“He’ll (Cliff) go with us, we become the majority we become the house”

Big Brother Spoilers
Jack wins the Head of Household. Nominated Jessica and Kemi.
Power of Veto Players: Jessica, Jack, Kemi, Jackson, Sam, Bella.
Power of Veto Winner: Sam and wins Fiji trip.
Jack won the whacktivity power can opt for a POV player redraw.
Jessica is the pawn and Kemi is the target.
Power of Veto Ceremony results = Sam did not use the Veto nominations stay the same.

9:30 am Caught again …

10:55 am Storage room Sam and Kemi

Sam – originally I thought I would go with the house but I’ve been hearing little things .. where now I want to talk to other people today and see if we can get this vote to sway if this vote away .. I would rather work with you I know your targets..
Kemi – I don’t want Michie.. I don’t have an issue with Michie they are so close (jack/Jackson)
Kemi -0 jack threw me up and obviously wants me out .
Sam – why would I vote you out when you have bigger targets that would help[ me out
Sam – I heard that Jack sweet talked to Jess that she’s only a pawn but in like reality again why am I doing Jack’s dirty work almost like what Christie was saying in her HOH..

Sam – you staying helps me, we talked to each other we have no issues with each other why would I do what the majority
Sam – I want to talk to people today

Sam – last I heard people were like 50 / 50, we only need what 6 votes?

Sam – Kat is going to keep Jess so Kat’s out
Kemi – what do you think about Cliff
Sam – I could go to cliff since I used the veto on him I’m pretty sure Cliff wants to work with me to we just haven’t talked about it (LOL thanks to Christie)
Sam – I’ll talk to Nick, Bella, Cliff, Nicole, Christie and Tommy, That be six

Kemi – do you know where Tommy’s head is in the game he seems really close to Jack
Sam – I don’t know I really don’t talk to Tommy.
Sam says Michie has the whacktivity power.
Kemi – Michie told me that you have the power
Sam – because he has it and he’s trying to shift around
Kemi and Sam both saying they “think” Michie has it.
Sam mentions that Michie really overplayed how he screwed up in the competitions. It was very out of character for Michie to be like that when he’s explaining something he did he’s always giving out glowing praise about his performance
Sam – the people they are going to keep safe are Jack and Sis, Michie and Holly, Nick and Bella maybe .. I know Nick and Jack had beef before
Sam – I don’t know where Christie or Tommy would be. I will be the expendable one. Why am I getting someone out that wants to take out Jack
Sam points out that Jessica was a runner up in the last HOH.

Sam – I gotta be careful I don’t know if Tom/Christie, Nick/Bella are in alliances that I don’t know about because that will expose myself
Sam mentions that a day ago Jack told him it doesn’t matter who goes home so if it really doesn’t matter he won’t take it to heart when it’s a 6 – 5 vote.
Kemi says the reason JAck wanted her out was he heard she wanted him out “I’m not sure what the root of that is. when did this beef start it started for me when I found out you wanted me out”

Sam reminds her that Kemi was just reacting and targeting JAck whereas Jessica was targeting all the guys “you got nothing to lose either, Jess needs to go”
Sam – paint Jess as a bigger target.

11:10 am Nicole, Bella, Nick, Sam
Nick – I’m scared of ruffling feathers so early
Sam – Jess is a better target for all of us
Sam says Kemi isn’t going after any of them “So why are we doing this”
Nick – because it’s easy man
Sam – Screws us in the long run. Jess made it perfectly clear that guys will always be on the block
Bella – there’s less guys right now
Nick – Jess has been crazier on the block Kemi has been chill
Nick – alright I’m down
Sam – what about Christie and Tommy
Nick – Christie is down not sure Tommy

Nicole – I agree
Bella – we can’t tell Kat
Sam – cliff will vote out jess right
Nicole thinks he will “he’ll go with us we become the majority we become the house”

11:21 am Christie, Bella, and Nick
Christie going on about hearing Jackson this morning saying to Holly that they need to head up to teh HOH and catch up
Christie – it’s fine obviously the four of them together that’s fine.. they don’t have my back
Sam joins them
Christie – when they are down to six I’ll be the first one to go .. I’m serious
Christie – if you think this is going to flip please let me know
Bella says they are not sure about Tommy
Christie feels like Tommy will “because who else would vote”
They count votes with Christie and Tommy they have 7 they only need 6.
Christie – that like (makes a chopping sign)
Sam says he’ll talk to Jack.
Christie – as much as I love the four of them (JJ showmances)
Kemi walks in

11:48 am Storage room, Nicole and Holly
Nicole – at this point in the game I have never said who I would put up I never said your name.. I had people say to me ohh Nicole you’ll probably put up this person

Holly says Nick told Tommy, Christie “a lot of people that you want to put me up, he’s telling people that I’m close to and trying to put a target on your back”
Holly – you weren’t a target before and sure as sh1t not know
Nicole wonders what his motive was
Holly warns that she’s seen this before from Nick and Bella, point out she’s seen them align with every single person in the house separately
Holly – If I were to win I wouldn’t put you up not at all
Holly says she’s worried Nick is trying to rally people against her.
They talk about how Nick “interrogates” both of them
Holly says Nick “threw jit back into my face” about her anxiety. She opened up to him early in the season

11:50 am Bella and Kemi
(cause talking game with Bella is such a good idea)

Bella says Christie told her she overheard Jackson talking to Holly saying the four of them have to get into the HOH and catch up
Bell a- Jack, Sis, Holly, Jackson
Bella – the four of them had a meeting this morning
Bella – I don’t care anymore we need to flip this
Bella says with Christie and Tommy they’ll have 7 votes
Bella – Christie found out yesterday that Nicole, Ovi, Cliff are in an alliance called the ZIING
Bella – they were trying to split off all the couples and pull Nick and Sam

Nick joins them.. Conversation changes

Noon Sam and jack
Sam is presenting his arguments to get Jessica out this week Says Jessica is after the guys point blank and next week put up Kemi and Cliff.
Jack – I’ve made it really clear whatever is best for gr8tful.. I mean for our nine (LOL)
Jack – It’s not about me it’s about what’s good for our 9 (Jack keeps highlighting the nine now)

Sam says even if Kemi did win HO hand put him up they would all vote to keep Jack, “If she doesn’t she’ll go up against Cliff”
Jack – so you send Cliff next week?
Sam – right, past that it’s whoever is left we take a stab at
Jack – since we’ve put up the noms this ain’t about me .. K
Sam goes on about Jessica after the guys she’ll put up 2 guys and she came in second the last HOH.
Jack says Jessica said she would put up Nick and Bella because Bella spilled the beans about the black widows

Jack – I agree with you completely and totally.
Jack doesn’t think other people will agree with it though.

12:21 pm HOH Holly, Sis, Christie, Jack
Sis is really mad at Nick “It’s really hard for me to hide my emotions”
Holly says that she spoke with Nicole in the storage room and the from her the two names that Nick has brought up were Sis and Holly, He wants Nicole to go after take your pick one of us

Jack says Sam wants Jessica to go home this week
Sis – no f*ing way
Jack – she’s more of a threat to the guys
Sis says she’s not switching her vote
Jack – I clearly said for the nine of us whatever is best for the nine
CHrsitie says she voting with whatever they decide
Holy – that’s not smart at all they are trying to build an alliance against us and they are trying to keep Kemi
Jack – they said they would put Kemi and Cliff up next week and Cliff would go and KLemi would stay here 3 more weeks.

Holly says she’s walked into Sam, Bella, Kemi constantly still
Jack – so we send Kemi out
Holly – Kemi and Nicole are SUPER close
Jack – they hang out all the time
Holly – Jess is a floater and an easy number
Holly and Sis want to keep Jessica say they’ve been working “really hard’ building a relationship with her, “so does jackson”.

Sis – I don’t f*uing trust Nick and them they are up to something (GAME)
Holly says they can pull in Jessica, Kemi no way
Jack – Okay it stays the way it is and takes the risk of the vote flipping but we still have the numbers
Holly – they are trying to build an army and Kemi is their number and Nick is working hard to get Nicol
jack – he won’t though he’s strong-arming her

Jack – Sam pulled me aside and tried to talk me into Jess.
holly – that’s a really stupid move, this is officially where the house divides.
Christie – it begins

Christie leaves.. jack tells them he said gr8tful in front of Sam.. but it’s ok he doubled back.

12:52 pm Christie and Sam

Christie can’t flip it’s too early and she’s sure Michie or JAck have the power and if she turns on them this early she’s in trouble.

1:54 pm

Flip is over..

30 thoughts to ““He’ll (Cliff) go with us, we become the majority we become the house””

    1. If someone outside of the gre8ful 8 wins hoh they are gonna look more like the hateful 8, lots of blood shed as they all turn on each other. The alliance will only last as long as they have the Hoh

  1. I’m Super Happy that the alliance and peeps are starting to wake up and fight for what’s best for them rather than what’s best for the HoH! It’s time to make moves, Kemi staying here would be awesome and I hope Christie and Tommy flip towards Nick/Bella side. Nicole is by far my fav, but Sam could beat here out, he managed to somehow be a comp beast so far with 2 vetos and integrate into the alliance, but also figure out the alliance and that he was on the bottom!

  2. it would be suicide for nick to risk his game and go against gr8ful merely to save kemi…just a dumb move so early

    sis better talk to nick about the bs nicole/holly are spinning…nick was trying to protect sis by saying nicole should nom holly(rather than sis) and never said nicole should nom sis…holly is butthurt…holly is really sewering nick, and its hurting sis’ game…holly should consider for a moment that if nick won hoh, sis could sway nick away from nominating holly

    production if you see this message:
    please try to convince sis to do whatever the f she wants to do

    i am sick and tired of everyone trying to control and micro manage sis…”dont do this, dont do that”, its really f-cking annoying…i want to see sis stop allowing people trying to control her

    i want to see sis win hoh with this attitude…

    alliance member #1: “oh you cant go and say that”
    alliance member #2: “yeah dont”
    sis: “im saying it”

    1. meanwhile nobody has even bothered to inform Tommy. Most likely because it’s not go time for afterdark, and he’s pretty much a non-entity until mr. demille is ready with his close up.

    2. Christie is just saying what people want to here. Some of these people make jozea look like an all star.

      1. Christie seems to have forgotten just how many people she went to last week to complain about Jack. She’s pretty much stabbing them, and thinking none of them are going to talk? Is she seriously thinking Bella won’t squeel all of Christie’s dirty laundry as soon as the house turns on Nick Bella and Sam?

  3. Bella’s diarrhea of the mouth finally pays a benefit….. spilling the beans to Sam has lit a fire now that he realizes that HE’s actually one of the “bottom feeders.” Keep trying, guys!

    1. Yesterday I started off thinking Bella shut up please! By the end of the day — when she’s telling Sam about h8tful I’m like YES KEEP TALKING BELLA!

      I’m wondering why’s it taking so long for her to tell Cliff that Christie was eavesdropping?

  4. For anyone keeping track of such things: are we on day 3 or day 4 since Beth was called for a d/r?
    If she’s been called in today… please disregard the inquiry.

    1. My apologies to any actual snakes who may have been offended by being compared to creepy, gross Nick. LOL

  5. i dont see people risking being on the wrong side of a split vote this early with comeback still in play

    nick, who controls bella/sam votes, knows its too early to make any move, plus he doesnt really like kemi, its simply not worth even attempting – high risk, no reward(it would hurt rather than help majority of his game relationships)

    kemi goes either 6-5(kat the decisive vote) or 11-0

    5 of the six shooters plus kat(kat much prefers jess) is 6 votes

  6. Man this is driving me crazy, I soooo hope they manage to flip the vote and keep Kemi and they systematically get rid of “The Gr8teful” alliance. Christie is soooo wishie washie or does she just tell everyone what they want to hear? I thought she would be more bold after going against Jack during her HOH, I was hoping then that would cause the rift and she would join the other side. Looks like she may be loyal to them though arrgghhh!!!

  7. I’m wondering how Sam will react to Jack not only mentioning gr8ful, but a couple hours later telling Sam he’s a floater like Nicole.
    That’ll go over well.
    I think round one of the vote flip is dead. I get a weird suspicion there will be a second round after they eat dinner. result undetermined (but 70/30 that Kemi will still leave).

    1. Now it’s dead with Christie outing Sam’s attempt to flip the vote in that Christie had nothing to do with it way to the 6 (that she and Tommy actually are at the bottom of).
      Then Jack and Tommy (who was such a kiss ass during the convo) reframe the conversation they just had with Kemi.
      But hey… it’ll be great for the image fix edit.
      Instead of Jack being Jack we get everything framed as a group decision. THIS is intentional on the part of the producers so that no ONE person takes the heat for the third poc in a row leaving the house. Reasons become irrelevant when the optics look bad. Often people only look at the cover of the book or magazine before developping any interest in reading. OPTICS. This is what the entire week is about. The house we know via one of Kat’s comments has been made aware of the social media and press scrutiny. The house, we know via one of Jack’s comments, won’t have to play nice after Thursday and can go back to ‘bitch you’re going up’. Production isn’t trying to deter the houseguests from targetting poc, nor do I think they should, but Production is certainly trying to reframe the narrative as much as possible so that individual house guests (and advertisers) don’t take the heat.

  8. hollys superb!tch mode is starting to emerge

    the season needs some fire, release the kraken, i want to see some blowups haha

  9. They’re still picking off the minorities? How original! Camp Comeback should be called Camp POC.

    1. Next week they will add the fat one to camp comeback and it will be a clean sweep for the Jackasses

      1. She isn’t just plus-sized, she’s also a Latina married to a black man. So many possibilities for them to choose in order to marginalize her.

  10. i reckon production would be pissed with christie and holly for sabotaging the nick-sis-jack triangle…it damages the ongoing tension/storyline

    why is sis buying the bs spin from holly?…nick said to nicole “if you won hoh you WOULD probably put up holly and kat right”(guessing)

    he never said nicole SHOULD put up holly and sis

    i get that holly is worried nick said her name, but by coming up with this lie to ruin sis’ game relationship with nick it hurts holly/sis

    i really want to see sis ask nick in a calm 1 on 1 what he actually said, and i think nick would easily explain what happened

    1. The edit version hasn’t even touched on the existence of a jack/sis/nick triangle. They don’t care.
      Sis is very good at spouting off in the confines of private convos what she would say or would do…. but thus far has been a character from Waiting for Godot about actually doing any of it.
      Why is Holly sabotaging other women? She said it herself on week one, it bothers her that she isn’t the prettiest woman in the room. She has been annoyed that Nick makes flirtatious comments to Sis, but not to Holly since feed day three. She wants to be the sole woman on the top of the heap of men (that was not meant to sound in any way lascivious). She made comments to Jackson last week about Kat, framing it as what the house is saying, to get Jackson (her view of house alpha) to herself. She’s upset with Christie. She’s been upset with Kemi since day one of feed. She’s been upset with Bella since day one of feed. She’s actively discouraging Sis from forming attachments with anyone else. She’s fine with the women she considers less attractive than herself. Play doh Beth is THAT girl.
      Given the house has turned it’s eye on Nick and Bella as a target after veto in both weeks? I don’t think Sis (who very much lets the opinion of others shape her own) is going to buy anything Nick says now.

      1. You know how audiences participate in the Rocky Horror? When i start doing that to feeds i think it’s time.
        Bartender, i’ll have another.

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