Kaitlyn “If Swaggy has the power, I’m putting up Bay. She’s been sucking my d**k all week & I’m over it!”

POV: Tyler Next POV: July 7th
POV Used ? POV Ceremony July 9th
HOH: Kaitlyn Next HOH: July 12th
Noms: Winston, Scottie Have Nots ?

2:47pm Haliegh and Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn – I don’t know who I’m putting up yet. (Yes she does. She’s putting up Swaggy.) Haliegh – that’s fine you don’t have to. Kaitlyn – I just don’t know anymore. Haliegh – there are a bunch of moves. Kaitlyn – 13 … but its not going to be you so you don’t need to worry about it but I still don’t know. Haleigh – even if you do ..its fine. Kaitlyn – I don’t know if you’re going to think that. Haleigh – who else would you put? Kaitlyn – I don’t know if it would be right to disclose that information. Haleigh – I a okay with anyone. Kaitlyn – you have no idea. Haleigh – Fezzie? Kaitlyn – no. Haleigh – I’m okay with him even if you do. Kaitlyn you have no idea. I don’t know what to do. And its going to be f**ked up! Its going to be really f**ked up! Haleigh – nothing would surprise me. Kaitlyn – its going to be really f**ked up. All I know is that right before ..like 30 seconds before I was going to tell you, Fez and Rockstar. (LOL you just told her who you’re putting up by who you’re telling!) Haleigh – I already know what you’re doing. (LOL) Kaitlyn – its not going to be that. Haleigh whispers in Kaitlyn’s ear – Swaggy? Kaitlyn – yeah. I’m sorry he’s just been talking so much sh*t. This is my time for America to see that he’s been talking about me all week and I’m not going to be walked over. Haleigh – I support you in anything you do. Kaitlyn – just pretend like you’re surprised. Haleigh – yeah. Kaitlyn – I am not telling them until 30 seconds before. Haleigh – Fez is staring at us right now and I think he heard us. Kaitlyn – just know that wasn’t always my intention. I heard more sh*t yesterday. He hasn’t spoken to me once this week. He was talking about me yesterday and he hasn’t stopped. I think he has the power so I am nervous.

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Haleigh – he doesn’t, you know why people are saying its Sam. Bayleigh and Swaggy were sitting underneath the room when they were doing it and they heard her get it. (App Store) And they had to go to production and swear not to say anything. Production was going to fix it and no one was allowed in there when they were doing it again. Kaitlyn – can I tell you something… she had it last week. She doesn’t have it this week. Don’t tell anyone. Haleigh – for sure? what was it last week? Kaitlyn – I don’t know exactly. Thats why I know they’re making that up. Tyler and I are the only ones that know that. Even if he does have the power, I’m not going to make it stop me. Kaitlyn tells Haleigh how Tyler is pulling Scottie off and how her speech will imply its Angela she is putting up but then tell Swaggy to go take a seat. Kaitlyn – I’m not doing this to be a di*k. I was provoked. Winston knows. I didn’t tell them who I am putting up. (Yes, she did) By doing this I want to set the tone to like start over and how we can pick who we feel more aligned with. Now everyone will have the ability to re-group. I said if I do this you guys can not touch Haleigh, Rockstar and Fezzie. He (Swaggy) is walking around saying that he controls all of us. No you don’t and you certainly don’t control me. Haleigh – don’t tell anyone. Kaitlyn – I couldn’t look you in the face and not tell you. That’s why I’ve been distant. Haleigh – I think its a good move. If you didn’t do it this week he could do it in the future. Haliegh – it just makes me worried about my future in this game. Kaitlyn – don’t be. It will be like we’re all starting over. People have been telling me things all week that sides aren’t solidified. Brett loves you. We can all start over. In the event that Swaggy has the power, I am putting up Bayleigh. She’s been sucking my d**k all week and I’m over it! Last week she literally shook me in the bedroom. I don’t want to be pushed around. I just feel bad for Scottie. Its going to be epic!

3:30pm HOH room – Bayleigh and Haleigh. Haleigh – It would be a good move. They’ve wanted her (Angela) out since day one. Bayleigh – a great move. If both are up, who do you think will go home? Haleigh- I don’t care really. Out of both of them, I don’t care. Bayleigh – that’s true. Just let me know who you’re voting for and I will do the same. Bayleigh – that’s nuts! If she does that I am going to go crazy! That’s like a big game move. WOW! Okay b***h I see you! I would be so proud. Don’t under estimate little kate. Haleigh – so far so good. We still have to consider the power though. Bayleigh – its Sams. When she was the robot she was on the tv all the time. Bayleigh – that’s nuts! Haleigh – Yeah I’m excited to see it. Bayleigh – literally a few of the pawns have been saying that side is getting to strong and I’m not comfortable with it. Haleigh – like who JC? Bayleigh – I’m excited. Haleigh – don’t tell anyone. Bayleigh – I won’t.. no one. (Guarantee she tells Swag) Haleigh then this next week we have to win and then we’re sitting pretty till jury. Bayleigh – I hope someone cracks! Haleigh – oh someone will. Bayleigh – JC thinks Rockstar will crack this week because shes on slop. Bayleigh – I’m excited!

3:53pm Bathroom. Swag and Bay. Bay – I’m not supposed to tell you this but she (she means Tyler) is for sure using the veto. Swag – why are you not supposed to tell me this? Bay – because its supposed to be a secret. I think Tyler convinced her to use it and put Angela up. Swag – you mean Tyler did that? How? Who told you that? Bay – Haleigh. Swag – just stay clear of both of them. Stay clear of Tyler and Kaitlyn. No arguments, no nothing. Bay – of course. Sway – if she uses it on Angela, that’s crazy. And she would stay. Then we bring her in.. now lets have that conversation with me, you and Angela. The conversation I tried to have with her weeks ago… now she’ll be interested.

4pm Suntanning.

Backyard – JC, Rachel and Angela. JC – MY whole life has been people telling me what I can and can’t do. I wanted to do dance ballet. I was told it was too girly. All my family was against that. Then in the ballet class I was told that I was too short. I started doing gymnastics for two years and then my dad told me it was for girls and sh*t. My dad is very controlling. Big Brother blocks the feeds.

Bedroom – Rockstar and Haleigh. Rockstar – so she actually told you? Haleigh – yeah when we were outside. Don’t tell the bros that you know. Rockstar – I can’t stand them.

4:35pm HOH room – Bay and Kaitlyn. Bay tells Kaitlyn about how they overheard Sam winning the power because they were below the room and heard it. Kaitlyn – I am telling you right now she didn’t win it this week. Are you picking up what I’m putting down? Bay – yes. Bay – if it was Swaggy and he didn’t tell me. I would be pissed. Kaitlyn – I think its Swaggy. I am hearing an S name .. its either Scottie or Swaggy. Bay – I think it would be better for you to put up Angela because I don’t want her to come after you. I think Winston will go after the boys. Kaitlyn – I totally agree.

Rockstar to Fez. Rockstar – I just don’t have a good feeling about this week. Tyler makes me really uncomfortable. Fez – we’ll get him out next week. I am 100% down with that. Rockstar – he makes me really uncomfortable. He is shady and he plays stupid! I haven’t talked to Kaitlyn. I didn’t know if they were using it or.. Fez – I think Angela is going to go up. Rockstar – oh I hope so! God that would be awesome. Fez – they’re going to scramble .. and one of them will go home. And if one of them wins then maybe we’re not even the target anymore. That’s good for us.

4:55pm Kitchen. Brett – did you wash your sheets? Rachel – yeah, did you want to sleep in them tonight? They’re nice and warm. Brett – yeah.

5:35pm Bay, Rockstar, Swag. Bay – what do you think is going to happen? Rockstar – I haven’t talked to her at all but Fezzie seems to think that she’s putting up Angela. Swag – wow! Rockstar – I just feel really uncomfortable about Tyler. I just don’t feel good about him. Bay – what are we going to do about it? Rockstar – If I was to win HOH next week I would put Tyler and Brett up. Swag – Haliegh thinks we should wait on Tyler. Not now because we’ve got the numbers. Rockstar – Kaitlyn said anything you tell to Tyler comes right back to me. We now know they’re together. Rockstar – he is shaddy! He is a shaddy life guard. He’s a narc. Tyler has to go. Fezzie is a loyal motherf**ker and I trust him all the way. I think that some people are not very loyal.

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34 thoughts to “Kaitlyn “If Swaggy has the power, I’m putting up Bay. She’s been sucking my d**k all week & I’m over it!””

  1. Famous last words in Big Brother: “Promise me you won’t tell anyone I told you this,” as the receiver of the information ponders who to tell next. Kaitlyn went from telling nobody to “I’m going to tell them 30 seconds before the ceremony) to spilling her guts to Hayleigh, who told Rockstar, who will tell… ______.

    1. I didn’t think it was Scottie because he wasn’t very high on the Online Big Brother rankings.

  2. It has given great pleasure already this season how much RockStar is jealous of and hates Angela.

    Any of you on the fence about Angela should take the fact that RockStar hates her as very telling. What’s that? You like Angel more now? I knew you would come around:-)


    1. I’m an Angela fan bc Rockstar hates her and I can’t stand Rockstar…… May the BB gods bless up with an Angela HOH next week with Pockstar & Haleigh/Fez otb

  3. Power App = Tyler

    The Cloud: “Keep yourself from going on the block at any one Nomination Ceremony or Veto Meeting. If you are worried you could be nominated, sit in the Cloud, and you cannot be put on the block. You have a two-month subscription to the Cloud. So for the next 8 weeks, you may choose one time in which to use the Cloud to keep yourself safe.”


    1. So does it have to be used before nominations I assume? If someone surprises him by nominating him he can’t then use his cloud ? I am so in awe of his ability to manipulate and know when to talk and know when not to. I can’t imagine how he must feel trying to keep Kaitlyn reined in. His head must be spinning !!!

      1. It certainly seems like he has to use it before nominations are revealed. Otherwise it would be so overpowered as to be ridiculous and production wouldn’t do t…umm…maybe they learned a lesson?

  4. Wow, Tyler is a natural at this game, he’s running the show and having a blast at the same time.

    1. What’s great is that no one knows that Tyler is running the house. He doesn’t brag about it or even acknowledge it (except to us). Unlike Saggy who has told other HGs from day one that he is running the house. Knowing when to keep your mouth shut really helps in this game. Poor Saggy just doesn’t get that.

    2. The best part of his game is people aren’t totally aware how much he’s manipulating. His game is like the iceberg, most of it is hidden. Once he’s found out though, everyone will target him.

      1. He’s done a great job staying incognito so far. It’s definitely making for an exciting game.

        What I love about it….he doesn’t have to lie to take out his targets via someone else’s HOH. Pretty amazing, that fella!

  5. Kaitlyn’s lack of self control… telling Haliegh everything will eventually hurt Tyler’s game. I sure hope he figures it out soon.

  6. Just found a way to distinguish between who is Hayleigh and Kaitlyn, when I read The blogs, so Kaitlyn =Krazy.. now I wont Be confuse as I read #BB20 ?

  7. Tyler is playing the game very well….and so is Kaycee. No one is even mentioning her. And she’s a pro athelete. She’s hiding very very well. Tyler is playing a stellar game. But BB is a marathon not a sprint. And if Tyler uses POV this week. He outs himself to everyone in the other group. Best case scenario was someone else winning it. Kaycee may pick up the pace later on in the game. No one, literally no one talks about the first two weeks of BB when the jury is debating who should be the winner.

    1. He doesn’t out himself though. He’s using it on Scottie and he can easily tell the others Kaitlyn told him Angela was going up which is why he left Winston on the block so they’d have the votes to evict whoever they chose. Tyler can still disguise his game and Kaitlyn will take the heat.

    2. I respectfully disagree with that…

      I think Tyler has the best reason to use that veto on Scottie and earn Scottie’s loyalty, too

      FOUTTE thinks he shouldn’t have been put up in the first place (poor Scottie) and he just lost his bestie. Tyler is prepared to keep his promise and remove him from the block “because he has had a bad week”. I think Tyler can also steer clear of the backlash on the replacement nom. Kaitlyn is totally prepared to own this as HER big move, not his. He has groomed her well, but he is not brainwashing her. She was the one to mention Swaggy going up…he suggested she make a big move, and Kaitlyn stated what that move would be. In the end, it’s Kait that makes that decision, and I feel pretty sure that she will follow through unless some crazy drama unfolds to set the plan off course.

      Swaggy is going to know exactly what happened (Tyler’s involvement…I mean he kind of already knows), but it will be too late because he’ll be sitting on that stool next to Julie.

      The others will be blown away, but that doesn’t mean Tyler will be the next target. I honestly think this game is going to belong to the ones that play it well. He is at the top of that list right now (total opposite of what we have seen in years) and I am excited to see who else joins them.

      Those that say Kaitlyn is playing dumb….I disagree with that, too. She is now going to get further than she ever would have in FOUTTE. You have to respect her drive and desire to get Swaggy out. She understand there is risk for reward, even if it scares her.

      Dang, I am truly enjoying this season.

      1. Totally agree with all of that, Granny! I am loving this season too. Tyler is killing it so far!

  8. I am confused by this statement: “2:47pm Haliegh and Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn – I don’t know who I’m putting up yet. (Yes she does. She’s putting up Winston.) ” did you mean Swaggy? Winston is already up…

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