Today the Big Brother 14 House pictures were released. Not too big of a shocker since they were leaked a couple days ago. Still we have a complete look at the house all we need now is the Cast, twist then we’re good to go.
The pictures do not show you much of the HOH or upstairs but from what we’ve seen today the house structure is pretty much the same as it has been since season 2 season 6 (Thanks for the correction razor). All those rumors about a second floor and no chess table were false. This year it is a 80’s theme (Officially it’s called Tokyo Pop) looks cool enough big on colour and low on taste… How do you think this house compares to last years?
Superpass has released a bunch of interviews with Julie Chen, Allison Grodner and a house tour. Save 25% get the entire season of the live feeds for 29.99
Live Feeds Early Bird Link
don’t forget to grab our BB14 Spoilers Phone apps they’re FREE and work on iPhone or Android devices.
The theme is Tokyo Pop, and the house structure has been the same since Season 6 not Season 2
What was a structural difference between the BB6 house and the BB5 house? It’s been the same set since BB2
I don’t remember if it changed in 5 or 6 but it had definitely changed by the All-Stars season(S7).
Several of the returning houseguests in All-Stars discussed the fact that the house was much larger in S7 than it was on their season.
Seasons 2-5 used a one floor house. Starting in season 6, a two floor house was used.
thanks for the correction guys i’ll alter the post.
BTW, the house used for seasons 1-5 was a single floor hose. That studio was bulldozed to make room for Two and a Half Men. BB got an all new set since the show was homeless. So where the show is filmed is an entirely new location. And Julie used to have her own mini studio outside the BB house to interview the house guests. 🙂
Hmm just realized we haven’t seen any pictures of the have nots room.
isn’t the sneaker room the have not room? i think last season it was a library room that the houseguests got to sleep in for a week before they turned it into the have not room.
Razorskate is right; the Big Brother house has been the same since season six. Also, did anyone else who watched the Media Day video here Rachel say ” Who’s going to be on my team”? Given the fact that one of the main rumors this season is that four returning houseguests act as mentors, and Rachel is one of them, could she have mistakenly let it slip that this is all true?
Wasent the cast supposed to be released today also???
I think we’ll find out about the cast on Thursday.
14 Contestants? I’m confused.. I thought that it was the biggest cast ever?
The pictures released last night were from the Media day that took place on the 2nd. Anything could happen with the Memory wall between now and next weeks start.
Ohh I see, thanks :]
Where is pandora box room?
Just found out that the official cast release is Thursday!! So expect some leaks in the next couple days 😉
By far the second best-looking house in BB history and I hope that they replace the sneeker room with the have-not room, cuz I love the boombox room more. Definitely a step-up from 13
Will there be more video of the media day?
So there are 12 HG plus 4 mentors. But the pic of the memory wall has 14 spots. Either my math is very bad, or there may be 2 more people entering the house and the vets don’t have their pics up? Or just 2 mentors? Or maybe BB is just messing with us.
good point.. hmm I don’t think these mentors are going to be playing in the house.