POV Holder: | Next POV: | Sept 1 (Saturday) | |
POV Used | POV Ceremony | Sept 3 (Monday) | |
HOH Winner: | Ian | Next HOH: | Sept 6 (Thursday) |
Original Nominations: | |||
Current Nominations: | |||
Have Nots | |||
Last Evicted Houseguest |
12:50am – 1:05am UP in the HOH room, Frank and Ian area talking. Frank tells Ian about Britney wanting him out after agreeing to a deal. Frank keeps telling Ian that he is alone now and that if he didn’t win this week, he would have gone up. Frank says that they can work together but understands Ian not wanting to take him to the final 2. Ian explains how the numbers are going down and that he needs to think he needs to start thinking about final two and about who would be willing to take him. Ian says that he doesn’t want to have to win the final HoH. Frank says that he can help Ian. Ian says if we’re both up, I don’t want to have to go against you in a veto. Frank says that the only person he trusts is Jenn but he would like a third person to trust. Ian says the one person I trusted unconditionally is gone. Frank tells Ian that if they are in the final two, Ian would get Britney and Dan’s vote. Ian asks Dan’s? Frank says yeah, Dan hates me. Frank tells Ian that if they are in final three and Ian cuts him, he would still give him his vote and says that he would understand. Frank says that he would take Ian to the final two. Ian says I do want you here Frank, it’s other people who don’t. Frank says he feels he is well liked. Ian tells Frank that Shane and Danielle are the only two off limits for nominations. Frank says that the thing he didn’t like was how everyone pressured Ian. Ian says that Jenn was part of the people wanting Frank up. Ian tells Frank that he is going to bed. Frank heads back down stairs.
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1:30am Frank is talking to Dan and Danielle about his talk with Ian. Frank says that he thinks it will be him and Dan or Jenn up on the block. Frank says he knows it won’t be Danielle or Shane. Danielle asks Frank how he knows that. Frank says the deal Shane made was for Shane and Danielle. Frank says that Joe told him that his (Joe’s) key will be in the box. Dan says oh, okay so not Joe, Shane or Danielle. Frank says that he thinks Jenn rubbed everyone raw by using the veto. Frank says that maybe I’m wrong; I don’t think it’s true, but I thinks everyone in the house still wants me out. Dan leaves the room and heads up to HOH room to talk to Ian.
1:45am UP in the HOH room, Ian tells Dan that the deal Shane made for himself and Danielle. Ian says he is on board with the quack pack and says the only people he wants out this week are Frank and Jenn. Dan says that the quack pack sticks together. Ian agrees and asks who do we want up there Frank or Jenn? Ian says that he thinks it’s better to get rid of Jenn because Frank can’t play for two weeks. He says that only Joe would be playing against the rest of the house. Ian tells Dan that he is nominating Frank and Jenn, but says that he is keeping our options open. Dan tells Ian that he knew Britney and him were super close and that he knew Danielle and Shane were super close. Dan says that he felt alone. Ian says that he would like to work with Dan and keep that Renegade’s thing going. Ian says the only thing is in final two you might beat me. Dan tells Ian that he would get the votes. Dan says that no one will give Dan first place again. He says that he is resigned to that.
Ian says that if we are back together you have to cut the s**t, no more telling Danielle she is dead to you! Ian says that there is a reason I said Franks social game is s**t, there is a reason he is nominated every week. Ian says that if you go against him, he treats you like trash. Ian says that he is up here kissing my a** because I won, but as soon as I put him up, he will be back to treating me like trash. Ian and Dan start studying the events of the house. Ian tells Dan that he has to come up to the HOH to study every day. Dan ask Ian if he wants to do the Renegades. Ian says well the quack pack is safe but I’ll give you an answer by end of week.
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2:10am – 2:45am When Frank gets called into the diary room Dan goes to get Danielle and Shane and brings them up to talk in the HOH room. Ian tells them that Frank and Jenn are going up on the block and that Joe will be the replacement if one of them wins the POV. They all stand up do the quack pledge for the quack pack. Ian comments on we may not have Britney anymore but the quack is back! And we are going for Frank and Jenn! Dan heads down stairs.
Danielle tells Ian that Frank is convinced that Ian wants to play with him again. Shane says that Frank is convinced he already won this game. Shane points to Danielle and Ian and says that they are the brains of the quack pack and then points to himself and says that he is somewhat brains too. He says that Dan is the social. Shane heads down stairs. Danielle says this doesn’t leave me and you, did you tell Frank about your deal with me and Shane? Ian says that he told Frank that you and Shane are off limits this week. Ian tells Danielle that nominations without Frank is like Easter without eggs. Dan, Danielle and Shane head downstairs to go to bed.
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5:30am All the house guests are still sleeping..
9am – 9:40am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. When the live feeds come back everyone is still sleeping… Joe then gets called to the diary room. Joe comes out and then Shane gets called in.
Wow…..Ian is a moron if he works with these idiots again. I hope Jenn tears Dan greedy ass a new hole!!! He is dirty. Anything to get ahead. This season really sucks ass. Backstabbing and same person on the block since the beginning unless he was hoh.LAME!
I think thats why Ian’s [first] speech would be fitting…Nominations without Frank…is like Halloween without Candy!!
I totally agree. There is no real trust or strategy since Boogie left.
Frank is on his own, with the exception of Jenn who is really pretty much useless. Nobody is trustworthy in the house. Everyone is a floater.
I thought Joe and Shane were going to step up, but I see Joe has already flip flopped, got on his knees and offered Ian his landing strip.
LOL at the screen shot of Joe rubbing one out again.
No strategy since Boogie left? I take it you missed Dan’s funeral and subsequent confessional with Frank. Boogie has never done anything that amazing. Even getting Janelle out was not really that much Boogie. It’s what Danielle wanted in the first place. Boogie just helped Danielle get her way.
Not at all. Frank had one foot out the door that week and Boogie flipped it and got Janelle out playing on Danielle’s hatred for Janelle. If Boogie wasn’t blind sided by Ian, I believe he would have been in the final two. Boogie’s problem was that his brain just couldn’t fathom it being Ian. Even when all the signs were there, they were focused on Dan.
Right! And Boogie wasn’t all that good at strategy, he managed to alienate two of his players because he was so wrapped up in Frank. One of those players was responsible for him being ousted. Best I can say about Boogie is he literally talked a good game.
I’m no fan of Dan’s, but his play last week was the best strategy executed in recent BB history.
I have already posted that I think that was probably the best BB move ever – not arguing that.
However, in doing this he promised Frank a final two and screwed him within 24 hours.
…just like Joe and Shane promised Frank a final three and have now also screwed him as well.
I wouldn’t really call what Dan did “strategic”, I would be more likely to call it tactical.
Strategic = long term plan to obtain a desired end goal
Tactical = short term course of action to achieve immediate desired results
@Chloe.I’m not sure if you watched last night show.But I’m sure Boogie was mad when Julie started the show off by saying that the new york post and basically bloggers that write about BB.All said that Dan is the best at this game(Boogie thinks he’s better than Dan).I don’t ever remeber anyone getting so much attention and praise for a move in this game.Notice how Julie didn’t say anything about all the bloggers raving about Boogie’s move,to get Janelle out.Lol.I know Dan is going to be happy that so many people consider him the best at this game,after he came up with his master plan to get his self off the block and also save his loyal alliance member(Danielle).Dan truly is the best.
ian’s got to. he cant play HOH next week. if he goes with frank and jenn…he just has her playing for his safety.
I can’t believe that Ian’s stupid enough to believe Dan???? I thought he hated him, Britney did and Ian always followed whatever she said. Dan’s the one who got Britney nominated and wanted her out, he talked Frank into it. He should be gunning for him, not Frank sinced he can’t even play in the next HOH .
People think this game is rigged for Frank??? I think it’s rigged for Ian and the stupid “quack pack”. Frank’s basically alone, Jenn’s no help and she’ll probably turn if she has to. She does have a crush on Danielle. Ian should nominate Danielle and Shane and get rid of one of them. Who cares if he promised Shane, Ian’s such a lying, backstabber, no one would be suprised!
Dan’s philosophy is to get rid of people u cannot beat in next week’s hoh so don’t be surprised if he can influence Ian to keep frank around for another week since he can’t compete for job next week. However, jenn/joe aren’t a real threat to win hoh either so if frank doesn’t get pov they may take the opportunity to get rid of him as soon as they have a chance. Going by this week, I believe Ian will focus on frank/jenn & Dan will be able to reel Ian in. Like Dan or not he has showed incredible gameplay this week- the end justifies the means.
If you’re Dan, the only person you can’t beat in a competition is Frank. Why give him a break because he can’t play next week? If he doesn’t go this week there is still the DE, and if he still stays, write the man a cheque because nobody will beat him in the end game. He has to go now. Dan hasn’t won anything, but that’s part of his game. When he starts trying, he will be able to beat anyone left except maybe Shane in any competitions. He was smart to drop because this way he can play next week. He knew Dani, Shane or Ian would win. He will let Ian get the blood on his hands, and then if he wins next week, he will probably put up Ian and Shane or Joe. Getting Joe or Jenn out this week would be a waste (but if you are Dan, Jenn should be on the radar because she is really good at manipulating Danielle). But the only option that makes sense for any of them this week is to get Frank out. The best way to do this is to put up Frank and Jenn, just in case Jenn manages to win POV. If Frank goes this week, I would like to see Joe win HOH (I know, it’s a long shot) and get Nurse Batshit out of there. Did you know she threw up twice last night and nobody cared?
The only way Frank can survive this week is to convince the house to “how much he would be looking forward to the jury house”. “A whole week alone with two hot blondes”.
nooooo Ian use your common sense get rid of Dan since Frank cant play hoh
Ian and Common Sense are not two words that go together.
That power hungry moron will make the wrong decision AGAIN.
This kid is so stupid.
You have to have Frank up, if by chance he doesn’t win POV you send him home if he wins you can always put up Dan (I don’t think he would).
Than next week when Frank can’t play for HOH you try again, everyone left would mostly put up Frank (Jenn in this case would probably be gone)
and hope he doesn’t win POV. When the chance to get rid of Frank comes you have to jump on it as there may not be another chance.
Ian..Ian…Ian you dumb A**, you are falling for Dan’s trick again….GET RID OF the JUDAS!!!
I know I wish he would put Frank & Dan then if POV is used…? pop a squat.
Actually, it’s a great move on Ian’s part to restablish the Quack Pack . Britney is gone now, there nothing Ian can do to change that. Ian has to figure out how he can get to the final two. His biggest threat is Frank…not Dan. Dan can’t win anything, he is a manipulator. Dani, Jenn, and Joe are minor threats. Shane is great as long as the competition is something physical. Ian needs to figure out what happens next after his HOH. Ian can’t compete in the next HOH and there is a double elimination coming next week. Frank or Jenn leaves first. Win for Ian. The following HOH, if Frank is still there can’t compete for HOH and Ian is safe from Franks wrath. The problem is if the rest of the Quack Pack members don’t put up Ian on the second HOH, Ian has a strong chance of getting to the final two. Of the remaining Quack Pack members, Ian can compete in both physical and mental challenges. Shane only can win physical challenges. Yep this is a great move by Ian.
Dan blows up the house…flips on his alliance, gets himself off the block and gets his ex-alliance member nominated and evicted. Then he wins back that said alliance and all is well. This is guy is one smooth operator. Dan is truly the man at this point.
Frank needs to flip it right back and tell Ian exactly what went on last week and blow his little quack packy mind.
I want Frank to go but it would be a good move for him to rat out Dan and Dani.
Nope! Frank is not going anywhere. Not even Double Eviction. The only Houseguest who is leaving is Dan & Ian.
what captain ian leaving this week
I don’t think there is anything frank could say to flip in his favour. Ian already figured out what dan did and his opinion is that dan had no choice which is true and Ian has wanted frank out for awhile
The only thing Frank can flip is that big old carrot top.
Don’t forget that some chump jumped into avocado, then agreed to 24 hrs of chum baths, took a punishment of no HOHs for 2 weeks despite being the undisputed biggest target in the house, and has to wear a carrot costume for a whole week…plus, his buddy burned her clothes and got put on slop for the rest of the season all to get Dan out. Then in less than an hour he’d talked them into saving him and putting a far less dangerous player out in his place and making all they went through for nothing.
You’re right, though, getting all his friends back so quickly as if he’d never betrayed them is just as amazing.
Dan and Frank will probably be final 2. Frank can’t get put out because he always wins the veto comp. Dan because he mind controls everybody. It will look like a sure win for Frank, but then Dan gives his speech…7-0 Dan.
Evict Dan? Evict Dan? To avenge Brittany? Whether Dan is evicted this week or the next week, what does it matter? The problem Frank had, when he was HOH, he didn’t think what happens the next week, when he would be out of power. His focus was avenging Boogie! Frank, Boogie is out of the game, he can’t help you. You should of kept your composure. Ian actually felt sorry for you and said he couldn’t betray you a second time. So you got rid of Brit. Well Bravo Frank! Now you are out of power and crawling to Ian to save you. Ah Frank…you have no social game. Now Ian is HOH and figuring how he gets to the final two. Dan is not an immediate threat to him. Ian needs Dani and Shane, and with Dani and Shane comes Dan. Now Ian may survive after he leaves HOH. Whether the rest of the Quack Pack members keep their word, that is a different issue…that’s Big Brother and deceit and betrayal would happen whether Ian is in or out of the Quack Pack.
Why oh why must you always use a sleep photo of Powerhouse taking care of his shaft!
LOL. You made me choke on my tea.
LMAO, you weren’t tea bagged were you Deb?
It’s called the Powerhouse Pull….Simon, Dawg I’d really like to see that added to each pic of Joe pressing the flesh
What’s wrong its just Joe with his caught with his hands in the cookie jar.. he just can’t keep his hands off it …
more like the sausage jar. 🙂
Hes just trying to make sure its covered from all angles……
and I bet he does not wash his hands…before grabbing that morning coffee!
Could you imagine how much screaming Joe would do if he didn’t relieve the tension every night?
With the group recommitting to the quack pack I anticipate this being a boring week. I was looking forward to another week of alliance shifts. If Shane is eligible to play in the second to last HOH and Frank leaves everyone else is screwed.
i hope ian puts up frank and jenn vote out frank and if frank wins veto put up dan and evict him it just doesn’t make sense to get rid if jenn she’s not a threat AT ALL
A reason to get rid of Jenn is because she is a vote to keep Frankenhole. Ian just needs to figure out who the biggest threat to him is and I think Carrot Dude should get to steppin first.
Ian needs to look in the mirror and realize he’s living proof God has a sense of humor ….. shake and fidget much, Douchebag??
I wish he would fall on a sword…. Joe’s got a meat-sword he cant keep his hands off of that Ian could use
geez its just a game…
I hope Ian tells him to pop a squat…bubba!!
It’s not a waste to put up somebody like Jenn or Joe. There are only 7 people left. Somebody’s got to go. In my opinion, instead of Frank, Dan, Shane, and Ian going at it, they should get out Jenn and Joe. Do you really want people like this that have not done anything in the game to make it to final 2. They don’t even deserve the 50,000. I’d rather Dan, Ian, Shane, or Frank make it to final 2. Even Danielle hasn’t done anything but follow behind Dan.
Wow, Dan is winning this thing. Frank becomes HOH and he momentarily dumps his alliance ( with good reason), now Ian’s HOH and Dan’s back with the Quack, the guy deserves to win this.
S0 sad to see Frank go though, would’ve wanted him to win.
no Ian no…..don’t get sucked in by Dan….noooo
I think Ian knows that there is no trust in the Qpack. He may take Dan or he may not. Depending on how things work out in the POV . Ian is aware that Shane and Frank are together, Shane and Dani, Dani and Jenn, Dan and Frank, Dan and Dani. He is totally on his own. He did make a deal with Shane and threw in Dani, is this to put doubt in Dan on Dani loyalty and to see if there is any loyalty with Dani and Shane so that they do go for the POV even though they are safe? He told Joe that he goes up if POV used. Does that make Joe try for the POV? Does this then make Dan try for the POV to assure his safety or use on Frank? Is he setting it up so that Frank wins the POV and takes himself off the block? He then replaces Frank with Dan? I think he is trying to flush out if he can trust Frank or Dan or neither. I think he is trying to put wedge between all the alliances to see where he stands going into next week. It really backs Dan into a corner. Go for the POV save Frank, toss the POV to Frank, show loyalty to Ian find out is Dan more loyal to Frank or Dani. I think this is his Hail Mary to see if he can find someone to trust.
nice to see joe has time to rub one out, man he is gonna traumatize by bein known as the guy who ……………. on tv. gross!
It’s coming back to life!
oh my goodness is that joe? *facepalm*
More Joe wanking? Ugh!
Here’s a thought. What would happen if Frank told Ian EVERYTHING Dan told him? Not likely but i think he would if his back is against the wall. Similar to the Dan situation last week.
I hope he does but i do not think Ian will believe Him. I just want Danielle gone.
It is killing me that Dani has not been outed yet.
Want Ian to figure it out so badly, I am hoping this week either she slips up or Dan narcs her out for some reason.
I want to watch her fat face crumble and be tear drenched for days on end and NO one to give her sympathy.
She truly deserves it.
I know. Wish the audience could have voted on the Britney vs. Danielle eviction. Would have been about 90%-10% and Stalky the Nurse would be gone.
Nicky I’m not sure I agree with that comment. Ten per cent seems a little high for Danielle.
I hope that Danielle gets ratted out as well. But first, I want her to stap Jenn and get cussed out, then betrayed by Dan, and hated by the hole house before getting sent to jury.
“Stab” Jenn”
@Shane.Considering that Dan is a master mind,I’m sure he’ll be able to get the quack pack to trusting him.It won’t matter what Frank tells Ian about Dan&Danielle.Dan will just mist Ian and he will still roll with Dan.Lol. Go Dan!
I messed up on poll too! I would have put Frank as my answer. Frank is just way to egotistical. He should have been really humble last week knowing he could not play in next 2 HOH comps. While doing the necessary dirty work, he should have talked really nice too people.
On a side note, I bet that Carrot Suit is STANKY!
I think the only loyalty in the came comes from:
Shane loyal to Danielle
Danielle loyal to Dan
Dan loyal to Danielle
I think Danielle is loyal to Shane unless she had to choose between Shane and Dan.
Danielle irritates the **** out of me BUT she is still in the game. She has been social and won a couple comps.
I am pretty sure Dan threw the HOH comp so he wouldn’t have to go against Frank and Jenn yet. I think he realized that he could talk Ian out of nominating him and didn’t feel threatened by Shane.
No one is loyal to Jenn, Frank, Ian or Joe.
I am tired of Frank as the target! It is ONLY because I want him out of the house. someone needs to succeed at getting him out. I hope Ian does this week.
Its the PRODUCTION you have to worry about! Cant they see that Dan has played the Game Good without Cheating!
Frank has been very obnoxious, threaten people , and been in the block for over 6 times, and HE CHEATS ! Were
eery one hasn’t. Ian should put up Frank and Jenn the they need to pull there resources and play the POV to win not
throw it to someone. Production Please Do Not ! I mean DO NOT Have Frank Win he needs to go to the Jury !
@MexFrench.I agree with you.It’s like the rest of the house guests have to fool production into thinking that Frank isn’t their target.Other wise,production will try to save him again.Hopefully Frank will screw up on one of the competitions that production makes for Frank to win.It happened with Jeff last season.So,it might happen with Frank.At least I hope Frank screws up.
How stupid is Ian?
Dan cuts the “buddy” of his house out and now he trust him again?
Frank is nuts, for him to believe all the swill is funny.
Looks like Frank is playing a dangerous game. He has a final 2 deal with Dan, Jenn, Joe and Ian. Can’t blame him for trying but if any of them talk he will be up the creek and up on the block. If Ian puts him up and he wins another veto and they try again during the DE and he wins veto again, they all might as well walk out the door and let him have it.
I dunno Ian, I’m feeling really shaky with this plan, relying on other people’s luck to run out isn’t the worst strategy but Frank has been a Tank recently. Letting him slide another week could be bad. If only Ian knew Dan ratted him out
I think Ian has already figured that out
Ian will be pretty stupid that not only open the Pandora Box that gives Frank a special power, but Frank wins pov and take himself off the block. Ian will messed up the quack pack plan. The Brigade is much loyal than Quack Pack. The brigade always stick with the plan & loyal to the alliance, but the quack pack will never loyal to each other. They will play the blame game and Ian will be joining Britney in double eviction. Come on Dan! Keep using Ian to put up Frank so Ian will be a fool & dumbest player ever. I’ll be laughing that Ian will be going to the Jury House with Dan or Joe. Go Frank! You can do it! Win that two pov’s so the quack pack will wet their pants.
i think its funny how everyone says the brigade was so loyal even when enzo said it last night i expected matt to be like yeah you’s were real loyal to me. The brigade screwed matt over and on top of that hayden said he would have picked kristen over the brigade and if lane won veto in the final 4 he would have evicted enzo not brit. So they were not a loyal alliance the only alliance that i can ever remember being truly loyal start to finish and never throwing each other under the bus to save their own a$$ is chill town
Powerhouse – Stop touching yourself.
Sad, sad day in the BB house. Ian is a little immature dictator!! Absolutely PAINFUL to listen to him talk to Dan tonight with his “holier than thou” attitude (e.g demanding Dan to study at least an hour and a half every day in the HOH room and referring to his HOH as his “reign”!!!!) What a little shit. And listen to him talk about how his Dad said in his letter from home, “you have a good chance at winning this”, so he inevitably takes that as if it were the word of God! Listening to Ian and Danielle talking together is like getting your fingernails ripped off!! UGH! It’s gonna be painful to watch and listen to little Napolean Junior this week…… when the kid gets power, the kid gets so f-ing cocky and downright arrogant!!!
Still hoping that one of the best players in BB history, FRANK, can once again rise above this shit storm and make it through yet another week and the double evict!
Come on Dan, Keep pushing Ian to put up Frank & Jenn so Frank will win his 4th pov and take himself off on the block. I would love to see Ian face that Dan is using him as a human shield. Ian, next week is double eviction. Your going to the jury house. Frank is not going anywhere. Come on Frank Fans! Keep Cheering for Frank so the quack pack will wet their pants.
Wow AG why dont you just hand over the heck to your rigged couple to win… stalker and shane… bravo.. id rather watch bb canada…
their falling for dans bs again? these people idiots…
What does Frank have a sign on his back that says…always choose me… wow OKAY …
Joe, I’m sure you make your wife and kids so proud!
Here’s the quote from John Cena:”You wants some, Come get some” Frank can overcome the odds. He is the fighter & take down Quack Pack one by one. Another quote from Cena: “Hustle,Loyal & Respect” Frank have these qualities. Like him or hate him. He always a fighter & never gives up.
John Cena and Frank have a lot in common. All their victories are fixed.
Isn’t it funny that Frank’s still wearing that ridiculous costume and can’t play for HOH for 2 weeks and Jenn is on slop the rest of the game? Why was it they accepted all that? Oh yeah, to get Dan out. And he’s still there. Because of a dumb move they made. And Britney’s best friend has HOH. Won’t it be funny when one of them goes out ahead of him this week (probably Jenn, after Frank’s latest “miracle” POV win)? Jenn didn’t learn much from what happened to Frank’s last 2 best friends, did she? You go on the block with him the first week he doesn’t have HOH, then he always wins POV & saves himself, and you take the bullet for him. Doesn’t sound like much of a gig to me.
I think the cast this year is far less interesting in the last 6 or 7 HGs than it was in BB13. This bunch doesn’t have much personality or charisma, except for Britney. Oh yeah, she’s gone. At this point in BB13, I still was interested in almost all of them. Now it’s a question of who I dislike the most. Is there a live feed of the jury house? Maybe I’d buy that instead.
Bring on BB15.
Ian had better put up Dan and Jen, if nominations remain the same to send Dan home. If POV is used, he should backdoor Frank. Go for it Ian please.
Joe reminds me of Al Bundy with his hand down his pants all the time. Poor Ian, he has nobody in the house on his side, the “popular” kids all wanted him out and now they’re kissing his ass but none of them are making any deals about keeping Ian safe next week. Ah well, lets see how it rolls.
Did Dan not propose Renegades to Frank too? Do people not realize all they have to do is show Frank loyalty for one week and he will be with them 100%?
It will be interesting as to who Ian puts up. I think he should use a pawn and then back door Frank. If he puts up Frank on the get go, there’s a big chance Frank will win a veto and take himself off the block. Plus, there will be no blood on anyone’s hands (ie Dan, Danielle, Jenn) but Ian’s. But, I think after his HOH, Ian definitely needs to go. Your thoughts?
Only one person is sitting out POV, so the chances that Frank will play POV are pretty good even if he doesn’t go up on the block. Worst case scenario is Frank wins veto when he is not on the block. He takes down Jenn and both are safe. It’s better with only 7 people in the house to just put him up, and if he wins, back door Dan. After this week everyone plays POV, so Frank has to go now!
The problem with that scenario is that if Frankenhole wins the veto and takes Jenn off the block the two of them and Dani could save Dan.
It’s a WRAP Frank–you aint winnin pov this time so get to steppin and take captainwedgieLolOMg dufus with ya. QP4Lyfe Yo>!>
I hope your right ,especially about dufus, but I’m sure production has a plan B to cover any possible Frankenhole exit.
Well, they cancelled the eviction last time he lost the veto comp and then didn’t have the votes. I figure if he doesn’t win another rigged veto comp, they’ll come up with some special coup d’etat or diamond power of veto to save him. Or do an America’s Choice and claim the fans voted him back in a few days after his eviction.
You guys don’t understand of Frank can’t play 2 HoH’s not two weeks. He down to 1. He will play in Week 9.
Hopefully he won’t be here next week.
I never cease to be amazed by the unbelievable stupidity in the house and everybody but Dan and Frank utter inability to see how this game is played, counting votes, and plotting a course to the end.
I am now convinced that Dan is a Jedi. How else can you take out a knife, sharpen it up, plunge it directly into 3 peoples back, killing one of them, and have the surviving two comeback and say “I know you just knifed me in the back and totally tried to kill me, but that’s OK.” Oh yeah, and Dan is the unbeatable one at the end…but everybody still thinks it’s Frank.
Ian is still playing some dumb Britney inspired team game. What assurances does he have that the next HOH follows through on this plan? If your beloved Quack Pack could turn on Britney, who they all really liked, then why would they not turn on you? And people say Frank is delusional. I don’t dislike Ian, in fact I love his arrogance, but he is the epitome of a stupid smart guy. No common sense or street smarts. He just has to ask himself a few questions:
“Why am I taking out Frank- who’s essentially alone- and leaving the alliance for whom I was a fifth wheel with Britney and her protection?”
“If Dan, Shane, Danielle and I are final four and I’m not HOH or the veto winner, where do I rank with each of them?”
“If I’m the fourth wheel in the Quack Pack and Frank is gone, then who is left to pick one of them off for me…Joe or Jenn?
“As much of a dick as Frank is, he’s also a man who keeps his word, so why not work with him secretly at least until final 4, so that I know regardless of whether Dan, Shane, or Danielle takes the other two spots, I will be their third choice over Frank and if Frank is HOH or veto in the final for I’m maybe his first or second choice?”
“If I take out Frank, am I not guaranteeing that I have to pray I don’t get evicted next week, then throw the next HOH, since I want to have two shots (HOH and veto) to make sure Dan, Shane, or Danielle have no choice but to take me to final three?
Shane is the single most frustrating HG ever. He’s such a nice guy and is a damn good competitor…but he is stunningly stupid with absolutely no backbone. I suspect Dan could take him to final three with him and Danielle and convince him to throw the final HOH. Hell, I think Dan could get him to pull a Marcellus with the veto and stay on the block.
Danielle is a mentally deranged puppet. As long as she is allowed to wallow in her egocentricity, Dan can pull her strings however it benefits him.
And the worst part for Frank is that having been under siege for so long has left him constantly on the scramble and the one person who can help him the most (Dan) is the one he trusts the least. He has to try and stick with Dan and at least start thinking about burning Danielle about her role in Britney’s betrayal. Jenn is his ace in the hole as she can describe a calm Danielle enthusiastically agreeing to get Britney, a Danielle who could then cry on demand about Dan…even though she was working with him. Frank just needs to float to Ian, with Jenn’s back-up, that Danielle knew the funeral was coming. Then Frank says why are you and I basically alone, with no Mike and no Britney, while Danielle is covered by Dan, Shane, and until tonight, Jenn. Why is Danielle getting a free pass? He can give Ian the excuse to do his own dirty work and make sure he’s the 3rd Quack Packer.
Frank going to Ian about Dan and Dani’s involvement in the backstabbing would be very entertaining to watch.
I’m sure Dan knows Frank might try this and is figuring out a way to keep his mouth shut though.
Love love love it that Ian won. Brit was great when she called Dan the judas he is, I hope Ian remembers this when he is alone thinking (if they leave him alone long enough). Dan would be good to take to the end….I am not sure that the jury won’t give him the half mil. I am not sure of anything when it comes to Dan.
Ian has to get rid of Frank, Frank treated Ian like utter shit all last week.
Dani is already talking trash about her best friend Brit to the Bizarro world Brit already!!!…. what a little girl.
@Simon & Dawg, correct me I’m wrong that Frank can’t play 2 HoH’s. Does include outgoing & double eviction?
Frank cannot play in 2 HOH competitions the one that just occurred last night and the First one that happens on this coming Thursday night. If Frank survives those 2 HOH comps he gets to play in the third one.
Holy crap does Joe ever NOT have his hand down his pants?
He’s so gross. And pretty useless in the house.
Amen to that! He needs to GO!
I wouldn’t touch that Hula hoop….
he slept with it.
Does anyone know what time nominations are today?
Usually late afternoon/early evening depending on your time zone. Like 5 or 6:00 pacific??? And if there’s a Pandora’s Box, it should occur earlier in the afternoon.
Thank You!!!
That picture of Dan is hilarious! Kinda reminds me of Ace Ventura. And then I saw that picture of Joe and almost lost my breakfast. Ugh, can’t believe he thinks cameras can’t see him doing that. Handle that business in a late night shower!!
It’s so amazing when Ian gets power his little head gets so big. This week should be interesting
So I’m confused! Are Dan & Danielle loyal to the quack pack? or to Jenn and Frank? I can’t keep up with their alliances!
neither can they!
the quack pack is without a doubt one of the worst alliances in big brother history. there’s no loyalty or trust between any of them…how do you “align” yourself with a group of people whose actions you have to question when you aren’t together 24/7 and on top of that they turn on each other, then when they need the hoh or the votes they’re an “alliance” all over again??i hope ian open’s pandora’s box and gets on of his own evicted…if only they could all be evicted, such dumbasses.and why is shane making deals for him and his stalker??danielle has absolutely no clue how to play this game, dan has since day one told her everything she needs to say or do, she wouldn’t be anywhere without him.
Joe with his hand on his tool again…..I need to find out what restaurants he works at so I stay away from them seeing he doesnt wash his hands.
The most exciting thing this week will be what production does to keep Dan and Frank safe from eviction. Will it be
A) Pandora’s box bringing back a couples comp were they play on the same team if one of them win POV they are both safe
B) Introduce Jeff and Jordan back into the game for one week. If JEff can win the next HOH he gets a gold key which gives him final 3 with Dan and Frank.
C) Bring the coaches twist back for 1 week.. meaning Dan cannot be evicted and he plays in a COaches comp winner of that coaches comp gets to pick one player to be safe
D) Straight up DR manipulation
E) Have a vote on Sundays show “Punish or POwer” to whoever is on the bock. Frank gets the POwer (DPOV) and Jenn gets the punishment (Has to wear a top hat for 20 minutes) ..
*It’s early and I haven’t had my coffee yet I don’t really think Production would ever do these things especially A 😉
** I don’t want to revisit the whole production rigged it conversation, I’m just having fun this morning….
Coach’s Challenge. Dan will be the only one competing, but still throw it. He will never win, so the game will never end, and BB14 will never, ever end.
Coach’s Challenge. Dan successfully completes a challenge in permitted time limit. He gets to keep him and his player safe. He also gets to punish a fellow Houseguest. Powerhouse gets sent to 48 hours of Solitary Rub-It-Out Camp.
LOL Dan throws the Coaches comp and since there is no one left in it production uses a random draw decided behind closed doors and Frnak is given the win
They are on the block against each other. Production, rather than HOH, votes as tie-breaker this week and they both survive 3-2.
I think it could be a cooking contest… Iron Big Brother Chef.
Now, I may be biased, but why would Ian put Dan up? In his eyes, Dan was just saving his own skin, not necessarily selling out the quack pack (which Dan could argue he didn’t do anyway…just luring frank into false sense of security). I am convinced Danielle would pick Shane over Dan, and I think Dan and Ian both know that. The best situation for Ian is to get out one of frank/jenn/joe. Shane is easily manipulated, and you need to get joe out of his ear. Or splitting up jenn/frank would be good too, because then you can have the next hoh take out whoever is left between the two of them, thus enabling yourself to play for the next meaningful hoh. Ian should nominate jenn/frank, and if production gives pov to frank, put joe up. Joe is poison…he could really cause a lot of mayhem with his lies and flipping. You do not want both joe and frank to make it past this double eviction. One needs to go for Ian’s game.
Frank can’t make it out alive with a double eviction this week. Unless someone else gets disqualified and that new chick with the tattoo’s wins.
Yes, he can. He will make alive and better yet. He is the underdog & fight to the finished.
It wouldn’t surprise me if Ian is playing his own game this week. He has watched and learned from Boogie and Dan. He may put Dan up at the last minute; preventing him from campaigning. A surprise attack from a smart kid who knows to not give Dan a week to counter move. Must be quick and decisive.
Even if Ian does it at the last minute, it’s still Monday with live eviction Thursday. Dan flipped the house in an hour.
Man, BB can bring out the worst in its fans. Jerry got hate mail for years over calling Dan “Judas”? That seems wrong to me. I get having favorites and the time invested watching them. But hatemail over an argument, that’s crazy. And the death threats to Shelly and her family from last season. WTF is wrong with some of these fanatics? And to see people wonder where BB finds these people? Really, is it that hard to figure out? What normal, sane person would willingly put themselves through not only all that they go through from their time in the house, but the craziness they could face when they leave it? It could be something as simple as voting out someone that could beat you in this game, but that person has established a huge fan following. Well then you come home to nothing but hate and death threats. I will watch, but never entertain the idea of applying for this show. Too much to lose, not enough to gain.
why the hell is Joe always jackin’ it on night vision.
A man like that has Needs.. he’s a POwerhouse in the Big BRother game and in the bedroom.
Does Joe not realize he’s on camera?? He is that clueless?? Enough with the wanking!!!
I’d much rather watch Frank wanking.
Joe is having nocturnal emissions, with a little helping hand.
You are going to have to backdoor Frank to get him out. He’s going to win veto everytime he knows his back is against the wall. If Frank gets in the Final 3, it’s a wrap. Ian is an idiot, why get rid of Jenn. She is a floater who you would destroy in the Final 2. If he was smart he would try and get one of the Quack Pack out if he can’t get Frank out.
Frank will never backdoored! Quack Pack will continue to make more mistake. Frank will win 2 PoV’s and Ian will go to the Jury. One way or the other.
I like Dan’s game by throwing the HOH endurance so he can play the next HOH which is the second DE of the season. Ian sits out the Thusday HOH and can only compete in POV to get off the block. As smart as Ian is he should have let Shane have the HOH and played for both comps on Thurs.
Why does Ian always walk around with his shirt off, GROSS, that alone is reason enough to want to see him evicted!
He thinks he’s a magnificent specimen of manhood!
I don’t like Joe,
I don’t like Jenn,
I don’t particularly like Dan,
I don’t like Danielle,
I don’t like Ian,
Shane is alright
Frank is alright
I think that I like BB, not because of who in the house I like, but because of those I dislike.
People don’t realize that DISLIKE is a stronger emotion from which we derive more pleasure than LIKE.
Just a little nugget from the Doctor.
So who do you want o win?
Someone you like or dislike ?
The feeling I get from disliking someone is not pleasure, not at all. Is there something wrong with me?
Has anyone seen Wil’s BB parody? Go to thewilshow.com. His impressions are hilarious!!
That was pretty funny…
Like to see more Big Bro parodies .
This is random, but Jerry did an amazing job on BB10 for a 75 Year Old. He won a lot of competitions, and would’ve won if he made the final 2.
Another touching moment brought to you by Madlove.com
HAHAHA nice one! The recipe will be in his new cook book that will soon be released..
I don’t think Dan is trying to save Frank. He has to do what is best for his game and keeping his word to Frank. He has to do what he has to do to further his game. It is so easy for all of us to say this and that but when we are in it,its a different story. Let’s be easy on them, they are all in a tough spot exception of Joe and Jenn
Very well said, I agree with you totally……..Bravo
Sometimes comments are made in such a harsh fashion\
These people all suck, they have no loyalty at all, just flip flopping back and forth based on who’s in power. The only way to salvage this season is to go in reverse, make the 1st 2 evicted the final 2, lol.
I think you’re watching the wrong show. This is Big Brother, not Kumbaya Love Camp.
Oh I get that. I just think its more entertaining to see a brigade-like alliance that sticks together and makes it to the end. These douche bags have bad so many alliances that I’ve lost count, and I’m sure more are coming.
I meant I think he is trying to save Frank and keeping his word to him
Jhay, I think everyone understood the thought you were conveying
and I certainly agree with you 100% and your comment, I thought
deserved a BRAVO shout out.
I cannot believe Ian is trusting Dan. He must be entertaining to be around and have the power to pray away the hate. Maybe thats why he has his Bible open all the time? Verse 3:16 If your alliance doesn’t have your back you drop a grenade on them. I think they are all idiots to fall for his shit. If he ever were on a third season there is no way he could win unless played with a Frank strategy. Which really is not a strategy. His strategy is oh I got put on the block I am going win the veto and through it in their face. I won Hoh and stick it to em and be outspoken when you should be humble. I like Frank and Dan I want Dan to win again mainly because I want someone from Michigan to win. I think he is working in the wrong field he should be a politician or selling Ice to eskimos.
Frank has been trying to play with strategy but everyone he has trusted has screwed him, which has forced him to play tactically and win everything to save himself.
Ironically, Frank is the only trustworthy person in the house, as demonstrated by his actions.
I don’t see that.
First week Willie wanted to work with him, the only reason he went on the block was because Boogie kept Ian safe. Dan, Janelle and Brit wanted Frank out, and that’s why Willie put him up. He totally wanted to keep Frank, and his team only flipped when Frank made up the lie about Willie being a homophobe.
Second week, Willie self destructs with a lot of help from Joe. Frank made it personal and instead of doing the smart thing and taking out Dan and Danielle, he went for Shane and Jo Jo.
Third week, Shane wins and puts up Frank. Why wouldn’t he? Tit for tat. Frank gets saved by the reset. No harm, no foul, and none of it was due to anything Frank did.
Fourth week, Boogie and Frank turn on Janelle after promising to work with her and her team until Brit and Dan were gone. Janelle goes home.
Then Frank wins HOH and takes out Wil. By this time, he has a final 2 deal with almost everyone in the house. Him and Boogie totally alienated Jenn and Ian by this time, and they didn’t even notice because their egos were so huge they thought they already won the game.
Then Ian helps take down Boogie. Frank is pissed, but what did he expect? He totally underestimated Ian, thought he was just a stepping stone to get him to the end. Even when he got duped, he couldn’t give Ian the credit for making a big move, he automatically blamed Dan for bullying Ian into doing it. Really bad move!
Frank wins HOH again and acts like a tool all week. He wants to get Dan out to avenge Boogie’s demise. But he was so easily swayed by Dan’s confessional and ends up sending Brit home, who was more of a threat to Dan than to Frank. He burned Jenn in the process, you know, the only person he trusts.
Now Ian is HOH and Frank, who was threatening Ian just a few days ago is trying to buddy up again. Frank’s loyalty was only to Boogie. I think he would have played a better game if there were no coaches, just newbs, but Boogie ruined his game and infected him with an oversized and delusional ego. Frank could have saved his game by breaking off from Boogie, at least he should have made it look that way to the rest of the house.
Frank is still there only because he wins competitions, but that can’t go on forever. His social game sucks. He has burned just about everyone there. He has made final two with almost everyone left in the house. How straight up and honest is that? I don’t expect anyone to be honest and loyal in the game, but Frank has definitely been more of a douche than most of them.
This posting is very well articulated. I agree with you 100%.
why is Joe jerking off so much?? isnt he an older married dude? i could see ian or even frank but Joe shouldnt be masturbating every night on cam, cmon bro calm down
His manhood floweth over.
He’s powerhousing his way through the night.
If I’m Ian I would put up Dan and Jenn. Franks not guaranteed to play in the veto,and even if he played and won it he would pull Jenn off. Dan would go home. Any other veto scenario, (Jenn, Dan, Ian, Shane, Danielle, powerhouse win) good ole carrot top is popping a squat and FINALLY leaving. It’s the best odds of getting Frankie out, and maybe the last chance.
bubba time to pop a squat
Do you think he should go up right away Simon?
Yup.. pop a squat bubba.
Make it known if POV is used that Joe may not be the replacement nominee so everyone fights their asses off to win it. No idea what he show actually do if POV is played..
Hahahaha, after the Quack Pack gets back together…Dan and then Shane leave Ian’s HOH but Danielle stays talking petty crap about Frank. Ian says, do you see snakey? He’s mad because you’re still here and I want to go to bed LMAO!!!
Lol everyone is mad honestly if I was Ian I would try every chance to get rid of frank why keep him around just incase production tries to throw some random ass power that would save him. Nobody remaining in the final two would ever beat frank so get rid of him. people saying he should get rid of dan whats the point of doing that anybody who’s up against dan in the final two is basically guaranteed half a million dollars there’s no way anyone would vote for him to win unless he’s up against someone like jenn or joe who havent done shit in this game Jen got lucky winning the pov. The whole Judas comment really bothers me because Judas betrayed the son of God not people in some stupid reality show Britney is dumb for saying that after jerry said it he got tons of death threats and her dumb self repeats it. I don’t know why she hated Dan so much for trying to save himself because she was perfectly fine with him going home so what is the point of her being mad when all he did was save himself and danielle.
Frank flips off brit…. FRI Aug. 31 12:54 Cam 1
dan is the best player of all time. if he goes home it will not change that fact