“I don’t know what type of deal.. I don’t know if I’m going to give Cliff three weeks or Four”

Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household Winner – Jess
Have note are: No Have nots this week, Jack, Tommy and Jackson were given punishments as part of the veto.
Nominations are: Jack and Jackson
Power of Veto Players are – Jessica, Jack, Jackson, Kat, Nick, Tommy (Nicole – Host)
Power of Veto holder – Jessica
Power of Veto Ceremony – Jessica didn’t use the power of veto
Powers in the game *** LINK ***

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8:20 am Jack makes Sis breakfast ..

Jack seems certain there will be a battle back.

9:10 am Jack and Sis
Jack says he didn’t much campaigning yesterday. He’s going to talk to Jess to and “Fill her with a bunch of Bologna”
Jack – Kiss her a$$
Jack – I have to figure out am I the target this week
Jack – if that’s the case I’m not going to have Cliff and Nick tell her they’re voting for me she’s going to be like NO YOU’RE NOT
Jack – at the end of the day she has no F*ing say after the veto

Sis says someone told or maybe Jess told her she doesn’t know. Either way, Jess’s HOH plan was to put two people up and let the house decide.

Jack says he’s going to attach his upper and bottom lip to “the top and bottom of her A-NUS”
Jack – I’m not going to be the first one in Jury there’s no f*ing way
Sis – you’re not going to be

Jack talks about pulling Cliff onto their side. “He’s a team player he knows what the A team is”
Sis is worried Cliff is F*ing with them

9:53 am Jack, Sis, and Christie
Jack talking about Allen the alien “Spiking” two cantaloupes onto the floor there were seeds everywhere. The alien was pouring coffee and sugar everywhere.
Jack had a lot to clean up after.
Christie tells Jack he’s not going anywhere. Jack agrees.
Jack – Cliff’s good
Christie says she had a good talk with Nick she’s not worried about him anymore.
Jack says once the veto is played Nick will come to their side.
Jack – we’ll be good the only thing I am concerned about is I’m her true target.
Jack – when I cut this deal with Cliff I’ll tell Nick and Cliff I would appreciate them to go up and tell Jess you are voting for me to stay

Christie thinks Jack will be fine with Jess after they talk today.
Sis – I’m nervous Cliff is f*ing with us
Jack – we have no other options.
Christie- no options

Jack – when we recruit Cliff Hogg to the team we can’t be stopped.. Dude we can’t be stopped.. dude .. Me, Nick, Cliff HOGG, you and sis F****! against their side which is Holly, Nicole, and Kat
Christie – and Jess can’t even play
Jack – I don’t know what type of deal.. I don’t know if I’m going to give Cliff three weeks or Four

A bird sh1ts on Christie’s head (HAHHAAH)
Sis – that’s good luck .. F* I’m jealous
Christie – the day I got called for this I got sh1t on by a bird..

Christie – it felt kinda dry.


A bird also tries to swoop down on the conversation.

10:12 am Jack and Sis
Going over talking to Cliff, “I’m going to say he’s got my word but I won’t mention a deal”

Sis – Nick was telling me last night when you left I don’t’ know if it’s true or not he was saying Cliff he wasn’t buying it and he wasn’t trusting us
Jack – ok cool .. well it’s the only play I have
Sis – that’s why I’m getting nervous.. I don’t know if Nick is just saying that I don’t know
Sis doesn’t know why Cliff would say he doesn’t trust us we held up the side of the deal with him
Jack – we evicted him
Sis – so did Jackson and Holly

Jack says Nick is playing a neutral role he doesn’t know where CLiff’s head is at

Jack – I have faith even if he didn’t believe I would make him.. I wonder how many weeks I’ll give him .. I just want to give him 3
Sis – he wants 4
Jack – I have to cannibalize us
JAck – I’ll say 4 evictions.

10:40 am Christie, jack, and Sis
Christie says holly is spending all her time in the HOH with Nicole and Jess.
Christie – I thought I would be good at this I didn’t’ thin kI would get so emotionally invested and say so much to show I am as open as possible. you can’t be emotional people play on that

Jack – I know exactly how I’m going to lay out my deal it’ll be beautiful it’ll be a work of art
Jack says Holly is on that side of the house now “You lied about you and Kat. I’m sorry you are dead to me and you continue to lie about it and use that to send me home”

They all seem convinced that Holly/Kat know each other.
Jack – you’re dead to me ..
Christie – have you spoken to Jackson at all
jack – nope I won’t
Christie – he’s still lying.
They start talking about Jackson pouring out the mouthwash
Sis say him do it one-day but she didn’t say anything because they were cool back then.
They go on about this.

11:07 am Nick and Cliff join them…

11:26 am Sis and Christie
Talking about the veto ceremony being in an hour. Sis says Jessica isn’t using the veto. Adds that Jess has been straight up with her intentions.

11:30 am Cliff and Nick
Nick – it’s not going to happen (I think they are talking about the two of them voting out Jackson)
Cliff – even if something crazy happened and Michie did go you and me still for next week
Nick – yeah

Nick – me you and Nicole are f*ing good bro rock solid
Cliff – I’m not putting you up if I win this thing
Nick – I’m not either
Nick – it’s been me, you and Nicole for three weeks I’m f*ing sticking with that

1:06 pm Feeds back the Veto was not used.

1:08 pm Jack and Nick

Nick says if it’s 4 -4 Jess will break it in Jackson’s favour.

Jack – I have it I’m going to give him a deal he can’t refuse.
Jack – if we get Cliff locked in bro..
Nick – me you Christie Tommy Sis
jack – it’s untouchable in double eviction

57 thoughts to ““I don’t know what type of deal.. I don’t know if I’m going to give Cliff three weeks or Four””

  1. Can we talk about how silly this decision is by Jessica? If her intent is to send Jack out, why not take Jackson off and put up any one of Christie, Sis or Tommy and it’s a done deal. That takes away one of his votes and he’s gone. As it stands now, all it would take is a small flip and Jackson could go. I know the votes seem firm right now but so much has not gone my way this season so forgive me for being skeptical lol.

    1. She doesn’t want more “blood” on her hands. If Jack goes, she’s succedded. If Jackson goes, it’s not her fault and Jack, Anal, Crusty, and Tinny don’t hold anything against her.

      1. She will be in deep doo doo if she has to vote to break a tie.Jack goes…………………..she is toast as far as he is concerned.

    2. smh don’t worry every week they try to sell you the fake flip drama yet every vote is unanimous…bye jack

    3. That’s the obvious move but she’s too scared. She doesn’t want to get anymore “blood” on her hands.

    4. You would actually have to know how to play the game to think about doing something that smart.

    5. What if the replacement nominee goes instead? What if J&J forgive and forget to team up again? No, substitutions. One of the Jacks have to go!

    6. That’s why America has to vote to save Michie as much as we dont like him, and vote to put tommy or christie up as 3rd nom

      1. I believe you have misunderstood America’s Vote. We are voting for three people who will participate in a competition. The person who wins the competition is safe, second place receives a punishment, and third place becomes the third nomination. Voting runs until August 9th, so it has no bearing at all on this week’s noms/eviction. There is no way America can save Michie this week. If he receives the most votes, but has already been evicted, they will simply move on to the next person.

    7. Serve her right If he finally got a penalty nom for breaking have not rules, she should of taken him down and shoved Tommy up there

    8. I can’t believe I’m saying this but Jess is making a great move.Jack goes no matter what and it exposes where everyone is i.e. Nick,isolating Christie Tommy and Sis.

  2. “A bird sh1ts on Christie’s head.” That’s The Universe speaking to you, Christie. That’s its opinion of your game to this point.

    1. I’m not a fan. But she is playing a good game. Her big mouth has earned her respect from the floaters, and she’s been the leader of a big alliance.

      Now she’s been caught lying and the folks who have been really playing the game are going to take each other out.

      We’ll have another Jordan/Steve/Andy winner.

      1. Who has been playing the game? It was never gr8ful, they were just playing racist high school mean kids. Cliff and Nicole are the only ones who seem to have a clue that they are actually on big brother and have been slowly working the house in order to win the game. That is the goal, to get the other houseguests to vote for you as the winner. It’s not a competition of who can be the loudest or get the most followers.

        1. Christie certainly has. You’re not watching the feeds if you don’t think she’s always gaming.

          I hope the game takes a gigantic dump on her, but she’s playing it.

          Cliff and Nicole have done next to nothing. If Cliff is so great, why disn’t he flush Christie’s power? If Nicole is so great at the game, why does she always seem to get caught saying the wrong thing to the wrong person?

          Sheesh. You must be TV only.

  3. How pissed will Jack be when he finds out Christie and Tommy knew each other?? Christie talks alot of shit about how that is really messed up that two people would know each other….Haha

    1. And it was totally a production move to help her out, no one will ever know until after the game is over, it serves no other purpose but to give her a true final two without even having to work at it !! Total bullshit

      1. The bullshit is your comment.
        Tommy is family, not even close family with her ex
        And she ended bad with the ex..

        It’s not like she got someone close to her,
        They got close in the house.

        1. Did you see the first episode when they got together ? They might have said in the Dr room they were hesitant about seeing each other, but there was nothing but pure excitement that they were in the game together , and instantly said they had each other’s back !

        2. Why u gotta call someone’s thought-out comment BS? It wasn’t some crazy-as$ comment. I bet you’re one of those decrying the “bullying” and nasty-talking people in the house?

  4. Looking forward to Jack being evicted and the first one to the jury house. Wow, he sure is a big fan of himself … really thinks he can work his magic with anyone … He just has to “say the word” … can’t wait to see his face on eviction night!

    1. I hope he’s barefoot and in sweatpants (like Austin was) when he gets evicted.

      Jack – I’m not going to be the first one in Jury there’s no f*ing way

      Sorry, but ya kinda are…….. talk about karma

    2. I’m nervous cause of the amount of time between now and Thurs night. But I am pumped to see the 4 floored for once in this game. He can go enjoy being first in jury and think about that impressive work of art he did on Cliff

  5. I mean…it’s like not a single one has a brain. And God I hope Crusty goes after this. Sorry typing all she says is probably giving Simon & Dawg carpel tunnel sysdrome

  6. America has to vote to keep Michie safe as much as we dont want too. Just incase of a flip. Put tommy or Christie up as the 3rd nom, boom! Jack’s gone. Remeber america can control this week more or less

  7. Jack: “I CAN’T be the 1st one to go to the jury house!”
    Ohhhhh the horrors!!!

    My god what a self-entitled,egotistical little brat!!
    *Poof* Be gone Jack! You are dead to me!

  8. I think if cliff were to flip , he needs to act like he didn’t.. and tell everyone from the 4s +nick
    to keep that a secret.
    So people can suspect kat or nicole.
    If he does that, its not necessarily a bad move.
    If he goes as plan,
    he needs to tell nick he is keeping jack
    So nick can be exposed

  9. Three or four weeks?? Try to promise him a final 3
    Which you will throw the last hoh to him..
    Maybe just maybe it will work

  10. Do people believe that Kat and Holly know each other and don’t care? Or do they think this is a lie? It seems to me, as much as I can’t stand Jack, he’s right about them being a trio and they should be taken out. They are always going to vote together for eviction and if one makes it to the end will definitely get the other 2 votes. Shouldn’t they be the next 3 to go (unless one wins Hoh)?

    1. Jack is with Christie and Tommy…they are the trio so of course they don’t like that there may be another trio in the house.

    2. I think alliances are different from people who head a relationship prior to coming to the BB house. People turn on others in their alliance, not as likely as someone they knew/friends with prior to BB house. IMO, an alliance is not nearly as strong.

  11. Here is why Jack is an idiot:
    When Jackson named the new alliance he wanted to start it was : Jackson, Jack, Holly, Kat and Cliff.
    Jessica and Nicole and Nick Christie Sis and Tommy were not included in Jackson’s new alliance plan.
    All are voters or tie breakers.
    Point out: look what is happening, Kat and Cliff and Holly are pushing you to keep Jackson. And that’s the alliance Jackson wanted. You’re going to regret keeping a guy that wants to make an alliance that you are on the outside of, yet again.
    Push that angle repeatedly: look at who the three pushing hardest to keep Jackson are: remember the southerners alliance.
    Campaign complete.

  12. The only thing that can help Jack at this point is if Jackson kills the alien for messing with the food.

    1. Or if he ticked off the golden goose enough that they decided his have not eating was worth a penalty vote while he is on the block, to be announced at the eviction like they did for Audrey when she was too tranquilized to make it to the veto ceremony. But he’d have to realllllly annoy mama grodner for that to happen.

  13. Wow, Nick is so weird….. so obsessed with sex , poor boundaries, grabbing Chrusty’s favce then kissing, staring at Anal’s crotch, dry humping Tommy saying he wants to sleep on top of him…. I swear, you’d think Frankie Grande was back in the house. I’m beginning to think that he’s gonna slither right into Anal’s bed after Jack leaves

  14. Jeez-us, just when I think Jack’s ego can’t get any bigger. He’s sitting on the block and yammering about how many weeks he is going to give Cliff in a deal. Not a Jackson fan, but I’m ready to build my own Simon-style shrine for him just to see Jack’s face when he’s evicted.

    1. I agree , not a Jackson fan but I’m def a fan of whatever hurts Christie’s game. Jack leaving takes away from her core alliance, and that would be awesome !!

  15. Cliff says the apology tour is about to start: he is right.

    Kat slammed Jack at one point after POV about the 6 holding meetings that exclude everyone.

    It will be 3 days of Schadenfreude.

    I miss Granny by the way.

  16. who would’ve thought that Jess ended up having a brass set. Of all people to save this season I didn’t even think it would be her. Glad that Jack is going but he should’ve been gone on Cliff’s HOH. Now the douche gets to go to jury.

  17. Too bad Cliff didn’t have the guts to follow through on his HOH the way Jess just did. If so, Jacks would have been gone then and the other alpha male douchebag would be leaving Thursday.

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