Jessie tells Candice I am doing all the work, last night I made out with Judd.

POV Holder: Jessie Next POV Aug 10th
POV Used YES POV Ceremony Aug 5th
HOH Winner: GM Next HOH: Aug 8th
Original Nominations: Candice, Jessie and Amanda (MVP Nom)
Current Nominations: Candice, Spencer and Amanda (MVP Nom)
Last Evicted Houseguest David, Nick, Jeremy, Kaitlin, Howard
Have Nots no have nots this week

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1:35am In the bedroom – Elissa, Jessie and Candice are talking. They talk about trying to get Judd’s vote and ask Jessie to work on him. Jessie says I am doing all the work. Last night I made out with him (Judd). Jessie tells Candice maybe she should campaign. Candice says maybe I should offer him my HOH if I get it, he asked me what I was offering him. Candice says that Andy doesn’t want to get any blood on his hands because he is in a good position. Jessie says that the longer the power couples have in the game the more power they have. Jessie says I have already over extended myself and I can’t do anymore. Elissa asks Jessie if she thinks she has over extended herself with Judd. Jessie says um well I mean.. Candice talks about there being two story lines Helen/Elissa and Amanda/McCrae and eventually they will go against each other. Elissa says it kind of puts a target on my and Helen’s back when you keep saying that Helen and I are running the house with Amanda/McCrae. Candice says its not just me, it’s how the entire house perceives it. Elissa leaves. Jessie says that she thinks Amanda and Elissa are working together. Candice agrees. Candice tells Jessie if she wins HOH she needs to put up two strong players. Candice tells her to put up Ellissa and.. Big Brother switches the cameras.

2:15am Elissa and Helen are talking in the storage room. Elissa talks about how Jessie and Candice talking is putting targets on our (Helen and Elissa’s) backs. They annoyed how Jessie talks about McCrae, Amanda, Helen and Elissa are the power people in the house with a final four deal. They call Jessie as a nut bag. Helen says that it is important for Amanda to stay for a few more weeks then they can get rid of her. Helen says that they will still have McCrae because he will be alone. They talk about the possibility of getting rid of Spencer this week. Helen says we have to keep Amanda in the game until we get Judd or Spencer out. Helen tells Elissa that she wants Judd out next before Jessie because Judd is more dangerous. Helen tells Elissa that we need to get some of the guys out before they get rid of Amanda. Elissa says that Gina and Aaryn are flighty. Helen says that Aaryn and Gina are also dangerous. Helen and Elissa both agree that they need to win HOH or one of us will be going home next. They talk about how they think this weeks HOH will be a knock out competition.

2:30am In the bedroom – Candice and Jessie are talking. Candice says that Aaryn is young and just wants to be liked and that’s why she went along with Helen and Elissa last week and let them have her HOH. Candice says that Elissa knows that if her and Helen were on the block together she would be going home. Jessie says to the camera that Amanda and McCrae will be final two, so vote for me to be the MVP!

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Candice asks America to vote for her to have the Coup d’état. Candice tells Jessie that she has to win HOH next week! Candice tells Jessie that Amanda and McCrae will try and come up to the HOH and tell her what she needs to do but you have to stay strong. Jessie says that she thinks the only way to change things in the house is if Andy and Judd smarten up to what’s going on. The conversation turns to talking about Candice’s eviction speech during live show. She says she wants to call out the four people running the house. Candice talks to Jessie about how to break up the four person power alliance. Candice says she has to put one of each of the couples up against each other and if one of them wins the veto put up the other part of the couple as the replacement nominee. Jessie says that the MVP has screwed up the game. She says she wants to play a real game of Big Brother. Candice says that she thinks the MVP twist could end this week. Jessie says that she thinks people will look at this as the hardest Big Brother season ever because of the MVP twist. They discuss the possibility of a 9 person jury instead of the usual 7. Candice says that she knows she is a threat because she calls sh*t out. Jessie says that she thinks they are a lot alike and that’s why Amanda wants them gone. Jessie says that she thinks Andy is supporting Amanda and McCrae more than anyone else. Candice says that Spencer is their only hope to flip the script in the game.
2:35am In the lounge room – Amanda and Andy are talking. Andy tells Amanda that we (Amanda, McCrae, Elissa or Helen) need to win the next HOH. Andy says that he isn’t sure what Spencer would do if he won HOH. Andy wonders if he should extending an olive branch to Spencer. Amanda tells Andy that Judd already has. She says that Spencer seems to be good with them. Andy says that he will work on that the next couple of days. Amanda says that she still thinks Spencer needs to go soon. She says that she is worried that Judd is going to join up with Spencer and Jessie. Amanda says that she doesn’t want to work with Aaryn anymore because she can’t trust her. Amanda says that Aaryn talks too much. Amanda tells Andy that she trusts him and McCrae completely. Andy says agrees and says that he also trusts Helen and Elissa. Amanda says that Aaryn is going after Elissa and we need Elissa. Amanda says Aaryn blames everything on Elissa and won’t stop talking about her. They talk about how Judd is playing too hard too fast. Andy asks who they should put up if one of them win HOH. They talk about putting up Spencer and Jessie on the block and putting up Judd if one of them win the veto. Andy asks Amanda if they should just backdoor Spencer this week. Amanda says no, we have to get Candice out because she is coming after me.

2:40am In the bedroom – Jessie and Candice are talking about hoe Candice thinks McCrae is the MVP. She thinks that he is the one putting Amanda up on the block. She says that it would be genius! Candice says that if Amanda went home then McCrae knows that he could still work with Helen and Elissa. Candice says that she thinks he is person to beat in the game. Jessie agrees. Jessie tells Candice that she regrets switching sides in the beginning and wishes that she would have voted to keep Jeremy. Candice tells Jessie she could win this game she just has to break up the couples. Candice says that she thinks Elissa will vote to keep her and says that she has Jessie’s vote. Candice says I need to work on Helen for her vote. Jessie tells Candice to instill doubt in Helen about Amanda and McCrae. Candice says that she has already started doing that by telling her that at some point the four of them are going to have to turn on each other. Candice says that she thinks Judd might vote to keep her but says that he can’t keep a secret. Candice tells Jessie she has to fight to win HOH. Jessie agrees and says that she was so close. Jessie and Candice decide to go to sleep.

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3:15am Aaryn poping zits on Amanda’s back in the HOH room.


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3:15am – 4am Out in the backyard – Spencer and Judd are talking. They talk about how they don’t understand why Ginamarie didn’t nominate Elissa this week. Spencer says that anything Helen says I’ll agree with. Judd agrees and says if not you’ll be targeted. Judd and Spencer talk about wanting to make it to jury. Judd says that he wants good people who love Big Brother to make it far in this game and not the people who are models looking for fame. Judd says that he wants someone to win this game that actually knows what a veto is and doesn’t have to look it up in a book. Judd says that Aaryn is totally different from the person he thought she was in the beginning of the game. Spencer says that he is worried that Helen is trying to recruit Andy and Aaryn. Judd says that he trusts Andy. Spencer says that he also trusts Andy but worries about his relationship with Helen. Spencer says that he thinks there are a lot of people who want to split up Helen and Elissa. Spencer asks Judd who he would go after if he won HOH? Judd says that he would put up Ginamarie and Aaryn. Judd says if he were to make a big move he would put up Helen and Elissa where they would want Helen to go. The conversation turns to talking about the possibility that the next HOH is a knock out competition. Spencer and Judd head to bed.


5:55am All the house guests are still sleeping..

10am All the house guests are still sleeping..

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99 thoughts to “Jessie tells Candice I am doing all the work, last night I made out with Judd.”

  1. Ugh, Jessie hoeing down to get Judd to see her way. Not worth it Jessie don’t sell yourself. Candice does get that Aaryn is young and stupid so now Candice you and Aaryn talk it out and work together. You got it figured out that you need to break up the two power couples, Amanda and McCrae and Helen and Elissa, so go sell it to Aaryn and maybe Judd. Come on you are a smart girl, and use your brain!!!!

    1. Too little, too late ‘Boo’. She’s not as smart as you give her credit for – if so, she would be in a better bargaining position. She played into their hand instead of showing them she’s not what they claimed. She doesn’t have the fortitude to shine but continues to speak and spew ugliness herself. They’ll all get their time interviewing Julie – now’s Candice’s time. Keepin’ it real I guess.

      1. Boo, Candice is the one that said that about Aaryn. You might want to read before you post what the update says. Candice said Aaryn was young and just wanted to be liked, or are you saying Candice is stupid? You said it not me.

    2. Helen and elisa a power couple? CMON!!!! there are so many people in this house, like Amanda, who have a lot more people in their pocket. elisa is a threat to no one, and simply just a vote for helen

    3. so Candace tells Jessie to vote out elisa, but also says she thinks she has Elisa’s vote this week

      are these people crazy? ALIGN WITH HER THEN. stop making these “power couples” into some unstoppable unbreakable force. they aren’t will and boogie, its Helen and elisa, you can break them up easily.

    4. nothing is more annoying than the “deserve the money” argument.

      who the heck are you to say that because someone has money, they don’t deserve to win a game with a cash prize? this isn’t a game based on who needs it the most, I mean….its ridiculous! I don’t care if mark Cuban plays next year, if mark Cuban plays the game hard and better than everyone else, then he DESERVES the money that goes along with winning the game.

      this idea that you can’t be well off and have any desire to play a game on television is just insane. you telling me that if you were born into money etc, that you flat out cannot play one of these games, and if you do, you have to be eliminated because you have money in your bank account that has nothing to do with the game?

      these people are so entitled. judd and a few others really show their true colors.

    5. Jessie saying how hard she is working her strategy because she made out with Judd is hysterical. Pimping herself out for a possible vote.

      1. you do know that she only kissed him right?

        some harmless kiss is no big thing

        pimping involves sex for money

        the over exaggeration is brutal sometimes on this site

    6. She needs to do more than use her brain. She needs to win competitions. Otherwise, she’s just a narrator, knowing what’s going on and talking about it.

    7. It probably wouldn’t work if they tried to “talk it out” at this point . The people in the lower spots in the house don’t use logic and can’t get past personal dislikes. Gina Marie could have put up a power couple and knocked out a strong player this week. Instead she and Aaryn had their eye of getting out Candace instead of “talking It out” and put up Jessie right beside her.

    8. Candice is an idiot, Elissa is the only real person that protecting you and she wants Jessie to put her up if she wins HOH… IF Jessie win HOH she should put up Amanda and Aaryn and back door McPuss…..At this point i hope Elissa wins, she see things more clearly.,,,,Candice is just mad that they voted Howard out. But Howard suck at the game….Candice is like Helen hurting the people in their own team. I call it the spice girl alliance (helen, elissa, jessie, candice). I hope if Jessie do win, she does not listen to Candice stupid idea.

    9. Jessie says to the camera that Amanda and McCrae will be final two, so vote for me to be the MVP!

      you have my vote sexy jess! you are americas player

      i loved seeing you stand up to the racist bully amanda and i hope you get the 25k jess

  2. poor judd, that’s what happens when so many guys get evicted early on. i don’t know if i feel sorry for him, or happy! between jessie and aaryn, he’s got his hands full. he’s lucky ginamarie is still upset over nick.

  3. “Judd says that he wants someone to win this game that actually knows what a veto is and doesn’t have to look it up in a book.”

    Judd should be the last person to question anyone’s intelligence. Talk about cognitive dissonance.

    She knows that she for sure might be leaving the WHY NOT GIVE A EPIC SPEECH!!


    Candice deserves to go off in her eviction speech,
    She hinted that she wants to make history with it,
    I dont kno how that will go lol ..BUT im sure she will let it out..

    At this point her speech can either SAVE her at the last minute or PISS EVERYONE THE FCK OFF lol
    Either way im happy because her voice needs to be herd seriously.

    And I have a question! ! I kno that they do “AMERICA VOTE” for a returning player every season
    But i have a feelin that it may be a 9 person jury ..either way.


    BECAUSE im sure America would vote Candice or Jeremy

    1. They all say they are going to make an epic speech and they cop-out. GM was talking about how great her nomination speech was and it was lame. It would be fun to see Candice go off and call them all out ! I hope she so we can see everyone’s faces and hear the backlash as the door hits Candice in the butt as she leaves the house.

      1. she’ll probably talk about World Peace, because she thinks she can win Miss Congeniality.

    2. Since there are 11 people in the house, I doubt that there would be a 9 person jury. Julie usually announces after the last eviction before jury that the remaining HGs have guaranteed themselves a spot in jury. Howard was the last HG evicted and he has been quoted as saying he had the opportunity to speak briefly with Amanda’s father, so I do not believe any HGs are sequestered. Other HGs have been photographed and interviewed outside the house as well. I believe that, after the 2nd eviction on Thursday, Julie will tell them they are guaranteed jury.

        1. Excuuuusssse ME! Why thumbs down?? Someone posted that there is an interview in which Howard said he had a conversation with Amanda’s father. I’m very curious if that is true and why they spoke.

    3. Here’s the good news and the BAD news. hehehe

      1st off they do not always bring an evicted HG back. Second is normally they sequester those evicted if someones returning. Those evicted have not been sequestered. I don’t know if that’s good news but that’s the state of the game so far. Now going forward I believe it will be a 7 person jury as it has been in the past. That means the 2 evictions Thursday will leave the final 9. Jury plus 2 finalists.

      Now for the interesting bit. BBcan1 was this spring. They brought back a member of the jury with 4 left. It was a terrible twist as an evicted HG got weeks of relaxation and good food plus built relationships with the other evictees that almost gave the returning player the game. It was production rigging the game for their favourite. I hope you got what I just said. Because if Amanda gets evicted this may be 1 way to get her back in the house. It might have to be a guy wearing a bed sheet and hood against her but Grodner may just flat out lie as to the vote!

      My best guess is no evicted HG entering a second time.

  5. Candice & Jessie are the only ones in the house who can actually see what’s going on. They NEED to evict Amanda this week, I dont know why Helen can’t understand that. At this point, I’m only rooting for Candice & Jessie.

    1. you’re rooting for the two HGs with the least power :/ they both might be going home during the double eviction this week.

  6. Jessie says Amanda and mcrae will be final 2, so vote for me for mvp

    ok, im sorry, but if you are that certain of the final 2 in a game where you vote people out, and you are sitting in a room constantly with at least 5-6 people who could join together and vote out one of those two, you not only don’t deserve MVP, you deserve a slap up the side of the head

    im so tired of people like Jessie or Candace not seeing that elisa could be on their side. they spend FAR too much time looking at this week to week nonsense, and just totally ignoring the big picture.

  7. Yes!! If only Candace, Jessie, Elissa and (I hate to say) Aaryn could work together then maybe they could convince Helen (too scared to pull the trigger until it is too late) that the time to bust up Mcmanda is now. Not next week. Don’t get me wrong, I want Helen to go next, but she is not on the block. Judd is either a lost cause or he is a great player meaning that he does not feel the need to have a confidant to confess his true intentions to and hides behind jokes thus making everyone feel as though they know what he is thinking. Either way I think Jessie should steer clear of fake-mancing with Judd after this HOH and concentrate on her own game. Candace has a good bead on how things are, I just hope she sticks around long enough to implement some of her strategies, but I fear her social game might have sunk her. She should have been more mysterious with her thoughts and less impulsive in outing her on point assessments of other player’s game.

    1. Actually that is not a bad idea…all Aaryn needs to hear is Amanda no longer wants to have her around – she has served her purpose……

      Sorry GM you too will have to eventually flip otherwise you too will be walking out the door….and saying hello to Julie…

      why the House guest think Helen and Elissa are stronger than amanda and McCrae are stupid….Judd and spens

  8. This may be the most exciting week since Nick got evicted. It’s still like going over a speed bump…


    As an Arkansan, I have to be semi-supportive of Spencer, same as I was of Britney (being a dude, that was a lot easier to do), but at least him going home would be HALFWAY surprising. Obviously, Amanda would be spectacular, but we know that isn’t going to happen. We know everything that is and isn’t going to happen…

  9. I don’t understand why everyone thinks Helen is such a good player. She’s easily manipulated, believes everything she hears, is extremely paranoid, and doesn’t understand the dynamics of the house. I want her to be evicted, but after Amanda. It would be a dream come true if both Helen and Amanda got evicted at the double eviction, but with the way things are going, it looks like most likely Candice & Jessie will be going…that would be a lame double eviction.

    1. Helen is afraid of making the big move unless the “house” is behind her. She made such a big deal about making a big move and getting Jeremy out…it is not a big move unless she has to work to make it happen. Big move would be to flip some players and evict the head of the snake…Amanda

      1. Exactly, these idiots this season think EVERY move they make is a Big Move… Jeremy was a bigger move then let’s say Kaitlin, but no necessarily a Big Move in terms of working HARD to get it. Jeremy and Howard were easy decisions because the house wanted it, now if you can make a decision to get a player evicted that the house wants to stay, THEN it’s a big move.

        There’s only 3 possible Big Moves in this entire season and their names are Helen, McCrae, and Amanda everybody else is an easy move because the house will want them out.

          1. I would add that Aaryn is becoming a “Big Move” (target) eviction… but not there yet. She’s not nearly the catch that Amanda, McCrae, or Helen would be however.

  10. “Jessie didn’t know that Big Brother was going to be so hard “Those competitions are really hard and everyone has a great social game.. it’s a really competitive season.. there are no floaters.. anyone could win based on their social game”

    Jessie again says the competition is so crazy tough right now she’s hoping that America see that this season is the most competitive in Big Brother History.”

    Jessie has no clue how viewers are perceiving this season and the game play. She really believes “everyone” is playing a great social game?! Wow!

  11. Spencer has no chance of splitting Helen & Elissa but he has opportunity to split up Amanda & McCrae.

  12. I’m glad Jessie finally told Candice to get off her butt and play. Why are Jessie and Elissa putting targets on their backs for
    You and all you do is stay in bed. Candice speaks the truth about McRae / Amanda. and Helen/Elissa but when you
    Play Big Brother you have to know when to keep your mouth closed. Calling out everyone may make you right but it can
    also gets you evicted. She tells Jessie she needs to win HOH. You should have won it last week instead of basing
    Your fall on Spencer. I was trying to support her but she makes it hard.

    1. Right, when she said she based her fall off Spencer’s I thought she had just resolved that she was going to go home this week. So she wanted to try her hand at a prize to maybe sweeten leaving. It’s hard to continue to try to be completely emphatic with someone who is their worst enemy and can’t correct themselves fast enough and stop to ask what she could do herself. One of the questions I would ask her if why she jumped off in that HOH when it was obvious that Gina Marie didn’t like her either and she was still up there. She even said it herself that prior week and Gina Marie was actually more aggressive than Aaryn. Candace in general just left too much into other people’s hands and than when her back is at the wall she wants to call things like she sees them. Some things you have to keep quiet until you are in the spot where you can use the information for your advantage.

  13. These people talk game all day long but yet make the same predictable moves each eviction. Thursday can’t get here fast enough just so I can see who gets voted out. Maybe after the double eviction there will be a power shift and something worth watching.

    And I can’t believe how obsessed GM is with Nick. Did they really spend that much time together? I don’t recall anything romance worthy going down between the two of them. Nick said in an interview a few weeks ago that he would take GM out on a date. I wonder if he’s since changed his mind. I would think any guy in his right mind would be turned off by GM’s obsessive nature. I mean calling Nick her “fiance” is just weird. She’s definitely not playing with a full deck upstairs. I’m a little scared for Nick once she gets out of the house.

  14. To sell it to Aaryn she will have to take back calling her a Racist. If she does
    I know Production is trying to rehabilitate Aaryn before she leaves the house.
    I already think Aaryn have threaded water in that direction before.

    Aaryn is not the one to trust. She will use any make with Candance to try to
    Clean up her Reputation outside the house.

    Production has already fed Candance the line that Aaryn is “young”. So I
    Hope Candance don’t sell Aaryns racist comment short. It’s kind of liking
    ” hoeing down racism “.

    1. Actually think Candice is not a moron and gets it that the things that Aaryn said although unsympathetic and unkind and beyond stupid are just the things that a high school mentality shows and that is all about being liked and being with the “cool” kids unlike some that just want to keep beating the racist horse. Gina Marie, Kaitlin and Amanda’s comments show true racism and their ages show that with them it is not the high school wanna be liked syndrome. Moron Julie Chen claims she is all upset about racism but when she does not call GM, Kaitlin or Amanda about their use of the N word and others just shows me it was all for show and ratings and not anything more. Her big rant about how offended she was nothing more than a bunch of BS!

      Candice if she just thought things out and could get Aaryn alone think they could actually work together, but afraid Candice may of waited too long, but I’m hoping!

  15. I need for Candice to start campaigning to save herself. I truly believe she can do it if she just gets out of the bed and makes an effort. I respect her for calling out people on their bs but now it is time to play the game. Otherwise, just lay there and be evicted.

    1. Candice can’t keep her emotions in check so the best place for her is away from the others. I think her outburst sealed the deal on Howard. The minute she started mouthing off he knew he was going home.

      My whole family wanted demanda to go but the minute Candice opened her mouth we all knew Howard was doomed. 🙁


    1. One can only hope that Elissa wins HOH. Helen would have no problem with Elissa getting her hands bloody and would urge her to nominate Amanda and McCrae. She will argue that she has no control over Elissa.

      1. That is not going to happen. Andy may hold more power than anyone at this point, because of his position between the two groups. Andy will easily persuade Helen to ‘talk to Elissa’ in order to stick to the plan. If Elissa wins HOH, Judd is going home.

  17. Amanda wants totally control over the house. Just two people are in her way. Helen, she needs her gone to she can have Elissa. And Andy, she just doesn’t know yet how much he gossips. She’ll put up Helen way fast. So Helen needs to get rid of her this week!

  18. Simon/Dawg, I’m beginning to get the shakes – can you please start a new drinking game?

  19. Just some thoughts:

    Helen and Elissa need to keep Candice. She’s only been a walking time bomb because they are so disloyal to her. Candice is really smart and can see things before others (i.e. McCrae & Amanda — the honeymoon is over). Also, they are giving Judd no reason to flip (getting kisses from Jessie is not going to do it). If he flips now he’s going to be low man on a flimsy totem pole: 1) Helen 2) Andy 3) Elissa 4) Candice 5) Jessie, 6) Judd.

    Also, with the other side of the house, Judd has multiple final 2, final 3 and final 4 arrangements: McCrae, Amanda, Andy and with floaters Spencer, Aaryn and Jessie.

    Judd does not have any final 2, 3 or 4 arrangements w/the core Helen group (Helen, Elissa, Candice). That’s why Jessie doesn’t want Judd and Helen talking because she doesn’t want them making final arrangements that would put him ahead of her. Helen has to work with him and not just saying he gets to chose her HOH noms. (And what is up w/giving away HOH noms? DO people not want blood on their hands?? And also hiding behind “it’s what the house wants.”)

    Also, why isn’t Helen firming up her arrangement w/Aaryn? She’s treating too many people like pawns. She’s trying to be a master playah, but she’s just decimating her foundation. She’s too worried about getting the credit for sending people packing. She’s playing like it’s final 6 or 7 and she has to realize there are 11 players. She neeeeeeds Candice. If she doesn’t she is going home next week.

    In the 1st week, I liked Amanda, but she’s really just revealed herself to be the mean girls’ older sister. I can see that McCrae is not so enamored w/her. Especially if she’s been getting jealous of Jessie. McCrae should start getting a little more friendly w/Elissa, Aaryn & Helen in case the house flips and for his endgame strategy.

    I’m definitely team McCrae!

    1. Additional thoughts about McCrae:

      He’s been cocooning less w/Amanda, but he really needs to start making stronger relationships with the other house members. Right now he’s choosing to not rock the boat, and choose his battles, but he needs to develop better relations with the other house members. He needs to start going for their jury votes. I have a feeling he’s fine w/carrying Amanda to the end, but he also has to play if she’s going to be gone.

    2. @SEASON15

      I am Team McCrae with a caveat: Amanda is gone. As long as she is there, I cannot support him. As long as she is there and/or he keeps using her (keeping her) as a shield I just can’t get behind him.

  20. Candace has a good read on the game as far as who is running things. But there is not need to call things out especially in a group if you aren’t in the position to make something happen. She didn’t even try to win this past HOH like she should or at least from the edited show it didn’t seem like it since she said she jumped off after Spencer in her Talking Head segment. There is nothing to say in a speech that shouldn’t be obvious to the people in there. So either try to use some other form of getting people to vote for you or let it go and be resolved to going home. Besides, she doesn’t know if there is some type of twist where she goes back into the house. Calling things out isn’t a great defense mechanism in there unless you have power or influence with your group. That’s an emotional tactic. I think Howard was trying to contain Candace because he knew that she doesn’t know when and how to stand up for herself in a way that didn’t make her look bad and in turn pull him into something where he would have to take a stand.

  21. Love how all the Cat People are reduced to pretending Candice is a smart player. In reality, she’s played an incredibly dumb game after figuring out the Moving Company (her one good move). She has isolated herself from the house, clung desperately to the biggest target in the house (Howard), and has proven to be just as trashy and ignorant as the other women in the house without any of the power to get away with it.

    It sucks that she was treated badly by the “mean girls” but let’s be real: she’s no saint herself, and she’s not some great player whose departure will ruin the season.

  22. Jessie will survive another week or so people will forget about her as the target will be moved to someone else.. I’d like to see her win the HOH after the second eviction, I wonder how many friends she will have during the week. She would force the house to vote out one of the so called “super friend”s by her nominations.

  23. Im Telling Yall….So fuckin serious! !

    If Candice Gets Evicted! ..even If She Dont, Although She Most likey Will!:(:(:(:(:(


    All this shit she has been through, from Racism, WrongWrongfully accused every week!.semi bullied..

    Lkke SERIOUS! Smfh

    Cbs rigged shit for frank..rachel & jordan (pandora box, big brother 13) …ESPECIALLY JEFF!!! ..the Coup Etat smh…
    Which made chima go fckin nuts lol..HBIC?

    THEY couldve gave a special power, save, america vote pandora box ..something! !

    I lovvveee BIG BROTHER , but! This Has To Be The WORST SEASON. .
    FULL OF IDIOTS! !! (BESIDES elissa, cabdi and jess)

    The main thing that lets u kno this is the worst/dummies cast EVER!!
    ON THE BLOCK 2 WEEKS IN A ROW!! & the btch is all the way coverd!

    Smh this could be season ,12,13 or 14 Because that girl would have gotten evicted LAST WEEK!!.

  24. Candice was set to make it far earlier in the season until she decided to get in a showmance with Howard. It’s funny to hear her say those things about Helen and Elissa when she was the first to abandon them and create a target for herself. I’m fine with Candice going this week. She has no one to blame but herself.

  25. This season is pathetic. If these minions would realize that if you take McCrae and Andy out of the voting mix Amanda doesn’t really have anyone else solid to really back her. Vote her out!!!

    Let that domino fall. I know it’s all dependent on the 2nd eviction but my hope would be the following:

    Helen/Elissa/Andy while Candice/Jessie as another Alliance. Pick off McCrae as the 2nd eviction in the house. Finally they are both gone. Outside of the 1st competition McCrae has done squat and hides behind Amanda like a…well….anyway. And how many competitons has Amanda won? Exactly. Plus we will see how good everyone else’s game will be with the dictators gone.

    With that done Aaryn, Spencer, GM and Judd will have to now decide what their best move is for the remainder of the game and roll with it.

  26. In french we say that vengeance is a dish you have to eat cold.
    Which means that you have to wait and wait to have the best revenge possible.
    Candice does not know about that.

    All the hatred directed towards her in this house made me root for her a little more but it is hard to continue since she is so impulsive and keep shooting herself in her foot with her comments and general attitude.

    She has never win an HOH (or any other competition) but yet, she wants to offer her HOH to Judd if she wins…..
    She keeps saying in Elissa’s face, one of her few allies in this house, that she is a power couple with Helen. When she knows that Elissa hates to hear it. What about thinking it for yourself and shut your mouth about it?

    She stays in bed all day in order to avoid putting her costume on or try to save herself. Going to GM, Amanda, Aaryn or Andy directly would have been worthless a total waste of time but she could have worked Spencer, Helen, Judd, Elissa and even Mc Crae a little more with Jessie’s help. It could have not worked but at least try!

    Big mouth, no actions.

    It is sad for me to admit but it might be a good thing for her when she will leave on Thursday, far from all these racist who could never give her the time of the day and especially far from this game that she don’t really know how to play.

    1. And also, the only time her big mouth will serve her is Thursday night during her eviction speech, I hope she will keep up with her standards and blast them and call them all out with some hurtful facts and truths.

      A memorable speech, they deserve nothing less.

      1. Candice’s exit speech: Poor me!!! Waah!…Waah!…WAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      2. Candice’s ‘keeping it real’ speeches contain nothing interesting. They are always emotive and filled with spite. She claims to like ‘big words’, but always swoops to the lowest denominator within these outbursts. I am not interested in her speeches.

  27. Once again, Helen/Elissa get upset when they are accused of being powerful…..But then they run to the diary room to brag on evictions? So shady. And oh the irony – Jessie must not realize that by making out with Judd for a vote makes her as bad as she claims Amanda is.

    1. what the f-ck? shut it down please

      jess giving judd a kiss is harmless

      please do not compare full blown disgusting handjob giving, sex giving, whore amanda with jess

      the over exaggeration is utterly ridiculous

  28. I am not liking this season so much. Candice and Jessie is a waste of an hoh . I don’t know why they don’t see amanda is the bigger target.

  29. How many times must we put Amanda on the block for you dumb houseguests to see she is the one you guys need to get out!

  30. FYI (just found this)

    The biggest liar of them all? Last week, Amanda told the other houseguests and production that she felt threatened by Howard, claiming he whispered “I will f–k the s–t out of you” into her ear. There’s no evidence on the live feeds – and Amanda wouldn’t let (her m.o.) anyone talk to Howard about it.

    Howard has denied saying those exact words to Amanda, adding, “She made more of it because she never really could figure me out because she couldn’t control me.”

    “No. No. It wasn’t anything to that degree,” explained Howard. “Basically, I said, ‘We could hang out, you’re so hot.’ She had always joked with me in that fashion, even in public around other houseguests, and it was said in a joking manner. If she took it as [threatening], I will apologize over and over because I definitely didn’t mean it in an offensive manner.”

  31. Julie : Helen you have been evicted from the big brother house

    (2 months pass by, the season’s over)

    Helen : Naah its still too early

  32. How many Andys are there in the house??? I watch BBAD and he is everywhere. It’s creepy. Also, who taught these people how to eat. Amanda and GM both chew with their mouths wide open. It’s disgusting. Like cows chewing cud.

  33. I think what hands me the biggest laugh is that The Red Queen isn’t even attempting to conceal the fact that she is ruling the entire household with an iron fist. In her conversations with others, she’ll say things like, “I’m putting so and so up on the block next”. No where in that sentence does she mention “If I win HOH”. It’s naturally assumed that The Red Queen will ALWAYS have the power to select who goes up on the block no matter who wins the HOH for that week. Also, she flavors her conversations by saying things like, “So and So must go because he/she is a threat to ME.” Like, huh? Any normal, self-respecting person hearing that (at least one who has some game play) would think, “Who cares? They’re not coming after me.” And yet, people hear this from The Red Queen’s mouth all the time and they accept it. Anyone who The Red Queen “perceives” as a threat to her is to be eliminated. No argument. It’s “Off with their heads!”

  34. In a Boston accent cause I think it’s funny “Candice who the f*** are you. Lol Ray Donovan you tell Jessie to put up Ell. I try with my sista but she just goes left every time. Although I can’t stand Helen she played Candice like a fiddle with the Spencer debacle. Candice lost me then the only reason I want her to stay is bc she gives the other side numbers ,to fk over the other side. Plus Aryan would have a damn panic attack Gina power trip would bring her down a couple notches.

  35. Aaryn is Judd’s confidant. And he is smitten with her. Aaryn is playing him, and the other’s, as Aaryn is playing solo for herself. She has a lot of info from her gaining trust for about 1 1/2 weeks. But Amanda has figured, or is figuring, Aaryn out.

  36. It makes me so mad that Andy will most likely make it to the final 3…he is one of the biggest floaters I’ve seen on this show. It’s alright to be a floater to a certain extent but the only thing this guy can do is rat people out to his Queen.

  37. i’m dreading what they’ll say today when they all wake up.
    amanda’s kin are going to put her on a long vacation when
    she returns to reality? we have between 3 to 5 of the HGs
    loosing their day jobs and/or sponsors due to their remarks?
    just when i thought the stupidity & vitriol could not be topped
    it gets added to! helen wants to evict all the guys, this includes
    andy, even? mcCrae with or without amanda could get close to
    the prize money. helen is not as strategic as i thought she was.
    either she controls the 2nd eviction this thursday or she looses
    the endgame right then and there. do the superfriends implode?

  38. Someone on this post said that Howard had a conversation with Amanda’s father (?) I can’t find it but I came upon this gem, an interview with Amanda’s father. He talks about her like she is a saint; how she hates racism and would always stand up for Howard and Candace. How her big heart and wanting to protect others could make her loose the game. The interview is from a while back but, holy cow he really does not know his daughter! Interesting read:


  40. McCrea is nothing if he isn’t a backstabbing, lapdog. What has he done since he first won HOH? He started this HOH paranoia of putting up who the house wants. Then he turns his back on his friends, his alliance and for what a homosexual relationship with Queen Demanda. He is her puppy, lower than her super sleuth RatBastardAndy. She will not hand carry this slug to final two! Demand will haul in her pet RatBastardAndy to final two hoping that once exposed his spying will cost him jury votes. And with her lapdog in the jury her intimidation is firmly insinuated. McCrea has no game of his own, he is just another pawn for his boyfriend Demanda.

    1. elissa does yoga

      jess stands up to the racist bully amanda and single handedly tries to change the game so its more interesting to watch

      i have great respect for jess and she is the nicest person there

      jess gets my vote

  41. omagosh… like Spencer get a clue, why would judd choose Elissa and Helen to put up over MC and Amanda.. duh, he must be in an alliance with the latter… helen and elissa have very little power ..

    the reason why Amanda looks like she’s playing a genius game is because the others are not playing at all/playing foolish games

  42. Also, the Amanda/Mc plan to start fighting and being distant is working on the weak minded. Candice believes it.. How can they not see through it is beyond me? it’s been played out so many times

  43. Think that BB should bring back the previous 4 hg and see what trouble that would stir up. Additionally, they should do away with jury — without informing hg — and allow America to choose the winner from ALL of the hg not just those that make it to F2. A window of on-line voting could be held the day before live final and the game could carry on as in the past. When the hgs are all assembled for the final, believing they will be casting a vote, JC can announce that America has made the final decision, based on gameplay and hg likeability. That alone would result in copious quantities of doo-doo from the hgs.

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