Rockstar “If I go to jury I want to see Angela & Brett coming through the door. Burn this motherf***er down!”

POV: Angela Next POV: Aug 4th
POV Used YES POV Ceremony Aug 6th
HOH: Angela Next HOH: Aug 9nd
Noms: ROCKS and Scottie Tyler Bayleigh Have Nots

Big Brother Spoilers 8pm By the Pool! Brett – do you believe Kaitlyn is capable of all the things she claims she is capable of? The spiritual stuff? Scottie – no. Brett – do you think its fabricated? Or do you think she believes it? Scottie – I was going to say I think she believes it. I am sure at some level there are parts that are true but… I don’t think its at the degree that she believes it to be. Brett – right. Brett tells Scottie about how Dolphins m@sturb@te. How do they do it!? It would be like a T-Rex trying to do it.

8:05pm Hammock. Rockstar and Bayleigh. Bay -…cocky and sickening and Angela looks dumb. Its literally I’ve been defending her since day 2. Whenever anyone says anything about her I am like no she’s good yada yada yada! But then you (Angela) throw me up the first chance you get. Its like okay!? And everyone else I have no problem with but I will say I feel bad for Kaycee and I am sorry that I made her cry but that’s something I can’t really control either. And everyone else, it is what it is. Haleigh – its going to be a long week. Bay – not really its almost already Tuesday. I must say I am kind of annoyed at Sam saying that I was mad at her. That pissed me off! Now every time I’m in a room with her .. she’s like are you okay!? I’m fine. Haleigh – people are just worried. Rockstar – then they shouldn’t have put her on the block if they were worried. Bay – she said that everyone said I was the hacker. Rockstar – not me but clearly we’re not everyone.

Bay – And it doesn’t make sense him (Tyler) saying that I put him on the block to try and backdoor him. Actually me putting you on the block if I was the hacker gave you the chance to play for veto and that’s the dumbest thing I could have possibly done. So like you’re really not even making any sense. Haleigh – he just wants someone to blame. Bay – of course but for you to be such a di*k and an a$$hole towards me just because you know you can get away with it shows that you’re a little pu$$y and a punk and I don’t like that! Haleigh – I would never have expected that of him. EVER! I don’t trust anyone in this house.. and I’ve made that really clear in the DR. Rockstar – I say that every time I go in there. Not a damn motherf**ker in here. Other than you two.

Bay – the sucky part if I leave here is that I can’t even go home. I could always opt out though. Haleigh – you don’t want to do that .. because there could be a jury battle back and you made it this far you might as well have a say in who wins. And you never you on Thursday there might be a power that pauses the whole week. (And you forfeit your stipend if you opt out of jury) Rockstar – who’s d**k do you need to suck around here to get a power!? Bay – if I wanted to control this week, I would have just used my power. I can’t believe she was like you’re on a power trip .. Rockstar – sit your a$$ down! Bay – its okay because she had the chance to make big brother history and make the biggest move ever and she ended up just falling into their trap and put two girls on the block. Haliegh – one of them (Tyler or Scottie) will take her (Angela) out. Bay – that means you just hurt yourself.. the boys and girls will be even next week. They all agree that Tyler is weak minded. Rockstar – if I end up going to jury I want to see Angela coming through the door. I want to see Brett coming through the door. I don’t want to see you or you coming through the f**king door anytime soon so burn this motherf**ker down! Metaphorically.. Haleigh – I hope I win HOH and the hacker comp next week and then I am going to put Tyler and Sam on the block. And then I am going to hack it and put Angela next to Tyler and if one of them pulls themselves off then I will put Sam back up there. Rockstar – that’s beautiful! Bay heads inside. Fes joins them. Rockstar – we need a plan to take these motherf**kers down. Fes – its about our time we need to start sweeping these motherf**kers. Rockstar – The only way they are going to loose one of their power players if for them to be sitting next to Sam. Tyler can only be backdoored. Fes – f**k that I will put him up next to Scottie and beat them both in the veto. Rockstar – okay good! Well win an HOH and do that. Haleigh – you’ve got to win Thursday.

9:09pm Backyard. Brett and Fes. Brett – what you’re not getting is they had pinky promises. Fes – those are better than vetos these days. Golden power of the pinky!

9:19pm Bedroom. Haleigh – have you talked to Angela? Bay – no …I’m not going to. I already tried to walk up there and talk to her and she didn’t want to talk. When she came out of the diary room she was literally smiling at me when she was walking upstairs. I don’t respect people like that. I think I am okay when it comes to that.

9:30pm Fes and Haleigh. Fes – You and me are good socially. I’ve gotten a lot better. If Brett was smart he would want to work with me because Tyler and Scottie are really close. He needs someone to.. It would be fun if you and me won back to back. Haleigh – I need to win a comp first. Fes – lets not talk game tonight. Are you okay. Haliegh – Yeah, I am just tired of being in this house! And these people, they all suck. I don’t want to look at them anymore.

10:10pm – 10:25pm Backyard couches. JC and Angela. JC – On Sunday when I cast my vote, this is for you Rach! Angela – awe .. I like that. JC – so hopefully she feels better. Scottie joins them. JC – how does it feel to not be loved by Kaitlyn? Scottie – that’s actually a good thing. JC – I think you and I were the only ones that.. Scottie – she big spooned me one night. Angela – awkward! JC to Scottie – you almost lost your v!rginity and you didn’t do anything about it. Scottie – I would rather gouge my eye out with this spoon.

10:52pm – 11pm HOH room. Brett, Kaycee, Tyler and Angela. Brett – Fes is freaking the f**k out! I can see it. He is wigging out. Angela – has he said anything to you? Brett – he is clinging hardcore right now. Like you can see how mad he is. He thought for sure he was getting backdoored this morning. He keeps going how are we supposed to work with anyone .. I guess I’ve got trust issues. I am actually surprised that Bay hasn’t pitched to me yet. Angela – I feel like she is giving up. She already looks stupid. Tyler – I just told her I am not voting for her. Brett – Bayleigh keeps giving me these passive aggressive looks.

11:30pm – 11:40pm The conversation turns to talking about how pissed Fes got when Haleigh answered the never have I ever taken it in the b*tt question. He was mad at her talking that way in public but she said thats who she is and she isn’t going to change that. Brett – they (Fes and Haliegh) are 100% in a showmance. He is a hardcore beastmode cowboy. Haleigh is about it but she knows its the worst thing for her game.

12:15am JC and Fes in the hammock. JC – did you talk to Bayleigh? Fes – a little bit. JC – did you know she’s the hacker? Fes – she says she’s not. JC – well which ones are the options? What makes sense? This is such a sh*t show. Its a good think you’re not on the block. If she says that she is the hacker she would loose all votes but if she completely denies it being her she would get all the votes. Fes – I am so surprised I didn’t end up on the block this week. Fes – so how do you feel about Tyler and Scottie? JC – I don’t know.

12:45am Hammock. Fes and Haleigh.
Fes – if the hacker is you or Bayleigh then we don’t need to worry about you cancelling one of our votes. Haleigh – the fact that you would even ask em that? I thought we were over this? Fes – we are. Calm down? Haleigh – how do I know you’re not it? Do you have it? Fes – why would I use it on Tyler? Fes – I don’t know how I feel about Brett. I’ve had good conversations with Bret. I dont know if he is bluffing of not. I don’t want to be a sucker if he wins HOH and puts me up. I think America’s got to love us! Depending on what they stir up?

Fes – f**king Angela. Haliegh – F**king b***h!! Like just take your f**king L, you lost. Put your noms back the way they were and go on with your day. Trying to make a big a$$ move and you looklika dumba$$. I f**king hope its not Bayleigh so that Angela looks like a dubmass

2:45am Haleigh and Kaycee holding hands ..

9:00am ZZZZZZZ

10:00am Waking up… 



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190 thoughts to “Rockstar “If I go to jury I want to see Angela & Brett coming through the door. Burn this motherf***er down!””

    1. That’s not going to happen. Tyler has a power app and if the other side wins HOH, he’ll use it. Tyler’s the mastermind behind this entire game. And he’s good at it too.

      1. he is a good player but that doesn’t erase him being a complete asshole! I want karma to hit him in the face. Him and Angela out next!

          1. Tyler has a problem on this board. He’s actually playing the game and pretty good to. I personally think JC is the 500K guy at the moment. Get him to F4 he’s very dangerous. Say what you want but dancers generally have good cardio. Get to F3 then win part 1(endurance), then the question crap shot.
            Which brings me to this….. when is someone going to realize then say JC cannot be beat F2. I expect it soon as jury has started. The house keeps napping he’ll take the money. The best part is he’s needed as a vote. As long as L6 sucks on comps he could stay awhile.

    2. How many weeks are you going to say that?? Struck out this week. He has safety next week if the Hive wins HOH….

  1. Bay and Hays BS about Ty: His dad died when he was 17 & mom can’t handle him, he’s looking for guidance and can’t make his own decisions and that’s why he clings to Kaitlyn and now Angela.

    Does anyone think this is out of line?

    I get hating the game he’s playing or dislike him a personally level but why attack his parents???? It was such a tragic time is his life why use it to insult his background.

    1. I was trying to think back and remember when the last time there was a HG as unhinged as Bayleigh? Her behaviour has been appalling.

        1. I was just going to say the same thing! I thought I hope this doesn’t sound like a racial thing, it’s just that Chima had a very similar attitude.

          1. Chima was COMPLETELY shafted by Production. You see, they had this adorable couple called Jeff and Jordan that they wanted to keep around. They gave Jeff a coup d’etat on the week that was Chima’s HOH. It was a totally new thing that completely invalidated Chima’s HOH. We had never seen anything like it at the time. It was the most blatant bit of interference and cheating on the part of Production to keep their favorites in there and safe.
            Enjoy the puppet show guys. Try not to judge people by how they behave in a pressure cooker with cameras on them 24/7 and Production working hard to pull their strings, get them drunk, sleep deprive them, or simply cheat on behalf of other players.

      1. uh yes Rachel this season, Winston this season way more unhinged then Bayleigh. Just gonna ignore that huh?

        1. Winston wasn’t unhinged. He was a poor sport about getting evicted, said some stupid things, mostly to Brett, and played a horrible game. I wouldn’t say Bayleigh is unhinged yet. She’s not taking being backdoored well and she’s saying stupid things. My guess is because she failed once again to see the writing on the wall that her alliance was not in charge.

        2. Rachel was self absorbed. Winston acted like a bully to poor Scottie, but he wasn’t mean to every person, including his friends the way Bay is.

      2. oh, she was on the biggest power trip ever. She’s SO self important and self righteous. I can’t stand her…..

      1. No, he’s playing a game for half a million dollars. He’s not being cute and cuddly but far from pulling a season 19. No one should expect folks to be completely civil although some of the things being said from various folks in the house may cross the line in terms of game versus personal attacks no one has said anything that would make them a vile person. Quite a few folks have expressed ignorant or thoughtless opinions and hopefully they’ll grow from this experience.

    2. Sakura Haruno – Exactly. Why are they so mad at Tyler? Bayleigh acts like a self-entitled, little brat. She’s the one who put Brett up on the block and tried to get him voted out and then has the nerve to attack him about “throwing her under the bus”. Is she delusional or what? Why would he care about her game when she literally was trying to get him voted out? Now she’s mad because Tyler got off the block and her ass is up there? Bayleigh’s going home because of Haleigh. Bayleigh would have had a much better chance if Haleigh would have just left the nominations the same. And then Haleigh picks one of Tyler’s allies to play in the POV. I’m sorry but the “Hive” is one of the worst alliances I’ve seen on Big Brother. People need to stop being so damn bitter when it comes to Tyler. Tyler is running the house. He’s also one of the most liked this season. Thank God America has no input on who wins this game. We’d end up seeing another winner like Morgan because America votes personal and not on gameplay. Then those people are the same ones who complain about “bitter jury” members. And of course, any time people in the fandom hate a player they always pull the “it’s rigged” card. Like last year, constantly saying how it was “rigged” for Paul. I didn’t hear them complaining that it was “rigged” for Cody and Jessica to be safe with the Halting Hex. Paul played all of them and that’s their fault for letting him do it. Not a single one tried to take him out. And Tyler’s doing something similar to Paul and he IS playing the best game this year. If anyone wants to step in and tell me who is playing a better game than Tyler, I’d love to hear what you have to say. And please base it on gameplay, not Tyler’s personal life or excuses of it being “rigged”.

      1. Tyler is not like Paul. Paul would wind up Josh to go destroy the other HGs peace. He incited anger beyond normalcy and made people lives hell when they were on the block by not letting anyone speak to them, even a hi.
        Tyler is playing a good clean game. Of course there are little lies, but he is able to cover them with truth. Please never compare Paul with Tyler

        1. That is why I said “similar to Paul” as in he is running the house, playing in the middle and having other people do his “dirty work”. Tyler is a more well-rounded player than Paul and a much more likable person in general. I know that. I like Tyler a lot better than I liked Paul but unlike these bitter people in the fandom, I can admit when someone is playing the best game. And regardless of what Paul did, he played the best game because they did not try to target him and the few that did, he got them out of the house. There are no rules in Big Brother that say they have to play a “clean game”. Paul’s game was dirty but it was the best game out of all of them and it got to him to the end. And that is the point of the game. Getting to the end. Nobody complained when Howie in season 6 tried breaking April down by calling her every name under the sun. In fact, everyone voted him back for All-Stars. It was OK for Howie to do that because no one liked April but when Paul did it, everyone hated on him because they didn’t like him and they liked Jess and Cody. The personal attacks are OK when the fandom likes a player. It goes both ways though. Like I said, it’s not Paul’s fault these people were so easily manipulated. Josh is an adult and is responsible for his own actions. Stop blaming Paul because Josh was stupid enough to buy into it. I’m tired of people making excuses. Every player in that house is responsible for their own game. No one “makes” them do anything.

        2. Tyler is definitely not like Paul. He is manipulative (which is part of the game) but not mean spirited.

          That last season with Paul … I’m not even sure what it was. The cast was horrible. Unlikable! Paul may have brought out the nasty but I think it was already there. He was the only one seriously playing the game albeit an ugly one. The fact that they let the BB vet even make it to the end … I thought he should have won. I know most everyone will disagree.

          Forgive me. I drank an energy shot so I’m just rambling on. You can ignore!

      2. yeah, hayleigh’s pov choice was bad, but as soon as bayleigh refused to use the power app she was screwed this week. best case scenario the original noms stay the same and she loses an ally, but i think everyone planned to use veto so bay was going up if she didn’t win it.

        paul got some pretty big advantages that tyler did not get. not only did paul get to keep 8 people safe due to production rigging, he also got 4 weeks of safety (because a vet was obviously going to win that vote). if you can basically choose the first four targets, it’s in for a bland season, and it’s what we got. the rest of the rigging throughout wasn’t that significant, and ultimately it resulted in paul losing, but paul was given huge advantages early on that were near impossible for anyone to overcome (as are most vets when they mix them in with newbies).

      3. I agree, Tyler is the best player this season, but I have to add that JC is also playing a great game. He has trust from both sides and his vote for Kaitlyn was priceless!

      4. Agree! I’ll go a step further. I understand why people may not like Paul personally but given the (lazy ass) cast last year… he was the only 1 there that really came to play. The fact that they let this BB vet manipulate his way to the end was reason enough for him to win. Of course, that’s just my opinion and never understood all the love for Cody and Jessica.

        I couldn’t stand Paul on his first season but in the end, I think he deserved to win over Nicole.

        This has been a really good season to watch. Predictability is boring. Right now I’m team Tyler and hope he makes it to finally for the win. Yes, he’s manipulative but he’s not mean. Still, you never know what the jury will base their votes on. Right now it’s looking like it will be a total bee hive in there and the winner just might be who they hated the least!

    3. They have to find fault in others rather than face their own flaws or admit that they are clueless in this game. That they cut so deep shows how delusional they are about themselves.

      Rock Star is a glutton for punishment. If she wasn’t so hateful herself, I might feel sorry for her. Her alliance is so insensitive to her being on the block and RS is totally unaware that she is on the outside. Sh works against herself. Sam has been more than a cheerleader encouraging RS with punishment. She is more like a coach & teammate. I understand game play but RS is hateful. I guess haters gonna hang with haters!

  2. Fes- “Golden power of pinkie” LMAO, I love this dude. Don’t hate me, but I love his dumb adorable a**

    1. In actuality, Fez is the sweet adorable wounded clueless baby lamb. With muscles.

        1. he says now that i have the veto i’ll use it on you but you can’t look at talk to or touch another man…..
          he’s a peach.

      1. She’s not pursuing the route of confirmation until next week or the week after. Check out her convo with Hail 2 posts back.

  3. I sure don’t like Haileigh’s plan for what she wants to do if she wins HOH. I know that eventually I’ll have to face the fact that people from my side, L6, are gonna be put up and in jeopardy. I just don’t want it to happen yet!
    I’d like to see KayCee win an HOH. I’m curious who she would put up. Would she have her own ideas or would she follow whatever Tyler suggests?
    Go Tyler!

      1. Really it’s hard to say, she has been so deep under the radar. She could hate her entire alliance and no one would actually know it.

    1. I think l6 are sure to stay next week if they win veto
      Tyler is safe
      Then the veto saves angela/brett
      Kc wil prob not be nominated
      They will have the votes cuz they have sam and j.c
      Now scottie

      1. Vote down as much you want
        If they have veto and tyler app not to say hoh
        Even the hacker cant get them out

  4. I really hope that when Bay meets Julie on Thursday, that Julie tells her Hayleigh was the hacker. Just to see Bay’s face! Bay isn’t going to self evict….she’s got a family to support now.

    I’m in a quandary as to who to pick to go to final 2 with. I would say Rocks but the jury will be full of hive members + Rachael so no…not Rocks. I’d have to go with and L6/5/4/2 member. Let’s say Tyler & ???? Bret???
    Hive members hate him. Maybe Brett, he hasn’t won anything. Who would you pick?

    Tyler FTW. Sam for AFP

    1. Rachel won’t be in jury…she is already back at home and posting instagram videos. Also, Julie will not be telling Bayleigh about Hayleigh being the hacker because she can not give away game information now that Bayleigh is in jury. At this point the only game information the jurors get is via goodbye messages and other jurors. If there is a battle back they may not even get the goodbye messages.

      1. Nope. When new jurors enter the house, they get a DVD with All-house meetings, competitions, and ceremonies. But anything that didn’t involve that entire house is not shown. So they dont see secret conversation, DR, or alliances. But anything out in the open that they could view in the house they do see on the DVD.

    2. sorry I don’t see what Sam would deserve AFP for. I just don’t. She was mildly interesting and funny as a robot but nothing interesting since then. Cooking, cleaning and laundry doesn’t make for someone worthy as AFP. I have a feeling it will be JC from things I have been reading others say. I don’t agree with it but majority rules. Unless things change and these people pick up, I see it being JC.

      1. She’s an interesting character; remember Donnie from Derrick’s season Didn’t he get AFP? He was just funny, different, and nice. Not advocating for her to be AFP just saying I understand.

        1. America’s Favorite Players.
          Season 7 – Janelle.
          Season 8 – Eric was “America’s Player”.
          Season 9 – James.
          Season 10 – Keesha.
          Season 11 – Jeff.
          Season 12 – Britney.
          Season 13 – Jeff.
          Season 14 – Frank.
          Season 15 – Elissa.
          Season 16 – Donny.
          Season 17 – James.
          Season 18 – Victor.
          Season 19 – Cody.
          Celebrity Big Brother – Ross.

      2. she has some really good puns in dr’s and is generally featured in each episode with positive edits. unless something crazy happens her only competition for afp is tyler (who’s only in the running if he doesn’t win outright).

    3. I saw on the live feeds that Sam has been collecting stuff left behind by evicted houseguests. She will use one of Rachel’s sports bras, the Swaggy C-ondom that never got used but desperately should have, a small vial of Kaitlyn’s tears, a crushed up pile of Bayleigh’s me-me-me chips, and several fragments of Steve’s shattered dignity to craft her own AFP award, which she will present to herself immediately after finale night in a small dirty lesbian bar.

    4. Faysal for the win, or Scottie, even JC before Tyler! He’s a good player but has shown some Paul tendencies that are less than desirable.

    5. i’d want to go to the end with brett or sam. even L6 perceives both as just riding tyler’s coattails, constantly needing to get bailed out. they both have very weak resumes from a jury perspective.

  5. Rockstar – who’s d**k do you need to suck around here to get a power!

    Good Grief!!! I will have to pass on that BJ on behalf of the entire male population!!!

    1. The funny thing was, she said that to the 2 girls who each had a power!! It would have been hilarious if they responded!

  6. Rockstar – who’s d**k do you need to suck around here to get a power!

    Good Grief!!! On behalf of the entire male population we will pass on this offer.

  7. I wonder if Haleigh regrets using that Hacker comp to put Tyler up on the block? Now Bayleigh will go home because of it.

    1. Hay had nothing to do with it. Angela won pov and intended to backdoor Bay from the beginning. If Bay had put up the nominations, and Hay used her veto power, the Hive could have had the votes to save Bay and send an L6 home. Bay blew it when she cut a deal with angie!

      1. Oh wow, I did not think abt it that way, I’m pretty sure Julie will only mention that to Bay, because that was a clear path to Bayleigh staying this week. Julie gonna make her feel so bad for not using her power, which would have saved her this week. LOL. damn Bayleigh I was Rooting for the Hive

        1. Since she’s in Jury, Julie won’t give any info that was secret. Like I don’t think she can tell her that Hay was the hacker.

          But Julie DOES have a way to guide them to discover this on their own through leading questions! That is, unless production uses “softball” questions when they don’t want a player to look bad!

      2. I don’t think Bay cut a deal with Angela before noms. I don’t think they talked about it until after the hacker nom because Angela wasn’t even sure if Bay could still use it at that point. That’s why she was going to have her up in the HOH room so she could find out if it still had power after veto.

        Bay didn’t come to Angela until AFTER veto when she knew her control was lost and she tried to make an “Amazon” alliance with Angela. Angela wasn’t stupid! Who forms an alliance with no power?? Uh, Bayleigh!

        However, Angela missed the mark on the hacker, blaming Bayleigh, which I think made her whole point about Bayleigh controlling Angie’s HOH moot! It would have been better if she had just said, “you have too much power and you didn’t come to me to try to work with me, so ‘you’re up!’l

      1. If they wouldnt push scottie away and is was bret on the block against bay they could have the votes
        Or she would pick fess to win the veto leaving tyler there with rc
        Worst case scenrio its scottie next to bailey not her 2 girls

    2. It doesn’t matter that she put up Tyler, but it does matter who hay took down. Hays alliance would have had better odds to save themselves if she would have replaced the rock instead of Scottie. It’d be bay and Scotty on the block now, and they could work on jc and Sams vote. If one of them flips, bay stays. It’s unlikely they would flip, but you never know with jc. Having rock and bay on the block cancels an automatic vote for her alliance and guarantees an alliance member goes home.

      1. I feel like JC might have kept bay because he likes the sides even…he’s floating middle and at some point he will need to cut some l6 players otherwise he’ll be on his way out too

      2. I never understood her reasoning taking Scottie down instead of Rockstar. Maybe we will find out her thought process On Wednesdays show.

        1. Maybe she thought taking RS down would expose her as the hacker. Seems kind of stupid because everyone knows she is in an alliance with Bay, Fes & RS and I’m not sure how much it would change her game.

      3. I think Hayleigh did that in an attempt to cast doubt as to who the hacker was and cause some distrust in the other side. Who would pull Angie down!

    3. LOL the first significant thing she’s done in the house after 7 weeks… Wins the hacker app and helps send home Queen of her own alliance.

    BUT!!!!! She does have a way to stay. If she can get JC and Scottie to swing their vote her way by promising them she will use her power next week to nominate Tyler and Angela, and if the Hacker (Hooker) cancels out Tyler’s vote, Bay would have the needed votes. That’s a big stretch, but possible. Any thoughts?

    1. The Hive have been so inept at collecting votes, I would not trust them. Bay has burned bridges and stabbed scottie and her whole team in the back. She had the power to put up the other side and one of L6 would have gone home this week. Instead she tried to cut a side deal with angie to save herself. so she could keep her power until next week. How would you feel if you were rocky scottie hay and fes right now. They have to be thinking why did Bay sell us out. Why didnt she use her power. I actually expect its in the best interests of The Hives game to make it a unanimous vote to oust Bay. that would raise some eyebrows and create a new dynamic.

      1. they’re also still throwing scottie’s name out even though scottie’s a number, and brett and angela are extremely clear targets (tyler and kaycee are good, arguably better, targets but they’re hiding their game better than brett and angela).

        1. For some reason, when the Hive loses the vote Bay always assumes there is a flipper on the hive. Rather than figuring out who is on L6

    2. I am already worried. Angela told brett to change his vote and blame it someone else – still hope they don’t do it, especially with JCs BS of flipping every now and then to cause drama. That would be 4 and thats all they need. 1 vote gets voided so they would be idiots to have brett flip.

  9. Haleigh – I hope I win HOH and the hacker comp next week

    Next week there is another hacker comp? I thought it was a one-off thing.

      1. That sucks. It’s almost like a new twist on battle of the block with someone taking down the original hoh noms and not wanting to nom your actual targets so u have them to put up later. They should have left it alone. Everything was good

    1. Haleigh (on After Dark just now) to Fez: “I hate all the people in this house. Tyler is the biggest floater. Fez: “He’s not a floater! He’s winning comps, he’s been HOH. He talked his way off the block.” Haleigh: “He is too a floater – he plays the middle. (????) So sweet Haleigh, you’ve won…. the hacker comp, and….. been on the wrong side of the vote each week….. you think Tyler is easily manipulated…. you idolize Bay ….. wow.

      1. They exist in their own bubble. Their talk is just chatter and criticizing the other side but never any strategizing.

  10. How are these people suppose to vote for the winner when they dont know what the hell is going on in that house?

    1. Hilarious. So true. Haleigh and Faysal are so clueless. They think Tyler is a weak player and Scottie can manipulate him. Tyler is running this game. Great season!

  11. Did Hayleigh REALLY choose Kaycee to play in Veto Comp? In what world did that even make sense?? Was she trying not to be found out? Picking ANY of her allies could have ensured Tyler stayed up!

    2nd dumbest Hive move of the week! First was Bayleigh not using her exposed power! She should have known she’d be targeted!

    1. If you look at hay’s convo with Angela before veto, Angela pretends to want to keep noms the same so she can not get anymore blood on her hands. I think Hay believed her, and picked Kaycee thinking she’d respect Angela’s wishes. The veto not being used was best for Hays personal game because she or another teammate couldn’t be put up as a replacement, and she thought her vote canceling would save RS.

      1. In that conversation, Angela mentions Kaycee really wants to play in the POV because she hasn’t been picked and really wants to play.

      2. I think it was more petty than strategic, although it did have the added effect of throwing people off her trail. It was more about being picked to host the veto comp as Angeala had said she was going to pick Kaycee to host

    2. Wow, just unbelievable stupid, the hives just ruined all the excitement of bb20 this summer, the only person with good sense is Scottie.

  12. RS should stop dreaming. The way they have been playing that game, there is no way Angela and/or Brett will be walking out the door right after her.

    Totally clueless, all of them…

  13. FIRST STATEMENT: I want Bayleigh out (can’t anymore with her and her ways…)

    That being said,
    Angela not wanting to talk to Bayleigh until now proves only 2 things or maybe both of them

    1. She is too coward to own her big move and prefer to go hide in her HOH room too afraid to confront Bayleigh.


    2. She is a vile person who truly considers that some people are beneath her, even too inferior to have a chat with them after having nominate them.

    On that one I agree with Bayleigh not wanting to talk to her.

    Karma is serving Bayleigh, (and she deserves it 100%) but I disagree about the way Angela is acting not only towards her but also towards RS or the way she talks about Fes (Fes is not helping his case I agree, lol!).

    She is a mean person, the type you approach with a 10-foot stick…. But on another hand, it’s Big Brother, she needs to do what it takes to go further in that game, I guess…..

    1. I don’t see how not talking to bay proves anything you said. Maybe she’s just seen and heard about bays bullying and wants no part of it.

      1. yeah, i don’t blame angela for wanting to avoid bay’s bullying. bay hasn’t shown that she can respectfully make an argument to keep her. it’s just going to be bs deals and threats.

    2. or 3…she’s not mean but just wants to wait to speak to Bay once she’s cooled down and the raw emotions have settled

    3. I wouldn’t want to talk to Bayleigh either. After thecway Bay treated everyone last week, no need to talk.

    4. How does not wanting to hear Bayleigh repeat the same things over & over make Angela a coward or vile person? There’s nothing to be said. She doesn’t owe her an explanation. It’s a game, she made a move, deal with it. Angela doesn’t have a vote in who goes home. Bayleigh wanted to confront her. Angela said no thanks, not playing. I think it’s pretty smart of her to not indulge Bayleigh in her delusional rant.

    5. Her team advised her to stay away from Bay and not take any abuse. They planned to stay around her and protect her plus they thought she should turn her back and stay away. Everyone knows Bay has a mouth and runs it cruelly when she wants to and Angela certainly doesn’t have to take it. So, it would be:

      3) Angela has no obligation to take Bay’s nasty mouth, Bay is on the bottom and needs to defer to the HOH who has all the numbers. If she knew how to defer she has a remote chance to talk others into sending RS home instead. No one in the house expects her to realize she should be sweet and try to sugar talk her way off the block, everyone absolutely knows she’ll nasty so why interface with her?

    6. I can’t stand Angela. I didn’t mind her before but now I see she talks way too much crap and is actually pretty cocky. I basically have to switch cameras every time she’s on the feeds. She’s just as annoying as Bay.

      1. Not a Bayleigh fan but I think the “Queen Bay” name was played up and encouraged by production. It’s probably something she has used in her real life cuz of its similarities to Queen B (Beyoncé), but I don’t really think it proves a sense of entitlement. Ironically though, she DID make fun of Swaggy for giving himself his own nickname.

    7. Shuddup! Angela is playing the game great. She convinced Bay not to use her power. Impressive game move. You dont know her and you aren’t a doctor.

    8. Angela didn’t want to talk to Bayleigh because there’s no point, Angela doesn’t even have a vote. Angela doesn’t strike me as the shrinking violet type. I think she can give as good as she gets in an argument and has enough cattiness to go toe to toe with Bayleigh. Bayleigh has already lied to her and she’s leery of Bayleigh trying to sabotage her game by lying like Brett. That’s why she doesn’t want to talk one on one with her. As for thinking people are beneath her, Haleigh, Bayleigh, and Rockstar barely talked to her before the veto and after the veto, they started trying to live in her colon. It wasn’t until they realized they were screwed that they started to approach Angela.

  14. Next week is about the time in many seasons where a critical error is made: instead of wiping out the end of the opposite alliance, the larger group tuns on one of their own, thinking that they have absolute power, and losing one of their own numbers still gives them an advantage. This causes a cascade effect that saves at least one of the oppostion until about final five.
    will it happen again?

    1. It has to …. they can’t get to end without using some these other players yo help them vote out their bigger competitors

      1. i’m thinking the discussions about jc and sam in the hoh room are telling. not really members of the alliance but part of the voting block. i can see them trying to peel them off.

    2. i don’t see brett, angela, tyler, kaycee, sam, or jc turning on each other. the hive on the other hand is still moronically throwing scottie’s name out. brett and angela are your targets guys. the only other one worth discussing is tyler but that requires figuring out his game which it seems you are incapable of doing.

  15. I can’t wait to see RockBottom start campaigning to save Bayliegh. She is literally that stupid.

    1. And she def will. She’s scared to death of Bay and will campaign for her no matter how much Bay has humiliated her

  16. *delusional
    * narcissistic
    * sexually active on national TV
    * poor hand hygiene
    * shallow
    * nose honking skills
    * self righteous
    *. knocked up
    ———Guess Who?

  17. Dont count foute out quite yet , I think Bay has another legendary game move up her sleeve. I heard her whispering something about Plan B.

    1. Angela is smoking hot. I am wearing one of her thongs over my face like a surgical mask right now at my keyboard.

  18. Frenchie??? You around? What do you think of everything that’s transpired? (And no..this is not a malicious comment…I enjoyed seeing his views in the game)

  19. Why does hate bay so much , but love Ang? Seem like they have been pretty much the same. I wonder what’s different? Guess we will never know

    1. The big difference between the two is that if/when Ang gets backdoored, she will know why. She will not go around wondering who was responsible and complaining that she would would be leaving the house for no good reason. Both are similar in personality but Angela plans and uses strategy and does not just expect the house guests to do her bidding simply because she is the HOH.

  20. Just here to say that the Mastercard moment in the last episode was watching Sam crying seeing Tyler going up. Priceless!

    She deserved to cry just for calling that house meeting and offering that stupid idea about the hacker comp.

  21. LOL What about the clueless winning something for once.
    Fez cannot win a thing, Haleigh is too busy flirting with the boys, rockstarz is too busy cursing everyone lol
    and still everyone see pinky little sweet bird as the weakest one LOL
    I cannot wait til snake angelo gets backdoored

  22. Bays parents are gonna be pissed that the guy they just interviewed for a gardeners job knocked up their daughter

    1. If she really is pregnant Swaggy is going to bolt and momma Bay will be helped out by her parents. The kid will be fine and grow up with the positive influence of two great parents such as Bay and Swaggy….lol.. God help that kid!

  23. The hacker’s strategy imo.
    take scottie off the block. he’s susceptible to the flirt strategy. if he’s picked for veto she thinks that could swing him to save rockstar since they have that fake secret alliance.
    put tyler on the block. he’s malleable to everyone… but not the flirt strategy. man that’s got to bug her.
    split them up because they were seen chatting in the kitchen with sam the night before Rachel’s eviction, and it was decided they have a final three (by bay and hay). she sure doesn’t want anyone to protect sam. it was so embarrassing to have her flirt strategy called out in such a way.
    pick kaycee for the veto because she has no relationship so far with the hacker or her meat puppet fes. nobody would suspect she’d choose her to play and the hacker is getting paranoid she’ll be found out. why do people keep asking when she’s walked into every room and every conversation about any topic and said it wasn’t me?
    vote pick: if she gets the hint things will go poorly… her own. nobody would ever believe the hacker would choose that way if she’s going to lose anyway.
    if she thinks she can save bay: probably sam.

  24. Haleigh is really, really hot and normally that would be enough to sway me into rooting for her……. but she is a conniving, deceitful schemer. And, along with Fes, Rockwall, and the prejudiced/racist are all completely delusional (at best) about themselves and their actions. The things that come out of their mouths….. from hypocritical to hysterical. Pathetic really that a collective of different people and backgrounds can ALL be that delusional lol.
    Haleigh IS smart enough to have picked up on some things, but she really picked the wrong side. ‘IF’ she had chosen to side with ‘the good guys’ , she would be in a great position.

  25. Rockstar has always talked like a bigshot with pontifications and declarations of what player is doing what and who’s who to who with great power statements mixed in. If you weren’t watching the whole game you’d think she was the powerful boss of all bosses. Even after she’s been proven wrong EVERY time, even after she’s become the big cryer and pouter, she still sits down with someone (anyone) and proceeds to pontificate with great confidence about the status of a game she actually knows nothing about yet cowers when Baily yells at her. It’s amazing to watch, her opinion of herself is so opposite of what she really is.

  26. I’m not sad to see Baleigh go….but I think Angela or Brett will be out next week unless Tyler wins that HOH and hacker app. One side of this house L4 can not win anything other than Tyler and the other side Rockstar, Haleigh, Fes, Bay are clueless how to play the game. The odds have been in their favor since week one but somehow they have managed to mess up enough to the other side being in control. The funny thing is both sides think they are good at the game….no your not stop trash talking. I think the floaters JC and Sam are a waste of space.

    1. Nicole
      “One side of this house L4 can not win anything other than Tyler”

      Well, although I see what you’re saying…..Angela did win HOH and the Veto. And lets not forget that Brett did win some granny panties. KC did in fact win a peanut costume. Give credit where credit is due. lol

  27. This Big Brother is Horrible! Bayleigh has the power to change who is up on the block, why can’t she use it on herself.. she hasn’t used it yet???

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