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10:19pm JR, Adam Jordan is telling Adam that they control who wins the game. She counts them out Jeff, Brendon, Rachel and Jordan they control who wins Big Brother 13. Jordan says it Doesn’t matter what everyone else thinks JJBR control who wins Big BRother 13″ . She reminds him it doesn’t matter who else goes into the Jury house because if JR go home they have the numbers.
Adam: “So let the best man win” Jordan we’ll see what happens Adam: “oh ya ya vote on game play.. still a lot of game to be played.. still a lot of game” Kalia joins them asks if they want some of the candy on the counter. Jordan snaps “No”
10:31pm Kitchen JRKA Everyone quiet expect for Adam and Kalia. Kalia is humming away.. Rachel asks them if they want to play cards Jordan snaps at her tells her that she doesn’t like cards she’s already told Rachel that. Kalia wants to play cards.. Her and rachel start to play..
10:46pm Kalia and Rachel playing Cards.. Adam preparing food. Jordan at the counter sad.
11:15pm PS Bathroom Shelly is pointing out how adam is sucking all their asses. Shelly: “We tried all week to get him to change his vote and he never did”. Porsche understands what ADam is doing sometimes you have to do things to survive.
Porsche says they JR are going around telling everyone they get to pick the winner of big brother 13. Shelly: “really.. we’ll that’s fine.. they can do that whatever.. It’s only fun for them when they are winning..” Shelly brings up that Jordan and rachel are saying they want to go in the next 2 weeks. Porsche: “Good.. rachel this week Jordan next week”
11:50pm Bedroom JR
rachel: “There coming after me you know that”
Jordan says nooo.. She hopes she the one out this week.
Rachel; “BLANK I wish I’ve just gone today”
Jordan: “I bet Jeff and Brendon are really upset… I can’t win anything to save my life”.. Both of them are feeling defeated. Jordan says she’s not even going to go upstairs to talk to Porsche.. she just doesn’t care. Rachel brings up what would they do if it’s Porsche and Kalia in the final 2. Jordan groans. Rachel: “How about Porsche Shelly… or Shelly/Kalia”
Jordan says if she can take a trip or Veto she’s going to take the 10G’s she doesn’t care there’s no point. Rachel agrees says Brendon did the same thing last year.. he took the veto and still went home.
Jordan really feels sorry for Jeff.. He really wanted to come back in here and give it a try. Jordan didn’t want to but Jeff was gung ho about it so she joined. Rachel: “We should of never done this.. you can’t be a competitor you have to be a floater”
(It’s really pathetic listening to these 2 it’s almost as bad as listening to Adam kiss ass in the kitchen right now)
12:01AM Kirchen SPK Shelly is telling them how pissed she is because just a bit ago Adam was all “Geeked UP about JJR”. Kalia: “Honestly.. that’s something we’ve been dealing with for a long time” (Shelly has been responsible for a lot of it)
Porsche gets called into the DR..
Shelly says she voted to keep dani.. Shelly explains that after the blow up this morning with JJR she had to vote for her.. “I knew it was going to be 3 to 2”.
Adam joins them.. Kalia is saying that dani was saying all along they had to break up the couples there was no way to win. Shelly: “I’ve been saying that for a long time” ( Shelly turns her back on Adam.. Adam just keeps his mouth shut)
12:17am Porsche gets her HOH room
12:30AM JR Jordan breaking down
She’s mad at Shelly because she really trusted Shelly, she thought Shelly was a sweet old lady. Jordan goes on about how she gave Shelly that vote call. Rachel says everyone in this house is like that but them they have to know they are all that is left. Jordan continues that Jeff worked so hard and built this alliance that they thought was strong so they could make it to the final 5 and duke it out..
(Jeff wanted an alliance of people who sucked at comps so they could plow through them int he finals.. it usually doesn’t work out that way)
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hell yeah!
Jordan is such a sore loser. I love it!
Uh Im pretty sure she isn’t sad about losing anything but jeff. I mean if you liked someone that much and they left, you’d be sad too, I mean unless you don’t have a heart or something.
She’s been a sore loser all season. Go back and watch any comp that BRJJ didn’t win (or find the recaps on this site), she mopes about it for hours and then complains about everyone else not doing shit.
I think Jeff would cut her loose if it came between choosing Jordan and 500K
I’m wondering if Jeff will have one of producers from the show will ask Jeff to return Adams balls???
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! That is the best comment I have read in awhile too funny!!
LOL!!! Best comment!! And Jordan IS a SORE LOSER!!! LMAO, I just love watching her and Rachel upset, dumb and dumber!!
She maybe sore t people, but they will take her to the end
you guys are delusional…everyone in that house is a sore loser…they all go sulk and complain when they don’t win and cry or whine about it in the diary room…i haven’t seen anyone say “well i lost, oh well i’m fine with that!”…and when your alliance is dwindling you’re gonna take it a bit harder!
Then you didn’t watch Dom play. Dom was took losing really well. His last night in the house he was as playful as ever, trying to make Dani smile and in the purple room with the vets joking and and tossing around a ball. His speech might have been sour but he’s said he was just trying to light a fire under the newbies and the fact that Rachel kept mentioning his speech as recent as last night shows that it may have worked.
Plus Shelly is such a liar who either has Alzheimer’s and can’t remember she’s lied or is the stupidest person on the show.. She even lies about lying… And that face….looks like the Joker. Those lips are something else !!!
Andrew, seriously? You people seemed to have no ounce of sympathy when it came to Rachel. You all are vile, I’m sorry, but it sickens me to see the hypocrisy.
Agreed. The biased idiocy and hypocrisy in some of the people commenting here is pathetic.
ahem, it is Rachel that is vile. C-A-N-N-O-T stand her. Her and Brendon are so repugnant.
Jordan and Rachel are just vile cry-babies who are happy when they are stabbing people in the back and making false deals – but when it gets turned on them (and not through backstabbing but pure good gameplay), they show their true colors.
I can’t wait til the two wicked BLANK of the west are voted out. Adam’s gotta go next cause brainless scarecrow is just a waste of space in the house.
Porcha, Kalia, Shelly – it took them awhile to wake up and smell the coffee, but that happens in real life. When you have martyrs like Dom and Dani, it emboldens your team when you lose them. Thank god they woke up.
Um, no one forced her to come back to this game and don’t forget, she’s won $500,000 already and Jeff just won another $10,000. So I wouldn’t feel so sorry for self-righteous Jeff and his sidekick (who doesn’t do anything except whine and stuff her face)!
Big Jeff also won $5000
Jeff has won a total of $15k. He first one $10k in one comp and then won another $5k in a second comp.
Stuffing face? That would be Kalia and Porsche.
Agreed!!! Thats all porsche does is eat. I cant stand her, kalia, and shelly!!!!
Jordan is just upset because she knows if she does not win Jeff will not marry her. She is a stupid floater. LMAO
wow venom sure looks like the train to be on people porshe and jalia seny home jeff ok next will be tachels turn to win bye bye one on your pks show im willing to wait rather p win than k or s or A but stoll time for jordon to snap out f it an r to win the hoh posisibly veto and then bye bye kalia or shelly or porshe nopefully kalia and hey wasnt that question jordon almost won? or is that being to honest for you all hut lovers trunk show/ give jordon a chance to carch their breath she will fight.
Don’t give Jeff that much credit. He is not on roids. If he is on roids he has no clue how to lift weights. He is soft.
the funny thing about jj talking about floaters and how they finally woke up late in the game to play is that his whole alliance are floaters. i don’t consider people throwing a comp so someone else could win as a win (like the first hoh and adom winning the veto). rachel really only won 1 comp, jordan won 1 (and the game was really a game of chance with one shot never liked those comps b/c they don’t test skills), adam won nothing and same with shelly. kalia won a comp before jeff did. porsche always came in the top 4 and dani winning a good amount of comps (given the amount of games she was allowed to play vs everyone else). the good thing about dani alliance was when she won hoh she had kalia to win questions and porches to win physical challenges. jeff has no one to pick up the slack after his hoh.
You r so right! Jordon is such a sore loser. Go pajama jam. Ty for all your hard work and updates Simon. I am exited about this game nothing better could have happened. Oh note to Jordon: famine in Africa, you won half a million dollars. Stop crying.
True but, what I’m watching right now on BBAD is hilarious. J in tears and R mouths pathetic emotionless words of consolation to her, all the while STUFFING HER (Rachel’s) FACE WITH FOOD. I actually feel sorry for Jordon (she’s really upset) but, Rachel is lousy at really putting someone else ahead of her and, showing genuine sympathy for Jordon. Stuff your face some more Rachel, you cold bitch.
Why do you feel sorry for Jordan? She had that ‘let them eat cake’ mentality when ever someone else was losing. She had no compunctiion when D/K/P were all on slop and became Have Nots when Jeff decreed it so. She’s typical of entitled people. When life smacks them with a dose of reality or they don’t get their way,they fall to pieces.
She came into the house thinking that it was going to be Club Med vacation and that at the end she’d walk away with another $500K check and even more adoring fans. What she got was a rightfully deserved kick in the pants and she’s behaving like someone stole her last dollar and Jeff was sent off to fight in Afghanistan.
While it was charitable for her to give Shelly the phone call from home, Shelly was in no way obligated to return the favor. Favors shouldn’t be handed out with an expectation of reciprocity,otherwise it’s not genuine. So, I say Jordan got exactly what her very own game play has produced-BIG FAT GOOSE EGGS.
don’t forget Dani kept Jeff “safe” twice and had a deal. JJ sure held up their end of the bargain. This is the first season I have ever watched and I for the life of me can not understand how Jordan ever won a season. she is pathetic in comps, whines. She didn’t even know to jump up and down in celebration when Brendon “won” America’s vote and the 6 of them were celebrating, til she saw everyone else.
Give me a season with all newbies, maybe I won’t be so cynical. I think Dani, Jeff, and Shelly have played the best game out of all the players
I don’t believe she is a sore loser. Jordan was betrayed badly by Shelly and is deeply hurt !
Oh please, boo hoo for poor Jordan!! This is what BB’s about, maybe if she had lifted a finger to win something, things would be different for her! I have NO sympathy for her, I hope she leaves this week. As annoying as Rachel is, at least she can win.
that may be what it is about but Shelly is more evil than dick or rachel ever were or could be. Yes it is a GAME, but when you walk in the house as a mother, and carry that role then act like one. Sure the game is to do what you can to win, but this woman went around the house the whole season talking about morality and character, and how she teaches this to her daughter, and how she won’t do anything on tv to embarrass or go against the things she teaches her daughter. NOW that’s the worst kind of hypocrite, and her daughter has to watch this and go to school with this. She is not about morality and teaching her daughter anything. She never should have said that. If she was going to play that kind of game she should have left her daughter and the morality she wants to teach her out of it. And for anyone that don’t agree then go back to last weeks episode and listen to the words that came from HER daughters mouth about lying and treating people that way. I don’t care how any of them play the game but to play the motherly morality card like Shelly did is dispicable. And I don’t care who you are or whether it’s real or a game no one wants to put trust in someone and be betrayed. It went beyond game play it was ultimate betrayel what Shelly did. She played with peoples heart and emotions, it wasn’t just a game with Shelly. For someone that talks about having money sure will do anything for more. She didn’t betray and lie to anyone else in the house like she did Jeff and Jordan. Yes she lied to everyone, but it never got to an emotional level, and once Shelly realized that even once Danielle was on the block she never should have continued to be with JJ in that way, she should have cut her losses and choose a side. Another thing she does is lie on people. Really lie if that’s your thing but to lie on people and then laugh in their face is not game play it is sick. KARMA that’s all i;m going to say it may not be in this game but she will get it back I just hope it doesn’t fall on her daughter or husband two people she care about.
You said perfectly, what a lot of other people are thinking! Good on you! Thanks for putting in to words what t a lot of us feel.
she came in second what a doosh yes she upset and feels betrayed she wiLL fight back give her a day you ass holes. shelly drop dead ! your not poor or hurting just greedy i cant win aAGAINST THEM HA YOU CANT WIN AGAINST ANYONE BITCH ka;ia porshe you have right to be proud but not shelly she just turn coat and ran to other side dead to ne bitxh anyone else play haed go far im enjoying the show but shelly is shit not a player just a vote
Its funny how when Shelly was on JJ’s side, then all their fans didn’t have a problem with her lying.
Actually, I’ve had a problem with Shelly’s lying since day one. Since she said she was going to play with integrity and do nothing that would embarrass her in front of her daughter. And then started lying to everyone about everything. I’m so hoping this new twist puts her out next week. Fingers and toes crossed here, baby.
You are so right,Jordan is upset about Shelly.Jeff never acted like Porsche or Kalia after winning HOH or POV. They just go around patting themselves on the back.Then Shelly loves and get so excited about the others winning now.Shelly is riding the coat tails of everyone.Shelly was the one going around and telling everyone how she hated people that weren’t trust worthy,and that she was a very trust worthy person. I don’t like Rachel at all,but i see why they keep her. The only havenots that complained at all was Dani,Porsche and Kalia.The other people just excepted what happened. I realize you have to do certain things in playing the game,but Shelly you make me feel ill and sad for your daughter.I really think the only person left that is trying to play this game and not be an a&& is Adam and also Jordan. Again,Jordan is upset that Jeff is out,but mostly upset over Shelly lying to her about everythin.
I agree with you Jordan feels bad about being stabbed in the back by a person that she trusted, now since the game is rigged this is what I hope happens. Rach. & Jordan go up, Adam wins the veto he takes Rach. off and Porch has to put up Kalia or Shelly. And Shelly gets voted out because she is a snake. This game is rigged so it could happen.
First the game was rigged for Brenden….where is he? then it was rigged for Dani….where is she…then it was rigged for Jeff….where is he? I mean come on…..I did say production might “nudge” the players but it certianlly not rigged. Everyone slamming Smelly is rediculus, the woman made a game play…a huge one. She did what was good for her. Adam stayed with J/J, you know where that is going to get him?….sitting next to Dani and Jeff thats where.Smelly is a successful woman in corporate America. She is no dummy. Dont worry about what she needs to say or do with her daughter. I am sure the father is explaining what is going on with her mother in this game.
The young lady seemed to be very intellegent and well brought up to me. She must be doing something right.How many of you that are slamming her are perfect parents? How many of your kids are over weight…eating McDonalds everyday? Dont worry about her parenting skills. They are PLAYING a game. A game that brings out the worse in people. WHy do you think we all watch? We want to see the train wrecks and the aftermath of such game play. To take all this stuff so serious is crazy.
To be honest you could say negative things about almost eveyone in the house. Even Jordan, she keeps bringing up the fact that she gave Smelly the phone call. Your not supposed to give someone a gift then hold it against them at your convience. It was a trade for a vote…not a gift. Smelly took advantage of it. This isnt a game of being nice. If you want to play nice BB isnt for the faint of heart. You need to wear your big girl panties. So now instead of sucking it up and going after them. They sit and boo hooo. Woooooos me. Give it a rest. She soooo sad. Leave then. No one is keeping you there.
Every single one of these HG’s had a way of plying their game….if its not how you would have played it, so what. These people are still in the house. The ones that screwed up are the ones sitting in the jury house. I loved Dani’s game play, they all made mistakes. Truth is if she was such a great player she would still be there. Dr Will didnt win one comp. Is he a Floater? He smoked the house. Evel Dick is the king of the social game. Sooner or later we will have to choose who we think will win. Will it be one of the SUPER VETS? probably not.Everyone compares BB to Survivor…well in that game you have to out play and most importantly….out last. Who ever is in the final 2 are the 2 best players this season. Weather you like how they got there or not. They are sitting there and you are sitting in your living room.
agreed anonymous…i would like to see everyone in this fan forum chat go in that house and lose graciously or take a betrayal in a gracious manner…they talk the talk but i bet they can’t walk the walk!!
Jordan had the game of a rock. She contributed nothing to her alliance. Not even a social game. Jeff hung out with Adam and he got Adam’s vote. Jordan kept to herself and did nothing. Absolutely NOTHING!!! Now she feels betrayed? That’s too funny.
Self evict Jordan! You’ve already quit. You don’t deserve to be in that house, you’re not a real player.
Agreed! Shelly has been such a snake going back and forth based on who ever is stronger that week. I believe someone else tried that one season and they got evicted! So Shelly should count herself lucky she made it this far! But part of the game has always been dirty deals and back stabbing!
Just finished watching BBAD Jordan was truly hurt by shelly I hope Jordan wins POV and porshe the porker pits shelly up for eviction
Just finished watching BBAD Jordan was truly hurt by shelly I hope Jordan wins POV and porsche the porker puts shelly up for eviction
Jordan looks like a monkey, she’s as dumb as one too.
You are SO RIGHT!!
I believe Jordan is upset about Jeff leaving but I believe most of her sadness comes from being deceived by Shelly. Shelly has really made Jordan face true cruelty. Something she is not use to dealing with because Jordan is a legitimately nice person and it is so difficult to think there is someone who is that big of a dirt bag.
Jordan is upset because Shelly stabbed JJ in the back before they could stab her in the back, which is what they were planning to do all along…
What a ‘nice’ lady she is.
Jeff is an egotistical, dictatorial scumbag and it was GREAT watching him squirm.
Best BB night this season!!
Next to go will be Jordan and then Rachel.
Shelly is the worst kind of lying snake she brought her family in to the game and used them as far as I am concerned
Agreed. Jordan is just shocked that they got stabbed in the back before their plan to stab others happened! And Shelly did not stab Jordan in the back, she voted out Jeff. She did not (yet) vote to evict Jordan. They are not ‘one’ person. They cannot be a team when it suits them, then individual when it suits them (each have a vote).
@JEJO – That’s it in a nutshell.. Jordon feels played and betrayed. It’s a natural feeling. To use Jeff’s own phrase from his season, ” they got got”.
As for others, it’s FINE to prance and dance and be happy when you win. Ever see a Super Bowl celebration? And it’s fine to cry and pout and be down when you lose. But then ya gotta get back in the game. And it is a game…nothing wrong with anyone doing what they think is best for their game as long as they are following the rules. That’s what makes it Big Brother and not football or Pinocle.
Jordan now thinks she could bully the jury house that sweet tea is given her power her superhero name jordumb
give me a break. there is no way you would be saying this if the ‘other side’ were doing it. Did you complain when Dani was telling (bullying by your standards) that if he didn’t vote her to stay her dad wouldn’t like him (and other laughable things). The anti-J/J vibe around here is so annoying.The bias is even in the posts! Calling Rachel and Jordon pathetic for crying and whining. HElloo…Dani cried all week too…and then there was the whole “my daddy is going to hate you” nonsense. I don’t remember anyone calling her pathetic – here, anyways.
jordan is not a loser shelly made the game personal not jordan
Jordan won her money…Big Jeffy didnt win again…or Brendon again….or Danny again but they all claim to know how to play the game yeah right who’s sitting in the jury house again lol…lets see Rachel wants to be brenchell again and Jordan wants to be jefjor all of them need to sign up for survior and see how the real reality game is played since jeff and jordan couldnt win amazing race either…so move into the jury house all of you have a field day when you have to chose someone to get the money…just hope its not metal head Adam what a goon…what a loser…Go Team Kalia….
The only one that actually won the big money in this crew was Jordan wasn’t it ? Jeff won 15this year Rachel won 5 in her season threst didn’t win did they I don’t actually remember but I am going to look into it LOL
lol you’re as much of a sore loser as Jordan. JJ suck – they are Americas dimwit couple
I must say…
I LOVE it too…
Funny how Jordan seems to blame EVERYTHING on Dani…
what a sore loser…just proves a point that she was there ‘hanging out’…
Last nights episode was hysterically funny…
Jeff was PISSED like ‘how dare’ they vote him out…
bye bye Jeff…
Adam must have cried himself to sleep…like Jordan.
This season sucks! I have watched every year, and I think now it’s gonna get boring. Truthfully, I don’t think any of the players left deserve to win. Like Jeff said ” they just now woke up and decided to play?” Kalia and Adam are the worst, Kalia things she’s a big shot player and Adam don’t do NOTHIN!
Ok. Do people realize that laying-low and letting others take out strong competitors is a strategy? By your logic, you should be mad at Jeff for getting rid of Danielle and not Kalia, or taking Porsche off but not nominating Shelly or Jordan.
This I agree with.. The point is not to win competitions.. When you show strength, you’re targeted. Look at Jordan last season.. She didn’t win the vast majority of the time.. She won the whole thing because she wasn’t a threat to anyone… Adam is similar in style… By not winning (on purpose or not) he comes across as non-threatening and non-targeted. The best case scenerio for Adam works like this:
Rachel gets evicted
Jordan gets evicted
Adam wins either HoH or Veto and makes it to the final three.
Personally, if I was Porche, I’d do two things:
1) Not talk, but enjoy how incredibly hot I was..
2) Get rid of Adam..
By getting rid of Adam, she stays neutral concerning JJBR. Let Kalia and SheHe take care of those two and win the final HoH (or make deals with the other two) to make it to the final two. If she votes J/R out, she’s going to have issues in the final two.
Jordan is actually playing smart.
Jordan and Rachel needs to use the fact that they control the jury votes to leverage the other 4 house guest. They can individually threaten certain house guests that they will NEVER win if they don’t support them. If they get sent to the jury, have total control of the votes, but if they support them secretly, they will definitely get the $500,000 if they make it to the final 2.
YOU LEVERAGE YOUR POWER. I say go after Porsche or Adam to flip or guarantee them they will never win $500,000. You can go to the final 4 with us or you will lose.
I agee. I would do the same thing. And if that didn’t work I would put a bounty on Shellys’ head. I would tell them that the one responisible for getting shelly evicted and is in the final 2 I will gurantee you 4 votes. Jordan isn’t upset about the game, she is upset because she feels serious betrayal. Yes, its a game but she was thinking of Shelly as a friend. She feels betrayed.. and anyone who ever felt that way, knows what it looks and feels like. If the others are smart they will get shelly out because if she is in the final two, she will probably win. The vets will calm down and vote for who they thought played the best and after looking at the tapes they will get evey week, the will probably think it’s shelly. Dani told Porshe and Kalia not to trust shelly, and they are already fooled. sHElly can always flip again.
Now that is the best strategy advice I’ve seen so far. Put a bounty on the wizened faced, ghetto talking wannabe, Shehe (love that nick). I mean seriously, what is with the “peace out”, double finger kissing, and constant “dude”? Does she have any idea how ridiculous that sounds at her age? Of course Adam is just as ridiculous with his speech and antics but at least he is under 40 (I think). And if Shehe is under 40 she better stop with the fake radiation tans before she shrivels her face up more to look like a shrunken apple head. Personally I am sick of seeing her facial expressions and exposed flabby mommy tummy. She is just plain gross on the outside and rotten on the inside. I know the game is to play to win but running into the arms of Kalia the Hut and Porky after the first HoH was just plain disgusting. And her continual ripping into Rachel about being dishonest? Come on Shehe!!! How proud are you going to be after this season that your daughter saw the way you lied and stabbed the backs of your alliance and threw your supposed friends under the bus? Seriously!
I don’t think that Rachel and Jordan can make it through, mostly due to Jordan’s inability to win anything and Rachel’s inability to use her brain and not her emotions. They have to start playing for jury votes and the obvious choice would be Kalia and Porsche and Adam. I can only assume that Porsche will put up JR as NOMs unless she decides Adam would be a better choice than J. JR have to convince Adam to use the veto on them forcing Porky to put up Kalia the Hut or Shehe. I think she would put up Shehe at that point but doubtful the votes would be any better than 3-1 for Rachel to go home (or Jordan whichever is left).
As for the whining about floaters, get over it sore losers. Floaters are a fact and a reasonable strategy. I honestly could care less at this point who wins the money though I would hate to see Shehe get it as I have come to despise her.
Jordan and Rachel need to win competitions and stop feeling sorry for themselves while they contribute nothing to their alliance and blame everyone else for their failures both in the competitions and their social game. Threatening with jury votes is an act of desperation that won’t work.
Thank you! That’s what I’ve been saying all along. If you win all the comps right away and blatantly voice who you love and hate, you will be an obvious target! I’m not saying it’s the best strategy, but it is one. They’re obviously doing something right because they’re still there and some of the people “who actually have sacks” (to quote Jeff) are in the jury house. Oops!
And the whole Jordan thing. I can understand her being upset about Jeff leaving and Shelly turning on them, but that’s Big Brother!!!! It’s part of the game!!!! If she and her alliance are so smart and they’ve been there before, then they should know that. Be sad and move on. Jordan needs to stop talking about how everyone else is a floater, when by her definition, she is a floater too. Sure Shelly’s been snaky, but again, it’s part of the BB game. I don’t think it makes her a bad person. She wants the money. That’s what the game is for. Do what you have to do and stop taking everything so personal and whining when you don’t get your way. And that goes for everybody, but especially the vets.
Are you kidding? The last four weeks have beaten the first four weeks by miles in entertainment value.
Exactly! And compared to last year when all BBAD was a Hayden, Enzo, Other dude forgot his name and Brittany pool festival every night. I fell asleep 10 minutes into it..
sorry, don’t agree.
i was Team Dani, now Team Porsche… but as much as I don’t necessarily love Shelly, she has a pretty good claim.
maybe she hasn’t won a comp yet, but she’s made big game moves. She was behind getting Kalia to nominate and evict Lawon. She tried desperately to get either Adam or Rachel to flip and keep Dani. And she helped send Jeff to jury. love her or hate her, she’s been playing this game.
but still… Team Porsche Yo!
I agree!!
So, Shelly big move was to get LAWON out of the game and lose 5 jury votes (JJDRA) for jumping on Dani’s sinking ship. No, she’s not winning anything, except maybe America’s most wanted for stealing Rachel things. Porch might win, but sad that she also stole things (not part of the game) and made Jordan sick by messing with the foods. Janelle is so proud.
I agree with you 100%!!!
im so pissed at the DKPS team that it makes me should be able to float.I think the way the two nominees are picked should be that the comps have scores and the two ppl at the bottom get nominated and then the house votes. at least then everyone would try..and floaters are gonnEE!
*shouldn’t be able to float
In an ideal game, I’d agree with you honestly. The problem is that no one in the house is following that mind set, no matter how much they say they hate floaters, they’re not going after people because they’re floaters. They are all voting out their biggest threat or getting revenge. Brenden and Jeff were big players, so they were voted out because their threats. Even Jeff, who hates that “everyone sleeps in this game until now,” put up Kalia for revenge, took off Porche who he called a floater, and put up Dani (who was definitely not a floater) for revenge. I can see why they would get rid of threats…..why would you want to keep someone in the game who would beat you in the important comps and get rid of you, if not right away, then in the end?
*because they’re threats
I could stand Porsche if she’d just give Rachel back her damn dog. How can you steal something, hide it, then have them beg for it back, laugh about it and say you’re going to throw it out?
I would flush it down the toilet
Rip it up in little pieces first.
Really you would rip it into little pieces??? you are pathetic! I suspect a bully as well.!
Hahahaha! Me too.
OMG..really, they won fair and square but P & K are disgusting….I just offically turned off my auto record for afterdark P’s voice is to annoying. No need to mention SheHe (who ever came up with that title is a genius) she’s one disturbed unbalanced backwoods hillbilly. Good luck when you get home SheHe, the whole world knows what you really are and you’re daughter must be so proud. Adam will win because nobody in jury will vote for the others.
I’ve watched BB from year one and not always happy with who wins but, this year I’m done early.
Jeff is gone. All the reall BB fans can stay, posers exit to the right.
Really? You may want to consider watching the show to see WHAT happens instead of hoping for SOMETHING to happen. It’s actually much more entertaining when you can embrace and appreciate the hard work production puts in to manipulateing the situation. Team production FTW!!!!
Yes also with 15,000 and the 25,000 for america players
Are you kidding me? Really……REALLY?!? You think Porsche’s voice is annoying, have you not heard Rachel speak/laugh/cry at all this season? She is like a live cat being dragged thru a circular saw, that refuses to die.
Hey there I came up with that name for SHEHE amongst other names.
I love what you posted. We’re on the same page.
Take care.
Amen!! Me too!!
They all suck! Get some cameras in the jury house. Thats where the real players are
Join my bandwagon.
I told you.
Team Porsche YO!
Jordans statements prove what I have been saying all along JJ are clones of BR and TV has killed their integrity and self respect they played to emotional and acted just the way they say BR acted the devil has their souls and they are showing (sorry to say)their true selves I am sure that the parents of those 2 are very embarassed if they were my kids I would be—–They cannot be happy for no one and when they are not on top they act shameful and wether they are up or down they talk about people even their own teammates I used to like them but I have lost all respect for them KARMA IS A BITCH
I admit I’m impressed with por. When it mattered she stepped up. Tonight’s episode was one of the best. I hated to see Dani leave but I loved seeing Adam freak out. Big Jeff (lol) even thinks hes a loser. He is the worst player ever, at least Kalia wins comps, Adam just kisses butt. I do kinda feel bad for Jeff, in that he did help Shelly but she needed to flip. Having a couple in the ame is bad for everyone except the couple.
Your kidding right? Shelly needed to flip? Do you really think that P or K will take her to final 2, She kept telling Adam that even if they went to final 3 with J&J there was no money for them. Well she is in the same or worst situation now. Those girls aren’t going to take her to final 2. She didn’t make a power move she cut her own throat. She had more of a chance getting to final 2 with Jeff or Jordan. If one of them would have left and she hadn’t turned on them It would have been her they would have kept with them.
And for the others who think Jorden is upset because Jeff left it isn’t that he left it is because someone who she thought was a friend and trusted turned on them. If he would have been voted out because others voted him out she would have accepted it but she really trusted Shelly so she is more hurt then upset.
I could never play this game no matter what amount of money you might win, As it goes against the way I am. I for one could not do it. But the game sure does open your eyes to the way people can be and what they will do for money.
Jeff was never going to take Shelly to the final 3. He said that. He was just using Shelly and Adam to help kick people off and then get rid of them.
I agree 100 % and the only reason I am watching is to see Shelly voted out then I am done with Big Brother. I am not on any team I just want it to be fair and the game is rigged.
Wrong! Jeff started his own downfall by back dooring Danny, Shelly was already figuring out that Danny’s team would be stronger cause Jeff was the only one winning anything. Out of five people in his alliance he was the only one able to win anything consistently. That is a recipe for a loss. If he would have left Porsche on the block, she probably would have gone home. Once less newbie to worry about. Once Danny left, there was no reason to not go after Jeff, it made perfect sense. His speech will go down in the BB history books as most arrogant HOH to get the boot! This dude should have been doing whatever he needed to do to keep Jordan and himself in the game but he wanted to make speeches to cover up what he was really trying to do. He wanted to prove how he can pay someone back for something that doesn’t equal 500k! He wanted to be surrounded by cream puffs that could not beat him. He got greedy! And so he got Got! Love Jeff or hate Jeff, he is the reason he got kicked out. I don’t care who stabbed me in the back as long as I am in the running for that 500k. Jeff was in the running for 500k until he got greedy and the tables turned on him. He could have had at least another week had he kept Danny regardless if Shelly flips or not. Oh no, but he just had to get Danny! Hope that move was worth it Jeff. He will blame everyone but himself, if you just think about it you will see how greedy he got is what caused him to go home. Fact!
How old are you?… is down the hall……
BTW….J/J will not win BB13….Take it to the Bank
Halfway there!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shes a pig!!!!
Well, game over. Not interested in watching PKSA for a single second. They are the biggest ass kissers and the most boring, pathetic people to watch. No Jeff to look at – just Adam??? Im out for the season!
Good, see ya!!
I guess its time to follow Porsche now that she finally woke up from her game long snooze, ugh…
Team Porshit, GAG!!!
Porches rule- boo cry Jordan cry this what happen when you think you could bully people- Jeff did not get back door it show he sucks and his bully team. Bye bye Jeff
Porche is pathetic with her jumping and dancing around. She talks abut Rachel,, she should show some class. She’s a hypocrite!
please explain to me how that blonde with the fake breasts became hoh!? omg seriously it’s bad enough have had to endure her arrogance through most of this season. she coasts through 4 weeks with golden ticket thanks to rachael , then holds on tightly to Dani’s ass for the next 3 weeks. hmmm maybe girl crush going on there.
but seriously how did that blonde get hoh, i knew she won pov but hoh??
any season that still has shelly in it sucks the big one! i agree with others that sheman has to get her floater ass out of there. Also, what’s wrong with Kalia’s brain? She hangs out with the two people her threw her under the bus and voted to evict her? Really, you think they’ve got your back? omg! dumb, stupid! If she started using her brain, she’d team up with JRA and work on getting blonde one with fake breasts and sheman out of there.
She might have a chance then.
WOW!!!! Like Jeff said “Welcome to the game Porsche” there is no one to carry her through the game anymore…nice to see her finally realize she is not on vacation…I can’t stand her or Kalia or Shelly
Look at you, you f’n lifevest!
Rotating shifts to whereever the HOH is.
woop woop Team Porshe all the way to the money yo
Ugh, dani was the only one I was rooting for. Everyone left in the house is a waste, none of them deserve to win. Who do I root for now? 🙁
root for BB14
Her alliance! Duh!
Team Porsche/Dani D: GO PORSCHE sorry Dani D: Lol Adam is now into porsches ass 😛
hahaha i hope dani wins america favorite jury member because jeff and jordan act like the already won it and i love dani! sad to see her go but im so happy porsche in HoH. i want her to win the whole thing! so glade jeff is gone and i hope jordan is next
definitely…. Dani is definitely gonna win America’s vote!
Really !! I hope not Dani is a horrible game player glad she is gone !!
I agree, I want Dani to win America’s Vote too! I was so sad for her to go, but it was well worth it with Kalia winning HOH, getting rid of lying Jeff, Porsche winning POV, Jeff’s butt out the door and now Porsche winning HOH!! I hope I can see Dani’s face when she sees hypocrite Jeff right behind her, karmas a b*tch!!
So far, Dani’s got my vote.
What was the blow up between jeff and shelly earlier today?
not sure while part you’re talking about but during the eviction show when they talked to everyone during the first eviction (after the showed the inb/w the veto and eviction) julie chen said jeff just blew up on shelly after finding out she flipped side. then jeff got in to an argument later in the show when jeff was up about how he helped rachel to become a nicer person to her and how he helped her throughout this competition and how she wanted rachel to stay over him. i dunno how jeff found out maybe shelly felt bad and told him. hope that is what you were talking about.
Thanks i was in and out during the luve show, i heard julie say that but i didnt see what caused it
I thought that Jeff and Shelly got into it earlier in the day when he found out she was trying to flip the house. I think Rachel told him about Shelly.
JJBR are such bullies… I always hated them for that. They always said the best game player should win. Adam better not win this show, I hate to even think about it.
I am happy Jeff is no more..
Team Porsche YO!!!
X2!! JJBR needed to be taken down a few pegs. They were far too cocky. Next is R to go, followed by Adumb or Jordumb. The show has been redeemed after my gal, Dani’s eviction, by the K, P and P victories. Whether Vet fans want to admit it, a picking of of the newbies by the Vets would have been the complete death of this already lacking BB season.
Bullies they coasted for weeks the only reason she isn’t gone is cuz she was safe til last 10 and never won crap plus she says she’s been acting dumb come on really!? When she talks she sounds like an idiot?? I bet your voting for kalia too
Hey, for a couple of idiots, they sure are racking up the wins…..just sayin.
Team Rachel FTW :):)
I hear Team Rachel makes good Mai Tais. Kalia or Porsche will need one when they win.
Don’t you mean Team Pimples?
Team Porsche! It’s already super boring in the house w/o dani’s hot ass self
It doesn’t matter if JJRB control the votes in the jury house. They still have to vote for a newbie to win first and second place.
Well, in that case, the newbies should try to get in good with Rachel and Jordan before they evict them.
That’s what I was going to say because it won’t be Rachel and Jordan at the end unless by some mircle they win!
They will be voting for a newbie and that makes them sick to their stomach. Rachel proves that she can’t win anything because their has been four competions and she has won none. Rachel is a basket case who glotes over her husband all day. Jordan will never win anything at all! Their should be a new word for Big Brother which is Coasting= Someone who is in a strong alliance and doesn’t do anything and let’s leader do everything. Shelly was always playing the game that’s all I’m saying!
LOL Jordan’s snapping at everyone. She talking about the jury house like she already know she’s gone.
Jorden NEEDS to go. Her bratty, spoiled attitude has gotten really old. I guess money really DOES change a person… She’s not cute, she’s borderline mentally retarded. Guess her and her “boyfriend” jeff the mimbo are perfect for eachother!! Porsche or Kalia FTW!
Wow. That’s low. Hope u feel better calling someone mentally retarded. Its just a game. And these are real people, keep it classy.
Nobody called anyone mentally retarded! It was “borderline” mentally retarded!
border line retarded? she’s deep in retarded territory! her true colors (bitter, jealous, hateful, shallow) really showed today.
And Dani’s true colors didn’t show? What a catty, petty, jealousy driven and bitter goodbye speech! Followed by what she said to Julie Chen… who just lapped it all up. I seriously think if Julie wasn’t on live TV, she would’ve licked Dani’s ass.
LOL, and I don’t think JJ are even dating, I think it’s all an act. I see no chemistry and they act more like brother and sister. I could care less though, as long as neither of them wins!
you’re a spoiled bratty ass, i’d be snapping too if my bf got voted out. you were ok with spoiled Dani throwing hissy fits all week but Jordan finally gets mad and now she’s spoiled. god you are ingnorant!
I’ll tell you what, Jordan, Jeff and Rachel really seem sour when they don’t win or their backs are against the wall. I’m glad that Danielle threw some grenades to mess up Jeff’s game. Definitely voting for Danielle for America’s Favorite.
Just curious…of all of the houseguests that have been nominated or put on slop or lost some big prize…..who HASN’T acted upset when it first happened?
I don’t think one houseguest in the history of BB acts completely dignified when they are nominated or when their alliance is suffering.
Come on….I love J&J, but yes…they have (and did) acted upset. So did Daniele, Kalia, Shelly, Adam, Rachel, Brendan and all of the others.
Its human nature to feel upset about it. It doesn’t mean that the person is a crappy player or a nasty person. It means they’re human.
Daniele was way too full of herself when she won HOH as well, so you can’t just pin all of it on Jeff and Jordan.
Yes but the original post wasn’t about Dani, it was about JJ – who acted like complete babies when Dani won HOH BOTH times.
You took the words right out of my mouth!
I don’t understand why j can’t be upset. Didn’t dani act like a whiner all week. U lose, then u get upset. At least Jeff didn’t jump around and gloat like these mean girls. I think Jeff was just passionate and would get worked up, but these girls are just catty. Sure jj weren’t perfect, but I enjoyed watching Jeff more then watching dani and her clans scripted dr sessions.
Actually when Dani won, Rachel whined both times. She also harassed Dani (especially when she was on the block). Jeff has belittled and yelled at Kalia multiple times. On top of that everyone is saying that Jeff and Jordan played with integrity? Um, anyone who reads this site knew that Shelly, Adam, and Rachel were expendable to them. So, why should Shelly feel bad for getting rid of someone before they would get rid of her? Like Dani said, people shouldn’t be in this house to write Jeff and Jordan a check for $550,000. Dani dropped some MAD grenades!!!! It will be icing on the cake when Rachel walks into the jury house next Thursday. Jeff and Rachel can both think about their games and figure out what would have happened if they honored their deal with Danielle. Also, Jeff, I’m sorry buddy but you can’t sit around and call say that people waited until this moment to make a move. Jordan won one HOH weeks ago. Kalia won an HOH weeks ago and then won another last night. Technically, your girlfriend is more of a floater than Kalia. What big moves did Jordan make? It’s funny how you spend so much time talking about how Kalia sleeps all the time, but Jordan doesn’t really do much other than follow you around. Am I not seeing something? Am I blind? Jeff, just face it–you got got. You came into this season and naturally because there was no Jesse, you assumed his role. Now you suffer his fate. No wizard power for you!!!!
Oh really??? I never once saw Jeff or Jordan rubbing anybody’s nose in. I never once saw them doing cartwheels in the kitchen. Oh please, why not keep it real and stop making this floaters sound like the best thing since toilet paper. They are all loosers and it is a disgrace that anyone of them will win $500,000. Jordan was betrayed. Have you ever had someone stab you in the back while they were smiling in your face. It hurts. They are still real people despite what all you haters think.
I agree with you Sel. Even when Jeff got his HOH room (which I watched live on BBAD), he acted kind of embarrassed about it and made a joke about “putting on your happy faces”.
Last night watching Porsche get her HOH room, she was completely insensitive and obviously playing for the camera by announcing it in her bikini top – complete with muffin top. She saw that Rachel and Jordan were upset and she went on and on and on. With her toadie Shelly heaping on the compliments.
Both Rachel and Jordan tried to smile and be civil and they excused themselves politely. I think Jordan was going to start crying so she left.
I understand that we all cheer for different players, but I don’t understand how anyone couldn’t feel bad watching BBAD last night.
they weren’t doing cartwheels in the kitchen but the were doing a celebratory dance in the supply room… Jeff got what he deserved, plain and simple.
honestly i dont know how cbs is going to salvage this season. and thats not meaning i’m team dani or jj or whatever its just that who really is left in the house to root for or that deserves to win? porche maybe if she wins the majority of the rest of the comps bc yeah she sat on her fat ass and slept the first 55 days but i mean she really had no choice with that golden key bs. i have no problem with shelly lying/ backstabbing whatever but she wont even give rachel back her stuffed animal and she was talking on the feeds the other day about cutting it up and placing a piece every day on rachels bed. thats just ridiculous. grow up. she wont win the money. period. i’m cancelling my feeds bc omg how boring is it going to be now… what a waste.
ROLMFAO @ cutting up her bear and putting pieces on my bed each day BAHAHAHA Shelly is hilarious
I meant her bed LMAO!
Exactly… of course they are upset! Shelly needs her lying, ugly, greasy, wanna be teenager, leather skin, drag world shook up! Good role model? Cry some more to try and make America believe you’re a good person! Bahahaha.
It’s all about Rachael Shelly drama! Dont give up yet, something entertaining is gonna happen fo sho!
Watching BBAD. Does Adam have to touch every piece of food in the house. He had his fingers all over the crackers and the pickles. Its pretty gross thinking other people are going to eat that shit.
I know! The BB Kitchen is gross! They don’t have a dishwasher – would you want to eat & drink off / out of dishes that Kalia / Shelly / any other HG but you used? I know that sponge is just adding germs to the dishes not washing them off. Why do they have the big water botter from dollar store – the one that is put in the sink to refill. That seems gross to me too. You’re right – Adam even fondled all of the cookies before sitting them down. Out of all of them – I think Adam may be the one who washes his hands the most – some of the people like Kalia lick their fingers & then put their fingers back into the food box – GROSS.
This season sucks!!!!
I agree, this has to be the worse all the newbies were boring and the vets were boring!
Team Dani, Yo! I’m sad… Shocker!! You wanna know another Shocker!?!? Straight shooter wasn’t BSing. Now that, that is a Shocker!!
I would like all of Team Dani to join me in one last… Team Dani, Yo!
I loved Dani’s speech and how she ruined Adam’s rep, if he had any! She called him out in front of the house and infront of Julie. Yaaa!!
Moving on to a brighter note… Porsche you finally did it, twice in one night!!
I enjoyed how Porsche sealed Jeff’s fate by not using the POV.
Then Big “Baby” Jeff started harrasing Shelly.
I love how you stuck with it Straight Shooter.
OMG! Am I the only one who laughed when Adam was in the DR and he knew Jeff was going home. I love how Adam threw the HOH comp and got his buddy Jeff out. This was what you were hyped up about Adam, questions, and you blew it for your alliance.
I am offically Team Porsche and Shelly. I didn’t know if they deserved the Yo! just yet,but after winning POV and HOH Porsche you earned it and Shelly just for shooting straight with Dani you can get that Yo! too. Oh ya also for pissing off JJ fans.*
Team Porsche and Shelly, Yo! Still Team Dani in my heart.
*I’m lovin all of this hate that JJ fans have going towards Shelly, Ya! haha losers.
I couldn’t have asked for a better way for Dani to go, if she had to go. *Sigh*
It’s still Team Dani yo
Yo! team Dani~ Now Porsche and whoever she can bring with her.
That would be fair.. since they had no problem putting Dani, Kalia and Porsche on it right off the bat.
Give Kalia credit for winning hoh and putting Jeff & Rachel up, shes the one who loaded up the bases for Porsche’s grandslam & executing Jeffs exit. I think Jeffs still walking the streets of LA to the jury house & still without his suitcase…terrible loser.
Team Kalia, Pinto, and Skeletor
I’ll always be Team Dani, but what a GREAT way for her to go out, with Jeff’s pathetic butt right behind her, LOL!! Team PSK now!
It was a *Shocker* that Shelly really did stay true to her word. Hell froze over again for the second time in BB history. The first time is when Nat BB11 told the truth, now Shelly being honest.
please it ain’t just the JJ fans that were shooting hate towards shelly, read comments from past. she is equally hated by most lol
think she is the biggest backstabbing /lying floater in this game and would hate to see her make it much further.
she doesn’t even have any charm like a decent liar (Dr. Wil) should have lol
TEAM DANI FOREVER!!!! Sorry, ut don’t think I’ll be “teaming” with any other players really. Just feeling good that Dani’s ghost is still in that house and she’ll continue to take Jordan, Rachel, and Adam to the jury hoiuse.
I am really sad that both Kaila and Porche said that “this is what Dani would have wanted” in their speech. Porche should have thanked Jeff for taking her off the block and Kaila should have thanked JJR for voting to keep her. Look what kaila has now both Shelly and Porche voted against her. How far does she think she will get with them. I think it will be Kaila and Porche at the end and JJBR will vote Kaila for the 500K
At this point I don’t know if Rachel or Jordan is the biggest threat, probably Rachel, what does everyone else think? and also I didnt watch big brother 11 when Jordan and Jeff were on there, did Jordan really never when an hoh and she still won the whole thing?
Jordan is a bigger threat by not being perceived as a threat.
Jordan won a veto and two HOHs – one that Jeff gave her and the final HOH competition. She played a good social game. No one resented her anything, which couldn’t have been said about Natalie, who she was sitting next to. She was in the ideal position to win.
Jordan won’t give any effort from here on out, she doesn’t care about being there, she never has, at least not this year. No effort throughout the entire season, except when she got to dress up as a pimped out dunce. She came to BB13 as a favor to Jeff who begged her to come. She’s Jordan, so you may see a few smiles and happy talks with a few other players, but her patience will be cut short if anybody starts talking game…It will be like, “do whatever ya want”, “we control the votes in the jury house”. The only people that have a chance in this game at this point are Speed Racer and Sybil. Adam and Eve aren’t going to play or make any moves, The Grinch has ruined her reputation, Kahlua suffers from food intoxication most of the time.
YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, there is something seriously wrong with Adam if he thinks he’s going to get JH votes.
I don’t think rachel will leave and there is a possibility that neither r or j will leave just yet!
1 of them is going this week, they cant both win veto
Well, miracles do happen. Think about it this way. Adam is a wishy-washy person. He tends to drift from side to side. If Rachel and Jordan can somehow convince him to play with them, then it levels the playing field, 3-on-3. If he miraculously wins the veto, he could use it to take one of them off and protect himself from being the replacement nominee. Porsche will be forced to put up Shelly (she wouldn’t put up Kalia) and Kalia, Adam, and Rachel/Jordan, would have the eviction votes and they could send Shelly to jury in a 2-1 vote. For this to happen, all of the stars must align for the vets alliance, so I kind of doubt that it would work, but there is still a possibility that neither Rachel nor Jordan will go home next week.
Nice one Becca!!! really hopes that it could that way. Would pay to see the expressions on K&P faces’s, would be priceless!!! lol
If Jordan and Rachel are on the block and Rachel wins Veto, their survival will depend on the replacement nom. If it’s Shelly, Adam would vote her out.
Actually Jordan and Rachel are not in that bad of a position. They own control of the jury vote which is golden as Blago would put it.
You use that fact to control two weak house guests to flip.
it doesn’t matter if they own the jury votes or not. There’s a good possibility that 2 Newbies are going to be in the final 2 and I strongly doubt if Uncle Fester is one of them
If Porshe truly wanted either Jordan or Rachel out this week, she wouldn’t put Shelly up as a nominee since they all know Adam votes the way he chooses to and by what he thinks is best for HIM. If she put up Adam as a replacement, which I believe she’s knows enough to do, then at least they’d have Kalia and Shelly voting either Jordan or Rachel out. Any other way is just plain dumb, at this point anyways.
yes that would be great if rachel get her confidence back and relaize she can do just fine without brenden, if she wins POV she has a fighting chance someone please make her realize that!!! So the game can get intresting again!!!
Team Straight Shooter!!!
I wonder if that captain guy will still post here
No he’s looking for Jeff’s hotel
haha I wanted to comment on that, but was afraid that I would get banned for attacking another user.
I bet Roach is kicking herself atm and so is Adam. That’s what you get for sticking with Big Jeff.
You and I think alike. I was wondering the same thing. I told him last week he better not disappear when Jeff gets evicted.
Captains is cutting his wrist …lol
seriously hope you aren’t this nasty if real life cause if so….. you got a problem boyo!
lol where is he?
Sure he will ….. but under a pseudonym, like …..”Jordum’s Pseudo Boyfriend” or ????
Did anyone check the trees outside the jury house?
Team big ass and boobs!! Go porsche!!
I’m not happy that dani went home, and I hated porche at first, but now I’m team porche! Yay!
Simon, who are you rooting for now?!
surprise surprise that Jordan wants the coup d’ etat (or however the heck you spell that). Can’t win on her own…wants it handed to her.
sorry Jordan…no coup for you!
Rachel’s going to WIN POV. You think, CBS wants a sleeping party @ the big brother house.. for like 4 more weeks? You kidding me? No way.
Jordan will eventually which over to Shelly’s side again.. Rachel is a one women show.. and she needs to go with Porsche – only chance of winning the game.
that would be fine, then Jordan goes up and Adam goes home.
I dunno, they would be better off getting rid of Jordan or she’s just going to sneak her way to the end
there’s still plenty of time to get rid of Jordan.
they need to get the stronger players out who can win HOH first.
Ideally Rachel, Adam then Jordan…or Adam, Rachel then Jordan.
Each strong player they get out increases their chances of maintaining power.
why adam before jordan? i don’t think any one of them are good at physical competition. i know they been saying adam is good with dates and questions but i don’t think he has gotten close to winning any of the question competitions (i might be wrong on that). shelly, jordan, and adam has the least chance of winning any competition as far as i can see. granted if the next hoh is physical porsche’s alliance might be screwed without her since rachel would have the best chance of winning.
adam was two balls away from willing the thing where you roll the balls over the hump. He was ahead of Jeff but it appeared he slowed down at the end so Jeff could win. Adam has much more game than Jordan – her HOH was pretty much given to her by Jeff and Brendon who intentionally made bad shots in the golf thing. Who knows…Adam may have thrown the last HOH, knowing that Jeff was the prime target.
Weird thing is, that’s what all the houseguests thought about Jordan on season 11 – “Oh we can get rid of her later!”. They never did and she ended up winning. They need to think about that.
I agree, get rid of Jordan, she doesn’t want to be there anyway.
if they don’t get rid of Jordan now, there’s a good possibility she will win again, just like CBS wants it.
That would be interesting…..
If Jordan and Rachel are on the block and Rachel wins Veto, their survival will depend on the replacement nom. If it’s Shelly, Adam would vote her out.
I’m quite sure Adam will be the replacement
CBS seemed fine with the sleeping party they took to final 4 last year.
Watching tonight’s episode during the second showing, I noticed something: Jeff screwed himself in the PoV (if I saw things correctly.) When he was body-lifting those balls out of the pit, a yellow shoe flew out onto the ground beside his pit.
Also, I hate to say it, but I think he screwed himself by not taking out a floater instead of Dani. Just my opinion. Crazy freaking night all around, and I am soooo kicking myself for not getting the feeds this year. waw waw on me. 🙁 (Lol)
haha yea he threw the first shoe out of the ball pit. i wonder if jordan would’ve saw it if she was paying attention b/c he did flew fairly high. i had to rewatch it when you said it. she wasn’t really watching the game.
Nice point! If Jordan was watching Jeff, he would have won! BAD JORDAN…
Jeff is such a hot head and you can’t tell him nothing. He didn’t learn anything in BB11. Production tried to talk him out of getting rid of russell and he did it anyway and was evicted right after russell. They tried again to talk him out of getting rid of Dani, he wouldn’t listen again, and he’s evicted right behind her. Some people never learn their lesson
Yeah… ok… funny one you fake metal head. Keep drinking those cosmopolitans and kissing Porsche’s ass by making her pizza.
*Flush Flush* What is that? I know! It’s Team Porsche flushing the floaters that are Jordan and Adam out of the house. Good riddance! This game was better without you.
EDIT: It is making me sick watching this dumbass kissing up to Porsche on BBAD. Such a looser. Making Hoboken look like trash…. I would be ashamed!
This season is garbage
Glad I’m not fron Hoboken, I would totally disown him
so Dani-fans lost Dani, JJ-fans lost Jeff, cbs suddenly lost their two most entertaining players in one show and we’re left with minor characters all around :/ this is gonna be the most boring last few weeks!! this is the exact same position jordan was in on her season… her alliance crumbled around her but she still managed to lay low and pull through at the last moment in the end and win… i’m hoping it happens again!!!
And that would be a travesty.
i don’t think that will happen. just b/c she is a vet. none of the vet would have the opportunityto lay low through this season just b/c they been on the show before.
I’m not banking on it, but if you think about Evil Dick leaving the house could’ve left CBS with an extra week of filming. Maybe somebody deserving will come back?
*cough* Dani *cough*
I know this is a stretch, but CBS makes this show up as they go along, and if their ratings/numbers (whatever) fall low enough, then they will have to add in some kind of twist to win back their viewers.
They already brought back someone to fix the numbers after they lost Dick. That’s why America voted to have either Keith, Cassi, Dom, or Brendon come back.. and Brendon won. Lawon was evicted, but replaced with Brendon, so it’s like no one was evicted that week since the number of house guests remained the same.
Let’s do the math. There are 3 weeks left before finale (Sept. 15th). There are 6 people left in the house (Kalia, Porshe, Shelly, Adam, Rachel, Jordan).
This week’s eviction coming (Sept. 1st), someone gets evicted, leaving 5 people left. The following week (Sept. 8th) someone gets evicted, leaving 4 people left. Then, the week after that (Sept. 15th) is finale. Therefore, they need to actually have another double eviction, or a fast forward, because they never have had 4 people remain in the house the last week prior to finale night. They would need to have 3 people go before, or on, Sept. 8th, in order to follow their schedule.
Correct me if I’m wrong?! But, Julie said their were only 3 weeks left.. and so have the house guests. They’ve been counting down the days to finale night for a week or so now.. and they all say it’s in 3 weeks.
I miss the Vegas Rachel. I guess we won’t be seein none of that. CBS must got her on meds or something
you are right! lastnight was so boring. At least I can breeze through the shows instead of wasting 3 hrs of my life each day. I wish the vets would have stuck it out. Now that would have been a great show. To watch all of them fight it out. Oh well, can’t dwell.
i wish Jeff would have relaized he threw the show out and stayed then it would have been really intresting to watch. I don’t think i wll tune in anymore it is soOOOOOOOOOOOO boring R?J need to pull it together production needs to step in and give them a pep talk bring something to the show!! K/P/S/A have nothing to offer but the vets let all floaters coast right into the winning spots!! Shame shame
Haha his stalking days are over
Jordan has a good point about JJBR controlling who wins. Maybe it will make P keep them around and send someone else to the jury house. It would give her a better chance of having enough votes to win. IDK…..just wishful thinking I’m sure!
Porsche will win against Kalia and Shelly.
They have a final 3 deal.
But, if all of the vets are in the jury and pretend that Adam joins them, who else would they vote for?
Yeah, but leaving either j/r in the final 2 guarantees at least one vote against you.
Yeah, but leaving either j/r in the final 2 guarantees at least 1 vote against you. Better off taking your chances with another noob.
i dunno if adam gets eliminated and j/r are in the final 2 then i don’t think they can win against them. j/r will have jba (adam is a fan boy he will only vote for a vet to win) and j/r votes so that’s 4 right there. with shelly i dunno how she’ll vote. i think she might vote for jordan maybe b/c of guilty and how they were friends plus the betrayal thing (depending on how the rest of the week goes). i think for kalia or porsche or anyone for that matter to win is bringing adam along. if somehow adam makes it to the final 2 i don’t think anyone would vote for him just b/c some many of the vets voice their opinion on floaters. i dunno how people will vote if shelly is in the final two with another newbie other than adam (i think she would win just b/c she actually tried to make a move while adam has yet to do something. at best adam can only win 50k).
I disagree. I think if Adam goes to the end with Porche, Kalia or The SheHe, he will win (out of spite).
you can always threaten the weak noob.
You either go to the final 4 with us and fight it out or I will make sure you do not have the jury votes to win. I swear you will not win.
They would flip in an instant.
Let me get this straight…
If Headlights and Bumper keeps a vet thus giving a vet a wide open opportunity to get to the end, the other vets (aside from Dani) would be more inclined to vote for her? Huh?
It made more sense in my head! I guess I am just wondering how the newbies will react to knowing JJBR control who wins BB13. It might not matter or it might mess with their head and make them think twice about the impression they leave on JR going forward!!
What is sickening about the JJBR alliance is that they do not have an ounce of class between the four of them and will never vote for a winner based on gameplay. these 4 idiots will vote based on who they dislike the most showing their true colors….cry babies and poor losers.
Cheers, Sausage.
It’s too busy taking Dani to the jury house.
You mean Jeff, I know your mistake 🙂
I agree! Jordan is being such a little baby. I understand she is upset that Jeff left, but get over it. It isn’t like he just died. As for Shelly, yeah it sucks for her that she switched sides, but it is BB. Things happen. I want Porshe to win now.~ Not to mention Adam…is just useless.
Granted tonights episode was nail bitting, but the most boring season just got more boring. I keep thinking back to week 1 being like Porsche and Kalia are useless and now they are the most interesting people? somewhere something went horribly wrong!
LOL @ your screen name.
you need an adjective in front of baby, though.
some idees.
I think Porsche is alright, I just don’t like her allies that much. Mostly just Shelly. And I hope that veto speech was the last we’ll hear of the “what Dani would want” garbage.
I found the “What Dani would want.” statements up lifting.
Really, I thought they were pathetic. Porsche, you have to actually play this game for yourself, not Dani or anyone else. They all hide behind each other. At least Jeff took responsibility for his actions and didnt hide behind others.
Jeff NEVER took responsibility for his words or actions………even last
night with Julie. lol
The girls “tribute” to Dani was a team morale call done in good spirit.
They won their HOH and POV accomplishments on their own.
So who’s acting like a spoiled whiny brat now? Jordumb!
Jordan and Rachel mentioned that they weren’t sure if they
would go upstairs to see Porsche’s HOH room.
Big Brother is probably done after the season. Ratings are going to massively plummet after tonight’s events.
Rachel winning is the only way to salvage the season, and that is very very sad.
I know that after tonight I am done with this show. They only way it can be saved is if they make sure J/R win veto and then HOH. I think everyone seems to forget that jordan has a very good shot at final 2 because everyone thinks they can beat her on the simple arguement she already won. However I think if she goes to fianl 2 she will win!!!!! I am sure she can beat any of the awful people still left in this house.
Pinto: done nothing until tonight slept the first 50+ days
K: all she does is eat and sleep. I mean really she doesn’t deserve to win either.. oh yeah and she rode dani’s coattails.
Shelly: A HORRIBLE PERSON AND EVEN WORSE PLAYER!!! Even her social game sucks and her family should be ashamed!!! I mean her poor daughter can’t be proud of her mother.
Adam: Well at least he was loyal for awhile but we will see his true colors too I am sure plus like the rest he has not done anything but win a veto that was given to him.
Rachel: The only other person in this house I feel for. The other HG are so mean to her and they are stealing her stuff. IS this 5th grade? I think it is great she tried to comfort jordan.
JORDAN: The poor girl who had her whole world ripped away in a 15 minute span!!! I was so sad for her when jeff was leaving but he was so sweet telling her he loved her and to be strong!!!! I am so sad for her having to pack his stuff!!! Get that VETO JORDAN and Give them hell!!! TEAM JORDAN
BTW I think Jeff will be america’s favorite and earn another 25,000! Then he can deal everyone of those other LAZY HG where to shove it!!!!!
I hope CBS ratings plummett. There are alot of JEJO fans out there who are very upset and will stop watching.
See ya. JJ fans are pathetic.
Be a big brother fan, not fans of some whiny little boy.
Just like the Brenchel fans who stopped watching when Brendon was evicted and BB got its highest ratings of the season (to that point) after he was gone?
Get over yourself. You wouldn’t even know who “Jejo” were if it weren’t for Big Brother.
Bullshit. Why do some people act like one or two people leaving the house are going to tank the show’s ratings? People say this constantly throughout each season during every season and the ratings never fluctuate too high or too low.
As long as Big Brother is ranked #1 in its timeslot three times a week (which it is most weeks and has been for most of its existence), the show isn’t going anywhere.
Yeah, but …Jeff lost!
BBAD is crazy listening to these two clowns JR.
TeamPityParty is sunk without little Jeff, there are going to get picked off one at a time! Zing!
You are an idiot.
This is season 13. I will repeat it, SEASON 13.
The smartest move Porsche can do is put Rachel and Jordan up for eviction, if Jordan or Rache win HoH, put Adam up. The 4 noobs should go all the way, the vets made their bed and now they should lay on it. Shelly or Kalia should win this season imo none of the other newbies deserve it.
no it isn’t.
she needs to put up Rachel and Adam.
If she puts up Rachel and Jordan and Adam wins POV, he can save himself and another.
Jordan is unlikely to win POV, so don’t put her up.
man i would feel bad for dani now. with porsche winning the hoh (yay) rachel or jordan is going home. she won’t have any friends in the jury house and you know the others made the game personal. i read the interview with eric from season 8 about how dani and him weren’t friends in the game but after the show they realize that it was just a game and they became besties after. i don’t think jeff or rachel can look pass the game abd brendon will just follow rachel. hopefully it be a clean swipe rachel, jordan, then adam.
Adam’s comment to Jordan was the best of BBAD.
“So let the best MAN win.”
Cracked me up.
Who? Shelly?
Too late for that…there are no MEN left in the house.
Adam still has no idea that he’s lost his manhood.
Adam has no idea he was on big brother. He still thinks he is having a wet dream about Jeff.
Simon, I think I might be for the mean girls now. How about you?
Who Rachel and Jordan? Because they are both a piece of work!
LOL, no. Others on here have been calling Dani (now gone), Kalia, Porcshe, and Shelly the “mean girls”. Those are who I meant.
What a night!! I was screaming most of the hour. Kalia, Porsche, and Shelly came through. Adam needs to eat major crow–did you see he was the first eliminated in Before/After? Did he throw that one, too?
Plz BB give Porsche some new friggin sweats to cover up her muffin top! UGH
No shit. I feel like I am watching a rerun every night. Pink track suit. Gray track suit. Pink track suit. Gray track suit. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
How abt her butt? it’s getting wide
I honestly think Porsche is dressing down on purpose so Rachel doesn’t go after her.
people in glass houses…
can clearly see her big wide ass!! what do you expect when all she’s done for most of this game is sleep and eat !! Oh, and of course ride coat tails!!!! lol
Adam really thinks he has a shot at winning at the I would rather see Shelly win over porshe,Kalia and Adam.. Shelly might not ever win anything but she has had the best manipulating, backstabing and lying game
Todays episode was a production nightmare in every way shape and form. Dani and Jeff gone im sure half of their viewers along with them~ is anyone really happy with these outcomes?
Simon, It seems to me that Adam is the swing vote in the jury if he doesn’t make the final 2. If Jordan or Rachel are in the final 2 against Porsche, Klitlia, or Alligator face then they get Bredumb, Jeff, & either Jordan or Rachels vote to win. If Kalia, Porsche, or Leathersnakeface are in the finals against Jordie or Rachel then they get 2 votes from among their 3 plus Danielle which makes it a 3-3 vote with Adumb having the final vote. What say you ?? Anyway, I don’t have a horse in the race but 2night was great theater..!!
SHelly we all know that the JJ team needed to be separated but the way it was done. Kalua still floting and porcha she going no were.
Did you watch the show?
Kalia won HOH.
Porsche won the VETO and then followed that up with winning HOH.
I personally think that everyone is aganist jejo because they play and honest game and are good people. I mean so many people in that house and this world hate to see nice, moral, good people win anything. How sad is it that so many people root for the “mean and catty girls” in the BB13 house. Most of these people have done nothing and shelly proves that she has no regard for people who do nice things for her. What did p/k do all summer anyway oh thats right nothing!!!! As bad as P/K are Shelly is owrse because she would not know honest and nice and caring if it bit her in the a**. I hope Jordan does help everyone realize she and jeff and brenchel control their furture. I can assure you that shelly will not be getting the money for 1st or 2nd place and if she thinks she is going to then she is super stupid.
JJ honest?
you need to put your tinfoil hat on and return to the mother ship.
They lied and schemed just as much as everyone else so cut the righteous act. Who ever won Big Brother by being honest? Nobody! That’s the name if the game, It’s “Big Brother” not “The commandments”!
So not only is Jordan a waste of space, but she is absolutely low down. I don’t doubt for a second that JJBR are classless enough to screw over the remaining players out of some false notion that they are the only one’s who play the game the Right way, but seriously, introducing this before she is even in the jury is contemptable.
All the JJ nutjobs are quiet.
They are? I see them posting all over the place.
I had a feeling Jeff being HOH the week of the Double Eviction was gonna get him screwed.
Dani lovers are gonna laugh at Jordan crying over Jeff… but these are the same people who said JJ fans were mean if they laughed at Dani crying about being backdoored (which is right – it WOULD suck to be b/d’ed the week of your birthday WHILE on the rag). It’s all six and one-half-dozen the other to me now. I didn’t mind Dani even though I was rooting for JJ, but Dani’s alliance (Straight Shooter Shelly, Pontifacatory Porsche and to a lesser extent Cackling Kalia) are such ugly, undeserving, catty bitches.
I have no hat to throw in the ring now. I have no interest in who wins now, with the slight exception of some small satisfaction I’d have if Jordan or Rachel went on a tear in comps and won the 500k for revenge. Superior job by the casting department this year, CBS! This will be the most repulsive 3 weeks of BB ever.
Tonight was like two world superpowers decimating each other in nuclear war, leaving only shitty third-world countries run by bumbling dictators fighting each other with sticks and stones to conquer the globe.
Kalia doesn’t get that Porche And Shelly voted against her. And her special friend Dani was ready to dump her too.
Porche didn’t appreciate Jeff taking her off the block so she could stay in the house. Jeff a nice guy and clean player.
Shelly betrayed the people foolish enough to trust her for money she doesn’t need. Also I thought there were rules about taking peoples things.
Their excuse for such bad anti-social behavior is OH it is a game.
No because a real game has rules and your not allowed to cheat. These numb nuts are on a reality TV show. If I were Jordan iId pack up and leave. No way I’d give any of them my vote for half a million dollars.
Have you watch Big Brother before? Clean player? This is BB, game of betrayal.
Pssst ……Kalia knew Dani was working to stay in the House.
Dani knew that Kalia was working to stay in the House.
Did you happen to notice that they were
BOTH up for eviction? Duh!!!!
I LOVED Dani’s speech.
She nailed it!!!!!
I hope these newbies don’t forget that Jordan won Season 11 on Jeff’s coattails. She seems like a sweet girl. But the whole I did it all by myself routine is not good enough for me. Let’s keep her BB prize earning to under 1 million $’s shall we? Jordan complained about floaters yet she is one of the most memorable floaters in BB history!
I wouldn’t mind Rachel winning this season so long as she could pull out some big game move. After he I like the game the straight shooter has played…she has gotten the deceptive angle down. She was behind Lawon self evicting and she has won no comps!
I think everyone’s idea of a “floater” is different.
To me, a floater is someone who floats to the side of power….and that doesn’t describe Jordan at all. She picked her side and she stuck with it. Yes, she may have entertained abandoning their alliance, but she didn’t.
This season’s floaters in my opinion are: Shelly, Adam and Porsche. Kalia has pretty much been with Dani from early on.
Maybe I’m missing something, but I don’t remember Jeff promising Dani that he wouldn’t put her up. I thought he said that he would “think about it”. But its possible that I missed something.
I thought floaters were people who didn’t take a side…just because they didn’t cause major uproar doesn’t make them a floater! Jordan always had an alliance and stuck with it until the end…so I though!
Jordan is a coat tail rider
Floater is a dirty word if BB. Personally I think that being in the house and being a floater is not a bad thing. But the focus on “floaters” has been the past 2 seasons. Here we are in BB13 with the BRJJ alliance saying all floaters must die and leaving the house full of them; while they inhabit the jury house. Jordan side is/was with Jeff; her side is gone now. When Jeff is gone she is a floater. She won the game as a floater and she may very well do so this season.
Uhh… hello? How come my comments aren’t posting? Simon – am I banned? Did I do something wrong?
we’re ubber busy right now
Team Shelly yo
Shelly is scewed on Jury votes. But she has the most game in the house this year, no question.
Porsche is set up to win. Final 3 deal with Shelly and Kalia. She will win against either of them in final 2.
If there is another endurance comp, Porsche will win that too.
Don’t count Kalia out. She has 2 HOH’s. IF Jordan and Rachel go home, Kalia would be wise to get rid of Shelley and Porsche and take Adam to the final 2.It would be nice to see some more diversity amongst the winners in BB history.
I’m team anybody but Jordan and Adam
For those who said Jordan is only upset because she lost Jeff, they are missing the point. She is sad to be missing Jeff, but mad because she was so betrayed by someone she thought was a friend-the lieing scumbag Shelley and Piggy Porche..
a bitter Jeff/Jordan fan? 🙁
don’t worry, “it’s just a game” 😉
seriously what is your problem?? are you off your meds?? awwwwwwwwwwwww 🙁
How did Porsche betray her?
And she’s played this game before – did she expect NOT to get betrayed? Shelly is far from my favorite houseguest but she made the best game move for her and cannot be faulted for that.
How arrogant are JJ to believe that someone (two people including Adam) were just there to ensure they win it? Yes, they were getting smoke blown up their collective asses but how damn high on that horse do you have to be to actually believe it?
Jeff betrayed Dani and part of the game is betrayal. JJ also were planning to betray adam, shelly, and rachel. So what’s good for the goose is also good for the gander.
Looks like team dani lives on. Now that’s a sign of a great player when your evicted and your pals start kicking ass and taking names in your honor! Bow to the greatness that is porsche! bye Rachel and Jordan, bye Adam! What a great ending!
Simon! The spirit of Dani lives on in Kalia and Porsche. Grenades, yo!
Add Shelly to that she threw a massive grenade about 30 minutes before the show started… A last ditch effort to get Adam to flip.
I heard. Have you posted anything about it yet?
What was the fight Jeff was talking about on the show, between him and shelly in the morning.
can they get that spirit exercised??? ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww whiny, petulant, selfish, back stabbing, deal breaking spirit!!
please do not hold up Dani as standard of good game playing! showed her true colours when she was on the block! so dani fans she is a whiner too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jeff didn’t play a clean game. He told dani he wouldnt put her up but did; he only played clean if you worshipped his ass!
jeez I wonder what happened to all the Dani haters .. LMAO
Still here she is not hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
I have to say that Shelly is showing her true colors on BBAD. I can understand a big game move and flippin to the other side, it’s part of the game, but, the way that Shelly did it is what disturbs me, and now on top of all that she is now trash talking about JJ. Can anyone imagine being her friend in real life? You would constantly be checking your back to see where the knife was!!!
Looks like her head is blowing up now that she made that move
JJ can’t separate game play and personal. Tough. Shelly tried to explain that it wasn’t personal and she was doing what was best for her game and that things changed from that perspective. She’s absolutely right. JJ couldn’t handle that Shelly put herself first before JJ and took an ass reaming because of it.
I wish Shelly never hid behind her daughter when she was called out before. That’s the one thing preventing me from actually liking her.
I hate when they make competitions this way, makes u think BB could of made it easier for them to find those clown shoes..
#things that make u go Hmmmm
i am appaled on the person Shelly has become in this game. what a disappointment. I hope so bad Adam win POV, save Jordan and force Porsche to put up Kalia or Shelly. Then Adam and Jordan can vote to keep Rachel. I want to see that power shift!! If not, nobody will watch BB anymore.
Good Gawd (Dawg?), why do people get on the ratings soapbox so vehemently? You speak for one person – yourself. As vociferous as BB fans are on these and other boards, we only make up a small fraction of the BB audience. Most of the BB audience will watch BB no matter who’s in there. The fact that ratings have never shot through the roof or taken a significant nosedive show that BB has its core audience.
No one is going to throw it for him and if Porsche continues her roll, she’ll put him up as a pawn.
Wrong. JJ sucks.
Rachel NEEDS to win that veto! TEAM RACHEL!
I used to be team Brenchel at the beginning but i didn’t like the way brenden was treating rachel. Then I became team rachel, but, i’m beginnig to see that she is not a person of her word. If she wins, I have no problem with it, as long as it is not adam or jordan
Just got back from Joan Jett concert (that lady kicks some serious ass !!) and watched dvr of BB. Any chance of a Jeff, Brendon, Dani 3some in the jury house !!
only if brendon lets jeff do stuff to him, sorry couldn’t help myself
more likely Jeff and Brendon will masturbate together.
I wonder if Jeff will be thinking about Adam?
Maybe Rachel can team up with Kalia?
shelly is an absolute idiot
they DO control who wins if all are out of the house. the plan should be to try and take rachel to F3, because she just cant win.
stupid stupid stupid. the winner of BB will be anyone EXCEPT shelly…she has the same chance as brenden at this point
Shelley may win Fan Favorite.
It is a toss-up between Shelley and Dani.
Adam is a joke….lol. this idiot was prepping all week for Q&A., he gets what he asks for and gets the first HOH question wrong.
LMAO! That and Jeff power-lifting his yellow shoe out of the pit made the live show so worth it. Even though I was rooting for Dani to stay.
I was really hoping Dani would stay.
How did you like her good-bye speech?
I loved it. She nailed J/J before she ever left the BB House. lol
She needed to inspire her girls to strike while Jeffy was vulnerable! Dani looked good and spoke the truth. I didn’t care that it was 10 times longer that Kalia’s speech. She needed to put Adam on blast for being such a kiss ass.
Jordan stop whining, complaining, and throwing a fit it’s making you look like a bigger moron than before. Also stop blaming Dani and everyone else when you had a chance like everyone to win HOH and didn’t you lost period it’s not anyone elses fault. Shes like a big baby having a tantrum. I can’t believe Rachel was more composed when Brendon left then Jordan is. It screams bad sportsmanship. I used to like Jordan the first time around she was on even though she has always sucked at competitions because she used to be humble. Now she just sounds like a sore loser. She needs to learn the phase what goes around comes around. Her and Jeff were so cocky when they were on top and thinking they were better than everyone else. This is not the Jeff and Jordan show as Jordan seems to think. It’s a freaking game did she really think Shelly was just there to propel them the finals so they could take the 1st and 2nd spot. Sheesh she needs to get over herself. Also I find it highly hypocritical of her to say Shelly backstabbed her when a couple nights ago she and Jeff were laughing at Shelly behind her back and saying they would never take her to the final 3 like they told her. Ugh she should just self evict now since she’s such a waste of space and take freaking Adam with her the other waste of space!
LMAO…tell me about it. I ejoyed the hell out of Jeff breaking down and begging Shelly Snake to not vote him off.
porsche needs new sweats, kalia you r just simply ugly, shelly really is a snake, dani needs to get tips from ED on how to really play BB.
Jeff needs to learn not to act like a 5 year old when he loses a game.
I’m sorry, did Jeff follow Dani right out the door?
I think that Rachel and Jordan should team up with Kalia and if one of R or J wins POV then Adam will go up and K/R/J will have the votes to vote Adam off and then next week P can’t play HOH so it would be 3 to 1 and then either K/J/R hopefully will win hoh and get rid of P or S. This is my best hope now.
Yeah, tonight proved Kalia is done working against herself and her alliance. There is not one reason why Kalia should dump Porsche/ Shelly for an incompetent duo of JR. Definately not because you like them.
kalia has no need and reason to team up with rachel and jordan. jordan has been treating kalia like shitz for a while now. kalia was trying to be nice to her again and jordan is still was acting uppity and snobbish.
So, looks like my little theory about Jeff being an IDIOT and putting the largest target on his back rang pretty true tonight.
That captain guy was straight up rooting for Jeff and now switched to Team Porsche WTF? Lol. TEAM KALIA DA HUT YO
Like or Dislike Kalia,But are ppl serious when they say shes a floater…Shes won 2 outta 5 HOHs shes been winning???????????
THANK YOU! She also aliged with a strong competitor. Dani and Rachel could have won. Shelly and Adam dont win shit.
Best. Night. the BB house!! Shelly, it took me a while to like you, but tonight I love you! You had such guts to do what you did to better your game- you were awesome!! Go Team Shelly/ Porsche!
If you don’t like her just don’t like but to say shes done nothing,i’m really confused sorry.PS i don’t care who wins.
Adam is praying and saving all his ”major” skills for a dates competition……floater….
@ Jimmy, its the same thing Dani did to Brenden the week before!!!Dani played the WORST game in Bb history.
I didn’t say dani played a clean game. I was simply pointing out that Jeff didn’t either.
Does the 6 figure job that Gatorface promised Jordan a couple of weeks ago still stand now that she slit Jeff’s throat like a skilled surgeon??
Are you serious?
Shelley never offered Jordan a job. She attempted to help Jordan learn and understand
what to expect during job interviews. Jordan failed.
you are being sarcastic, right?
Queen Dani raised a fine army. princess porsche and kaila
Have to say it……
‘Long Live Dani, the BB Queen!”
Midwest Fan, did you hear Jordon tell Rachel that Jeff is going to make it hell for Dani in the Jury House? I bet he doesn’t do anything but relax in the pool.
I did. Jordan said it at least twice, however I agree with you.
“BIG” Jeff’s days are done. From here on, he will be called, “Jeff.” lol
It was fantastic watching him leave the BB House.
games over once there in jury house, they all know that
Oh that look…that was the highlight of this season for me. Big jeff didn’t expect it, he was SO pissed….Couldn’t even put on a neutral face for Julie. So glad he’s gone, the smug asshole!
Jordan has made at least two comments that Jeff is going to kill Dani in the JH.
Then she begins wondering if BB Fans and viewers hate her and Jeff. lol
Anyone else feel like Shelly had an ulterior motive (ulterior to her actually winning the $$$) for flipping to the mean girl squad?
I’ve been observing her closely ever since week 2 when it was revealed how “in love” she was with JJ – her obsession and blind allegiance to them for the first 5 weeks always seemed unnatural and manipulative to me. Her “I just want to push you two to the final 2, I don’t care about the money” comment along with the many senseless, needless lies, and now the Big Flip at this point in the game to get in Dani’s good graces seems to confirm what I’ve suspected about her all along: she is an obsessive-compulsive with the traits of an egomaniac. To sum it up: Shelly just wants to be one of the most memorable BB players ever. She wants everyone to have to mention HER and HER NAME every time the topic of BB comes up. She has said repeatedly she doesn’t need the money (and it showed when they did the special on her family last week – she’s loaded), so what is she playing for? Her own ego, of course. Why is she a high-power executive for a nationwide company? Why does a high-power executive feel the need to go on a reality show? Why sprinkle the house with all the lies? Why make final-3 deals with every HG? Why flip on your alliance RIGHT WHEN when you get the chance to bury your biggest roadblocks in the game?
Shelly is in this game because she wants to make her name KNOWN, whether it be for good things or controversial things. THIS is why she sickens me… not because she turned on JJ – but because everything she’s done (and will continue to do) isn’t for any justifiable reason (the $$$, good game play, etc.); it’s all to feed her ego. The worst part? IT’S WORKING!!! This week she guaranteed herself a place in All-Stars 2, and a place in almost every conversation about BB until the end of its run… ugh!!!
I think she was playing for the money all along. She was just blowing smoke up their azz to get further in the game. even though she’s loaded,everyone could use some extra money and half a mill is a lot of money!!. When she went to vote out jeff during live eviction, she said “Sorry Jeff, I’m doing this for my family”.
Hey, don’t hate on Shelly, she has a gift she’s trying to share with the world. I’m enjoying it.
Adam, remember Jeff told you that you were going to have to break from Porsch. If he could see you now! You are on her like glue.
R & J talking: the sign of two losers …. when they start cheering for Jeff and saying how jealous everyone is of him and, how popular he is …..(wait for it) ……… by the level of applause he received WHEN HE WAS EVICTED! WTF?!!!
R is also calling PKS weird. Again, WTF?!! Hey nut job, even your own fiancé (drink) thinks you need to see a psychiatrist when you get out. Somebody show her even a small portion of the many times she’s flipped out on this season alone.
Well said.
I think if Porche goes with either The SheHe or Kalia, Porche wins hands down. If she goes against Adam, Rachel or Jordan, she’s boned…
Her best deal this week would be to get rid of Adam (remaining mostly neutral) and let the other two girls get rid of Rachel and Jordan.
jordan need to go now. The longer she’s in the game the better her chances are to be a repeat winner
I think Porsche should win! Shelly I have completely changed my mind about used to dislike her but with her power moves lately she should get 1st or 2nd! I am team both of them! Jordan does not know how to play this game at all if she had a clue she wouldn’t be so bitter at what Shelly had to do. I think Shelly liked Jordan personally but she was right this is a game not a let’ be best friends with Jeff and Jordan and like Dani said give them 550,000 dollars. Shelly did what she had to do and came out on top. Jordan needs to get over it wasn’t personal it is a game!
Ughhhh, just so disgusted that Shelley decided to switch ships last minute and now is all buddy buddy w/ Porshe and Kalia. If this women wins BB 13 I swear I WILL NEVER WATCH this show again. But, as Jordan pointed out BRJJ has the deciding votes on who wins and I find it highly unlikely they will vote for “super Super super floater” Shelley. What has this women done other than lie, backstab, irritate, and stir up problems. I love how when she gets caught in a lie she somehow actually flips it on the person and convinces everyone that the other person is the one lying (example: the arguement w/ Rachel about a final three deal). People in the house only believe Shelly over other people because they assume this 40 something women would not act like a child. Shelly is a complete and total liar and if I was her family I would be disgusted in her. what am example to set for your daughter? You can win comps so you resort to lying about EVERYTHING. Shelly has a weak mind to be able to be so manipulated by Dani in so few days. Good for Adam for voting the way he wanted and he seems to have always voted the way he feels he wants to. At this point I dont even care to continue watching the show because I am so overly disgusted that Shelly is still in this house and that she has somehow managed to always be kissing the right asses.
I swear if Kali or Shelly or Porsche wins this it will be the worse BB in history. Let the best floater win, not the best man Jordan.
If I was Porsche this week in the house I would nominate Jordan and Shelley. Shelley can manipulate just about anyone and Jordan has already proven she can win it all by winning one comp. Unless Rachel has been throwing comps she is useless….doesn’t work well under pressure. If I were Porsche my final four would be Adam, Kalia and Rachel. Final three Adam and Kalia. Final 2 Adam. Jury votes well I would say that the last adam that won from Jersey squandered his $ on drugs and got arrested.
am I the only one who thinks Rachel literally looks like an alien in the ROY G BIV room right now? She looks hideous – nothing out of the norm, though.
2nd Simon I freaking HATE that we have to wait til the site traffic dies, down, I was posting like madd on twitter tonight
I LOVE the fact that Jordumb won’t be able to win BB because in her season she competed against people who couldn’t win shit, that’s why she’s given up she knows deep down she can’t do shit, unless she gets help from Jeff or the other players suck so bad…
We control the votes? AND? You still won’t win.
Shelly should win America’s Favorite because she’s turned the game around not once but TWICE, she worked the hardest without ever winning anything. Love her or Hate her, she played the game better than anyone in the house.
Jordan and Rachel acting like highschool bitches right now. So Dani, Porsche, Shelly and Kalia are the catty ones? Things change when your back is against the wall.
I am so upset to think about how smug Dani must have been towards Jeff after they went to the jury house together. Probably giving him that evil f u smirk she has. If I was Jeff I would smack her. I just do not understand how Dani manipulates everyone. Its as if she is cool girl and all these other girls think they have to have her acceptance. Like Shelley said a few weeks ago “I feel like you guys (Kalia & Dani) are the cool kids and I am not.” Shelley said this in the HOH room when Kalia has HOH. Its amazing how dani produces these mingnons. I would never want to befriend Dani, she is a girl who is calculating and only uses her friendships to further herself somehow. I cant even begin to imagine how this girl must be in real life. If Kalia thinks Dani will stay friends w/ her outside BB world I am sure Dani would not be caught dead w/ her.
I also want to thank god that my mother is nothing like Shelley and I can honestly say if I knew my child was watching me I would never portray myself in the light Shelley has. What a role model. Hope she doesnt take from her mother because she will have a lot of problems thru out life.
Why don’t you blame Dani for all your ‘real life’ problems too? Seriously, why do you have to demonize the opposition? You like JJR? Okay. Do Dani or Shelly have to be evil for you to support JJR? Your post are getting a little over the top.
Jen…you sound like you know all of these BB contestants personally. It is a game. Do not pass judgement. These are human beings in a unique situation outside of their daily lives. For you to indicate that Jeff should hit a woman is unacceptable; I am sure that after Jeff cools down you will be the only one left angry!
it’s OK for BRJJ to manipulate people into doing what they want, yet when someone else does it’s evil?
How can you watch how Jeff went out and defend him? That was some cringe worthy TV! If he hadn’t been such a dick to people I might have had some respect for his play, but his social game sucked ass. Threw his most loyal minion Adam under the bus on network TV! He went out like the worse sore loser, don’t you be one too.
nailed it.
Jeff felt “entitled” to win. I look forward to BB showing Jeff’s entrance into the jury house. Hopefully they sent Dani there first and then Jeff after.
Speaking of which…when do they usually start showing the jury house reactions? I can’t remember.
So who hooks up with Dani? Jeff or Brendon? My guess is Jeff.
Jeff for sure, he said he like brunettes in season 11
but he fell in love with a dumb blonde
Jeff so wanted to hook up with Cassi.
Two Words: JEFF’S FACE
the thrill of victory and THE AGONY OF DEFEAT
That sounded like a ZIIING!! Haha…. love it Zzziiing
Dani, if you reading this, good job. Even though you’re already evicted, you did good in your speech and coaching Porsche and Kalia. You will have my vote for America’s Player.
Jordan is PISSED in that HOH room!
it’s awesome
I saved it and will watch it over the weekend.
BTW – “Kudos” on this great BB site and all of your efforts.
Whenever I come here, it is BB Game ON!
Thank you and Best Wishes.
Funny as shit.
And the Dani fans are back in full-vitriolic force… so glad to have you all back!
There is absolutely no need to be so nasty and personal about the HG’s and posters who don’t support your beloved Dani. You don’t even know the people you’re saying such awful things about. I’m sure if we put each one of you on display 24/7 the same people you tag-team insults with would find plenty of faults to tear you down over.
In short, you do Dani a disservice in connecting yourself to her while being so hateful. Dani didn’t play the game personally, and when she went out she went out with class – you would do good to learn this lesson from your idol.
Cheers, everybody!
I seem to be seeing a lot of JJ fans making persoanl attacks, no more than any Dani fans.
They actually started it.
I’m Team Who Making Big Moves
Not Team Sit on Your ass and win 500k for the summer
Are you kidding me? Have you read through most of the comments since tonight’s live episode like I have? Maybe try going back and doing that first before you say JJ fans are doing the same thing…..
That being said, neither side is innocent. It just sure seems to me that when Dani’s side has been in power, these forums have been a lot more nasty than the last week of Jeff’s HOH reign.
I’m just sayin’….
I never said any side was innocent, I said JJ fans are making just as many personal attacks, so I suggest YOU look through the comments again.
I DVR’d the show tonight and did a slo-mo to verify what I saw…Jeff was throwing balls out as some type of strategy and he actually threw the clown shoe out with the balls!!! Then he found the second one and would have won if he saw the first clown shoe. He lost to himself! Who’s the BOZO now? LMAO
LOL, what a dumba$$!!!
no new sweats for team fat butt..well maybe she will get a clue why they gave her sneakers
Team fat. Jordan and Rachel should fit right in.
This all goes back to dani making a stupid move if sani stuck to the plan Dani Dominic BR JJ would be in the final 6 and not these clowns
Dominic was never part of any final 6. Dani was at a disadvantage because she lost Dick (I volunteer to give her my Dick), so it was JJBR +D.
Being the odd person out in a 5 person alliance makes you an easy target. If BRDD took Jeff out right from the start, the game would have changed significantly, however I do expect that Jeff would have come back in America’s choice.
Like!!! *two thumbs* up 😉
Dani fans = biggest assholes on this site…YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ohh shit Grenades YO!
No, I think that would be Jeff Fans. Jeff would have to have a big asshole by now with Adam being camped out there for so long.
LOL. You got that right!
I was actually a Jeff fan. But he just started throwing balls instead of looking for shoes. Then he threw one away. DAMN It is what it is…and it’s a BOZO move!
LOL, I think you’re talking about JJ fans, SORE LOSERS!!!
Jordan is actually playing smart.
Jordan and Rachel needs to use the fact that they control the jury votes to leverage the other 4 house guest. They can individually threaten certain house guests that they will NEVER win if they don’t support them. If they get sent to the jury, have total control of the votes, but if they support them secretly, they will definitely get the $500,000 if they make it to the final 2.
doesn’t matter who or what they threaten, its’s a possibility that 2 newbies will be in the finals and they have to vote for one or the other. Kalia already feels like she’s playing for second place and not too many people want to give her credit for gettig rid of that tyrant Big Jeff.
Jordan has said it enough this season, so it was bound to be right at some point, but they really are getting picked off one by one.
He got Dani out…haha and Dani is a scaggy bish!!!!!!!!!
At least she’s made it to the finals before. So much for Big Jeff and his BIG GAME. You run around intimidating people and they will repay you in the future.
At least Big Jeff had a game thats more than you can says about some of the jellyfish in the house..
Jordumbass is mad Shelly did not want to write Jeff and Jordumb a check for 500k, mad because shelly playing the game instead of sitting on her ass for 3 months…
Jordon’s thinking when she found out she was going back into the house “OMG Jeff We are going to go into the Big Brother House and hangout and win 500k without doing anything, greatest summer vacation ever”
Ill Well, maybe she is upset because she was hoping Jeff would win his own money and stop asking to borrow money from her.
LOL yea, but I think he has his own CBS money for them TV shows
Jordan is sooo lying! Her n Jeff been talking so tough n ugly bout Shelly n Adam the past two days!!! She’s really stressin that jeff may sleep with Dani again and bc she just didn’t get her way!!!
What is this again with sleeping with jeff? When did it happen the first time
She is sad and I don’t like to see anyone cry but I have to agree with you. She is no different than any of the others in that house. I felt the same way in her own season. Everyone thought her so sweet but when you watched BBAD you saw that she was just the same as the others and talked about everyone and did her share of game playing that included lying and backstabbing. It is just part of the game. She is upset with Shelly but her and Jeff’s plans were to get rid of Shelly after the Porsche and Kalia. Jeff and Jordon were for themselves just like the others. Shelly just broke out on her own when she realized that they kept wanting Rachel to stay and her time was limited.
Didn’t know that. When did Jeff and Dani sleep together?
Your pathetic!
Your pathetic!Your pathetic!
If you are going to make a statement like that, please reference where you heard/saw it.
Just because some other bozo on here said it, doesn’t make it a fact.
I doubt it happened because there would have been more tension between Jordan and Dani if it really did.
Dani if you’re reading this, good job. Too bad you had to be evicted, but you did a good speech and a good job coaching Porsche and Kalia. You earned my vote for america’s player.
Jordan: “I’m glad Dani left so I don’t have to hear ‘shocker!'”
Because “fiance” and “Big Jeff” are that much better?
I’d like to give Dani the “shocker”…or maybe the “spocker”. (google “shocker spocker” if you don’t know what I mean).
What an emotional rollercoaster for Jordan and Rachel. Jordan has talked about everyone in the house behind their backs. Now she is worried if America thinks Jeff and her are bad people. WTF! If you have to ask the question, you already have your fricking answer.
Evict Rachel, then Jordan, then Adam.
Porsche, Kalia and Shelly to the final three. And may the best person win, which for me is Kalia and Porsche.
I am not surprised about this outcome. I always said Jeff’s biggest mistake in the game was to throw away the POV to Adam. It would have kept Brandon in the game and a stronger Vet Alliance. I really feel so sad for Jordan. She really wanted to keep the phonce call from home, but did a remarkable thing and gave it to Shelly instead. Shelly has no character. She is one of the most ugliest people I have ever seen on reality tv. I know people enter the house to win the game, but there are boundaries. Character is worth more than 500,000. I know people lie in the game, but Shelly’s actions cross the line. I think she has more evil in her and after the show I hope the outside world treats her with disgust. Give her a taste of her own medicine.
So character includes handing somebody a half mil for a phone call?
Im glad Porche won HOH! Now that she has her own bathroom maybe she will wash her hair!
Shelly is still a sweet old lady, she just played the game with a brain and turned the house around 3 times, HAHAHA Jordan and Rachel is pissed Shelly outplayed them without ever winning.
I Have flipped from extremely hating her to Loving her many times this season. All in all Watching shelly play BB has made the feeds great because she’s has flipped the house so many times.
i agree with you Simon. It was so hard trying to figure shelly out. I didn’t know if she was straight shooting or shooting straight. Now. we know her eye is on the prize and she is shooting straight
Old lady???? She is only 41. Ill Will, you will someday realize that 41 is not old. And, you are only as old as you feel and think. I’m about 32.
BBGrandma, it’s not the fact that shelly is 41, it’s the fact that she looks 61
Does anyone know of another BB recap site that isn’t so biased towards dani’s side? I mean this sentence ” (It’s really pathetic listening to these 2 it’s almost as bad as listening to Adam kiss ass in the kitchen right now) ” in the middle of recap is gross, especially because NOTHING like this was in the recaps when Dani walked around all week like a whining like a 5 year old.
And no, before I get attacked i’m not a crazy JJ or BR fan, I just don’t want recaps telling me what I should think of other players. I want to make up my own damn mind, not have someone else influence me.
Where does it say on my own site that I can’t write whatever I want?
Listening to JR talk about quitting and how they never wanted to come on the show to begin with is pathetic..
Well said Simon and spot on! I would have also said that you know where the escape button is.
Really Sara? You read all these comments from people from one side or the other and you don’t think the guy writing the recap can’t have a say, too. No where does he say you should follow his lead. I have been with this site for sometime now and I have had my favorite that is different than Simon’s and he has never made me think different. He will tell you that and me with Hayden last year. I find it pretty silly of you to even type such a comment. If you don’t like the site, move on. You don’t need to make a comment that insults the owner. There are other sites. Perhaps you will be happier somewhere else and maybe you can even find one that will side only with you. I am sorry for being blunt but I happen to love the guys who own this site and I won’t let someone say something like you have without getting my gray hair in a frizzy. Move on.
BBGrandma Whose your pick to win it ?
Your site has been awesome the last few seasons I have watched. This is the first season I started posting.
I am really happy to see the large activity on your site. CONGRATS!
Thanks, glad you’ve started commenting
Hayden…………no but he was the first one I was for that actually won. I am kinda leaning towards Porsch but I might have to go with Shelly because she went against the tide and made a smart move for herself. No way Jeff and Jordon were going to take her to the end.
Jeff acted like a 5 year old that got his basketball stolen at recess.
What a child. This is a game, you got beat.
Your alliance has weak comp players and you lost the POV. Deal with it.
Whatut, well, his alliance wasn’t totally weak. Shelly finally refused to follow his orders and stepped out on her own. I think he was mostly upset with was he had lost control and his bullying didn’t work on her.
Sara, read the comments guideline link. He is forthcoming about the fact that he is going to have an opinion! It’s only natural and quite frankly its nice to know there are actual human beings behind the spoiler recaps who get on the comments with everyone and not robots (or zingbots) behind the scenes pumpin out all this info you are dying to read about as it happens. Girl, its only a game, join the fun, not the fight!
if you actually think that anyboody on this site is going to give you the name of another site then you are delusional. this is the best site ever. most other sites don’t allow you to crtitize the house guests, CBS or anything. if you are not happy here, then just leave. just like you found this one, you will find another one.
I agree with bbgrandma…well said.
Sarah can go to the BB website. They have a blog.
…but I feel this is the best site ever….I look at it EVERY DAY….and I have been watching BB since season 3.
Go team Portia. PKS ….all the way….and still for Dani as the the America vote.
shelly is a bitch. a horrible woman who is a lying lady. she didnt deserve to be paired with jordan and jeff who are amazing human beings. i am revolted with her.
Team Shelly YO!!!!
Out of all the BB’s, this season has to be the worst. There just hasn’t been any strong players. Last season for example:You never knew who was going to win any of the comps. Look at who won this year?! Most of the comps were given not won!! Think of how many weak players there’s been this season.
I’ll give you the list:
Madam the Eunuch=The worst player of all time. Gargled Jeff’s nuts till the end. No Sackquile! The worst!
Billy=What does shim hunt?Butterflies?This woman/man/C.all of the above couldn’t fight her way out of a wet paperbag.
Kuntlia=Voted her own alliance member out. WTF!! All talk no game! “Oh they’ll hate me” WAAAH WAAAH Go the park and find a bench where you can play a good game of “even” where everybody wins.
Roachell=Zitzilla is pathetic, kept this long because everyone wants to be paired up with this hated ho-bag. I used to rub one out to the BB nudes till I caught glimpse of this genital wart infested douche bag.
Doordan=”This season’s i’ms a buying me a double wide” This brain transplant canidate is dumber than a door knob. Nuff said!
Horshe-Ass=Will look like a Marion Jones on steroids from here on out with this cast of dognuts.
Low-one? Really? I bet he’s still at home waiting for the “Twist” I bet the gay community was happy Princess Tiana showed up to “represent” I dont know who was more pissed off the blacks or the gays.
Very True!! Best post of the night!
Jordan is borderline retarded. So great to see both of your heroes go down in flames. Get used to it – It’s Porsche’s game to lose.
They way Shell shows her true colors tonight, should be a reason for her to eliminated. If she cannot even stay loyal to her alliance of KK, what makes Porsche think Shelly will be loyal to her. Shelly will be evicted this week. She does nothing. She wins nothing. She doesn’t even need nor deserve the money. Get her out!!!!!!
Overall, a pretty lame season. They should do an all syars with veterans from all the previous seasons, and NOT include anyone new players from this season. Worst newbies, except Cassi, EVER.
Team Jordan (:
Jordan will win again this season!!! I know it.
Jordan’s ass is as good as gone. Let her cry all she wants. Nobody cares. Narcissistic twat.
Did the feeds show the blowup this morning bw Jeff and Shelley? I want to know what went down! Boo to CBS for not including some of it in tonights show…maybe they’ll have one of those ‘unseen moments’ episodes
I read some of this posts and ask myself what has our world turned into? What message are we sending to future generations. What message are you sending to your own son/daughter, or nephew/niece about character. I am a teacher and its clear to me that the new generations are headed towards the wrong path. People with no character and people that support terrible character are to blame. You want to be treated with respect, but if you are supoorting terrible character You are teaching your own that is okay to be disrespectful. Then, we wonder where did it go wrong. The answer is you! You are to blame, because you take away from people that work hard to be positive role models and hope to see a better world with more peace and character.
If you are a Shelly fan and a Dani fan you need to find happiness within. They have no character. And you are part of the problem why this world has become a scary place.
How many cats do you own?
Over/Under: 11
Awesome! LOL!
no matter what all your opinions are at this point….this season is done. Unless Rachel miraculously wins the POV this week and wins every single competition until the final 2, the ratings are completely going to be destroyed. Kalia, Shelly and Adam are the worst players to ever make it to the final 5. I was a Dani and a Jeff fan….. but Kalia, Shelly, and Adam are the worst players I have ever seen. I will not be watching any more of this season other then occasionally checking up on this website.
Also, the live feeds are going to be terrible and BBAD is no longer worth watching.
All you people switch your opinions week to week just based on who is in power vs. who is losing. You hate with someone wins, but you hate with someone whines. The only time you are happy is when someone is losing and is being a “good sport”….Then you root for them until they are in power and you talk crap about them.
I can’t wait to watch the ratings tank…and for Shelly and Kalia to get out of the house and have mental breakdowns when they see everything everyone has posted about them. I used to dislike Rachael but atleast she was gaming…One true fact remains:
EVERYONE HERE WHO DISLIKED JEFF’S “BULLYING” AND ANY TYPE OF STRONG-ARM GAMEPLAY THAT WAS AN OUNCE OF COCKY CLEARLY ARE OUT OF SHAPE KALIA TYPES THAT HATE WATCHING PHYSICALLY SUPERIOR PEOPLE GET LOVE FROM FANS AND WIN COMPETITIONS BECAUSE THEY TAKE BETTER CARE OF THEIR BODIES. I can’t stand all the opinions of the people here that are out of shape losers trying to find fault with in-shape people when these girls (including Adam) are walking around the house eating and sleeping.
Is it wrong of me that I hate Kalia because I’m now becoming borderline racist? I can’t stand the look of her face and how she is every prototypical example of black thick women. This is the PG version of what i want to say. I can’t stand the look of her face and hideous body.
This season is done for me….who wants to watch a house of unattractive women duke it out? Comeon now.
Pretty sure it bad if you hate Kalia because you’re becoming a borderline racist. Wait, was that a trick question?
by your comment you are not borderline at all, you are a racist. what if kalia was a heavy set white woman, would you feel the same? and Pinto is definitely not a Twiggy. So, just say it, you don’t like Kalia because she’s black. You’re not the first person on this board that doesn’t like her because of her skin color nor will you be the last. Just face it, you are not borderline, you are full fledge.
This song is for jordan…crybaby crybaby suck ya mamma titty
I wish Jordan would shut up already and quit blubbering. If she’s so miserable and hates the game so much then she should just self evict herself. Jordan and Rachel are the biggest bunch of cry babies, jfc.
whats happened to the JJRSAKP alliance ? Was the shortest running alliance ever
I knew the “super alliance” was doomed on double eviction night.
if you go back and look at jeff’s face when julie chen said that it is going to be a DE he knew he was a goner. He knew his alliance couldn’t win shitz and if he didn’t win the pov, he was as good as gone.
People like you are sick in the head. Jordan is not a retarded person. I have had the great gift to work with kids that are mentally challenge. And let me tell you they each have a special gift.
Maybe, you should consider to volunteer to work with special ed kids. And I assure you that you will rethink to call someone retarded.
I am not sure if you have kids but you just pray that your children born healthy with no special needs, Because then you will cry every night and regret calling people retarded.
Not very convincing. If she’s not cognitively disabled, what’s her excuse?
Porsche should nominate Adam and Rachel. Jordan is harmless.
Jordan is not harmless. She has the jury votes. Unfortunately for Jordan, everyone knows her game and how she can slip right into the final 2. Rachel and Jordan need to go on the block. It pov is used Adam has to go up.
that’s what people thought in bb11, she was harmless. and who won BB11, the HARMLESS ONE!!!
LOVE THIS!! I never thought JJ were a couple, they do seem like bro/sis.
Not everyone has to be nasty when they r a couple. They hold hands and stuff but they decide to remain classy instead.
shelly wrinly ass pussy backstabbing a nice loyal girl i hate old people their grumping because they stoped get dick
Sleep well, You lose.
I beg your pardon. I get grumpy because young people think sex stops at 40. You are in for a big surprise. With age it gets better. Practice makes perfect. I don’t have to practice anymore because I have got the game down. 🙂
We’re in our 60’s and this week we had the best sex ever! We were hot!!!!
and you’re not smarter than a first grader!!
The Plush Dog needs to be returned – stealing isn’t part of the game – I think for the Criminal Acts Porshe & Kalia should be kicked out of the BB House. If my neighbor stole something it would be wrong – & it’s wrong that Rachel’s property has been taken from her.
Porshe & Kalia should be kicked out of the game for resorting to poor sportsmanship & stealing.
Again, I am unable to watch BB with Kalia being in the HOH room – I know Porshe won but the pair of them are disgusting to watch.
If I’ve learned anything about human nature it’s that most people are cruel & mean spirited – at least they are in the BB House & they are getting rewarded for it. I would be curious how the other seasons of BB compare – were other house guests in previous seasons low life thieves that did not contain an ounce of sportsmanship like Porshe & Kalia – the two lazy ones who have the behinds to prove how much they ate this season -?
I don’t like Shelly – but I think she wanted Jordan to embrace her & got to the final to w/ her. Shelly seems to be in love with Jordan at times & I think Shelly wanted to be in the final 2 with Jordan. Shelly went about doing this the wrong way & is a horrible player b/c she does not have any ethics.
Get this. Rachel’s dog is inside the tissue box Jordan and Rachel are using to wipe their tears.
Rachel has no clue the dog was in her hand.
Just want to say from a JJ supporter: GOOD GAME, team Dani! Looks like you’ll probably win out in the end fair and square… unless Shelly can’t control her compulsive manipulative behavior and throws ANOTHER senseless grenade in 2 weeks and goes back to Jordan saying “this was all to set up everything for just you and me”. Think about it, Dani-lovers… if Shelly wins this season, it’s a loss for ALL OF US.
Tonight was two generals of opposing armies going out in a blaze of glory… and no one honorable left on the battle field. Gotta say both Dani AND Jeff kept it classy in the end. Although I wasn’t a Dani fan I always liked her, and her speech tonight was great. From one side to the other, I salute them BOTH for a good battle!
Not going to lie, Dani looked great in that dress. Although I still don’t like her black hair.
I liked the upskirt shot as she stood up to make her plea.
Glad I have a 65″ HDTV.
how come none of my comments get posted?
there’s almost 400 comments on this post you’ll need to scroll through them all.. you’ll find your posts
I totally agree this season is suckie I didnt want jeff to leave andy I agree none of the people left deserve the money. Also all the people hating on jordan are wrong I feel sorry for jordan she has such a good heart and shelly is a total wench and did jeff and jordan wrong after all they did for her. If rachel and jordan leave I really dont think I can watch the rest of the season.
Jordan confirmed what i thought all the crying was about, not that jeff left, although that was helping, it was that shelly was saved by her and she did things for shelly cause she thought she was a friend, and now she has been stabbed by a friend…just ask any friend whose friend has stabbed them in the back…..and broke their hearts, this is serious and can cause great grief in her. Say what you want about Rachael but the real word and BB have made her a bit colder on this concept. Rachael just thinks everyone is out to get her and i love the way she is now dealing with it. HER BEGGING for her dog her mom gave her and the scanks wont give it back, is not a behavior i accept or stealing peoples stuff and hiding it with no intentions of giving it back to me are unacceptable and should be corrected, i will not watch next season if bb continues to let this behavior be acceptable and dani and her bunch have been laughing about it as when porche put the benafiber in their muscle milk when they were a have not…i DO NOT APPROVE of such behavior to the HG. They should never allow this as they are in complete control. I thought bb was better than this, i would consider my safety if i were a guest in that house. Considering the backgrounds and the forward moves of some of their past winners and guest ending up in jail and prison….for stuff like selling drugs and forged checks i think i heard, not too promising to get in there with those hg uh? Anyway I am done when R and J are gone, hope then Adam wins and none of the mean girls from HS days…that i see in the last three women in the house that would be left. I dont believe in rewarding anyone for the things they have done! How many times can kalia sing and get penalties and not go home?
Rachels dog is in this tissue box.
Too funny!
Too funny!!!!
I don’t know let step back and think of what could have been. I think Jeff got so full of himself. He could have keep Dani knowing he could have pulled some of her followers. A game move that kept an all-star and her army. Take out Rachel, who with Brendan near the end was willing to take out JJ. He knew this, but didn’t want to believe it. Rachel has been willing to throw JJ under the bus many times. He knew this from a few people. Bad move Jeff. Dani was up against the wall he could have waited until the last minute and said Dani I am going to keep my word, which was to keep her and not back door her. She would have been shocked and at this point things could have gone many different ways. Everyone has been sick of Rachel for weeks, “well all show”. It was all about her being the center of this whole season. Yes it could have this backfired and Dani took him out, the next week, but he would have had a shot for another week, one week closer. But that would have shook up the house with taking Rachel out, Shelly would have voted Rachel out instead of having to take out Jeff. It might have given him some more jury votes. Not to say that he would have ever made it that far. But again he had to know Dani did have some kind of backing, all he had to do is look around. Since Dani has always talked about game play, that would have been a big one. Just a thought to throw out there guy and galls.
Here is a comment that the captain guy posted “Dani gone and Kaila goes next. Jeff is definitely going to win BB13. Now that a fact not fiction. All the floaters are scare. that why Jeff created Jeff’s Army.” Lol. Now that things turned out the opposite of what he expected or wanted (his best case scenario was Jeff and Jordan F2 with Jeff winning both 500k and Favorite Houseguest) it is not that surprising that he suddenly disappeared from this site. Perhaps crying and bitching about it like Jordan is. He says he went to high school with Jeff.
I am so tired of watching this game expecting the strong competitors to actually team up and run through the house and then duke it out at the end. I have yet to see a season where a floater didn’t make final 2 and I’ve seen several floaters win. It seems this season is headed that way. Sleep through the season as you are protected by a strong player and then win the toss-up type games they like to throw in this time of year and you’re in the final show. I was sincerely hoping for a final 6 of the vets this year as I didn’t see a single newbie worthy. Watching the season my feelings on the new cast were correct. However, once Dick lost I had a feeling Danielle would lose her way and she did. She paid the price, but so did Brendan and Jeff. Now we are left with Rachel as the only real start to finish competitor and odds are she will be out next. Let’s just fast forward the rest of the season so we can forget about it just like the year Adam Vicodin won. Yawn.
Thx Simon for an awesome site!
Karma is a biaaaaatch. Big Jeff….lmao. You and Dummy should have voted to keep Brendon instead of Shelly (how about that big game move). Say what you want about Shelly but she is in a good spot by turning against Jeff the Bully. Adam, a 41 year old “metal head” is a sad excuse for a REAL MAN (Farrah, good luck with that). Game isn’t over yet but i’m glad the strongerst vets are out the house….they already had thier chance.
I think it is physically impossible for Kalia to shut her mouth for to more than 5 seconds unless she is stuffing it full of food.
Hey willis. You talk BIG TYPING in front of a computer. Why dont you come and see what THIS 6’8″ 305lbs Jeff and Jordan fan can do. You try to talk the talk, NOW you need to Walk the Walk!!
I totally agree this season is suckie I didnt want jeff to leave andy I agree none of the people left deserve the money. Also all the people hating on jordan are wrong I feel sorry for jordan she has such a good heart and shelly is a total wench and did jeff and jordan wrong after all they did for her. If rachel and jordan leave I really dont think I can watch the rest of the season. P is a total dummy then you got k who just came in the house to eat. Then we have shelly a total wench and adam who doesnt want to win he just wants to float to the end. Great season bb. I wanted jeff all the way.
If Rachel or even Jorden can get pov and HOH???????
Nothing makes me more bad at Shelly than her coming in and crying and trying to act like she’s sad Jeff left…I would have blown up on her too. She doesn’t get to vote him out and then whine abt how he’s out at the same time.
And I feel really bad for Jordan. She made cry during the show. She wasn’t just sad she looked confused and just defeated. I feel really bad :/
But guys, this week HOH really doesn’t have the power. It’s who plays the POV. Let’s say Porsche puts Rachel and Jordan up. If Adam wins POV and takes Jordan off, then Porsche would have to pick someone from her own alliance as a replacement. That would leave one for from her alliance to 2 from the other side. So, even though the other side lost the HOH, they’s be controlling the house. It’s going to be a really tricky week.
What was funny though was Rachel crying abt Jeff leaving and Shelly not voting for him. It’s like…you do realize you would have been evicted if Shelly hadn’t voted for you right? lmao.
Simon, you said Dawg can’t compete because he’s Canadian. I’m available and a US Citizen. No monkey business! Bring on the Dawg!
Tonight was epic! I am so glad that Big Jeff’s grandiose plans came to a dead halt tonight. When the show started, JJA looked really pissed, while Shelly and Porsche and Dani looked happy. I wish we knew what went down before the show started. The vets finally got their humble pie. Rachel, the self proclaimed super competitor has won two HOH competitions. No, actually just one, because the first one was thrown to her. She has sucked ever since, and she is lucky that Brendon was there to save her or she would have been gone long ago. She could have been in a good position if she had voted to keep Dani, and I think she knows it. Adam looked like he was going to cry when he cast his second vote. And JJR were devasted! Just a few hours ago they were bullying everyone and acting like they invented the BB game, and now Jeff is gone and Jordan and Rachel have given up. Tonight they were saying they will go for prizes instead of Veto. That sounds like something a useless floater would do. JJBR are the most over rated players ever. They are great only in their own minds. When they are winning they act like dictators with no sensitivity for others, and when they are losing, they blame others and complain. Their sense of entitlement is nauseating. If CBS gives Jordan or Rachel a special power I will be pissed.
Hats off to the newbs (minus Adam). I didn’t think they had it in them, but they made my night!
Kahlia: She annoys me to no end, and I wish she had left instead of Dani, but she won two HOH now on her own. She wasted the first one because she was scared of Jeff, but she made amends tonight! I don’t want her to make final two, but she deserves credit for what she did tonight.
Shelly: I don’t care what anyone says, but she has been the invisible busdriver almost from the start. She was one of the newbs that flipped to evict Keith. Week two she kept herself safe. Week 3 she was the one that outed to Jordan and then to Rachel that Dani was scheming to get Jeff backdoored, causing a schism in the vets alliance and mixing the house up. Week 5 she planted the seed for Kahlia to put Lawan up. Kahlia denies it was Shelly, but it wouldn’t have happened if Shelly hadn’t of gotten into her head. And this week she even told Jordan that she knew she couldn’t win with JJ and that she needed to make some moves for herself. Of course it went over Jordan’s head like a cloud. Shelly worked damn hard to keep Dani, and she also forced Adam to choose a side. Of course Shelly was the one that told Rachel that Jeff threw the POV that sent Brendon home. If she can make it to the end, she deserves the money. I know most would disagree because GASP! SHE LIED!!!! OMG!!! She bugs me, her voice, her dude walk, her dude way of sucking on a smoke, but she is the only one besides Dani who has been playing hard since the beginning.
Porsche: I read something Janelle said about Porsche. In essence Jani said that she tried to not like Porsche, but she ended up liking her a lot. I feel the same. She has consistently done well at comps and tonight won POV and HOH. The vets underestimated her. I am happy she won and wouldn’t be upset if she ends up in the final.
Jeff got what he deserved. He thought he had it all figured out. He thought he was king. He thought the pawns would just fall on their swords for him and his queen, or else. I bet Dani got some satisfaction tonight seeing Jeff follow her to jury.
DANI thanks stricking first blood at the vets alliance now all the floaters are going to win
dani’s voice shocker and the jury house is gonna awkward lol
This is the first season of Big Brother I’ve evere watched. It’s not really a show where the strong survive its a show where the person who kisses the right asses at the right time wins. If you win competitions and play the game well you go home. So fans make excuses for the pathetic players that either cant win anything or can only win when the good players go home by saying they have a good “social game”. but this is usually bullshit because it just involves someone getting lucky and telling the right lie to the right person.
Not a great show. If Adam or Kalia or Jordumb or that scary leatherface guy that hid Rachels stuffed animal wins half a mil its flat out wrong. Porsche and Rachel are the best competitors left on the show. That last sentence is absolutely sad but true.
Shelly is not being a good role model for her daughter. And doesn’t she have money? Making the statement sorry Jeff but I need this for my family. She is awful and I really think production should do something when HG’s go through or take others stuff.
Unlike most of you, I like Danielle and Jeff. Now that they are both gone, the show is gonna go downhill. I cannot imagine the show with porsche, kalia, shelly, and adam as final four. what will we see – Kalia sleeping, Shelly lying, Porsche sunbathing, Adam doing nothing. I wonder how CBS will manipulate the show to make it interesting.
Heard that dani outed CBS in that all veterans got 30,000 just to play and how much jjr got from amazing race and a soap opera. Probably why nit one word said about blowup because CBS put the lid on it somehow. They must have known it was coming. Why else would live feed go down?
I cant stand Shelly or Kalia , Porsche makes one move in the game and she lucks out. What a bunch of twats, srsly, the only good thing to come out of last night was Princess Dani. Sayanara.
its easy to come here and say, jordon is stupid, dumb, cant play the game etc… last nite i seen a woman that was genuinely hurt because she thought was making a true friend in shelly, and to jordon that is more important than money, i would be ashamed if i was shelly, yes u lie in the house, but she took it to a new level, and adam what can i say about him.. to say he never had an alliance with JJ was such a weak move, the way he latched on to porsches ass and didnt miss a beat, this has been the worst group of players since the start of bb, i was so turned off by the way kpsa were acting last nite i cancled my showtime script….
not for nothing Dani is now in the jury house with two neanderthals. Hope production keeps her safe from them.
Kalia won 2 HOHS out of the four competition’s she played in.LMAO shes a floater Kilia=2 HOH Wins Jell=1 and done Lao.
Well some of us oor everyone of us heard what Danis father said, mmy daughter played her cards to early and she will get voted out, sshe will now always be remeber as the daughter who could not shake her fathers coat tails
It’s so funny to me that, when Jeff and Jordan were in the house together, everyone loved them, and no one had anything bad to say about Jordan. Now that all she has to rely on is Rachel, suddenly the tables of turned! Fans turn to haters in the blink of an eye!
The poeple on this board that criticized Dani’s fans for saying that they are not going to watch if Dani’s leave are the same ones whining right not and saying that they are not going to watch if JJ leave. KARMA
Shellys wife and daughter have to be proud of him. she has really stuck to her guns and played with integrity just how she preached. I was team Dani and I still hate shelly for how she has acted all year and acted like all that mattered was being yourself and not lying. Dani and Jeff left, shows over for me.
OMG!! News flash this is a “GAME.” I am so suprise by the vets it is unreal. First of all they have played the game and know how people lies and flip flop all the time so nothing should suprise them. Next nobody I mean nobody comes on this show without the intent of winning the 500G’s. So big moves have to be made. In Shelly”s defense JJ lied to her and said that they were going to take her to the final three, but they really wanted it to be JJR. So when Jordan finish crying and stop thinking Shelly owes them for letting her make a phone call (really Jordan a phone call should make Shelly give up her hopes for 500G’s) start winning some comps, Jeff is gone suck it up. By the way if Jordan every watches the tapes of this show, Rachel and her Mr. Wonderful talked about her and JJ so bad I don’t think a wedding gift will be on their to do list. The next time she wants to spend a mindless summer with her man, do it outside the BB house that would be priceless.
It amazes me to and end just how hypocritial the alliance of JJBR have been in this game, when in power they call out the other players for floating and such but when not in power they are insufferable….
Do any of them realize that this is a freaking game not real life.
you dont have to worry about Shelly the Snake stabbing anyone in the back cause she looks right at you and stabs you in the front….
jordan needs to keep her head in the game and win hoh next week and put up porshe and shelly…she still has a chance to win this.
Is Adam that dumb? I mean really? He can’t think for himself.
What Jordan said is stupid.
If anybody from the new alliance SPK make it to the end….JJRB stick got to pick a NEWBIE to win….so what difference does it make if they have the numbers. If Kahlia or Portia are the final two then those stupid people in the Jury House JJBR still have to pick one of them to win….so it makes no difference what Jordan is saying now.
She is trying to talk game without Jeff at her side. really? and of course, the only one that logic would make sense to would be Adam.
Adam’s focus should be making it to the final two…but yet he continues to be stuck up JJ’s booty.
Kahlia is talking game with Adam….because she knows if KA are in the final two that she will win.
The Jury House will put this stuff behind them and focus on who they feel did the most to get the money (it happens every year). So then now they need to get Jordan out of the house….because I’m not sure how the JH will vote if Jordan is in the final two….but once Jordan goes….whoever wins is fair game and the JH will not hold grudges. The JH will consider who had the best strategic plan…social plan….and the win of comps. Of course K would not want to go to the end with Portia…..she knows socially Portia will win the votes.
At this point, the game is strictly about…who can I take to the end that I feel the JH will vote me over them. Anybody, not thinking in those terms is dumb. Jeff is not going to give Adam his vote….I don’t care if Adam was sitting next to Dani.
i am so annoyed with the stupidity of ADAM…. worst player this season NO DOUBT! unfreakinbelievable!
I don’t even want to watch anymore. With Jeff and Dani out the whole show is just boring. I just watched my last episode of BB last night. I just came on here today to see who won HOH, and now that I see it’s Porsche I’m definitely not watching. At this point I hope anyone but Shelly wins, I’m out! This show is going to bore everyone to tears from here on out!
holy shit! what a night. first of all, the show is nearly unwatchable now!
look at the persons left in the game. floaters in most part. kalia only can guess things and sleep all day. adam- no comment. porsche wins now because all good players went to war. shelly- no comment. a wait. think she ll get a real problem in the real world. jordan and rachel are done.
my hightlight of the show. porsches POV speech. saying ” nom stays the same. thats what danis would have wanted” . wait a momnet….at that moment dani was evicted. shows what a chracter porsche is. useless.
in the end they should name the show girls camp now. the fact that adam and shelly are still in there can be neglected .
You’re confused.
Porsche didn’t use the POV when Rachel and Jeff were on the Block and that is what sealed Jeff’s
departure from BB.
It was a thing of beauty.
Also, while saddened that Dani is gone, I loved her good-bye speech.
Dani “got” Jeff and Jordan before leaving the House. lol
J/R go on the block Adam or Shelly win veto. The votes stay the same Rachel goes . Adam wins HOH! The greed comes out of Jordan she reminds Adam about how much he owes to J/J. Adam puts up S/K and K wins veto. So Adam puts up Jordan. J/ S on block and J goes. AKPS final four. AKP final three. AP final two . FLOATERS are masterminds of manipulation.
J/R go on the block Adam or Shelly win veto. The votes stay the same Rachel goes . Adam wins HOH! The greed comes out of Jordan shke reminds Adam about how much he owes to J/J. Adam puts up S/K and K wins veto. So Adam puts up Jordan. J/ S on block and J goes. AKPS final four. AKP final three. AP final two . FLOATERS are masterminds of manipulation.
TEAM PORSHE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lets take a head count…
Shelly – less than 2 weeks ago… ‘I can’t believe people play the game like this. Everyone is lying and backstabbing each other! I would never do that to win this game.’ uhhh… ‘nough said.
Kalia – I simply do not like her. She thinks she is a bad ass and she is really an idiot.
Adam – Nice guy, BUT he is the ultimate FLOATER. His floating is out of control.
Jordon – Love her to death, BUT she hasn’t done much..
Porsche – Congratulations. By default you are number two. You have been hibernating all season, but now you decided to start playing. Two comps one night. Good job. But you just said Rachel was chubby… girl watch out because you’re blowin up like a balloon.
Rachel – We all know she probably needs medication… BUT she is the best player left in this house. Out of everyone left she is the best player. End of story.
This is crazy. This season has gone off the deep end. Jeff and Dani were the best players and now we are left with all these… there just aren’t words to describe them.
I’m sorry, but anyone saying Adam is the biggest kiss ass should look at Shelly. And anyone saying Jeff and Jordan or Rachel is a hypocrite should look at Shelly. I’m sorry, but does she not realize that there is a social game here? And being loyal and true and a good person can get you vote in the end? Anyone who screws over someone who gives them a phone call with their daughter deserves to rot in hell. I’m sorry, but she is the biggest piece of shit human to ever play Big Brother. She’ll never win now, because everyone knows she just flip flopped with the power all the game.
So let me get this straight, Kalia is taking the 2 that just voted against her to F3? Does she not even realize they voted against her or did I miss that conversation?
THATS WHAT I SAID! Whatever. I guess the argument is ‘Thats all she has.’
i do love me some BB and last night was an AWESOME show …. Best this season! It was sad to see Dani go … And sweet revenge for Jeff to follow her. He gave her his WORD that he would not backdoor her (Hello …. Jordan was ok with that betrayal) …. So, if Shelly flipped, at least she was up front with it and had the fight out with Jeff over it. Jordan is a hypocritical person. She is ok when JJBR are doing the betrayal, but when they are being betrayed it is a different tune. HELLO ….. Do you ow what game you are playing!!!! BB … Did you think that you were going to go in this house and not have lying, backstabbing and betrayal? Come on ….. Grow up and just realize this is a GAME!! No one is in there to help another win a half a million, they are there to win for themselves. Besides, Jordan you won already and didn’t really win any competitions in your season and was the winner …. The vets had their chance in their season … Let the newbies shine!!!!! Go Kalia, as she has stepped up to PLAY!!!!!
AHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Dani is GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh what a wonderful day! I called it, Dani and then Jeff (nothing against him but it’s a smart move because either of them would have won if they remained). But oh man, Dani the Tranny is gone, how sweet it is!!!!!! Could care less who wins now, let the games begin.
Ahhhhhhhhhh, but Dani got in the last word with her fantastic good-bye speech where
she nailed Jeff and Jordan.
A beautiful moment …………
Also, I loved Jeff b e g g i n g Shelley for her vote right up until the end.
“Let’s start over.”
Yeah, with Jeff gone!!!!!
That wasn’t begging. He didn’t have a very nice tone while is was saying it. It was more of a threat.
Simon – Dawg
Thanks for the site.
Absolutely the BEST BB GAMER place to be.
Question: Do you have coverage of Shelley and Jeff’s argument before the Show?
It must have been wild.
Lol Jordan and Rachael crying like babies and cursing out Shelly. Too bad Shelly beat them to the punch. They were going to float on Shelly and Adam then backdoor them.
Wish I could see Danni laugh in Big Jeff’s face. Hahaha she’s in the jury house with their boyfriends all week alone with their men which they cry their eyes out and want to quit.
HAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Dani is GONE. SUCK IT Dani Fans!!!!!! I don’t care who wins or who stays, no matter what Dani cannot win now. SO SO AWESOME. Now lets see her father tell the little scum of the earth what a failure she is. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no doubt about it, shelly did an amazing gamePlay flipping…. and the a$$ kisser adam is just a waste of space SERIOUSLY!!! and jordan crying over jeffs eviction is ridiculous… rachel needs to babysit jordan now LOL!… rachel, jordan adam better quit now! no doubt aboit it Danni is the best and the favorite this season. and Danni is Hot too, i mean unbelieveable
You people are all morons. Get a life and stop acting like reality TV is real.
You do what u have to do to win.These people went on BB too win ,not form friendships. Sprry golks friendship don”t pay the bills. I believe Sjelly did what was best for her family!!!And K and P are doing awesome ,finally winnowinning cmps when it counts!! Whethet anyone likes it r not the goal is to win,meaning doing anything nessary
…so the comment posted here last week that Shelly was going to donate the winnings to St. Jude’s was BS.
It was either fabricated by the poster or, if Shelly said it she was lying.
Personally I love that Jeff got booted out! He deserved it. Especially the way how he was talking to Kalia in such a demeaning manner. I hope that either Porsche or Kalia wins BB13! I think that Jeff,Brendon,Rachel and Jordan are racists…they all treat Kalia like they are better than her…I wonder why??? Adam hasn’t won a single thing but yet they toot his horn! I look forward to seeing each of the get the boot one by one…only Jordan and Rachel left to go… then of course Adam & Shelley!
I really dont know if I can watch the rest of this season if rachel and jordan both leave. I am so sick and tired of people hating on jordan she had ever right to get pissed at shelly. jordan has the sweetest heart ever and doesnt deserve this. I wanted Big Jeff all the way. Love jeff and Jordan. I l]hope Jordan gives them hell this week. I mean you have Porshe who is so stupid ugh cant stand her, then you have shelly total wench, then there is Kelia she just came to the house to eat, oh yeah then there is adam who doesnt want to play and just float to the end. When jeff and dani left and brandon left this season became crappie. So pissed I dont like anyone left in this house but rachel and jordan. Jordan and jeff you are awesome and I totally think yall need your own show I would watch. :))
The three people who deserve to be in final three because they have played the game are in the Jury. I am not a fan of Brendon or Jeff but all three of them were the heads of the snakes. But, cut off the head and who was still standing.
I said if Dani left I would be done
then I said I will stay until Porsche leaves, glad I made that decision. I see Porsche as a strong competetor who is incredibly sweet, and people do not give her enough credit.
I will not be happy if Jordan wins, I mean really how can she deserve it.
Rachel is to annoying to deserve it.
Adam is the ultimate floater and kisses way to much ass.
I LOVE how Jeff said Kahlia and Porsche just woke up for the game. Kahlia has won 2 hoh’s that’s twice as much as “big” Jeff and In one night Porsche won 1 HOH and 1 POV. Isn’t that how many Jeff won in his entire season of BB?
Shelly makes me want to punch her about 1/2 the time but I am soo happy she finally removed her lips from “big” Jeff’s ass.
BTW who the F*ck calls themself “big” anything. Hey I’m Big So and So. I am an attention hog who needs to boost up my self confidence.
This is going to be an interesting final 3 weeks.
HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH “Big Jeff” was begggggging Shelly please Shelly please Shelly give me another chance…ROTF …LMAO…at “BIG JEFF”
“12:30AM JR Jordan breaking down
She’s mad at Shelly because she really trusted Shelly”
guess what Jordo…Dani trusted you and Jeff and you back-doored her.
as Jeff said, “you have to expect repercussions”.
JJBR bullies? Really? It was the STUPID rookies who made it about sticking together and picking off the vets. You people who say they were bullies don’t watch the show and are bandwagon dick riders…. These rookies finally decided to wake up and play and now they think their shit don’t stink and all their asshole fans come out the woodwork. What a shit season…way to be “moral” shelly you leather face man
next year the cast should be all strippers.
just sayin’…
wow use that f word again so manly NOT ok props to kalia and porshe for hoh and veto but PEOPLE THE game is on sunday new hoh so kalia canr play porshe and shelly against rach jordo and adam for hoh it will be endurance i bet overnight endurance so quit crying jordo and ra get ready to fight and take out one of your tormentors. not over yet
wow use that f word again so manly NOT ok props to kalia and porshe for hoh and veto but PEOPLE THE game is on sunday new hoh so kalia canr play porshe and shelly against rach jordo and adam for hoh it will be endurance i bet overnight endurance so quit crying jordo and ra get ready to fight and take out one of your tormentors. not over yet
some of you people are just sick. It is a tv show and has no bearing on YOUR life and the way you talk about these people makes me sad. They have families that read this stuff and you have no idea what they are like in real life. I say grow up!!!
For those of you who were rooting for the veterans to win you only have DANI to blame for the failure of the veterans. It was nobody else’s fault. If she is TRULY all about competition, it would have been final 5 and duke it out at the end.
I am rooting for Kalia or Porsche, more on the Kalia side. All though I am a fan of the veterans and wanted them to win with Dani destroying the whole alliance and flipping week 2 it’s not going to happen.
Shelly – Would never get my vote. Although she made some good game moves she played dirty and I don’t like that.
Adam – At this point doesn’t deserve it.
Porsche – I want to see how she is the next coming weeks. She is a strong competitor but social not so good.
Kalia – Good competitor, doesn’t make promises she is not going to keep, doesn’t play dirty.
That’s my vote!
after this season they will take out the floaters first all strongest ppl are in jury
Dani is a good teacher . She taught her *minions*(as rachel puts it) very well. GO DANI’S *MINIONS* TEAM *MINIONS FTW!!!
Who gives a F if JJBR have the votes, there still gonna have to name someone a winner, and someone is going to come in second. So using the fact that they have the votes is useless, if one of them stays they have the votes to win. Most likely Porsche will win, because Rachel and Brendon wont vote for Adumb. Due to the fact that they hate floaters, and Porsche has done nothing but help Rachel this whole game, she was pretty much the only one who voted to save Brendon. Dani will vote for her, and Kalia will too when she gets to jury.
HOW DOES FLIPPING SIDES HELP SHELLY AT ALL? i see alot of name calling of all these contestants on here and thats usually what people refer to when they can’t stick with facts! let’s take a look at some facts about how horrible flipping sides is for shelly’s game: 1. she was guaranteed final 5 with jjra. if you have watched this show for a while, you know anything can happen from that point on… just ask jordan. 2. no matter what her vote was, dani was going home because adam wasnt flipping… so why change sides? all that did was make her alliance mad after protecting her. 3. she was 4th or 5th on the totem pole with the jjras alliance. now she gained 1 spot with the kp(a?) alliance, either way she’s expendable. 4. like it or not its true, after jr go home the next 2 weeks, she has no shot at winning because jjbr control jury. 5. even her daughter a few weeks back said she needs to stick with jj and stop lying… if an 8 yr old can tell your doing something wrong, you probably are! 6. she turned on jordan after she gave up a phone call to wear the humilitard. once again, like it or not, that matters in the bb house. everyone on this site has to admit if you were in that house you would be mad too if you were stabbed in the back after that. 7. dont say shelly flipped because jj were cutting her off. they cut her off because they found out she was flipping first and wanted to keep dani. 8. shelly hasn’t won anything! yet she had an easy ride to final 5 and most likely final 2 because everyone in the house knew they would win sitting next to her. bottom line is… i could list alot more facts but, flipping sides more than a pancake and riding coattails of winners isnt a big game move and wont win 500k
First of all, I’ve got to say: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Bye, Bye Jeff, you egotistical, bullying a**. You deserved exactly what you got! I could care less that Jordan is now boohooing about jeff being gone and that their being “picked off one by one”. Who cares. Get a life! You and you’re minions were trying to pick off the other side one by one. Just didn’t work out in your favor. Oh so sad. I was so happy (that’s not the right word) Extatic, screaming , giddy, etc, when it was obvious that Rachel and Jeff were put up, and then couldn’t save themselves. It sealed Jeff’s fate. Dani’s ghost is still in that BB house, and she’ll take JRA to the jury house with her. SO SWEEEEEET!
I am waiting for the site to go down for BB because according to Dani that is she was evicted half of production would quit their jobs…ha ha.
I also must say that IMHO Rachel had been very supportive of Jordon when Jeff was evicted. Even tho I am not a Rachel fan she sucked it up and focused some of her attention on making Jordon feel better, for getting her away from Shelly the Snake when Jordon was screaming at her. The old Rachel would have stood by and let the fur fly when there was drama. I think she did well and she should be given credit for it.
I’d love to see each and everyone of you in this house. It does things to people. Do you remember last season? Regean and Rachel HATED eachother but now outside the house there good friends? Did you not watch that earlyer this season? SO what if rachel and jordan Are upset. One, Jorden lost jeff, two Shelly turned cold on her, jordan has a big heart if you havent noticed. Maybe she fells a bit broken? AS far as Raitings, theres not a single person in that house right now thats a true COMPETITOR! We lost Dick, Brendan, Dom, Jeff and Danielle. The best of this season. Everyone else has just kissed ass and floated to were they are. Porshe won her first two comps after how many days… whoop dee do! Shelly Cant win a damn thing, shes only good at being a snake! Adam switches sides whenever the power shifts. like come on. Right now The only deserving person is KAILIA…. I think you ve all forgotten about her? You cant talk about a person you dont know, so why dont you all stop being whinners and douch bags, (exactly how you talk of the people in that house) its a god damned show. relax. Garunteed all these people are wonderful outside of the nutt house the call big brother. Ahmen!
It’s really simple people: win competitions and you are safe, don’t win you go home! Jeff said all week to Jordan you guys have to win or I am going home. Right now Kahlia is the only one who deserves to go to the final 2. She solely was responsible for disposing Jeff. Once people get to the jury house and have a chance to unwind and think straight they will see. Come on Porsche, Shelly and Adam have all switched sides. I would get rid of Rachel this week because she is the only competitor left in the house. Then I would target Shelly because she has proved all season not to be trustworthy. I would take Adam to the final 2 because nobody would vote for him.
Love how all the Dani fans are still on here after crying about how they were going to leave if she left the house. Note very clearly Dani fans, SHE CANNOT WIN, BWAHAHAHAH! If Porsche or Shelley win THEY get the money. Dani’s GONE. So so awesome. I have been saying the entire time I could care less who wins or leaves after Dani leaves. Production and Daddy helped her all they could but in the end she loses. Now the way Jeff Jordan Rachel are portrayed is supposed to be some sort of consolation for Dani fans, laughable, no matter what happens Dani is GONE, nothing is going to change that. NOTHING. Oh what a great episode. Best BB episode ever!!!!!
I am so READY for JORDAns sore loser azz to GO home. so what you control who gets the money your azzz aint getting it.. That just shows you how SELFISH and TRifling her Azzz is!! Glad Jeff Azz gone I hope Jordan is next. on the feeds calling ppl Hoes and B’s. You are trash Jordan. and why the HEll do you think you deserve to win over Everyone else????
I’ve hated Shelly since the beginning but I’m so proud of her. Her family should be so proud she broke the JJ spell and voted out Jeff. Best decision ever.
Jordumb, seriously who cares if you control who wins BB13…. You, guys, are still not winning. What a baby….
After her last night blow up on Shelly and her numerous names calling and insults (she has a really dirty mouth! I was surprise and disguted of reading that those words came out of her mouth…), I really hope CBS will do a correct edit of the fight to show America who she really is and eliminate the chances for her to win the America’s sweetheart vote. She deserves nothing. You have the right to be mad and sad but disrespecting peoples’ like that is uncalled for. Her game strategy (if ever she even had one) sucks!
Gooooooooooo team Porsche, Shelly and Kalia!
Rachel, Jordan and Adam can go rest in the Jury house today if they want, I truly don’t care for them at all.
Those same words and much, much worse have all come out of the mouths of Dani, Porsche, and Shelly. Kalia not so much…. but I’m guessing you see my point here.
I hate when people let their zealotry blind them to hypocrisy…
Jeff showed how little integrity he had last night. I watched Jeff go home about 10 times last night before i went to bed. Over and over, I laughed, I was on the edge of my seat. It was pure gold. I loved the look on his face. He did not leave with class
I’m guessing you didn’t really watch it “10 times”, because Jeff DID go out with class.
He was stunned, yes. And he made mention of how most of the people left in the house ARE JUST NOW STARTING TO WAKE UP AND PLAY THE GAME, but he hugged EVERYONE when he left, and didn’t call any single person a name.
That IS classy.
Vox – you must have been in the bathroom masturbating when Jeff was going off on Shelly before he was evicted. I understand, you lost your Jeff, but don’t excuse the fact you were occupied with pleasuring yourself while Jeff was showing his class to Shelly.
lol…. all of a sudden Shelly is Mother Theresa? Jeff isn’t allowed to go off on her for pulling one of the biggest, blindest flips in BB? She spent so much time working, developing, coaxing JJ’s trust into her – and meanwhile JJ keep her in the inner sanctum up to this very point in the game – and Jeff isn’t allowed to call her to task? Why, because she’s a female? So women get to be conniving, backstabbing low-lifes and guys don’t get to do anything about it because it’s abuse if we raise our voice? Cam awwwwwn, nowwww! 🙂
Wot did Jeff say when he got evicted? CBS blanked it out!!
Ok CBS, you finally proved what I didn’t want to believe, you really do rig this show. I couldn’t understand why Shelly flipped on JJ like she did. Then I thought some more and remembered how Dani flipped on Jeff so early. I’ve read so much about Production instructing the players on what to do and say I just didn’t want to believe it. But now I do. Thanks to this website for the honesty in posting what is really going on inside the house, from production telling the players when to turn on each other to rigging the competitions. When you set up the comps, you know who will be playing where, that’s how KPS got out in front so fast in the pov last night. I know there are people who get off on all the backstabbing and lying, and undoubtly Dani’s friends in production do too, but to make it so obvious what you’ve done has completely soured me on this show. I’ve watched every season, but I think this will be my last. When watching the show, I know there is backstabbing and lying, but you took it to new heights this year. I watched because it helped to forget the pettiness and darkness in the real world, I wanted to cheer for the underdog and watch those who deserve it, to get their come uppance, but I just can’t deal with this anymore. Shelly was a good player but she’s been turned into this monster, Dani got turned into a monster when she had the best strategy. These “twists” that CBS did weren’t necessary to have a great show. I don’t watch Survivor because they rig the production and I won’t watch this anymore. The vets ruled the show from the beginning and CBS had to change that and began with Dani flipping. I hope this is the last year for Big Brother, it’s not worth it anymore.
Huh? Rachel got the first shoe and Jeff threw his out of the bin. The POV was totally geared towards Jeff. He even had less balls, literally. Kalia had nothing.
Sorry but it’s not rigged, production does not control the player.
Best case scenario, Jordan & Rachel go up, Adam wins POV and takes one of them off. Then they have the votes to evict whoever Porsche puts in her place. Hopefully Shelly. Especially if this scenario happens and Porsche is smart.
Here’s what I want to happen in Big Brother~
Week Something:
– Porshe wins H.O.H
-Nominates Jordon and Rachel.
-Adam wins P.O.V and saves Jordon.
-Renoms are Rachel and Shelly.
-Shelly goes home by a 2-1 vote.
Week Something:
-Rachel wins H.O.H
-Nominates Porshe and Kalia
-Rachel win’s P.O.V
-Keeps the nominations the same.
-Cowlia goes home 2-0
Week Something:
Adam wins H.O.H
-Nominates Porshe and Rachel
-Rachel wins P.O.V
-Renoms: Jordon and Porshe
-Porshe goes home 1-0
Final Week
Rachel wins first round of H.O.H
Jordon wins second round of H.O.H
Rachel win’s H.O.H
Rachel evicts Jordon.
Adam and Rachel are final two.
Rachel wins. Yay!
Yesterday night my heart was beating fast from 9h01 to 9h57.
Dani’s eviction speech was pure gold!
The anxiety in Jeff, Rachel, Jordan and Adam’s face when Kalia won HOH: heavenly!
Rachel’s speech to stay, she was literally shaking, priceless!
I almost peed on myself laughing when Adam was crying in the voting room.
Seeing Jeff getting evicted was a moment delight to me.
And when he was talking to Julie Chen, he was so fired up I could not stop laughing.
Only 2 thing I disliked was seeing Shelly being all rude before the fight with Jordan (kicking stuff around like a man, walking like the king of the jungle with her minions)
and Jordan crying kinda broke my heart, eventhough I think she deserves what is happening to her.
Goooooodddd show and of course I’ll continue to watch it I can’t wait to see Jordan, Rachel and Adam get evicted, hopefully any of the 3 others will be evicted before them.
Big Brother is going to be boring with out Jeff and Dani, wow the winner is going to be someone that did nothing but sleep all summer long. I am done with this game for the summer. I dont want to waste any more time watching people sleep…
floating is a strategy. flatout.
Amanda, you took the words right out my mouth! I wanted to post that last night but I was too tired to type that much and too sad thinking that might be the last time I get too see that beautiful body of Jeffs…..sniff, sniff