Natalie votes to Evict : Jeff
Michele votes to Evict: Jordan
Evicted from the BB house: Jeff
New HOH is: Natalie
Julie said Pandora’s box isn’t over and will still change the game…
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OKAY HELP!! I AM STUCK AT WORK AND USUALLY WATCH LIVESTTEAM FROM JUSTIN TV BUT IM NOT SURE IF I HAD THE RIGHT LINK!!!! =( is the site down or does anyone know where i can watch it live?
It’s working I just tried it.. There probably getting hit hard with traffic keep trying it should work
simon my man you keep posting the updates and thanks ( i have football on here til 9:30 or 10:(
Football’s on in the east coast….:(
Damn football!!!!!!!! Now I can’t even watch the feeds cause don’t want to ruin the surprise. Praying for a miracle to save Jeff!!!
can you send me the link pretty please?
ok, GNAT is not creative, seriously…no one sees her strategy? play the dumb annoying 18 year old who cant win comps and go final 2…
considering she rose from the ashes pre LML….
deserves some credit.
She wasn’t playing dumn, she just IS dumb
u know she’s 24 not 18 right.
Got to give it to her… she should hae been a goner after Jessie got put out, but she is still there!
so far no talks about the key in pandora’s box…julie had repeated that j/j will finally be split up…not looking good….
simon what do u mean Jeff’s secret power?
Sorry, here is the link.
Dear Nat,
Do not win HOH! Don’t take a deal. You will win BB if you lay low.
Love your biggest fan
There you go again saying you?re her biggest fan, I?m sure I?m bigger than you. If you are her biggest fan, you know she will not make any deals unless her ass was on the block.
Here we go they are going to show the jury house and Jeff getting evicted.
Bis spaeter!
Well, you might be bigger than me, but I’ve got a bigger ego and probably bigger hair.
football on here too, won’t be on until 1:35am, THIS SUCKS!!!!
My regular channel is showing football but it is showing on a new channel. As for online live feeds all I can see is trivia. Is everyone else seeing the same?
cant watch yet….help…whats going on???
michele’s husband says that she has memory problems.
DAH! I guess he is trying to explain his wife.
lol @ the feeds cutting to FISH twice…
can’t wait to see gnat’s nasty ass go home, that’s the only reason I’m still watching the show.
I meant like, the live show. not the feeds. wooopsss.
by the way julie is talking tonight, there is no twist an jeff is going
She isn’t going to say anything until the vote, I bet. Keep me posted! THANKS
No problem I will keep you posted. I feel like a grade schooler feeling all nervous and gitty inside. I’m 31, married and am praying that adorable lil Jeff isn’t going home, geez!!!
I am 28 years old and married and PRAYING Jeff doesn’t go home. I tease my hubby all the time that Jeff is my boyfriend. He is just so damn cute!!!!!! Unfortunately I think our eye candy is gone tonight. There is no way he won’t be walking out that door. Hopefully someone will pick up a show on him. I can just see it now. Vh1 presents Jeff in “The Big Brother Of Love”
Double that minus 2 and you have me, Sweetie!
You are not missing anything don’t think there will be any surprises!!!!!!!!!
Natalie has to win an HOH competition if she wants the grand prize. I can’t see the jury handing out $500,000 to someone who never won a damn thing in the house. All of the people in the jury (except Lydia) have been HOH at one point.
Football people… I’m in MA and it’s on a different channel despite football… for us it’s on WSBK (ch 14 where I am)… flip the channels and you should find it!!
please be twist for jeff to stay….ugh!!
I just finished puking all over my living room, Michelle’s husband is just as ugly as she is with an even bigger nose. When I look at him all I can think about is Mich bragging to everyone how she licks his butt hole and that nothing is taboo in their bedroom, Barfff
lol when did michelle say she licked her hubbys asshole? lol lol lol
Craig – I read another website called & the author always refers to Michelle as an ass licker. I just thought she meant that Michelle just kisses a lot of ass in the house. However, based on this website’s posts from earlier today ( when Michelle had a lot of butt sex talk & she’s mentioned ass play before), I think that she truly may have done that & we both just missed it in some of the recaps. It’s always the quiet ones…:).
come on now. let’s be nice. lol
Jealous much.
So you think Michelle and hubby are ugly – You know if it was important to them and most likely isn’t 500 G’s would go a long way for new noses, but I think they are above that. He seems to sincerely love his wife and that you cannot buy with all the money in the world, not the real thing anyway.
Russ just came in the jury house 🙁
Well, that blew my theroy all to hell! Anything else?
based on the current numbers, there will be only 6 in the jury house – potential tie vote in the finale – something needs to happen
There is no twist, the key Jeff found was to unlock kevin so that Kevin could get some of the money too. It was clearly shown on tuesday’s episode. Anyway I don’t care who goes, I just want Michele to win HoH!
What is going on??? I. Have football
i’m sad to see Jeff go, but it would be so great if Michelle or Jordan won & got Nat out!!
since natalies lies are being exposed now in the jury house, she just might not get all of the jury votes!!
big brother game is about lie to people. best player ever will kirby
who is kirby?
DR WILL!!!!! Don’t forget Janelle!!!!!
arggggg!! Iwant them to stay!! I just hope hope hope that jeff gets to the door and the alarm goes off!!!!! But it doesnt look good! This wouldve been the best twist ever, the box HAS to mean something other than just the money!! It has too!!!
Here we go people…one more commercial and eviction votes! C’mon Nat backstab Kevin and vote Jordan out!!
I am so mad they hyped a twist and this is what we get. PLLEEESSE gets some creative people in Production (or am I not allowed to talk about that)
Hooter! You are not allowed to talk about production!
I hope Jeff and Jordan get to stay….they are the ONLY reason that I watch this season!!
People on the east coast like me go to!!
They just showed ussell going ot jury house and Julie said next we will see who gets sent home, we will see at that time if there is a twist. Its 8:35 et. I will try to keep you updated
Love you, Jennifer! Keep me posted. Sorry to sound like an old lady bugging you but “I is one”!
kevin voted out jeff.
nothing sounds good so far =<
Every other season was great, but this season sucks….except for Jeff and Jordan!! I hope they stay!!
Not looking good for Jeff guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UGGGGHHHHH
go said nat is 18
live voting happening now
heres what jeff should have done tell nat to keep him so he goes after mich then go after kevin
jeff said sorry wathcing and typing
Lydia and Jesse told Russ that Natalie is 24… they discussed how shitty it was.
natalie voted jeff
Oh and… Natalie just voted for Jeff to go buh bye
And… Jeff is gone. Karma is a bitch. Next, get Natalie out. Michele and Jordan… team up!
What a lame good-bye speech by Jeff!!! Get the heck out of the door, loser!!!
All you Jeff-lovers can EAT IT!!!because his ass is going home!!!…Mark my words….
michelle voted jordan to go
Can Natalie looking any dirtier!!
I can’t believe Jeff stood up there and said what he said, I’m glad he is gone! He put Nat up against Jess, now he really believes Nat should save him. LMAO with an “OMG!” moment.
1 to 1 to evict, and Kevin picks Jeff to leave the house!
He threw Russell’s ass under the bus backstabbing him, yet he was glad Russell left with class. Then he gets his ass up there and throws Kevin under the bus, because Kevin did to him what he did to Russell the week before. What a class act that was, later dude!
Kevin has NO CLASS!! What an asswipe!!
jeff just got evicted
Jeff is GAWN!!!
votes are in, tied, kevin just evicted jeff
“Nice desperate try, you’re out of here”. Damn!!! Kevin, I command you for sending this phony guy out. Even Russell was more gracious on his way out!!!! I am so happy!!!
Happy days are here again!!!….He’s out folks!!! so happy am I!…:)
What’s happening? Jeff went home?
Jeff got a standing ovation!! Jeff rocks and everyone knows it!!
Things I learned from this episode
1. Kevin is so funny. I adore that boy.
2. Natalie’s hair straightened looks so nice.
3. I love Michelle and her hubby. I cried.
4. Jessie ripping his shirt. Swoon
5. Jessie and Russell are indeed true men. Damn
6. Russell is looking sexy.
7. I don’t think Natalie’s age lie will hurt her in the end
8. Jeff is dumb and a sore loser. OMG
9. Jeff, you got got!
10. Rockstar blows donkey balls.
Can’t even use a nickname, what a loser.
See ya Jeff, so much for the secret key.
I am pretty upset Jeff got the boot. I think my BB time is done.
Jeff is gone 🙁
Where are the good bye msgs??
omg, the box didnt do anything. IM SOO MAD!
Jeff should NOT have unlocked Kevin, he should have kept that douche locked in the box!!
C’mon Jordon….win this one for Jeff!!
Jeff’s pic is gray! Noooooooooooooooooooooo.
Jeff got voted out! 🙁
Jeff is gone!!!!!!!!!!!
CBS needs to get Jeff on a daytime soap opera – I wouldn’t mind looking at him everyday! Maybe he could be on Y&R and be Sharon’s new love interest – or Colleen’s!
colleen is supposed to get killed off maybe next week
there are only going to be 6 in the Jury house – that means a potential tie with the final vote – something needs to happen to make 7
america is the final vote since chima was expelled
Jeff is gone, i hope michelle wins. but i would of rather had jordan leave then jeff, jeff is more interesting, go michelle!
or jordan, if she even stands a chance…..
What a waste. This was a really good season and now someone who hasn’t done anything is going to end up winning it. Jeff leaving was the worse possible thing for CBS. I’m leaning towards not watching this show anymore this season just because I don’t want to watch someone that doesn’t deserve to be where they are be in the finals. My last hope is Michelle. She has to win this HOH. If she doesn’t win this game, it would be a travesty. I’m so pissed right now.
good jeff is gone , but kevin got butt hurt because jeff was speakin some FACTS about kevin not havin a chance if he takes natalie to the final 2 HAHA guess he’s just as dumb as jeff , natalie gone float right to that 500k without lifting a finger
I can’t believe dirty ol’ Natalie still got a thing for Jesse. Is she dumb?? Actually, her and Lydia are both pretty stupid because I don’t think they ‘play for the same team’….if you know what I mean.
Jeff is GONE, I already watched it 🙂
Yay Jordan!!
Well Kevin and Nat all I can say is Thank you for making my 6 year old daughter cry for getting Jeff out of the house SO NOT COOL
and now she has to win HOH
well its offical Jeff is evicted from the BB H 🙁 now what? watch smelly nat-a-lie, gayven and jordumb? ah i dont think so. and i like michelle but come on shes one sheet short of a well made bed 🙂
Did JEFF end up giving Natalie his trip to Hawaii?
no. she told jeff she will stick with kevin
please tell us
Nat is HoH!!!!
Damn that….stinky won HOH!!
What was the big twist that was suppose to happen that Julie was talking about it couldn’t of been the box because that was a gay luxory comp and they said that it wasn’t going to be a luxury comp so what’s going on? Plz if anybody knows what’s going on please comment this
Im upset because there was all this talk about an “hoh responsibility” and there was nothing.
Seriously that is it for me Natalie just won and she is owing it to CHIIIMMMAAA!!?? What is wrong with her. I promise Big Brother myself an d everyone I know is finished wiht this game. If anyone agrees that Natalie shouldn’t win then don’t watch.
nasty GNAT…ugh!
natalie won, bye guys! My big brother obsession is over!
puked. everywhere. worst season ever.
What a horrible day…Natalie wins hoh…I am usually silent thought so sad today. I am so glad Survivor starts very shortly.
I am so MAD!!!!
Simon, please tell me that I am imagining and Nat is NOT the Hoh. Please Please Please…..
I threw up in my mouth a little bit when Natalie won HOH…. I will NOT watch Big Brother for the rest of the season……
Nat one HoH… this is terrible. I’m going to be sick!
I’m pissed I think Jeff’s gone tonight. He deserves to stay!!! It should be Natalie going home she can’t WIN anything she don’t deserver to win BB. Now I’m counting on you Jordo…win it girl!!!
Yuk Nasty just won HOH
Natalie won it fair and square.
I heart you Natalie. You go girl. Kick ass.
Jeff is gone..
I think my better half might get lucky tonight.
oh please tell me that’s a joke simon – putting HOH on gnatsy’s pic……ugh!! i don’t think i can watch anymore – lol!!
Nat just won HOH. THIS SUCKS!!!!
Sick Gnat won HOH I am done watching. What an awful thing to happen.
Thats the end of bb for me. what else is on tv at that time?
yuck yuck yuck Chima this is for you yuck yuck yuck
ugh! This stinks! I can’t believe it. I just can’t believe it.
Thats it! I am over this season……I can’t stand Natalie’s Lying…..Coniving……self…….
fine natalie got it because really the POV is the most important this week and there is a very good chance Jordan or Michelle will get it and Kevin will be out. I think it will be Jordan and Michelle and the end…HOPEFULLY!!!!!
Nat won HOH, but not all hope is lost. POV is what really matters. GO MIchelle!!!
dont care any more scank is in charge ,,,bye i am done
Meaning Natalie winning HOH, it’s going to be another disgusting week! I do have to say I like how guys think, sure I have to vote for the person who got me out! Hopefully, if Natalie gets to the final 2, she has burned her bridges with her original lie, no one seemed to like that! Come on Michelle, win the POV!
Jeff got evicted, and Nat won HOH, that is fact.
natalie won hoh, omg that sucks so bad
Nat won dawg and Simon for a great site. I may check this site out next year, won’t be watchin anymore BB’s. Too many times have I fallen prey to watching for 2 1/2 months only to be rewarded with a stiff or an asshole winning it all. Thanks again, the work you guys do is commendable.
well i’m officially done with BB and coutin down to Amazing Race
amazing picture simon!
This season sucks!! And, please BB – could you stop showing Jesse being in love with himself all the time!! He is a wanker!!
Damnit Jeff is gone and Nat won HOH!!!! Blehhhhh
gooodbye jeff 🙁
why didn’t they show any goodbye messages?
but, it doesn’t matter i’m done with BB!
Natalie is going to kick some ass!!
Michelle isn’t so great if she loses this pov her azz is grazz.
OMG!!! Nastie Nat just one HOH!!! AAARRRGGGHHHH!!!!
i have just watched my last BB
Bang! That’s the sound of Big Brother shooting itself in the foot for false advertising regarding Pandora’s Box. For all of you who posted those lofty scenarios, e.g., H.O.P.E. (and you know who you are, Colton), or Russell is comng back, you keep up using that vivid imagination.
Expect the unexpected? Doubtful. Natalie has won HOH, which means anyone decent in that house will be out by next week. Good luck watching the rest of the season, folks.
Click. That’s the sound of me changing the channel from CBS. I won’t be watching the rest of this season’s Big Brother nor will I watch next seasons. The whole show is a big waste of time.
Nat is so stupid she thinks her HoH win means something other than her making it to final 3. The winner of the PoV comp determines who goes home, Not Gnat. She’s dumber than Jordan. Too bad her making final 3 only means that she is the 3rd to last person evicted. Noone is taking Nat to the final 2.
Why is Jeffs face in colour and not Jordans?
Julie is still talking about pandor’s box next week………….
woah pigpen finally won an HOH? that’s… a miracle.
Hell has frozen over….
Jeff’s gone 🙁 Natalie wins HOH….really 🙁
Natalie has HOH, I think I’m done
Simon, you greyed out Jordan and not Jeff, are you trying to mess with Jeff fans, LOL!
Why is Jordan’s picture faded instead of Jeff, when the updates are saying that Jeff is going home?
simon jordans pic is grayed out not jeffs up at the top on the opening page of this site.
How great would it be if one of Nat’s pictures was her college graduation
lmao… Now THAT would be funny!
totally gay jeff is out. he was the only good one other then jordan — gooo jordan!
totally gay jeff? so what if he was? even though he’s not. are you totally hick?
Why is Jordo’s face greyed out and Jeff’s is lit up at the top of this blog??? I am confused!
Why is jordan’s picture black? didnt jeff get evicted?
this show sucks – won’t watch anymore
What’s the twist? Does anybody know?
why is Jordan in black and white, sadly Jeff got voted out…I wish there was a miracle to send him back, and Natalie won HOH….and she’s cheering for Chima…seriously???? she so has to go, and what, that Gnat, pigpen, witch….safe another week….
Nat won HUH I HATE that chick but love it when people have there fears come true. Jordan or Michele need to win the veto so they can get Kevin out.
Natalie just won HOH. I’m done for watching for this season. Thanks to the guys that have this website. It’s kept me informed and entertained but I just can’t watch a show that has a girl like Natalie on it with the chance of winning a lot of money. I don’t know her in real life but I’m sure it’s not much different than what we’ve witnessed which means I’m fortunate not to know her outside of this show. I’ll come back and visit this website next year. Thanks again to Simon and Dawg?
not watching the show anymore. most boring top 4 ever.
“Jeff Got Got. Stinky is new HOH. That Is All!”
Jeff is gone!!!!!!!!! so sad!!!!!!!! I’m done watching!!!
Nobody liked last weeks HOH twist so Julie just said they will have another HOH twist and Will it affect the game. This time it will!
Jeff didn’t get Good Bye messages, WTF!
Michele or Jordan need to win POV, then Natalie will have to put up Kevin; and kevin will go home.
Natalie just won HOH. I?m done watching for this season. Thanks to the guys that have this website. It?s kept me informed and entertained but I just can?t watch a show that has a girl like Natalie on it with the chance of winning a lot of money. I don?t know her in real life but I?m sure it?s not much different than what we?ve witnessed which means I?m fortunate not to know her outside of this show. I?ll come back and visit this website next year. Thanks again to the great guys who run this thing.
Hey guys, NASTY won HOH. My heart hurt. I hope this don’t mean Mic is going.
OMG Natalie got HOH!
Your group photo shows Jordan gone and Jeff still there.
jeff is gone…nat is hoh…..gunna eat a gallon of ice cream and cry.
How can jordan guess 24, that is what jeff had in cans to win hoh. My dog is smarter than her. There will be another pandora’s box this week will see how this affects game. But at this point routing for michelle to win, she is the only one that deserves it. Hope michele wins pov and next hoh then game is over. Jordan michelle final 2. But by chance if pp gets greedy with pandora box hope she goes home.
Why did simon black out Jordo?
Any way you look at it Kevin could be toast.
It the new HOH puts him up, he’ll need to win POV to save himself. Putting him up as a pawn just won’t work.
If Michelle or Jordan are put up and either gets POV, the only one left to put up will be Kevin and Kevin will be voted off be either Jordan and Michelle [depending on who wins POV].
There may be an all-girl final three, this year.
jordan had HOH and blew it.Either natalie or kevin is going to win BB 11
Why is it that Jeff was black & white and now he’s back to color and Jordan is black & white???
ARRRRGGGGGHHHHH I left the rooom when julie said something about pandora box ….. what did she say ????
Jeff is evicted. Natalie wins HOH. Julie mentions Pandora’s Box isn’t over….There still might be “HOPE” for Jeff to come back!!
I’m speechless. How could Michelle and Jordan mess up so bad. They had it in the bag and they mess up the last question. All I can hope is that michelle or jordan wins veto and makes the best out of the situation. What a bad day for America. Natalie in the final 3. DAMN
I am so proud of Natalie. She will be a great HOH!
if they bring back jeff, me and my friends never watched stupid game
I am seriously MAD that I can’t even watch my favorite show and enjoy it to the end because the most annoying contestant ever is now on their for another week.
Why no goodbye messages? Did they show Russell goodbye messages last week or say anything about them? thanks
Blah……they suck, no twist, and WHY didn’t they sho Jeff his Goodbye messages?? I know Jordan taped one, she even said she had to retape it, What the crap???
I was wondering the same thing. I was waiting to see what everyone was going to say and there was nothing! Werid!
Simon,why is jordans pic black and white…and what secret power?
WHY didnt michelle say fiction that lydia wasnt talking to jessie or get that last one right?
Ok I have just watched my last show of bb that was the worst thing that could have happened tonight. Natalie is without a doubt the skankiest person, all over Jessie then telling her boyfriend how she misses him what a skank!!!!!!!! If I was her boyfriend I would tell that nose pickin food chomping, eating and talking with her mouth full skank to take a long walk off a short pier. Sorry bigbbrother you lost a viewer….
It is offical. I think BB should do all of us a favor that PAY actual money to watch the extra feeds, and tell Nat that she has to do all her eating in the hoh room this week to prevent us from all getting sick watching her horrible manners (or lack of them). She is just a cow.
It sucks Nasty is HOH. The Veto really hold all the power this week. Hope Michelle gets it. I have to admit though, I’m kinda wanting to see who would really love Natalie. I want to see a picture of her boyfriend.
Why didn’t Jeff get his Goodbye videos? Everyone else did! I was waiting to see what they all had to say and nothing.
Ok Gnarly Natty won I have just removed myself from the BB fan club and am now through watching and recording after dark !! I cannot stomach seeing this to the end with her in the house!!
I love it! Nat is the new HoH! Nat or Kevin better win the POV and send Michelle packing next!
isn’t it AMAZING that winning HOH cured her cramps. TOO BAD I wanted to see her suffer
who got voted out!!! and who won hoh???
Worst case scenrio Jeff out Gnat HOH
Why is Jordan’s picture gray on this site instead of Jeff’s since Jeff is the one who got evicted?
Oh, don’t start another rumor, please. The same garbage went around concerning Russell’s photo and we all saw how that played out.
It’s not a RUMOUR look at his pic on this site!
Oh, don’t start another rumour, please. The same garbage went around concerning Russell’s photo and we all saw how that played out.
Natalie is an embarrassment to CBS; they need a twist to get rid of her; whoever allowed he on the show. She has no redeeming quality—she has the nerve to say she keeps her word. horrible choice
I’m upset that Jeff was voted out. Kevin or Nat should have beeen the next BB guest voted out. Hopefully, Jordan or Michelle will win POV becasue we all know they are both going up…. I think I’m finished watching BB because the way Nat acted at the end of tonights show regarding Chima. She needs to go… Also, I can’t wait until the other BB guest find out how old Nat is 24….. She fooled them all. Jury house response to her age says a lot.
Natalie should hve been disqualified for taking too f-ing long with her answer. That is B-shit…
Simon, sweetie, am I missing something here? You say that Jeff is evicted from BB but you have his face in color and Jordon black and white. HELP my old brain!
Wait…. Nat now is the HOH? Now I could care less watching the BB. I dont want the nasty pig, disgusting, lying bitch Nat win the BB. Hope she will not reproduce ever because of her lies and her nasty face like shit. Someone please run her over when you see her crossing Arizona street.
It’s Jeff’s fault! if he only would have kept his word to Russell for f4 alliance……
Sorry Simon…. I really do love your website. But will not stay tune to BB anymore.
This is absolutely the worst case scenario! Obviously Michelle and Jordan are on the block. Michelle HAS to win POV or she is toast! Kevin will be put up and Michelle will vote her out since she made the final 2 deal with Kevin. But hopefully the Jury House will NOT give the votes to Natalie that she is so sure she has. I am absolutely sick about how this has worked out. Michelle has an uphill climb if she is going to win this.
sure looked like, at times, that both Michelle and Jordan were throwing the comp……esp at end with those crazy numbers OMG…….Jordan, do you even know your numbers? WTH were you thinking? and Micelle always seems to be too low with hers…..I feel comps should be based on common knowledge HG’s already have, not by random…..sure hope that JH finding out nasty gnat’s real age sure makes huge difference in their votes cuz sorry to say but looks like final 2 for disgusting PP
Mich had written 80 and changed her number, You could see it when she flipped her board, Always stick with 1st instinct.
I agree. What a ridiculous HOH competition. Who is the best at making lucky guesses! I am so upset that Natalie won. And she isn’t even a good winner. But why would that surprise me. She has proven over and over and over that she isn’t a good human being! There better be some sort of twist that makes her disappear inside of that box!! LOL
Ok, I’m watching until POV. If Michelle or Jordan don’t win it, I’m out for the season. I can’t stand to watch Nastalie have a chance at the money.
She yells, “this is for you Chima.” Wha?? Chima is a disgrace to the show and to her family. I guess slobs of a feather….
I hear ya!!
Funny how losers like to stick with losers!!!! Where was Natalie’s head when Jeff made her the deal before the vote! Sweetest deal ever and she picks that exact moment to stick to her principles??????????? Is she nuts??
Anon – ITA. I don’t know what the hell Nastalie is talking about avenging Chima. Chima isn’t some victim that was done wrong by CBS! She did it to herself & is a complete disgrace. How someone could defend her disgusting, vile ways is beyond me. But then again, we are talking about no morals having Natalie. Did anyone else catch how Julie Chen called her out on not helping her teammate Kevin escape the box? Natalie tried to quickly lie & say that it was her strategy but FAILED! I hope Kevin saw through that lie!
I don’t know how Gnat’s going to fit through the sliding glass doors, her head is too big already. I can’t wait for Sunday. I hope she’s still gloating when Chenbot breaks the news.
For those on both coasts (I’m in Philly & they showed the live show, no football); it looks as though there will be some magical power that will be revealed on Sunday that will turn the house upside down & has the potential to mess with the HOH’s power. Natalie’s going to be thrilled! I’m looking forward to a Chima-esque meltdown when that power hungry pitbull has her power pulled out from under her!
Can I just say OMG, I have watched every BB. Can I just say this year sucks! I cannot believe Michelle and Jordan let that go. I cant believe CBS is gonna give this game to that little nosepicker. She is the worst excuse for a lady I have ever seen. Makes me sick.
don’t blame cbs. blame jeff
Trash for HOH…that’s it for me…..hopefully, next season will be better.
Can’t face anymore from PP/Trash…..
Let’s have an “America’s Choice” and bring back Jeff!!!!!
I have watched every season. This has been the worst, by far. BORING characters and the return of that sawdust brain Jesse. I should have stopped wasting my time at that point. My bad! I am now done. Love this site and will check for Simon’s comments, but not wasting my personal time any longer. I do not care who wins so that does not give me much incentive to watch. But you Jeff fans out there….Jeff lost this himself. He gave it away last week by believing that crap that Natalie and Kevin were spewing. He also let his friendship with the stupidest person who has ever played BB, Jordan, influence him. He drank the Kool-Aid, broke his alliance with the only remotely interesting person in the house, Russell, and doomed himself. He knew it this whole week. Huge mistake. To the producers: Please spend a little more time choosing the house members. This group was awful. Whoever is in charge of casting should be unemployed real soon.
No Football here in the central time zone. OK Nat won HOH, I’m done watching, she don’t deserve a dime. Thanks Simon/Dawg for the updates, but I’m outta here!
so is jeff or jordan evicted…the site shows jordan’s picture blacked out but it says that jeff was evicted…we can’t watch right now because of football…..suck!!!
Dude, if Jeff has been evicted, why is his picture lit up on the website? And why is Jordan’s grayed out?
Please correct this!
This Sucks!!!!!
Eviction tuesday, and thursday. Can’t wait.
Tuesday and Thursday???
BB needs to talk to Nat about the way she acted at the end of tonights show…
Jeff was evicted (tie vote, Kevin votes Jeff out) and Nat is the new HOH- Americas worst nightmare hahahahaha!!!
jeff said something like”I will go home because of idiots left in the house” News Flash! You are the IDIOT. GOODBYE
why didn’t they show Jeff his good-bye messages??? hmmm.
Good point. I totally missed that.
I think, if there is no is twist bringing Jeff back, that the messages weren’t shown b/c they were running out of time. They usually do the eviction votes at 8:30 and they didn’t til 8:35or even 8:40. I’d have to check again on DVR… I think it was a matter of running out of time.
LOL…… like the big HO right over nasty. Nice picture
Jeff is gone…Nat is HOH. She said “this ones for Chima”. All hope of “the right” person FINALLY winning big brother, is over! But tuesday night is a 2 hr show ,w/ veto, eviction and new hoh….but doesnt there have to be at least 4 people for an hoh comp. Once its down to 3 dont they battle it out for final 2? Then, thats when the jury votes. Well, then, in my opinion…maybe they are bringing someone back? There is a new pandora door in the HOH for Gnat!….we’ll see!
The way I understood it, there will be the POV competition, followed immediately by the eviction, the new HOH and then the first competition for final 2. At least that’s what I think I heard.
Why didn’t you show a picture of Natalie in the outfit she had on tonight? I think some of your bias commentaries encourage some of the rude remarks against her!!! You do not emphazied how the other HGs calls Micchelle smelly.
Whaaaat?? youre kidding right? she looked like a loser as usual……ugh!!!
Biased comments?
Dude…does he not have the right to an opinion too?
Lighten up!
Oh. I hope that greety little he/she makes a wrong move boy they don’t like her in the jury house! Yeah!
Jeff is probably the most popular BB Player EVER! Most can agree he is the cutest…
No doubt, big things WILL come his way.
As for the disgusting Troll NataLIE, it’s one thing to bend some truths to further yourself in the game but she doesn’t know a lie from a truth. She is nothing but an unlady like pig. Hence her nickname PIGPEN! Maybe if she wins she can buy herself some manners and class. She needs to go to charm school to learn how to be a lady. It’s obvious that her parents failed to teach her….
That’s IT! Nasty Gnat’s FUTURE
She can hang with the other hood rats and learn a few manners
Sorry Jeff lovers but he is NOT the most popular HG ever, that would be Dr. Will, Mike Boogy, Janelle, or Howie, maybe even Jase but NOT JEFF! I would love to see Jeff with that group they would eat him up alive.
I cannot believe that …..that slimy, nostril flaring, open-mouth chewing dank skank pit bull
nasty natalie…………………..and she is nasty ………………….I really don’t think she’s 100%
female………… with her nasty hair and slimy skin……………….and………….twinkle toes are still
in the game ! I won’t watch again until the finale ! CBS……can’t you get quality people
instead of lowlifes and misfits ? ? ?
oh god Nasty got HOH…now we gotta put up with her bragging all week…she has already started
simon, if jeff was evicted how come you have jordans pic greyed out and not jeffs? did jordan kiss jeff goodbye?
simon, if jeff was evicted how come you have jordans pic greyed out and not jeffs? did jordan kiss jeff goodbye?
Baby I?m a Star!
Hey, look me over. Tell me if you like what you see?
If you don?t like what you see, then turn off your TV, because baby I?m a star!
You might not know it now, but you?ll find out that I?m a star!
Nat FTW!!!
where are you watching the show i got football
F that shit! What star? The star from the lowest of low by lying to everyone? I think you must be as smell as Pig pen.
Haven’t watched BB the last couple of years…this is exactly why…Jeff should have won! Only hope for season 11 is for the producers to have a twist and let America vote someone BACK IN!!! America wants JEFF
looking at the polls, i think it’s safe to say that America wants anyone but natalie. good thinking, America.
i totally agree.. just like jesse had a chance .let jeff have one..
speak for yourself. why would america vote for foul mouth jeff to return? i am for one glad he is gone..tired of looking at him.
Geez, I bet he we haven’t seen the last of Jeff or Russell back that little Nasty will take the bait and do Pandoras Box…then hopefully Jeff walks in and locks it and sends her ass packing. Maybe Jessie Jeff & Russel will walk in and send her packing!!!! That HO..h I swear she’s a guy no one Knows how not to use a tampon at f’n 24….she is a freak, I hate her.
Why should Jeff have won? He made the biggest mistakes in the game, and that’s why he didn’t win.
No, he didn’t he gave Russell the chance to save himself…if Russell hadn’t called Every woman a name and been disrespectful then Jeff would not of put him up because he’d have respect for him..didn’t you see the difference in the way Russell treated women and Jeff? Where were you. But, read about Pandora’s box…..and NASTY BLOODY NATALIE which will take something out of Pandera’s box again…..and guess what it will probally be a shocker as to who walks in and locks the box. Why did the guys immediately jump on Jeff’s side in the jury house??? Watch and see Russell & Jeff will come bak or at least one for a real competition. Just because Jeff is hot. don’t be a hater….tonight showed even ugly people win every once in a while…look at Kevin compared to his “boyfriend”. Yeah, his boyfriend is still denying to his parents? AND KEVIN is on NATIONAL TV…..give me a break. Michelle & another “real” competitor need to be in the competition. Gloat now….& just watch it’s going to change fast for BB.
Yes, he did. Jeff’s decisions weren’t based on strategy. He had a sure final 4 and turned on his own alliance, bad decision. He aligned with the one of the weakest players in the game (Jordan), bad decision. He made a deal with players that have been out to get him from the start, bad decision. He sent home Lydia instead of Kevin, bad decision. All his decisions were based on his emotions. If you don’t think with your mind, then you are bound to make bad choices, which Jeff did. He deserves exactly what he got. The only good move he made was using the CDT.
Oh, and how Russ treated women vs. Jeff? ARE YOU KIDDING? Jeff has said more cruel, nasty, vicious comments about Michelle than Russ ever did. Jeff formed an alliance with Michele, then proceeded to treat her like crap day in and day out for 2 weeks. Russ at least said to their faces anything he said to someone else. Jeff wins hands down for the poor treatment of women.
Gnat, HOH, oh fudge, fudge, fudge, hmmmmm, maybe the universe will let her get within reaching distance of Final 2 and be cut down by Jordan and Michelle! Now that would be Karma bitch!
simon, is there is a reason my comment is still awaiting moderation when everyone else’s posted after mine?
This is AWESOME! Cos I can’t wait to see Gnat’s face when Jordan or Michelle win POV and send Kevin’s ass packing on Gnat’s watch!!! LOL! Love it.
don’t get ahead of yourself. only person who can win POV is either michelle or kevin. nasty and jordough coudn’t win anything. so if kevin wins the POV then he is safe if michelle wins POV then kevin will leave. we don’t know how it will play out. i will bet my money that kevin and nasty have better chance winning POV than miechelle and jordough.
why didnt jeff get his good-bye messages?
I am so discusted right now. I have never disliked any one as much as i do the skankhole Pig Pen.
Okay I’m officially bummed out! Congratulations all you Natalie fans…all 3 of you on this site must be pretty smug now. All I can say is I really don’t give a rip who who wins at this point anymore. I held out hope that the stupid Pandora’s Box would somehow keep Jeff or bring Russell back to the house. Now we hear about another Pandora Box or was it mystery door for PP…WHO CARES!!! Been there done that! This is the lamest BB season ever!
you’ve been watching foul mouth jeff too much…he is beginning to rub of on you with his darkness and foul mouth and arrogance. relax!!! it’s just a show. i really don’t care who wins the money as long as it’s not jordough.
Duh! I know it’s only a show DC…and no one is rubbing off on me–I’m hardly foul-mouthed or dark! While i liked Jeff, I was first to point out how dumb and arrogant he could be…especially as it related to Russell. Your welcome to your opinions, but as for the ones relating to me: You are dead wrong.
oh, I so agree that NASTY has got 3 friends they consist of her dad, dad & dad. I don’t think she’s even a woman (again 24 & not know how to be clean in her nether areas?) Please…Jason is her real name until she got surgery….and she is gone. Watch she/he is too greedy not to be concerned about what’s in the box. It gets locked back up by Pandora who opened it not out of malice but out of curiosity…..Jeff opened found the key…..I bet he walks in or Russell both of them had clues to that they were not gone, Russell’s photo & Jeff no good-bye messages….We will see. It’ll probally be 2 out and 2 in for this year. Which makes 3. In the end that’s still final three!
nataLIE thought was smart to lie about her age think again!
So no twist this week. But Pandora’s Box still not done? Hopefully it’ll screw up Nat’s HOH. Can’t stand that she won. Go Michele – win POV! She knows its the only way to save herself! If she can do that, she’s got a great chance in the F3. There is always an endurance challenge in F3 (usually the first comp – correct?) and Michele would have the best chance at winning that. Nat may have won this HOH – but with a fact/fiction comp it doesn’t really take any skill. Just good guessing. In skill or physical type comps – she is not very good at all. I’m pulling for Michele all the way! Sending good thoughts her way!
Ughhh I’m so frustrated that Jeff went home and Nat won HOH!!! I couldn’t think of a worse scenario. I’ve already heard from 2 people who say they are done watching the show. I would stop too, but I’m too far in. It was nice to see Jeff getting a standing ovation though. Michelle or Jordan have to win POV this week! I want them to go to the finals with Michelle winning it all. She really has played the best game in my opinion. BBAD is going to be awful this week. Nat and her stupid comments about vengeance for Chima. That will really help her win America’s jury vote….ha!
Oh, I’m sick. This one’s for you Chima! Ugh! Chima was ungrateful and just too good for the BB house to follow the rules, and Gnat says this one’s for you? I’m throwing up as we speak. Gnat doesn’t deserve to be there. I can’t watch any more. I cried when Jeff was evicted. I never cried before watching Bb. CBS, Jeff was just too good to be true, and you blew it. Now, I’m canceling Showtime AD, and done with watching BB this season.
This really, really, sucks. I hate Natalie and she doesn’t deserve a penny. I can’t decide whether to watch or not. She’s an arrogant “A” double-scribble.
I am DONE!!!! That ugly lying skank wins HOH & gives at shout out to the other skank Chima! I lost my dinner!!
Did anyone notice they didn’t show Jeff’s “goodbye messages”?
They didn’t show Lydia’s either
did anyone else notice we didnt get to see jeffs goodbye messages
I know! what the hell was that????
cant wait to see Jeff on Inside Dish. will be awesome!
loved the standing O. I’m glad she told him that it was the first of the season so he didnt think it was usual for each HG.
Yeah, That really fricken sucks!!! GNAT doesn’t deserve SHIT!!!! She did not even get the Chima question right!!! SCRUMB!!!!
People have threatened to not watch. I’m SO OUT! Refuse to watch Natalie’s nauseating behavior as she cruises to the finals. I’m disgusted and will not watch any more.
HATE BB now. Will stop watching. i can’t believe the people who are left. It is retarded.
Go Nat I am so happy. Team Nat/Kev all the way baby
natalie = creature
big brother sucks…. i’m done with it… guess i’m a sore loser… but jeff’s gone and f’n natalie wins hoh… why do i even bother…
I am DONE! Jeff gone, that witch in charge, gloating throughout the house, forget it, this just makes me sick, and I am not going to waste my time watching a bunch of losers. Rather watch the grass grow, or paint dry.
First of all, let’s no longer believe the “propoganda” we read on the blogs regarding upcoming surprises for the Big Brother show. It’s designed to keep the viewers watching.
If America could vote to award a player the coup d’etat; select food for the Have Nots; and purportedly have a vote with the jury to decide the winner, why can’t America be given the opportunity to VOTE OUT the least liked and most undeserving houseguest?
Anyone agree that we should be able to vote out a player?
Please Kevin fight for you life. Win the POV. Send Michelle packing next!
the jury house is gorgeous!
Gnat is a disgusting slime ball – I can think of a lot worse than that but the drift is there. Kevin runs a very close second – he has absolutely no brain of his own – nor does he need one as long as the slime ball does his thinking for him. UGH UGH UGH
Ok, so no goodbyes to JEFF……….and the pandoras box is not done………..another eviction Tuesday………..seems like maybe Jeff might come back some how……….although I just hope the game just plays out with the people in the house! Does anyone else have any clues to this??
oh boy….nat won hoh…damn!!! My girl Michele better win that pov or she might be out the door!!!! Damn football, cant wait to see the show….
gnat sucks! the only way jordan or michelle can will next week is if they can win pov. take one off ,then gnat has to put up kevin. then the one taken off with pov then can vote out kevin. if it ends up with kevin and gnat in the final two i will not watch cause i rather see it go to people who deserve it , not those that have hung in there..
My satellite went out so I couldn’t watch this episode. Natalie won HOH, eh? Brb…
*puking relentlessly*
Maybe the reason Jeff didn’t get a goodbye video…and this is just wishful thinking…is because that BB knows there will be a twist to get Jeff back on the show?
Probably not, but it’s fun to dream.
If the finale is on Sept 15th….do two people get evicted next week?
Finally! JEFF IS GONE! This has been a long time coming. He should’ve been out long before now, but his time has come. Natalie and Kevin to the finals, here we go!!
To all the Natalie haters, too bad. Jeff lost fair and square. HA!
If it’s a Natalie/Kevin final…I can only surmise that CBS WANTS to see how low the ratings can go.
Yes Jeff is gone but he gained someone to love, Jordon. Smelly Scrappy had someone to love but will lose him when her BF in Arizona discusses with her what a skank-ho-bag she was poppin’ her coochie for Jesse.
Jeff didn’t win but he at least showers and doesn’t smell and also has white straight teeth unlike Scrappy.
What a horrible Hoh comp, CBS. WTF no goodbye messages for jeff?
Meaning Natalie winning HOH, it?s going to be another disgusting week! I do have to say I like how guys think, sure I have to vote for the person who got me out! Hopefully, if Natalie gets to the final 2, she has burned her bridges with her original lie, no one seemed to like that! Come on Michelle, win the POV!
I cannot listen to that skank boast all week, Hell, I’d take Kevin or Jessie as HOH again!
Did u see Jordan put down 24 cans what’s up with that, She make me sick playin with her breasts. To be a grown woman
I think she misunderstood the question….. 🙁
of course jordumb misunderstood the question like everthing else she hears..and i thot she had 240ish wrote down…lol hahahaha cant wait for bbad
she is not playing with them, she had a boob job and has to rub them so they do not form scar tissue. It was a dumb answer though
Well she can go in another room and do it have some respect for yourself
She didn’t misunderstand anything, that blonde bitch is just dumb! How the hell did Jordan and Michelle think Ronnie went to a SciFi convention with that suit on?!?!?
am i being PUNKED? JEFF LEFT? AND NAT BECAME HOH!???? i missed the episode cuz of football. but i think by not watching the show. the worst would happened. gosh this is all my fault. sorry jeff. i will demand u be put back!
i was jumping for joy..esp when she said this is for u chima….im luvn this k/nat or jordumb final 3
I hope jordan and michelle cause total havoc in the house
So thoughts on Pandora’s Box part 2? Julie said it would impact the game. Gotta be something like someone coming back. Could also be something that changes what HOH or POV can do. Not enough shows for someone to come back unless they pull another double eviction. Might be a double since they did not really get to have one thie season…..
Because Chima left early and they still did an eviction that week…aren’t they a person short? Aren’t they cutting the season short by a week? Maybe they’ll bring Jeff back…I can hope, can’t I? I know he’s got a foul mouth…but he’s still a cutie pie!
Nat has made some smart moves. Starting with lying about her age. I think that worked in her favor.
Jennifer good question! Why didn’t BB show Jeff his good-bye messages…
worst. episode. ever.
So did anyone notice the intro tonight? Was Russell shown leaving or in the BY?
yes, his name was gone and his pic was black and white…sigh
He was shown leaving the front door. I guess Tuesday was just a production screwup.
I’m glad everyone in the jury house is hating on Gnat. The rest of the show sucked big time. Biggest let down and disappointment ever. NOW they try to use Pandora’s box AFTER Jeff is gone? Forget it. Too little too late for me. CBS and AG can suck it and stick it where the sun don’t shine. And yes, I do feel better now after this rant.
They are not hating on Nat. They are discussing that she is 24 and not 18. Only person seemly has a problem with is silly Lydia. Lydia wil be voting for Kevin anyway.
Ok well Unless BB finds a way to bring Jeff back…I am boycotting the show.
ME TOO! I have watched every single season since #1 and besides the first season, this season BITES! If they don’t do something out of this world special next week I am outta here!
I agree Jeff should come back, and they need to redue the hoh to regain their credibility.
Hahaha Jessie’s little apprentice got her mojo at the right time. I think her head might explode any minute. hilarious.
Well, I for one am done with this season. I cannot bring myself to watch that beast acting smug for a week. I’ll keep checking this site out however. I sense that CBS is going to see a huge ratings drop for BB11 after this. 🙂
I know that Jordan put down 24, but, I thought Julie asked how many cans were
in the tubes and I think that Jordan thought so too.
Figures Jordumb would think she said that, LOL!
She said all the tubes
I agree with you mimi, they should redue the hoh
Natalie got hoh? f my life..
sorry to be a sore loser, but I am so done watching this show. I am eating some megga drugs from a back surgery, and i am still sick about this crap. UUUUG I am so sick about this crap
No, it was a “Fact or Fiction” competition. I still think Natalie was coached by Big Brother for the tie-breaker question.
Was it a tae kwon do competition? How the hell did Natalie win?
I can’t believe Nat is HOH. Wonder if she will keep her word and let the 3 girls go to the finals..good-bye Kevin.
She does owe Jordan or Michele a thing! Kev is a girl too.
she not trustworthy at all especially now that the win is SOOOO close, i think she will backstab kevin and take michelle to the finals her BEST bet is to take her and then she’s guaranteed to win, because nobody in the jury house likes her……. but im hoping for Pandora’s Box to come back to haunt her for not even tryin to save kevin her only friend left in the house
hmm this could be a blessing in disguise because if kevin or natalie don;t win POV kevin goes home……… im happy she FINALLY WON SOMETHIN even though it was a guessin game, i still want some proof that shes an “athlete”….
oh goodie Pandora’s Box is not over yet? wouldn’t that be some shit if natalie’s HOH get overthrown and she ends up evicted because she didn’t help kavin at all when he was stuck? , that would be almost as hilarious seein douches jessie and good-guy turned douche jeff being evicted
whats so funny about gnat is what she was saying about Chima. Chima was fired.. hello! she did things all by herself.. guess gnat is still wanting jesse. to think jesse had three girls fighting over him, makes me sick.. chima was mad because she didnt get to have her choice of who left and they got rid of her man(lol).. she threw a fit and did crap she should not have and was FIRED. gnat is so stupid..
Karma is a bitch!
Come on Nat or Kevin, win POV and do the right thing!
Still can’t get over how Jeff threw Kevin under the bus, when he (Jeff) backstabbed Russell the week prior. Jeff had no class, and I’m so happy to see him next week in the jury house!
Dear Nat,
You’re HoH is not for Chima yet, until you or Kevin win POV. Once that is done, you?re able to yell sweet revenge for real, because Michelle’s ass is out of there!
Oh…be careful with Pandora’s Box, they will try and set you up to go home or something. Thanks for listening, and keep on keeping on!
You rock!
Nat and Kevin FTW!!
Go away. No one on this cares about what you have to say.
your right too LOL
Don’t go away NAT. You rock!!! Finally someone with good taste.
yea karma is a bitch true dat……if they do set her up she deserves it for not even bothering to try and save kevin, and jeff only told the truth kevin knows he can’t win against natalie( he even said it in the DR) when all her best friends is in the jury house( lydia will probably vote however jessie votes, but even if she gives kevin her vote thats only 1)
Go suck a lemon jeff and jordo’s but kissers. Next let’s send cookie dough to the JH to lick her douche bags’s wounds.Go Kevin!!Go nat-all the way to the bank!!!!!!
Im so upset with big brother! I don’t get it. Why julie didnt say jordan, michael u go to the next round. But no she waited for gnat to catch up to pull the number shit! Im so pissed off.
Im glad nathalie backed away from jeff when he wanted to hug her he should have known she was playing his ass!
this is ridiculous!
Hahahahaha. This is what Jeff gets. he should’ve stuck to the original plan and I guarantee you he would still be in the house right now. What an idiot.
Hey! Natalie hasn’t won yet! She’s going to have a quick HOH…so hopefully by Thursday night…she’ll got got! Come on, Michelle…keep your head in the game!!!
They should hide Kevin’s estrogen pills and bitchfaces testosterone.
PS: Kevina those sideburns are so 1989!!!!!!
Are you kidding me? Well, I am officially done with this show.
WOW! There are Natalie & Kevin fans? The fact that this is possible just shows how low our morals in America have declined. SO disappointing.
yes, I am a sore loser . The rest of you have fun watching nasty lieing nat. They should have made her eat bugs. A lot of people would still be watching the show if they had.
Jeff shouldn’t have won, because he made the biggest mistakes of the game. The only real move he made was the CDT. All the rest were based on emotionalism and bad strategy. That’s exactly why he deserves to be gone.
Allyson your an idiot not trying to stop this. Why didn’t you invent the special power when pandora’s box was opened? You could of saved Jeff and now all your viewers are done. Who the hell wants to watch now with scumbag dirty girl Nat. I am sick of this girl she makes me puke every time in my mouth when I watch her. Ohh well this season sucked. Hope Jeff or Jordan gets the America’s vote for the second cash prize.
Hey Natalie’s family and boyfriend, good luck being seen in public with that puke bag.
Go pick your nose some more and wipe them boogers all over your bed and clothes. Things that nasty girl needs in life, tissues, new legs so she can pick them up as she walks, a brain, makeover, new voice, and finally a bullshit meter so she knows when she overdoes it to stop looking like an idiot.
Anita… On the first Big Brother I believe America decided which Houseguest went home.
Really, Kathy? I don’t remember. I know I’ve watched every season but they’ve thrown in different twists and turns. In any event, this is a season that BEGS to have America vote to toss out the most unworthy player. Unfortunately, unless that happens by the end of the week or Tuesday, Natalie is in the money.
This show is also watched by children. What kind of lesson is this teaching our kids that continual lying, cheating and dirty sportsmanship is rewarded?
Jordan had it.. and lost it.. sad sad.. she looked so pumped 2! I think Nats comment to CHIMA was to bring all girls to the end. That is so jacked but look who we are talkin bout! Nat would through her own mother under the bus if need be I think!
I refuse to watch the show with Nat as HoH. I will instead just read to find out what happens on here. If Michele wins the PoV, I will start watching again but I want BB to know how I feel about this. I also find it interesting that the only person who hasn’t won HoH, won HoH at the last possible time. Sounds a bit fishy… we know how much Nat sucks, and don’t say it was strategy because it clearly wasnt.
Well I can see why Michelle was so infatuated with Jeff…her husband is a dud! Zero personality, unattractive, and unmasculine. Sorry, I know that’s a bit harsh but I did expect more. He seemed more socially awkward than Michelle…and I’m a Michelle fan. Their friends seemed pretty geekish as well. No wonder Michelle tried so hard to fit in…I feel bad for her. I guess she’s had it rough in life. I shouldn’t be so critical but I’m still steamed about the outcome of tonight’s show.
The first day of college football…and Nat wins HOH. The best day ever!
This is the best day ever. Natalie rules
Go Natalie and Kevin!
@ Jeff Fans…. get a life…. he is gone…. I am not going to miss you lames who are poor sports…… Natalie won an HOH unlike Jordan who had hers handed to her…. Ichelle got lucky because she pressed the button faster than Kevin did to win hers…. Get over it and enjoy the sow or stop watching it….. Jeff meet karma for screwing Russell…. Have fun in the Jury House bro!!! *** L-O-L ***
im happy jeff is gone too, but you said “michelle won her HOH because she pressed the button faster?”, based on your idiotic logic, natalie was lucky too because she GUESSED, so she really didn’t earn this win she didn’t know the number of cans…after reading post your the only one that needs to “get a life” take your own advice….
Why didn’t they show the video’s of the peeps in the house saying goodbye to him? I didn’t even notice really.
I won’t stop watching simply because Jeff is gone, I won’t watch because Nata”lier” is simply impossible to watch. I’m hoping for an All-star BB12 or a celebrity BB12. I’m greatful that this blog is here because I’m on the West Coast and don’t have to subject myself to the gory details of how it went down tonight. Going to the river without my computer or the BBAD show : )
people get a GRIP!!!! it doesn’t matter who is HOH, what matters is POV….. if jeff is brought back, it will be complete BULLSHIT!!!!! then all of you,”i’m not watchin anymore”,would have a reason not to watch BBBS…(big brother bullshit)…GO KEVIN….
Being on the east coast…I didn’t have the opportunity to watch tonights show, but thanks to you guys, you’ve kept me updated! Now…I’m glad I didn’t have to sit through it and I don’t plan to watch it later tonight…Why should I? I’ll just depend on this board to let me know in the final week…Who the heck cares? Soar loser? Maybe…but this season has really irritated me more than enjoying it. Survivor is almost here…so I’m moving on in hopes that next year BB will be a better season. Big Disappointment this year! 🙁
I have an idea, why don’t all you Jeff lovers get your money together and just give it to Jeff. That way you can all sleep at night because Jeff won.
Whoever did the casting for BB 11 needs to be fired. I’m so done with it. Very disappointing season.
Horrible….Just Horrible….I hate Natalie with a passion……now that she is HOH there is no way I will watch the rest of this season…..Oh and my girlfriend agrees…..Enjoy the major ratings drop CBS……you can thank Nasty Nat for that
I dont know why dumbass bitches like PP always say its “for someone: wtf..if I went on that show it would be for ME!!! and FOR CVhima..the only thing I would give that nasty bitch is an ass kicking..ok..I might be a little bitter…hahaha
i cannot believe natalie is still in the game and jeffs not . i HATE her. she does not deserve to win. she’ s stupid and after not winning anything this whole game she wins hoh here at the end of the game?
julie says that there will be another pandoras box and it WILL affect the game. tuesday is going to be live and so is the veto
not another….pandora’s box isn’t over yet
This was the absolute worst BB! The group that selected the cast for this show need to take a long, long, long vacation.
i am done watching big brother!! Cant stand watching natalie.
What was Natalies score on her tiebreaker question?
i think 65…. she guessed so it wasn’t really anything special… i wouldn’t have expected her 1st ever win to be a lucky one, shit i expected her to do very well in endurance comps
actually she counted it up…she actually thought about it before revealing her answer..
what was Jordons score…wasnt it 24..lmao!..
Natalie won HOH fair-n-sqaure, just like the others…the only person who won HOH impressively is Kevin..he murdered them all in that competition!
Something is going to happen in the Jury house just seen on the commercial they said and it won’t be pretty showing Russel hitting a punching bag and Lydia looking stupid, also Michelle in that yellow dress laying in the room crying. Something is up
I am through watching the show for this year also! I can’t stand to see Natalie as HOH and I am also dissapointed that they promised something big with pandora’s box and it turned out to be nothing. I can’t believe they had the nerve to mention a new pandora’s box. Jeff should have kept the key and left Kevin locked up! I hope they lose a lot of viewers and they learn to not make promises about twists in the game that are not going to happen!!!
They didn’t get to the voting until 40 minutes into the show… I think to have the HOH comp they had to cut the farewell videos… jeff and Natalie both took up time with their comments… his speech and her comments when giving her vote to evict Jeff.
The very few Gnat fans on here are obviously her friends or family. No one else could possible think this disgusting girl deserves to still be in in the house. She has absolutely NO redeeming qualities. I am soooo done with BB, I will not watch anymore. She maybe 24 but she acts like a bratty little 12 year old. And her family or friends who are on here, please teach her some table manners….how disgusing. So long BB
the worse part is that people are going to have to suck up to that nat bi****. She drives me completely crazy. I might of kept watching if Jordan and/or Michelle had one HOH! I can’t stand to see such a liar and a bumb win.
well i am not even going to watch the show since i already know by reading that jeff went home.. BB SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nat is nothing but a hoe and is nasty. i am done with BB hope your raitings go down . for letting two nasty ass people who did nothing stay in the game .. BB is all about people who lie and cheat. so if you lie steal and cheat at everything is life then come to BB they will help you win
I am done with big brother
WOW, I just love when people say they’re not going to watch reality shows because things aren’t going their way. That shit is too funny to me. Anyway, Go Natalie and Kevin!!
If it’s not entertaining…… then there’s no reason to watch. Kinda like sports, if you’re team doesn’t make it to the playoffs, then why watch the rest of the others play?
I’m done! Can’t take it anymore! This is turning out to be the worst BB in history! Adi?s CBS
bb you dissapointed this season…RIDIC!!! 4 floaters in the final, very sad….4 boring ppl to watch. U LOST ME FOR THE REST OF THE SEASON…get a better cast next time, throw some more twists, take away the power from the hoh more often, especially if they win a joke of a hoh competetion..seriously..the show is getting old, floaters keep wining this s***. SWITCH IT UP A BIT, KEEP IT ENTERTAINING FOR THE HG AND THE FANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
everybody should thank jeff for giving natalie the hoh. he went against his own alliance and believed his known enemies. thanx jeff. u got a taste of your own medicine. now i have to watch the most gross houseguest ever
I Love watching bb, this is only my 2nd season. I wish I discovered it sooner
I am done with bb nat is a dirty person and is she wins .,,,,, this is so stupid michelle can win pov an take herself off putting up kevin and michelle has only vote
Hey everyone…look on the brighter side…oh wait is there one?? Oh yeah, there’s always next year. wonder how low the ratings will drop. No one wants to waatch this sh!t now. Boring boring boring
that BOW-LEGGED BALDING BOW WOW now has her own room to SNOT up – and just MAYBE LEARN some CORRECT grammar ….
well, if julie said pandoras box can still change the game, i wanna know how,
ugh, i just want jeff back in this game.
I hate Nat her and Kevin need to go !! I’m upset
with Jordan I can’t believe she didn’t even cry
alittle what’s up with that???? I thought for sure Jeff
was coming back !!
Uhh ummm errr remote please I’m effen switchin to NBC. Can’t stand to see kevina and napalie anymore. BB if your reading this — YOU SUCK!!!!
stop taking this so serious, yes it sucks that the favorites are gone but we love this show because we all fell in love with the game of outsmarting everyone until the end. all of this name calling and stuff is just trash, nat won the hoh fair and square, so what if she road the coattails of everyone, that’s just how the game goes sometimes. the cast has been taking this too serious since Jessie departed and now some of you are taking it entirely too serious. Kevin should win but nat will smarten up and get him out of there this week.
kevin will win against the remaining girls, flat out. he made all the right moves at the right times.
I was the #1 Jeff fan until he went against his alliance and backdoored Russell. Carma’s a bitch. He should have never trusted Kevin & Gnat, now their running the house.
I am so done w/CBS/BB/BBAD. I hv watched since day 1, got upset w/HG’s such as Yvette, Boogie/Dr. Will. However I hv never gotten ANGRY watching before. I truly believe CBS/AG are “playing” w/us and insulting our intellengence. I for one cannot and will not subject myself to TORTURE watching a low life like Nat on TV. I must admit I will ck this website for updates and still hoping that Michelle wins, so thanks and pls continue w/ur comments. Will miss “Talking” to u guys, God bless and Aloha.
Most people on here are making prejudice commets about Nathalie ,Chima and Kevin because they are mix with black, or just mix and it is not right. People should not put someone down because of the color of skin.
wrong..they are saying nasty things about those 3 because they are nasty people..if anyone was prejudice it was chima..she was a disgusting person..inside and out.
i agree chima should appologize not only to bb but to all of the viewers for being so rude and not playing the game.
Has nothing to do with it, they hung themselves with their own choice to behave the way that they did.
You cannot be serious!!! The color of their skin has NEVER entered my mind, but I agree with everyone on how nasty and low-life Chima for sure is and Gnat is just……ugh, well, y’all already know….hate it when people blame shit on race. When people don’t like a white person, I never see anyone post that you are hatin because they are WHITE!!! Wake up!
Thank you all for watching Big Brother =)
Tune in next week for a special live power of veto competition and eviction on Tuesday and Part 1 of the HOH competition!
Remember everyone. You have to tune in. Pandora’s Box isn’t over. Will your beloved Jeff be saved???
colton don’t thank me didn’t watch it i read that was enough for me.BB is for people who lie steal and are just down right nasty. BB is a joke right now some twist. i have watched every one to the very end to see who won. but not this one this BB sucked. no big twist and nothing really happen. if there is another one next season i sure hope it is a lot better then this one.cause who ever thought of this show this season doesn’t know what they are doing. it really sucked. well ya’ll i am done for the season.i do not vote for stealers or cheaters and oh yeah nastyness that is what kev and nat are.
This whole season has been a BIG bore. I’m done. I could care less who wins now. That Nasty gnat just slid to the final 4 with doing nothing but clinging to other peoples coattails. Give us more naked pics of Jeff & Russell.
Natalie should be embarassed she kept her word she is a total fraud… when this is over I hope she reads online what people think of her stupid ass. Her life is pretty well ruined from her lies… she has embarrased her family and friends.
Kevin you are a total clown act all high and mighty I hope you do get handcuffed and get the snot kicked out of you….
Kevin and Natalie will screw each other over and Michelle will end up winning this thing…
The mean girls will send Michelle home this week. Kevin will win pov and she will be out of there. VERY sad!!! What happen to AG??? How did this happen, Pigpen winning HOH?
I am so peed jeffs gone and natalie won HOH, shes so annoying, and when she does her diary room confessions it sounds like shes reading a q-card. im done with this season. theres no more showmance, and the one person who actually played the game hard and did good moves is out. the only person i hope wins now is michelle, cause we all know jordan will be out next week.
LMAO…. Swamppussy? Cruella Crusty Crotch? Too funny!!
Come ON Michelle…Win POV!!
Why can’t they leave it to the people to choose who is nominated, and who goes home as I
believe it was in the first season of Big Brother. That way the disgusting people like Nat and Kevin…do not win. Nat is a disgusting little bitch, disrespecful and a low life girl.
Poor representation of the spanish peoples morals….
That voting system didnt work,because chicken Georges town rallied a shit load of votes.Not really a fair voting system.
You are not very smart if you ask a question like that.
The first year that dip shit Chicken George had his family unfairly promote and rally, and got his entire town of many who didn’t watch the show to vote. It wasn’t fair and you as a fan should know that all ready.
How freaking boring is the show going to be for the next two weeks. I swore as many of us have that if Jeff leaves I am not watching anymore and I am seriously contemplating it. I can’t even imagine how boring after dark is going to be without him. What am I supposed to do when i have a sweet tooth without my eye candy? Waaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh. Booooooooooooooo. I miss Jeff already.
Btw I need to get a life. Lmao. Imagine how my husband feels. Lmao even harder.
Does anyone think that the mystery box could bring someone back? Maybe Jeff??? I noticed they didn’t show him the goodbye messages, and they didn’t say to him “let’s see who wins HOH”. I’m probably just putting too much into it lol, but you never know!
Let it go, let it go, Jeff is gone gone cause he got
Tues. is Live Veto, Veto Ceremony, Eviction….Mystery power is Diamond Veto.
I was thinking the same thing!!!!! Something is up with not showing him the good-bye messages!!
I noticed they didn’t show him his goodbye messages too but I figured that they were running out of time. Probably due to his standing ovation. I would love to think that they will bring back Jeff too but I don’t want to be let down like I was last night. Some twist.
Your “eye candy” is a gross, stinky, farty, nose-picking, belching ball of stench. Real sexy!
Jenn, I totally agree with you. The show totally sucks without Jeff. He was the entertainment. How boring is After Dark and the 24/7 feeds going to be now. Time to cancel or should I hold out for the slight chance in hell that Jeff will be coming back?
Boooooooooooooooooooooooo to Natalie. Can’t wait for you to get back in to the real world and see how much America can’t stand your ass. The sad part is you think America likes you! My prediction:
Michelle and Jordan final two which means Michelle will win.
jeff blew it when russell went out the door so he deserved to go home hope michelle win cause shes played by herself the whole game from week one she been fighting to stay in the bb house
I agree 100%. U said it all. I hate natalie she deserves to losssseeeeee. but im sooo sad that she is guarenteed to stay in the final 3 with her hoh victory. UGH! she needed to be gone when jordan was hoh. These ppl r soooo dumb. Im happy cuz jeff got got, and i hope michelle wins!!!!!!!!!!
A preview just came on the TV saying ” The Jury House is Packing a Surprise” for Tuesday. So obviously the Jury house has something to do with HOH and eviction. So Pandoras Box goes to Jury House! Since Jeff didn’t have any goodbyes, maybe he gets to do something or whole Jury house does something to affect the outcome.
It’s over for Jeff. He will never be seen or heard from again until his old ass shows up at the playboy mansion hoping to score with Hugh Hefners chicks but just like BB he will fail because he is a loser and not a winner.
That would benefit Kev and Nasty as all of their friends are in the jury house.
I hope there is a next season because it will be the next time I watch.
ditto, most everyone here will watch next season and they know it! (lol)
I agree,
last night was my last time watching. I hate liars
Why are all those Jeff fans still on here saying they are done with the show.Be done with it and move on, your threats are falling on deaf ears now, so get get,lol. Poor Jeff, he still thinks he did the right thing, duhhh.
jeff is so silly he should had kept Russel and his butt would had been safe it would be nice if he can come back that will kill nat and kevin and bb will have their veiwer back yea
he was such a sore loser too, he didn’t even leave with dignity
HOH dirtbag…………………UGGG
what a disappointment
Natalie has got to go, Kevin was right LIE is part of her name, She is dirty she looked like hell tonight, and if i;m not mistaking i thought i saw a 1 and below a 75, does it mean that she said 175, to michelle 69. Will have to rewind tevo to see it again. Hope that i;am right and cbs see the result. Jordan did try hard was proud of her. Liked when Michelle kick her shoes of.( smart move on her part) Hope Michelle does win the pov and that Jordan and Michelle go to final 2. I agree the show will be boring this week probably will not wtch bbad.
If Michelle goes this week I will stop watching. No one else deserves to win.
I didn’t notice if Nat put 175 but I swear Michelle had 80 then crossed it out and put 65. UGGGG!!!!!
Taking BB After Dark off the TIVO. No need to watch.
the surprise that the jury house is packing on tuesdays show is that they will have the option to pull kevin out and put jeff back in, hence the whole pandoras box and unleashing a possible evil on Kevin and possibly rewarding Jeff for getting the key.
Long time reader,1st time writer and let me first say…People calm down on all of the “Im not going to watch anymore” stuff. I agree that there has been people on this show I Hate! Thats the point. I give props to BB for the diverse crazy people and great games they come up with. I will always watch my favorite show. However, I will pull for Jeff maybe coming back and for the peps that think its Russel…No way because once you reach the Jury house it’s over because that would give you an unfair advantage to return. As for NataLIE her time will come. I cant wait to see her wide ass hit the door!!!!!!
I to enjoy the nudes of the boys. So sorry for jordan, like i said before she needs to turn into supergirl and kick nastys ass. Take those boobs of hers and push nasty down the steps. I hope she wins the pov and yells this is for you jeff and piss them all off. I don’t want to watch anymore but i want to see jordan freak out on kevin and nasty. I think that person that keeps commenting that nasty is her father. Yuk. This girl needs a woman to teach her everything! She’s so gross i can’t stand it. M/J team up and get those two out. You ladies can do this,kick ass,be mean,be nasty,plot do whatever you have to to take them out! When BB is done with jeff please send him to me,I live close by in minnestoa and he’s the hotest man here in my town(duluth). ha and he’s on t.v. As for the chema stuff she sucks altogether,acting like some diva she is not. Please girl………..really?
For all those saying you are going to stop watching the show I’ll bet y’all sneak here on the forums, post your comments and still check things out and wait for next year. Things happen. Personally the only person IMHO that really ruined it was Chima as she didn’t want to get dirty and fully follow the rules. But besides her it’s a game of lies and deception. It always has been and always will be.
jeff GOT GOT.. BE OUT!
Hey everybody! Jeff is coming back…that’s why there was no goodbye messages and his picture is still in color…..:))))))))) Maybe they was a deal made/will be made with Natalie to bring him back,using Pandora’s Box twist!!!!!!!!
Box is Diamond Veto…Jeff is gone…relation ship is broke up….I love how Jordon played him…hes my best friend in the house….then he only gets a kiss on the cheek…Jordon totally has a boyfriend at home….didnt want to ruin this now that Jeffs gone.
there was*
I will still watch the show, because I want to see Michelle and Jordan take control of the house and kick Kevin and Natalie out. I really hope Jordan is the one to evict one of their ass’s and says this is for JEFF!!!! Yes, Jeff got got – but he had to make a move on Russell, he was just too nice of a guy to trust them. Jeff and Jordan were truly the only honest people in the house and I believe that they should be in the final two. But shit happens, so I am praying that Jordan or Michelle win VETO and take the TRASH OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!
y didnt jeff get any goodbyes???
Ran out of time.
okay so all the Jeff fans..this will be the last time you post here, right? was nice knowing you…stay up!
My sisters watch this show and never bother to check on line..I offer them info, but they decline…so you are only a small portion of the show…Imagine this…You are a viewer who doesnt bother with the internet access to BB…those fans of the show let the game aspect decide who they like and who they root for..and unlike you idiots, they dont make it personal!
I dont come online until half-way into the season for a I could let the gameplay decide for me who I want to win this, not if they pick their nose{IE Jeff/Natalie} or chew with their mouth open{IE natalie}but who I thought was the best schemer/player{IE natalie/Kevin}
that way my decision wasnt I assure you Natalie/Kevin will have many of not the 400 of you, but the other millions of viewers who actually watch for the name of the game{IE..backstab/lie/scheme}~(fyi: that first part was meant to be in all caps yo-yo’s)lol…
LOL… you need help if believe K/N should win this game – they are both horrible people.
I am going to miss Jeff, he is f’n sexy! Natalie might be one of the most annoying people on earth. Some of you people need to calm down! It’s a T.V. Show.
Can someone explain the diamond veto? I feel like such an idiot for not knowing what it is. As for the whole Jeff thing. He made his bed by voting out Russ. Now its time to pack up. Natalie and Kevin turned the game by coming up with the LML otherwise it would be final 4 deal with Michelle jordan jeff and russ. Gotta to give the devils their due. I think the final 4 will be exciting!
?This is for you, Chima!? Natalie says? what a slap in the face to Big Brother to do that. That was wrong and then some! Chima does not deserve anything but what she got to go home.
Now Nata-LIE says to Jordan and Michelle that she is going to put up Kevin?.no really???really? That wasn?t a plan that wasn?t thought that way she would not be forced into backdooring him! I am sure Natalie and Kevin expect Kevin to win POV so that they can send Michelle home. They will not send Jordan home as she will make their chances to be the final 2?..that would be terrible. Not sure that I would watch any more if that happens!
I can not believe I got suckered into this show again this year after last years upset of Dan winning. Now 3 out of 4 don?t deserve to win and I can not stand Nata-?LIE? and Kevin is so irritating. Jordan she does not deserve it nor will she get it because she will or has not won anything with out it being given to her by Jeff. I was so happy when Jeff sent home Jessie but from there he went down listening to the bullsh_ters to put out an ally. Big Brother needs to change the show somehow because if the losers are continiously going to win then they will lose more viewers!!!
Go Michelle! I would accept Jordan as a second place.
Just saying, Jordan has won something on her on. She won the veto by herself, without Jeff, when she was HOH.
NASTY LIAR walks like a duck maybe she is one! She is supposed to be athletic?
OMG, I said the same thing about that stinky bitch nat. Notice she walks like that when she thinks she is running thing, cause when she was losing she didn’t walk like that. I can’t stand that lying bitch or the dumb ass loud coloring wearing gay friend kevin. and i am not against gays just Kevin. I think Jeff is coming back in the game and I hope he sends kevin,nat and jordan packing.
Please with the name calling!!!! Why not call Lydia a skank for doing the things she did with Jessie.Gee, how much more skanky can you get. Everyone picks a favorite. What about Jordans dumb behind. She only made it this far because of Jeff.
You said it. she did lose that swag for a while now she got it back I cant stand her.
Jeff is gone and she will be interviewing him like she said in the morning. So, if you are gonna stop watching because Chitown is gone, good rid to bad bb fans. although I expect you will still watch.
Does anybody remember that the only reason Jeff went against Russal was because of lies that Kevin and Stinky made up. I think Jeff is coming back, no good bye messages and no little secret about the other H/G.Nat is so greedy that if she takes Pandoras Box Jeff will be back in. I hope so Kevin and Nat are terrible human beings, this is a game they are not playing they just lie and cheat because it is in there nature. I bet this is how they are out of the house. In the letter I think that was her Dads message, He is not happy with the way she is acting.
Is this not a game PEOPLE????!!!! Jeff was stupid to side with Natalie and Kevin to begin with. If you are not winning challenges or HOH than you are skating through. EVERYONE with the exception of Jeff has skated through these competitions. If Natalie makes it to the final two, wheter she wins or not…….she out lasted the rest of them. Jeff coming back( I totally agree he will if Natalie goes for the Pandora Box). BUT, I do not agree. To me its the same BS that they did to Chima!!!!!! Things that make you UMMMMM!!!!!!
I hope Jeff is coming back, I do found it strange there was no goodbye messages.. Julie couldn’t say anything about the “game”, including Natalie’s real age because he will be in the Jury House… There has been other BB where someone has come back in a box.. Maybe greed will get the best of Natalie and she will choose Pandora’s box but this time it will be for the worse. no money… She’s greedy, she will go for it… There really has not been so much, “Expect the unexpected” this season… Can’t wait!
Why did they make Jeff stay in the house all week.? Most HG on the block go home within 2-3 days. CBS knows Jeff is the key to the shows ratings.
they need to either allow you to play for HOH every week or make a rule where no alliances can be formed , its garbage that the best played never wins, make it where you cant discuss votes and if you do you get a penalty vote that way you vote your own way and who goes goes
Natalie is a idiot for lying and back stabbing of everyone in the house hold…..She should be kick off ………….
It’s called playing the game!!!!
nat is a skank liar so glad Jessie told everyone shes 24
Natalie and Kevin are idiot, lying freaks! The show will suck without Jeff.
i also hate natalie!!!! even is natalie makes it to the final 2, i don’t see her getting many votes because she lied about her age. they all seemed shocked and mad!!!!!!!!!!! go jordan!!!! hope to see JEFF really soon:)
I have a feeling Jeff will be back… CBS if you have any twist up your sleeves I suggest you do them quickly. Fans are leaving the show because of Jeff getting evicted. I know I will be one of them not returning if this is the way it’s going to end. Nat or Kevin do not deserve to win this.
Oh please!!!! Your going to leave if Jeff doesn’t come back? I too like Jeff but I’m not going to stop watching the show because it’s not going the way I wanted. That would be pulling a Chima.
i agree 100%with these people cbs bring jeff back,he played this game with honesty and dignity and a person should be awarded for that not stabbed in the back.send stinky and gayboy packing.they have not played this game at all.all they have done is lied,cheated,conceived people,and showed america how much ghetto trash they realy the way don’t be surprised yet if you hear from some people down the road about gayboy’s sexual remarks toward some of the guys in the house.straight people with morales and dignity don’t appreciate gays making sexual comments about them on national tv.
OH god, Jeff has played with honesty and integrity? He swore on his family that he was with Russell. Yeah that is honesty.
He deserved being kicked out. You stupid enough to believe lies from someone you were against all season, he deserved it. Why should have have 2 breaks to stay in the game?
How come it’s ok for Jeff to get two passes but Jessie to be screwed twice? And the comment that people will stop watching BB if Jeff is gone? WTF, go leave, don’t let the door hit you on your way out. If Jeff comes back, I will not bother with BB anymore, since it’s all a fixed game then.
You will be the only one not watching if they bring Jeff back and he saved Russels butt and did not play the liar or backstaber to get as far as he did so who gives a rats ass if you dont watch BBH again America had the vote for Jeff’s power and if they have anything to say about it I am sure they will bring Jeff back in the game. Hears to Jeff winning BBH
i don’t think jeff should be back the show should be about the best player not that they need ratings if jeff is back the show is rigged and they want him to win… Go Kevin that is all i can say
I see it this way ,, there was no goodbyes when jeff left,, they didn’t do anything with the key jeff found,,, wasn;t this supposed to have been the last HOH contest now there is one thursday??? I find it all too wierd I am thinking possibly maybe a twist that Jeff comes back in thru pandora’s box making next week a double elimination,, That would certainly spice things up I would say and drastically change the game ,,, any thoughts?
They are going to put jeff in the box and as hoh nat will be given the key. if she uses it , jeff’s back, if not he’s goes to jury. i dont think she will be so stupid as to use it. that’s my thinks.
Beckster! Is that true or wishfull thinking?
There was no goodbyes when Lydia and Jessie left. They got to see their goodbyes in the Jury House where Jeff wil see his.
The key that Jeff found, was used by Kevin to unlock the box his hand was in while all the other house guest were getting the money outside
Dear Big Brother,
If you read this, I’m done. I can’t believe two nasty ass skanks (Pig Pen and Kevin) have a chance to win.
I will no longer be watching and I have cancelled my account for live feeds. I will never purchase them again.
This show has seriously lost all its value, but then again what can we expect from the Obama network.
To Kevin says: I agree with what you said except the Part about the “Obama Network”, maybe you should switch to the Fox Net work so you can watch the right wing nut jobs with all their hateful, racist ,paranoid, hypocritical lies.
Kevin, you’re sooo right! Especially the Obama remark.
Kevin you are a loser you should just throw your computer out the window cause you have no clue. You just say dumb shit.
i agree with all about jeff big brother dosent need to even bother having another season if jeff dosent come back. he did play the game better than anyone in the house. cbs would be wise if you bring him back if not i feel yalls ratings for yalls show are gone from now on.