“I can ping pong back and forth between my pairs & weasel my way out of anything.” – Paul

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10:22am Backyard – Josh – good morning familia, good morning feedsters. Its going to be a blessed day. I always have blessed day. Positive vibes today. Positive vibes.

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10:45am Backyard. Jason and Kevin are walking the yard. Kevin – so everything is fine right? The way we want it? Jason – Damn right! I don’t thing there is any stopping it now. Kevin – unless Matt and Raven win an HOH. Jason – Yeah that would suck. Kevin – because Alex, me, you and Paul… although I haven’t won sh*t. But I can tell you one thing.. if a spelling competition comes up I’ll be ready, that’s for sure. Jason – that’s good. Kevin – as long as the four of us are on the same thing it should be fine. Right?! Jason – yeah. Its seems like there would be no way for it to go wrong but you never want to think that. Kevin – no one is afraid.. at that point its the game you know what I mean. Jason – yeah. Kevin – what would you say. Jason – that’s exactly what I would say. Kevin – at least I talk a good social game. I get along with everyone … you know what I mean. A lot of times they just go in the rooms by themselves. Jason – at least when we hit jury Matt didn’t care about going up. That son of a b***h has been up 3 times already.

11:04am Backyard. Christmas and Josh.
Christmas – Mark and I was talking and I was letting him know this isn’t easy for me and he was asking if there is anything he could do. And I am not entertaining this by the way. For me just to think about it. He said he would help me and you and that the numbers have the top 3. And we would be a trio. I told Paul already. Josh – Kevin all day yesterday was like I got you, I got you! Oh my god, please just shut UP!

12pm Lounge room. Paul and Matt.
Paul – I say Jason and then Kevin (to evict next). Matt – or Alex. If we get a legitimate shot at Alex we have to take it. If Jason or Alex win this week are you pretty confident you can get them to go after Kevin? Paul – I can at lease make it so Kevin goes up. Matt – in every scenario we have the votes. Paul – me, you, Josh, Raven, Christmas. F**K holy sh*t, that’s awesome! Even if .. lets say you and me go up.. then we have Josh, Raven, Christmas. If one of them is HOH, then we have two. Matt – it wouldn’t matter then because none of us would go up. Paul – I am positive I could convince whoever it is to put Kevin up. They would probably backdoor him because of how he might react. We need to win HOH. Kevin won’t win HOH. He wouldn’t know what to do. They pound it out and Matt leaves. Paul does his friendship talk. Paul – Me, Josh and Christmas till the end. I can ping pong back and forth between my pairs and weasel my way out of anything. If I can make it the next couple weeks without going on the block that means I will go the entire season bb19 without being on the block once! That’s crazy! I have to win the 4 to 3 HOH. And win POV to decide who goes home. Thinking about it the final 3 might be better to have Josh and Raven because Josh won’t pull Raven up and Raven won’t pull Josh up. They would both pick me. I don’t know, I will have to think of what would be best. Pretty much everyone’s HOH was my HOH except for Cody and Jess’s but when they were HOH, I did the opposite of what they wanted. I flipped the house to keep Christmas, I flipped the house to keep Josh. So pretty much every HOH was controlled by me.

12:49pm HOH room – Alex and Jason want want Kevin gone. Matt – we need to win HOH 4. Even in a disster. Raven – I can’t beleive no onw as tragerred Pau;

1:30pm Kitchen – Christmas, Alex, Raven and Matt are talking about Jessica trying to pull down Christmas, Raven and Alex’s pants.

2:05pm Kitchen – Christmas talking to the camera.
Christmas – If I go up against Josh, I will probably stay because I am not a physical competitor. Then against Raven … F**K! One, two, three, four.. the only way to lock that in is to secure it. 4 against 2. I would have 4 against 2 for HOH. If I win HOH, then that make 3 physical competitors, 4 mental competitors for the veto. I guess everyone would play in the veto. And I would be dead weight unless the veto is not something physical. If they win, Jason would probably put up Matt and Raven. If Matt is gone. AND if they win the next week.. back to back .. they would put up Raven and Josh? Or she will try and campaign for Paul. Probably I’ll go up and then either way it would be Paul’s decision. It would be 1 vs 1 and she would probably keep me. I don’t know how this burden on me has been a blessing in this game. Being a physical lump on a log is possibly going to take me to the top 3. Like more than likely take me to the top 3. I would go to the top 3 with Paul and Josh and then let us fight it out. Unless Alex and Jason have something with Matt and Raven that I have no idea about .. unlikely. ..then I can do this! If they put Matt and Kevin up next week .. and Matt goes .. she (Raven) is pissed. Kevin comes into the kitchen and Christmas stops talking.

2:35pm – 3:05pm Suntanning in the backyard. Paul talking about Big Meech and other things from his season.

3:30pm – 3:50pm Kitchen. Paul, Alex and Christmas.
Paul – we need to have talks like this because as the number dwindle we can’t be caught in groups. I don’t think Mark will just roll over and die. I think he will try and campaign against Matt. Christmas – he came to my yesterday. Alex – he is gunning for me, you and Jason. Paul – who? Alex – Mark. Paul – he has no loyalty, he’s shown that multiple times. Christmas – he said that to me and I’m like how do you have loyalty when you just sat there and blurted out everything. Alex – this week I am going to make it very clear that we’re all on separate sides. So that no one’s feeling get butt hurt when we vote them out. Paul – I was saying how much sh*t have you seen Kevin talking sh*t about Matt and Raven but now he’s talking to them. Alex – I saw them in the bathroom. Paul – he’s abandoning ship from me and reintegrating. Christmas – he was going around talking sh*t and I had to tell him please do me a favor and hold off on post veto actions. Paul – the only person that is going to freak Jason out at this point is Kevin. Paul – Kevin has said so many times when you see my kids you are going to be shocked! Why? Christmas – he hasn’t mentioned his wife once..

4:30pm Backyard. Kevin, Paul, Mark and Josh talking Hugh Hefner, the playboy mansion and other random things. Meanwhile in the HOH room – Christmas and Alex are studying the dates/events. Christmas starts talking about Cody and how he already had his mind set on going after Paul. Paul joins them.

5:12pm Backyard. Josh and Mark playing pool. Kevin watches from the sidelines.

Matt buckles up Jason’s chaps on Raven. Raven – this is what happens when you lose a bet. Matt – I bed America is real happy right now. America you are very welcome once again.

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123 thoughts to ““I can ping pong back and forth between my pairs & weasel my way out of anything.” – Paul”

  1. Well Paul isn’t wrong, every HOH has been his, just like everyone has been saying this whole season. He deserves to win, but oh it would be so sweet to see him get 2nd place again ?.

    1. Would be awesome if Paul went out 3rd like Vanessa,and this F2 was just as lame as Steve and Liz. Perhaps Josh and Xmas. LOL

    2. Never thought I would dislike a HG more than Frankie, but Paul is now my most hated of all time. Please CBS BB stop bringing back these nobody’s (and giving them a 3 weeks pass) who think they are such great BBgamers. Without the gift, Cody ejects Paul and game on. Now we are left with Paul who thinks he is a BB Guru and would be proven wrong with a stronger cast.

      1. I think you forget that Cody didn’t had the votes to evict Paul. The kept Xmas to spite him and they would who is to say they wouldn’t have done the same if Paul had been eligible to go up.

        1. If Paul went up, he would have gone. Cody had Jess, Matt and Mark all pretty close to him. Raven and Elena would have tagged along with Jillian, Dom and Ramses. Most of the others would have gone for Paul just to keep the targets low. I think Cody would have made a push to keep Paul as the target but as soon as he saw how protected by production he was Cody quit. The safety and Cody’s capitulation gave Paul enough of a boost to make him untouchable which seems to have been productions plan.

          1. Well then too bad Cody wasn’t smart enough to clue them in before hand lol. Paul would’ve had plenty of time to change their minds. You’re forgetting no one liked how Cody went after someone in the group as opposed to those outside the group like Ramses.

            The bottom line is they all saw Cody as untrustworthy once he did that.

            1. Nope, they had talked about Paul as a target. The Christmas thing was a problem but I think at that point Cody had seen behind the curtain and realized the producers were going to pull the strings and he was done with Big Brother so he just went and banged Jessica. I think if he was still interested in playing he would have made his thinking clear to Mark and Matt about why Christmas was up instead of Ramses. He would have smoothed things over but he just said screw it.

              1. Wow, that’s a pretty big assumption. Judging by the dr sessions, none of them were aware of Paul being a possible target aside from Mark and Dom. Also Cody said he “ran it by” Mark and Dom. So no, the group as a whole didn’t talk about it. Therefore, at that point Cody had 3 votes to evict Paul at the most. Jessica (who told Cody that Paul was her Alex, although she would’ve voted the way Cody wants), Dom and Mark.

                Matt, Raven, Christmas all said in DR they wouldn’t have voted out Paul because they considered him part of the group and they thought Cody was crazy for putting him up there without even knowing if he had the votes. So those 3 cancel out the 3 Cody would have had. The rest are a toss up (aside from Kevin who Paul pulled in early on) Making it Cody campaigning vs Paul campaigning. It’s logical to assume Paul would’ve edged Cody out in that aspect. Like Paul or not, his social game is far superior to Cody’s and he’s proven time and time again they easily fall in line to whatever he says. I highly doubt that week would’ve been much different.

      2. Don’t forget production evened the score when they gave Jessica the power to save Cody and Cody played his way back in with physical challenges…not mental…production had their hands all over Cody’s return because it’s good to…this is a television program so please if you are going to criticize production for helping Paul don’t forget the gifts Cody received…..

  2. He may be playing the game in a nasty and hard to watch way, but Paul is playing a damn near perfect game to this point

    1. I’d like to see Paul come back in an all-stars season. He’d be out the door before he got a chance to unpack.

      1. Based on what? The fact that he finished 2nd and is now clearly running the show from day one…
        Hahaha jealousy at its finest

    2. None of the comps are physical this season. So damn lame. Could it be to prolong that one legged foul mouth vile woman?

      1. I feel a little of helping out Christmas and they were trying to reduce the chance of Cody winning. Production clearly is wanting Paul to win.

      2. Way out of line? She can’t compete in 60% of comps, sorry it’s not higher to make you happy? Production rules, I agree but Cody coming back a bit more sketchy? Remember he had already played the game before he played Paul
        , QUITE an advantage BRO!!!!!!!!!!!

        1. You say “QUITE an advantage BRO” in regards to Cody playing the game before Paul. Here’s one for you……………………Paul playing a WHOLE SEASON of BB before all of the H/G’s! Now that is what I would call “QUITE an advantage BRO”.

    3. He makes me think of Charles Manson and his nasty cult followers. Even his appearance with the beard and crabbed over slump shoulders adds to the general Lord of the Flies season.

    1. Would be so bizarre to see that happen. Houseguests like Josh are ALWAYS evicted in the first or second week.

    1. Why shouldn’t Paul love himself? It’s just a game! There’s nothing wrong with verbally abusing other people and having the whole house bully them. It’s ok to talk about people’s kids and their military career. It just a game! Ha ha! He is a world fashion designer of clothes and has great tattoos! We’re getting married when he gets out!!!

  3. What would be smart is Josh Jason Xmas Alex and Maven talk compare notes. Jason uses the veto on himself and Xmas becomes the bad$$ bi*%# she says she is. Up you go Paul! Bye bye little boy Paul

    1. what notes?
      each of them will be convinced paul is with them, and that anything he tells the others is just game talk BS. but what he talks to THEM about is ABSOLUTE to the finale truth.

      i like when they talk to the cameras alone tho, so we find out what they really think. in this case josh and xmas are both saying what paul is saying for F3. too bad, i liked the combo of paul and alex and would have liked him to be legit with her, but so be it. she was late to the party, unlike xmas and paul is big on long term commitments

      1. I’m glad Paul isn’t legit with Alex! Cody saved her azz, because she was at least playing, and she knows it. Then turns around and goes ga-ga over Paul and the word friendship..lol. How lame!! Even Jason told her that wasn’t real, and she like, ” Yes,it is dude.. he can’t go back on friendship, Jason. didn’t you see his season?”. ??? Duh! question is, didn’t you see his season, Alex? too many drugs, for sure. Will love to see her say bye-bye to Paul. They all deserve it, the way they gang bullied others. Josh should win if he goes to finals with Paul. He was on the chopping block since day 1, and is still there, and they said he’d grown the most..haha.

  4. Ravens comment about being shocked no one is targeting Paul should be a wake up call!! But lets be real the minions will form a frienship circle with Paul in the middle and each give a speech of how proud they are of him and how proud they are to be his friend! LAME.

  5. I will laugh so hard if Alex and Jason are evicted, ruining their final 3 plan with Paul. When this happens, if BB could please show a montage of Alex talking about how awesome Paul is, how great their 3 person deal is and how Paul can’t lie to them “because friendship,” that would be great.

    I also wish Kevin would stop with the timid and cryptic questions and ask specific freaking questions. I refuse to believe he doesn’t sense the tension, he isn’t THAT dense. Ask the tough questions, man. And, though a long shot, please try to win HOH this week.

    1. This is exactly what Cody told them would happen if they didn’t make a big move with him..Then they called him names behind his back and told Paul everything

      1. I cannot wait to see the look on Cody’s face when Alex and/or Jason walk into the Jury house, like he predicted was going to happen if they didn’t work with him. They didn’t want to hear what the had to say. I guess he wasn’t lying after all.

    2. This won’t happen the way you suggest. Paul will convince Alex Jason is way to dangerous to go F3. “lets take Josh instead”. We win 1st 2 parts of the finale. Agree to take each other F2 no matter who wins 7 questions. That scenario is sure to happen just as I scripted it. Paul then takes Josh ROFL well actually after Jason Paul convinces whoever is left to target Alex. He’ll sit back, swear he can’t save her and Alex goes to jury as well.
      Paul works Alex to get rid of Whistle Nut. Then he gets the minions to get rid of Alex. No blood on his hands.

      Working it backwards.

      F2 Paul. It’s not a sure thing but he’ll keep his locked in votes to protect him. Maybe he goes with 5 or 4 left but it’s remote.
      F2 Josh. think this is the easiest to beat and manipulate.
      F3 Raven or Xmas. Paul will drag these morons as far as his back allows. Thing is Paul has lots of options
      F5 Jason and or Alex. I think Jason 1st based on my scenario above. He just cannot allow Alex to get F4 or F3.
      F6 All the leftovers, includes Matt, Kevin and likely Jason. Mark going Thursday.

      I really hoped he wouldn’t keep Raven around. Looks more and more like he will. The season will get a lot worse at this rate.

      Jason has turned on Kevin. Raven will turn on Matt. Alex will turn on Jason. Josh and Xmas will follow his gnomeness to the end. Last 2 episodes F3. F4 likely in 1 night. The best week condensed to an hour each year. Mark goes Thursday that leaves 27 days and8 total left take the F4 down last week 20 days(3 Wednesdays 3 Sunday, 2 Thursdays.
      August 27, 30, 31, Sept 3, 6, 7; 10, 13. 14th F4, 17 F3 and finale on 20th. Looking at the dates 8 episodes for 4 evictions. Double again or short week.

  6. Can you imagine a final 3 with Paul Josh and Raven with Josh winning final HOH……and taking Raven the jury votes Josh winner…….one can dream….

    1. I like Kevin too! He is playing a pretty good social game but he better start winning and taking some shots, and fast!

    2. Actually liked Kevin first few weeks but now he just gets on my nerves. He needs to stop talking so much I don’t know how they can put up with his paranoia 24/7

    3. Not sure why more people don’t dig Kevin but people on here liked James last season…. Maybe that explains it ?

    1. … and remember how Paul actually plays a social game, and in return he has more alliances/friends- than Cody playing a no social game who ends up with no votes! Numbers are everything!

  7. I hope that after this season I will never have to see Paul ever again. Such a d-bag. I’ll never forgive him for what he did to Ramses. If Paul was in the same situation as Ramses he would do the same to keep himself safe.

    Ramses for AFP!!!!!!!!

    1. Let’s remember Jessica made a very stupid move to leave Ramses on the block She could of pulled him off and put up Paul /Alex/Xmas and Josh would be gone. The whole game could have changed

    1. Comparing his gameplay between the 2 seasons, you can tell he prepared this time, possibly talking to Derrick. His ego is the same, short man syndrome. He keeps bragging about being on the block so many times last year & acts like he worked hard to not get voted out. He volunteered most of those times knowing each time who the target was. Not even the best player. The best are the ones who went in with new strategies not used before. Dr. Will, Derrick, Ian.

      1. To be fair this is a new take on an old strategy. Derrick was very covert about what he was doing. Paul is so over the top overt about it, almost no one is questioning it.

      2. Ian was carried by Dan who was victim of a bitter jury
        Dr will is so over rated
        Also a HUGE Ahole… Funny how ppl forget

    2. He deserves to win but he’s not the greatest big brother player ever. the bullying that he did and the intimidation makes him one of the scariest. I think Derrick played a better game b/c he didn’t have to stoop to this level. Paul put the fear of God (aka Paul) into them all.

  8. Paul is right. He has controlled every single hoh, even Jessica’s and Codys. I didn’t even think of him flipping the votes on both their hohs.

    Wow, how do they not see it. It’s a lack of
    communication! This is why he isolates target etc.

    1. He even controlled the vote to get Ramses out so in essence he controlled the vote or hoh in every gosh darn week. So boring

  9. Congrats to Paul the mean-spirited, evil, little man with no soul. It is pretty safe to say that Paul has won this season. Can’t wait for the show to be over and for the houseguests to lock themselves up in embarassment over how they were all played. Paul needs to give credit to the BB producers. He would not be in this position if they didn’t give him so many advantages. BB US needs a serious overhaul. I hate that they recycle the comps and I hate when they bring back vets…. the phrase “Expect the unexpected” is a joke at this point. But i can’t help but watch since there’s nothing else on tv and I need my mindless, reality tv fix so I can laugh and point at idiots like Raven, Josh, Matt, Xmas, Jason & Alex on tv. I just wish the show would stop being so damn predictable!

  10. I want so very badly to like Christmas. I respect what she’s accomplished in life, but the second she opens her mouth I mute the TV. Sick of her attitude and the hypocrisy – which runs awfully deep in that entire group that’s left. Including Mark. He’s the lesser of all the evils, but really only by a hair. I hate he’s being so ugly about Cody now. Such a coward. I suppose conviction and loyalty is overrated in BB land anyway.

    1. Except I don’t respect what’s she’s accomplished in her life. Just not impressed w her at all, & then to see that she’s celebrating “a win” that wasn’t a win. Total spaz.
      Jason’s costume is so appropriate–clown costume.
      I’m with Cody; I don’t like any of these people.

  11. If Jason pulls himself off the block, and Christmas puts Paul up, there is the possibility that Paul could go. On the block would be Matt and Paul.
    Mark votes to evict Paul.
    Kevin votes to evict Paul. (Christmas could talk Kevin into this.)
    Josh votes to evict Paul. (Christmas could talk Josh into this.)
    Raven could vote either way because of her relationship with both of them. Let’s say she votes to evict Matt.
    Alex votes to evict Matt.
    Jason votes to evict Matt.
    Tie vote. Christmas breaks the tie and votes to evict Paul. Not only would he be out, but I honestly think Paul would think it was a brilliant move and vote Christmas as the winner if she makes it to final 2.

        1. Man you people on here are as clueless as the cast about Paul. Are you even watching the show? Your comments about all the bullying are ridiculous, as many of you are doing the same thing, making hateful comments about people playing a game, that you don’t even know. I’m not a fan of any individual, just the game, but saying things like Paul is evil hateful person, yet on tonight’s show he was the first one to hug and congratulate Jason was from his heart. And for goodness sakes MARK WON THE SAVE A FRIEND AND SAVED PAUL WITH IT, so therefore Paul can’t not be nominated, geez!

  12. I honestly think its laughable that Alex actually thinks Her and Jason are going all the way with Paul… I hope they go both go soon because their betrayal of Kevin is the worst especially since Jason has been so close with him. Kevin has done nothing shady but they are willing to stab him in the back and lose a number and go home because of it. Good. Bye. I Hope josh goes to final two with Paul over any of them.

    1. Thumbs up except the “Josh goes to final two.” I don’t dislike any of the rest of them enough to wish even $5 on Josh.

  13. It’s easy to believe the HG’s when you hear their convos to each other. It’s really eye opening when you hear their private talks to the camera…..at the risk of all you Paul haters bashing this……his recent “friendship” talk to the camera really shows how brilliant he is at playing this game! He has been in game mode every second of this game! Every move and convo is calculating on his part. His memory of convos he has with each HG to keep his story straight is mind boggling. He is a true BB player, no one can deny that. And if you do, YOU don’t truly understand the game.

    1. There is no brilliant playing on Paul’s part………I know that upsets you Paul lovers. He is in a house with people who do not know or want to play the game. They are too busy wanting to get air time……..they all think they are going to be stars, or become giant business tycoons.
      Dr. Will and Boogie would of made a fool out of him the same way they took James down. Paul would of been Dan’s Frank. I actually think that BB made some type of deal with certain players to help Paul win. I have never seen such a pathetic cast.

      1. Dan G. Played a fantastic game every time he played,Dr.Will was beyond clever and manipulative, Paul is a dumb, unsubtle knucklehead who has a harsh Napoleon complex. I love this game even when it turns into a Lord of the Flies situation.

    2. yeah we know. he’s still an insufferable troglodyte. i don’t care how good you are if your personality sucks I just don’t care.

  14. I don’t want any of them to win. How funny would it be if Paul was in final 3 and not picked for final 2. I would LMFAO . Team Jessica #AFP or Cody. Just let one of them win. Imagine the shock the rest of the housemates would be in. We are hated and they got AFP. HEHE

      1. The “fans” that want to boo people playing a game, stalk them, hope they lose their jobs etc, is beyond crazy. Some of these kooks threaten their families. This type of fan is 1000 x’s worse than any of the bullying that’s gone on in the GAME.

  15. Is Raven starting to play the game? And curious how long it takes to get back to Paul.
    If Paul wants a guaranteed Final 2, he needs Matt and Josh in Final 3.
    I am not sure how Kevin is still hanging on….I would send him to jury before Mark.

  16. Paul is hard to watch/like because he is spastic and damn near maniacal in his behavior. He’s one that has decided he has to stand out in a crowd with garish clothes, tatts, even his socks are lame AF. He’s an insatiable attention whore but he’s not the real jackass in the house. He’s just an insecure nerd trying to win a lot of money but his crap personality makes you hate him.

    The real low life DICK trailer trash piece of shit is Jason. I fucking hate that hayseed. I could point to this or that to justify it but that’s not really it. He just rubs me the wrong way. There is something visceral about him that makes me think he’s a real dirtbag. I hate to say it, but, gasp, I would rather see Paul win before Jason and this from someone who has hated Paul since the first time I saw his dumb ADHD manic ass last year.

  17. Paul gloating that he will have never been on the block this season—forgetting that without the 1st temptation he definitely would have been week 1. Just a sad season?

  18. You are correct, but Paul is making the same mistake he made last year. All the house guests are going to be comparing notes, and once they do Paul could lose some votes because of his dirty game play. I could see Alex and x-mas, Jason and so on being very bitter about how they were played by Paul. I grant you Paul lost last year because to many of the woman wanted to see a woman win, regardless weather or not they played a good game (Nicole) . But he did lose some of the votes because of how he treated people, people don’t forget that kind of thing, weather it’s game play or not. Just my two cents…

    1. Well, let’s see…

      Paul’s confidence is a whopping 6 feet tall, but his character is a measly 4’6″.

      *If I’m remembering correctly, James is just a tad shorter than Paul, and James is 5’4″. It’s funny because one source has Paul’s height at 5’8″…..no way! Most other sources list him at 5’6″, but when he stood next to Bronte last season, he was the same height at 5’5″.

    2. The tragedy of Paul is he will always be a man-child, Mama’s boy, who could shave and have a designer dress him ( or a personal shopper) but he is sunk with his demonic personality and Napoleon Complex. Plus, nobody trusts a liar.

  19. I just went to Jason’s Facebook page. He said he has 30,000 followers. He doesn’t even get close to 10,000. Why do they lie about this stuff?

  20. Well nevermind. I was looking at his personal FB page. Jason actually has almost 50k followers on his Whistle Nut acct. Glad someone is actually truthfulz

  21. Didn’t she say on Friday’s episode that she wanted to win HOH to “shake things up”?

    …she’s going after the guy who has 0 people on his side.

    1. She said that she “was ready to make a big move.” The obvious cowardly backdoor Mark plan proves that is a lie!

  22. It just hit me. If Xmas actually makes the final 3, they can’t do the physical comps they usually have planned then

      1. Yes, but then the show would suck….she has to forfeit so then nothing to show. Production needs to get her out if they want a final to air.

  23. I was remembering a conversation Dominique was having with Jason on live feeds when she was telling him he would be having another child soon and it would a girl. It was a weird conversation but looks like she was right about him having another baby don’t know she is right about the girl part yet but it’s wild that she said that.

  24. I went from loving that Paul came back into the house to not being able to stand him anymore and hoping someone would evict him, to now wanting him to win. I can’t find no one to root for seeing as how Mark is about to go. Now I’m wanting Paul to win it all. He’s playing the best game

  25. Man! Paul is playing them like a fiddle. Hard to beat him unless something extraordinary happens when someone desperate decide to use the Tree of Temptation (like Mark did), or if the power couples wake up and realize what Paul is doing. He has promised all three power couples (Alex/Jason, Matt/Raven, and Christmas/Josh) to be in the final F3 with them. And every power couple believes him. Looks like he’ll get away with it simply because the power couples do not talk game with one another. Will Alex/Jason consult with Matt/Raven? Not likely. Likewise, Christmas/Josh will not consult with Alex/Jason or Matt/Raven because their only hope is to be F3 with Paul. And, I think, that’s what Paul will do – take Christmas and and Josh to F3.

  26. It’s a little strange that no one is complaining or butt hurt about the zings
    Normally, someone has let something slip. Did I miss it???

    1. Josh said Matt’s was harsh Matt you haven’t done anything except raven Zing. Also something about Josh crying, That’s all I heard.

  27. I know Alex THINKS her suspicions about Kevin are of her own making. In reality Paul started planting THAT seed weeks ago. It was subtle, but he started the whole “Kevin is creepy” thing just to get the ball rolling. Suddenly, everyone started seeing something “weird” or “creepy” about a man they previously found to be fun and likable. So, why did Paul plant and water that seed? Well, because at the time, Kevin was becoming progressively more popular and hadn’t made any mistakes in his game-play. Paul felt threatened, but wasn’t quite ready to drop the anvil on Kevin’s head. Now that the herd is thinning, it is time for the “MACHINE” to crank out “Kevin is shady.”
    We could hope that since Jason has won the POV and will (no doubt) remove himself from the block, Christmas would backdoor Paul, like the mover and shaker she professes to be.
    Question: Does Christmas REALLY have the cajones to nominate Paul when he was the one who literally GAVE her the HOH? Now THAT would be a Boss Lady move. Paul himself would applaud it if she were to make it to the end. He has final three deals with everyone. And throwing the HOH was purely strategic planning on his part. But, OH, how SWEET it would be if all his planning for a future HOH win came to a screeching halt because Christmas proved herself to be less talk and more action. The “pairs” could finally awaken from their naps and see light.
    But here’s the thing. NONE of these people are ready to face the fact that in order for one of them to win the $500K, PAUL HAS TO BE ON THE JURY!!!!!!!! FORGET ABOUT FINAL THREE, YOU DIM, DIM, BULBS!!!!!

    1. Okay, so this was all a pipe dream… But I stand by my main point: Despite Mark’s last desperate move to change his fate in the game, all that happened was that Paul gained what will amount to a throw-away advantage. He didn’t need it. Will it help Mark?? Well, Paul only keeps people for whom he has some use. And the rest of them can only use Mark as a shield/ easy vote to keep themselves safe for the week. They couldn’t care less whether Mark pays his “debts.” So unless Paul is in the mood to dream up a reason to keep Mark, Mark is done. Stick a fork in him…

  28. I wish Cody, Elena, and Mark would have talked about voting for Paul to win. Then, on eviction night during their speech they tell the house they have sealed another vote for Paul by blindly following him and not playing the game. I don’t want Paul to win but can’t think of anything else that would get these people to wake the F up! I’m begging for these people to turn on him. If not then I guess he should win.

  29. The gospel according to Matt:
    “At some point, everyone has to go up as a pawn.”
    Do Paul and Raven know that?

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