Christie “I’m going to try and F**K with Nick before the competition too.”

Big Brother Spoilers
Jack wins the Head of Household. Nominated Jessica and Kemi.
Power of Veto Players: Jessica, Jack, Kemi, Jackson, Sam, Bella.
Power of Veto Winner: Sam and wins Fiji trip.
Jack won the whacktivity power can opt for a POV player redraw.
Jessica is the pawn and Kemi is the target.
Power of Veto Ceremony results = Sam did not use the Veto nominations stay the same.

8:05pm HOH room. Christie and Analyse. Analyse – I want to sleep down there. Christie – you need a good nights sleep. Analyse – yeah working out too much over there. (She points at the HOH bed.) Christie laughs. Analyse – I feel like she does really trust us. Christie – I think that Jess is going to go next week. Because of the battle back, I don’t think Nick should go yet. He will battle back. Analyse – if America votes, America isn’t voting for Nick. Christie – yeah but I don’t know if its a vote. We’ll see how it goes and who wins HOH. Analyse – one of us has to win that. Christie – has to, has to… I’m going to win it. Or you!
Its going to be eating. I’m going to try and F**K with Nick before the competition too. I’m going to make him eat something nasty. I’m going to make him eat stuff that’s going to mess with his stomach. Analyse – he is really scared of you. Christie – he should be. Look at how he was running his mouth. I’ve got Nicole. Analyse – did you see how he told Nicole, I’ve got everyone up there in the HOH wrapped around my finger. Like f**k you! You ain’t got me. Christie – no sorry, we’ve got you. Sorry. He is .. hell no! And he is getting on everyone’s nerves. Its corny. Analyse- I just want to see what Kemi is saying about him. I’m going to try and get information from her before we send her out.

8:09pm Bedroom. Kemi and Analyse. Analyse – I am still trying to figure things out. Kemi – I would never come after you. Analyse – I did hear though that my name was coming out of your mouth in the beginning, I don’t know if its changed now. In the beginning I did hear that you were going to put me up if you put up Jack or you know. Kemi – no. I’ve been very vocal about putting Jack up because I heard that he wanted to put me up. I would have never put you up. I guess its easy to say because you and Jack are close that it would make sense to put you two up. I don’t really have a reason to. For my game it would make sense to put up two people that one was assured to go home. And I don’t know if Jack would go home if I did put Jack up. It never crossed my mind. I literally don’t have anything against you. Analyse – I was just confused because I was like I’ve ever even done anything to Kemi. So what other thoughts do you have on this game? I think we could work together. Analyse – the person I am keeping is the person that can further my game. Kemi – I have no intention of coming after you. I don’t think I am a threat to your game.

8:18pm – 8:50pm Christie screams – IT’S THE OWL COMPETITION!! Big Brother blocks the feeds. Everyone heading out of the HOH room. Jack – thanks for all staying in my HOH room. Jess -thanks Jack. Thanks for hosting. Nick to Jack – I can’t wait to send Jess home.

Boat room. Analyse – I don’t want you caught in their crossfire. Sam – that’s the thing that sucks with couples. Analyse – out of the couples, Nick and Bella are the strongest. Sam – oh definitely. Analyse – and if you were to get Nick out .. Bella wouldn’t know what the f**k to do. If you were to get Bella out Nick wouldn’t know what the f**k to do. Whereas if you were to get Holly out, Jackson wouldn’t give a f**k. If you were to get me out, Jack wouldn’t give a f**k. If Jack went out, yeah I would be sad but I am f**king here playing my own game. I don’t rely on Jack. Sam – we’re supposed to make it to majority .. what the hell. Analyse – how can we?! With him (Nick) f**king scheming behind our back. Or not our back but at least our back. Like how can I trust the majority when I hear one of them saying my name. You know what I mean? And then I get scared for you. I just don’t want people to associate you with them (Nick and Bella) and think you’re in on it. Sam – as long as you guys know the truth, that’s all that matters. Analyse – if Nick and Bella were to do something drastic like.. Sam – I don’t think I would let that happen. Analyse – if someone does get me out next week, I will come back from camp comeback.

9:10pm – 9:40pm Bedroom. Holly, Jack and Jackson. Holly – she (Nicole) was really pissed that he (Nick) called me a b***h. Jackson – wait what?! Holly – Nick called me a b***h. Jackson – when, to who? Holly – last night to Nicole. When people were calling Kat a basic b***h. He said that I was a real b***H. Jackson – can we just stop for a minute and realize that regardless of who it is we shouldn’t even be considering anyone that the other half of the house wants to keep. Holly – she is convinced that Nick and Bella are only trying to flip the votes to piss you guys 2019. Jackson – Nick and Bella have to go! They have to go.

10:13pm – 10:20pm Jack and Tommy in the HOH room. Tommy – I feel like Nick and Bella are the only ones that are planting seeds that these showmances. NO one f**king cares! Nobody! Jack – well Cliff.. but who the f**k cares about Cliff. Tommy – Cliff cares, Jess cares… who the f**k cares! We can beat them in any competition. Jack – every time. Tommy – we have a team. We don’t need to worry about you and Sis sleeping in the same bed. Who gives a f**k. Jack – I am all about the 6, I’m all about you. And Christie of course and our final 3. Tommy – yes, I would love that. I think she’s amazing. Jack – I agree completely with you about Sam jumping ship holding that alliance. I don’t fault you for saying yes. I am just glad that you told me. Tommy – it happened last night.. I don’t even think that Nick is that much of a threat… especially the way he is playing.

10:40pm – 11:08am HOH room. Jackson, Jack, Christie, Analyse.
Jack – Sis your play is well warranted and I know you don’t like Nick right now and I know you don’t like Bella right now .. they are backdoor players. They are too competitive to play for the their own veto.. so you have to backdoor them. Analyse – obviously. Christie – and they’re also the type of people that if given another week or even given two days in this house they will throw our alliance out. They will drop the name. They will drop the numbers, everything. Analyse – It just makes me nervous because he keeps saying my name to Nicole. Christie – its cowardly, he is going after the girls because he is a f**king coward. You want to make a big move then put the boys up. Its a b***h move. Did you come to play or did you come to pick on girls because you’re jealous. Jackson – big d*ck energy because you’re going after girls.

12am Tommy and Christie.
Tommy – this is our excuse to get Sam out. We put Sam and Nick up together and then Bella is the backup. Christie agrees. Analyse joins them. Christie – I dont trust Nicole. Because Bella and Nicole were cozy whispering in the bathroom. When we walked in she was grilling me with dirty looks and then she said alright I have to go to bed. I have an HOH to win. And then said it again when we were in the kitchen. Analyse – and then she just called me over and asked we’re still voting Kemi out right/! And I was like yeah that’s what I’m doing. Christie – it was me, Sis, Holly, and Nicole … and talked for awhile. Nicole as trying to convince us that Kemi is really mad at them and against them and we should keep her. I don’t buy that. They’re all plotting to get numbers. Nick and Bella told them and they want to flip the whole house. I am telling you, I don’t trust Nicole. Jackson joins them .

12:40am HOH room. Jack and Analyse. Kemi – is going to try and get votes. We’re fine. She is just doing drama drama stuff. I talked to Nick for a long time and everything still goes as follows. They’ll never put us bot us. There is no way. If they were to win HOH. We are backdoor possibilities. Analyse – why is saying my name? Jack – because he sucks. Analyse – oh f**k I am going to win this. Sam is flying the coop. Analyse – he is so smart. Jack – he is probably the smartest person in this house. Its good for us.

1:38pm HOH room. Analyse and Jack.. Jack – I think you should shoot for the HOH. I think you’ll get immunity. Analyse – Nicole f**king sketches me out. Jack – she has no idea what is going on.

86 thoughts to “Christie “I’m going to try and F**K with Nick before the competition too.””

  1. Honest question that I don’t know the answer to:
    Did Jess campaign?

    We knew it wouldn’t be long before Tommy started his anti-Sam campaign. Even before Christie and Tommy decided Sam thought Tommy was being sketchy (he was) and was too into sucking up to Jack (he is), Tommy was worried about Sam’s background story and his likeability affecting Tommy’s chances of getting America’s Favorite player (which seems to be his only concern most of the time). So, the couples don’t need Sam, they have Nicole or Kat. I am telling you now, I don’t care what happens the rest of the season, you will never ever find me voting Tommy for AFP. Not because of Sam. nope. Because Tommy is trying to hard. Maybe Christie should throw a “the audacity” that way.
    Out of left field… suddenly Christie is telling the alliance that Nicole isn’t trustworthy because she’s talking to Bella and the conversation stopped when Christie entered the room.
    Those two, who just finished saying they have to stay good riding the middle. Part of me really really wants someone to sell out Christie and Tommy hard. I’m just tired of them. Honestly, explain how they are better than Bella? They’ve gone out, courted people to consider mutiny, and then ran back and reported the mutiny. That’s what Bella did.

    1. So, I wonder how the image spin week will go in light of the newsweek article citing fan complaints of edit whitewash?
      About the same way they will cover Jack saying Kemi is dog shit tonight i expect. Oh they laughed and laughed. I thought Tommy was going to pee himself. They’ll have to get Kemi to say even more stuff in d/r that she complains she doesn’t want to say and asks them not to use in order for the entire thing to seem justified. So we have THAT to look forward to.

      1. Wait..! Are you serious ? Kemi was compared to dog shit? And nothing was done about it ?!!! How come this happens almost every season on BB US? I have yet to hear such disgraceful remarks on BB Can…. Unbelievable….

      2. So, I absolutely love Kemi and would be thrilled if the house flipped for her to stay this week….. I also really dislike Jack. And I personally have no problem with the “slit that throat” comment Kemi made in the diary room. But, can you imagine the earthquake-like uproar of outrage that would ensue if Jack were to make the same statement?

        1. according to her, while talking in the boat room a few days ago, they were asking and pushing her to say things in d/r that aren’t her, and aren’t things she would say, and even though she kept saying you can’t use this and i can’t say that, she was worried they would use it. His comments are not d/r. They are feed.
          D/R is heavily manufactured and manipulated /scripted/suggested by story editors. Remember last week when Christie had to go in to reshoot d/r sessions, with multiple outfits to match the continuity once the plan changed?
          IN bbcan there have been plenty of leaks over feeds of house guests in d/r. in season three one of the houseguests was heard saying, oh don’t worry, i can say that any way you like.

          1. So you believe the DR told Kemi to say that she’d slit Jack’s throat? Yes, DRs are highly manufactured and houseguests are fed lines, but when Kemi said what she said, it was very obviously of her own volition and an ‘oops’ moment, hence the “don’t air that” or whatever she said immediately after.

            Ask yourself this: Had Kemi called Jack dogshit on the live feeds and Jack had said he’d slit Kemi’s throat in the DR, which would you be more upset about?

            Again, I’m a huge Kemi fan and cannot stand Jack.

            1. i didn’t like either comment. but think of this: have any of the comments Jack has made been edited into an episode? but they air comments in d/r that combat the social media and press statements by making his dislike of her seem justifiable because episode only people are not seeing his comments, but we are getting the worst possible comments from her. When you look at last night’s episode, knowing what we know about their behavior on feeds: did they air equal representation or did they slant it?
              They slanted it.
              As far as the comment. i can see them calling her into d.r and asking her pointed questions in order to elicit the response they want then encouraging her to keep going and vent and air her anger. then asking her to repeat it in a different tone.
              If Jack had made the d/r comment: we wouldn’t have seen it. we wouldn’t know about it.

      3. When did that turd call Kemi dog shit. I completely missed that. Didn’t they give him a good edit Sunday night?

        1. after midnight in my timezone for sure. lol. Tommy was in the chair on one side adding in to Jack’s retell to other guys sitting on the end of the bed or on the opposite side. Jack was on the bed. Jack and Tommy were retelling the earlier conversation with Kemi, yet again, only with more of a reframe and added color commentary from the previous retells.

    2. I can’t say that I remember Jess campaigning. She mostly just cried, whined and did the poor-pitiful-me thing.

      1. so they’re keeping Jessica for the pitiful card? yay?
        i’m sure she’ll think it’s her game that kept her there. sure, she sold out Nicole to Jackson last night, but hey. go female empowerment?

      1. losing the battle to self edit… so let the chips fall where they may. Did she also invite him to join her family on their after season vacation to the grand canyon as well? I fully support her in wearing whatever she wants, I would, however, recommend that she wear a bathing suit top with more support during veto competitions that involve beach themes and running. That looked like it hurt. Function over fashion.

        1. At one moment I thought she was going to knock herself out. I actually don’t think she picked the bathing suit..BB does for the challenges.

            1. Not for the all comps. Outfits are generally provided to fit the theme of the comp. It’s entirely possible they were told to wear the bathing suits but once breasts are a certain size, it takes some pretty serious stuff to contain them while doing active stuff. There are not a lot of bathing suits that can hold large breasts and I doubt she thought about bringing in serious swimsuit active wear.

        2. To me, it looked like she tried to get a little more support by wearing a bra underneath the swimsuit, but it didn’t work well.

  2. Like, Like, I can not deal with like Nick’s picking and like WTH is with the like like heavy breathing like….. SMH

  3. prepare yourselves for some epic explosive feeds upcoming with most of the house targeting bella and nick, this week (or next week if they dont want to risk sending them to a battle back)

    when these 2 have their cages rattled its going to be great viewing

    if theyre up i predict nick wins veto, bella goes…which gives nick another week to stir things up

  4. just when she thinks shes out, sis gets dragged back in…

    to a late night shower

    ok sis get your big d fix haha but starting tomorrow focus on the game!

      1. YES! That is so disappointing because she seems to be super strong physically and so week emotionally.

    1. Why else has she been asking four people to throw the hoh to her?
      the shower. and given she can go days without showering for the purpose of bathing, you know i’m being euphemistic.

  5. Poor Cliff…busted again giving the live feeders his morning commentary. Dude needs to learn to *whisper*.

    1. As much as Bella loves running her mouth, I’m honestly surprised she hasn’t filled him in on his live feed commentary being overheard by Christie.

  6. Interesting. I feel like with this cast the push for Jess to go should be different. Jess is a proven competitor for memory comps. It would be easy to push the idea that the comp to return must be memory because why would they let the camp combacks only listen to the comps? It would be easy to push that agenda because Jess is less creepy and would be a more preferred return back into the house over Kemi who they want out put and should be booted after camp comeback is over. They have gone about this all wrong, and unless they win HOH they are lucky if both Nick a d Bella make jury……why is there not creative people in this house? Dr will is great because he would constantly spin plausible stories on people, create paranoia and have fun doing it. They houseguests have no clue how to play the game smart, just play the mean game… this how the game will only be played now?

    1. no reason to put a “ringer” in camp comeback. fill it with people who are hard to read/manipulate. jess is not one of those people. sam will likely be the fourth member of camp comeback unless his pov streak continues or someone outside the alliance wins hoh (and even then i can easily see jess and kat buying into that “what the house wants” crap, putting sam up, and screwing their game in the process).

  7. Christie calls Nick a f*cking coward for wanting to put up girls right in front of Jack who put jess and kemi on the block…. hahahaha

        1. Just watching Christie eat is enough to make me want her gone…… I wish BB would stop casting vapid women like Anal….. she brings nothing to the table except if y’all like soft porn videos at night. She’s embarrassing….. BB21 has become the year of the rat as well……Bella, Christie, Tommy, Cliff ….to name a few rodents….. Hope that a vote flip can happen and Kemi stays…..Jess is too gullible and emotional…. the fans deserve Kemi to stay……then win HOH! The Jack-holes will shit their pants and I’m down for it!

  8. BB Season after Season (please add comments)

    The Black Girl who only last 3 weeks
    The Sneaky Gay Guy who goes after the straight guy
    The outspoken Gay Girl
    The Old Person the weekly pawn until eliminated
    The colorful hippie outsider who figures everything out but can’t get no one to side with them
    The Nerd who flies under the radar and is too scared to make big moves
    The Black Guy who only lasts 4 weeks
    The young hot attractive people (who always form the alliance) and run the house.
    The Asian who flips every week.
    The Bromance
    The Cry Baby who runs their mouth too much and can’t keep a secret

    1. It’s pathetic. And even with all the talk of votes…we already know its going to be unanimous again…like usual

  9. Am I the only one who isnt a fan of Christie? Shes super emotional and all over the place. Plus its like shes in the alliance then shes out of the alliance. You have no clue where her loyalties, outside of Tommy, lie.

    Nick has screwed his game because of Bella. If hes lucky he will sit down with Jack and Jackson and they can tell him how hes put a target on his back because of her. Let him make the decision if HJs and P***y is enough for him to throw away 500k.

    1. Do you really think Christie wants to go to the end with Tommy? No. She just hasn’t found a way to turn people against him yet, hoping they’ll come to that conclusion for themselves so she doesn’t get her hands dirty. He’s the same. They both want to go to the end with someone the house hates more than them. They’re thinking Paul effect.
      Nick? He started his obnoxious gameplay before Bella blew up the other side. He’s got only his own gameplay to blame. If it were the first time, I’d say differently. But the guys (not the girls) wanted him out after veto last week.

    2. Why do you think that Jack and Jackson have this power over everyone? Good for Nick and Bella for distancing themselves from them early. They don’t need the ass hats, they are smart and athletic all on their own. Nick’s game never should have been to be allies with them in the first place.

      And BTW, there is no reason to demean Bella by saying she is just HJ’s and pussy .

      1. I didnt say that Bella was just HJs and P***y. Shes been a terrible game player so far. She even said on last nights broadcast that she cant keep her mouth shut. She has opened herself to being the next one or two voted out because shes played such a bad game.

        I dont think Jack and Jackson have this magical power but we all know that in the BB world the people who control the house or at least the first few weeks have influence over those who dont. Especially ones who are supposed to be in their alliance. I was more meaning as friends/fellow dudes in the alliance.

  10. This is starting to make more sense to me. ZIING +Sam+Kemi+David are the ultimate underdogs. I’ve been waiting for Tommy to drop he can’t avoid the sixshooter hate forever. Nick’s been middle road the entire first 2 weeks. Sis went from top 3 to bottom in 2 weeks. LOL. Bella’s wild-card game style isn’t doing her any favours. Holly and Tommy are doing the best out of the six shooters.

    1. i almost wish there was a zero ranking…. or even a negative point scale. Some of these people. I almost feel dirty and ashamed giving them a one.

      1. I should have put zero in. that will have to wait for the next season of BB whatever that is.

        What I want to do is display the spread of rankings for each person. Bar graph showing the percentage of 1,2,3,4,5 star.

  11. I feel like I’m watching a freaking soap opera. And these girls? Not really any I can root for (but the guys not so much either…had hopes for Sam but don’t think it will happen). Holly needs to realize that much makeup ages her, and Sis needs to learn to keep her legs shut. She is coming across as nothing more than a prostitute to Jack so he keeps her in the game. Had hoped BB would go back towards when it was more diverse in ages, race, etc., but no its lets keep the “wannabe stars” coming in.

    1. Nichole, Jess, and Kemi are all people I am rooting for. They are quietly playing the best games in the house. One of them just needs to actually win something.

      The guys are all kind of boring, but that is how people who spend all of their time in real life trying to be instagram famous are. They live on their phones and computers trying to edit themselves into looking interesting so don’t know how to actually interact with other people.

  12. After a few of them have the ‘we have to ride the middle’ talks, I’m not at all surprised they plot tricking people into voting to save Kemi so they can draw the battle lines.
    Not surprised because jump the gun Jawson already started to institute the plot before he brought it up to the others. Can’t stand not being in charge, that one.
    They don’t know that. But he’s already gone and done it. Personally made a side comment to Kemi. Pulled Kat into the plot with Holly.
    Reason: now he can openly go after Nick. Now the battle lines are drawn.
    There goes that ride the middle idea for the others. Once they participate in the plan, the trust they think they have is dead. Not everybody is as stupid as the underdogs from bbcan7 after the tiebreaker vote.
    It makes me laugh in derision that Jackson takes offense to Nick calling Holly a bitch. Dude. Some self awareness might be required. But, what do you expect from the pantry nazi that secretly eats EVERYTHING. I mean, sure at production’s goading he’s playing nice during image fix week, but we know what he’s said and how he’s slandered people, and we’ll likely see more once production thinks the heat has died down. That moral outrage that Holly has been called a bitch. oh fie diddly dee.

    btw. with Jackson listening to the Cliffnotes this morning, why do i get the feeling that production will use that rather than the Christie edit when revealing to the episode only viewers that the jig is up? or a montage of both to make Cliff look foolish and making Jackson’s gameplay look better in the weeks to come.

  13. Christie – its cowardly, he is going after the girls because he is a f**king coward. You want to make a big move then put the boys up. Its a b***h move. Did you come to play or did you come to pick on girls because you’re jealous. Jackson – big d*ck energy because you’re going after girls.
    The above is priceless considering who Christie put up.
    Sis-so disappointed in her using her womanly ways to try and control a man dog.

    This season is just so hard to buy in to.

  14. Things i know:
    Helen was pushed.
    Never lie about the fries.
    Jack and Jackson are rotten people.

    Both Jackson and Jack are a little frisky today after they each got some last night. oh yay. And look, it’s Thursday, so now they are jumping the gun and not even waiting for the eviction episode before letting their real personalities out again. Remember, Jack told the group they only had to be nice until Thursday. Limited duration image fix.
    Doubt me? Figurative or not, the words murder, kill, and grave have come out. Dogshit and bitch have made a special appearance. Don’t bother snowflaking me on this. We all know words have power. People who say sticks and stones have most likely never been beaten with either or both, so have no basis for the comparison. Don’t bother with the it’s a game argument. You don’t have to check your humanity and basic decency at the door to play a good game.
    Most of us know the difference between literal and figurative. There’s a special few that don’t. If that ‘special few that don’t’ feel emboldened or normalized by the words of Jack and Jackson and approval of the other house guests, where do we stand?
    And yet, the producers and network are doing their level best to make both look like wonderful heroes in their edit and image fix instructions. Huh. so they’re okay with being complicit, while choosing the worst possible d/r comments (we know they feed d/r comments… it’s another one of those things we know) of the people being dehumanized by Jack and Jackson’s insults threats and slander. They’re not just complicit. That action suggests to me that they are actively taking part.
    The cockiness, eagerness, ego stroking giddiness to be their basest selves annoys the hell out of me.

    1. 100% agree. When they show the edited versions and then I go on FB and read comments, these people dont know the half of how morally bankrupt some of these people are.

  15. Ungrateful is vile. In BB19 we had Cereal Matt now we have BB21 Caked On Beth (she has more hours caking on makeup then she does playing the game) and BB19 delusional Fraudven we now have Anal. Ugh! Christie is Christmas to the T. Never thought I say this but I’d rather watch Paul after this week. And even the alum are saying this is the lowest viewing ratings that bb has been. That jackholes editing is so OFF! Bring back BBuk where as soon as someone says something biget or racist they get kicked off. And bring back BBCan at least they attack game not personal.

    1. And it begins…

      I’m really hoping someone willing to do something to make the game exciting wins HoH.

          1. Yaaaassss!!! According to the HGs THIS morning, it seems most agree Kemi is being voted out…but I wouldn’t be surprised if Jess ends up being voted out in a few hours time. Then I’ll be 99.9% sure production is involved. Think about it…HGs have mentioned before that they understand production has them here for entertainment purposes, and entertainment purposes ONLY. IMO Kemi staying will make the show SOOO much more interesting to watch (not necessarily live feeds) than Jess would. Just my two cents. *Shrug*

            An added bonus would be for Kemi to win tonight’s HOH.

            P.S. Thank you so much Simon and Dawg!! I plan to make a donation in the very near future! 🙂

            1. Production has in the past stepped in for a variety of reasons to spin a story. I don’t think they will flat out tell a cast member to vote a certain way, I have no doubt that they will make it clear that not being willing to tow the company line would have negative effects on post Big Brother opportunities.

        1. If Nicole, Sam or Bella can understand they are in trouble I’d be interested in seeing how they play the week out. Cliff may use an HoH to try to get back in with the Jacks. Nick seems too complacent to take a shot at anyone. I think Jess wouldn’t shake things up much. So an aware Nicole or Sam might be the most interesting HoH for next week.

        2. Would like to have Tommy win just to see where his loyalties would lie, and to see how he would hold up to the jackholes manipulations. Of course, that’s assuming Kemi is indeed evicted or she would be my first choice. Third choice would be Jess just because of the chaos that would cause.

        3. Someone to trim the fat from the other side. I feel like a Jess would be good, I don’t see her going much farther and some Jacks on the block would be nice to see a power shift. Sam would be nice to win and see how his personality is, would he remain a favorite or plummet like a rock. A twist where the USA is HOH like BBCan2 would be nice to put these a holes in perspective of how America views them.

          And oh got I turn on Twitter to see Jackson grabbing his genitalia then touchin* multiple bananas in the storage room, barf! Hope there isn’t an outbreak of cold sores in he house after……

        4. Nichole needs to win and really get into this game before it’s too late….if it isn’t already.It would be interesting to see what Sam would do,take a shot or go along.

        5. As much as i hated Canada’s HOH in season 2… i might go for an America’s HOH with a twitter vote for nominees.

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