
Big Brother 14 Online Application


BB14 Online Application

Looks like the site active today, this will enable BB14 hopefuls a easy application process. Gone is the need to fill out and mail a lengthy application form with casting Video. The entire Casting Process can now be done online, here is the link

Features of this site includes Applicaiton, FAQ, Tips on how to make a Great Video, Eligibility Requirements, Open Casting Calls, and a step by step easy to use Application procedure. If you’ve ever filled out a Application you know it sucks, lucky for everyone the Big Brother 14 Application process can be completed in 4 easy steps.

How To Apply To Big Brother

Are you ready for the adventure of a lifetime? If so, follow the steps below:

Step 1 – Make a video (tips).

Step 2 – Save a current picture of yourself, and video to your computer, so they are ready when you apply online.

Step 3 – Completely fill out the online application and upload your video and picture here.

Step 4 – We’ll email you if we want to move forward in the casting process with you.

The deadline is set for May 12, 2012. Callbacks will be held during May and June 2012. If you don’t hear back your unfortunately screwed for getting on BB14.

Looks like Big Brother Casting has finally caught up with technology!

Good Luck to All Applicants!!


28 thoughts to “Big Brother 14 Online Application”

    1. What about you Simon, every year they put in a fan or two,I would consider you a super fan have you ever applied?

      1. Can’t apply I’m Canadian.. I’m also convinced I would suck at the game, There’s certain social skills you need to be successful at BB that I don’t have.

        I was hoping that someone that frequents this site would share their first hand experience with the casting process…

        1. A few years ago I was inches away from an audition for BB. My friends had convinced me that I just HAD to apply. They told me that with my degree in theatre arts/film It could help me look ‘entertaining’ to the casting directors. They told me I was funny enough, smart enough, and good looking enough. They said I could definitely be entertainingly HOSTILE enough 🙂 So, I agreed. They helped me fill out the application, they helped me make the video. It was all set to go. AND THEN, business problems came up. I simply couldn’t leave even if I had been accepted. So, I threw it all out. Ironically, it was probably for the best anyway, because as it turned out, it would have been for BB season 9 (which turned out to be THE ORGY SEASON, with everyone always naked in the pool) and although it WAS the most entertaining season TO WATCH ON LIVE FEEDS, I’m not sure my conservative relatives would have approved of me running around nude all the time 🙂

          1. Did you go through the process Frank? Hopefully CBS would return your calls and might be call you back and audition again!

          2. What’s stopping you from trying again? You don’t have to worry about business problems anymore. You told me you’re a millionaire who lives in a 3 million dollar house in California, making tons of money from directing music videos and other things.

            You have connections inside BB like Dan and Brenchel since you claim Dan is your friend and you have a good relationship with Brenchel. They can help you get in like Janelle heled Porsche.

            1. BBKing, I appreciate your comments but your memory has some exaggeration 🙂 Yes, it’s true that I now live in Newport Beach CA. And my house did cost 3 mil. BUT, I never said that I was a MULTI-millionaire! lol Yes, it’s true that I make good money here in the entertainment industry and it allows me to live & work on both coasts, but I have to WORK each day or travel. NO I NEVER said that Brendon & Rachel were my friends, I ONLY SAID that my girlfriend and I spent ONE delightful night with them at an LA nightclub dancing & drinking and that they were both wonderfully nice and intelligent people (and that many BB viewers had the wrong impression of them from just judging from TV) AND YES, Danny Gheesling is a friend of mine, but he just works as a middle class school teacher now in Michigan, and I doubt he has any influence at all with BB casting directors. Lastly, but most importantly, I don’t have any desire anymore to be on BB. After having viewed the BB live feeds for the last few years, I sincerely DO NOT THINK it is worth what AG is paying in prize money for what the ‘houseguests’ have to go through. The Show seems to be based on the German film “THE EXPERIMENT” (aka. “Das Experiment”) except that the idea of the “pretend prison-like environment” was transferred into a “closed-house environment” AND anyone who has seen either the German movie or the American re-make, will tell you that it was considered a TORTURE IDEA, and the real life experiment was BANNED! Who wants to put up with a “known torture experiment” unless they really crave TV fame (like Rachel) or really NEED the money. I don’t NEED or WANT either, THAT MUCH 😉

                1. Squabble, you just can’t control your hate, can you? Even though NO ONE has even brought up your name once on this thread, you STILL feel the need to start a fight. You are A VERY SICK INDIVIDUAL. But, I will answer your nasty comment. NO, there is not even ONE INCH of ‘back peddling’ in ANYTHING I’ve EVER written. Anyone can look back and check every comment I have ever made on this subject, and read for themselves that not one single thing has changed. NOW, if I wanted to ‘back peddle’ I would be restating that YOU SQUABBLE, are a Utah born & bred low life Mormon hick, who should be writing your hate on some other website. But, since I don’t want to ‘back peddle’ I WON’T 🙂

                  1. I totally agreed with Frank! Come on squabble. Where is a good laughs? We need you except not a phd student still mad at you but we need you. You are awesome friend, don’t let Not A PHD Student get to you. He just pushing you around. I know you hate Not A PHD Student but can you guys call it truce. It won’t hurt each other. Frank’s right, you need to stop hating not a phd student and move on buddy. Squabble, we care about you. You just funny and entertaining person and porsche & kalia failure big brother. It awesome! Also, squabble i love the christmas story about Daniele, Kalia, Porsche & Dominic. Oh yeah, we should talk some more about Porsche & Kalia Failure Big Brother.

                    1. Captain, you wrote a GREAT rewrite of Squabble’s Christmas poem. I just saw it. It was VERY, VERY FUNNY! Even the parts that don’t rhyme, MAKE IT THAT MUCH FUNNIER! Good Job Captain! lol

                  2. Blah blah “hick” blah blah “Mormon” you need new material, no wonder your video kiosk went out of business.

                    1. Captain the only thing worse than you use and understanding of the English language is the disappointment you are to your parents.

                  3. Frank, thanks but squabble did come up an idea of christmas story. Here is another squabble christmas story. It call a squabble’s 12 days christmas.
                    on the first day of squabble christmas a true gave to me, I’m the jeff & jordan number one fan club.
                    on the second day of squabble christmas of true gave to me two kalia’s hungry for mcdonald’s and i’m a huge jeff and jordan number one fan club
                    on the third day of squabble christmas a true gave to me. Three Dani’s smelly underwear,two kalia’s hungry for mcdonald’s and i’m a huge jeff and jordan number one fan club.
                    on the fourth day of squabble christmas a true gave to me. Four shelly lying, three dani’s smelly underwear, two kalia’s hungry for mcdonald’s and i’m a huge jeff and jordan number one fan club.
                    on the fifth day of squabble christmas a true gave to me five daniele’s XXX Tape, four shelly lying, three daniele’s smelly underwear, two kalia’s hungry for mcdonald’s and i’m a hugh jeff and jordan number one fan club.
                    on the sixth day of squabble christmas a true gave to me, six porsche & kalia making out, five daniele’s XXX TAPE, four shelly lying, three dani’s smelly underwear, two kalia’s hungry for mcdonald’s and i’m a hugh a number one jeff and jordan number one fan club.
                    on the seventh day of squabble christmas a true gave to me, seven tons porsche weight gain, six porsche and kalia making out, five daniele’s XXX tape, four shelly lying, three dani’s smelly underwear, two kalia’s hungry for mcdonald’s and i’m a huge jeff and jordan number one fan club.
                    on the eighth day of squabble christmas a true gave to me eight kalia’s craving for cheeseburger, seven ton porsche weight gain, six porsche and kalia making out, five daniele’s XXX tape, four shelly lying, three dani’s smelly underwear, two kalia’s hungry for mcdonald’s and i’m a hugh jeff and jordan number one fan club.
                    on the ninth day of squabble christmas a true gave to me, nine kalia and porsche failure big brother,

                    1. Eight kalia craving for cheeseburgers, seven tons of porsche weight gain, six porsche and kalia making out, five daniele’s xxx tapes, four shelly lying, three dani’s smelly underwear, two kalia’s hungry for mcdonald’s and i’m a huge jeff and jordan number one fan club.
                      on the tenth day of squabble christmas a true gave to me ten Daniele’s whining, nine porsche and failure of big brother, eight kalia’s craving for cheeseburgers, seven tons of porsche weight gain, six porsche and kalia making out, five daniele’s xxx tape, four shelly lying, three dani’s smelly underwear, two kalia’s hungry for mcdonald’s and i’m a hugh jeff and jordan number one fan club.
                      on the eleventh day of squabble christmas a true gave to me, eleven Dominic’s girlfriends, ten daniele whining, nine porsche and kalia failure of big brother, eight kalia’s craving for cheeseburgers, seven tons of porsche weight gain, six porsche and kalia making out, five daniele’s xxx tapes, four shelly lying, three dani’s smelly underwear, two kalia’s hungry for mcdonald’s and i’m a hugh jeff and jordan number one fan club.
                      on the twelveth day of squabble christmas a true gave to me twelve daniele ex-boyfriends, eleven dominic’s girlfriends, ten daniele’s whining, nine porsche and kalia’s failure big brother, eight kalia’s craving for cheeseburger, seven ton of porsche weight gain, six porsche and kalia’s making out, five daniele’s xxx tapes, four shelly lying, three dani’s smelly underwear, two kalia’s hungry for mcdonald’s and i’m a hugh jeff and jordan number one fan club.
                      Frank, this is squabble 12 days of christmas and he wrote it.

    1. Squabble, it is YOUR poor use of the English language that I’m worried about. Your sentence should have read ‘The only thing worse than YOUR use and understanding’……NOT, ‘The only thing worse than YOU use’ lol Did you pick up your speech from The Bronx NY?…….AND as for A KIOSK?? I’ve never seen one around. My store 10 years ago when I used to live in Florida was a 4000 sq. Ft. Brick building on the intersection of an upscale neighborhood. All the old store pics are all over the Internet. I closed the store out of choice due to Internet movie streaming and bigger career offers on the West Coast. But, thanks for your DEEP interest in my life. However, I’m still NOT going to marry you, I’m so sorry 🙁

  1. The only chance of CBS Production would select applicants to call backs is to not ask about the criminal charges.

  2. Squabble, Frank and Captain, why do you three have a persistent and desperate need to respond to each other? I am beginning to think all three of you guys enjoy internet sado-masochism and humiliation. If so don’t cry to Simon like you guys do when feelings are hurt, lines are crossed and it gets dirty and personal.

    We (meaning Simon and I) have told you three to move on several times and not resurrect this feud continuously. All three of you did not heed our advice and must now suffer the repercussions of your hostile actions.

    So I am going to say once again. If all three of you want peace on this blog and don’t have anything nice to say to each other or cannot discuss BB or other relevant subjects in a civilized and friendly manner it’s best not to say anything to each other.

    So here are the suggestions I offer for all three of you individually.

    Squabble: You have said several times that you don’t like Frank and you don’t care for his opinion. Yet you are demonstrating the complete opposite by following him around from thread to thread and responding to a lot of things he says, even things he addresses to me personally and things that don’t involve you.

    Captain: Same thing. Please don’t get yourself involved in discussions that don’t involve you. If you do decide to get involved try not to rewrite people’s posts and/or blame others. This is bound to create enemies and heaven knows that there are too many people on this blog who don’t like you. You don’t need more.
    hatred coming towards you.

    Frank: Please develop a thick skin and learn to ignore provocation. Also if you do decide to attack people don’t use bigoted language to do so. Your posts are filled with anti-Mormon and anti-gay sentiment. It makes you seem like a hate-monger and people are more likely to identify you as the villain even when you don’t start a fight.

    If all of you read this through, I thank you for your patience and I want you all to know that I am not picking sides. I just want a compromise and peace.

    1. BbKing, I honestly appreciate your overview and input on the issue. However, MY policy is VERY well known here. I NEVER pick a fight and NEVER start one. I mind my own business and make Big Brother related thread comments. UNLESS SOMEONE ATTACKS ME FROM LEFT FEILD FIRST….. Then, I respond with MORE VENOM, MORE CRUELTY, MORE VILE DEPRAVITY, and MORE POLITICALLY INCORRECT HOSTILITY than practically anyone else in the blog universe. The lesson learned is that I’M a really nice guy, but PLEASE DO NOT F**K with ME. I will NOT TOLERATE IT. Period.

  3. BB KING what repercussions must I face? We (meaning Simon and I) are you implying that this is your site or you are the moderator?
    I don’t need your invitation to post a comment, whether it is directed at you or not everyone can comment on any post they would like.
    I also am not trying to be rude but follow your own advise and either ignore them, don’t read the post or refrain from replying.

    1. The repercussions I was referring to is that now all three of you guys will be humiliated again, your mothers defamed and your religion/ethnicity/race/whatever degraded. That’s why I stated it seems all three of you enjoy internet sado-masochism. It’s all fun and games until a certain line is crossed and that line will be crossed, because I’ve seen these fights before on this site.

      Secondly, I never said I am the moderator. However, Simon specifically said that he doesn’t want such content and this feud on his site. I was repeating his words to remind you guys that let’s just move on and end this feud. It’s not that hard to do.

      Anyway what I specifically addressed to you was that you told me that you don’t care for Frank’s opinion. But commenting on a lot of what he says even things he addresses to me or that don’t mention your name demonstrates the exact opposite. You do care for his opinion and his opinion gets you fired up.

      I think you perceived this as an attack on you. It wasn’t. It was just advice, take it or leave it. You know I came to your defense several times on this blog. Even when everyone else was against you (like that comment on Jeff and rape victims) I spoke up supporting you.

      I cannot stop you if you wish to continue this feud. Just know that peace is achieved through compromise not through continuous aggression.

  4. BBKing…What are you talking about? We just being more supportive and matter of fact that I just want to have everyone supportive and especially squabble who comment on NOT A PHD Student opinions. I just being more supportive. That’s all. I just agree on something. We never have the fight or something! I just want to have a opinion straight across!

  5. The only way that the age limit is 19 years old. However, It would be impossible that a 19 or 20 year old will win Big Brother!

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