Big Brother 14 Pandora’s Box Results

POV Holder: ? Next POV: Aug 25 (Saturday)
POV Used POV Ceremony Aug 27 (Monday)
HOH Winner: Frank Next HOH: Aug 30 (Thursday)
Original Nominations:
Current Nominations:
Have Nots Dan
Last Evicted Houseguest Boogie and Ashley
Pandora’s Box POwer Ian

3:05pm Cam 3-4 Dan and Danielle

Danielle thinks Frank will put Ian up and try to backdoor Dan.
Dan wants Danielle and himself up on the block

Dan: “Ian said if the perfect scenario came up he would use the POV… sometimes things work this way.. like if you won it or I won it was a waste of a veto.. “

Dan :”Something Bad For Frank”
Danielle: “Ya it was good for use”
Dan: “That wasn’t good for him because 2 people can be protected”
Dan: “Ohh my god I’m so glad I didn’t rat him out.. “
Danielle: “You now have to get close to him again”
Dan: “We can keep 4 out of the 5 safe this week.. perfect scenario”
Dan: “I’m embarrassed.. I’ve never acted like that in this game…”

3:10pm Cam 1-2 Brintey, Frank and Ian Watch with FlashBack FREE TRIAL!

They tell Ian to use the “power” he won during a Pandora’s Box Competition on Britney or she will be put up on the block. Ian agrees. Ian is a bit upset from the compeition.. says it was really getting ugly. Frank tells him not to worry the object was to make sure Dan didn’t win.
(Ian’s Power allows him to take one person off the block but he is not allowed to play for Tomorrow’s Power of Veto)

3:20pm cam 1-2 Arcade Room

Shane: “Me or Brit have to win POV”
Danielle: “We went from no hope to keeping the 4 back in to a slim chance”

Dan: “as long as he doesn’t put Ian up as a nomination we got a shot.. “
Shane and Danielle say they can’t put Ian up.
Dan explains that Ian can get put up but it will waste his veto.

Dan: “I think this was bad for him… “
Shane: ‘He still got money” (3grand)
Dan: “Ya but it was still Bad because 2 people are safe this week”
Dan tells them there is no way Frank has a power not with the 2nd veto in the game.

Britney joins them.. says that Ian feel like the scumbag and the salt of the earth..

Britney says Ian won’t get nominated.. it going to be Dan and Danielle. Frank is pushing Ian not to use the veto. Dan says that the perfect scenario is for Shane or Britney to win POV. Dan asks Britney if the perfect scenario happens will Ian us the power. Britney thinks so but it’ll take some work.. She pitched the idea to Ian in the storage room and he got that really scared look on his face.

(Dan’s perfect scenario is this A) Danielle and Da go up b) Shane or Brit win POV use it to save Danielle C) Ian uses the power to save Dan d) one of Joe/Jenn and Shane/Brintey gets put on the block )

3:45pm Cam 1-2 Dan and Danielle Arcade Room

Danielle thinking that counting on Ian to use the power is a little risky. Danielle is not liking Ian too much right now.. she points out how he gets so cocky when he has power his head explodes. Dan brings up if he wins the POV teks himself down and Shane goes up. Dan adds that Ian will use the power to save Britney. Dan thinks they have the votes to keep Danielle over Shane. Dan says that starting today they are going to get really buddy buddy with Joe until votes are cast then it’s back to normal.

4:02pm Bathroom BRitney and Daniele

Danielle is freaking out about everything.. (lol) Danielle is worried that Ian won’t use the power. Britney explains that unless the right person wins the POV Ian will not use it.
Britney: ‘First things first.. one of us have to win the veto.. Dan was being so mean”
Danielle: “I don’t think he meant to he’s just

Britney says Dan wasn’t very good at the competition and he kept “Using up the quarters” and preventing Danielle and Britney from playing. Britney: “One of us could have won that power”

Britney says it’s pretty evident that Dan is only playing for himself.. she thinks Dan should have given Danielle some of his quarters.

Shane joins them says that he needs to get pumped up and win the POV.. and Ian has to use the power.

4:07pm Cam 3-4 Dan and Frank HOH

Dan I know you got to take your shot and for some reason I survive this week don’t necessarily think I’m coming after you”
Dan explains that he knows what’s going down this week and he’s cool about it he took his shot at Frank and missed.. I knew I would have to win Veto.
Dan: “If you miss and don’t get me out it’s not necessarily vengeance for me.. all i want to ask is if I get through this you are open”

Dan: “I know regardless of who I go up against I’m going home.. If you still want to hang out and play salsa Ball i’m cool” Dan explains that this is a game and if he stays this week it won’t be all “Fire and brimstone”. Dan mentions he feels bad for losing his temper “With Franks Boy” Frank laughs says that Ian was Dan’s boy yesterday.

Frank tells Dna coming into this game he was big fans of Boogie and Dan. Frank really liked how Dan played Big BRother 10. Dan brings up how when you look back at how Boogie played Big Brother 14 its very evident that he played a straight up clean game. Frank says that is because earlier in the game Boogie realized Frank would not lie so Boogie had to change his tactic.

Dan says that depending on how he leaves he will be voting to the person that played the game he’s not going vote based on personal relationships. Dan points out if he survives it would be valuable for Frank and him to perhaps work together because no one will expect it. Dam adds that Frank has built an incredible resume and has done a lot in the game.

Frank seems receptive to the possibility of working with Dan.. Frank is still going to try his best to get Dan out this week though. Dan leaves tells Frank good luck with Nominations.

4:22pm Dan and Britney in the bathroom

Dan is telling her about his conversation in the HOH with Frank. Dan says he’s trying to cement that Frank puts him and Danielle up because that is their only chance. Britney: ‘If we can pull this off.. OH MY GOD”

4:27pm HOH Britney and Frank

Britney:”Danielle is acting so weird towards me.. “
Britney makes it sound like she had a argument with Danielle in the bathroom about Dan hogging all the quarters for the competition and playing for himself.. Britney says that Danielle was trying to defend Dan’s actions.

Frank: “I’m thinking about giving you a gift Britney… it’s nothing physical.. it’ll help you in the game.. now that Mike’s gone I have no one to talk game to.. It means that you will have to wake up early”
Britney: “OK”
Frank: “What if I put up Dan and Joe”
Britney: “Here’s how i see it.. everytime I want to get rid of a person I put up 2 people I want gone.. just incase that person wins the veto then it’s not a waste of a HOH”
Britney: “Ian will not use his power if it means I go up.. he won’t do it”
Britney clears up the rules for the POV if Ian is nominated then there will be only 5 people playing for the veto Because regardless if Ian is nominated he does not get to play in the veto competition.

Britney points out the cons of putting Ian and Dan up. She says that Ian’s power gets played right before the votes on thursday. She runs through all the scenarios and says she doesn’t feel comfortable if Ian gets put up because using the threat that if Ian uses the power Britney goes up will keep the power out of the game and keep britney safe. If Ian uses the power and Danielle wins the POV her and Shane will go up and she’s certain she doesn’t have the votes to stay.
Frank thinks she has the votes. Britney disagrees says she knows she doesn’t.
Frank: Lets talk about Votes”
Britney: ‘Jenn will never vote against Danielle” She makes it very clear that Ian and Dan are not speaking to each other and she’s spoken with Ian and he’s not too keen on Dan anymore.

They start talking about the competition.. she says it felt like the hungry games.

Britney: “Who are you going to pick if you get houseguest choice”
Frank: “Shane”
Britney: ‘Ahh the veto king”
Frank: “Whatever.. we’re tied now”

Frank: “I can’t keep winning all these Competitions… you and Shane will need to win a few”
Britney: “I really have noticed Dan and Danielle isolating themselves downstairs”
(Britney has wedged herself into a good spot.. I believe she still loyal to the quack pack however a lot of things have to go right for them all to survive this week.. In case they don’t she’s got a backup plan with Frank)

5:58pm Nomination Ceremony Happening

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frank would be stupid not to nom ian, now that ian has the veto. wonder if brit will survive as the replacement against dan???


You are right, Frank is stupid watch and wait.


Dan can sell the point to Ian this week we can get rid of Joe. And make him talks to Frank, Frank can’t compete next HOH, so we need to keep the POV.
Telling him, Frank plans to take Ian/Jenn to F3 because he think he can take both of them at the end. It might work well.


So what did Frank get?

Not A PH D Student thinksAllisonGrodner isa d-bag

I believe for the first time in BB history d-bag AG hs given a power to someone BEFORE the nominations. Frank still has plenty of time to think things though and do what he want, Instead of making Frank think on the spot to replace someone.

AG is a d-bag

Zingbot Fan

Using think and Frank in the same sentence. Now that was funny.



The Real TMZ

really is….LMAO!!!

Thinking man

Then why was Dan saying we can keep 4/5 people safe?


Because if Britney/Shane wins POV, they can take down Dan/Dani, then Ian can take the other nominee off and the quack pack will have enough votes to keep their player against Joe/the piece of wallpaper


Simon what do you think would be the best thing to do for Frank as far as nominations?


All Frank has to do is go to Ian and say “Look little fella, I don’t want them to be putting the heat on you this week over the veto and I think it’s best that they think you’re still with them, so I’m gonna put you up with Dan and then you just take yourself right off and you’re free and clear this week.”

What is Ian gonna rock to…uh..I mean say to that?

Sorry, Ashley's tied up at the moment...

Was it Ian’s Pandora’s box or Frank’s?

If it was Frank’s, the “Ian power” has to be considered bad for Frank, so maybe he got something better that he can use on himself next week.

Head of Household

Apparently it was some kind of competition to get the power, Ian must have won it through that.


So., where’s everyone who says that CBS rigged P box for Frank? …..silence. Where’s those folks who said that Frank would be given 2 weeks of safety and the super veto key to final 2? silence……Looks like CBS has rigged the game for IAN,. right? hahahahhaha…..

Head of Household

Uhm, not at all? People like you amaze me. Just because one little thing did not fall into Frank’s hands the game is suddenly rigged for Ian? Really?

just a random fam

Well, it’s obvious that production never thought this through then right? I guess production figured he would’ve had it bagged since he’s winning alot of competitions left and right. (D’oh! Why didn’t I think of that?)
Oh, shucks, the others may have a chance after all.

Head of Household

It was a competition using the arcade game, production didn’t rig it against Frank in any way…


actually it did fall into franks lap AGAIN… when have they ever opened pandoras box before nominations …. ummmmmmm never ….and now frank gets to play in his mind other nom…. it should of played out him doing the noms then open the box .. and take it from there .. once again AG the cow changed it up just in case her lover boy Frank didnt get the veto … tell me i am wrong …lol

BB Pathetic season

you say Pandoras Box was never in play before nominations, I beg to differ, just last year BB13 Porshe got Pandoras Box day after Fast Forward & when she opened it the game was reset back to duos twist, so Rachel & Jordan became duos., Kalia & Porshe & Shelly & Adam. later that day was nominations and the duo of Rachel & Jordan were put on the block… Rachel won POV following day & Jordan & Rachel were taken off block to be replaced with Shelly & Adam. Shelly was evicted.


When is Nominations.?


Sadly the quack pack can still make it out this week unscathed if Britney wins POV…fml


He has to put up Ian to guarentee someone from the quack pack leaves!



Britney win something….to f’in funny.


It’s very possible. That’s what people said about Ian and Danielle and they proved them wrong.

Head of Household

Britney was the veto queen of her season. She had three veto’s and an HoH, and she’s been doing pretty well this season. (Don’t give me the whole ‘almost only counts in horse shoes and hand grenades. I know she didn’t win anything, but she has come close and a win may be approaching for her.) Maybe if you paid attention you realize Britney has a good chance at this veto? lol


Hopefully Britney will have a stroke and die.

BB Pathetic season

Brittany or Shane could win POV and the QP wil all be safe, if Ian uses his gold nugget Veto Ball for they have the votes then also




what did Frank get?

Ian "the new Alpha Dog"

BUT, did Frank also get a Power?!?!?


Or is he just saying that

Sorry, Ashley's tied up at the moment...

I really don’t understand why everyone dislikes Frank so much.
He has kept his word to anyone he has given it to…to the point of getting back-stabbed twice now.

Sure he talked about scumbagging Dan or Shane, but if he didn’t go over all the options, he would be an idiot. They all did the same, but worse, they scumbagged Frank and Boogie.

What is it about Frank that has everyone’s shorts in a knot?
Is it because he was “tied” to Boogie and nobody likes Boogie? If so, you have to give him props for his “ride or die” loyalty to Boogie.

Danny Boy

he is a jerk, how he looks down at everybody, talks trash behind their back, ya dont see dan trashing people cuz he has class, obviosly you dont watch all the live feeds or showtime, he is a tool, saying no one deserves to be here but him, yelling at BB today because “they messed up his breakfast” do i need to go on????????


I watch the live feeds. Frank makes watching the live feeds fun. Otherwise it would be boring as hell. Britney talks more sh*t than anyone in the house.


Agreed! Britney is far worse…

Looks like Twitch and B!tch (Ian/Britney) are gonna coast to the final 2…


are you kidding … britney hasnt come anywhere close to being as nasty as frankinstine and booger where … what show are you watching … and calling a female a bitch means you think of your mom that way … keep it up class act .. NOT


Class Act? What do you think you are in BB? shut the hell up. Britney talks MADDDD shit, and to disagree clearly shows bias.

Head of Household

Oh, please. Frank is FAR worse than Britney. He acts like he;s the only one who deserves to be their, thinks hes better than everyone, thinks he’s some BB God (comparing himself to Boogie?) He talks shit about everyone, he’s the definition of a hypocrite. However, he does keep it interesting.


oh,I see your a big tough guy….lol


He’s talkes trash about people, and acts like a plastic container of feminine cleasing product. So, if you only watch the feeds for that, more power to you. But I can guarantee that the feeds will still be watched. And, I think even with Frank there, the feeds are boring.

just sayin


I agree


Britney is “catty” not mean. She doesn’t trash people’s families or spouses or what they do for a living.


You must’ve missed the entire season of bb 12 then.
Britney constantly made fun of Rachel for being a cocktail waitress.

Hm, try again.

Nobody is worse than Britney when it comes to trash talking.


Um… Who didn’t make fun of Rachel?


no, Britney was horribly mean to Kristin and Rachel, the things she would say would go beyond relevance to the game, but she has grown a lot and now if she makes fun of people it is not mean-spirited and more light-hearted and you can appreciate her humor, she is actually very likeable this season, and believe, i hated her in BB12 i can’t even believe i am saying it, but she seems fun and pretty nice this season and is playing a good game, i wouldnt even mind if she won


Are you blind and def? What about making fun of Joe and his bamily
Behind his back?

quack-pack fan

I don’t know what feeds you are watching but Britney is working her little fanny off in that game. She is playing a great social game and has managed to stay in a good spot compared to other HG. Can’t believe you said she was ‘coasting’ because you need to watch Jenn if you want to see coasting.


I just love you Danny Boy. You tell them. Frank is a tool….


DAN-BRITTNEY-SHANE-DANIELLE-IAN-JOE ALL talk shit about everyone!!!!!! Frank has been a stand up straight forward honest guy. You all are lame for your sorry ass excuse to hate on Frank.IDIOTS!!!!!

Head of Household

You’re the idiot. Educate yourself before you defend the hypocritical, trash talking, classless frankie boy.


Frank is not a two faced liar like your Quack Pack plus Joe and Jenn. Dan is the biggest tool.


yes, but isn’t frank like in his young 20s…i did and said a lot of stupid things when i was that age, it’s a very narcissistic stage of life, in fact, i was probably a lot like danielle…isn’t dan in his 30s or late 20s? i know i became a lot more self aware and mature as i got older and i see the difference, not something i could have done when i was younger – even britney, she seems to have matured a lot in the past two years – so will Frank and Danielle, i wouldnt hold it against them


Frank is 28, the same age as Dan.

Joe – 41
Jenn – 37
Frank – 28
Dan – 28
Shane – 26
Britney – 24
Danielle – 23
Ian – 21


For me, I think it is residual Boogie factor and all the superiority talk they did for days and days, hours and hours. He could redeem himself though.


So many Britney lovers hate Frank. Crazy because Britney has used everybody in this game! Frank may be a bit macho but at least hes not an evil 2 faced liar. Hopefully Britney will get what’s coming and will fall down and break out all of her teeth!


You see? That’s the difference — Britney would never wish something bad upon someone or trash their families.


Lmaoo. WRONG. Did she not wish harm on Rachel during BB 12?

And how are you going to say what Britney would or would not do?

You Frank haters are ridiculous.

Britney is the worse of them all in terms of trash talking.

It’s the only thing she’s good at.

Insecure Teenagers

I am a personal fan of Britney and Frank( Not Really). Lets just stop hating on the Frank haters and stop hating on the Britney haters. If y’all keep on hating on each other more, y’all will be as insecure as me and my homegirl Danielle.


When Frank blew the “gay hands” out of proportion with Willie I immediately stopped liking him. That incident showed three terrible traits of Franks:
1. Stupidity- he was safe and there was no need to argue with Willie
2.. Jealousy- he hated that Willie had power over him; he was jealous of Dan early on not the other way around. Boogie would be in the house now had he rolled with Dan.
3. Liar – When he found out Willie briefly tried to get the votes split so he could blame the other team Frank lost it. He felt as though( how dare Willie play his own game at my expense). I could have understood Frank being nervous because of the risk but he went ballistic because of the vote split not because he wanted to fight homophobia.

With the above being said I still didn’t hate the guy. The show goes on and you hear how the girls speak about the unwanted tickling and Frank smelling bad. Frank starts running around saying he deserves to be there over everyone else how he has never lied. At this point his annoying. Franks entire conversation The awful things said when Shane would win a competition or just awful things period for no reason (he’ s a hater). Now I don’t like him. But what finally did it was “the dirty brown water”. That was a very racist comment that rolled off his tongue with ease. You better believe he uses that type of language at home as well. That’s why I don’t like him.

I am a Dan fan but me liking Dan does not make me dislike Frank. Frank makes me dislike Frank. I cannot stand Danielle and that’s Dan’s right hand so don’t think all Dan lovers hate Frank because of Dan. Some of us know how to be part I am writing a long email to CBS about Franks racist comment. I will not bring anything else into because it is just a game but I must address the racism, not that CBS would give a FUCK but address it I must.


Some of us know how to be unbiased. Did not finish my thought before.


%100 agree with everything you said, I’m glad there are people that see all this stuff. Also, Frank admitted to Britney that he blew the “gay hands” thing out of porportion to get votes, if I recall a previous post correctly. He wanted to make it look like he was some courageous hero fighting homophobia, when Willie simply mimicked Wil the same way you would mimick someone with a deep voice–you would use a deep voice. And in Wil’s case, his voice was a little higher.


Thank You, Thank You, Thank YOU Go Blue.
I had actually forgotten all about the Frank turning WIllie into a homophobe fiasco.
I was starting to doubt myself with all the FrankenFans coming out of the woodwork. I was wondering if I had tainted my own judgement about him.
I have not liked Frank since week 1, he always seemed so skeezy to me, and when he spread that FALSE stuff about Willie was when I truely was done with him.
So again, thank you for the reminder.


Ok, granted that this year, I’ve had plenty to say about all the HG’s, and granted, if Frank does pull through, he’ll deserve to, there are still alot of things I don’t like about him:

1. His elitist attitude. There is not an hour that goes by in which he doesn’t at least once talk about how he’s played the game with more honesty and integrity than the rest of the players. He really and truly does think he’s not just a better player than them, but a better person in general. Of course, everyone in the house is guilty of massive hypocrisy, but in my opinion, he’s the worst because he says it out loud to anyone who’ll listen. The others don’t talk about their lesser behaviors nearly as much because they know they’re being shits and aren’t as proud of it as Frank seems to be.

2. This is the BB House; you can bounce checks… a quote used by his idol, Boogie, yet Frank doesn’t seem to think this applies to him, chastizes any and everyone who actually plays the game rather than help him win. There’s a naivety in Frank that’s endearing to some, and annoying to others who’re watching, and for the record, I’m on team annoyed.

3. The man’s game really isn’t that good. If it weren’t for a reset and physical ability, he’d be an afterthought by now. He made his alliance known way too soon, he trusted and forgave too much when he should have been covering his ass, and as we speak, he still has no intuition really when it comes to who he should really be threatened by.

4. And this is the one I’m least proud of posting, because it’s just straight up superficial… he annoys the hell out of me. He’s unoriginal, uses terms like ‘on the reg’ in his best Dazed and Confused voice, wears Boogie’s tee shirts more than he should, and he’s just as insecure as Danielle is, he’s just better at not making it as obvious. The hair and headbands annoy the hell out of me, too, but at least choosing to look like he roller discos every weekend at the local rink, leg warmers and all, is somewhat original.

Don’t hate the guy, if he wins, he’ll deserve to, but I’d be lying if I said I won’t also be happy to see him and his ‘strategery’ get to know that jury house real well soon.


Do you want him(Frank) to be F2 with you or me(Dan)? That’s all Dan needs to say it to Ian.




Maybe CBS has plans for a”reality wrestling” show frank or his dad can be a part of if frank keeps winning, ugh I would rather see Joe guest cook with Paula dean LOL


BULLSHIT! Its not rigged dumbass.


gotta love how Shitneys floated her way to frank. she probably thinking his bo smells like irish spring this week.
when she gets her key outta the nomination box, i hope she says Preeesh.

Sorry, Ashley's tied up at the moment...

are you using the term Shitney to describe Britney or Shane AND Britney?
Could be either.

Sorry, Ashley's tied up at the moment...

I propose these and non-ambiguous alternatives:


…and more possibly to be named later at my discretion.


Or Hitler? Don’t forget she doesn’t like black people or Mexicans.




Its going to be so funny when Britney loses to the guys again.


She has been cultivating Frank for a number of weeks in anticipation of his still being around, letting him know she wouldn’t be against voting out Dan.

Mike (not Boogie)

Simon: In the scenario you just posted, Shane or Britney would still be nominated as a replacement. They would be up against Joe or Jenn, but that would leave the numbers in favor of the Quack Pack, so they would be safe.

Common Sense

Wait a minute, Ian has a power but can still be nominated correct?? So if Ian uses it to save Dan can’t Frank just turn around and put Ian up with Britt/Shane (Whichever doesn’t win POV and save Danielle).. So technically they can only keep 3 of 5 of the block no matter what right???


how can Ian be the replacement if he has a veto??????? helloooo….get a clue!!

Common Sense

Mtracy19.. If Ian uses it on Dan he would no longer have a Veto to use and if it doesn’t save him from being nominated like a normal veto??? Then he could be a replacement nominee.. It was a question.. So hello get a clue yourself before you attack me you DBag!


“(The perfect scenario is this A) Danielle and Da go up b) Shane or Brit win POV use it to save Danielle C) Ian uses the power to save Dan d) one of Joe/Jenn and Shane/Brintey gets put on the block )”

wait….why wouldn’t the perfect scenario for the Quackpack be that Joe and Jenn get put on the block? Not that it would happen….

i am sorry but i am a little confused by this whole thing

Dilly Bar

Why does BB production HATE Frank?

Wil's extension

Everyone keeps saying that Frank kept his word, the only reason why he kept his word is because Boogie talked him out of putting Dan up, it wasn’t just a thought that he had, he really wanted Dan on the block. Boogie told him to wait to make it look like they are good and the next chance they will take him out.

Sorry, Ashley's tied up at the moment...

Did he put Dan on the block? NO, he didn’t. In the end, he stuck with his team and with his word. That is all that matters.

Did Shane put Frank on the block? Yes, twice
Was Dan involved in that decision? Yes, twice
Was Dan trying to secretly protect Janelle even though he was in an agreed upon alliance with others? Yes

People are f*cking each other over so often in that house, they need to restock their condom supply daily.


If my intent to murder someone is only abated because the police arrives in the nick of time- is it really “that’s all that matters”? Here’s the thing. People lie in the game. Frank and Dan. Dan’s not running around delusional saying how honest and great he is. Frank is annoying arrogant and smelly so some of us just don’t like him. Please stop it with he never lied. It’s the game. They all do it. Just say you like him.

Sorry, Ashley's tied up at the moment...

severely flawed analogy.


I don’t agree. Intent is everything. The only reason he did not nominate Dan is because he did not have the votes. Boogie even said he would not have voted out Dan. This debate is really irrelevant. I will no longer debate whether or not Franks a liar in the game of BB. But for sure he is a RACIST!

Sorry, Ashley's tied up at the moment...

It was your debate not mine, and I agree it is irrelevant.

Your analogy assumes he is caught in the act of carrying out his plan.
And by the way…using your analogy, if he was caught in the act but did not murder the person, he actually would NOT be guilty of murder.

If there is a car parked on his street that he really likes and he talks to his friends about maybe stealing it but they decide against it, did he still steal it?



That’s called Intent to commit murder smart guy and yes it is a crime.


And you said my analogy is flawed!!!! Dan is on the block now; based on your analogy – the car is stolen. LOL!!!! I know you won’t understand this but trust me its funny. FYI: This is all in fun I’m not trying to be a jerk.


I thought it was a pretty good analogy. Frank didn’t put Dan up for 2 reasons, 1 Boogie talked him out of it, and 2, he would’ve had to go around and get the votes, which would’ve exposed him. He didn’t “keep his word” just because he’s an honest guy, he did it because a move on Dan at the time was too risky, even though he wanted to.

The thing people don’t like about Frank is his “I never lie I’m always honest” schtick. EVERYONE has lied at some point in this game. He’s the only one acting self righteous about it though.


LOL – so true!


Thank you! I think a lot of people are watching a manufactured, CBS version of Frank, and not Frank the live feeders and spoiler readers know. Seriously, last year people keep saying Shelly wasn’t playing the game–but she played the entire house! People didn’t know that because they only saw the CBS version of Shelly. And it’s the same thing this year. Some people only see the CBS version of Frank.


For those who can’t understand why the Frank hate….consider this if all of the stupid bable that came out of his mouth was in fact “gaming” I personally wouldn’t mind him so much. To me that’s the best side of the game – playing head games, manipulation, etc. It’s not being a scum bag, it’s just gaming. Frank just spouts nonsesense and cliche’s. Last year’s Shelly – IMO best gaming I’d seen in a while. Her mistake was not knowing when to drawn the line and she just over played herself. Frank – no personality, no game play. He’s an buffon beast who keeps winning comps and shitting on my Dreams (Drink!) . I don’t believe he could win even if he made it to the end. He has alienated everyone in the Jury except Ashley and I think she’s just horny!


I agree, Frank has an awesome physical game, but a terrible social game. He loses his temper too quickly when he doesn’t get his way and he blasts other houseguests WAY too much for them to like him. We all saw the way he treated Dan and Shane. He took shots at the whole house after Ashley was evicted, and that kind of stuff doesn’t help his social game.

Russell Hantz was probably the greatest Survivor player ever–but no one liked him, and therefore he never won.

Sorry, Ashley's tied up at the moment...

Can you really blame him?
He has been on the block EVERY time he hasn’t won HOH…EVERY one!
He just lost 2 of his players because his entire TEAM scumbagged him. In fact, the entire HOUSE scumbagged him, including Joe, whose ass he saved last week.

What do you expect him to do, dance around and whistle Dixie out his ass hole?

Most players would have cracked long ago.


yes! Russell deserved to wins hands down his first season and didn’t…I still love BB and I love rooting for my favorites. Everyone lies and back stabs in this game, you can’t play it otherwise. It is just a game afterall, not real life.


3 grand thats all

Chilltown Member since 2001

Same thing i was thinking? from the odd number 3k i think Frank is lying. At lease i hope he is and has a power too.


I hope he is lying to. I just knew Mike was coming back damn now that would have been interesting now that he knows about Ian

BB Production

Frankly, we hate Frank.

Head of Household

If you’re talking from the point of view of the actual production, you’re poorly misconceived. The production is head over heels in LOVE with Frank.


If Ian gets the nominations changed so that Dan stays,
hopefully Ian will be the replacement nominee going out
the door.


If frank doesn’t nominate him then he can take down off the block and frank cannot put Ian up


I think Ian got a regular veto, not the golden one. You can be the replacement nominee with a regular veto.


Why is frank so stupid? Dan didn’t do anything to him.

The sooner frank leaves, the less I have to worry about people’s stupidity.


Frank is stupid for wanting to get rid of the sneakiest and obe of the smartest players there?


I would have wanted Frank to put up Shane and get rid of him, but he’s not stupid for targetting Dan. You see he doesn’t have the advantage that we viewers have, we know their secrets we know who’s playing who, we see their DR sessions.
Frank doesn’t know that no one manupulated Ian, so him thinking it’s Dan is perfectly understandable. That’s why when we see houseguests act a certain way we think it’s a stupid move but they don’t know what we know, they can’t read each other’s minds.

Jen W

How many weeks are left? Still seems like they have too many people don’t they? Do we still have another Fast Fwd or something to look fwd to? I can’t remember how this goes —do they have 3 or 4 people left the last week?


How is it rigged for Frank?? If it was..then Frank would have gotten the golden ball. Did he? NO!


I thought the houseguests usually dont know what happens to the hoh after pandoras box so maybe frank really got more then 3 grand and i dont understand this 2nd veto thing if frank doesnt put ian up hes a moron


Does Frank know Ian has a power?


How does this help frank? Seriously asking. If Dan/dani nom. & Brit/Shane win & use pov along with Ian using power that joe/jenn go home… How does this help frank?


it doesnt thats why he got 3 grand but i have a feeling hes lying and really got a secret power also


That is a lot of what ifs.


Frank opened Pandoras box and got 3G’s yo. That’s the good for him but the extra veto in the game is bad for Frank.


No problem still. Nominate Dan and Ian. Ian pulls himself off, replace with either Danielle, Brit, or Shane. Even if one of them wins the other veto, two of DDBS will still be on the block and one goes home. Depending on which of them wins veto, they might not even use it to save Dan


So if Ian doesn’t get nominated and he uses the pov to save somebody, can he still get nominated once he uses it?

Sorry, Ashley's tied up at the moment...

Does Ian’s power happen before or after the regular POV? Can one reverse the other?
Who chooses the replacement nom?

Gordon Ramsay of the BB House--Joe

Ok that’s a little bit better for Frank…


.Does everyone get to compete in the veto competition or do they still need to draw names from the bag?


Wow this sucks Frank is already playing by himself and the Ducktales have a Power Frank might as well get ready to go home. I was hoping that Mike would come back 🙁 looks like Shane already to go back on his word to Frank already

I wanna give Frank an HOH KISS

you are right on… what makes me so mad is Frank is alone in this game … and production wants to give it to Ian… when Frank needs the diamond veto bad because he will be evicted soon…. so wrong… Franks a great player without BOOGS…


UGH! your name! Kiss Frank- I’d throw up in my mouth.


I wanted Mike to come back becuz Frank had a partner that was 100 true to him


Can’t speack for anyone else, but this is why I don’t like Frank.He acts like a spoiled brat. He exhibits two extrememe personalities. If he’s HOH he’s all smiles and is everyone’s best friend. When he’s on the block he’s a bully, very arrogant and cocky, and talks about others in a very deragatory manner. He’s delusional and also not very bright. The things he is saying about Ian (not able to make his own decisions), one can say about him. He is targeting Dan because of everything Boogie’s influence. He’s just not the kind of person I enjoy watching on TV.


I would rather have Boogie in the house than Frank.

Gordon Ramsay of the BB House--Joe

This is bad for Frank, in my opinion…I predicted production would balance things out…


lol yeah, I was thinking the same. I do think this is still blatant manipulation on their part, but now they’re trying to balance out the manipulation so it benefits the other side for once. I don’t prefer all these twists, though.


I was thinking the same, Production don’t want it to be as obvious as last season…….. at least they tryin to switch it up

Sorry, Ashley's tied up at the moment...

I suspect Frank has the DPOV or CDT.
If he does, both of those can be used for a couple of weeks, right?
I don’t think Frank would have opened Pandora’s box in his situation if he knew it was only money. The potential negative could far outweigh the positive for him.


Balance what out ? the other side of the house has every1 against Frank how the hell is that Balanced Frank only has himself


I mean Production’s obvious attemps to keep Frank in the game. Like cancelling the eviction a few weeks back, letting him cheat in the veto drawing, etc.


Frank has to put up Ian if he doesn’t Ian will back stab him and take Dan off. If Ian is up on the block he has to take himself off. Danielle goes up in Ian place. They then play for the Veto. If Dan wins the veto he pulls himself off, Brittney goes up.


yeah his safest bet is to put Ian up, Ian been a little scumbag and Frank giving him a pass is pissing me off. Frank looks at Ian as a kid but he has to remember Ian is a grown man and is very smart I wanted Frank to give Ian a piece of his mind and have Ian scared shitless


I know theres alot of mixed feelings about frank and i will admit i dont like him in house his cocky and he’s arrogant and hes a bully i did not like the way him and boogie were bulling everyone last week espeically since if they really sat and thought bout it combined there brain power they could have figured out it was ian screwin them over not dan so they made themselves look like total jack asses and you people saying that britney and danielle are riding dan and shanes coattails are the same ones that said dani was riding her fathers coat tails when if you watched season 8 of BB dani saved her fathers ass alot she won 3 hohs and five povs alone that season all im saying is i dont think frank would be where he is right now if it wasnt for bb production and mike boogie i dont


Yes I still say he frank should have taken Dan out!! He is the brains to them all. They can’t even think that far ahead.
Next Dan will use Brit and dani to pick Shane and Iran off. Then floaters then turn on dani. Him and Brit. Remember
He always the coaches together to un on the newbies. Did not work out but that is his hole plan.

The Jolly JD

boogie says ian is not to be trusted so maybe frank is playing ian by being buddy buddy and then putting ian up againts dan

The Real TMZ

you really think Frank is that smart??

The Jolly JD

for his sake he better be


IKR? Boogie was the “brains” of shittown, Frank was the “dumb muscle”


Why did you do that Frank? Don’t open the Pandora Box. Now you have to think the strategy. You have to win your PoV & Keep the nomination a same. Mike Boogie is piss right now. Start Focus on that. Get rid of Quack Pack.


These people seem like there more worryed about making friends than going after the cash…. The name of the game is get the cash at all costed!!!! F**k making friends!!!!!


rigged for frank?
unless frank got a DPOV its not rigged just for frank, this competition they did, seems sketchy, now dan has more outs, is he won the competition, hed be safe.
the rigging works both ways.


I don’t agree. They were counting on Franks athleticism to win the power so it would not look rigged. Remember the games are tailored to whom they want to win.


im talking about the pandoras box for the second veto.


Right. I thought Pandor’s Box was part of the veto power won with the balls. They all had to fight to get them. Am I mistaken?

Carol & Steve

So guessing Frank opened Pandora’s box, got the $$ and locked in. Probably had to watch the others play for that veto. Just saying.


something tells me frank didn’t get 3 grand. he got some type of power, but he can’t say what it really is.


This is bad for frank,but he can easily make ians veto mean nothing if he puts him on the block next to dan.Than ian would have to use it on himself and once again you have dan and danielle on the block.Ok now if danielle wins the veto she could save dan making danielle,dan,and ian safe than britney and shane go up still ensuring that one of the five leaves.Best case senario for frank is he wins the pov after nominating ian and dan ian takes him self off shane takes his spot


If I were Frank, the best move I think is to nominate Ian and maybe Britney. Ian will use veto on himself, then Frank can backdoor Dan.


@Paul, I totally agree with you more. Frank, please put Ian up on the block. He can backdoor Dan! Don’t trust Ian. He a freaky nerd! It’s like revenge of the nerds.


Sounding like Frank plans on keeping the noms the same… stupid on his part. He just said he told Ian he’d keep the noms the same, but if he uses the power he is putting up Brit… If it stays this way, he’s taking a big gamble.


He has to nom Ian and Dani, Ian forced to use veto on self, Dan goes up, then it’s Dan vs Dani and back to square one. Shane deal hopefully back on and noms stay the same if he wins cause if he doesn’t win and it gets used on Dani (she’s the only one who would get saved if Dan does not win it) If Dan wins it he’ll come off and Shane Britt will go up. Dan/Dani vs Shane/Britt.


This is the WORST CAST!!!!!!! Nothing but a bunch of weak ass players!!!!!! There making Frank look like superman….


I would agree if I knew for sure CBS did not rigg the comp, If Frank won fair and square then someone should go home or start winning comps,


I want that little P***Y Ian out!!!!! There of hearing his ten year old voice makes me sick…..


I’m pretty sure the veto will be made for Frank to win.Production is just trying to make the game a little interesting for two days(on the CBS show the viewers that only watch the show,will be glued to the tv screen to find out about pandora’s box and(sunday night) on wednesday,to see if one of the quack pack members will win veto and if Ian will save Dan.I bet tomorrow the head line will read”Frank wins Veto and Ian refuses to use his power to help Dan”.So,Frank fans don’t worry,team production will never screw their favorite(Frank).I just hate seeing Dan getting his hopes up.

Dae Yum Yum

I hate this Pandora’s box bullshit! Get over it, Grodner and get a new schtick already will ya?? As for Frank, I think production loves him since he and Bitchney are the whole show. I think they are rigging the game for Frank, no doubt! He can be ignorant and misogynistic just like Booger, but he really deserves to win the game! He has won more comps and has been honest with everyone in the house and saved himself every time he has been on the block-gotta hand it to him! What you see with Frank is what you get! I respect that although he isn’t my favorite! As for Dan, why don’t people see he is an average player at best! He only won season 10 because production had a hand in it and the rest of the cast was the lamest group to ever play the game. Truthfully Keesha deserved that win, and would have won if Memphis didn’t do Dan’s dirty work by slitting her throat! Even old man Jerry made F3!! Jerry people, Jerry!!! What does that tell you about that cast? The only threat to Dan was Jesse and he was out in the 3rd week because he got on everyone’s nerves! The cast included terrible players like Jerry, Libra, Renny, Michelle C… C’mon a blind and crippled person could have beaten them no matter what the “darlin from New Orleans says!!!” FRANK FOR THE WIN!!! Bitchney second place, Ian third!Too bad for Shane but since he played Bitchney’s game since he is a moron who cannot form a complete, coherent thought, he will do no better than fourth place!


I have a feeling feeling floaters will make it to the finals. Even with productions help Frank is not smart enough. Somehow he will get cut and a floater will make it.

Ice Princess

Frank said, “Ashley showed Mike and I that she is a gammer” are you for real?????????????? Because she knew how to play with a joy stick(HJ) she is a game SMH……………………….

Eric CA

Brittney opened the Pandora’s box and got locked in a room with Jesse, while Rachael was let loose in the house for 24 hours.
So Pandora’s Box can blow Poo. Of course Matt that season got the good Pandora’s box. If Franks was a punishment there may be
another one coming with the life saving power.
Frank at least got $3000.00, of course on Sunday you will all know if he he is lying about the 3K and actually got some sort of Mr Wizard power.

I know CBS does this because the ratings are dropping like a bag rocks are tied to them, but in a way I would just prefer a Season is played straight out, just HoH, PoV and Have Nots. If Frank did not get a special Mr Wizard Power, If he isn’t HoH he must win PoV or he is out. None of his allies are really his allies.


what time do nominations usually happen?