
Ian says Joe is a stupid stool pigeon and that he will buy whatever sh*t they tell him.

POV Holder: Frank Next POV: Aug 11 (Saturday)
POV Used POV Ceremony Aug 13 (Monday)
HOH Winner: Frank Next HOH: Aug 16 (Thursday)
Original Nominations: Wil / Joe
Current Nominations:
Have Nots Cod fish/Candy Canes Joe, Shane, Danielle, Britney
Last Evicted Houseguest Janelle


12:25am In the arcade room, Britney and Dan are talking about Boogie and Frank. They discuss whether or not Boogie or Frank will make a move on them and which side Ian would choose. Dan says that he is concerned by how much Ian was celebrating when Frank won HOH. Britney agrees, says that she thinks Ian is solid because Ian has been sharing information with them. They talk about if they should have Britney telling Ian he is number two to Britney behind Shane, to make Ian feel more included. Britney says that she wants to be on the same page in case there is a double eviction. Britney says Ian made a good point when he told them there would not be a double eviction this early because they still have to draw for veto. Britney is annoyed that Ian isn’t thinking about his long-term game. She says that he can’t win the game if he keeps throwing things and doesn’t win competitions. Britney says that Ian admitted to her that he threw the burglar competition. Dan says don’t you think Ian will get 2 votes just for being Ian though? Britney agrees. Britney says that she thinks Ian will be threat in the final competitions because of his memory. Dan says we have to make Ian think he is number three in our group. Dan asks how concerned Britney is about tomorrow’s meeting? Britney says not very. Britney heads up to the HOH room to find out what they’re talking about.
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Britney comes back and tells Dan that she thinks they’re talking game up there. Britney tells Dan that Wil already told her he and Ashley are together and that they are up in HoH now. Britney says that Frank told her before it wouldn’t matter what Wil said. Meanwhile Frank and Ian are talking in the HOH room. Frank tells Ian that Wil and Ashley came up to do their talk. Ian says so they want to work with me, you, and Boogie. Frank asks Ian what he thinks. Ian tells Frank that they can’t trust Wil or Joes word so one needs to go. Franks tells Ian, you say that you can’t trust Wil or Joe but everyone else has lied to him in this game so they can’t trust anybody. Ian agrees. Frank says that even Dan and Danielle tried to get him out. Frank says that the others have been trying to get me out. Ian asks like Joe and Wil. Frank says no, they weren’t the ones going for me last week. Ian says it’s going to be a blood bath. Frank says it will be anyways. Frank says that he probably won’t because it’s easier not to. Ian says that if he does it will open a big can of worms. Frank says that he has been under fire for 4 weeks. Ian agrees. Frank tells Ian that if they get rid of Dan, he thinks they can still work with Britney and Shane. Frank says that the only person who will be pissed is Danielle. Frank says that maybe they should go to Shane and Britney beforehand and tell them. Ian says that he doesn’t think Dan is as big a threat. Frank says maybe not to you Ian, but to me he is a big threat. Frank adds that if Dan takes me out, you will be going up against Boogie.
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12:50am Shane and Britney are in the backyard talking. Britney says that Danielle will go with Dan over Shane. Shane agrees. Shane says that Danielle has had Dan since day one. Shane says that he has had Britney since day one. Shane says that it’s going to be a bumpy ride. Britney says that they just need to get to the point where they have numbers and they will be good. Shane agrees. Britney tells Shane that it would be hard to get the votes if Shane goes up. Shane says Ian told him nominations would not change. Britney says yeah but what if there’s something going on they’re not telling Ian?

Watch Big Brother 14 on SuperPass!1:10am Frank and Ian discuss whether or not to take out Dan. Ian thinks it is too early and that he thought Joe would be gone this week. Frank says that he thinks Dan won’t win HOH, it’s his plan to throw everyone till he needs to. Frank worries about Britney or Danielle winning, then Dan will get in their ear to take out Boogie and Frank. Frank says that he thinks those four trust Ian more than him. Ian says that Joe will taint the jury. Frank asks how? Frank says that Joe will only do it if we scumbag him. He says that no one will listen to Joe so how can he taint it? Frank says that Wil has more power to do it. Ian agrees. Ian asks Frank which way he is leaning? Frank says he is leaning towards not using it. Ian says a blood bath is coming, the line will be drawn. Frank says from who? Ian says everybody. Frank says that he will roll with Ian and Boogie to the end. Ian says that he trust Dan more than Wil and Joe. Frank says yeah but Dan lied to me for two weeks. Ian says but Wils word is dirt. Frank says Dan’s word is dirt too. Ian tells Frank not rock the boat. Ian heads downstairs.



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1:40am – 2am Out in the backyard Ian tells Britney and Danielle the conversation he had with Frank. Ian tells them that he is 95 percent sure the nominations are staying the same. Ian tells them Frank was thinking of taking Joe down and putting up Dan. Ian says that Frank is scared of Dan. Danielle asks why. Ian says because Dan tried to get him out before the reset. Danielle asks what Frank said about her. Ian says nothing just that its more likely he can beat her in competitions. Britney asks about her? Ian says that Frank isn’t as afraid of her as Dan. Britney asks what the deal with Will and him are. Ian says just to keep Frank, Ian and Boogie safe. Ian says that he doesn’t think Frank will use the Veto. Britney says if he doesn’t backdoor Dan they don’t have the votes. Ian says he thinks they do. Britney says that Jenn or Ashley won’t vote against Wil. She says that the only vote they could try for is Joe and they can’t count on his vote. Ian says that Joe is stupid and a stool pigeon and will buy whatever sh*t they tell him. They talk about keeping this conversation between the three of them. Danielle says she won’t tell Dan anything. Ian says we need to calm down and says that Frank is insecure. Ian says that he told Frank not to rock the boat. Ian says that out of the Quack Pack, he is the safest, then Danielle, then Britney, then Shane and that Dan is the least safe. Ian says that Danielle isn’t even on the radar. Frank, Joe and Wil join them.


2am – 3:55am Frank, Joe, Britney, Danielle, Wil and Ian are out in the backyard talking about random stuff. At 3am they all head to bed. In the have not room Britney and Danielle are whispering about how awkward it is for Danielle to be around Shane now. Danielle says that she feels like she wants to cry and that she can’t even talk to Shane any more. Britney tells Danielle not to worry about it and that once they get out of the house they can see if anything is there. Danielle and Britney go to sleep.


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6am All the house guests are still sleeping..

6:25am – 9:25am Ashley wakes up and slowly heads to the bathroom.(Her back is really bothering her.) She takes a shower and then goes to the diary room. When she comes out she heads back to bed. Joe and Dan use the washroom and go back to bed. Frank wakes up and comes out of the HOH room to see if anyone is awake and the goes back to bed. All the house guests are still sleeping.



53 thoughts to “Ian says Joe is a stupid stool pigeon and that he will buy whatever sh*t they tell him.”

  1. It seems like everyone but Team Tits trusts Ian, and they’re clueless anyways. Ian will probably get at least to jury and maybe the Final 6 or 7 by default, and if he wins a couple mental comps, who knows…

    1. Yeah, he isn’t on anyone’s hit list, or so far down the list that he should be safe for at least three or four weeks, and even then he would likely be put up against someone who is a bigger threat. I wouldn’t be surprised to see him in the final three before he is evicted.

  2. Dear Danielle, please take your Prozac. You’re mourning over a relationship that never existed………

    1. I agree! Danielle has been getting on my d(#& nerves! Its obvious Shane is not really trying to go there with you especially while being in the house! She needs to keep her head in the game and off of Shane.

      1. I’ve read some strange comments regarding Danielle on other sites. This girl seems to be a pathological liar

  3. Danielle & Britney say they had a bad day today & being a have-not doesn’t help. Danielle wants to ask Shane…….

    why he keeps ignoring her.
    Britney says she probably won’t be able to crack the code on that one until they are out.
    Britney tells her not to worry about Trey (??) until she gets out of there.
    Danielle says if it’s meant to be then it’s meant to be.
    Britney agrees.
    They say they should quit whispering ’cause their (?) getting mad at them.
    (note, they keep stopping & listening, then they smile & kind of giggle, waiting to see if Joe does anything again I think.)


  4. is frank borderline retard? dan saved him last week from being evicted and he is still living in the past about dan…if he tries to get dan out and dan doesnt get evicted…he is in deep trouble…frank is playing the game wrong…u cant play the game based on what someone tried to do three weeks ago….when just last week dan saved frank….i think frank is letting his ego get in the way….and i really hope he gets evicted next week…i even think boogie will get mad if he decides to backdoor dan…and that may get their bromance on troubled waters….and of course i have to speak of danielle’s behavior….first off…she has known shane for a little over a month…and she wants to cry because she thinks he ignores u…lol….they never even dated, they never had sex….so why would she feel the need to cry because its not going the way she thinks it will….i can only come up with one conclusion, she is NUTS….there is a reason her family didn’t want her to go on this show….her family is not abusive….she thinks they run her life because they wont let her get crazy over guys…and i don’t blame them…they probly are controlling in a sense that when they see her getting looney over a guy they try to stop it…cause this isnt danielles first rodeo…i think she has stalked many guys before…that artice on i hate big brother is definately true….the friend didnt even want to be named…so that’s how i know it adds more credibility…

      1. If Frank turns on the Silent 6, it would stupid. Really stupid. Then everyone in the house would be targeting him and Boogie next week. You can only get one person out per HOH (usually) so you’d have the rest coming after you. I don’t think this Thursday is a double eviction or FF because I haven’t seen it advertised as such. But even if they think it is, is that the kind of tone you’d want to set right before a double eviction episode? And if it isn’t, as I’ve mentioned, you can only get one person out, which means if one of the other three get HOH you’re gone this time.

        I don’t think he’ll use it. It’s too soon to make a big move on their alliance they just made a week ago. Yeah, yeah it would be a big move…..but making big moves in this game aren’t necessarily smart. You not only have to make big moves, but you to make them at the right times. With 11 people in the house, they still have a lot more game to play before they need to start worrying about turning on each other.

    1. If, Frank is stupid enough to turn on Dan this early he will be alone in the house. Mike Boogies knows they cannot win the game with a buffer, the buffer is Silent 6. Frank go ahead and, “make my day” you will be evicted right after.

  5. Put up Brittany vs Wil and then Wil will be gone for sure. Oh, if Brit left., who would notice? She’s playing both sides well and so is Ian and Dan. But, once a tit person wins HOH (if that ever happen), then lines will be clearly drawn.

  6. Man, everyone is asleep..I miss Evil Dick, when he would stay up all the time…Mike is so damn old now, he sleeps all the time…

  7. Brit isn’t going to win the game, but I hope she sticks around for a while because just like in season 12, she lights up a boring room and makes me laugh. She is solid with Shane and that’s good for Shane. I like the idea of the two of them working with Ian, but I still am not sure if Ian is really that on board with them. I would like to see her as the last vet standing, just because she was the clear underdog coming into the game.

    I was hoping that Frank would get a clue and realise that the game has been reset. He doesn’t have to listen to Boogie. Boogie needs him, but being tied to Boogie is going to be Frank’s downfall. Boogie will let Frank take out the big players like Shane and Dan, the target will be on Frank, and he will go home. Boogie will end up at the end with someone like Ashley, but I don’t think Boogie can win the game. Frank needs to cut Boogie loose. Without Frank, Boogie has no game. Boogie would rather go with Dan to the end, thinking that his only chance is sitting next to someone who has won the game before, but Dan is a smooth talker and unlike Boogie he has made a point of having a one on one conversation with everyone once a day, whether he needs to or not. Boogie is arrogant. He only talks to people when he has a reason to do it. I don’t see a scenario where Boogie wins, maybe against Brit or Joe. The newbs should realize that Joe and Wil are not threats, and it’s better to fill the jury house with newbs and get the vets out as soon as possible, before jury. I like Dan, and if a vet has to win, I would rather it was him than Boogie and Brit, but it is in Frank’s best interest to get Dan out this week. I would rather see him backdoor Boogie, but that’s not going to happen.

    1. Like your post, Choe. I totally think Boogie would disintegrate if Frank was gone, or if B was on the block… Just like he did the week he thought Frank was going to be evicted.. Booges was the biggest baby ever! and a total sour puss… He is totally using Frank (like throwing the Veto) to do his dirty work… If Frank goes against his wishes, then what would Boogie do??? ALSO: I hate the floaters, even though they are good to go against at the end, but would love to see Ashely and JENN on the block against eachother… Then, maybe some game play will come out of them… Oh, wait, guess Ashely’s back will be so bad she can’t move! (Can’t believe sleeping on the have-not bed did this much serious damage… no one else?) Perhaps her back was damaged while filming her “ex” older boyfriend’s “bondage” film, before she quit the film to go to BB!)…

    2. Mike can win this game against a newbie, in fact, any vet will win in the end if they make it that far…The newbies need to takeout the Vets…

  8. Wow this is a big decision for Frank!

    Idk what Britney/Shane/Danielle/Dan would do if they won HOH next week?

    Even if Frank backdoors Dan or Shane he really only has one strong ally [Boogie] to fight for his safety and Boogie’s..

    But at the same time Britney/Shane/Danielle/Dan could easily nominate Frank/Boogie if they win HOH.

    It really is tricky but makes for good reading/watching. 😀

    1. If Frank backdoors Dan or Shane his alliance will have to shift to Joe, Wil, Ashley and Jenn – maybe Ian (if they can drag him out of the Secret 6 Shhhhhhhhh a$$)

  9. Rotfl! Frank play ur own game. Show someone the backdoor u have the numbers going forward. Ian is a two face snitch

    1. Ian is only a two faced snitch if you want Boogie/Frank to win (which from your comment you are team Frank).

      If you are Team Quack Pack, then Ian is an invaluable double agent. And doing a great job at it.

  10. There’s no way Frank will never backdoor Dan or Shane. Please keep the nomination a same. I’m sure they will made the final 7.

  11. Only thing POWERHOUSE is going to taint in the jury house are the sheets….

  12. Just caught up with last night’s “action”. I had to laugh at Jenn saying Frank needs to make a big move. That’s rich coming from the invisible woman! I really wanted to like her, but half the time I don’t think she’s aware that there is a game happening around her. I did watch some of the Kittie videos, and she is a very talented musician. I think she’s only doing the show to get more exposure for her band. She didn’t seek it, they offered it to her, and I don’t blame her for accepting, but come on BB. There are thousands of people that try out every year because they love the game, and all we got this year is Ian. The rest were either scouted by casting or tried out for something else and ended up on BB.

    1. Yes, BB needs to cast people who WANT to come on the show, have watched, and understand the game… No soliciting off FB or other areas… Don’t either want people who have tried out for multiple reality shows as it seems they only want fame and not to play the game… Only “BB” die-hards should be cast… Makes the game so much more interesting.. Lastly, ENOUGH with bringing back Vets.. WHO CARES? Much more interesting to watch newbies play the game. Vets had their chance… Coaches? The most ridiculous boring thing ever, and really not fair in my opinion to bring them into the game without having to have faced any penalties. Coaches (when Coaches) should have had the option to be eliminated as well to make it fair….

      1. Having 12 die-hard BB fans on the show, makes 0 sense, that’s why they are not cast that way, and thank god… last thing we need is a bunch of Ian’s and Ronnie’s on the show who SUCKS at the game… yes they should know of the show,but they shouldn’t be crazed BB Fans… Diversity makes the show interesting, not a bunch of know-it -alls who eventually fail at winning

  13. WOWOW Boogie was right these players have no clue what they are doing. Today’s clueless noob is FRANK. Hey Frank Here’s a TIP—don’t talk about backdooring “allies” like Dan unless you have the ballz to do it when you say it.

    It’s Sooo Unbelievably stupid telling Ian(or anyone not named Boogie) crazy ideas that he won’t ultimately go through with when he sees Ian hangin with Dan ALL the time lately. Frank just sealed his fate because that convo is already going around the house–Quack Pack will target him as soon as they regain power now that they have the info right from his own mouth that he is ready to betray them.

    Just annoys me because Boogie did so much to save this big doofus and now he is just flushing it all away because he doesn’t understand how to play the game.

  14. I understand where Frank is coming from. One thing in the big brother house, complete honesty is a rare form of currency in there. Dan was part of the group gunning for Frank, not just a single week but multiple. Dan has been after Frank for like 20 days, their alliance has been existing for a 7. Kid Vicious has every right to still be wary of Dan, since only him could plot someone’s demise from behind the curtains.

    With that aside, I would kind of like to see Frank, Boogie and Dan work together in a more long-term matter. Next week is gonna be the wild card one. A shit load of scenarios can occur depending on who wins.

  15. Dan didn’t save frank last week the twist did. If the twist had not been offered frank would have got what Janelle got. Blindsided backdoor. Dan pressed the button for his self. Frank needs to roll the dice because the other side is planning to screw them(b&f) first chance they get. I hope boogie find out Ian is feeding the other side information

    1. Sorry but you are wrong.

      Frank and Wil were on the block last week. Janelle made her worst move in BB and made herself a liability to Dan. If Dan had not been on board about backdooring Janelle it would never have happened and Frank would have been out the door.

      So, who was resposible for saving Frank last week? The Silent 6 (Shhhhhhh… )

      1) Boogie for using great questioning and maneuvering to set the plan in motion (to save his main man).
      2) Janelle for being a deer in the headlights and revealing her true plan without saying a word.
      3) Britney for seeing Janelle’s true colors, making her more open to working with Boogie.
      4) Dan for seeing Janelle’s true colors and making the decision that she was a liablity and needed to go, thus saving Frank. (Up to this point, Dan was very
      resistant to getting rid of Janelle and argued Danielle out of nominating her in the first place.)
      5) Danielle for using the Veto and putting up Janelle
      6) Shane for going along with his alliance.
      7) Frank for not going ape-sh!t on everyone before veto and listening to Boogie.

  16. I really hope that Frank doesnt try to backdoor Dan. He needs to wait a week or two let someone else do the dirty work. He needs to stay “trust worthy” this week.

    And why is that no one ever says anything about Jenn? God I want the chick out of the house. Also why wont Big Brother step in and just remove Ashley. She is freaking useless. She isnt even entertaining (neither is Jenn). I hate Joe just as much, but atleast he brings some entertainment because you can love to hate the idiot.

    Sorry this cast is awful.

  17. Its getting really obvious that Boogie wants to hold on to Dan. Frank is crazy if he doesn’t try to get him out.

  18. The game would be a bore without the coaches. As much as I thought it was unfair when they entered, the HG’s this year are so damn flat. At least Dan, Boogie, and Britney are interesting to watch (as was Janelle). Watching BBAD right now, and BORING!!! I hope Dan wakes up and realized he CAN NOT trust Frank!

  19. Frank better use his head. Boogie already told him to chill and build up trust within this new alliance. Now, is not the time to peel off. If Brittney, Shane and or Dan makes a move to put Frank or Boogie up or attempt to backdoor them then, all bets are off and he would be within his rights to go after those
    within the alliance that betrayed him! Going after Dan or Shane this week will only break the alliance but, probably not get the target out! So, why waste your HOH and keep another house guest Wil who will target you the very next week? Get rid of Wil now and one threat is removed. Deal with the other threats next week. Boogie I am sure will play to win HOH next week because he has in the back of his mind that Dan, Brittney and Shane could
    try and take them out next week! Winning HOH puts Boogie under control including taking out the trio if he as much as smells a plot against him and Frank!

  20. @Simon.“They talk about keeping this conversation between the three of them. Danielle says she won’t tell Dan anything. Ian says we need to calm down and says that Frank is insecure.”Why can’t they tell their fellow alliance member(Dan)about Frank wanting to target him?It’s not like Dan can’t control his emotions.

  21. I would love to see all the old players out so we could have a real old fashioned big brother again. If Frank removes Dan maybe the next HOH will remove Boogie to let Frank see what it’s like to lose his mentor and then they can gang up on Brit. Much as I’d like to see Joe out, he’s kinda fluff right now.

    1. It wouldn’t happen like that. They would target Frank saying, “he’s always been a threat and now we see how untrustworthy he is. he must go.” And Frank would leave.

  22. I don’t get in here and comment much, but after reading all the comments about Danielle, I had to. Everyone needs to remember that she will be reading all this at some point. If she has issues, then some of the comments could hurt her. We all don’t know her and for us to sit and judge her is wrong. Keep going in joe tho, that’s stuff is funny.

  23. There is still time for Boogie to blow it with Frank. Boogie keeps telling the guy who was almost blindsided by Danielle and Dan “It is too soon to make a move.”Frank wake up., Boogie thinks the best time to get Dan out is when Boogie and Dan are the final two. They can NOT win against a new player. Any new player who gets final two with Boogie or Dan would win. Boogie knows he is screwed out of $500,000, going final two with anyone other than Dan. That is why he is against putting Dan up. I just wish an Ian, Jenn or someone could kind of hint to Frank “Of course he wants Dan to stay, he can not get $500,00 without Dan… he is the only other winner of Big Brother in the house. Any noob or even Brittney that gets to final two, wins, due to it being a greater feat. ”

    It would also be goof to point out ,”ALL, of the coaches are thinking Jury House, already. They know they are safe until the last noob leaves, but, hey it is your choice. I just know you can not win HoH next week and these guys have been so good with the deals up until now.”

  24. I think it’s so weird people are saying Frank is playing this poorly by wanting to backdoor Dan. If anyone besides Boogie or MAYBE Ian wins HOH, Frank is going up and probably going home unless he wins Veto. The issue is that Boogie is under the impression that the Silent 6 is really working together, when they really aren’t, even Ian is telling the others everything Frank and Boogie say.

  25. I hope when Danielle gets booted out and goes back to watch/read what was said about her that she realizes how pathetic she was and how she said more negative things about herself than Janelle EVER did. Talk about low self-esteem. Any guy watching this would definitely steer clear of her (or should if they knew what was good for them). I kinda felt bad for her with Janelle bringing stuff up… but she took it and ran and has now NOT shut up about it. Shane is not interested and he has TOLD HER NUMEROUS TIMES!!! She is a psycho and I hope she goes soon.

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