“I’m f*ing done gaming dude. I’m not going into any more rooms..I’m just going to hang out with Jack”

Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household Winner – Jess
Have note are: No Have nots this week, Jack, Tommy and Jackson were given punishments as part of the veto.
Nominations are: Jack and Jackson
Power of Veto Players are – Jessica, Jack, Jackson, Kat, Nick, Tommy (Nicole – Host)
Power of Veto holder – Jessica
Power of Veto Ceremony – Jessica didn’t use the power of veto
Powers in the game *** LINK ***

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1:10 pm Christie and Jack
Jack going on about waiting until the last minute to lock in Cliff’s deal.

Jack – I’m going to give Cliff 3 weeks, 3 evictions (LOL)

jack – you have to keep that to yourself.. if Kat gets it.
Christie – I am not speaking any game this is on you

1:14 pm Nick and Christie
Nick asks Christie whats the play going forward if jack goes
Christie – it’s going to be a sh1t storm. I’m going for it, I have to, Me Tommy and Sis …
Christie- It’s normal for us to feel like we’re next
Nick – to be honest to you it’ll be hard for Jack to stay unless Jackson does something stupid..
Christie agrees.
They are expecting a battle back

Christie- I have to poop.. enjoy your bible”

On her way out she runs into Jackson “How you doing Jackson”

Jackson – like you give a sh1t the fakeness in this house


1:25 pm Nicole and Nick
They mention how the 6 is altogether up in the Have nots room.
Nick says he has no idea what is going on.

Nick – what do you think they are talking about .. I kinda want to listen. Just walk the f* in
Nicole – ok enjoy I’m not doing it

1:27 pm The SIX
They start off talking about the death of the 6. Jack blames himself.
Christie – This sucks
Tommy – I’m sorry boys this could have been handled differently. I place a lot of blame on the way I handled things. I wish it wasn’t this way really badly I love all, you guys
Christie – I know I had made comments about you about using my power. I got cornered .. I did say that to Sam. BLAH BLAH BLAH

Christie – I am sensitive and I did take a few things out of context I wanted to ride to the end the six of us regardless and Sam knew that and he was butt hurt that I deceived him. He thought I was on board with him and NIck. that wasn’t the case.
Christie – I wish we could have all come together. I am sorry for my part in it and I will continue to love you in this game.
Christie starts to cry “It breaks my heart two of you are up there”

Jackson – you can all go back and watch this you’ll see how all I did was for the six
Jackson tells Jack everything he told him was true as it was told to him, “I trusted two people with it. I was trying to decipher what was fact and what was fiction. Y’all should appreciate that”
Jack – I violated your trust two major times and I’m sorry
Jackson – it’s all good
Jack – I’m so sorry
Jackson – IT’s a shame because you turned on somebody that would have died for you in this game.

Jack – I’m going to leave I love you all very much
Jack leaves.
Christie starts retelling past events.
Jacksons call her out for putting words in his mouth “I’m being completely respectful when I say this but I’ve heard multiple attacks from you and the last thing I’m going to do is sit here and have you speak over me and put words in my mouth”
Christie – ok no problem.

Jackson tells them he doesn’t appreciate the attacks on his personal character calling him “A snake, a f*, Liar,”
Jackson – there’s a lot of hypocrisy when it comes to respect

Jackson – I’m praying for you that you can find some peace in this whole situation
Jackson leaves.

1:44 pm Kat and Tommy
Kat – it hurts me to see the people and me included get burned by situations where people go into a room and talk. They come out and someone gets burnt
Kat points out that her friend who is HOH and veto isn’t part of that conversation “We’re really part of the bottom feeders.. Like that sucked”
Kat – Jess doesn’t deserve to feel that way She just kicked a$$ and took names

Kat – Tommy can I ask you something too? Why is it. We have the six right why is it, Me, Nicole and Cliff were all offered number 7 in the six (I love Kat)
Tommy – I don’t know that’s not me I can’t answer that
Kat – YEAH, okay. I guess it doesn’t matter because the six is no longer.

Tommy says the six of them were working together and that conversation they had upstairs was the end. “we’re being split up this week no matter what”

kat – I don’t appreciate the rumours that people already know where my vote is going. I haven’t told anyone
Tommy – I tried to get you out of the house not because of who you are I f*ing love you it’s killing me I know we are on opposite sides because of that move I made
kat – we’re not on opposite sides
Tommy – I mean opposite sides of the game

Kat says when a group of people go into a room she gets nervous. “will they spread a rumour about me to get me evicted”
Tommy explains that the meeting the 6 had was to apologize and hug it out their alliance is over one of them is leaving now.
Kat – it really hurts to be at the bottom based on nothing else but a social hierarchy that someone else made up
Tommy – I don’t feel I’m not at the bottom either.. I was scared about the veto meeting I really was. Maybe I haven’t felt that as much as you in the game but now I have and I acknowledge it.
Tommy – I’m trying to play this integral honest game.

1:57 pm Christie and Sis
Christie hates that Jackson is making it look like he’s innocent and everyone is going to watch he’s the good guy
Sis – I feel bad for Holly
Christie – I do to
Sis – she doesn’t know what to do if he goes
Christie – he’s under the impressions he’s staying
Christie thinks jack can pull it off and stay.
Sis – when Holly was Talking to me she made it sound like Kat was saying a lot of things
Sis – did you ever say anything about kat to Holly?
Christie – no about what?
Sis – I don’t know who is telling her

Sis now says that something got back to Holly that Christie was saying.
Christie – what about
Sis can’t remember “Degrading .. she used a word.. I can’t remember it was something about her character… In a bad way ”
Christie says the only thing she said was Holly is a smart girl tied to a douche.
Christie – I don’t want her to look like a stupid girl.. he’s such a douchebag

2:07 pm Sis, Nick and Christie.. bible cuddles. Telling Nick about the 6 meeting in the have nots.
Christie says she apologized for the personal things she said about Jackson to Sam.
Christie says she believes Jack over Jackson, “It is what it is, He did not accept my apology nor did he give one”

2:09 pm Jackson, Holly and Jess
Jess wants to make sure Jackson campaigns
Jackson says the conversation they had upstairs didn’t go well “I’m not going to sit there and be fake”
Jackson – I’m not going to have people put words in my mouth and talk over me, repeatedly.
Jackson says he is don’t worry.

Jackson leaves.

Holly – people are already campaigning to me which is weird.
Holly – you made all the right decisions and did everything a perfect as you could. If I was in the same position I would do the same thing (Bullshit)

Holly – Your energy makes me feel so much more at peace. On a none game related note, I am very grateful to have friends in this game.
They hug it out
Holly – on the extra extra homesick days it really help

2:37 pm Tommy, Nick and Sis
Sis wondering why Kat is freaking out “She’s f*ing safe she has no reason to freak out”
Tommy – she’s mad that people keep going in rooms and
Nick – she’s been in the HOH all f*ing week
Sis – thank you
Sis – we’re not going to grab you from the room to have a conversation that has nothing to do with you. You’re not even close to Jack.
Tommy says they feel like they are still at the bottom

Tommy says they are after Sis, Christie and himself.
Nick doesn’t think kat will go after them he suspects Jackson will go after Christie.
Nick – they said they wouldn’t care if Jackson went out next week (They being Kat and Jess?)

Sis makes a uturn in her game – I’m f*ing done gaming dude. I’m not going into any more rooms. I’m not doing anything. I’m literally just going to hang out with jack because I don’t know what the f* is going to happen so I’m just going to hang out with Jack and I need to reevaluate who the f* I am working with and what the f* I am doing because it’s not working for me right now
Sis – I’ve been really stressed out today. I just really need to reevaluate who the f* I am working with
Sis – that’s where I stand. I think you should do the same too
Sis leaves.
Tommy – I feel bad for jack he’s taking the heat
Nick says it’s just an excuse to put him up (he’s a giant target)

3:00 pm Jack and Tommy
jack says he figures he’s got one shot at staying. He’ll start with talking to jess and explaining to her how he’s going to campaign. he’ll apologize.

Jack says he’s told CHristie the first part of the deal and Sis the second part of this deal.
Jack – I don’t know where Christie is.. I need to know wheater she’s going to tell it to Jess before.
Jack – the deal with jess is .. I have to wait because I don’t want Jackson to give him a counter offer.
Jack – I’m going to offer Cliff.. 3 weeks of Immunity.. 3 evictions and that’s you can put me up this is an agreement that I won’t put you up for three weeks but if you feel the need you have to put me up that’s fine I will swear on my dog and everything that is important to me
Jack – or you can take four weeks but you have to agree you won’t put me up in those four weeks then we’re in this together
Tommy – I love that

Jack – kat is on me .. kat does not want me to stay.
Jack – she’s in a power position and she’s f*ing ridding it (Kat riding in a power position sounds pretty hot)
Jack – I’m going to f*ing crucify her if I live through this. this is mine (you won’t)
jack – but.. so I have to wait on Nick because he’s playing the middle of the field
Jack says it seems like he’s the target this week.
Jack – it’s not looking good for me right now it’s looking like I’m going to go home at this point
Tommy – jess is your person you gotta talk to her ASAP she’s Head of Household this week

Jack – nick’s in
Jack is going to give Nick and Cliff a whiff of the deal then hit them with the full thing. This is to prevent jackson offering them better deals.
Tommy says he wants to offer his help to get Jack to stay
Jack says Cliff will offer the deal with him alone.
Tommy – have that in the back of your head I would love to show you some sort of concrete loyalty


3:15 pm

Kat’s foot is hurt? Doubt it’ll slow her down.

3:23 pm Christie and Kat talking about the meeting that pissed kat off. (She’s scrambling speaking very fast and making little sense)
Christie tells her that Nick told her he was sick and the only thing that would make him feel better is if he smelled her. (I’m weird but Nick is weirder)
Christie – I cam up to let him smell me
Kat says she’s felt used for a number in this game.

(Christie, Tommy and jack are going around on their apology tours. Sis as the title of this post states is out of the game. She’s focussing on D until Thrusday)

3:30 pm Jack and Sis
Jack going on about how much they will CRUSH with a new group
Sis – if you do stay I’m reconsidering. (working with Christie)
Jack – I’ll bury Christie
Sis says that Christie is on the fence whether to stick with the remnants of the six or go to the other side.
Sis says Christie is really f*ing annoying her “I really don’t want to work with her”
Jack – we need her vote we have to work with her this week. it has to be believable
Jack – I need to tell Nick she’s next on the block her and Kat. F*ing kat in a major way.. I will guarantee Nicole’s safety on the condition if he comes (Nick Cliff?).
jack says Kat is not good for any of their games “She’s the reason I am here. If we sent kat home last week none of this would have happened”
jack says he made a deal with some people earlier in the game and he chose to die by that. He didn’t listen to Jackson.
Sis says that Christie kept interrupting Jackson during the meeting.
jack – she can’t shut the f* up
jack – the whole crying thing pisses me off
Siss – oh my god that was so fake.. so fake
Jack – I’m f*ing over it.. I’m done
Siss – I don’t mean to talk sh2t about her but I’m really frustrated with her
jack – I’m looking at you in the eyes I’m done. If I come back in a battle back and she’s still in this game I am f*ing mercing her

jack – after seeing her up there crying you are fake as f* get outta my face

Jack goes on about CrHisite needing to shut the f* up
Sis says if Jack goes Christie/Tommy are next then her.

Jack says that Christie is going to bury him saying he’s untrustworthy that is why he’s selling SIS, Tommy, and Nick to Cliff.
jack – you have to live and be cool with her because hse might actually win the double
jack – I’ll express that to Nick I don’t care if I bury her in a conversation
Jack – it’s do or die time for me now
Jack – I never spoke shit on her name this entire f*ing game I never spoke shit on you or tom you are my everything
Sis says Christie doesn’t know when to shut the f* up
Sis says Christie is trying to play both sides.
jack – if there is a battle back and I go I am f*ing coming back and it’s not going to be good
jack – I’m going to roll back in here and you Nick, and f*ing Tommy will still be in here
Sis – I really f*ing hate people
Sis – I don’t get how people don’t f*ing see this
jack – they do and that is why Cliff will side with us
Sis – don’t tell Christie a thing about Cliff
jack – I won’t I’m done

jack says he told Christie a variation of his masterpiece. he’s only told Tommy and Sis the full deal. He wants to know if it comes back then he’ll know it was Christie.
Sis says sometimes she feels Tommy will tell Christie a lot “I don’t know ”

Sis – I am nervous Christie will f* it p with the cliff thing

The girls OF BB21

39 thoughts to ““I’m f*ing done gaming dude. I’m not going into any more rooms..I’m just going to hang out with Jack””

    1. is jack going home? i actually like him a smudge more than Jackson but i want who the OG 6 to stay to go home. how sweet the tears will be.

      1. Jack’s going as of now. It’ll take some big flips for him to stay but totally within the possibility. he’s constructed a masterpiece for Cliff. 😉

    2. You hit the nail on the head Simon. There has not been a week this yummy this whole season. Well it started last Thurs and hopefully Jack walkin out the door this Thurs. I love Sis is gonna b focusing on the D this week hahaha. When has she not been? That’s what’s killin her (in more ways than 1) She staked her whole game on Jack’s D and if he leaves Thurs, she doesn’t know what to do.

    1. What an ass! I don’t care for Jackson much but I am really looking forward to seeing Aquannabe Man walk out the door.

      1. Walk he is t going to throw a trident and swim out to meet Julie. Or throw the trident in the battle back he’s sure he’s getting to do? He can’t be the first one to jury ha ha ha ha ha.

        1. Well sorry Jack…but many “girls” would take one look at you on a dark street and run in the opposite direction…fast!

    2. Nicole is to smart to want to be with a guy like him. Looks have nothing to do with being in a great relationship. Who really wants to be with a cover of a romance novel? I want what’s on the inside!! His statement turned me off to even think he is cute. I think Nicole is beautiful.

  1. I will be laughing at the end of the season if Jess ends up winning Big Brother and Kat ends up as AFP because everyone else is driving us up a wall

  2. Idk, are these people for real? The bible reading, “smelling” each other, announcing they’re going to “poop”, the “I love you”s … are people really like this?! I didn’t think I could dislike [some of] them any more ….

    1. In a moment of flashback,I thought I was watching”Planet of the Apes”. Smelling each other? Is Nick searching for pheromones for a possible mating?

  3. Am I remembering correctly that Michie said he’ll never go against Cliff? If so, how is 3 weeks gonna top that?

    1. Kat – it really hurts to be at the bottom based on nothing else but a social hierarchy that someone else made up

      Sorry. I hit send before I pasted my line

  4. Wow. Well if Sis is done gaming now, I might as well stop watching the feeds altogether. No big moves to see anymore!!! LOL

  5. Analyse: I’m f*ing done gaming dude… I’m not doing anything. I’m literally just going to hang out with Jack.

    The entire viewing audience: How is that any different than what you’ve been doing the past 6 weeks?

  6. Nick really needs to shut his f***ing mouth! He’s talking to both sides and is going to get caught.

  7. I really hope America votes for Christie, tommy, and sis for this trip because I don’t care if one gets safety for a week but I know 2 will be punished and other 3rd nom so let’s do this! Would love to see Christie and tommy sweating, can’t stand them!

  8. Sis says she’s done f **king gaming ?! When did she start ??? She is totally oblivious to conversations, and the fact Holly has dumped her. She will be gone next after Jack.

  9. OMG, Jack is so delusional. When I win the battle back… when I stay, I will crush her… don’t worry Sis, you will win an HOH, even if I have to throw it to you… So very full of himself, God’s gift to humanity. All talk and no action (unless you are Sis). Good riddance Jack, have fun in the Jury house.

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