicole wins the veto she will decide who gets to cast the sole vote to evict.
5:45pm – 6pm The live feeds return. Jackson – what are we day 87? There we are (nominated). Cliff tells Nicole that was a good speech. Nicole – I stumbled a little bit. Jackson – we made it final four. Congratulations. Cliff – we deserve it! Love all y’all. Nicole – love you too. Nicole and Jackson talk about meeting each others family after the show is over. Jackson – their impression of me is going to be not the one of me that you know but what they’ve seen from the show. I can’t wait to tell you things about my real life that I don’t want the whole country to know. Nicole – we will be a lot more unfiltered. Jackson – we’re going to be able to say whats on our minds. Nicole – I’ve become more my genuine self the more the seasons gone on.
6:08pm – 7pm Everyone gets horizontal in the living room. Nicole – this is nice! This is non-nap nap time. Jackson – so if the sink is full of dishes on finale night .. who washes them? Cliff – I’m not touching them. Nicole – I’ll wash them. All the house guest nap on the living room couches.
7pm – 7:40pm Cliff is up pacing in the kitchen. Nicole is staring off into the distance in silence. Jackson to Holly – no matter what happens, it doesn’t change how I feel about you outside of this game. Holly – I know. Me too. Jackson – personal and game are different. Holly – I know. Jackson – either way no matter what happens this thing is over in 11 days. You will still be in my life outside of here… together or separate. Holly – forever. Jackson – MMmmhhhmm. Always be best friends. Holly agrees. We got lucky. Jackson – god blessed me with a good one.
Cliff sums up the last couple hours..
8:30pm Jackson asks Cliff if he is alright? Cliff – yeah, just tired. Just the typical worry .. you know. We’ve got veto tomorrow and my a$$ is on the line. Jackson – just checking in. Just the look of concern. Cliff – I’m good, if you’re good. Just because its tomorrow. Faith extended.. we shook and all that. Jackson – I’m not wavering. Personal relationships and game relationships will always be different. I am very close with her and will continue to be outside of the house. And on a personal level she is my person in here. On a game level I have to do what is best for my game. Cliff – and I told you and I told Nicole as well .. I am just trying to not have anymore secrets. Jackson – yeah. I just can tell you have the gear turning. Cliff – just nervous just because. Jackson – everyone without a key is nervous. Nicole – I’m still nervous! Jackson – its four and everyone is nervous. Cliff – I made a promise to you, you made it back. Jackson – I just wanted to check in on you.
8:56pm The house guests continue to laze around waiting for 10pm when they’re allowed to go to sleep.
9pm Cliff and Nicole study the house guests faces and point out features to look for if the veto is the face morph competition.
9:06pm Kitchen. Jackson and Cliff. Jackson – if you’re thinking about not keeping me let me know. Cliff – no, I am telling you right now if I win veto I am taking you and if you win veto you take me. Jackson – I just wanted to make sure. I just have a little PTSD. I would shoot myself in the foot if I didn’t ask. I not doubting, I’m just asking. Cliff – even Nicole, I told her what our agreement was. Theoretically taking you over Holly it makes it tougher but I’m up for it. Jackson – Holly and I are playing our own game. No matter what happens we are going to stay focused.
10pm – 10:50pm HOH room. Cliff tells Nicole about how Jackson was questioning if they were still good and that Cliff was going to follow through with their deal. Cliff – based on that I probably would take him and I don’t think I would flip. Nicole – okay. He scares me Cliff. Cliff – I know he does. And we can talk about it .. but I would feel very bad. VERY BAD! And there is a part of me that wishes I hadn’t even promised but I just feel like I had to. Nicole – maybe like… because I am such a firm believer that things happen for a reason and things work out the way they should so maybe we’ll take it as a sign. If Michie wins, it is what it is. And hopefully he adheres to it and takes you and if you win it they maybe it is what it is. Nicole – no one has considered if I won it. If I did, you would still be the sole vote. Maybe things are meant to be. Cliff – I am sorry. Nicole – its okay. I am just worried if he does win it he might just take Holly. Its a game. Holly joins them. Nicole – I respect you so much and that you kept your word and threw it. That was just blasphemy to me. Holly – that was really hard for me to throw it. Cliff tells Holly how he’s felt bad about the deal he made with Jackson. They talk about the veto happening tomorrow. Holly leaves.
Nicole and Cliff. Cliff – I would love to see her win. Nicole – so would I Cliff. Alright are we making an agreement that if Nicole wins the veto I get to decide what I want to do? (So she would tell Cliff who to vote out) They shake on it. Cliff – you are in control if you win the veto. Cliff heads downstairs.
11:30pm Bedroom. Holly and Jackson.
Jackson – we have to win tomorrow! Like we HAVE to win tomorrow. Holly – I know. Jackson – like I am trying to make him calm and not stressed. Holly – I was up there talking to Nicole about throwing the comp. I said it was hard for me once I got up there. This is what secures your spot in the final 3. And I said I don’t know if Tommy would have dropped. I said it was really hard for me but I gave you my word. And Nicole was like yeah I didn’t expect you to. She was like yeah I really didn’t think you were going to drop. And I was like What?! Then why the f**k did we make those deals!? If you thought I wasn’t actually going to do it! She was like so thank you. She said I am not really used to people doing what they say they’re going to do. She was like I didn’t actually think you were going to throw it. I am like what is going on here!? Then I shouldn’t have! I could be safe now! I feel so stupid! Like so stupid. Jackson – what’s done is done. We have to focus on tomorrow. Holly – it didn’t feel right. We were up there for such a short amount of time. Like it was a joke! Jackson – I know Holly! Please stop beating a dead horse because I don’t feel good about it either.
11:40pm Jackson and Holly head to the memory wall to study the house guest faces..
11:57pm All the house guests are sleeping..
12:41 am Cliff rolls into the bed
“another day Big brother today is day 87, 12 days left.”
“Sharon I”m counting down the days, I’m so ready to see you ”
“Another stressful day not as bad as yesterday, trying to work out agreements doing what I can to advance”
“I do think I have it set in play that I will make finale, unless Holly or Michie break their word and I don’t think they will” (LOL)
“If they don’t then I’m in the final 3 and a good chance I’m in final 2 where I can talk to the jury”
“I may have to face Michie in ta Jury vote which will be difficult. He deserves to be there”
“If I win Veto I don’t thin kI can go against my word and not take him with me. I think I’ll have to. I think I may have the votes in a jury but it will be close”
“I’m a good speaker a logical speaker. It might not be Michie it could be Nicole, it could be Holly. Holly will be gunning for this veto also. Michie is OKay with that”
“we’re all good so… you know… I keep making deals there good in that they get me where I need to go but I still have to be careful. I’m doing the best I can”
“I’m trying to do what’s best for my game without destroy whatever integrity I have. It’s funny becuase I remember once upon a time how crazy Cody was for taking Derrick with him and that I would never do that. when it came tiem to pick a final 2 partner I still don’t think I would but a few steps removed from that. In order to protect myself and to make sure I get where I need to go I’ve promised to take a strong player to the final 3. That may come back to haunt me”
“I am so stressed out I just want to sleep all the time which for you live feeders is hell I know I’m sorry ” (Frankly CLiff just sleep WE’ve all had enough watching you play your game)
“I don’t quit I fight and I survive. I do what it takes”
“If I win or Nicole wins my name doesn’t come up on the block”
“If Michie or Holly wins they take themselves off the block I go on and then I just have to wait till Friday……. er Thursday and hope to god they follow through on their word and they evict the other person and send me to the final 3
Cliff crosses his fingers – I think they will I sure as hope they will (ZOIMG)
“what a game, what a freaking game, It’s tough”
2:06 amNicole singing some sort of tea song “it’s tea time we put it in a cup and drink it up ”
If Veto is a dance off .. #BB21 pic.twitter.com/OiM0gIGJ8o
— OnlineBigBrother.com (@bigbspoilers) September 14, 2019
2:16 am Nicole studying
2:30 am talking to the camera “I love Michie on a personal level more than anything He is the brother I never had he is someone I expect to have in my life forever I absolutely love and adore him”
“He will and understand this whether he’s in the final 3 or not he scares the living daylights out of me on a competitive level he is a beast I am very fearful going up against him in the final 3”
Nicole says she wants to move forward with Clif and Holly “Absolutely nothing against Michie. he’s a beast”
“Feet are weird and toes are weirder these are the things I think about”
Nicole mentions seeing OVI today during the luxury competition “WOW”
N – Michie could win on a competitive standpoint however I’ve been pulling out some wins and perhaps if people are upset with Michie’s gameplay and some of the choices he made so that’s kinda a toss-up
N – Me next to Cliff umm.. although I would pick Cliff in a heartbeat umm I kinda fear that he would win over me but that’s ok
N – It could either way if people are upset with Cliff’s deal-making that could come back and bite him or people might view him as the amazing compe back kid I can see why that would be a toss-up
N – With Holly umm.. I know Holly is a fierce competitor. In my book. I know she’s sometimes overshadowed by Michie. She’s won competitions she’s always been a woman of her word so that could work in her favour OR you know I’ve been winning a lot. My Social game has been good I could win
N – I should be down and out in all three regards there is the potential there
N – It’s scary if Cliff goes Holly will take Michie cause they already went against their word with Cliff rightfully so it’s a game. Michie would take Holly. So my only odds would be if I won. (Final 3 HOH)
N – In that case, I would bring Holly
Nicole adds if the final 3 is Cliff, Michie and her Cliff and her will pick each other and Michie will pick Cliff. IN the scenario that it’s Holly, Cliff and Her she thinks Holly will pick her “Possibly I don’t know”
Nicole goes to bed.
2:42 am Nicole says the HOH pillow smells like Michie
6:10 am everyone sleeping
11:04 am Houseguests are up..
11:46 am The showmance
Holly says Nicole told her she operates well under pressure.
Jackson reminding Holly that Nicole has only won 2 competitions
Holly goes on about Nicole being safe and has nothing on the line, “She’s calm”
1:13 PM waiting for veto.. yo
2pm – 2:20pm Nicole talking to herself in the HOH room. Nicole – you guys! I did it! Oh my god! I am going to be at finale night! YES! YES! OH MY GOD! I did it! This is insane! I said I would and I did! OH MY GOD! I know that you guys are watching! YES! YES! OH MY I am just going through all the phases right now! WOW! WOW! WOW! Incredible! WOW! I am going to see my family at finale night! You’re going to be there and that’s so exciting! I said I was going to do it and I f**king did it! YES! WOW WOW WOW! I just have to win this thing and then its a wrap! WOW! One step at a time. What’s the next step, Nicole wins this veto. But Nicole you have safety. Yes I know but A I want to build a resume, B I want to ensure that Cliff is safe and C I want to have a say in who comes with us to final 3. That’s what’s happening right now. That’s what’s up! I already won it! Yup! Mark my words its going to be Cliff and I sitting in those final 2 chairs. Its going to happen! I am hell bent!
2:26pm Veto has started….
4:05pm Still blocked..
4:50pm Still not back yet…
5:43pm Nothing yet..
6:35pm The feeds are still blocked..
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Jackson said earlier that he was going to evict Cliff if he won POV. Jackson told Holly he was pissed at Cliff because he strongarmed a new deal with Jackson and Holly in order for Holly to stay. I hope he does it, it would serve Cliff right.
I agree! Cliff screwed himself by going back on his word and I am not a Jackson fan either.
Yeah, Imagine the nerve of Cliff and Nicole! Actually thinking about doing what was best for their game rather than what was best for Holly and Jackhole! Especially since Holly and Jackson have played a squeaky clean game from the get-go and have never done anything wrong to Cliff or Nicole (like vote them out or put them on the block, or LIE to them or leave them out of their alliances or withhold information or the list is endless). ONE time C&N consider doing something good for themselves and they are dirt, while the douche-bag two timing stool surfer is clean as a whistle.
The only thing Cliff and Nicole did wrong this week is they didn’t follow through with keeping Tommy. That’s it. Period. End of discussion. Had they done that Jackson’s ass would be over a barrel right now instead of in control of the game.
I cant stand Jackson he is so fake. He is also dumping holly after the show. All his humble bragging makes me gag “I just hate when I am always succeeding and I leave other people behind” He reminds me of Dr. Will just not as good but just as douche. Cliff is starting to remind me of James Huling when he screwed over Michelle Meyer and Natalie Negrotti because he was getting scared and being stupid. I am very disappointed in him. I have not watched since season 18 because of all the production interference and I wont watch next year either for the same reason.
Dr. Will has charm and charisma Jackjaw has pomposity and douchedom.
Holly allows Jackson to act this way. He’s young and by the time he’s Holly’s age he will mature. Unfortunately Holly never did.
Jackson and Dr. Will’s name don’t belong in the same sentence as far as game. Will stab from the front plus he had charm and was funny. Jackson is just a douche and a blow hard. I don’t see him keeping in touch with Nicole after the game and Holly only if he wants a booty call.
I ditto that!!
I love you!!
Cliff needs to be sent to the jury house. BB game is way over Cliff head. Cliff maded the wrong move when he was HOH..wrong move talking Nicole into sending Tommy to jury house alone with jackson plan..now he is making all these deals at the end of the game Wow ..why would Nicole and Cliff believe any thing coming out of Jackson or Holy mouths at this point of the game and Cliff really thinks Jackson or Holy will take him to F3..Smh and Lol Col this is too funny.. I ran out of tears.
I know. I cannot believe that Cliff believes that either Holly or Jackson would take him to the end. I can’t tell if he is naive or just arrogant. Where is his head at???
For Cliff, if he doesn’t keep his word its because of the game and they are so late in the game that a word or a handshake mean nothing. All while he expects everyone else to keep their word to him.
With that said he did evict Tommy so his actions support him, I guess..
And evicting Tommy was a big mistake even though I wanted him gone on the DL.
Been up Jackson a** for a while now.
he must be doing something right cause he’s still in the game…go figure.
He made the mistake of following Nicole’s lead.
I can’t stand Cliff cause he sold Nicole out and told Michie she was thinking about keeping Tommie. What a great partner going to Michie to keep his spot in top two.
Not true, he was always staying true to Nicole, at times he said what he had to, but never wavered regarding Nicole.
every week for four weeks, Cliff is planting seeds in Jackson and holly’s heads that Nicole is sketchy and can’t be trusted. Most of the time right after she had just told him she was voting with the group even though it’s not best for her but it’s good for the group. Repeatedly. He has been burning her to Jackson for a week.
He did what Nicole wanted, to turn on Jackson, and Holly, and here we are.
So, you’re of the opinion that if they never considered keeping Tommy, and if somehow Nicole had won HOH anyway, Cliff would be safe this week? Gotta call no way on that.
Nicole is spot on with her thinking, then she listens to Cliff smh
Agreed. I was a fan a cliff, and definitely not a fan of Jackson, but it seems like he’s the only one playing. I’m not sure what cliff is thinking. He would deserve it.
Come on Katie, get with the program.
Right now Cliff is the new Tommy, the only remaining anti-Jackson, you are expected to praise his integrity and honest “game play”, while condemning the vile, evil, lying manipulations of Jackson…much like you were expected to do for Tommy when he was the anti-Jackson.
And please, do not forget to take a swipe at the buzzard while you’re at it.
I believe jackson is going to throw the veto. If holly wins cliff goes out no blood on his hands. If cliff or nicole win veto holly goes out no blood on Jackson’s hands.
Jackson is a control freak. A control freak that said no less that 10 times last week the only thing that matters at 4 is veto.
he’s going to give that up?
Holy shit, you and I agree on something. I’m fairly certain that’s one of the signs of the apocalypse.
So let me get this straight cliff promises to keep holly over tommy to help Jackson out? and in return he has to ALSO guarantee michie he will take him to final 3 if he wins veto?? How does any of this benefit cliff or Nicoles game? . They might as well hand Jackson the money now! Never have I seen someone owe a favor for doing a favor
Cliff is scared shitless of Jackson. He doesn’t think he can beat him in the veto nor does he think Nicole can. So he’s running around trying to make a deal to ensure he survives to F3 – because he doesn’t think he can get there on his own.
This is why bringing Tommy to F4 to take on Jackson was a good idea. It wasn’t fail-safe, as there was nothing but Tommy’s word that he would take out Michie if he won the veto, but there was a better chance of that happening than there is of Holly taking him out or of him taking out Holly, so it was worth the shot.
But alas, Cliff couldn’t work up the guts to make the move. Now he’s got to win or hope and pray that Nicole does.
None of it passes the smell test…….production is peddling 90 mph.
I feel like Michie is doing exactly what Cliff did. Ensuring both opponents take him (Cliff and Holly). Cliff just has a conscience.
Yeah, Like he’d have kept Cliff over Holly if it wasn’t for that deal. nope.
Nicole is HOH. Why doesn’t Idiot Block head and his Mama Buzzard show her respect and stay out of the room(and shower). PS to Michie, the rest of us would like some watermelon too. He’s a selfish prick.
she’s free to lock the door.
Actually, I’d prefer Holly to somehow win it (and if it’s the traditional challenge there’s probably little chance of that). Since Cliff insisted that if she promised him she wouldn’t vote him out he would “allow” her to play for veto.
It would be fun watching Holly name Cliff for eviction while Jackson sits there drinking from his mug again.
no. that let’s jackson off the hook. make him do his own dirty work for once.
He’s going to throw the veto. Either cliff votes out holly with no blood on his hands or holly votes out cliff no blood on his hands.
Jackson is not going to throw the final four veto.
That’s like saying Jackson would be fine with Holly leaving last week.
That’s like saying Jackson deals well with not getting his way.
yup. jackson & holly are blowing smoke whenever they’re game-talking to the fellowship.
speaking to holly, jackson goes, “we have a job to do”, referring to the veto comp. and in a sis-like manner, he looks at the camera & begs big brother to please have the veto comp be physical.
he’s planning on winning, then evicting boss hogg.
*gulp* *gulp* *gulp*
Is it a known that it was a deal? That would be stupid for HER to make such a deal. Desperate to stay? For a week? Not compete? How silly is that? Money makes folks do some crazy chit. On the other side of such an offer I would have said “sure” too! And not believed it for a minute. Come on. Fake it till you make iid her motto. “Own it”. Rant over.
Simon, does the AFP Top 3 poll reset daily?
I only ask because a certain over-cooked hawg continues to ride high in the number two slot. Perhaps because he’s the current anti-Jackson?
Assuming a Veto winner on block can give veto to his/her blockmate, suppose Michie wins veto and gives it to Holly. Cliff goes on block and Holly sends him home. Michie kept his word to Cliff plus looks like a hero for saving his fair damsel in distress. Pretty good plan for Michie, wouldnt you say?
Yes. I believe it was done once by Marcellas on Holly years ago….they voted him out lol
Marcellas won the veto and chose not to take himself off the block then got voted out, he was blindsided. He walked out of the house and Julie slapped him on the back of the head with her note cards. It is considered the worst game move in BB history!
The scenario Go Underdos Go is talking about has happened twice with Dick and Danielle and with Brendon and Rachel
Brendon also got evicted . Dick and Danielle yes , they did that at the final four. I think she saved him for the first time , after he used the veto twice on her . (While being on the block with her)
The only thing making Holly’s throwing this HOH second worst move in BB history (as opposed to a tie for first) is the fact that no one will ever know who would’ve won. Holly certainly seems to know…and is harping on it nonstop, grating on Michie’s last nerve. Nicole believes Holly could have won it. WE are fairly certain (after witnessing Holly win an almost identical comp: Pose-In-Ivy). FINALLY, Production KNEW–hence, the “fix” for a Holly win. NOBODY (and their uncle) could have believed, though, that ANYBODY would honor such an ignoramus deal. Apparently, Holly was trying to atone for guilt Tommy heaped on her upon his eviction, along with hosts of others in what she repeatedly laments as her “failed & wasted” time in the BB House (cue Jackson’s “Woe is me” spiel about being Holly’s biggest regret).
God what a flashback memory that was…I remember watching and screaming “You IDIOT!” at my television.
For Cliff of be such a fan of this game, he is about to be a Marcellus and while he’s a great person, he deserves what’s coming with the 600 deals, favors, and handshakes he’s made just in the last 48 hours alone.
All of that might count for something early on in the game but at Final 4, you need guts and nerves of steel to make bold, game changing decisions which Boss Hogg has none of atm.
Nicole wins Veto Cliff votes out douchebag…….or Cliff wins votes out douchebag…….I believe all will be well by Thursday night….just a feeling it is a “individual “ comp if u get my drift.
No…Nicole and Cliff already had a conversation and she said “If I win veto, you will vote for who I say” and Cliff agreed.
Hard to know how the jury will vote. But i feel like the jury on both BB and Survivor, too, for that matter, do not reward liars and manipulators. People HATE being lied, too, and when they find out that they have been lied to (by comparing notes with other jury members), they are not happy campers. I don’t think many people can overlook and forgive, especially in the short timeframe of the show. The most successful players tend to be those that lay low, vote with the majority, make friends and win when they need to. This was Sandra’s strategy and it paid off TWICE on Survivor.
Granted there are a few thick-skinned souls who can turn the other cheek and say “well done, ya got me and deserve a 1/2 or whole million for stabbing me in the back.” I don’t think there are many of those in this season’s cast, however. They all seemed incensed if someone lied or even tried to form an alliance outside of theirs. Tommy said he forgave Michie and realized it was good gameplay, but do you think he could ever actually give Jackson a 1/2 million? I certainly couldn’t but then I haven’t liked Jackson since Day 1.
So dear Reader, out of curiosity, if you had been treated like Tommy, would you vote for Michie to win no matter who he’s up against ? (up for yes, down for no)
I wouldn’t exactly believe that the down votes you’re getting are actually votes in your little survey there. Some might simply be expressions regarding the whole premise of your rant.
For instance, having seen how Tommy acted when he thought he had Crusty and alliance backup up his behavior, I really don’t expect much out of him and his vote but that doesn’t mean he won’t redeem himself. We’ll see whether is really a BB fan or not.
So you think Tommy would have to vote for Michie to “redeem himself” and to prove he really is a BB fan??!
Remember season 18 when we all rushed to get our feeds going once the episode ended for the jury battle back comp (same comp as last night) that comp lasted 16 minutes from start in episode to when Vanessa was crowned hoh. and the dentist threw it to her. We were outraged.
How long were feeds on before last night’s comp was over? like 3 minutes? That’s the indication I’ve gotten.
They didn’t even have time to play the pre-recorded sam big rig voice overs. Oh you know they had Sam truck voice overs. They had to have.
What’s wrong with the new generation of immediate gratification gimmegimme now bbplayers? Remember when an endurance comp would last at least 5 hours? remember when the slip and slide path was twice as long as it’s been the last two seasons? remember when mental comps were actual house events not which of the three colours? Yeah, I remember the early seasons. I miss when endurance meant endurance. I miss when mental meant mental. I miss when comps were comps.
The good ole days
bb6 pressure cooker took 14 hours 37 minutes. or 3 holly make up applications in length.
or jessica completes five whole sentences length. or nicole makes a decision length. or the viewers stop wretching after crustie eats a sandwich length. or nick has sex with bella 595 times length (if 90 seconds goes into 877 minutes… yeah… carry the… i think i’m right). These yahoos thought the couple of hours on the wire was some kind of record.
I think you maybe underestimated the length of Beth’s makeup sessions…..Karloff’s classic Frankenstein makeup was done in less time than Beth’s lipliner….fact look it up
gotta kick out of that. XD
i’ll add: length of time accumulated on the infamous stool.
Ha! This morning Holly said it took her 10 minutes to do her makeup and I laughed. So I had to time it and I was surprised it was only 28 minutes. But, she was also faster than normal, trying to finish before she got called to the dr lol
If we want longer episodes on tv then the 5 minute commercials need to be cut…..and also Julie Chenbot rehashing every line and scenario….please get a livelier host for the show!!!!! Let’s get more of the BB episodes on TV and not have a fashion show on stage hosted by Chen
please. season length is 20 days too long. they could do the entire episode in a half hour if they cut out the filler or at least if they were more realistic about their filler than staged. they could change d/r back to the original concept where you go in, say your piece and vent as a confessional instead of reading prepared answers or acting in character (only this time don’t show d/r to jury and screw over another danielle). They could stop interfering in house guest behavior and let season 17 james continue to be a complete sexist perv instead to telling him to shut his mouth and pull pranks to win some cash. gee, production calling in house guests to tell them to change behavior so america will like them… where has that popped up again… hmmmm. I don’t know… where have we seen that.
But those are all good suggestions so obviously CBS will resign the Grod/Mama Kass duo along with Julie instead.
Julie already signed for next year.
This season the biggest competition for the houseguests was who can throw the most competitions,That can be a part of good strategy when used strategically but these people have been competing not to win in fear of making a move that pisses people off.It also means pointing to comp wins as part of you resume lacks credibility,the wins don’t mean much when everyone’s throwing them.
and yet every single jury round table: comp wins are a big deal (says the wannabe compmaster type player that failed).
ooooh social game (says a showmance twit that thinks showmancing is the only valid form of social game)
strategy (says the geekiest jury member that had no strategy but thinks they’re smart… and everyone crickets)
oh we need to give our votes to the person we feel good about representing our season (says the bitter juror about to unload on who they hate most).
and then the season jessica opens her mouth ‘like, i like think like… uh. like. whuuuuuuuuuuuuut?’ as comp wins and showmancer are considering going at it right there in the dirt, and strategy is giving stink eye to bitter juror who is about to spontaneously combust in a fury. end scene.
Yes and players were nobodies everybody’s
Sad state of affairs when I find it hard to cheer for any of them, but to hear Holly bemoaning the fact that throwing the HOH might have cost her $500,000! In what universe? It’s the moaning, crying and “poor me” that I can’t take – if she didn’t want to throw the HOH, then just don’t fall off. I could have respected that more than the poor pitiful me routine.
Yep! And she’s so certain she could have won if she didn’t throw it. idk that I believe that though., I think Nicole has finally found her inner strength and if she would have had to stay up there all night to secure her own safety she very well could have. The fact holly is so certain she would have stayed up there all night and beat Nicole is annoying. Nicole has been picking it. She’s capable of much more than she’s been given credit for. I believe she could have won and beat holly fair and square. One slip of the foot with the water coming down while hanging on the disk and rope holly could have fell just as easy as the next. They continue to underestimate Nicole. Hopefully she gets the last laugh
I hope they both rot in hell! These low life’s deserve one another!! Holly I hope your family disowns you after this. As far as Jackson he’s being fake he only cares about himself and we know his mom is proud she raised him to be the heartless snake he is
i’m not their biggest fan by any stretch of the imagination. Not one bit. I say rotten things about them at every opportunity. In as mean snarky and sarcastically crude way as i can think of. And even i’m getting that whoa switch to decaf feeling. 🙂
Must be Tommy’s sister lol
That’s a little harsh don’t you think? I understand that a lot of us wouldn’t say and do the things that the players have done. However, this is a game. The money can seriously change someone’s life. As a GAME a person has the right to do whatever they can to help them win. You can’t sit there and judge someone based on a game where they are stuck in a house away from the outside world. More than likely, who they are in the GAME is not who they are in real life. If you want to make comments and say they are playing dirty, then fine. But to sit there and make comments that they should be disowned or that they deserve to rot in hell…well then your no better then them. Thats my view.
JACKSON Is As FAKE As HOLLY’S Face Is! He Is Nothing But A Lying Low Life Racist Abusive Bully With NO Morals Or Integrity That’s His BB Legacy! HOLLY’S Nothing But A Weak Controlled Lying No SelfWorth LowLife Her BB Legacy Is Being Jackson’s Sex Machine She Has No Backbone
“As a GAME a person has the right to do whatever they can to help them win.”
True but, you failed to read the fine print: it all comes down to who you are personally cheering for. If your person lies it is good game play, if someone playing a whole lot better then your person lies, it’s vile, corrupt, etc, etc, etc.
Wow vast…I do not believe you speak for a majority! My mind or heart would not even entertain the thought to condemn these gamers to hell. Shame on you & GOD BLESS YOU.
Well i sure hope you don’t rot in Hell for being a judgmental a-hole (or “e-book” as auto correct puts it).
Everybody’s safe nobody is going hell it’s a man made concept that only exists for real at Walmart…..
That is just a pathetic cry for attention.
Wow, Do you have to be so negative? Holly just has some self esteem issues she needs to work on. She shouldn’t be disowned. Jackson is playing a game that encourage to be fake. I wouldn’t call him heartless just selfish and self-centered. Please don’t bring his mom into this. She’s not part of this game.
I definitely think they shouldn’t rot in hell. It’s not like they murder someone in cold blood or runned a Ponzi scheme cheating millions of people. They are just two people in a reality show.
If this is the way “the vast majority” thinks them I’m glad I’m not one of them.
Best wishes to all the Big Brother contestants for having a nice, healthy transition back to the real world.
“Jackson is playing a game that encourage to be fake.” In that case, he’s a natural. Born to play BB.
I just want to barf. Jackson will dump Holly so fast, she’s very naive.
Um. she’s naive? She snaked her friend to get a showmance. Go back to week one and listen to her. She had sex with him on camera. She mister before sister’d all her allies. She had the opportunity to say screw you and walk away when he broke up with her, and chose to climb back on the shower stool and beg for another shot. I mean, yeah, he’s going to ditch her as fast as he can consume a watermelon. sure. but she’s not naive. She knew exactly what she was getting. with all that she says she knows about his exgf, she knew EXACTLY what she was getting.
wow…did I hear Holly correctly that she and Michie are going to meet once a year in different places to rekindle ( I guess as friends ~ smh) something? She is 31, just how many years is she planning to allow him to use her like a toilet? I still say she has the mentality of a teenage when It comes to men & relationships.
Nicole, why didn’t you send Holly home yesterday? Cliff, why are you so stupid?
Answer to Nicole question is Cliff. Answer to Cliff question is d’oh.
I mean: he took out Bella without making Crustie use her power. He bought every word out of Jackson’s mouth for that last 6 weeks (even when he knew he was being lied to) because he thinks Jackson is a young Cliff (which should tell a very chilling tale in and of itself), and convinced Nicole to do what Jackson wanted every week for four weeks so that Jackson didn’t have to do it himself. All for that final 2 he’ll never get with Jackson.
Bella was an easy sacrifice though. Big mouth, big bully, and bad at BB.
Re Cliff’s HOH: Cliff gave up higher ground, gave up bargaining position, and allowed the person in need of a deal to dictate the terms of the deal. The terms were his to dictate as the person with the power position. Think of it this way: you need electricity. the power company allows you to say to them: oh, i’m not interested in activation fees, and i’m only going to pay one month a year but you’ll provide power for all twelve and won’t cut off my service. take it or leave it. what power company says oh thank you, yes. Cliff was that power company.
Cliff is either really weak and dumb or he’s following CBS’s script all season…..not really sure which.
my opinion? Honestly?
Cliff wasn’t aware of just how much some people have been getting d/r suggested direction until recently, although he knew it was occurring all season long. He got suggested ultimatum after the over the wall speakers. He probably tried to make a deal with production.
More recently he and Nicole were getting waaaaay more diary calls than necessary. And it’s just striking Cliff that the game he loves isn’t as kosher as he once thought.
This is just my opinion.
I’ve known it’s rigged for years but the level and lengths they go to script outcomes lately are truly amazing…..maybe a product of a sub par season and they had to polish that turd extra hard lol.
trying so hard not to pull up my entire list of my suspected fixes this season and my supporting evidence. lmao.
I’ve lost complete respect for Nicole! An Jackson is a hypocrite, liar, bully! Holly has no backbone, or self worth, an Cliff is selfish, disgusting, none of them have any morals of image left! Tommy played a great game an didn’t deserve to be treated so harsh!
Cliff, Holly & Jackson are all liars! Nicole let me down bad! It’s one of the worst moves in BB history! I’m disappointed in CBS! Tommy was such an amazing, kind, caring person. He played with such integrity! He deserves to be there. Tommy for AFP no one is more deserving!
Nicole had no choice. Cliff was going to evict Tommy and even if Nicole voted to evict Holly, it would have been a tie and Jackson would have sent Tommy home. Nicole was strong armed by Cliff into voting Tommy out… he was going either way thanks to Cliff.
buck up little camper. if you want a happy feeling, think of it this way. once Cliff decided to keep Holly, Nicole had no choice.
There, now in my postulation of events, Nicole didn’t let you down, she was let down by Cliff. who knows, it may have even happened that way. I don’t know. It could have.
as far as Tommy… i’m not going to give you anything there, because it sounds like you’re having a rough time with this. I hope you can get right with it.
In terms of lying in the big brother house, yeah people lie in big brother. whatcha gonna do. They always will. Anyone that comes out and says I played a clean game… they got evicted before the feeds started. And even then 9 times out of 10 they are lying about saying they played clean.
I’d say you you enjoy looking at others through a magnifying glass and you look at yourself through rose colored glasses. Take it down a notch, Judgy McJudgerson.
Isn’t Christie in sequester?
Yep. Gotta be Tommy’s sister lol
Hmmm and some people think I’m brusque with my opinions. Blessings. It’s hard not to get upset. Just remember it’s a reality show. It’ll all be over soon.
Something is a brewing Cliff is not this stupid why would he tell Holly about his deal it doesn’t pass the smell test. I think he’s maybe laying the groundwork for another production assisted script flip……no proof just a strong feeling as Nicole says “in my gut” lol.
He’s already emotionally dumped plastic face, Mama Buzzard. She’s good enough to service him in the house. Once they’re out the door, see ya!!
Makeup on a watermelon…….don’t give Miche any ideas……
oh. someone leaked his prom pic?
They had a non-talk talk about waiting to break up until they were both out of the house.
Lets go people! Start manifesting a Nicole veto win!
Jackson talking to Holly about the deal Cliff offered Holly and keeps saying “if THEY think… making the deal makers Cliff and Nicole together…
Did Nicole participate in any deals? Or is she getting lumped into cliff’s deals?
Nicole was part of the deal between Cliff and Nicole and Holly. Nicole was not good with keeping Holly unless she was willing to give the same deal as Tommy had given. Cliff engineered the deal with Nicole and Holly present.
Jackson and Holly are extremely offended that Holly had to make any deal whatsoever to stay.
Maybe when they come out they will read all the “Regrettable decisions you made?” Who’d have thought that Holly, or Jackson might hold Cliff, or Nicole accountable for throwing comps to keep Holly? After all they both are solid to their word, and would respect every aspect of game. Truth, and honesty is their highest regard. Right?
Sleep well, Cliff, if you could hear amongst the roar of the crowd, or crickets chirping. Hard to tell what’s louder.
Is Holly bull shi**ing jackson or cliff tonight?
Holly is lying to Cliff.
I feel nicole is letting her wins go to her head and feels she is the only one who deserves to win irritating. This last win was only cause holly threw it she should not have
Holly needs to quit whining. So she had to make a deal to stay. waaah. she could be in jury now. entitled princess needs to get off her shower stool, and put in some work for herself rather than riding a d!ck to finals. poor girl. I mean, seriously. what is her argument to jury? Showing them the rash? She hasn’t bothered to study her days. She knows nothing about her fellow houseguests unless it’s the meangirl opinions she said about them for 5 weeks. Seriously.
In defense of Holly she knows the other reflections in her makeup mirror are the other houseguests……
so i’m scrolling down the comments section and it’s like, yo, someone CTRL+F’d your name & negged all of your posts. XD they didn’t get to this one yet tho.
5 weeks? She’s still doing it. She doesn’t even know she’s an entitled bitch. Remember she’s with people she’d never talk to outside of the house.
In my opinion, not that it counts for anything but, it was unnecessary for Holly to throw that comp and stupid. Who does that at a final 4 guaranteeing her a final 3? She didnt come into that house with Jackson did she? He is the most capable of winning the veto if its physical and has deals with Cliff so Id say it was pointless to do that… Unless production told her to so that Nicole could get there instead of Cliff and thats why Cliff is sulking around because he knows he’s not going according to script. Im sick of Holly ranting about how she wishes she didnt throw it… she did it… now she needs to live with it and shut up about it… Cliff and Nicole had already burned them by even considering keeping Tommy in Jacksons mind so why would Jackson allow her to do that? You know he wouldnt have if he were allowed to compete in the hoh…Will there be a re’do week this week and no one leaves yet? Jackson said “thank you big brother” as he was going to sleep… for what? Holly said she asked for a do over week… production is heavy handed still…
She didn’t come in the house with Jackson. Well they were in the same group that entered the house on night one. lol. Only Cliff was in the other group out of the finalists.
She didn’t have to keep her word, no. Considering she just stayed partially over a lie, and she kept her mouth shut like a good little ofjackson during the argument snip we saw… she could have said it’s big brother, it’s okay to bounce checks.
As far as coming into the house WITH Jackson? I’m sooooo suspicious of their connection pre-game and that whole time line that it’s a hot button to me.
It appeared to me that Jackson didn’t know of the throw HOH deal until after the HOH.
Every season I say the same thing. With all the down time big brother house guests have, it is pathetic if any one of them doesn’t know their days and events and comp history backwards, forwards, sideways. They KNOW it will be used in comps at some point in the season. They know it is always part of the endgame.
I have zero respect for any moron that does not know their days. They have days of downtime between veto comp and the next hoh comp. That down time would only require fifteen minutes to a half hour a day to study. They bitch about being bored how often, and some of them don’t know and aren’t interested in learning their days. gtfo.
I think anyone that doesn’t bother doesn’t deserve to win.
Sorry Holly. Sit your ass down. Admitting you don’t know your days in my opinion is admitting you are not worthy of anything but my disdain.
Cliff plans to throw the veto if Holly is in the lead. shake my head. Send the buffoon home. That’s right you moron. Throw the final four veto. to a member of a showmance in final four. He wants to keep his character and integrity. close your eyes, tilt your head to the side , say whatever curse word comes to mind. The guy whose loyalty was for sale weekly, and sold out the previous weeks loyalty to the new hoh every week is talking about integrity. oh fawwwwwk. i can’t. I mean… realllly clown? Okay. get back in the sewer with the red balloons . Integrity. stfu. he’s now on mute.
Nicole plans to go out guns blazing for the veto. oh good. It’s not going to be sending a chihuahua into a cage match with a pitbull at alllllll. nope. part of me wants to see the type of comp they used to do for bbcan early seasons final four veto. you know… some big set up where cards with day numbers and cards with house events had to be arranged in order. The only problem: those are individual timed, and I really don’t want an individual timed comp that we are bound to get. We all know individual timed comps are production decides comps. remember the snafu a couple of years ago where the feeds were down for an individual time comp for 3 hours, and the added times at the veto reveal totalled four hours? good times.
LOL you just participated in my nightmare talking about Cliff the clown with the red balloons. haha. I swear he creeps me out and I even said he’s as bad as the clown on “it” as far as giving me nightmares with the slow dancing and talking to sharon by himself. haha. eeek. I wanted to like him in the beginning… I really did but.. I cant anymore. I agree with you about the individual timed comps being production decided comps. hate those. hopefully they make them crawl through tiny spaces and memorize things as they go and Nicole can squeak through it and Jackson and Cliff get stuck.. we know Holly will make it through the small spaces but maybe her memory will crap out and Nicole can score. We can hope.
Now see this is exactly what I meant when I said the viewers are far more entertaining over the house guests this year.
Oh dear, someone lied on Big Brother (well, somebody I hate because everyone lied); whatever happened to the integrity of the show (that never existed but I won’t allow that to blunt my moral outrage and indignation).
The (game) feeds may be boring but the viewer angst sure isn’t.
“Any other opinions out there?”
I can’t help but think of Tyler and the Ice Princess. There was absolutely no way that they would stay together…at least according to the ones who were deeply disturbed by their relationship…albeit how fake it was, etc, etc, etc.
Ah yes, the Ice Princess…the self-entitled cold hearted bitch who wouldn’t bat an overly made up eyelid while stabbing a friend in the back; I seem to recall that she got pretty much the same treatment that Holly is getting now, although Tyler (that despicable, lying creep would only make a poor second to Jackson who is the reincarnation of Attila the Hun).
As I recall, the consensus was that the fake relationship between those two fake people would never last. Hmmmm, I wonder where they’re at today?
That said, my personal opinion is that it would be in Holly’s best interest to walk away from Jackson…as far away as she can and as quick as she can, but ultimately, it’s their relationship to make or break. Maybe surfer boy and the Ice Princess can invite Ms Buzzard over for drinks and to laugh at some internet posts.
Tyler is still with Angela.
I know (and thanks), and seemingly very happy. Apparently the angry/ugly posts/tweets have made no difference to their lives.
My wife tells me Cody and Jessica are still together also. Awesome!
The big difference. Tyler is a very likable nice guy. Jackson is a pompous doucebag and worse.
Nicole played the sweet,worried and torn follower for most of the game. Cliff and his “word” went wherever the power was. Holly puts on a mean lip gloss and uses her mouth..um, wisely. Jackson, as arrogant as he is..is the ONLY player who has made moves and won multiple times. Like him or not..I hope he wins and shows Cliff the door.
I won’t say I want Jackson to win cause I’m still hoping on a gas leak to end the season but I will say I hope Cliff goes next.
I agree Simon, Cliff next and then Jackson. Nicole and Holly final 2. Not because I think Holly deserves it but because it’s an easy win for Nicole. And not that I think Nicole deserves it, just because she’s the only person left I can tolerate on a human level.
Same here Simon
Even if cliff won veto and had the balls to vote Jackson out, I would still want him gone next
I respect your opinion, but just want to remind everyone that superb Big Brother play more often than not involves NOT winning comps until HGs need to. Therefore, we don’t know who in the House really has the best “winning” chops, because WINNING is about the Number One spot. As far as numbers of comps won, ever heard of Dr. Will?
Sadly, there is was no one this season (except possibly for David, maybe Kemi, we’ll never know) who comes even partially close to Dr. Will level of play…and given the current evolution of “game play” where ever vote must be unanimous, I’m not certain there ever will be again.
This (so-called) games needs a complete reset.
If Nicole can pull out the veto win today then she should win.
Cliff you are a bb fan and live feeder and you are going to throw veto to Holly if it looks like she is winning what the heck? Unfortunately you will be remembered as one of the dumbest super fans if you think Jackson or Holly are taking you…they fought that hard on eviction night to save Holly just so now they can take you to final 3 what are you thinking oh right you aren’t! Enjoy being the last one to go to jury house! Big brother is lying manipulating did u forget Jackson is only here for the confetti
I know this won’t be a popular post, but…
It’s so obvious that cliff & Nicole are the bullies here. Jackson and Holly have been super loyal to them and always were for the final 4, but soon as C&N had some taste of power and deceitfulness they had no problem turning their backs on their loyal allies who kept them safe this whole time, and bullied them into throwing the last HoH to keep Holly in the game and now “letting her” play in the veto?
I’m praying for a Jackson & Holly win to send both of them final 3 and hoping they get to final 2.
I was always rooting for nicole and I understand this is a game but these last few days shown me she would be even more of a bully or jacka$$ than any of the original gr8ful had she had the chance.
So hypocritical…
Holly and Jackson are in final 4 so how did n/c not stick to their word is Holly in jury right now, no she is not but she should be. Nicole’s problem is she stopped listening to her gut and started listening to Cliff
She’s not in the jury because they had to promise Nicole the Sun to keep her when they had a deal already. But you enjoy those blinders
take the word bully and burn it.
God the over use of the word bully by big brother fans is ridiculous.
Nicole and Cliff pulled a Jackson move on Jackson. Their demand of guarantees and absolutes from Holly was the exact same move Jackson did on Christie when she was on the block against Sis. Where was the bullying moral outrage then?
Don’t even with loyalty for anybody that played this season.
History: Jackson and Holly chose to work with Nicole and Cliff because they needed numbers that they could beat later. It was never an altruistic gathering. Jackson and Holly before the wall planned (pre d/r calls on Thursday morning side eye) to throw the next two hoh’s so that Cliff Nicole Christie and Tommy would take shots at each other. That is your super loyalty. They considered tossing Cliff and Nicole to the wolves potentially, breaking their deal while keeping hands clean when they were positive that Tommy and Christie would target Cliff and Nicole and vice versa. The fact that they are upset that Cliff and Nicole considered tossing Holly to the wolves is no more morally egregious. All season long we’ve been listening to Jackson plot and plan and say it’s all fair to win. When anyone else does the exact same thing he’s up on his soap box. Double standard of Do as I say not as I do seems to be the Jackson method.
That entire HOH wall comp has so much sketch to it: Wednesday night Christie doesn’t trust anybody, thinks everyone is out to get her is gunning for veto / post Thursday d/r call she’s comfortable with everyone and she throws the HOH noticeably from the time they say go. Jackson meanwhile has been saying on feeds for two days we gotta throw the next two HOH’s (to Holly) / post d/r he’s gotta stay on for Cliff and Nicole (a sentiment not matched by his talk on feeds for over a week). He didn’t win that wall HOH because of Cliff and Nicole. He won that wall HOH because of some kind of suggestion or tone from the d/r.
The suspicion I have about that comp (because we saw it on feeds and it looked… odd from the jump) Is that Nicole was the original intended winner by story line, but had injured herself the night before. Jackson was, in my opinion, told to stay up as a backup, and only win if she were unable to win so that their story line would not have to be altered. I digress. If you hate conspiracy talk disregard this tinfoil talk, my point is still there without it. I’m not going to detail every odd thing i’ve noticed in comps this season. Right Now. Don’t worry.
Jackson and Holly’s concept of loyalty is not the usual definition of loyalty. They planned to play the centre of the couples and have them take a shot at each other, and sticking with the couple that took the shot. That’s opportunism not loyalty.
Their loyalty is one sided. Jackson requires blind loyalty from everyone: followers not equals. If he doesn’t get it, he preaches moral outrage. When Cliff and Nicole went to Jackson and Holly and said why would we take out Jess over Christie, or Nick over Christie, or Sis over Christie because Christie is worse for the whole group’s game: nope. Had to take out Jess or Nick or Sis, because they had to have the back up option of another pair. What loyalty are we talking about when it’s vote what’s best for ME, not vote what’s best for US. Nicole and Cliff have voted against best interest in order to appease Jackson and Holly for weeks. As game moves all is fair, but if we’re going to judge and assess character, let’s be clear and equal not pick and choose.
When the shoe was on the other foot, and it was Jackson making these ‘make a deal to stay and swear loyalty to me or you’re outta here’ like the one with Christie, it wasn’t bullying. If it wasn’t then, it’s not now.
I guess you forgot about the way jackass treated kat or how he’s slept his way through 2 women in that house or how Holly and kat are friends and she slept with the guy who treated her friend that way… on national television no less… or how jackson, holly jack, christy tommy and the others were cruel to nicole and wouldnt let her in the hoh room or how they treated the camp come back people or that jackson and holly were promising both christy and tommy the same deal they were promising cliff and nicole and the only reason they went with cliff and nicole is because nicole won and sent christy out the door.
so hypocritical…
Nicole, Cliff, Holly, Jackson = no bullying whatsoever. People really need to re-visit the word. In fact, nobody on the show did any bullying. The only thing I saw that was anything remotely close was between Jack and Ovi. Jack was really rude to him at times.
jack & kimi
Let’s hope Nicole wins the POV and sends Jackson out!
Nicole sending Jackson out would be big for her final 2 resume. She can say 2 of the 3 biggest players she took out.
It would be spectacular for her resume; the first person to go after big game was her fellow angel, Jess.
But, I’ve still got my fingers crossed to see Cliff go tonight; that would by far have the more entertainment value for me. I don’t care which of them sends him packing, but my preference remains for Holly to do it (Oops, I’m sorry Cliff…did I need your permission to do that?) but I’d be just as happy if Jackson or even if Nicole were to put the BBQ sauce on the Hawg.
I think even Jackson might vote for her at that point.
Even if Nicole wins she doesnt get to pick who goes out… she has to rely on Cliff to do it and follow through with his promise to her… im not sure she can count on Cliff to do that but, I hope so.
Like him or hate him, Jackson flipping the script on Tommy was great game play. I don’t see how you can be a big fan of bb and not appreciate his move
agree. holly was on her way out the door & all 5 of them knew it. kudos to him for eavesdropping outside the camp comeback room & sneaking back out with the ammunition.
Agreed…and every time I see your handle, I think of Liev Schreiber in Scream lol.
heyyyyy, somebody got it! haha yeah that’s where i got it from. did it just for kicks to see if anyone from this community would recognize it. almost went with michael myers.
speaking of horror flix, i was surprised & impressed with nicole’s knowledge of the Halloween movie franchise. sometime during prank week, after the clowns started appearing in the mirrors, she schooled the houseguests on the chronology of all the Halloween movies when it became a subject of discussion.
knowing about her fear of birds, i assumed horror movies were definitely not her thing. i’m now inclined to think she knows damn well who cotton weary is too. and voorhees & krueger, of course.
so as far as i know for nicole, it’s birds > clowns > michael myers
HAHA! One of the best non-major characters in a horror franchise, I think, and I was pissed when they killed him off in 3. Forget the fact he has a badass name. But yea…Nicole is very smart and I too was floored because I did not think she would be into horror flicks either. That might be around where she came onto my radar, now that I think about it. And she’s gotta know Leatherface and Jigsaw too. Personal fave is Michael Myers I think, but mainly just because he scared me to death when I was a kid. 😮
People can’t appreciate it because in the last few years of Big Brother has become more of a popularity contest than the game. I can admit Jackson has done some pretty nasty stuff along the way but still has one of the stronger games in the house. Right now Nicole and Cliff are patting themselves so hard on their backs they are going to knock themselves over.
Agree. Jackson is a total dick; cannot stand him and his submissive shower stool hag…..but, he is playing BB. Lying, scheming, and backstabbing is vintage BB, ..having said that, I hope his ass is gone next…..if it’s done on Nicole’s HOH, all the better
am so stressed out I just want to sleep all the time which for you live feeders is hell I know I’m sorry ” (Frankly CLiff just sleep WE’ve all had enough watching you play your game)
Omg it’s the funniest thing you wrote all season
Cliff *lost it* !!!!!!
He actually believes holly and jackson will keep him
Nicole understands they prob won’t
Where’s mama? She’s sitting there hugging you douchebag https://twitter.com/technogaijin/status/1172726031100366849
Cliff is on Let’s Make a Deal and he’s being Zonked.
What’s with this Cody fixation? Not the same at all. Jackson is no Derrick.
Maybe Cliff thinks he is the Derrick and Jackson is the Cody crazy to say the least but delusions run deep
From all the alum support he’s getting I’m thinking Tommy will win AFP. He’s also 3rd on our poll!
Am I the only one shocked by this?
I shouldn’t be shocked though…. If his fake crying being shown for 15 seconds had be getting upset for him I’m sure it did for others
The crying didn’t phase me all that much, but I remembered how my of an infantile little $hit he’d been before. Now, if he or Cliff were to get AFV I’d say that was a real crying shame.
I was able to recentre myself after but man, for that first hour I was starting the petition up to bring back Tommy.
This is why I asked about whether the AFV vote ever resets. Cliff is still polling amazingly high even though he’s tumbled in the daily rankings.
Either people voted for him early and their votes are still registered (as they pound furiously on the voting keys going “I wanna take it back, I wanna take it back” or he’s getting one hell of an anti-Jackson boost.
POll shouldn’t be resetting.
There are more people hitting the poll than the ranking. I think the poll will skew harder casuals and the ranking is for all us Kraken drinkers.
So if you voted for Loss Hawg when the poll first came up, it’s still locked in for him whether you still want to vote for him or not?
Oh, and by the way, have your tissues ready for Sunday. I’m sure we’re going to see a whole lot more of Tiny Tom sniveling.
I really hope they play the clip of tommy jumping up and down and chomping at the bit during the feeding frenzy in the HOH room when the 8 were plotting Nicole’s demise
That whole scene was disgusting and the main reason I wanted him to go last week.
Keep this handy Sunday for after they show a whole lot more crocodile tears.
I’ll watch it every time I need a reset 🙂
Thanks SO MUCH for the link! As my grandma would say back in the day: “Disgusting OUT!”
I’m an old school grandma myself presently, and have yet to figure out how to add a link here. I chose “link” above and entered the text, but it didn’t turn blue so that I knew it was “live.” I was simply trying to share what I found after agreeing with several Posters how we would love to see CBS add a Reunion show, similar to those Bachelor, etc., airs awhile after a finale. I did a search and found: “http://change.org/p/hey-cbs-we-need-a-big-brother-finale-houseguest-reunion-show” where I signed a petition.
Just my opinion but I think it would be nice if ALL the BB fans voted Ovi for AFP since he was the only one that went up them stairs and knock on that door and told them unbelievable9 (whatever they called themselves) that was not cool the way they treated Nicole. It would be nice for a change to just reward someone for doing something right…and it would shock a lot of people from that cast.
In my sketchball conspiracy mind: Gee, when they were calling Nicole and Cliff into d/r so much Wednesday to try to convince them to act against best game move and instead go with their storyline move… they must have had to offer Tommy something as well. That would explain a nominee getting three d/r calls on a Wednesday.
He is a Broadway guy, and I’m sure he had a few acting classes along the way.
Totally shocked!
IMO Tommy didn’t play his own game.
He was ok with Nicole being treated like crap then cried to her about it later with a wanna be pinky swear alliance.
He said he totally trusted Nicole but told Jackson about his connection to Christie first instead of Nicole.
He said he was glad to play with Christie then later said he regretted it playing her game.
Now HAD he stayed in the game I believe that would have been the best option for Nicole however it showed in his horrible game play that he didn’t go to Nicole and Cliff first to make a deal. He talked to Jackson.
I am looking for reasons why he should be America’s player. I just don’t see it.
Just own the game u played.
Game ownership is in short supply. It’s been in short supply for years.
Re tommy: His game was to be duplicitous while smiling in everyone’s faces, and to skulk in the shadows getting Christie to do his dirty work.
Of course he’s going to sell her down the river as soon as he’s with people that obviously blame her for every evil in the world. She’s doing HIS dirty work, what’s he going to do? Confess? The number of times Christie and Tommy would plot, and she would be the one to enact their plots while he would make shocked face at her actions. She should have sold him out a million times while he was plotting her eviction to get a sure thing jury vote.
Of course he was fine with selling out Nicole: the entire tribe was planning to oust the guy that became the new HOH. Somebody had to take the fall. Nick was stupid enough to immediately release the information Nicole had given him instead of stopping and thinking about it. The fact that Tommy conceived the vote flip to take out Cliff means he had to get in good with Nicole again, or that smile in face while skulking behind backs game was in trouble. The entire group was racing to get Nicole to be good with them. It was like she just won a lottery and they all wanted to remind her just how much they care (and could I have 10 thousand dollars? or safety if you win the next hoh?)
Here is the thing: Nicole winning the bbcomics veto was odd. another individual timed comp.
God if they don’t start doing the bbott method of showing individual time comp vetoes on feeds, i’m never going to trust them (we saw on ott that many of those vetoes don’t take the hours feeds are down, so what’s the deal).
Realistically: I don’t believe Tommy originally intended to reveal the Christie relationship to Jackson and Holly. I whole heartedly believe the d/r he had before he spoke to them was instructions to reveal, followed by admonishment afterward for revealing too much. the number of d/r calls last week was just too much.
BTW: I don’t think Tommy should win AFP. He pandered. he’d be a lump all day, and magically flip the switch when it was after dark time. he was cliff as a rockette… before the wife.
Didn’t hurt that he got a big send off from Julie too. One of her most engaging post-eviction interviews I can remember. Totally trying to put him over.
Julie is an “elite”, she’s used to fake people so she must have loved Tommy.
Flabbergasted. I had it as 1) Nicole 2) Sam and 3) Kat or Kemi (who was great on Rob Has a live post eviction Podcast btw). I just kind of figured Sam/Kemi would be in the mix b/c of how disliked Gr8ful was.
Clearly TPTB are pushing the alums on this Tommy recency bias direction but all it will take is a few well placed videos & gifs of Tommy lying about the bullying thing to Nicole & being one of the big cheerleaders in that movement for him to lose a little steam. Then again, when TPTB decide they want something it’s typically what happens so I guess he’ll win it after never placing above the middle of the pack all season. What a joke. lol
Nicole, Sam and Kemi were my 3 votes.
There are really only two ways this is going:
Nicole/Cliff win POC Miche goes home
Holly/Miche wins Cliff is going home
Since it is hard to see Miche getting beat twice in comps, I suspect this is the last shot to stop him from winning big brother.
A whole lot of hopes, expectations and emotions always ride on this veto comp. Either way it comes out, it will provide some explosive results. The only question for me is, do we have a finale full of high drama and perhaps some game play, or a far more sedate and slow paced end to this train wreck of a season.
I was so certain (1hundoP certain) that Rachel and Brendon were going to break up the second the show ended.. So that’s how good I am at predicting love.
Jackson and Holly will go on a trip together and post all sorts of Instagram pictures they’ll be together for a while pushing their followers to 150K maybe more! LIfe will be good. Then the fame will start to die down. BBcan 8 and new rumours for BB22 being allstars all taking the shine off their brand. Plus they have swaggyC popularity to deal with. He’s now on Survivor and BB twitter is making a mess of their sheets. Jackson and Holly will scramble!
Something will happen to keep those meet and greets rolling. A leaked D1ck pic a sex tape (Grod help us) a fight on twitter bringing in Scottie, Cindy with an S, Dick and IKA !!!
I wouldn’t have given Cody and Jessica much of a chance but I did wish them well; it’s their lives. They were such opposite extremes but got to watch them on The Amazing Race (I know, you don’t care for it but I do enjoy seeing the locations and they seem to have far more decent couples and far less a$$holes) and it was fun watching them together.
I actually did think that Tyler and Angela had a good chance to make a go of it. They were also stark opposites but they both seemed to fill in the gaps for each other. Apparently they’re doing quite well.
I don’t think Holly and Jackson have much chance either but it’s their lives (Simon, here’s a pic of her previous (also a reality show boyfriend; notice the similarity to anyone?) Holly’s had an unusual life and there are times when you can see one of the scars in her hairline; how much that has impacted her life I’ve no idea. I sincerely hope she finds happiness somewhere in her life.
Reality show boyfriend…
Holly wears the right amount of makeup.
I never minded Cody thats why BB19 was so much fun.
Awww thanks for the pic she likes the watermelon jaw ;)_
I loved Cody…and the reality/moment of his jury vote remains one of my favorite highlights. The look on Paulies face when the tied vote comes down to the final vote…and he realizes whose it is.
I didn’t consider that a bitter vote…just one final play in the game play between him and Paulie.
Someone spiked my morning coffee with Kraken ..
Spoiler -= it was me
I have been coming to this site for like 7 years or so and I have no idea what kraken is. Sounds German though.
Me too (but only 3 years for me). The way Simon has used it in a sentence several times suggests to me that it’s a type of alcohol. I just looked it up, and sure enough, it’s rum.
Jackson made a final 4 deal with Cliff and after said every man for themselves once they reach 4.
Because Cliff couldn’t keep his mouth shut n thought he was playing so well by trying to get a side deal after the 4, he allowed Jackson to pray on his word and twist all sides of the story to make him look good to Holly and to Nicole.
When the final 4 was set Nicole and Holly were not in the room
When the second final 3 deal was make between Cliff n Jackson, Nicole n Holly were not in the room.
The fact that Jackson can convince these people that he had everyone’s best interest when clearly he was making deals that did NOT obviously include everyone, is the best game going right now. Christie was able to twist words n escape the block many times with the help of production so why not Jackson?
Sucks that Cliff sucks so much because he has not inadvertantly lumped Nicole in with him and Nicole is forced into having conversations she would not have HAD to have if Cliff would have just STFU!
I can’t stand Cliff or Jacskon but between the 2 Jacskons ability at twisting words (deals) and having everyone believe he is with them is working.
Would Nicole take Holly to the end vs Cliff? At this point anyone but Cliff in the end. He looks like he is going stir crazy anyway
Is the veto today?
Houseguests: this veto is called watermelon madness. On go you will all search the pile of watermelons for the one that has the veto hidden inside it. eye roll.
AHAHHAAH. maybe some sorta watermelon dicing contest.
better than shower stool bucking bronco rodeo madness.
Lol, I can see the watermelon advertising companies mouth’s watering for Jackson to do some commercials for them. I mean nobody likes watermelon more!
watermelon eating contest after Jackson just finishes off one by himself. He’ll @iss his shorts again!
The end is nigh!
Cliff’s wife after the show. CLIFF YOU DUMBASS.
If he wins she wont
Just a point of fact. Nicole technically only won 1 competitions. Both HOH’S were given to her. The clips show Cliff changing a correct piece of his puzzle during the double so that she could win. Holly threw this one to her. Her veto win in BB comics should be the only one counted IF you believe that she actually got that time and BB didn’t fudge it for her.
They are still hers either way. I wonder how many Jackson was given by the powers that be.
Cliff threw the puzzle after it was announced that Nicole was in the lead. My question: It was announced Tommy was finished his puzzle thirty seconds before Nicole took her second shot… and Tommy isn’t up to the top with his hockey stick and ball yet. what the deuce?
Don’t dig too deeply into people throwing comps this season though, because it makes every comp win look sus. All the way back to second and third hoh.
Well if they are stupid enough to do a dumb move ~ oh well Nicole would deserve the credit.
Actually Cliff had a piece upside down in the wrong spot and still had another to place & some of us (points at self) believe he was looking at Nicole’s to see where to put certain pieces throughout the competition. Besides Tommy was second to her & it would make ZERO sense for Cliff to throw DE to Tommy given he would likely have gone on the block or been the backup to Jackson as a target. AND Nicole KILLED BB comics – no one was close.
Sorry, but Holly rolled a ball down a ramp to win once & in the other there was a TON of commentary about how the swings were set up differently for different players (Holly/Sis). I credit her for all 3 even if Holly threw it b/c who knows whether Nicole would’ve beat her or not. Ditto for anyone who won this season (when many stated they purposely threw comps) . Bottom line – a win is a win is a win.
C’mon Nicole, win it and make dumbass Cliff vote that pompous douchebag out……make it a blindside too
Did anyone else hear Holly say to Nicole this morning “this not being able to drink caffeine sucks”. I’m thinking she’s definitely pregnant. Anyone else?
Well, it will be the only way she will be able to keep him around for a while longer…smh
Holly says her stomach is sick then eats like a hog with hot sauce smh
yes, i think it will be their excuse for cutting cliff, even though he has been crazy this week
Caption this
I’ll start us off .. “I suK”
I lost POV.
Y’know Sharon, this is the furthest i’ve allowed my lips to stray from Jackson’s ass (holds up hands) in the past two months.
“Judge me all you want, I am going out of this El cock-a-roach style “owning it” with my head held high” unless Jackson tells me otherwise…
I swear Sis told me Jack was this big!
This will be the final episode of Cliff Notes
Word is bond in the Big Brother house.
I was a huge disappointment and awful player, but SDK 143
Oh I had this favorite one that, come to think of it, sorta looked like Kat…. She would give me lap dances and back it up and grind on me for hours….you know “before the wife…” 😉
Oh,I know that they are going to put it up there,but I don’t think it will be any bigger than this!
The reason I’m so tired is that I’ve been holding up this bowling ball all season long. I just can’t talk without this bowling ball in front of me.
If you put all my “whatever you needs,” F10s, F5s, and solid alliances on little strips of paper, it would take both hands for me to gather them…with no room left for my deeply-held values, integrity and moral righteousness (Sharon, I hope the kids aren’t watching).
If I was on juryI don’t think I could vote for Nicole since she really didn’t actually win all the comps. Who wants to win by having it thrown to you? I would want to win it myself.
if thrown comps negate the ability for someone to win big brother, this season nobody wins.
can’t vote Holly to win because at least two people threw that endurance comp. Cliff plans to throw veto if she is in the lead.
can’t vote Jackson because Tommy threw the wall comp. Everyone seemed to wait for Jackson to answer before answering in the last hoh.
can’t vote Cliff because Jackson threw the double veto. At least 3 house guests threw his hoh in week three.
And exactly how many of all the comps were thrown this season? Two…..Five…..Fifty%…..It’s hard to tell with everyone trying to avoid getting “blood on their hands” and trying like Hell to get someone else to “take the shot”. I would claim every single one of my wins and if somebody said it was thrown to me, “That’s not under my control if somebody else is stupid enough to not want to win.” You can only do what you can do and shouldn’t be punished because somebody else has a different agenda.
Nicole was up late last night….hopefully her downfall for the POV comp
After that little speech from Nicole I hope she doesn’t win veto. I’ll laugh my ass off
If Nicole wins the veto Cliff will have to hire a lawyer to see how he has to vote.
Now THATS funny lol
Good one Whoknows! Who knew ya had it in ya? Kidding about the last part…just wanted to put “who knew” right after your name lol.
If you watched the live eviction Thurs–Cliff had black leggings on–Nicole had black ones on—Right before they went live–they showed Holly in Black leggings also–the only one that didn’t have them on was TOMMY in shorts–no leggings and Mickey–cause he wasn’t playing in the comp—-production already knew who was going out–they got ready for the comp before the eviction–if they didn’t know–Tommy would of had them on also–watch closely!!!!! Then Tommy started to cry early–he knew he was going!!!
Holly started UNPACKING during the live show. Of course they knew.
Was anyone NOT aware they were leaving this season before live eviction? They all seemed to know what was coming, probably thanks to the decisions to have unanimous votes.
More likely due to smug Jackson finger wagging and saying nyah nyah toldja aunt Grod would kick you out… neenerneener. and then gulping on his sippycup.
Kat? Is that you?
DYING to know who won the veto!
Damn, what the hell is the veto comp, having to watch all of Cliff’s monologues?
I just wonder if they took Tommy to the jury house or directly into the witness protection program.
Between an aunt who probably didn’t want a big mistake in her life splattered all over TV, and Crusty when she finds out he didn’t keep their secret, he’d probably prefer WitSec.
Well, now that he and Kat are both technically out of work, maybe they can share a corner. Nick can be their… ‘business manager’ since apparently so many people have lodged complaints with his employers… and Christie can be the woman that lives in the box in the alley since so many people have written so many fake social media reviews of her shop that she probably doesn’t have one to go back to.
Nooooooooo…….I KNEW we should have built a shrine!
Buh-Bye Cliff!
And let the gnashing of teeth begin…
Watermelon are afraid.
Damn it! Jackson won? Goodbye Cliff.
Effing watermelon head won. I’m done with BB
Looks like Jackson is staying!
Bye Cliff
Jackson telling Holly right after he won POV, “You are not seeing jury house.” (Paraphrased from whisper)
Now, I actually checked the feeds again and Nicole is in a blue onesie in HOH room. Jackson, and Holly are playing I guess backgammon, hard to tell, I had 4 camera view on, anyway, POV hanging around his neck. I won’t describe my perception of the smile/smirk? What was weird(er) to me was that it seemed that even though it’s Nicole’s HOH room. It’s almost like she was perceived as the person who was ‘trespassing’.
I don’t know. Anyway, unless they somehow find a loophole and manage to evict HOH Nicole, bye Cliff? Say hello to Tommy.
Feeds are back. Cliff, Nicole Holly talking in kitchen *** spoiler *** Jackson won POV.
Ceya Cliff smell ya later
Wait… were we under some impression that someone other than Jackson was going to win the veto? Ever?
I mean… we’ve been watching the season, right?
Bye, Bye Cliff!
Jackson won the Veto! Bye bye Cliff!
the best part is that Cliff did it all to himself. I liked him, but the last 2 weeks, he got stupid real fast. Should’ve l;istened to Nicole last week you dummy.
Hell yeah Jackson!!!!!!! Bye bye Cliff!!!!