Big Brother Spoilers – Jeff Schroeder 2011 Worst Reality Star?

Looks like there’s some people out there that do not like Big Brother super stud BIG Jeff Schroeder .

Jeff has been ranked one of the worst Reality TV Stars of 2011 from Here is what they had to say.

Jeff (“Big Brother”): We’ve only been able to see Jeff’s homophobic rant via the magic of YouTube, since CBS chose not to air it, but it still was pretty reprehensible, not only because Jeff thinks that gay people (specifically the fictional Dumbledore) shouldn’t be able to teach children, but also because he accused Kalia of pretending to defend the gay community just so she’d look good on TV. And to think that we had thought that Rachel was going to be the most hateful person in the house.

There is no denying it Jeff is one of the most popular players in Big Brother history. He’s been in 3 televised reality shows; Big Brother 11, Big Brother 13, The Amazing Race and a bunch of straight to web shows. BB fans voted him their fan favorite TWICE but still Jeff has his haters and plenty of them.

It really wasn’t until Big Brother 13 were Jeff’s douchness start to really show around the time he decided to go on a crazy rant about Dumbledorf being gay.

After that it was really down hill for Big Jeff, under the stress of the Big Brother show he became more and more aggressive. CBS tried hard and for the most part was successful in editing Jeff as the BB11 Golden Boy but the damage had already been done, he’s now at 1 zillion fans down from 1.5 zillion a year ago.

It’s not all negative press for Jeff, the Big Brother house is stressful and people are not themselves while partaking in the summer show. Many people that have met Jeff says he’s an all around nice guy. His latest appearance on a web show supports this. doing charity work for Ethiopian sex industry workers.

What do you all think Jeff YA or Jeff NAY?

Big Brother 14 has been confirmed and the BB Application form and rules have been released. Big Brother 14 Casting Calls should be known in March.

57 thoughts to “Big Brother Spoilers – Jeff Schroeder 2011 Worst Reality Star?”

    1. Agreed, never did like him! If he has to be edited to look half way decent, what does that tell you? You don’t need to see much footage of someone- on their good day OR bad day- to know what they’re about when they make homophobic, ugly comments. They may still seem like a ‘nice’ person in passing. From what I’ve seen he’s rude, arrogant, obnoxious and very condescending. Don’t see anything to like, imo.

      1. It doesn’t take PH D student have come to this conclusion. I was a D-bag Jeff fan on his first season of BB but totally lost interest in him this season. You can not blame the edits on making him look good or look bad. After his first seson all the cazy cat people in American believed if d-bag Jeff wanted to cure cancer he could (because of the edits) still most of the crazy cat people believe he can do no wrong. Some people have seen a different side of d-bag Jeff this season (because of the edits). You fell in love with him because of the edits and came to you senses because of the edits. No need to blame edititors because we can only judge what we can see. Also we saw plently of d-bag jeff being a d-bag on bb after dark uneditited!!!

        Time for me to go and study and find a Christmas tree, hopefully Rchel won’t be crying behind it.

        1. Happy new year:
          Not a PHD student says:
          December 23, 2011 at 6:08 pm
          It does take PH D student have come to this conclusion. I was a D-bag Dani fan on her first season of BB but totally lost interest in her this season. You can not blame the edits on making her look good or look bad. After her first seson all the crazy dog people in American believed if d-bag Dani wanted to cure cancer she could (because of the edits) still most of the crazy cat people believe he can do no wrong. Some people have seen a different side of d-bag Dani this season (because of the edits). You fell in love with him because of the edits and came to you senses because of the edits. No need to blame edititors because we can only judge what we can see. Also we saw plently of d-bag Dani being a d-bag on bb after dark uneditited!!!

          Time for me to go and study and find a Christmas tree, hopefully Kaila won’t be crying behind it.

          Yes, I heard you!!

          1. Ahhh…Captain…I hate to be the one to tell you this but you do realize that people can just review the original post, which is above your response and know that you are fabricating things, right? Plus you never write clear and articulate sentences, something these edits have, which also gives it away.

            1. Sorry apologize!! Here is the correction:
              Captainwedgiearchnemesis says:
              January 4, 2012 at 12:47 pm
              Happy new year:
              Not a PHD student says:
              December 23, 2011 at 6:08 pm
              It does take PH D student have come to this conclusion. I was a D-bag Dani fan on her first season of BB but totally lost interest in her this season. You can not blame the edits on making her look good or look bad. After her first seson all the crazy dog people in American believed if d-bag Dani wanted to cure cancer she could (because of the edits) still most of the crazy cat people believe she can do no wrong. Some people have seen a different side of d-bag Dani this season (because of the edits). You fell in love with her because of the edits and came to you senses because of the edits. No need to blame edititors because we can only judge what we can see. Also we saw plently of d-bag Dani being a d-bag on bb after dark uneditited!!!

              Time for me to go and study and find a Christmas tree, hopefully Kaila won’t be crying behind it.

              Yes, I heard you!!

              Sorry BBKing!!

  1. Do not judge someone by their worst day, that’s all I can say. People who voted Jeff as the worst player do not see the entire picture. They don’t know him personally, and they don’t take into consideration that on BB 11 Jeff and Jordan told Kevin that if they ever have kids and their child turns out to be gay they would still love that child.

    The house gets to people due to immense stress and duress. It’s not like the BB house is a wonderful utopia located between Mr. Roger’s house and Sesame Street. To further prove this point here is a list the controversy the houseguests have generated:

    Proving that when human beings are in a fighting mode in a darwinistic enviornment where only the fittest survive, they don’t always act rationally.

  2. I will say this though, I don’t believe Ragan ever won this title (but I could be wrong) so there is a bit of a hypocrisy going on if I am right. Ragan wanted to inject children with HIV infected needles and was joking with Matt about luring children in a cave and then raping them. I believe it was political correctness because giving Ragan this title might seem as homophobic.

    Or maybe the title didn’t exist yet.

    Some people also have worn negative titles with pride and made profit out of that identity. For instance, Evel Dick was voted “Favorite Villain” in the Golden Realitini awards and he has cashed in on taking that personality and role. Other examples would be Simon Cowell and Gordon Ramsey.

    I don’t see Jeff being able to cash in on taking on a negative personality and playing a villain, too many people see him as a hero, and a protector of the nicest human being on the planet i.e., Jordan. So he needs to redeem himself. I think that’s why he is investing his time on human rights.

  3. Eh, who cares. I don’t know the guy, so it’s not fair for me to judge him. Always remember just because it says, “reality” that doesn’t make it real.

      1. From everything I saw of Jeff on BB live feeds, I must say I never really cared for him. He treated Jordon very poorly, and was never even the slightest bit lovey-dovey with her. He hated all the women in the house, and only treated Rachel slightly decent for 2 reasons : #1 -He needed her to win comps for him and Jordon, and he knew Rachel was a strong competitor. #2- He knew he had to stay in good with Brendon, and if he mistreated Rachel , he knew that she would tell him……AND yet, he STILL treated Rachel pretty badly, all things considered…BUT, he treated the other women in the house MUCH, MUCH, worse……IT was a REAL surprise to me win Jeff won the $25,000 for the second time. I remember thinking to myself ‘Is America Blind?’…..Brendon was ALWAYS more loving and considerate to Rachel than Jeff ever was with Jordon. I distinctly remember after Brendon was evicted, Jeff told Rachel right in front of Jordon : “Don’t expect me to treat you like Brendon always does, because I don’t even treat Jordon that way”…….and Jordon just giggled and said : “It’s true Rachel, he doesn’t, tee, he, he, he.”

        1. Frank, if it was America’s nicest houseguest, Jordan would win. Jeff was a strong competitor but didn’t win and that’s who they usually give it to.
          He helped Jordan to advance by becoming a bigger target. Jordan wouldn’t be with Jeff if he treated her badly and it seems the only reason
          Brendon treats Rachel better is because if he didn’t Rachel would have some kind of breakdown.

  4. Most hated reality person in 2011? That title by far should go to that guy from the bachlorette, the big loser that had a girl friend and kid and then came back later in the season just to tell her he didn’t like her… biggest reality loser in 2011 by a long shot. Jeff is just a midwesterner that maybe needs to learn how to treat a woman. But i , for one, like jeff. I’d like to see him on other reality tv shows. Jeff Rocks.

  5. I totally disagree that he is the most hated reality show star. I mean come on, look at Russell or Coach or Jonny Fairplay all from Survivor. Look at Evel Dick (I like him but most don’t) and his daughter Danielle. There are sooooo many reality stars who are far more ‘hated’ than Jeff. Personally I like Jeff. If he was most hated I highly doubt he would have won fan favorite not once but twice.

    1. I forgot to add The entire cast of Jersey Shore, Glam Factory, Jerseylicious, and all of the Real Housewives shows. Take your pick of anyone on any of those shows….but especially Mike ‘the Situation’ from Jersey Shore.

  6. Everybody has a bad day and it doesn’t make me one iota less of a Jeff and Jordan fan. People can take being politically correct to such a level that we can’t be honest anymore. No I am not condoning hate behavior.
    ALL in all I am still a huge fan and will watch anything he or Jordan are involved with.

  7. Jeff isn’t my favorite not even close, but I still like him more than co-depressant Brenchel. They whine and cry when they lose then bully people when they win.
    Jeff really didn’t win anything so I can’t judge him on that and the “gay” remark just means he isn’t very smart. The other two really demonstrate poor sportsmanship and how self centered they are.

  8. This is so wrong, of all the things that took place on reality TV, this is the one they pick as the worse?? This man just got done traveling through Africa helping there, one comment does not make a person, it is what they do on a daily bases that shows the true person they are. Yahoo was way off base on this one sad to say!!

  9. Come on now! You guys think that you don’t like Jeff. Get serious, i don’t care what everyone thinks. All of you guys don’t like Jeff and you think that he is a worst player. You dam wrong, you all are bunch of idiots. Seriously, is bunch a bull crap and i’m sure most of you have many reason you all hate jeff. That’s stupid, Jeff is a best player and he has entitled his opinion. That’s Jeff! How you feel if Daniele Donato is a worst player by Exactly.

  10. Hey Everyone: Keep voting for Boston Rob for Worst player ever. Make sure Jeff is not a worst player ever.

    1. Comparing Jeff to Boston Rob isn’t fair, first Boston rob was a physical threat, Jeff never won anything until all the strong competitors were eliminated in both
      seasons. Jeff’ played his second season worst than his first where Boston got better each time.
      Boston Rob never talked down to Amber like Jeff did to Jordan, Boston Rob didn’t have to threaten people, he just kept winning himself.

      1. Squabble, first of all! Jeff got two America Favorite Houseguest and how did boston rob win & favorite? It was Handed and no one compete against him. So, he got lucky.

        1. He didn’t need America’s pity vote, Jeff would have to win America’s favorite house guest 40 times to make it an even million. Most people are there to win the grand prize not the lesser dollar amounts.
          I have no idea what you mean it was handed to him, he won the most competitions by far and removed threats only when he had overwhelming numbers, he picked who he sat next to in the finals and didn’t have to talk down to women to do it.
          He did everything that you need to win, Jeff just tells people what a great competitor he is and how much he deserves to win then stabs another member of his alliance in their back.
          Winning the game is the goal and that’s one goal that Jeff will never accomplish.

          1. I just did a poll to find out who was the worst poster on this BB Spoiler boards. Now I really would rather not name names on who it was, but lets just say this person claims to have gone to school with d-bag Jeff, thinks everyone else’s opinion is wrong if it is not the same as his and really gets upset with other people that he doesn’t even know when they exercise their own freedom of speech.

            The poll has a 100% accruacy rating. Hat’s off to the winner that lives in the Chicago area with a life size cut out of d-bag Jeff on his room door in his parents basement

              Not a PHD student says:
              January 2, 2012 at 6:58 am
              I just did a poll to find out who was the worst poster on this BB Spoiler boards. Now I really would rather not name names on who it was, but lets just say this person claims to have gone to school with d-bag Dani, thinks everyone else’s opinion is wrong if it is not the same as her and really gets upset with other people thats she doesn’t even know when they exercise their own freedom of speech.

              The poll has a 100% accruacy rating. Hat’s off to the winner that lives in the Los Angeles area with a life size cut out of d-bag Dani on his room door in her dad place.
              Wow I totally agreed with you!!

              1. Always original aren’t you? Maybe you should wait until you have an original thought then post it, Oh sorry that’s beyond your capabilities.

              2. Captain, your obsession with Jeff is obvious to all that post on here. Just confess your undying love for the man and be done with it. Maybe if you tweet him nicely, he will mail you a pair of his used underwear and you can sniff them all you desire.

                1. Name talks pretty nasty for a girl, doesn’t she? She talks to Captain like a dog. She’s pushed herself on to MY radar. She does not realize what a horrifying error for her that IS. She doesn’t understand the ‘dangerous waters’ she’s swimming in. She may find out though. Then, she’ll be sorry, but there will be no turning back!

                2. I agree with you Name:
                  Name says:
                  January 25, 2012 at 11:05 pm
                  NOT A PHD STUDENT, your obsession with Daniele is obvious to all that post on here. Just confess your undying love for the woman and be done with it. Maybe if you tweet her nicely, she will mail you a pair of her used lingerie and you can sniff them all you desire.
                  Dude….. You like Daniele! That’s Sick! No wonder you like underage women. That’s messed up. Find someone in your own age.

              3. I finally found the time to go back and watch season 6. That was an awesome season, and I hope that BB14 can come even close to that level. Howie, Kaysar, James and Janelle were very entertaining. Does anyone know if the Nerd Herd is still the most hated alliance in BB history. I know they were at the time. 7 years later and people are still hating on them on YouTube. Jedi Howie and Jedi Janie light saber duels were a riot. I am now watching BB All Stars. So far so good, but I haven’t made it very far into that season yet. But I plan on watching it all the way through. I think I am going to have to go back and watch seasons 2-5 eventually as well. I don’t think that I could ever sit through season 1, from everything that I have read, it sounds like it would be like watching paint dry.

  11. Hey just wanted to wish everyone, well almost everyone a Happy New Year !!!!
    Since this is 2012 it could be the last BB and I hope BB goes back to basics, strips it down and starts it over again.

    1. Really squabble! BB14: BACK TO BASICS is not a good idea. Beside, we need is a twist. If we go back to basic. That would be sucks. CBS Production did a great job. Let’s have 2012 with more ratings with a twist. Don’t make me re-edited your BB RIGGED again.

        1. Name I agreed with you on this one:
          Name says:
          January 3, 2012 at 4:09 pm
          would you suck Daniele Vagina?
          That’s really low!

      1. Re-editing? What a joke. Nobody takes anything you say seriously, especially since you have no original thoughts.

  12. Jeff was actually on TV before on a show Called the Surreal Life, Season 5 episode 6, was surprised to see him! When are they going to actually place big brother fans into the show instead of wannabe actors.

  13. BB14 should be an all new cast with no returning HG’s. They can still have plenty of twists without returning HG’s. Season 6 was easily the most entertaining season that I have seen, with season 8 taking a close second. Of course, I wouldn’t complain if Howie and ED were brought back. If they do go with another All Stars, I hope that they include all seasons for All Stars, not just 8-13.

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