Big Brother News from the Internets “FREE feeds are delicious”


Hey Big Brother Fans, Here we go another year of BB Fun is starting up. This year promises to be chalked FULL of Big Brother goodies with two shows for us to enjoy.

Big Brother Canada starts FEB 27

OBB’s is pretty excited about this one being as we’re Canadian and have been waiting for this since forever. From what they’ve released so far the show looks legit it’s going to be a blast and on top of that.. FREE FEEDS… delicious. Lots of people worried that it won’t be viewable in the US not to worry OBB will have you covered.

  1. Free internet Feeds | | GREAT! good! fantastic!
  2. Feeds Blocked outside Canada | | Not 100% yet but if it’s true don’t worry OBB has you covered
  3. Host selected | | I wish they had picked the Canadian zingbot 🙁
  4. Control room pictures | | Cool wish I could watch the feeds in that room
  5. Dawg didn’t get cast | | DAMN! I told him not to wear that Fishnet Shirt
  6. Promo Commercials for BBCA | Here and Here |
  7. Someone gets the Jodi treatment first episode of BB Canada | @insightprod| First live eviction episode on Feb 27

    Big Brother 15 (US)

    Still too early to get worked up about BB USA. I’m sure we’ll see some returning houseguests hopefully one of them is the powerhouse of a man whose picture graces this blog post.

  1. Extra 2 weeks | | CBS is up to something… Maybe they will let us have the final say of who gets in the house.
  2. Casting starts early | @Kassting | We all know the best players start off at open casting calls 🙂
  3. BB15 casting video |@Kassting | Submit to
  4. New BB15 Logo | | Meh.. same host same design different colours. They should have Rachel be the host.. serious

    Random Big Brother News

  1. Daniele Donato and Dominic Briones Get Married | | Lots of pictures Here. I’m surprised at how many people thought this was fake.
  2. Celebrity BBUK winners || Zero interest in Celebrity Big Brother and UK BB ..
  3. Celebrity Big Brother 2013’s Best Bits |youtube | For someone that doesn’t like BBUK I sure post a lot of links about it 😉
  4. BB Africa casting starts soon | | Last year some guy threw bleach in a housemates eyes.. so yeah keep an eye on BB Africa it can get wild.
  5. Willie Hantz Original audition video | | LOL Greatest first week of BB was BB14 thanks to this guy
  6. Rachel Reilly stars in the “Real Drunk Housewives of San Fernando Valley.” | |
  7. Jeff & Jordan on Ellen | youtube | won a trip to Australia along with the rest of the crowd
  8. Jeff & Jordan talk about their Diet wagers || JEJO

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9 thoughts to “Big Brother News from the Internets “FREE feeds are delicious””

  1. Ohh man! Bummer that Dawg didn’t listen to you about his wardrobe, but still excited that we’ll at least get to come here for updates on BBCA! And we certainly can’t wait for summer – will be fun to see most of the posters again! A couple weeks ago I caught a repeat of Rachel & Brendon’s wedding show with David Tuterra’s (sp?) – it was just too funny – especially her drunk under the table at the end with Brendon nowhere in sight. I believe her sister-in-law pulled her out & carried her over her shoulder out the door. hysterical!
    Anyway, miss everybody & remember when you vote – vote Dawg!!

  2. Hey Simon and Dawg!

    I have been looking for more information about the live feeds. Will there be a website we can watch them on? Do we need to have Shaw Cable or internet to watch? So looking forward to BB Canada!

    1. Hey Chloe,

      Yes there will be a website that will stream the live feeds. Probably same kind of thing they had for glass house. WE’re still not clear if it will be 1 camera or 4 like the US version. To watch the regular TV Show you will need the Slice Network. I got my Slice set up through Shaw Cable.. I think it’s a Shaw Media channel so not sure if you can get it through Telus.

      Either way there will be sites on the internets that will stream the TV Show

  3. Hey is there any information on whether or not people in the US can watch the episodes of BB Canada anywhere? (Not live feeds, but the episodes)?

  4. Please OBB (BEST BB SITE EVER!!) , look out for us USA BB fans! I am so excited for BB Canada and a little bummed about the feeds/episodes only being shown in Canada :/

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