Kaitlin and Aaryn have it all figured out “Jeremy is a communications major.. he’s smart.. he’s very very smart”

POV Holder: McCrae Next POV June 27
POV Used Yes POV Ceremony June 29th
HOH Winner: McRae Next HOH: Wed July 3rd
MVP: Elissa
Original Nominations: Candice, David, Jessie
Current Nominations: Jessie, Elissa and David
Last Evicted Houseguest ?
Have Nots Andy, Elissa, Jessie, Howard, Helen


4:22pm Cam 1-2 HOH Kaitlin and Aaryn

Kaitlin: “Amanda is getting overprotected of McCrae “
Aaryn: “Why”
K:” I don’t know.. the reason Amanda snapped at Jessie the other day was because Jessie was like MCRae is the sexiest pizza boy she’s ever seen.. She felt Territorial because she was moving closer to McCrae”

Aaryn says that Jessie is really weird around the guys always flirting with them even when they have girls in the house.

K: “I don’t understand what she’s doing.. it shouldn’t be awkward for me to touch the guy I like in front of people.. why is she doing this when she wants to be our friend”

Aaryn: “Dude how weird is it that we’re in the Big Brother house looking at our pictures on the TV” (They’re looking at the HOH spy screen which is on the memory wall)
Aaryn: “this room is so relaxing one of us have to get”
Kaitlin: “Jeremy is going to get it..
Kaitlin brings up that Jeremy ask her if he wins the HOH she’ll give him a spanking..
Aaryn: “EHHH that’s disgusting .. that’s sick”
Kaitlin: “the things that come out of his mouth are so unattractive.. you can tell he’s only 23 years old.. he’s super cute and super charming.. ”
Kaitlin: “He’s really f***ing smart though Aaryn”
Aaryn: “would you tell me if he was starting to turn on me”
K: ‘Yes 100”
Kaitlin thinks that Elissa is staying this week. Aaryn doens’t but want to know why Kaitlin thinks so (Cause Jeremy told her last night)

Kaitlin: ‘I got a weird vibe in the DR room”
Aaryn: “So did I .. they asks me what I’m going to do with my vote.. “
They both agree that Elissa isn’t going anywhere any time soon. Aaryn ‘And if she gets evicted she’ll just be brought back”

Aaryn: “I was under the impression that they put people in there to play the game not be popular”.. They think with elissa it’s all about her image and being popular. They know she’s not in it for the money.

Kaitlin: “we’re going to get 15 minutes and a year down the road this means nothing except it looks good on our resume”

Kaitlin: “She’s not going anywhere dude”
Aaryn: “If she doesn’t leave this week I mean.. “
Kaitlin: “we have the votes to get her out.. “

Aaryn is worried that Jeremy is going to manipulate her to turn against Aaryn. Kaitlin swears that she cannot be manipulated but is worried that David can. Aaryn completely agrees says that David’s ability in the game “Scare her”

Kaitlin: ‘Jeremy is a communication major.. he’s smart.. he’s very very smart.. he was doing some serious thinking.. he has a huge plan figured out.. He knows when everyone is slated to go home”

Aaryn: “When did he say I need to go.. final 4..”
K: “OMG he hasn’t said when the final 4 needs to go “


They both agree that AManda and Elissa have some sort of deal neither of them trust her. Kailtin thinks that MC is just as annoyed with Amanda as they are. She brings up that McCrae and Jeremy have some trust. Apparently Andy was throwing Jeremy’s name out and McCare “instantly” when to Jeremy and told him. Kailtin: ‘That right there is some loyalty so we should keep McCrae”
Aaryn: “I agree even though McCare is good at competitions we should keep him the longest”
Aaryn: “I think Amanda and MC will be the last to go when we hit final 6” (Boat ‘n’ hoes are there final 6)
Kaitlin: “I agree”
(Reptar is the nickname for Jessie)
Aaryn: “I would rather keep reptar over Candace”
Kaitlin explains that Helen is in Reptars ear but once we get rid of Helen Reptar will go to wherever the numbers are., “Cause Reptar is a floater”
Aaryn: “I think we should put up Helen and Candace.. Helen is more capable of winning HOH than Candace.”

Kaitlin thinks they need to show Spencer some love and attention..
Aaryn: “I think we should keep spencer and Judd for awhile”
K: “I would love to get rid of all the other girls before Jessie”
K: “I think we should get rid of Candace and Amanda “
Aaryn explains that Jessie wants to get rid of them so she can have the guys all to herself. Both girls are now freaked out..


5:04pm Cam 1-2 Howard, Andy and Spencer

Andy: “GIGI is dropping hints that she is getting annoyed at Candace and Jess”
Howard: “she also is getting annoyed at Amanda as well”
Spencer: “Perfect.. that’s what we want”
Andy: ‘I’ve been talking to David a lot more.. he’s a good guy.. just sucks that he’s in the wrong group”

Andy thinks that Nick is playing brilliant by being so quiet and not talking game with anyone. Spencer thinks it’s a good way to play but once people start scrambling trying to figure out where the votes went they will look at Nick first.

Andy thinks Spencer and MC will get the MVP
Spencer Thinks it’s going to be Elissa
Howard thinks it will GiGi
Spencer: “my personal thoughts is that Elissa will have it for two more weeks after that the game will get rolling.. Rachel doesn’t have all the fanbase”.
Andy Leaves..
Spencer:”We’re so out of the rif raf.. I think we have another couple weeks until we get on the block.
Spencer: “Candace is a sinking ship.. I’m worried Judd will talk to her”
Howard: ‘I’ll work on Judd to keep his mouth shut”


FYI you can re-watch ever second on the feeds using their flashback feature.. It’s super easy to use Big Brother Live Feeds HUGE improvement over last year

Hot Tub Jeremy, Nick and David.
Nick says he wants to have a shirt with a Wolfe howling at the moon on it. Jeremy: ‘Dude my Grandma loves wolves.. if she saw you wearing a shirt with a wolves howling at teh moon she would r**e your bones”
Nick: ‘How old is she”
Jeremy: “60 something”
Nick: “perfect”
Jeremy adds that his mom is in her early 40.
Jeremy: ‘If you want to get great Dome.. get black girl they slap their faces with it.. they get rounchie with it.. it gets weird.. ”
Nick and David both say they have never been with a black girl.
David asks him if he’s tried every type of girl.
Jeremy: “I’ve tried every flavor except a Indian”
David: “How was Asian”
Jeremy: “Tight.. didn’t like it you have to be careful”


5:39pm Cam 1-2 HOH Amanda and McCrae

MC mentions that Judd said something about GIGI saying there was a rat in the house.
Amanda: “this is how f***ing things start. “
Amanda explains that GIGI got called into the DR and they told her to stop swinging her microphone. When she came out she was saying there was a rat that told the DR about her swining her Microphone.

A: “Don’t listen to judd he’s paranoid as f***”
MC: ‘I know”:
A: “Howard is aggressive.”
A: “you’re cute”
MC: “you are”
A: “I want to fix your hair”

They both agree that it’s difficult to have conversations with people right now because everyone is talking over each other.


CBS Interactive Inc.

46 thoughts to “Kaitlin and Aaryn have it all figured out “Jeremy is a communications major.. he’s smart.. he’s very very smart””

    1. She is a strong player and I am starting to like her a little, except the trucker mouth. I can’t tell if she is playing McCrea yet. I don’t think she is, I think they have a genuine friendship and she latched on to him because he seems a little awkward and she thinks she can control him, which I don’t think she can. Too many showmances..

    2. on the TV episode tonight Amanda admitted she wanted Jessie on the block cuz she has a nicer ass then her. Amanda is a jealous bitch.

      1. it was a joke clearly, she wanted Jessie up because she new jessie and Candice didn’t have anyone ad wouldn’t cause a stir in the house, Amanda is just a jokster

      2. She had reasons beside that, did you ignore the 5 minutes before that when she said no one in the house liked Jessie so it would make sense to put her up? It was a joke and it was funny, but i dont think anyone should be jealous of *barf* Jessie.

    3. Jeremy: ‘If you want to get great Dome.. get black girl they slap their faces with it.. they get rounchie with it.. it gets weird.. ”
      Nick and David both say they have never been with a black girl.
      David asks him if he’s tried every type of girl.
      Jeremy: “I’ve tried every flavor except a Indian”
      David: “How was Asian”
      Jeremy: “Tight.. didn’t like it you have to be careful”

      Wow at this conversation.

      Jeremy has no shame..

  1. I hope they have the votes to keep Elissa. I don’t even know whose Jeremy voting for because he seems like he’s close with David and doesn’t seem to like Elissa. I think they should talk to Candace just to make sure David will be leaving.

    1. Jeremy is playing both sides, but he is loyal to the guys is my take. When everything explodes no one will point a finger to him about David leaving because of his relationship with the gals.

  2. Jeremy “smart, very smart”, oh dear, Kaitlin(shakes head). In the words of Boogie, “gets these fools a blindfold cuz they’re in the dark, they’re in the dark.”

  3. GiGi, seriously a rat?? Does she not know there are cameras following her every move? Jermeny is a disguising pig and it will be interesting when the women’s groups form and pick it the CBS studio for his slander and demeaning of women. BB 15 really need to send him to edqiuate classes. Communication major???? really????

    1. Sad he’s getting a good t.v edit tho. So is Candace? Didn’t she cuss people out in the have not comp? They didn’t show any of that drama on T.v

  4. I guess that Surfer Boy will get evicted on Wednesday. It’s suck for him and he should be campaign more.

  5. “They both agree that Elissa isn’t going anywhere any time soon. Aaryn ‘And if she gets evicted she’ll just be brought back””

    Smart one, she is.

    1. If in one thought they are sure Elissa us staying and in the next thought they’re talking about putting Jessie (or as they so nicely put it ‘reptar’) up next week, how have they not figured out that only leaves David to go home?! Smart is right!

  6. Other then Helen, Elissa, Candace, MC and Howard I can’t tell one from the other. They all have the same personality, which is none.

  7. so many are going on about elissa this, and elissa that – she won the first mvp on her sister’s coattails, and will probably win another, but she is no rachel, and the producers know it by now. bring her back? why?

    aaryn is at the bottom of a lot of the drama, and david is workin’ the “surfer dude” routine – i would pick either one of them to come back before elissa, who’s been mostly boring.

  8. 17atom lol thumbs up thats what i’m talking about …. cbs is full of hot shit they edit AMANDA SO GOOD jebus christ child when i saw that i turn the channel back to the B E T awards ….

  9. Week 1 favorites: Of course as the game progresses it will change but as things stand right now:

    Like: Amanda, Candace and Elissa (underdogs), Helen ( wanna see her win HOH and see what she does with it)
    Dislike: Jeremy there’s something about that guy, can’t put my finger on it but he’s my villain

    McCrae I just want to see where he lands once his power is gone.

  10. 1. Kaitlin
    2. McCrae
    3. Amanda
    4. Nick
    5. Howard
    6. GiGi
    7. David
    8. Jessie
    9. Helen
    10. Elissa
    11. Candace
    12. Jeremy
    13. Judd
    14. Andy
    15. Spencer
    16. Aaryn

    Yes, I’m one of the very few who LOVES Kaitlin and dislikes Aaryn.

  11. Nick and McCrae are playing well and are most entertaining. Production is also liking them. After tonight’s Diary Room sessions Amanda jumped high on my list. She is comical somewhat like Britney but doesn’t act as catty. If Amanda makes it to week 4 she is going far. I see McCrae being a middle to early jury casuality.

  12. Jeremy is definitely not a villain. He’s just a plain douchebag.
    Aaryn is nowhere near becoming Americas sweetheart. She is rude to surfer dude and he takes it because he even said it on tonight’s show: he came for a showmance.
    Ready for David to go, Aaron to blow and for Jessie to get some sense knocked into her.

    I like Amanda too, but think her mouth will get her in trouble.

    Howard and Spencer have a good chance at MVP. I hope Aaryn never gets it after saying that she’s bound to be MVP more than once on tonight’s episode.

    1. I’m curious what kind of edit CBS is going to do for Aaryn come Tue. and Wed., she got the sweet southern belle edit tonight. I don’t know how production is going to not show the witch side of her in the next few episodes. Last year they gave Danielle a pass on a lot of her behavior in the edits.

        1. Aaryn got a good edit? My wife really liked Aaryn at first but after tonight, she don’t like her no more.

          I am currently rooting for Nick.

          1. I agree – in her DR session she was getting catty and had an attitude already. I really really hope they show more of that side in this week’s episode.

  13. So far I’m team Nick, in my opinion so far he is the best player. I like Amanda a little more after seeing her diary sessions but still not all that much and I also wants to see what she does when McCrae isn’t in power. Jeremy is an ignorant a**hole. David is just either dumb or acting dumb. Helen and Andy don’t really know enough yet. I feel bad for Elissa and hope she stays and wins HOH. Howard and Spencer seem to be in good positions and I can actually stand them. Kaitlin I don’t like her just because of the Jeremy factor. I want to see how McCrae handles week two before assessing on him. Candace and Judd are digging themselves in holes, Candace with her overall bitchiness and Judd with his constant paranoia. Gigi is in a one street romance with Nick. Jessie I don’t really know what to think about her yet, I mean she flirts with the guys but some people are just naturally that way and I don’t realize it and the girls are kind of b**ches to her so I’m still thinking on her. As far as Aaryn goes all I have to say is I hate a pretty face on an ugly personalty.

    Really pulling for Nick though!

  14. Almost can’t deal with any feeds with Jeremy, he makes me literally nauseous the way he speaks about women. Also I am ashamed how racist and vulgar this cast speaks of one another. Mean People just get all up in arms over Jeff’s Dumbledore slight that never aired, but this cast it’s not just ignorance it’s down right rude!

  15. Anybody but me feel sorry for David? Poor dumb HImbo…that chick is no more into him than I am into her…I saw lots of her type in highschool…decades ago…the whole house is like a bad highschool flash back, throw in some wine coolers and some drunk chick flashing her boobs and puking on herself and…there ya go..BB

  16. ok….

    Jeremy is embarrassing to watch.

    one of the most misogynistic players ever to play bb

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