Helen tells Kaitlin if it was a 5 – 4 vote, I would consider keeping Jeremy..

POV Holder: Kaitlin Next POV July 20th
POV Used YES POV Ceremony July 15
HOH Winner: Helen Next HOH: July 18
MVP: Elissa
Original Nominations: Kaitlin, Aaryn, Spencer (MVP)
Current Nominations: Jeremy, Aaryn, Spencer (MVP)
Last Evicted Houseguest David, Nick
Have Nots Judd, Jessie, McCrea, Amanda


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12:50pm Big Brother switched the live feeds to the TRIVIA screen for the HOH lock down. When the feeds return, the girls are in the bathroom getting ready. Jessie is mad and complaining about how someone took her hairspray and she can’t find it. She says she doesn’t care, just ask! Candice tells her to look behind the baskets. Jessie finds it. Candice says are my cigarettes back there? Andy comes out of the lounge and says I heard you found it? Jessie says yes. Andy says so mystery solved, you were playing the blame game. Jessie says well someone definitely used it because it is half empty. McCrae comes in and says he is wearing the bear shirt tonight. Candice says that shirt gets around, its a wh*re! Amanda says like me! They talk about being havenots. Amanda thinks because they didn’t end havenots last night they will have a have/havenot competition tomorrow. Andy says he hopes it’s a fun competition.

Meanwhile in the havenot room – Helen and Kaitlin are talking. Helen tells Kaitlin that she thought about her proposal to keep Jeremy here but that it’s just not what the house wants. Helen says that she is going to tell Jeremy so that he isn’t blind sided. Kaitlin says oh he won’t think he is blind sided, he know’s he’s going. Helen says that if the votes were going to be more like 5 – 4, then I would consider keeping Jeremy because that would mean that someone is lying to me. Kaitlin says okay. Kaitlin and Helen hug. Helen tells Kaitlin to win it tonight. Kaitlin says that she is going to! Kaitlin tells Helen that if she does win, she is going after Howard and Spencer. Helen says okay good. The end their conversation and leave the room.

1:10pm In the kitchen – Elissa asks Jessie if she thinks Judd is a Stud. Jessie says Ah DUH! Elissa and Jessie talk about how other people are using there things. Elissa says that someone used her prescription face wash and she will need to get her mom to get her more. Elissa says is heated, wouldn’t you be.

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1:15pm Jeremy is in the bedroom talking to Spencer he says that he can’t find his deoderant and toothbrush. He says I bet Jessie threw it out because she hates me. Jeremy says it sucks that we don’t get our 13 G’s of stipend until the end at the finale because I would love to go get my sleeve tattoo. I will probably go lay some concrete. Spencer says just make smart decisions, don’t get anyone pregnant. It will not ruin your dreams but stifle it. Jeremy says nope, I am not looking to do that. I am being selfish right now. I have had a number of girls try that.

1:20pm – 1:30pm In the bedroom – Spencer tells Howard it sucks because Jeremy is a good dude. Howard agrees. Howard says I will pull him aside in a bit. Howard tells Spencer to just focus on winning HOH. Spencer says he is going to win it. McCrae joins Spencer in the bedroom. They talk about how Jeremy already knows he is going home. Spencer laughs and says wouldn’t it be funny if in 3 weeks Jessie was just as crazy about Judd. McCrae hopes he wins HOH. Spencer says he thinks he is good and says it would be pretty crazy if they pulled to wool over his eyes. They wonder what the HOH competition will be tonight. Judd says he thinks it will be a double eviction tonight. Howard says majority HOH. (He’s right)


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1:30pm – 1:40pm Howard to Jeremy in the Havenot room. He tells him if he had been able to get a few more votes and if the house hadn’t flipped Jeremy would staying. Jeremy says he know and he is okay with it. Howard tells Jeremy that everything happens for a reason and he will see Jeremy again soon on tv or somewhere. The hug and leave the room. The head into the other bedroom where McCrae, Judd and Spencer are talking about comic book heros.


1:45pm – 1:50pm In the bathroom – Kaitlin laughs at how on the HOH lock down Jeremy recited a poem to her. She says that no one has ever done that for her before and she had to try so hard to not laugh. Kaitlin says that she was glad Aaryn was there to witness it. Aaryn says she was thinking what is happening right now. They both laugh about the poem.


2pm – 2:20pm All of the house guests are still getting ready for tonight’s Live Eviction / HOH. Amanda says that Andy looks like an angry gay 2 Pac! Big Brother tells the house guests that the storage room is now open. Andy runs in and says OH MY GOD OUTFITS! (He’s joking) Andy heads into the other bedroom with Ginamarie, Candice, Howard and Judd. Andy tells Gina fu*k you for never being a havenot! Gina is laying in her bed holding Nick’s hat. Judd asks Gina if she ever shares needles? Gina says what? I’ve never used needles! Judd says WEIRD! Judd leaves the bedroom.

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2:25pm – 2:40pm In the bathroom – Candice is trimming Judd’s hair. Spencer says he’s got to look got for mama tonight. I am gonna be on TV! Spencer is next to get his hair trimmed by Candice. Candice messes up in the back and starts laughing. She tries to hide it. She says sorry. Judd walks by and puts his socks on his chin and asks can you shave this? McCrae comments on Spencers hair and tells Candice she might as well just shave a name in it now. Judd asks did you all hear them up stairs – Gina says if she gets HOH she is going to get a letter from Nick. Judd says I am going to take a cold shower and don’t none of you try and stop me. Spencer says don’t you use all the cold water now! Judd says I will try not to, but I can’t make any promises! Candice says maybe I will open up a all girls barber shop. Spencer says don’t ask me to be in any commercials. Candice says hey! Judd says good luck tonight if its a double. Double eviction that is. That’s what I am scared of. Good luck on the HOH too. They are some clever peps.


2:45pm – 3pm In the bedroom – Gina tells Helen and Elissa that she isn’t going to vote for Jeremy to stay. It isn’t going to make a difference any ways. Helen says I think that is a smart decision. Elissa tells Gina that she thinks Gina needs to start thinking for herself and whats best for her. Gina says that she is over Nick now. Judd asks Gina if he can sleep with her in her bed tonight. Judd tells her he is going to wear that Nick’s hat too.


In the storage room – Helen tells Jeremy that her offer of if he can get at least a 5-4 vote confirmation she will keep him. Helen tells him that she is sad to see him go. She says that she is very proud of the way he has acted in the last 48 hours and says if he continues it throughout his life he will be a very successful young man. Jeremy says thank you.

3pm – 3:05pm Jeremy leaves and heads into the lounge room to ask McCrae if he and Amanda can give him their vote. Jeremy says Helen will keep me if I can get the vote to 5-4. I will do anything to be here. Jeremy says that Judd will vote for me too if I can get the votes. Jeremy promises McCrae his vote at the end if he keeps him here. McCrae says I dunno man..I will talk to Amanda right before and see. McCrae says if it does go south ..is there anything you want me to do here? Jeremy says take out Howard and Spencer because they Jewed us. McCrae says he will and that he will look out for Kaitlin too. McCrae asks Jeremy to tell Kaitlin that he will look out for her. Jeremy says he will. Jeremy asks McCrae to let him know his decision before.. even if it is a no. McCrae says he will.


3:12pm The live feeds switch to TRIVIA..


5:09pm Storage room Spencer and Elissa
Spencer saying he never voted for her to leave the house he always voted for her opponent.
Elissa: ‘You’re so sweet”
Spencer: ‘We’ll I try to be”
Spencer says he has Elissa’s back, “I mean it for sure”


5:27pm JUDD and Spencer JUDD tells him he’s safe today. If the vote isn’t 9-1 or 8-2 they are both fine but if it’s 6-4 or 5-5 they are in trouble because it means they are very much out of the loop.

[polldaddy poll=7256699]

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124 thoughts to “Helen tells Kaitlin if it was a 5 – 4 vote, I would consider keeping Jeremy..”

  1. “I don’t approve of bullies that use scare tactics and ultimatums to get their way in this house… and if you disagree I will put you up for eviction” – Helen

      1. It makes a difference. You’re not supposed to necessarily feel safe in the BB house, but you shouldn’t feel physically intimidated. His menacing of women is what did him in.

            1. I’m not sure. I live in Arkansas and I’ve seen them at a couple different ones here. Might check their website.

      1. if we could upload pics of us in a bear shirt here, we should get some kind of recognition simon! #teambear

    1. If these boys were smart they would save Jeremy and form an all boy team. These girls are going to knock them out one by one.

      1. They already tried that, but the guys are idiots, they had the numbers to get Elissa out, and McVagina screwed it up, because he’s p***y whipped.

      1. Can’t come up with anything original so you have to plagiarize, eh? Are you a “cat woman”?

        VA Vet says:
        July 18, 2013 at 10:43 am

        I hope Nick comes to the after the show show with a girlfriend.



        Rate This Comment

    1. the first 3 evicted…

      the 3 mean girls showmances gone

      karma for all of them being overly mean spirited to jess

  2. Kaitlin is an idiot if she puts up Spencer and Howard the superfriends had a lot more to do with jeremy going home then they did and i don’t see howard or spencer coming after her

    1. Jeremy…a Class Act

      You are giving Kaitlin to much credit. Kaitlin is lobbying to save Jeremy to the end; however, Jeremy is talking about how many girls he is going to bed when he gets home. Kaitlin, please see this tape when you get home. Jeremy is not the person you want to invest anymore time in. Jeremy is such a class act. On his way out, Jeremy is telling McCrae to get rid of Howard and Spencer, after Howard and Spencer just said their byes and told him how much they respected him. Even at the end, Jeremy is delusional and hadn’t really understood his downfall. Here is a clue Jeremy, McCrae is the one that initiated the going out of business of Moving Company. He never intended to vote in support of Nick. Second clue, Jeremy you placed a target on your back and was the catalyst for Moving Company downfall.

      Why you felt the need to throw someone under the bus as you leave I don’t understand; however, it just reinforces the belief that the right person is going home.

  3. In reference to your poll about who should be the next MVP, after seeing more pics of Jessie in that bikini i vote Jessie’s ASS for MVP!!

      1. Experts believe that a major cause of abnormal bloating is excessive eating and sleep swallowing, known as aerophagia. Other causes of bloating are irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes, functional dyspepsia or transient constipation. In rare cases, bloating may occur in individuals who have milk intolerance (lactose intolerance), parasite infections like giardia, food poisoning (bacteria), celiac disease, severe peptic ulcer disease, bowel obstruction or after certain types of abdominal surgery.

      2. NOt to be mean but I thought the exact same thing. She is not big anywhere else but speaking from someone that has been pregnant that is exactly what Jessie looks like. It looks like a pregnant belly because it is not jiggly like fat and she is not big anywhere else. I would almost be money on it that she is pregnant.

      3. Man I would love to look that pg, she just doesn’t hold her stomach in at all, but she is such a pretty girl.

      4. Well I want the old Big Brother Back! Not Helen’s Big Brother, all happy and everyone gets along and we all love each other, what a bunch of CRAP!! she is as terrible as Jerm is, telling people what to do or else, they might as well keep Jerm in the game and get rid of The White Chick, wow that sounds racist, OH! yea it is, she is a joke, get her out can’t wait till Julie talks to her, her mommy already got her a publicist she needs a shrink and so does her mother, all the nasty shits comes from when your young. Lets get back to lying and out playing others.

      5. try being on slop for 2 weeks out of 3, there is no way she is pregnant

        once she eats decent food and exercizes she will be fine

        she is the fittest girl there, and she is a quality swimmer

  4. If Helen is loyal to Kaitlin now, I think the best thing would be for Aaryn to win HOH put up Candice and Howard with Spencer as MVP again and then hopefully one of those three will go home. If they voted out Howard Candice would have a fit which would shake the house up again and maybe cause some new alliances. I just hope there is some kind of power shift.

    1. Helen tries to play smart, but appears to me to be dumb and trying to please everyone. Prediction it bites her and she goes next week over all others supported and back by Team Amanda

    1. Helen is an idiot if she thinks Jeremy being nice for 2 days means that he’ll stay like that and not target her or Elissa. It’s fake ’cause he’s not in power so they better not switch their votes! I really liked Helen before but, she’s doing some really dumb stuff now and I can see her ruining other peoples game because of her mouth! GET JERM OUT!!!!!

  5. Helen after looking at the counts on the eviction vote was very upset that the numbers didn’t add up as she anticipate so she decided to kill off the cast by poisoning them. She then proceeded to dig a hole in the back yard and bury the BB cast.

    The next day, the local sheriff came out, and said, “Were they all dead?”

    Helen replies, “Well, some of them said they weren’t, but you know how the people in this house lie.”

    What’s the difference between Helen and Amanda?
    Helen is a dictator while Amanda is a dick taker

  6. I want Aaryn to win HOH and put up Howard and Candace, if only so CBS can put a bow on the “racism” storyline as the house unites in agreement that Aaryn isn’t bad and it was those troublemakers Howard and Candace, then vote Howard out.

    How fitting that Aaryn and the other white players will utilize the BB jargon and put the two black people up on “the block”.

    I wonder if Les has a new project yet for Julie to replace BB next summer….

    1. That just might be what CBS wants, Aaryn(edited as the racist) put up the 2 black people she’s been tormenting, that’s why they kept Helen from putting them up, it just wouldn’t fit in their “Racial Tension” ratings grab.

      1. Edited as a racist?? You can’t edit live 27/7 feeds. The gals did say racist thigs, just like Jeremy said not 2 hours ago. CBS is not editing their remarks, only showing them on TV.

        1. CBS and Julie Chen are making a lot more out of some of it than needs to be. GM’s comments I did find to be very racist, whereas I think stupid ignorant Aaryn’s were more insensitive and stupid and made out of ignorance because she is so spoiled and sheltered that she actually believes in her poor ignorant head that as long as they were made in a “joking” manner they are not racist. I do not think she is “racist” but think her comments were racially insensitive.

        2. They are actually editing the remarks. They’re literally ONLY showing the filth Aaryn has spewed, while leaving out everything Gina Marie, Amanda, Jeremy, Spencer, and Helen have said. They’re pretending like there’s only one hateful person in the house when in reality the entire cast is full of scumbags and they don’t want to admit it.

          1. Oh, and I left out Andy by mistake, he’s also made some cringeworthy comments. It’s not just the “mean girls” doing it, it’s the “Mom Squad” and their allies too… but delusional Brenchel fans will sweep that under the rug.

            1. EXACTLY!! This entire house is full of racist or insensitive racially said comments. Even “SAINT” Helen and “SAINT” Elissa, bs,have said many, many, many racially insensitive things. CBS is being the biggest racist of the all along with Julie Chen with only editing it to look like it is only Aaryn. Hope Karma bites CBS and Chen in the butt for what they are doing.

    2. Love how NO ONE has commented or been outraged by the constant usage of a bigoted term by Jeremy – “Jewed” is beyond racist/antisemetic/bigoted. It’s the same as using any other derogatory term to any other race/ethnic group!! So small minded its unbelievable! I can’t get over how America prides itself on being a multicultural, free, accepting nation….yet clearly, racism is alive and well. Seriously pathetic in 2013.

      1. I agree with the whole America is racist thing, because I’ve seen racism from every ethnic group, Blacks, Whites, Hispanics(which I am), Asians, etc. They all talk s**t about each other. If you are a minority, you know you’ve talked s**t about other ethnic groups. Except most people don’t do it in public or on T.V. like alot of these morons…It is what it is….Go Howard!

      2. No Racism in Big Brother!

        What are you talking about? There has been no racist comments in Big Brother. Haven’t you heard? It was all part of some scheme by Howard to use race for his game play. The other house guests found him out and now are onto him. Amanda, McCrae, Judd, Andy and Jessie are now so sympathetic towards Aaryn, because they now see through Howard’s made up lies about race. When Jeremy said he was Jewed, he meant it as a sign of respect to those tight fisted Jews. You are just being over sensitive. You are doing a Howard. So now it comes full circle, there has been no racism in Big Brother…..LOL!

        CBS is playing with fire with this race stuff. You went out your way to get this bigoted, racist and sexist cast. I just can’t wait for this to blow up in their faces. Let this race stuff escalate further and see how many sponsors you start losing.

  7. I see Elissa is in the lead on your poll for MVP this week. I like Elissa, but this is getting boring. It’s turning into the Elissa show. I want to see how the dynamics of the house would change with a new MVP- and they keep it secret! Let the scrambling commence!

      1. then who continues to put up the third person mr brain. Julie said three go up till the end of the season and only 5 are left .. and the pov winners sends the fifth to jury .. then game on for the last 4 standing … how you have seem to forget that .. MVP is here to stay …lol

        1. It ends when there’s only 5 players left, and when it does Elissa will be evicted, who you think will keep her in the house when the twist is over? NOBODY

  8. Hey guys…before the live eviction. I will introduce the third member inductee. I will give you some hints: McCrae said the Nerd Herd, the second one is season 6. Third is friends, take a while guess.

  9. I don’t remember Aaryn saying anything racially derogatory towards Howard, right? (I’m not defending her BTW).

    1. It was to Candice, and he also overheard comments about black people in general coming from her and GM, but he bit his tongue listening to it, until the big blow up between her and the mean girls. CBS been eating up the racial tension…

      1. The worst comment was from GM and Aaryn only said what she said after that ass Jeremy lied to her and told her Candice set on her hat intentionally. Comments have also been made by Amanda, the real racist of the bunch as acknowledged by her, Spencer, Kaitlin and others. Andy has also said some really racially changed things on the feeds. Jeremy has been stirring up trouble from Day 1.

    1. No you didn’t miss anything .. the house guests are just speculating. They have no idea. There is no double eviction this week.

  10. Are all these people idiots? Jeremy tells mc to take out Howard and spencer for going against us. Does he not know that mc voted for nick to go not Howard? Plus mc told him he was MVP last week and put Jeremy up which means he put nick up or have they forgotten that? I don’t know y people are scared of mc and Amanda because Amanda is all mouth..she’s not a threat in competitions and with mc gone she has no power whatsoever.. I wish someone would have balls and shake things up but it’s hard to with Elisa getting the MVP every week because let’s say Howard were to win and put up mc and Amanda then Elisa would put up spencer and spencer would go home. Either production needs to rig the MVP and give it to someone else or they need to stop it and bring in another twist because with the MVP going to Elisa every week everyone can easily predict who will be going….I thought Elisa would be the brains of reason considering her sister played the game…there has never been any bb season where by week 3 an alliance knew exactly who was leaving till the end,…..I have a feeling by will be adding a twist soon to shake things up

    1. Elissa? “Brains of Reasoning”?

      Let’s see 1st week McCrea and Amanda wanted David gone, she obeyed.

      The house wanted Nick gone, she obeyed.

      This week the house wanted Howard gone,l but CBS is using the “racial tension” in the house to grab ratings, they weren’t gong to let one of the key components leave right now(get the live feeds or backtrack on OBB posts, Helen and Elissa both mentioned Prod. didn’t allow them to put up Howard or Helen would have put him up.)

      Nope, no game decisions on Elissa’s part yet. Amanda and Helen tells her what to do with MVP.

      1. Didn’t the house actually want Elissa to put up Kaitlyn and not Nick? She wanted to put up Nick because he basically told her he was voting to evict her! I thought it was pretty smart of her to do that, but when I first heard she picked Nick I thought she was dumb because I thought everyone liked Nick. I was wrong and Elissa made a wise choice…you don’t have to like her, but at least give credit where credit is due. She may not have the best game (okay she has no game), but she has made some smart choices. Hopefully someone else wins MVP though…if i got it, I would put one of the super friends and keep it a sercret so that Elissa will get the heat! That would be amazing!!!

    2. House needs more shake up and possibly within the superfriends alliance. They’re getting too comfortable knowing who the MVP is ahead of time, being able to plan weeks ahead.

  11. Helen is gonna keep giving orders as long as Elissa keeps getting MVP & I’m so sick of hearing it. I did not think she would be so full of herself. Elissa walking around with that sheltered attitude, sick of that too. I hope Aaryn gets HOH now & puts up Helen & Elissa & see who the “House” would vote out no matter who Elissa put up. I bet there are plenty of votes this time around to get Elissa out so the House can take Helen down a few notches. If Aaryn won I can see Amanda planting this very idea & pulling it off too IF cbs would let that happen..Oh & what McCrae did last time with his vote, taking out Nick was best for his game at that time, he was taken in the MC cause he was HOH & he saw through what Jeremy was doing…I’m glad he did what he did cause now Jeremy is leaving. I couldn’t stand to see or hear him another week! His mouth is like Helens, just on a lower level…

  12. Gina says she is over Nick? Did she earlier say if she wins HOH she will get a letter from Nick and wasn’t she looking at his hat freakishly?

  13. Mcrae Crae is kind of an idiot with Jermey going home who does he think the next possible target in the house is going to be? Uh him and Amanda basically the last showmance couple even though Jessie thinks she is with Judd……..

    1. jess and judd are just friends who talk game and trust and respect each other, a couple of stooges who share a smoke and a laugh

  14. So I’m watching a TV show called Dead of Night Season Premiere (Investigation Discovery), and they re-enact crimes. Either that actor that plays one of the guys leaving the club with the victim is NICK UHAS or it is his twin. I am trying to find the list of the cast but have not luck. Don’t tell Gina.

    1. I’d tell her he’s dead, just to make her crazy… good for entertainment

      I’m sure nick is at home watching her on the feeds, ready to get the restraining order drawn up.

  15. “Jewed”? Please Julie, ask Jeremy, “I am not familiar with that term, what does it mean to be Jewed?”. What an uneducated jackass.

    1. Closest thing I came up with on google.

      Jewed – verb. To get screwed over or cheated out of something.

      We’ll technically, that’s what happened to him, he got cheated outta playing POV, and backdoored.

      Ah, who knowns with this fool.

  16. It depends on who gets HOH but wait & see if the House don’t decide to take out Helen or Elissa…I can’t see Amanda letting Helen give everyone their orders week after week. If Amanda & Mc talked to Aaryn, Katlin & GM they will do whatever McCrae & Amanda does & Judd too, then theres Jessie,Spencer & Howard won’t go against the “House” & Candice will do what Howie does…I can see this happening, Amanda wasn’t too crazy about the whole nail party & neither were the mean girls…. The House is gonna flip depends on who gets HOH…to he!! with the MVP! Helen shouldn’t have give away her whole strategy, her & Elissa picking everyone off in order of how well they took orders & minded their manners…

  17. What’s up with people saying Howard is using this race thing. Or production is using this race thing?? The fact of the matter is, Aaryn, Kaitlin, Amanda and the ghetto hood rat Gina Marie, couldn’t keep their filth boxes shut. They went on national tv venting hateful comments and now it’s production and Howard’s fault??? Howard refused to follow those tacky, whoreish cows up. Production is not editing them to look bad, they did that all by themselves. These stupid ass females are on live television ( after-dark) running their mouths. Give me a break already. If you don’t want to carry such a horrible stigma then don’t be a class-less, man hungry ignorant racist.

    1. Prod. is playing the race thing, because it’s getting a lot of media attention during this time of that Zimmerman verdict…

      I don’t blame CBS they getting that paper, but I hope the racial s**t ends soon.

      1. lt will end when they stop using racial slurs like “JEWED”!!!! However, the still don’t get it. ANd CBS Did not put the racial slurs on primetime until forced too. It was a big deal on the live feeds. The petition started on the live feeds. I don’t have the live feeds and did not know anything until The big uproar on the internet and TMZ… from the LIVE FEEDS. People were begging forthem to be exposed. They lost their jobs from the LIVE FEEDS!! It is what it is!! CBS put it on TV before the ZIMMERMANN verdict. So what are you people talking about? It will stop when they stop. Until then…….. ?!?!?!

  18. someone please put amanda an mcrea on the block they think they run the house always in the hoh room like they won it

  19. Yup – confirmed it is Nick playing a suspect in ID ‘Dead of Night’ season 1 episode 1 – if anyone cares. Poor Gigi missing it and all she got was his hat.

    1. I guess people have nothing bigger in their lives than to add a thumbs down to comments all day? I am stating a fact, not opinion.

  20. McCrae telling Jeremy to let Katlin know he will look after her, that right there is saying bye to Jeremy & setting the stage for him to be Katlins go to guy, she will tell Aaryn & GM & there ya go, McCrae turns Jeremys puppets into his…just like that..Him & Amanda make a good pair in there, he hates confrontation & shes a quick thinker & knows what to say to people…He knows this show…McCrae FTW!

  21. Simon or Dawg – Seriously what is the likely hood of Jeremy getting the votes to stay? I kind of want him to for all the drama. It would be AWESOME.

  22. I know people want to see someone else win MVP but, in all fairness, the MVP goes to the person who is playing the best game. And that is clearly Elissa. Anyone who disagrees is just blinded by their hate for Rachel. She has escaped eviction twice and played a big hand in getting two of the strongest competitors out (About to be 3). MOM SQUAD FTW!

    1. Dumbass Brenchel fans like you are ruining this show for the rest of us. Please explain how she’s “playing the best game” when the only reason she’s escaped eviction and gotten strong players out is as a RESULT of the rigged twist production has handed her every week.

      She still can’t even be bothered to learn her fellow houseguests’ names, can’t win a competition, and barely even keeps up with game talk, so there’s no way she’d still be in the house right now without the rigged MVP twist and being Rachel’s sister, end of story.

      And as for the rest of the boring-ass “Mom Squad,” Helen has basically dug her own grave in this game with her outrageous bullying, side deals and false promises with everyone, and basically acting like she’ll always be HoH.

    2. I shouldn’t’ waste my time arguing with you drones, you make up your own version of the game in your little heads, like you do every year.

      Amanda has been telling Elissa what to do with MVP for the past 2 weeks, production milking this racial tension in the house for all its worth for the ratings boost, kept Howard off the bock, if you had the feeds and stopped believing the bs CBS edit on the show, you would already know that. Your Elissa and Helen both mentioned production telling them not to put Howard on the block, Helen initially wanted to put Howard on the block to scare him for lying, but DR said not to, which is why Spencer went up, with the house mad because they want Howard up.

      Big Brother is the LIVE FEEDS where you find out whats really going on in the house. Never believe the CBS edit.

    3. You are so delusional! She escaped eviction twice because she had MVP! If no rigged MVP she was gone week 1, game over! Get over it she sucks.

    4. She won MVP before the first vote. She gets credit for targeting players with the MVP that were perceived as threats to the rest of the house which allowed her to save herself. But to say that she played a great game by getting David so she deserve the MVP she used to do that is circular and flawed logic.

  23. My hope is that whenever it happens & someone puts Helen on the block I hope they say the house has spoken…. LOL!!

  24. New alliances coming:



    Gina Marie

    1. i think it will be more…



      Gina Marie

      with Andy and Judd playing both sides, but Andy more on McCraes side, and Judd more on Jessies side

  25. According to Helen it’s perfectly fine to bully people, if it’s in a NICE way. Jeremy’s mistake is he did it in a nasty way, because he’s upfront with his meanness, he doesn’t hide behind fake tears and empty threats to get his way. Bad Jeremy, BAD.

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