Amanda tells Jessie that she is sorry about the derogatory comments she made about her.

POV Holder: ? Next POV Aug 3rd
POV Used ? POV Ceremony Aug 5th
HOH Winner: GM Next HOH: Aug 8th
Original Nominations:
Current Nominations:
Last Evicted Houseguest David, Nick, Jeremy, Kaitlin, Howard
Have Nots no have nots this week

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12:10pm In the bathroom – Jessie tells Gina that she doesn’t think she has given her any reason not to trust her. Gina says oh yeah we’re good. She tells her that we will definitely get a chance to talk later before nominations. Gina says the way I see it, it won’t happen until I get a chance to talk to everyone or at least that’s how I see it. I can even tell everyone that you asked to talk to me first. Jessie says thanks. Gina winks at her and says no problem. Jessie leaves the room.

In the storage room – Aaryn tells Andy that yes she has a bond with Judd but that if it came down to it she would vote him out or put him up if she had to. She says that her loyalty is to Andy, Amanda & McCrae. Andy says that he feels the same way about her that he trusts her. Andy tells Aaryn that he would vote to keep her if it was between Aaryn and Helen. Andy comments that he is starting to trust Judd more now the last few days and sees that Judd is more concerned with getting out Jessie. They leave the storage room and Andy notices that the nomination screen is up on the living room tv. Andy then goes and tells everyone. Gina heads up to the HOH room to ask Amanda/McCrae to go to their regular bed because she wants to talk to people since the nomination sign is up on the living room tv.


12:25pm Helen and Jessie head into the lounge room to talk about last night. They start to talk and Amanda comes in and apologizes. I am sincerely sorry for the things I said and for what happened last night. Amanda says that she was just really vulnerable and is scared about being on the block. Jessie says that she is sorry about the things she said too. Amanda says that she is sorry about the derogatory comments she made about Jessie. They talk about how it was really a compliment that Jessie thinks McCrae is a good looking guy. Amanda hugs her and says that she is sincerely sorry. Amanda leaves and tells Jessie that she is going to kick her a$$ in the making fun of Ginamarie contest. Helen then starts talking to Jessie about how she really felt like she was a sister to her and she is one of the only people she could see being friends with outside the house. Helen starts crying about the things Jessie has done to hurt her in the game. Helen brings up how Helen and Elissa don’t need the money. Helen keeps crying saying everyone needs the money, I left my children for this. I don’t know why you hate me so much! Jessie says that she said that in a weak moment and regrets saying it the most out of anything she has said in the game. Helen talks about why she gave the BBQ to Aaryn and Elissa. Helen says Elissa is my closest friend, Aaryn did so much for us and stuck with the plan when she didn’t have to, and I gave it to Gina because she deserves it for winning HOH and I saw it as a way to be closer to her. Helen says I love you but I don’t know why you try and kill me in this game! I haven’t even told them about everything you’ve done to me. Jessie says that it has been a trust issue for her seeing how close Helen is getting to Aaryn. Jessie says that she distrust Amanda. Helen says that is why I am here for you because I can make sure she never guns for you. Jessie says that I need to hear things like that, I don’t know you are protecting me. Jessie says that this game is like a carpet – I am looking at the back of it and seeing how messy it is and trying to figure it out.

12:40pm Meanwhile in the storage room – Judd talks to Elissa about how he slept in Candice’s bed last night to separate himself from Jessie. Judd says all Jessie had to do was play a Porsche game and lay low and she could have gotten far in the game. Up in the HOH – Gina asks Andy who he would put up if he was in her position. Andy says Jessie and Candice. They are the two that are lying the most about you and me. Their loyalty has been questionable. Gina says I like that I will probably use that in my speech. Gina says I like you and I will probably not put you up so if you do become HOH, I hope that you consider that I did not put you up. Andy says you have my word and not many people in the game have that. Gina says that she doesn’t like scrubs – I consider floaters and flip floppers to be scrubs. I want to compete with people who deserve and fight to be here! I consider you to be great in this game. People who don’t compete suck. Gina says hopefully you work with me and vote Candice out. Andy says he will vote however she wants him to vote.

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12:50pm Judd talks to Gina next. She tells him that she is thinking of putting up Jessie and Candice. She says that she will be probably tells Jessie that she is the pawn because she has a good chance of winning the veto. Judd says he is great we are on the same page. Jessie has hurt my game but I think people see that we are separated now. Gina says she thinks people see that too. Gina says I think you are a great guy and if I met you outside the house I would date you. You aren’t second best like how Jessie was jumping around from guy to guy. They discuss who could get MVP. Judd says if he does get he will work with her on who to put up. Gina asks Judd to work with her this week and to vote out Candice. Judd says yeah.

1pm – 1:12pmGina talks to Spencer next and tells him that she isn’t putting him up. She tells him that she likes him. I am not mad at you for voting out Nick. I understand that it’s a game and you are playing it for yourself. Gina says since I am not putting you up I would hope that you would not put Aaryn and I up on the block if you get HOH. Gina says the only reason I am adding Aaryn to this is because I heard that you would put her up. Its not like I need her but I would just appreciate it if you don’t put her or I up. Gina says she would be very appreciative if he votes out Candice. Spencer asks if she knows who the replacement nominee would be? Gina says she hasn’t thought about that yet but doesn’t want to put him up. Spencer says that he is picked to play in the veto I will compete and keep the nominations the same if he wins it. Gina appreciates that. Spencer heads downstairs and tells Helen that Gina would like to talk to her next.


1:15pm – 1:25pm Gina then talks to Helen about how obviously she will not be going up on the block. Helen says thank you. Gina talks about how she and Helen are similar and give things all of their heart. She talks about Nick and how she would give him her heart if they dated outside the game. Gina says that she will talk to Elissa too and she will not put her up. Gina talks about how she will be putting up Candice 100%! Gina asks if she wins HOH she will not put me up. Helen says of course not. Gina gets called to the diary room.


1:25pm In the rainbow bedroom – Spencer and Aaryn talk about how Ginamarie calls this the “coloured room”. Aaryn says that she told Gina she needs to stop calling it that, because it sounds so bad. Spencer agrees. Aaryn says yes there are a lot of colours in here but you can’t call it that. She says it cracks me up every time she says that but its so fu*ked up. Spencer says that it cracks him up too.


1:35pm – 1:50pm Gina is up in the HOH room with Elissa. She says I truly got to grown and love you this last week. You are amazing, your body, your family, everything about you is amazing. Gina says I know you are going to get an HOH soon and I would hope you would consider not putting me up since I am not putting you up. Gina says I am putting up Candice. Gina gives the same speech to Elissa that she has given to all the others. Aaryn joins them. Elissa motions to talk to Gina outside the HOH alone. They go outside and talk in private. Elissa says that she is proud of Gina and says that she is a great person. Gina apologizes for not telling Aaryn to leave. Elissa says I will come talk to you after she leaves. Gina tells Candice that she can talk to her if she wants.

1:55pm – 2:10pm Helen talks to Andy in the lounge room about her conversation with Jessie. She says the whole goal of the conversation was to scare Jessie. Helen says I made her feel this big by talking about all the ways she hurt my game and all the things I did to help her game. She will never flip again. Andy says we can talk more later but I think it would be get Jessie out over Candice because Candice is more readable. They discuss how they think Judd was MVP last week and will be again this week. Helen and Andy head out to the backyard couch to join Judd and Jessie. Jessie asks them if she is able to reconcile with Amanda – Will you all forgive me and be able to move on? Helen says of course I will forgive you. Jessie says okay good I will talk to Amanda later tonight. (Judd and Andy didn’t say a word.)


2:25pm Out in the backyard Helen and Jessie are talking about Scientology. Meanwhile, up in the HOH room – Judd and Gina are laying on the HOH bed talking about Nick and his photo or her and him together. Aaryn is in the HOH bathroom doing her makeup. Andy comes up and tells them that Helen and Jessie are talking on the backyard couch. Gina says that Jessie needs to seek out some help, no one is that crazy. They talk about how embarrassing it was how Jessie acted about the BBQ. They talk about the best impersonation of Ginamarie contest that they will have later for the other spot in the BBQ. Gina comments that Jessie moans in her sleep and can’t stand it. They laugh about how Julie Chen asked Jessie and Judd about what they missed from home but not people like Helen or Elissa who have kids. Gina says I can’t believe these bit*hes have not come up to talk to me yet. (Candice and Jessie) Judd says they are more concerned about putting on their makeup right now. If I was a possibility of going up I would be the first person to talk to you. Judd tells her she should say they are going up because they are more concerned about their makeup. Aaryn says shut up Judd, Gina do not say that. Candice comes up and the others leave.


2:40pm Candice comes up to the HOH room. Candice starts crying saying that she was never coming after Gina. I spent the last couple weeks trying to protect Howard. Gina says that this is sucks and is also a privilege to win HOH. I told everyone that I haven’t decided yet but I have asked everyone to vote for who they want. Aaryn and Helen aren’t going up. Gina says I never had a problem with Howard, I liked him. Gina says that she will be happy for whoever wins this. Gina starts talking about her and Nick – What we shared was between he and I. Gina says I just know where you are coming from with Howard. Also congratulations on the $5000, at least you know you got something out of it. Gina says Nick said he would kiss me in 90 days and that we could go on dates so I know he feels the same way about me. Gina says I haven’t made my decision yet but when I do my door is always open.


2:50pm Down in the rainbow bedroom – Judd and Andy make it look like Judd is sleeping in Candice’s bed. Judd says we have to hid me from her.

2:55pm – 3:20pm Jessie comes up to the HOH next to talk to Gina. Gina says no names were brought up. Jessie says that’s surprising. Gina says I talk about Nick and a few other things. Gina says I didn’t say anyone was safe other than Helen and McCrae who I said I wouldn’t put him up because he didn’t put me up. Gina says my target is Candice. Jessie says okay. Jessie starts talking about reasons why Candice should go up. Gina says you know what you don’t need to tell me because I see if with my own fu*king eyes. I told everyone that has their own choice of who they want to go home but I said who I wanted out. Jessie says I know I put a target on my back after last night and today I see how that was a mistake. If you want Candice out and she is your target I would ask that you not put me up with her because that may decrease the chances of her going home. I think the house would be on board with that person going up as well. Gina says gotcha. Gina starts talking about Nick and how she doesn’t believe things unless she sees it with her own eyes just like people didn’t see how Nick and I were together. Gina says basically if Candice goes on the block she will go home. Jessie says it maybe harder to get her out if I am on the block with her because Amanda is very persuasive. I would hate for you to be the one to send me home this week and vice versa. Gina says whatever is discussed between us is confidential. Jessie says ya your right and I am not up here saying we need to get Amanda out. Gina says yeah you’re not up here saying Amanda is a c**t! You don’t need to say things that make people look bad because I already see it. Gina says I talked to Amanda last night and she didn’t throw out your name. The end their conversation and Jessie heads downstairs.


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3:20pm – 3:50pm Aaryn heads up to the HOH. Gina talks to Aaryn about her conversations with everyone. She says that no one said anything negative about anyone. Aayrn says good. Gina tells Aaryn how she asked Spencer if he doesn’t go up for him to not put up me or Aaryn and he agreed to it. Aaryn says wow. Gina and Aaryn discuss what to say in her nomination speech. Gina brings up how Andy said something good that she will say that their loyalty has been questionable ..because they have both been little rats. Gina comments that McCrae is always good with me. McCrae comes up. Gina asks are your ears ringing? McCrae asks why are you talking about me. Gina says yes just about how you’re always good with me. Amanda comes up and Aaryn heads down stairs. Amanda asks do you know what you are doing. Gina says yes. I have had good conversations with everyone and no one talked bad about anyone because I don’t want to hear it. Gina says I didn’t tell Spencer he was going up, I left him hanging. I didn’t tell Candice anything either. I gave the same speech to Jessie as well. Gina says I told Jessie the target is Candice. If everyone respects my decision I would like for everyone to vote Candice out and I would appreciate that. Amanda asks worst case scenario – Candice wins veto and uses it, who goes up? Gina says Spencer. Amanda asks so who goes home then? Gina says Jessie. Amanda says so who ever would win veto and use it on Candice we don’t want to play. Although I don’t think there is anyone that would do that. Gina says eventually when it gets down to it we can all rock out with our co*ks out. Amanda says I can see you handled this very diplomatically. Amanda says well at least with the $5,000 and stipend Candice is leaving with 11 grand. Aaryn talks about Helen/Jessie’s conversation this morning and how unsympathetic Jessie was to the things she’d done to Helen. Gina gets called to the diary room. Aaryn tells Amanda and McCrae that she is solid and loyal to them and Andy over Judd and expects that same in return. Andy and Judd join them. Jessie then joins them and they talk about random things.


3:50pm – 4:10pm Up in the HOH room Jessie comment that she hopes she makes it to jury. Aaryn laughs and tells Jessie that she is at least making it to jury. From Gina’s conversations everyone’s target is Candice. Not to mention Spencer and Candice are going before jury. Jessie says okay good because I have to make it to jury. The conversation turns to talking about random things. Gina comes back from the diary room and says that the nomination ceremony will probably be happening soon. Elissa comes up and talks to Gina alone. Elissa says that we can use this as away to build our relationship and if I win HOH I won’t put you up. Gina says the truth will be behold and if you get your key that will prove to you. Elissa hears noises in the walls and says I wonder if they are setting up Pandora’s BOX! Gina tells ELissa I think you are truly and honestly amazing and I am sorry I didn’t see if from the start. Elissa talks about Aaryn and how she didn’t want to be associated with her behaviour in the past. Gina get called to the diary room. Gina tells Elissa that she is welcome to anything in her HOH except for her Nick picture. Gina heads into the Diary Room and says it might be time for the Nomination Ceremony.

4:15pm Big Brother put the house guests on a outdoor lock down and then switches the live feeds to TRIVIA for the Nomination Ceremony…

5:25pm Trivia The next post will have the nominations .. not going to be a big surprise

Use the Big Brother Live Feeds to FLASHBACK to SEE what they can’t show you on TV: BB15 N!p Sl!ps / N*des

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235 thoughts to “Amanda tells Jessie that she is sorry about the derogatory comments she made about her.”

    1. GM get some guts for once in your life and you, Aaryn, Candice, Jessie, Judd and Spencer get that disgusting racist bigot Amanda up on the block and at this point McCrae beside her or better yet put McCrae and Helen up and hopefully America puts up Amanda and you all get that racist hate filled bigot Amanda packing. I am not watching anymore until Amanda is sent packing and hope is is soon.

    2. word up! this cast gets dumber by the minute. GM needs to throw up Amanda & MC on the block. didn’t GM just see MC up there with her being one of the last two during that HOH competition. BB is a game of process of elimination, eliminating the threat. this idiot GM not only doesn’t even think of putting them up, she gives them her HOH room. I don’t even know how the hell these people are easily accepting apologies. they need to start saying to each other fuck you and your apologies and begin to start playing the game. it’s a group of pathetic playing assholes voting with the house. GM just fuckin’ place Amanda & MC on the block and America throws up Helen. if anyone of them wins POV, throw up Andy. that’s how simple this HOH should be for GM.

      1. Agree
        GM is too busy in delusionville to make any real plays. That said, I wonder if Nick is already in hiding?! What a nutcase GM is, ack. Uber creepy

        1. I can only pray that Nick finds himself a girl friend fast, purposes, gets married before the finale night!!

    3. vote for amanda as 3rd nom every week until evicted as she is a cruel, heartless, mean spirited, racist, homophobic bully

      i LOVED jess going off at amanda, and telling her the truth about what everyone is thinking but doesnt have guts to say to her face…jess being the only one there with the courage to do so…jess will get my americas favourite player vote…i dont care who wins, they are all assholes except for jess in my opinion, and she is the only one looking to change up this boring season, and because of this they are all ganging up on her and bullying her unnecessarily, throwing insults at her of a very untrue and disrespectful nature, like slut, whore, she should be a prostitute, she is skitzo etc, and by doing this it shows they have absolutely no class, they should be ashamed of themselves…i want to see jess get the 25k

      1. I love Jess too for doing that, she is so brave!! And the fact that they made her feel guilty for doing that and apologize infuriates me!! I will be voting for Jessie to win America’s favorite. Judd WAS my favorite but since he tucked his tail and ran because of Jessie’s persecution, that was so unwarranted.
        I cannot stand Amanda, she is so disgusting walking around in her underwear with no shame in front of everybody. Have she no shame?! I am so appalled that someone in her profession would do that on live T.V in front of millions of people. So nasty!!

    4. Completely agree! I honestly don’t remember the last time I have disliked a houseguest this much (Amanda). I don’t like Aaryn but atleast you know where you stand with the girl. Amanda is truly a conniving narcissist who actually seems to believe the crap she is feeding the other HG. And for her to call anyone else a bully is hypocritical.

    5. Candice is going Home. Then either Jessie or Spencer in the double eviction unless one of them will HOH.

    6. I just watched the youtube compilation of Amanda’s harshest comments (I don’t get the live feeds). She’s downright frightening. The looks on Jessie’s and Andy’s faces when she’s raging is unmitigated fear. Even scarier, when Amanda was painting this horrific killing/raping of Jessie scenario, was how Spencer joined in with his own 2 cents (very creepy) and even Judd laughed. It gave me the chills, it did.

  1. holy crap helen, its all about you. demanda attacks jessie after hearing whatever from the rat andy and was defending herself. but you make it about you. sanctimonious bitch.

    and demanda, you didnt mean it. whatever. i’m sure you’ll be talking about whatever making yourself out to be the victim to anyone who you can and demand that andy keep an ear out for anyone who may be talking about whatever.

    ugh, fire the casting director now plz

    1. Aaryn disclosed to Amanda that Jess found MacCrae hot. Amanda’s jealousy motivated the confrontation with Jess. This was alluded to on the feeds with a discussion between Amanda and MacCrae.

  2. 100% Amanda is going up as MVP, not because of the live feeders and “cat people” but if you read mainstream viewers’ comments you can see regardless of the “good” cut Amanda constantly gets its not good enough.

    I just more people wanted Helen up as well but Amanda is the clear # 1 choice.

    Cannot believe Elissa and Spencer are off the radar = UNBELIEVABLE

    1. everyone is wasting their votes on Amanda; their not voting her out anytime soon. Aaryn has a better shot at being evicted

      1. I agree with your logic – but considering who HOH is this week, I’m hoping America puts up Helen – she just might be shown the door.

      2. And Judd will receive the heat for it. The Goof Troop 2 has already stated if Amanda goes up again then the MVP is Judd.

      3. For me it has a lot to do with wanting to send a message to CBS that we don’t like her! I’m also hoping that Julie will tell them that America has voted the last three weeks and if demanda has been put up twice she will see that we don’t think she is all that.

    2. Pizza boy your playing with those double D’s your radar is jammed up big time! 😛

      As for the noms I expect Candy who has a real chance to survive(50/50) versus Jessie to blow up and end up out next. The interesting thing is perhaps Spencer has an outside shot at the jury now. But it still is pretty low unless Jessie goes 1st on Thursday!

    3. My prediction: Amanda or Helen go up as MVP.
      Thy will go nuts! Why? Because they both believe that Judd was MVP and put Amanda up. Helen even mentioned that she think he will get it
      Again. So as soon as one of them go up, they will start the Judd bashing again. Remember they wanted Judd out next week. This may save both Candice and Jessie. Because they will be working Gina making up lies to get him on the block, prey he dont get POV

      So I hope Gina makes a good speech when she puts them up about not trusting them. Because then they will be reminded again who has the power. Then when double evictions come I hope one of them get H of H. And do the right thing. Get amanda OUT!

      1. Girls Helen is just playing a game. She does not throw mean and nasty comments like the mean girls Aryan, Ginamarie and also Amanda. I cannot believe that Amanda made up that comments how can she do that? America should vote for Amanda or Aryan.

  3. I wonder when the group-think stuff will end, and the bullies and part-time racists will be seen as threats?

      1. um bullsh*t.

        he said something completely different and tame, and she lied about it because that is what demanda does

      2. Actually Howard said that he did NOT say that. Here is the interview I just read:

        There was some controversy on the live feeds this week over a comment you whispered to Amanda in the kitchen. She got pretty riled up about it, talking about feeling threatened and having production check the tapes. Can you tell us what happened? What did you say to her?

        “I mean, basically it was nothing. This was after the big thing outside where Candice confronted Spencer. At this point, I’m just carefree in the game. … I just saw an opportunity to joke with her .. I walked up and I said, ‘I love you’ and she said, ‘What, no you don’t?’ and I said, ‘No, I love you.’ With her being brash and she’s never been one to be shy about her sexuality, in a joking manner, I whispered, ‘I really do love you and outside this house you’d be so hot to me and we could hang out’ and that was it. That’s a joke I felt I could joke with her about because her, Candice and maybe GinaMarie, they’re really open about their sexuality and that was basically it. She made more of it because she never really could figure me out because she couldn’t control me. I guess she took it as a game ploy … I mean, that’s basically what it was. I wouldn’t harass anybody.”

        Amanda is telling the house you said you want to “f*** the s*** out of her.”

        “No. No. It wasn’t anything to that degree. Basically, I said we could hang out, you’re so hot. She had always joked with me in that fashion, even in public around other houseguests. … It was said in a joking manner. If she took it as [threatening], I will apologize over and over because I definitely didn’t mean it in an offensive manner.”

      3. That’s a lie ! He said that he was joking with her and was like I love you, your a cool person and that she was the type of person he would hang out with outside of the house.
        When he heard what she said he said he denied and said he would never say anything like that.

        1. just like he said he didn’t vote out Elissa? just like he swore he wasn’t in the moving company? or said that he didn’t say Candice was ‘a cancer to his game’? Yeah, Howard is a real trustworthy guy

          1. Are you really comparing lying in the game to denying false statements that was already proven false by Amanda who told McCrae that what she told the others about what Howard said was a lie for her game?


      4. YOU NEED to read again!!! HOWARD DID NOT ADMIT to making those comments. Stop trying to destroy the man’s reputation AND LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AMANDA IS A liaR AND RACIST!

        1. You are asking someone to stop saying something because it will ruin someone’s life, yet you are saying horrible things about someone that could ruin their life. Why is it okay to say horrendous things about Amanda, but Howard is off limits? If you’re going to call Amanda (or anyone else) all of those kinds of names, then you shouldn’t be so judgmental about someone else doing the same thing to Howard.

          1. a random comment from an anonymous user on a blog is quite the same thing as demanda going onto tv and the live feeds saying whatever. some news outlet won’t be writing an interview with the anon user you tried to blow things out of proportion with.

            in fact, the way you did that, tells me you are exactly like demanda in how you make things about others as bad as you possibly can to suit your needs.

          2. People are saying the things that Amanda says and does are disgusting. That is completely different from saying a man sexually harassed you. She lied because of a game. That type of lie is not acceptable because it can hurt Howard in the real world.

          3. Thw things posted about Amanda are all facts from what we’ve seen on the feeds, when someone posts something a bout Amanda that is a lie, then post….

          4. Are you just trying to be funny or do you really believe what you just type because if you do believe wheat you typed you have some really problems and you should seek help asap

      5. I think it’s hilarious that Helen’s big ‘master plan’ to make Jessie jealous and resentful of Aaryn completely backfired on her. That’s what she gets for thinking she can manipulate everyone. There are too many unforeseen possibilities when you try to be calculating with someone’s emotions. That’s where she doesn’t understand that she doesn’t have full control over everyone.

        1. It’s akin to the goof troop 1 suggesting Judd and Andy make Howard and Spencer secure in revealing any plan to vote out Amanda. The plan is revealed to Judd and Andy and Judd is assigned the initiator of the potential flip.

      6. Well…not exactly. He admitted he said something to her in that general realm, but he says he didn’t say what she says he did. (Wow, I feel dumber just typing that.)

        Anyway, for anyone interested:

        Still lame of him, but certainly not what Amanda is making it out to be.

        Howard did not admit to saying anything close to what Amanda said-here is the interview!! Don’t know where people are getting this from….

    1. Mr94, its NOT TRUE!! Howard DID NOT admit to making those statements. Google it for yourself and you will know the truth. Not sure why someone on here is lying about something so serious. Must be a member or Amanda’s family.

  4. Let’s hope Amanda gets nominated by America, freaks out, gets paranoid to the extreme, goes ape shit on Judd, and we find ourselves with an actual show.

    Mostly likely she’ll blame it on Jessie this week and nothing will be exciting.

    1. I can’t wait to see her freak out when America nominates her again. I think she will accuse Jessie for sure, but who knows. I can’t believe that she may have thought it was Judd last week. Her paranoia is going to be even more hyped this week when it becomes twice in a row.

    2. I can’t believe I’m saying it, but I think I am going to start rooting for Spencer since he might be the only one other than Jessie actually willing to do something to shake this game up. I can’t believe I’m saying this either, but I kind of wish Jeremy was still around. It would be a totally different game right now.

        1. Watched the video…still don’t think she’s racist. There’s a really big difference between being racist and not being politically correct. Ya she’s vulgar and rude and inappropriate but not racist. Racism is based around hatred and intolerance; politically incorrect is being offensive and amanda is definitely the latter.

  5. omg helen is beyond annoying! I cannot stand her! I dislike spencer the most but helen is about to take his place. I still like amanda!

    1. After this last crying bout I wish I had saved some vote for Helen. Does she really think all this crying is working for her?

  6. Amanda: I think we need to get a dog

    Mc: As long as its not a poodle. And we can name it. What was the name of your dog Judd?

    Judd: Stay is his name.

    Amanda: Thats so funny. How did you get him?

    Judd: He just showed up one day. A dog came to my door, so I gave him a bone, the dog took the bone into the back yard and buried it. I was thinking I’m going to go plant a tree there, with bones on it, then the dog will come back and say, “Shoot! It worked!

    1. I had a cat a long time ago his name was askem. My friends would say what’s your cats name is? My reply “askem”(ask him) hehehe True story …. ok ok ok? 😛

    2. Judd: Your sister is so famous. Has anyone ever asked her for an autograph?

      Elissa: All the time. Its so bizarre

      Judd: If people ask me for my autograph after BB. I’m not famous, I’ll think they’re messing with me. I’ll think they’re trying to make me late for something.

      Andy shows up

      Elissa: Have you ever met anyone famous?

      Judd: I met this girl, she was an actress, and she gave me her number. It started with 555.

  7. Instead of giving America the MVP vote we should get the Coup d’etat. That would shake this boring game up!

  8. Sweet… now everyone is gonna be all happy again. lol…. Never thought I’d miss Chima so much!

  9. As of now, I’m just laughing my ass off at how Helen been talking. All her drama and crying has been digging my head in for the past few days and I got used to it. Hopefully, she’ll be enlightened and campaign to save both Jessie and Candice. As of the moment Amanda is a shoo-in for the MVP nominee, the best case would be if Spencer gets the veto, vetoed one of the nominees and hatch a plan to vote off Amanda. I don’t see this happening though, which is depressing, from what is happening he is also scared at Amanda and is willing to further her game.

    1. Hi Carlos no worry she has been trying to save Candice and was a success on last eviction and I do not know how she can pull it off this time. The reason for her to not trust Jessie is because Jessie tried to flip the house on Candice. So I do not know if she can trust her again.

  10. I am sick of everyone and their fake humlity ….fake sorry and shit so ,,tired of everyone and thier i am so sorry .. stop doing things u have to be sorry for

  11. Hmmmm…looks like Production must’ve had a little chat with Demanda. Otherwise she would NEVER have “apologized”. They have to keep her in there at all costs, right? UGH

  12. I must say I was shocked that GinaMarie won an endurance competition but good for her.

    I’m guessing that we are going to see that picture of GinaMarie and Nick bedside and that it is going to get a lot of use.

    1. Nick, get out of Dodge! If you stay in NYC either change your name or get a restraining order. That psycho loon will stop at nothing!!!
      Just tell you are in love with Andy.

  13. WELP. There goes Jess this week. Unless she wins Veto. If Amanda goes up again by America, Jessie is FOR SURE getting the blame for that one. Yikes. I feel bad. But girl go get that veto!!

    1. Eveb if Amanda blames Jessie, if she thought about it further, she would see that America would have given her the MVP (if she did think it was Jessie). The only way Jessie would get the vote would be if they felt sorry for her and it would be because of how Amanda treated her. No matter what, Amanda should know she would be up on the block because of her own behavior.

  14. Demanda is a manipulative bitch. I can’t wait til MC moves to FL and she dumps the pizza boy. Idiots….

    1. I cannot believe the mentality of a lot of these people.. Aaryn & GM should be the most hated people on BB. Did people not see what they did? I’m glad my daughter has a brain and can see they are way worse than Amanda.

  15. production probably told her to apologize, apparently she is friends with a producer and is already set up to win the game. they can’t have her showing her true sociopathic self to the public if she is to be their winner…she has said so much nasty shit that i can’t imagine anyone liking her if they have a brain in their head. helen is a nutcase.

    1. It will be interesting to see if they edit the fight to favor damanda and then show her “apology” to TRY to make her look good. She is a spoiled and entitled girl… and I use girl intentionally because she isn’t a mature woman she is a spoiled brat.

      The social justice YouTube video seems to be making the rounds! I sure hope she is exposed for who she is!

  16. I thought that was a masterful tag team effort Helen and Elissa ambushed Jessie with. I have no favorites. I really don’t like any of them but I do like good game play and to see that (although cringeworthy to watch) was prime BB. I mean I really don’t like Helen and Amanda BUT I do like good game play. And since there are very few playing this game, I don’t want to see them go.

  17. How is Aaryn not in the HOH with GM while she has these talks? That’s like Vito Corleone leaving Fredo alone to conduct family business. If the last person she talks to suggests she put herself and Aaryn on the block then she’ll probably do that.

    1. I was thinking the same mafia context as you when I was reading the spoilers. I even read GM’s dialogue out loud in my best Staaaaaaatan Island “youse guyz” accent. “I would be very appreciative if you would vote out Candice” Perfect – she has become a charicature (sp?) of herself. And, my God girl, stay away from the tanning booth! Can you imagine what she’ll look like in a few years! She’s looks older than 32 now. Yikes!

  18. I cannot continue to watch this show…in all the years of watching… this has been the worst season of players…they are jerk—s…they let other people rule them…get rid scumanda… the pizza boy is a moron…she is playing him like a violin…get rid of the politician and and the dr. spock gingy…he’s a rat…these people should wake up…

  19. it’s official!! Amanda is this year’s Danielle from bb14. Any one notice that she goes after people who are not even after her and paints a huge a target on their back just because…
    McCrae is ugly and yet she’s fighting over him thinking other girls want a piece…of…that! ugh. yuck!! She runs around calling the other girls slut and names and yet she is biggest douche butch of the house. She is the most butch of the house, not pretty!! Jesse was right in the beginning when she said that she was the most pretty girl in the house. I know believe her.
    You would think that if these half wits have a idea of America possibly being BBMVP, that, MAYBE America knows something they don’t know by voting her as third nominee? I will keep voting Amanda as third nominee every week until they get it through their numbskulls, that hey, maybe this girl is wacko and needs to go, now there’s a idea.

    1. I disagree. I think Amanda is a lot prettier than Jessie. Jessie walks like a duck and has a pot belly.

      1. hannah , have you failed to see aMANdas flabby celluite ass all over the house ! The woMAN is a nut job and needs to be told America doesn`t wanna see her grossness in full view of the cameras!

    2. Durring the fight between Amanda and Jessie last night, I heard one of the funniest things.

      It came up that Jessie thought Mcrae was the hottest guy in the house. Amanda yelled at McCrae “Why are you standing behind Jessie, stand in front of her so she can look at you!”

      I actually LOL’d out loud!

  20. Has the plan to let Aaryn stay in the house long enough to restore her image worked? Has everyone forgotten how horrible she is? Why is she so far below Amanda on this poll? CBS probably got legal threats about how she was being portrayed and warned her about her racism hence all of her little comments about being racist. I think it working….she should still be the MVP nom!

    1. Maybe CBS is rehabilitating Aaryn’s image by showing how awful everyone else is.
      I haven’t forgotten….but her racism is so much a part of her I may be getting used to it.

    2. Nobody forgot about Aaryn racists comments…it’s just that Amanda keeps being disrespectful. And Amanda says’s racist comments in front of Aaryn to let her know she’s just like her……Believe me ….When Aaryn leaves the house…she will only be ask question about her racist comments. for example no matter how many movies Mel Gibson makes or How many cook book Paula Dean writes…people will never forget what they said…

  21. Is it just me, or do the rest of you find Aaryn, Amanda, Gina Marie, Helen, Kaitlyn and Jeremy to be quite repulsive characters. I mean, the casting folks at CBS should be fired for casting this vile bunch of characters. These people are lacking any type of core/basic values. The constant lies and racist statements are turning me off, and I am about to quit following this season already. People are a reflection of their environments. Seems to me, that these people surround themselves with folks that condone lying and racist statements. Otherwise, they would not think that it is O.K to go into the BB house and say the things that they’ve said, and think it is no big deal. Either they’re dumb, or they speak like that amongst their peers outside the BB house, and it is no big deal. I know lying is a part of the game, but Helen is just making stuff up, and it is quite disturbing that she sees nothing wrong in doing so. With regard to Aaryn and Gina Marie, they have absolutely no remorse for the racist statements that come out of their mouths. In fact, they are blaming the victims. If something isn’t done to change this type of behaivor real soon, then CBS is about to loose me as a BB viewer.

  22. In addition to The Huffington Post,, and have picked up the Amanda video. Probably the same writer.

  23. Fake apologies is code for, “You’re being targeted for Eviction” shame they don’t catch on about that. LOL

  24. I am so over Helen & Amanda! As I type this Helen is talking about how much she loves Spencer, & Jessie is wanting to get back on everyone good side! she is so sorry about last night…

  25. House is full of mirrors!! All hypocrites. Demands is just a hag…. I’m so bored of the predictability.

  26. Funny how Helen and Amanda go around bullying people, and these idiots are following them….GROW A PAIR and put up HELEN and AMANDA…god what a joke this cast is…

  27. I’m officially Team Spencer since he’s the only one in there with a mind of his own. GinaMarie’s supposed nominations are so disappointing.

  28. Jessie, go to the DR now and ask for whatever drugs Helen, Gina and Amanda are taking. You try to clear the air with Gina, but she wants to make her comments to you during nominations. You know what she wants to do? Gina wants to wait and embarrass Jessie in front of the house and TV audience for having the temerity to flirt with a guy she had known only 24 hours. A guy that was not in a romance with you. It was all in your head and one sided.

    Helen then corners Jessie and starts crying. She always try to emotionally control someone by crying. I hope Jessie realizes that and continues to think for herself. What did Jessie say that was so wrong? That Amanda and Helen run the house and she wants to blaze a different path? Amanda likes to play games. She likes to slap someone around a couple of times just for the fun of it. When the rest of the house sees how mean Amanda is, she then apologies but its not sincere. Amanda is just so vile. Jessie please keep standing up for yourself. You might get evicted, but play your game.

  29. GinaMarie wins one hoh and now she has the nerve to call people floaters, what a effin joke she is, can’t any of these people in the house do there own Noms, poor Jessie and that moose Amanda, man give me 10 mins. in that house with her, the only one that had the balls to tell Amanda was Spencer, when he told her to shut up that was priceless! and then she says who tells a woman to shut up! he did!! good for you Spencer! man these people have no backbone at all! Helen needs to go as does the racists Aryaning and GM! wish they would tell Amanda that America wants her out!! that would make my day!!

    1. I love how she tried to play victim by playing the gender card. “You don’t tell a girl to shudduuuuppp”

    2. And Spencer did this when she was speaking over him. I am not a fan of Spencer but her did remain composed during this encounter, and during Candisphere.

  30. this season sucks , give the money to amanda and helen , they re the best players whether we like them or not , i cant believe ive seen a guy apoligize for playin the game , then watched arrayn give her hoh away and admit it (bb first) , my god these players suck and totally unlikeable except for jessie , she has nt done anything but get trashed on , next yr they need to do a better job of casting

  31. I’ve never seen a season where people (aaryn and gm) are working hard to protect an alliance that they are not even in. It is really like 2 people (amanda and helen) are playing to win while everybody else is playing just to make the jury. This is the weakest group of players I think I’ve ever seen. There is really no point in watching until thursday

  32. This season of Big Brother is definitly one of the most annoying seasons in history. I am so effin tired of Amanda, Helen, and Andy. In my opinion, they are the messiest people in the house. All Andy does is run from person to person telling shit and Amanda walks around the house like she is running it. Then when the live shows come on she sits there like she is an angel.

    One of the main reasons they targeted Howard and are not trying to get Candice out is because theyt figured out all of the aliances. These people are not playing the game. They are simply doing as they are told and in the end they will all et screwed.

    I hate Aaryn at first, but at this point I hope Amanda, Helen, Andy, McCrae, and GinaMarie leave before she does. With it being a double elimination week, I would not be suprised if a very vital member of their alliance leaves.

  33. WOW!! Did you hear what Jessie said earlier that PRODUCTION is NOT going to talk or show ANYTHING that happened LAST NIGHT between her and Amanda!!! ALLISON is protecting AMANDA and they don’t want to show the TRUE AMANDA to the public!! So that means NO matter how YOU vote ALLISON will be picking AARYN as 3rd nominee!! Because they can’t have AMERICA’S SWEETHEART AMANDA to look bad on TV… Her EDITS each week show who PRODUCTION/CBS/Big Brother is PUSHING to WIN!!!

  34. from the 2 pm update, helen is freakin’ evil.

    BB16 needs to have more america involvement so we can call people out more for crap like that

  35. Amanduh only apologized because she knew she may have over stepped and would possibly be voted out. She also apologized so MC wouldnt be mad at her anymore and then they could use the HOH room again.

    Good for Gina going up to the HOH and telling them to go to their own bed now…after all it is her HOH room.

    Now for Helen….Gosh this woman is like nails on a chalkboard She tries so hard to play the game to the point she over plays. Her fake tears and her fake apologizes turn my stomach. She said previously that she wasnt running the house along with MC and Amanduh but everyone knows she is.

    Now I cant wait for the MVP to put up Amanduh again. Do you think she is going to freak out this time because it is the second time? She thought Howard was MVP last time so who is she going to blame this time? Hopefully the houseguests will open their eyes and wonder why she is up there second time in a row……get this wench out of there. Maybe MC will start playing a better game…FOR HIMSELF

  36. how is Grodner allowed to continue protecting aMANduh with the you tube video that is making the rounds? She made some very, very racist and threatening remarks and do not understand why Grodner’s bosses are allowing this. Does Julie’s husband have no say in any of this?

    1. We did vote for have-nots… I remember falafel being part of a selection… and figs too. Can’t recall the others, but I remember voting.

  37. Jessie is NOT going to do ish!!! She has a heated argument with Amanda and now she is asking people if they think she can patch things up with Amanda. Judd and Andy silence should really clue her in to what’s up! If not the fact that she has seen with her own eyes how Amanda kept trying to get Howard out for weeks. She really thinks Amanda will let this go. Everything will all be cool and peachy again. She should know by being around them that they are already plotting to get her out. Damn Jessie look around you. The number of people outside of the your so called “the house” alliance is low as fuck. I hate it when people play big brother and act like once you cross somebody (whether its getting into an argument or plotting to evict somebody behind their backs) that you can somehow make things square and not worry about any form of retaliation.
    ]Once the line has been drawn in the sand (pick a side), own it. You can be smart about it. Look at Aaryn and Elissa. Right now things are calm but do you think that they really 100% trust each other. Hell no! Once one of them is able get the upper hand on the other, Aaryn or Elissa would vote the other out quick. I understand there’s gameplay involved.
    But just try to lay low like Spencer right now. Spencer knows that he’s still a target. He’s picked his side if he wins HoH. Spencer is putting up Amanda, McCrae or Helen. But people like Candice and now Jessie really??? Ya’ll claim to know what’s happening in the house but still no guts to say F the house. If they were to win HoH today, they would do what the house would want.

  38. I am usually all over bb after dark and posting on this blog. This season and its lack of spine has me soooo disinterested

  39. Best case scenario, Candice and Jessie will go on the block. Spencer gets picked and he plays in the POV comp. Spencer wins veto. Make a deal with Jessie (No way Spencer and Candice are working together anymore thanks to Helen). Use it to save her. That way Ginamarie would be forced to put somebody else up. Everybody know the house is making the decision for her. Who would GM put up? Probably Judd. Then the live feeds could get pretty interesting next week.

    1. that’d be awesome, but i think spencer has gone into hide mode and he’d be too afraid (jeez, i’m tired of that being a theme with BB15) to put an additional target on himself to demanda and the sheep.

  40. vote for your favorite comment!

    this is the worst season
    I’m gonna stop watching
    Amanda is related to Grodner
    The houseguests are sheep
    I’m gonna stop watching
    Amanda is running the house
    I’m gonna stop watching
    there’s a youtube video with all amanda’s racist comments
    I’m gonna stop watching

      1. so if I’m a CBS troll does that mean people are NOT repeating themselves? Or that it’s not stupid to do so? Your comment makes zero logical sense but points the troll arrow back your way.
        I never even said if I agree with those comments or nor-I JUST THINK IT’S F*****G STUPID TO KEEP SAYING THE SAME THINGS OVER AND OVER.

    1. I tried to access the you tube video again today but it has been removed. Guess they are protecting aMANduh’s morals, integrity, sportsmanship and any other accolade Grodner would like to give her.

  41. OMG I hope these idiots do the math this week. If Amanda goes up with Jessie and Candice then McCrae and Andy will vote Jessie out because Amanda told them to and Judd and Aaryn will vote Candice out then Elissa, Helen and Spencer can vote Amanda and she is gone. These people need to learn math. The 3 voting Amanda can lie like everyone else does. McCrae will be so upset (maybe) he will lose HOH. All might change when they realize it’s a DE. Hopefully they have a plan just in case. Now that would be a great blindside.

    1. When Aryan and GM were feeding the fish earlier today, they tried to figure out some math.

      They realised there are 11 people in the house, and next week there will be only 10.

      According to Aryan, after this week they have a 50% chance at winning $500,000.

      So my guess is they won’t figure it out!

  42. BB this season is boring. I wish Jeremy and Howard where still there. When are these folks gone get into game play. Can America please Vote some folks out. LOL

  43. I’m so sick of all of this Amanda and McCrae bashing, Why is it any worse for them to play the game how they are than it is for any other showmance to ever play the game? You cannot possibly tell me that you think that the so called “Big Brother Royalty” in Brenchel and Je/Jo are God’s gift to the BB planet. Why are people so bent on putting people down for talking bad about these four players? Sure Rachel and Jordon won, yippee, but why does that make them such big players that they can do no wrong and then another showmance comes along that is HANDS DOWN better in every way and they are horrible players for it? Both Brendon and Jordon are complete airheads. At least with Amanda and McCrae are both very headstrong and know where they are and what they are doing in the game.

    The other thing I hate is how people take things so far out of proportion and get so bent out of shape because of how someone else thinks, talks or believes. It’s called having an opinion, everyone has one. So what if they express it on TV? If it bothers you that much, A, don’t sign up for it and B, don’t watch it any more. But don’t ruin it for people who might be enjoying this season and the people in question.

    Before anyone even thinks it, no I am not a racist, however I don’t have to get so bent out of shape just because of something Amanda has said. I don’t get offended. Why waste my time worrying about what someone else says or does when I have a lot of living to do and have better things to do with my time?

    You fans do what you want, but I will continue to cheer for Amanda and McCrae as long as they are in the house.

    Team McManda FTW!

    1. You’re right. Everyone has an opinion. And everyone’s opinion is that Amanda’s awful.

      But it’s ok. Relax. She’s going to win anyway. We can only imagine the deal she got Allison for a place in Florida.

      1. Why is Amanda any worse than anyone else who has played like this? She is not the first and won’t be the last to do so….What makes her SO bad that everyone thinks she is the worst person on the planet and yet at the same time people continue to ass kiss Brenchel and Je/Jo? What a joke! I couldn’t care less about either of those two showmances. Brenchel and Je/Jo are awful people. Rachel is a bitch, as is her sister.

        By the way, I am NOT a CBS employee of any sort, so you can just forget that comment. I made this choice to be a McManda fan on my own.

        Every time I’ve asked it, no one will give me a straight answer. What makes Amanda so “bad” of a person or player than anyone else who has played like she is?

  44. GM, Nick is probably disgusted with how you’re playing this HoH. He would put Helen and Amanda up faster then Andy can drink a bottle of wine. So don’t want Candce to go this week, she’s one of the last hopes we have to see this game change. Her and Spencer need to but their shit aside and take these bitches down, even though I think Spencer is a total creeper.

  45. People there are no floaters this year. Geez it gets me so mad the way people just throw around the word floater, makes me think you are all a bunch of floaterist. How dare you. THEY ARE NOT FLOATERS, THEY ARE SHEEP!!! ok, ok, ok.

    Amanda, congrats on your big wedding, you snagged a 24 year old pizza delivery guy. That is just awesome.

  46. The whole Amanda thing, Howard basically said what she said. He is not what he appears to be. Just because he’s black people are so quick to defend him. This is ridiculous. People should be allowed to say what they want!!! Candice is as racist as Aaryn, it was coming out in last nights episode. I am so sick of the hypocrites & double standards!!!!

    1. That’s kind of true – Candice’s fried chicken comment during the HOH comp was obvious race baiting.

      1. Everyone forget that she said bacon first. ANd I guess no black person can REALLY like fried chicken. The only person that would say that her comment about eating fried chicken is race baiting are the people who can;t think of fried chicken without thinking of black people. Usually racist. I’m black and really like watermelon along with a ton of white people expecially from the south. I guess im race baiting.

        Lastly every minority will not handle racial slurs like MLK or leven like Howard for that matter. Some fight back and rightfully so. However its unfortuante that when anyone fights back when they are mistreated, then they are made to look like they are the ones doing something wrong.

  47. Can someone say something positive, please!!! BB15 Rocks and so does Amanda. But I also think others are playing a great game too.

      1. Aaryn says “I’m not a racist”.
        MVP – when they say the know who it is, other than America.

    1. Helen jumps up and down – drink

      Jessie cries – drink

      Aryan talks about the black fish – drink

      McCrae scolds Amanda for her gameplay – drink

      Judd mumbles – drink until you can understand him

      GinaMarie uses a word incorectly or just makes one up – 2 drinks

  48. I was just imaging a double eviction where Candice gets voted out with 100% of the votes, then GM has to pick the second eviction and pulls a stunner and chooses Amanda. I think Amanda’s head would blow up with rage, or she would try to kill GM. Either way it would make great TV.

  49. Remember how everyone hated the Moving Company and wanted them gone? Now are people willing to admit that the game would be more interesting with Nick, Jeremy, and Howard still in the house? At least they’d be more entertaining than a house full of mindless Helen and Amanda drones.

  50. i hope aaryn goes up for america’s nomination. has everyone already forgotten the first 2 weeks in the house?!

    1. We did not forget about Aaryn’s racism. Here is what I think happened. She was exposed on national TV so we felt like she got something in return. Then she got fired from her job. Then she toned it down a little bit. All the while, Amanda capitalized on it (I am sure production suggested this to her) and she painted herself champion of justice at Aaryn’s expense. Then she lost all control and let us see her true colors. And for two weeks she has made it unbearable. She became 72 times worse than Aaryn. At this point I don’t care if Aaryn goes or stays. All my mvp votes on my phone and my computer are for Amanda. She has a black belt in being mean and nasty. It has not helped that CBS are painting her as cool, cutesy, funny …yikes! Does that help you understand why we will be a happier audience with Amanda gone like yesterday?

  51. Ok…quote from GinaMarie to Judd, ” I think you are a great guy and if I met you outside the house I would date you.” Did she stop to think that he might run to the other side of the street if he saw her coming??? I was reading through the conversations GM was having with hg’s about the noms and in most of them she brought up something about Nick, or Nick and her…something is really off about that girl! Like seriously off.

    All you people that “loathe, hate”, whatever, towards Helen…have any of you stopped and thought that Helen’s job is a political consultant. She’s really good at manipulation and what she does, that’s obvious by the way she’s mentally dominating many of the weaker minded houseguests. If you’re not sure what a political consultant is/does, put on your google gloves! Helen is running these numbskulls like a campaign on crack.

    I feel sorry for the person that is the shrink for the houseguests this year *eyeroll*

    By listening to McCrae I realize that boy is not stupid at all…he’s probably one of the smarter people this season. Hooking up with Nipple Slipper is a bonus for him lol!

    1. I was pulling for Amanda but she’s reached the point where her annoying overbearing personality overshadows anything she brings to the table game-wise. She’s become another Helen.

    1. Do not know how they can top last season’s pandora’s boxes. I liked both Jessie throwing out everyone’s favorite junk food and Ian being forced to listen to Rachel.

      1. Ian should have automatically won just for having to endure that BS. Anyone who is forced to listen to that screeching bitch’s voice and still hear afterwords should be given a medal.

  52. I am so confused, I think they are all monsters.. I saw on twitter that Aaryn said ” all the white fish are faster than the other’s” and GM said ” go white power”

    so, my personal point of view is ” CBS” is the worst of all the houseguest because they allow these comments..

    WE are AMERCIANS and if people could see beyond race, gender and sexuality, we would be a stronger nation… THANK CBS FOR ALLOWING THESE COMMENTS TO CONTINUE.

    1. That is not what Aaryn said. They were counting fish, Aaryn stated it was hard to count them because this little white on moves to fast.

      Apparently the fish conversations are becoming quite an analogy for some people.

    2. SoCal, you are making the case that we would have a stronger nation if CBS would restrict peoples freedom of speech? Your not a proponent of the thought that the true strength of our nation relys on the strident defense of a persons right to speak no matter how strongly you disagree with what it is they are saying?

  53. Watching this big brother season is like watching a opposite dimension. The Twilight Zone! People who are bullies are called victims , people we believe are racist are called misinterpreted, people who we call floaters are dangerous threats to them and people who want to play the game with their own mind are called shunned. Is anyone else confused? I sure as hell am!

    1. BB15? Have you read the novel 1984, by George Orwell? That’s where the concept of Big Brother came from. This season comes closer to the double talk of the book than any other, so in that sense , it is the most successful. Having Helen apply the advanced mindfuck technjques of Scientology has made a big difference.

  54. I don’t know why someone doesn’t essentially gather the house together and cut Andy, what good is he? If someone got HOH and made it clear that Andy was the target and gave a reasonable case, hardly anyone would object. It would allow that week’s HOH to get off with very little blood on their hands, and then hide in the background for the next week, or at least set themselves up nicely for next week. Andy is a nice guy, but he really is useless.

    1. I feel the same way.. Amanda Brings WAY more drama and excitement to the feeds than McCrae but MC is playing a better game. I would LOVE to see the two of them on the block.

      1. McCrae has a really good social game, coupled with an underrated comp. game, and he has Amanda as a shield. I personally can’t stand the guy, but he has all the lightning rods(Amanda/Helen/Andy) at his beckoning.

  55. It says a lot about the dynamics of the Big Brother house when you find yourself actually hoping that Spencer wins an upcoming HOH. At least if Spencer were to win HOH, he would definitely do some house cleaning and toss out the trash. I would think he would either put Aaryn and Amanda up or Amanda and Helen. But he would definitely shake up the game. The scared rabbits we have in the Big Brother house are absolutely useless. They’re there to serve Amanda’s game and that’s about all.

    I’ve decided to give Amanda another nick-name. From now on I’m going to refer to her as “The Red Queen” (from “Alice in Wonderland”). I see Amanda a/k/a The Red Queen running around the house shouting orders “Off with his head!” “Off with her head!” Anyone who doesn’t do her bidding is set up to be “axed”. The rest of the household guests are just useless cards ready to be tossed away.

    1. I walked into the Church of Scientology to watch the free movie. When I was leaving the overly friendly lady was trying to sell me the book Dianetics.

      As I refused to purchase it she said, “Are you perfect? If there was one thing that you could do to improve your life, what would it be?”

      and I said, “I’d stop buying things I don’t need.”

    2. Really? That WOULD explain a lot. Every scientologist I’ve ever met has been at least a little cray-cray. Not surprisingly, the doctrine is quite anti-psychiatry/anti-medication…and I do think Helen is at least a little nuts too. Is anyone buying her “I love yous”? Or the insipid cheering over the minutest thing? And crying to manipulate her children? That’s just awful – hope you have the cash for their future therapy bills.

  56. LOL…. I can’t believe noone noticed GM saying no one in real life can be as crazy as Jessie. Good GOT .. ain’t that the tiny crazy kettle calling the crazy pot crazy.

  57. i want howard,jeremy,nick to return on bb15 by america vote and restart this mofo game and julie are to give bigger money out and cars like in the old days of bb.also howard was like 2pac ya in there and are to be a actor in hollywood hope he go on shows like leno-dave also other shows..julie chen are to have them on the early show and the talk…howard saved candice ya if he was not in there candice would of layed the smack down and aryian,gm and katlyn would of beated her ass down and jeremy would of ran out of them and got help…just imagine if moving company endured,,,see candice would of gotten her ass beaten by gm she was so close…if howard had not done shit and letted them fight…howard still be in this mofo house on bb15,,,see if nick had been in there and jeremy and the company they be talking…outside…candice would of said who the fuck flip my bed and i beat there ass,aryien said who ass you going to beat and gm said i show you who ass to beat…without howard,,,candice i guaranteed would got her ass beated so bad in there…and bb15 would of been sued,talked about,obama would got in this and others….really julia are to give howard more money he saved her big brother show…i bet the security would came in there if gm and katlyn,aryien had beated candice ass….they talking about candice bad still…also candice not so smart she thinks spencer set her up but he did not he saved his own ass,he wanted amanda gone….ya need look hard on the bed thing,,,aryian lost her modeling job and they was going to kick 4 of them out of the house but did not,,,katlyn,ariyen,katlyn,candice would been gone,also others they was thinking on kicking out…but ratings went up and this one better than them all…we know there names no other bb did you know all of them…also just imagine if howard was not in there ,,,candice would been hurt and been all on news…i bet jeremy and nick still be on there.. i beat maybe jeremy might done something went got andy whom might of done something….but candice would been hurt i think the security been in there like when shannon i forgot name was it nick that placed a nife on her and was going do something,security came in throwed his ass down and they said he needed medication and julie asked him what was that??? was other events in there member everyone got nude in the soapy water-other events they was harder than now…like hanging on to stuff for hours to win cash,cars and prizes….also everyone use be real class high class in there and cleaner than now…they seem lazy than the others…also tired,,,member times when folks ate only peanut butter for a week made some ill she now has all foods in there…they now cook at night,,,i member showtime also cbs use not have censorships….member time squenc was naked on saved by the bell jimmy fallon or jay leno showed the clip and laughed,squenc said where my cloths are at????
    member on showtime also big brother overseas are was very expilicit like overseas version in australia aint nothing like here they do stuff that look taboo here…member anna nicole and denniss rodman was on australia big brother shows way back….they playing mind games like hitler did could controles millions his army was so huge look on youtube i dont believe he was defeated cause nostradamus claims hitler survived and is immortal he had cell programs to extend life and make super soilders also used propanganda also mind games…he also had armies all over and sent people to mars and the moon look it up a japanese scientist said he helped make ufos from aliens call the greenman pact from mars…the moon people are called dracula race,,,look it up….on mars now nasa seen things…einsenhower daughter said we on mars and aliens have made contacts and are on the moon and mars…even late neil armstrong said life was on moon in the 70s on tv shows his sister stated long ago they did not want man up there…they thousands of times advance…adam-noah was atlantis beings able to live thousands year cause edgar cayce stated it in the 40s he was a seer…also nasa has area 51 old nazi was doing things really nazi controle america rumored…big brother seem like a drug like cocain seem you cant get enought of it…just as you get into videogames its hard to stop also other things…i love family guy,cleveland,american dad,bob burgers,simpsons….these shows make billions look up the dvds sales on family guy-american dad….big brother needs a videogame for ps4 and xbox1 also nintendo with this cast and all cast on front cover of game…it can be cool plus online game where you can win half million dollar online its playable each year you can make your own person and compete online for grand prize and smaller online prizes it be huge as hell so many will join plus sponsors be in it i think it could go on second life also be huge….i think big brother online be huge as hell and the show get free promotion from the game….i would join that we have be in groups and then compete to the elected end to top players to be in the final game for the big money…your player beat the house and then go to another house and then to the final house with the top 20 players…julie chen do online webcam to players and be live feeds to players,,,be better than sims 3,,u can use your headphone or microphone plus webcam to see others on it plus your player can eat,bathe,sleep,talk,much….fans are to rally for this idea to julie chen….i am watching my crack cocain tonight bb15 i got see it …

  58. McPizza has no game he’s basically the good cop, to Amanda racist cop….people are afraid to say anything about McPizza because the fire breathing dragon known as Amanda will spit fire at your soul and make soup with your bones……Amanda (The Burning Cross) protecting No Ball McCrae……..even Mcppuss is afraid of her…

  59. It will be a wrong move for Big bro executives to allow Candace to get evicted by GM aka Aaryan’s racist sidekick. That will just not look right. It looks like they are allowing racists airheads to control the show. I STILL DON’T KNOW WHY AARYAN IS THERE, but she better leave on the double eviction!!!

    Big brother is already rigged, they better flex their muscles and make Candice win Power of Veto, or this game is just flat out boring AND unfair.

    p.s I would love to see Aaryn’s face if Candice wins the HOH on the double eviction, AND gets nominated, AND LEAVES ON CANDACE’S COMMAND!!!

    1. jesus. first people whine that CBS is rigging the show. now you’re whining cause they wont rig it and not allow candice to be evicted. DER.

      1. first off, I don’t really care that BB is rigged, its hard to find a show that isn’t…”planned” nowadays. I just want them to rig it in a way i’d like, that’s all.

        1. for the last time what would the motive of rigging be? everyone hates amanda-rigging for her would make the show LESS popular. why would CBS want the show to be less popular? there just is no logic to this or any conspiracy theory. jesus. yeah grodner would risk losing her job due to low ratings just to have some slightly related person win the show. right they brainwash the jury so they’ll vote for her at the end. if amanda doesnt win will the riggers admit they were wrong? no, they’ll just come up with some other stupid theory to fit the new facts.

          1. Well the motive of rigging could be for many reasons; balancing power, favoring certain house guests that are viewed highly to the audience, ratings (classic example, Brendan coming back in the game to be with Rachel). If you think that this game has no rigging whatsoever, then Bob you are sadly mistaken.

            and Amanda is not on the same level of hatred as Aaryn is. Julie Chen even said it herself, she can’t stand Aaryn. The only thing saving Amanda now (besides the pushovers in the house who have no guts to evict her) is her showmance with McCrae.

  60. Just a heads up to Time warner subscribers, as of 5pm pst CBS is blacked out in New York, LA, Dallas and several other markets, due to Time Warner being shitty assholes. Dispute not expected to be resolved before next BB episode so Time Warner subs may have to find alternate method of viewing BB this sunday.

    Just wanted to warn folks.

  61. Why has there not be an update on this site? Nothing about nominations or etc…….yet I can see form the side area that the noms have been announced.

    Is something up?

  62. Talk about kicking a dog when its down! Helen re. Jessie – “I made her feel this big”. What a horrible person – unnecessary & uncool

  63. wow. ive never seen someone totally ruin their own game like this in a situation where its like……I mean Jessie was SO final 3. no one likes her. no one would vote for her, everyone knows where she stands

    then out of nowhere, she starts to slowly show signs of cracking, and now you flat out cannot trust her, not because she has an agenda, but even worse….because she is too emotional to separate the game and the petty BS. the BBQ ruined her. its so silly.

    now its pretty obvious, Jessie and Candace go next in some order, doesn’t matter who. after that it may finally get interesting. although elisa is the likely target after that

  64. Simon and Dawg I just want to say thank you for the effort you put into this sight for those of us who don’t want to pay for the live feeds. I wish I had found this sight few years back to truly know everything happening going in the BBH. On a game play note that I wish would happen but probably won’t is if Pandora’s Box were to happen and say the twist was GinaMarie getting to see a past evicted guess of her choice ( and pretty obvious on who she would pick lol) but then this causes a twist for everyone to have to play in duos again like season 13 for a week. And I know that having three people is a lot on the block and having six is just ridiculous. But say if one of the duos wins POV they and their partner are removed and only four people are left for eviction. In short I think if both Mcranda were both on the block the other house guest might be tempted to vote them out. Sadly this will never happen though with the sheep mentality but hey one can hope.

  65. The only way to get this season of BB to become a little intersting is the following:

    Please CBS, listen:

    Let the HOH make the nominations and then LET AMERICA VOTE TO EVICT. Just this one week, and you will see how it becomes a gane again.

  66. Gina says I can’t believe these bit*hes have not come up to talk to me yet. (Candice and Jessie) . How can she be that stupid? She called everyone except them to talk to her in the HOH room

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